
Earth: Tentacle Breeding Ground – Chapter 5

Due to the publication algorithm automatically rejecting my stories due to using the world “child” or “children”, I had to purposefully misspell them. These words are simply a part of a character’s diction and no minors are involved in this story. Thanks for understanding!

Sarah hung motionlessly beneath the flying Taker, not that she had much of a choice. The powerful tentacles kept her entire body tightly bound, save for her nose, which slightly protruded and allowed her to breathe. The cool, high-altitude winds struck her reddened skin, causing her nose to run as she took rapid, fearful breaths. The powerful vibrations of the Taker’s dragonfly-like wings reverberated through her entire body, stimulating every inch of her trembling flesh.

Her thoughts were a jumbled mess of worries. Were her friends okay? Was this thing going to drop her by mistake? What happened to A’luhr? What did the new queen have in store for them all? Sarah’s body involuntarily shuddered thinking about the ruthless edging she had had to endure when previously captured and tears started to well up in her closed eyes, both from the fear of having to undergo such an ordeal again and from the anticipation of being able to experience those mind-breaking orgasms.

Having sex with Adam over the past week had been a nice way to scratch that itch, but there was always a nagging feeling in the back of her mind – a hidden desire slowly coming to a boil – to yet again have every hole completely filled with tentacle cocks. As much as her brain tried to fight it, her largest erogenous zone knew what it wanted, even though the rest of her body shook with fear.

Sarah had lost count of the minutes that ticked by due to her mind being in such disarray, but eventually she felt the creature holding her begin to descend. Suddenly, dim, orange light greeted her eyes as the tentacles restricting her trembling body gave way and she tumbled a few feet through the air, landing with a squelch on a spongy, flesh-like surface. She heard the buzzing of the Taker receding above her as she sat up, covered in slime and attempting to get her bearings.

Because she had been subjected to total darkness for quite a while in the Taker’s grasp, Sarah’s eyes stung from the pulsating light of the tentacled walls around her, despite their dimness. She blinked and began to look around as best she could through her bleary vision. Suddenly she froze, having sensed movement nearby. Through the blurry darkness, a humanoid shape was shuffling towards her. Remembering her earlier experience with Mary and other “thralls” as A’luhr had called them, Sarah tensed up, ready to fight.

Just as Sarah was about to lash out at the approaching figure, a soft, scared voice croaked towards her.

“S-Sarah…? I-is that you…?” It was Zoey. “I… I can’t see very well in this darkness – I think I lost my glasses… please… say something if it’s you…” She sounded like she was on the verge of tears, or that she had already been crying for some time now. Her voice shook as she tried to put on a brave front, despite apparently having been nearly blind all this time.

“Y-yeah, Zoey,” Sarah said in what she hoped was a comforting voice. “It’s me. Come here…” She wrapped her arms around the girl and tightly hugged her to her chest. She could feel Zoey’s small frame shake as she let her tears freely flow, dampening Sarah’s already slime-covered lab coat. “Shh… shh… it’s okay. We’re going to be okay.” Sarah whispered into Zoey’s ear, gently rocking with the girl while running a hand through her hair. Zoey’s ponytail had come undone and most of her hair was caked with the slime from the Taker’s tentacles and the oozing surfaces around them. Sarah didn’t care, however, and continued to stroke the scared teenager’s head.

“I… I don’t… I don’t know where Stevie is…” Zoey managed to speak through choked sobs. “Or… or Adam… *hic*… I thought… I thought I was all alone…” She tightly grabbed onto Sarah’s coat as if afraid to let go. Sarah was reminded that, despite being sharp for her age, possessing a considerable competitive spirit, and having already witnessed enough traumatic events to last a lifetime, Zoey was still quite young – barely into her womanhood.

“I’m here now,” Sarah murmured. “We’ll find them and get out of here. A’luhr managed to… escape… and I’m sure she’s on her way here right now to help.” Sarah didn’t actually know what had happened to A’luhr, having only gotten a brief glimpse of her before being blinded – but at least she was alive – and knowing A’luhr, she would find a way out of the situation.

“C’mon, can you stand?” Sarah gently asked. “We don’t seem to be in danger at the moment, but we can’t stay here.”

“Y-yeah…” Zoey sniffled. “I can’t see well in the dark though…”

“Hold onto my hand.” Sarah took Zoey’s arm and shakily helped her to her feet. The two of them slowly started to make their way down the squishy passage, hand in hand, with Sarah cautiously trying to peer ahead as they went. There was only one way to go, as the entrance that the Taker had returned through was blocked-off by a thick wall of tentacles that had webbed across the opening.

