
Egg Ch. 2

A bullied boy finds an alien egg.


Chapter 2

Everything to Jacob now centered on his dick. Even as he sat in class and the hot history teacher droned on about the Civil War, it was all he thought about. How hard it was and how difficult it was to conceal. Mostly because of the alien organism suckered to it.

He knew little about it except what it claimed to tell him in his dreams. The alien woman in those dreams didn’t share much either. All it seemed to want is to tease him and feed off him. The results so far over the past few days had lengthened it from a mere inch to almost twelve. What weirded him out, is that it felt for him like his cock had grown with it.

Even worse, his clothes were beginning to not fit. Before, he either wore a really big pair of jeans or just stuck with sweats. He wore sweats today, but he worried the thick pole in his pants would be seen. Though with a fifty-pound weight loss so far, the clothes began to become baggy.

An open juice box of orange juice suddenly brought his thoughts from his cock when it smashed painfully against his face. A peal of group laughter sounded from the other side of the room. Of course, the perpetrators were Billy and his gang of friends. All three of them live with no regrets, and Jacob wished they would just disappear.

“Billy,” Ms. Devons yelled. “Office now.”

Billy laughed as well as his friends.

“Just a joke,” he said shooting daggers of anger over at Jacob. Jacob knew right at that moment, even though he lacked any blame for the situation, Billy would blame him.

“Not a joke, office now,” Devons screamed. Many in the class cringed, not because of her sudden inflection but because no one talked to Billy in such a way. Boy’s family had money and so far, Billy had scantly felt any consequences for his actions.

“Fuckin cunt,” he said before storming out of the classroom.

Jacob said nothing and he did nothing. Mrs. Devons happened to be the nicest person in his life and he didn’t want to risk upsetting her. Even if he suspected she just felt sorry for him. Interruption dealt with, the class continued without another problem. Except maybe that Jacob could not keep his mind once again off his throbbing cock.

When the bell rang, Jacob watched as each student filed out of the class. A ritual in which he would be the last student out. Better that way for them and him. No one had to deal with him and he could move at his slow pace. As the last student went out, he stood up from his desk and moved towards the door.

“Jacob,” Ms. Devons spoke to him stopping his navigating through the desks. He turned and found she was next to him, dwarfed by his massive frame. She was smiling up at him and he saw the beginnings of crows feet. She may be older, but Jacob thought she looked amazing.

“Yes,” he said in a low voice.

“Are you doing okay?”

“Yeah,” he said before turning and meandering back into the halls of the school. Thankfully the history class was the last of the day. Mostly because a boiling heat of anger had surged in the pit of his stomach. Somehow, the display of concern from Ms. Devons angered him where before he would just feel ashamed.

With a sigh, he went to the bathroom on the way out of the school. There, he urinated and washed his hands and face. Just as he prepared to leave, the heavy bathroom door opened and Billy walked in.

“Well, well,” the boy began. “Looks like I just got lucky.”

“Better back off,” Jacob stammered.

“What did you say, fat boy?”

“Let me be.”

Billy got into Jacob’s face. Normally the raised fist of Billy would have made Jacob flinch in fear. Much to his surprise that changed to Jacob’s own fist smashing into Billy’s face. That surge of anger finally exploded out of his belly and satisfying crunch could be heard.

“You broke my nose,” Billy screamed in pain. Jacob shoved the jock out of the way in desperation to escape. Blood dripped to the floor, which was the last Jacob saw about Billy as he rushed out of the bathroom. He even managed to run to the door of the school and went out unharassed. Out of breath, he struggled to walk but pushed himself to make it home.

When Jacob made it home, thankfully with no further incidents, he found himself craving fruits and vegetables. Thankfully his father had left him a stack of money, so he ordered Chinese. An order of mixed veggies and one meat dish. When he completed the order and hung up the phone, the Chinese guy on the other end seemed surprised. After all, Jacob never ordered less than a plate of rice, three types of meat and often one or two appetizers.

Feeling disgusting with himself though, the sweat sticking to him and the smell, he took a shower. There, he washed and became delighted that he could turn around in the shower.

“What are you doing to me?” He asked the alien attached to his cock while he looked at himself in the mirror. As if to answer, the thing came to life and he shuddered in pleasure as it milked him. Expertly it brought him to orgasm quickly and as he shuddered in orgasmic bliss, he swore it grew another inch. He made a mental note to ask the being later about it in his dreams.

A few minutes later he was in his room looking for clothes to wear. While searching, a sudden sharp pain in his crotch causing him to fall to his knees in pain. While there, tears flowed freely from his face. A sudden painful sucking began on his cock and he shook as something weird began. As he rolled around, the pain caused him to blackout.

Jacob found himself once again in the dream state place that always greeted him when he wasn’t awake. He stood in the cone of light, as per usual, in front of the golden throne that the mass of tentacles sat upon. Concealed in that mass of tentacles was a goddess of sex. Or rather, not a true goddess, as she claimed to be the harbinger to her master of lust.