It was eerily quiet, with the only sounds being Zoey sniffing her runny nose and the slight squelching and slithering coming from the fleshy surfaces around them. Sarah had expected to be immediately assaulted and stripped naked by tentacles, but they hadn’t seen any hostile creatures, nor any other signs of life, after several minutes of trudging along.

“Why did they bring us here…?” Zoey asked, more to herself than to Sarah, who naturally had no idea either.

“Wait… shh!” Sarah suddenly hissed, pulling Zoey close to the wall (without touching it though, as it was still pretty gross). They had just reached a turn in the passageway and there was a small commotion coming from around the bend. Sarah furtively poked her head out to take a look at what was making the muffled noises, which sounded almost like… laughter?

Sarah brought her hand up to cover her mouth to prevent the sound of her gasp from being heard. Down the path was an opening to a larger chamber that was more brightly lit by the incandescent tentacles writhing along the surfaces. The warm glow illuminated several nude humans grinding their bodies against one another while moaning and laughing drunkenly. Sarah pegged them to be about an even mix of men and women, though they were of various ethnicities and ages.

What drew Sarah’s eyes the most, however, were the two people suspended in the air by tentacles above the orgy. The two of them stood out by being the only ones that were wearing clothing. Sarah immediately recognized them.

“It’s… Adam and my brother!” Zoey whispered, having also taken a curious peek. “What are all those people doing!? Why aren’t they helping them?”

“I bet those are more of the people who have willingly submitted to the Krinis…” Sarah mused. “The pleasure was irresistible…”

“Hmph,” Zoey snorted with derision. “I would never become like those weak-willed nymphos.” She crossed her arms. “I-I mean, I feel for them, but it’s just… ‘feeling good’, right? I’d never give up on my dignity and dreams just to pursue hedonism!”

“Y-yeah… I suppose so.” Sarah mumbled in agreement. She wasn’t so sure, though, as memories of her short previous encounter with the Krinis were already flooding into her head. She gulped as she watched four women on their knees in front of a man, all licking, kissing, and sucking his foot-long cock together in an effort to cover it in saliva. All the while, they were begging for him to fill them with warm cum. When he was sufficiently lubed, he pushed one of the women to the ground and wrenched her legs far apart before ramming his rod deep into her gaping pussy. She whimpered in delight and thanked him for choosing her cunt while the other three women took to sucking at her bouncing tits and rimming the man’s asshole.

Many of the other women in the room, and several of the men, eagerly looked up at the limply dangling forms of Adam and Steven, just out of reach above them. They tried to grab at their clothes, even scrambling over each other to get more height, but they barely missed every time. Sarah wasn’t sure if her friends were awake or not, as they weren’t moving and their eyes and mouths were covered in tentacles. They steady rise and fall of their chests relieved the worst of her fears, however.

“Now, now, my chilren, be patient,” a female voice of almost ethereal beauty chided the sex-crazed group. “You can’t play with your new brothers until the rest of the family arrives.” Sarah scanned her eyes over the crowd in an attempt to figure out where the voice was coming from. She wasn’t able to see much from their current hiding spot, so she stepped out further into the passageway as if drawn by a siren’s song.

“S-Sarah!? What are you doing!?” Zoey gasped. She frantically tried to grab at Sarah’s coat, but ended up falling off balance and being dragged out into the hall as well.

“Ah, it seems you won’t have to wait much longer!” The voice said. “Your sisters are finally here. Let’s get them comfortable, shall we?” Suddenly, numerous tentacles emerged from the walls around Sarah and Zoey and began slithering towards them. Zoey’s shriek of surprise snapped Sarah out of her almost trance-like state.

“Ah… what was I…?” Sarah blankly asked, blinking to get her bearings again.

“Sarah! We have to ruUUUNNN!” Zoey’s voice suddenly rose up into the air behind Sarah, who turned around to see the girl hanging upside down by her legs as several thick tentacles wrapped tightly around her ankles and thighs. “Ngh! Nrrrgh!” She struggled valiantly, scratching and pounding at the tentacles around her lower body, but soon her thin arms were bound by slimy tendrils and forced behind her back. Sarah saw the look of terror in Zoey’s eyes as tentacles slid over her face to restrict her senses.

As the teenager was being captured, Sarah felt warm, wet appendages slide around her own waist and limbs. She didn’t struggle, and soon she was lifted into the air alongside Zoey before having her own vision blocked by tentacles. The slimy, fleshy feeling against her lips and eyelids along with the tight squeezing sensation around her inner thighs made her body shudder.

Both women gently squirmed in their bonds as the tentacles brought them over towards the chamber, where they were suspended next to the rest of their group. Several of the naked men and women attempted to grab at them as they passed by, but the tentacles jerked them away.

“What did I just say? Get down!” The voice scolded again, as if disciplining a childe. “I will not remind you a third time!” Tentacles grew up from the floor and grabbed the people who had acted out, yanking them to the ground and immobilizing them in a spread eagle position. Tendrils covered in squirming cilia began to tease their twitching, erect clits and cocks before meaty, ribbed tentacles suddenly rammed into their asses. They started to cum freely, shooting semen and pussy juice into the air. It didn’t go to waste, though, as several of the people watching clamped their mouths over the erupting cocks and cunts to drink in their juices.

Those who were spectating but had been too slow to get their lips onto any of the immobilized thralls’ spasming genitals simply began to masturbate above them. The men shot their sticky loads onto the jiggling tits of the women stuck to the floor while the ladies sat on the bound men’s faces and gushed their juices into their open mouths as they forced their partners to lick them to climax – not that they were reluctant to oblige.

The orgy raged on for a little while longer until eventually the voice rang out again like a fresh spring wind over a raging sea.

“Enough, my chilren.” At the command, the sounds of sucking, squelching, and moaning all quickly died out. “We have kept our new brothers and sisters waiting long enough.” Sarah blinked as the tentacles around her eyes loosened and fell away, allowing her to finally get a view of the room that she was being held in.

Looking around, she saw Adam, Zoey, and Steven doing the same, having also had their faces released, though their mouths were still covered by thick tentacles. The guys’ eyes widened when they saw that the girls had joined them. Adam attempted to wriggle free from his bonds to no avail, clearly trying to shout out to Sarah, while Steven, too, attempted to communicate with Zoey – who had simply clenched her eyes closed again.

“I am so glad that we finally get to meet,” they all heard from below them. Sarah and the rest of her bound friends slowly turned their heads towards the source of the unearthly sweet voice. They had all become accustomed to the extraterrestrial over the past couple of months, particularly after spending so much time with A’luhr, but Sarah still couldn’t help but be taken aback by what she saw.

Sitting below them on a throne-shaped structure composed of tentacles was a woman the likes of which Sarah had never seen before. Everything about her curvy body screamed “elegance”, with taut, powerful thighs and enormous, firm breasts. Even from her lounging seated position, it was clear that she was very tall – nearly eight feet. She wore no clothing, revealing her smooth, pinkish skin that had unearthly grooves and markings all along her body. Her two, pupil-less yellow eyes glowed with an ethereal light above her shapely nose and full lips.

She had two striking features that stood out among the rest, however. The first was that instead of hair, she had long, autonomously writhing tentacles extending out of her head – much like Medusa – some of which seemed to be connected to her throne. The second notable feature was that she had two enormous, thick, purplish cocks protruding from the front of her crotch, just above a smooth pussy mound. There was no doubt in Sarah’s mind that this confident, domineering creature was the adolescent queen of the Krinis.

The Queen gazed up at the four hanging humans; her piercing eyes locking onto each of theirs in turn. Her expression was hard to read, as it seemed to be a mixture of calm composure, affection, and, alarmingly, a deeply hidden rage.

“Welcome home,” The Queen said up to the four of them. Her tone was more genuine than Sarah had expected, contrary to the seemingly sarcastic nature of her words. “I am so very glad you have finally decided to join us.”

“Mmmph! Mmm!” Adam angrily yelled through his gag, clearly incensed by the notion that they had come here on their own will.

“Shhh shhh…” The Queen whispered, a hair tentacle pressing to her lips like a finger. “There will be a time for talking soon enough.” She sat up straighter in her throne and crossed a leg over her knee while leaning to the side and propping her chin up with her hand. “I want to make the return of each of my chilren into a celebratory occasion… but I am VERY disappointed in you.” Suddenly, a dark expression flickered onto her face for a moment, but quickly melted away back into her calm, parental look. “One of you has killed our Great Mother, and I just need to know who.”

The Queen flicked her finger and the tentacle around Sarah’s mouth slid away. Sarah sputtered her lips to clear them of residual slime and looked apprehensively down at the Queen.