“What’s going on?” He asked the swirling mass of tentacles and cringing as even the pain could be felt here.

“Relax Jacob,” she said.

“It hurts,” he replied doubling over.

“A little pain is a small price to pay for us,” she spoke. Normally she would have been sultry but the voice sounded flat and focused.

“What are you doing to me?” He cried.

“I have to have mass there master. For that to happen, I have to suck it off of you. By the time I am finished, we will have made you more pliable for a male of your age.”

“Why does it hurt?”

“There’s a lot I have to take. We have bonded by now and let me tell you, I am so happy about that. It took me longer than expected to break down your genetic material for that.”

The pain dulled for a moment and Jacob did his best to recover.

“When will you be done?”

“Because of your schedule and needs, in the next few minutes.”

He let out a sigh at that.

“You said you’re taking mass, at that speed won’t I look skinnier than I do now?”

“Extremely so,” she said. “Oh, I get your point. You will have to go to the hospital then.”


“After you eat of course. Just say you came home from school, took a nap and woke up like you are.”

“But,” he said trying to come up with a counter-argument. That much change would surely give rise to many questions.

“Don’t worry, just claim you are having a hard time and get a doctor’s note explaining everything and take a few days off from school.”

“I,” he wanted to talk couldn’t.

“And we will have plenty of time to enjoy each other with my new body and yours,” she said. The mass of tentacles still swirled but they gave him no indication for when the pain flared up suddenly. “And besides, we have to work on completing me and for that, you need some time to tone your body.”

And then the pain became excruciating and he felt like he was shrinking. Then as soon as it all began, the sound of a doorbell going off brought him back to the real world.

The first thing he registered was the lack of pain. The second, his cock was free. Even though he still wore clothes, another ring of the bell kept him from investigating. Getting up, he held his pants up as he made it through the house to the door. Opening yielded a surprise.

“Jacob?” That was the delivery boy named Mark. The two had known each other since the first time Jacob had ordered food.

“Yeah,” he replied holding out the cash and taking the bagged food.

“What happened man? You need a doctor?”

Jacob only nodded no, before assuring Mark that he was headed to the E.R. in a few.

“You have a ride?”

“No, I can call a cab,” he said.

“Fuck that man, you need attention now.”

Jacob fed himself struggling not to comply with Mark, but the guy dragged him to his car and drove him to the emergency room.

“I’m off at eight, so if you get out before then, just wait by the bus stop over there. I’ll pick you up.”

Jacob watched as Mark drove away and sighed. He didn’t want to do a hospital, but somehow, both Mark and his goddess were correct. Plus, what better way to get out of school for a few days and get a break. Sighing he went into the emergency room.

The receptionist was a chubby redheaded girl. She had freckles, green eyes, and wore purple-rimmed glasses. Her lipstick matched the glasses.

“How can I help you?” She asked.

“I need help?” He said.

“Oh dear,” she said standing up from the desk. “Do you have insurance?”

Jacob realized then that the women assumed he was homeless. He took out his wallet, a struggle with the loose clothes being held up and gave her the card.

“What exactly is your issue?” She asked.

“I’ve lost weight,” he said. “Like two hundred pounds in a couple of days.”

Her eyebrows rose.

“I wouldn’t be walking around in ill-fitting clothes like this if I wanted too. Here take a look at my school I.D.”

She swore when she looked at it.

“Let me get you to an examination room.”

Seconds later, a plethora of tests were run on him. Blood was drawn, and he was left in the room to himself. Hours could have passed, and he leaned his head back to close his eyes. He had hoped to fall asleep to chat with her once more, not even knowing if he could still. A doctor walked in.

“Jacob Grand?”

“Yes, sir,” Jacob replied to the older male. The man had no hair and his head shone like it was polished.

“You’ve got quite a problem it seems,” he said. “What happened?”

Jacob told him exactly what his goddess had told him too. The doctor didn’t believe him though.

“You may have picked up a parasite,” the doctor offered, and Jacob wished he could have told him that was right on the money. The problem was, that parasite had removed itself.

“Will I be okay?”

“Only time will tell. We took some blood samples so in a few days we will know for sure.”

“Until then?”

“I want you to be at home and avoid contact with anybody. We will know now if it is a parasite, but I honestly feel like this is a prank.”

“I am who I say I am,” Jacob said in defense.

“I believe you, just farfetched you can lose so much weight so fast,” the doctor said while looking at his clipboard. “I would commit you in, but you look fine and so far all the tests we ran say you’re as healthy as a young buck.”

Jacob didn’t know how to respond even as the doctor gave him the excuse and left. After a moment, Jacob went out of the Emergency Room and waited by the stop at a loss. Having forgotten his phone and anything, he just sat at the stop with his baggy clothes. At least the temperature was moderate.

Minutes could have passed or even hours but he sat enjoying watching passing traffic.

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