“Now then, tell me-” The Queen began to inquire.

“How can you speak English??” Sarah blurted out, unable to contain her overpowering hunger for knowledge. The Queen blinked, taken aback. For a moment, Sarah feared she would be punished in some way for interrupting. To her surprise, however, The Queen smiled up at her and spoke.

“My daughter, I know many languages – countless that you do not even have names for in your own. I see what my chilren see, hear what they hear, and know what they know. Ours is an ancient race, and we survive as we always have: through adaptation.”

“Is that why you look so… human?” Sarah asked. Her voice was steadier than she expected. “Is it because you have absorbed the DNA of our species?” The Queen straightened up at the question and some of her tentacles stoked thoughtfully against her chin, as if trying to decide how best to word her response.

“My daughter, you put forth a fair assumption. I know your situation, so I forgive your ignorance – but your understanding is backwards. It is not that the Krinis look like humans, but that you humans look like us. This is natural, as you were born from our kind, as many sentient races were.”

Sarah blankly stared back at the alien queen. She didn’t think she had heard correctly… or maybe she simply misunderstood. The Queen was trying to say that the Krinis were the ancestors of humanity… of sentient life?

“Ridiculous…” Sarah replied. “How can you expect us to believe that!?” It did make some sense though. Sarah realized this explained how the bellus could look so similar to humans, but she refused to accept it.

“I have no expectations from you, but belief does not influence the truth.” The Queen sighed as if, contrary to her words, she was indeed expecting this reaction. “Countless millions of years ago, the proud Krinis race flourished on our home planet. Our technological advances were great and our understanding of the universe far exceeded that of today’s fledgling races.” The Queen’s voice was one of pride, but fell into an almost melancholy nostalgia as she continued. “But our tampering with life in our attempt to evolve had a terrible cost. We began to lose our own fertility as a species. We knew if we did not act to find a solution, our people would be doomed to extinction.”

The Queen stood from her throne and the tentacles holding Sarah began to lower her down towards the approaching imposing woman. The two permanently erect phalluses between her toned thighs swayed back and forth with her stride and seemed to move autonomously, as if tentacles themselves.

“We spread our most basic cells around the cosmos, seeding young, virile planets with the blueprints of life. We lay dormant, sealing ourselves away, while these cells evolved into new organisms.” The Queen reached Sarah and put out her hand to gently cup the hanging woman’s cheeks, tenderly stroking her face with an elegant finger. “When they were finally ripened and full of fertility, we emerged, ready to welcome them back to our family and assimilate their fresh DNA in order to repair our own and advance our species. We are simply taking back what was given while allowing our chilren to experience a life of endless euphoria. There is no reason to be frightened.” She drew her hand back from Sarah’s face and her eyes narrowed. Suddenly, Adam, Zoey, and Steven were all lowered from the air as well until they were hanging next to Sarah.

“However…” The Queen slowly walked along the line of bound, wiggling humans, drawing her finger along each of their chests. “One of you has been very very naughty. Two of my chilren tell me that you are collectively responsible for harming our dear Great Mother, but only one of you is the true executioner. I would be so proud if one of you wanted to tell me who that was, mm?” All of the tentacles covering each of their mouths slackened and fell away, allowing them all to speak again – which they all attempted to do at the same time.

“Sarah, oh my god… they got you too!? Fuck!” Adam shouted.

“Get your disgusting tentacles off of my sister, bitch!” Steven yelled.

“S-Stevie! Are you okay!? Did they hurt you!?” Zoey cried out.

“Don’t worry guys… we can get out of this mess!” Sarah reassured them all.

“There will be no ‘getting out’ of anything until you answer my question.” The Queen coldly cut through their words and silence fell yet again through the chamber. “I don’t think you are fully understanding your situation here… why don’t I demonstrate what’s in store for you if you don’t cooperate?”

She snapped her fingers and gaps in the tentacled walls around them began to open up, revealing small human-sized chambers behind each of them. The pockets were completely filled with writhing tentacles – and nestled within each of them were naked, screaming humans.

The men and women trapped in these tentacle pits had their limbs completely subsumed by the walls around them, leaving only their torsos and heads exposed, with their genitals fully on display, which the teasing tendrils endlessly stimulated. The tentacles vibrated against engorged clits and cockheads, sucked and stroked throbbing cocks and tits, and sloppily toyed with any available orifice – nostrils, mouths, and ears included. The humans all had very toned bodies that were completely drenched in slime, and Sarah noticed that they each had a small chain around their necks with little metal plates attached.

“Military personnel?” Sarah croaked breathlessly, recognizing the dog tags.

“Mmm… these naughty boys and girls tried to attack the Great Mother as well… so they must be punished,” The Queen replied with a smirk.

Sarah watched as the eyes of the molested soldiers rolled back into their feverishly sweating heads as their bodies began to convulse on the verge of orgasm. But just as they were about to finish, the tentacles attacking their bodies would go slack and leave them howling and screaming in frustration from the ruined climax.

“P-pleaseeeee….!” One female soldier with a short blonde haircut moaned. “J-just let me cuuuuummmm!!” She gasped and panted, shaking her hips to try and rub her hopelessly gushing pussy against anything nearby to no avail. Some small cilia-covered tendrils gently brushed over the rigid tips of her nipples, causing her to convulse and for even more juice to drip down her legs, but it was clear that she had yet to cum. Small feelers peeled back her clitoral hood and began to aggressively polish her twitching little bean, causing her scream… before letting go of her once again and leaving her crying for mercy.

“Nooo! Don’t stop now! I’m so close!” A muscular man with a dark complexion whimpered as the tentacle swallowing his aching penis stopped its movements. He started to buck his hips in an attempt to force his precum-dripping cock back into the tentacle sleeve around him, but a few tendrils suddenly struck at his hanging balls – no doubt painfully full of cum – and whipped him into submission. He cried out and stopped moving, save for his shuddering breaths and whines.

Eventually, as the tortured humans started to cool down, the tentacles began their work again, edging them as close to climax as possible before stopping just before orgasm in a perpetual cycle, keeping them in a constant state of pleasure but with no release. Sarah had thought she might lose her mind after only a few minutes of the edging torture from a week ago… so she couldn’t imagine the insanity of being endlessly abused like this.

The gaps in the walls slowly closed up again, muffling the desperate, begging cries of the tortured captives. Sarah gulped.

“You will know the pleasures of being one with us, but never the satisfaction,” The Queen whispered in a tone that dripped with seduction and aggression. “Unless, of course, you speak up. Shall we begin?” She elegantly strode over in front of Adam and ran a playful finger down from his chest to the bulge in his gray sweatpants.

“What are you-?” Adam began to exclaim, but suddenly The Queen gripped the waistband of his pants with her slender hand and aggressively yanked them down along with his boxers, revealing his girthy, flaccid penis that hung down under his dark, fluffy pubes. “H-hey!” He sputtered in surprise. Zoey turned her head away with an embarrassed squeal as Steven just awkwardly averted his gaze. Sarah however, was less reserved.

“No!” Sarah yelled. “Don’t touch him! S-start with me!” She thrashed in her bindings, attempting to distract The Queen from her prey. The Queen simply glanced over at her and put a shushing finger to her lips as the tentacles surrounding Sarah’s body suddenly became extremely tight and covered her mouth again, rendering her completely immobile and silent. She breathed heavily out of her nose as her eyes widened, unable to tear them away from what was about to happen.

A tentacle sprouting from The Queen’s head twirled up towards Adam’s limp shaft. It gently circled around his sagging balls and squeezed them taut before continuing to slide up his thigh, brushing past his soft length.

“Ngh..” Adam grunted in mild discomfort as the tentacle held his balls in a vice grip. “You think edging me is going to break me? Please, sister; that’s my fetish.” He grinned defiantly at The Queen and chuckled.

“Oh?” She replied. “Then you will really, REALLY enjoy this, then.” Suddenly, the tip of the tentacle that was now just above Adam’s hanging penis began to excrete a pearly-white, viscous liquid. “This is my own special batch of nectar. Its aphrodisiac properties are twenty-six times stronger than the regular secretions enjoyed by the other humans in my nest. It’s not in a complete state yet, but you seem eager enough to be the first to taste it. Let’s see how long you last, mm?”

As she finished speaking, the group all watched in reluctant fascination as a single drop of the white liquid fell from the tentacle and splashed onto the skin of Adam’s flaccid manhood. The effect was instantaneous. Adam let out a throaty, wordless howl and began to writhe and spasm all over. His cock rose to full mast in only a few seconds and began to visibly throb in time with his pulse as he reached levels of hardness he had never known before.

His reddening glans began to leak and practically spurt copious levels of pre-cum, which trickled down his shaft and dripped below him to splash against the face of one of the naked female thralls who was looking up to watch. She opened her mouth to drink it in and several other thralls began to push and shove her out of the way to get their own fill of his juices.

“Mnnnghh!! Ohhh GODDDD!” Adam yelled, his eyes rolling back into his head and his tongue hanging out of his panting mouth. He instinctively began to buck his hips, causing his erect cock to flop back and forth and spray even more pre-cum into the air around him. The Queen laughed cruelly and grabbed his cheeks with her hand. A lazy stream of drool began to drizzle out from between his pouting lips.

“Just a single drop and you’re already on the verge of orgasm? But at least you’re enjoying it, correct?” She cooed into his ear teasingly. He simply croaked and gurgled in her grip.

“P-rof… Adam!!” Zoey shrieked. “Stop! Please stop! You’re killing him!”

“It can easily stop once I get an answer to my question,” The Queen replied without looking at her. “Who. Killed. The Great Mother?” No one spoke. The only sounds were Adam’s grunts and moans and the giddy laughter of the thralls below them, still lapping up Adam’s spraying fluids. The Queen sighed. “I guess I will have to keep going then.”

A second tentacle slithered down from her head and approached Adam’s twitching rod. The top of the appendage opened up like a flower, revealing a hollow interior filled with countless writhing cilia and a few longer feelers near the edge of the “petals”.

“Wh-what are you going to do with that…?” Zoey asked in a hoarse voice. She seemed to be drawn in with a macabre wonderment. Her scientific curiosity was showing, despite her best efforts. Sarah suddenly wondered if she had ever actually seen a man’s penis in person before. The teenager certainly acted like a virgin at times, so she wouldn’t be surprised. Perhaps without her glasses she was a little less shy as her vision wasn’t as clear.

“I just want to indulge his fetish for a bit.” The Queen smiled sweetly at Zoey. “I’ll stimulate every nerve in his primary erogenous zones without allowing him any release.” The tendrils gripping the base of Adam’s scrotum tightened again, causing his balls to bulge out taut. Another tendril wrapped around the bottom of his shaft and squeezed it tightly like a cock ring, forcing his urethra closed and physically preventing him from ejaculating.

Adam whimpered, watching in horror as the hungry-looking tentacle full of squirming feelers approached his helpless, no longer leaking cock. The long cilia on the end of the tube slowly reached out towards his cockhead as it got closer and closer, as if feeling around for it in the air. Eventually, they made contact with this spongy flesh and twined their way around his glans and down his shaft, pulling the rest of the tentacle sleeve over his rigid flesh as it went.

“Gnnghhhh!” Adam yelled through gritted teeth. His hands flexed open and closed as he struggled to shake off the unwanted invader, but it was no use. The tentacle pussy was securely latched to his manhood, and clearly doing an incredible job of pleasuring it based on Adam’s widened eyes and feverish panting. Just as it seemed like Adam was about to tense up in climax, the tentacle opened up around his cock and stopped touching it. His rigid flesh twitched wildly as lewd strands of slime stretched between it and the retreating tentacle petals. His shaft glistened in the warm light of the chamber as he swore under his breath before the tentacle suddenly clamped down and began to masturbate his aching member again.

This went on for almost twenty minutes, until eventually the tentacle masturbating him did so without pause, with Adam’s straining member still unable to cum due to the tight ring around his shaft. Sarah and the others could do little more than watch in horror as their friend was tortured in front of them. Every so often, The Queen would repeat her question again, trying to uncover the identity of the person who had fired the fateful, final attack. Impressively, Adam managed to retain his senses.

“Huff… huff… nghhh…” He wheezed and groaned. Adam’s face was flushed and pouring sweat, dampening his tight shirt. He had already lost the energy to jerk and strain at his restraints and just hung limply, panting desperately with his tongue hanging out, while the devious tentacle edged his mind closer to oblivion. “I won’t… sell out… my team…” he managed to gasp to The Queen after her most recent demand.

“It seems I may have underestimated the mental fortitude of your kind.” The Queen shrugged and looked up at him, flicking his full balls with her finger, which caused him to gasp in pain. “Perhaps instead of trying to break all your spirits down along with the physically strongest of your group, it would make more sense to target the weakest?” She turned her ethereal eyes towards Zoey, who flinched under her gaze.

As The Queen sauntered over towards her, Zoey began to thrash in her tentacles with renewed vigor, a look of fear plain on her face.


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