
Duke Has His Day!

A man and woman venture into the world of heavy duty BDSM… and dog fucking

Duke Has His Day!

© 2019 Mojavejoe420


WARNING!! Contains Bestiality, Dog Sex. If you don’t like this, please leave now!

One Fine Saturday Morning…

I sat somewhat reclined in our bed, checking out the latest Reddit posts one Saturday morning, when I felt Melanie stirring on her side of the bed. We always slept pretty close together, so it was unusual for me to be awake and not spooning her. Other than those few period days, we had sex practically every morning. But not today. The day she and I had planned on for almost eighteen months had arrived, only she didn’t know it. She and I have almost no secrets, but I am a bit of a sneak and I was preparing to pull a fast one on her. A pretty big fast one, I hoped.

She reached over and found my soft cock, then looked up at me with her mischievous grin and began to stroke me.

“Sorry, sweetheart. We have a lot to do today.”

She looked at me, stunned. I don’t think I had ever denied her before unless I was deathly ill.

“Um… what? It’s Saturday! We don’t have to punch a clock.” And she moved her head down to my nether region.

I grabbed her by the hair and stopped her. I pulled her to me and kissed her passionately for a few moments, then I told her we had to get up and get moving.

“Seriously?” she whined. “Well, I will just take care of myself if you’re going to be a dick about—“

“No. You won’t touch yourself. Not even in the shower.”

She looked at me, gauging my level of commitment.

“I’m not kidding,” I reiterated.

I’m usually pretty easy-going, ‘kind of a take-it-like-it-comes’ kinda guy. And although we’d made some forays into the BDSM world, it was almost never part of our sexual routine, even though we’d play out a ‘scene’ every now and then. So, me looking at her sternly and telling her flat-out “no” was rather out of character.

Even though she’s quite feisty, she’s also rather submissive by nature. Slowly, she got out of bed but refused to look at me.

Duke, our 130 pound adolescent Rottweiler, ran over to her for some loving. He’s certainly very scary looking; but in reality, very affectionate. He growls a mean game and frightens people, but one word from Melanie or myself and he backs down immediately.

Melanie bent down and grabbed his fur to hug him. Duke leaned on her, like he tends to do, and tried to lick her face. Melanie raised her head to avoid most of the licks, but the first one got her on the chin.

“Duke, you good boy! At least someone loves mommy today… good boy.”

She glared at me as she spoke. She could probably tell I was up to something, but was miffed that we weren’t having sex. I just smiled what I hope was my enigmatic smile. She smirked back at me, shaking her head. I watched as she sauntered off to the bathroom, making sure to hide her luscious boobs from me as, apparently, I hadn’t earned the right to look at them today.

We spent the morning doing our usual weekend stuff. I made sure I was extra nice to Melanie; I made the entire breakfast, all her favorite things. I helped her clean her side of closet, and made sure I did the dirty work in the bathrooms.

Afterwards we got the groceries, then we took Duke on a big stroll through downtown. We ate at one of the restaurants along the waterfront, even getting Duke some nice treats.

We chilled at the dog park, watching Duke romp with all the other dogs. Some other owners showed a little concern at first; a big Rottie on the loose can certainly cause concern. But they warmed up as they soon saw he was just a big goofball.

Duke did get somewhat on edge when a transient shuffled by. Duke ran in front of Melanie and assumed his threatening defensive stance; ears up and alert, his muscular chest facing the supposed threat. A low growl escaped his throat, so low only Melanie and I heard it.

“Watch this,” I whispered to Melanie.

“At ease, Duke,” I said.

He stopped growling and sat on his haunches, but continued to eyeball the transient while he rummaged through a trash bin.

After a few moments, I told Duke to “Stand down.” And damned if that dog acted like nothing happened. He turned and licked both our hands, then awaited instructions.

“Go play.”

Melanie leaned against me, watching as Duke ran to a female Collie. As she talked, I slid my hand dangerously high up her bare thigh.

“You’ve really got him trained well… oh… now you want to touch me? In the middle of the dog park?”

“I always want to touch you, Melanie.” My middle finger grazed her crotch, feeling the slick fabric of her thong underneath her jean skirt. I tickled her for a few moments, her breath rate increasing.

“He is doing really well,” I agreed with her as I kissed her neck. “He’s so damn smart. But… uh oh… look at him with Lassie over there…”

Duke was sniffing and circling the female, and I could see the tip of his red rocket beginning to appear. He was getting ready to get frisky. Not good!

“Duke!” I called. “ Here boy!”

Without thinking, he immediately bolted for me.

“Such a good boy!”

He came to me first, then rubbed against Melanie. She proceeded to hug him because he was a good boy. He quickly turned and licked her face, catching her mouth for a moment with his big slobbery tongue.

“Eww!” exclaimed Melanie, laughing, but quickly wiping her mouth. She tried to play it off as being gross, but I knew my girl. I knew her dark desires.

That lick aroused her.

Duke put his snout to her crotch and sniffed for a moment, he knew she was aroused, too.

– – – – –

“I still don’t know why we got this other dog bowl,” Melanie wondered aloud as we were putting away some of the little things we picked up that day. “The ones he has are perfectly fine.”

“Melanie,” I said firmly. “Come sit down with me.”

She gave me a funny look, then sat at the kitchen table. I sat beside her and took one of her hands in each of mine, and I looked straight into her eyes.

“Melanie. Today is the day.”

“The day for what—… oh… Shit! Really?”

“Yes. I think Duke’s pretty much reached sexual maturity. And I think you’re ready, aren’t you?”

Melanie gripped my hands tight, her face flushed. But not from embarrassment, it was from excitement. She had dreamed of this for years, now. We’d talked about it extensively and did a ton of research. But it was still just theoretical, up to now. That was going to change, very soon.

“So here’s what’s going to happen, Mel. You’re going to give yourself an enema. Don’t shower, though. Clean up but don’t use any soap, just water. No fragrances. Then dress comfortably and be back here in the kitchen in… let’s say an hour.. Put on just a little eye makeup, if you want. This will all be filmed.”

She took a deep breath and exhaled, her mind spinning.

“Oh, my God,” she whispered. Her hands trembled, she looked like she could barely speak. It took her several moments before she could form a sentence. “We’re… really going to do this, aren’t we…”

I joked with her, “Well, it will mostly be you, not we.”

She smiled radiantly at me. “You wild man. So, this is why we haven’t had sex all day, you were getting me all charged up for this.”

“That’s right. You will wear this, too.”

I showed her the collar I had delivered a few weeks ago from an online store. A thick black leather band complete with a solid buckle and two separate loops.

But the best part was the big chrome letters that spelled out “BITCH”.

Melanie nearly swooned when she saw that. I had to pull it away as she reached for it.

“Not yet. Enema, and clean up but don’t shower. I want you smelling all natural for our boy. After that, I will put you in Bitch Mode.”

– – – – –

Mel arrived back in the kitchen precisely an hour later. I made her stop as she approached me so I could take a good look at her. It’s amazing, I thought. After almost two and a half years, just the very sight of her still enthralled me. She sighed, pretending to be annoyed at me. But she loved it, she loved the attention I lavished on her. And when I admired her, and inspected her, well it made her juices flow.

“Take off your shirt, hon.”

She pulled the thin t-shirt up and over her head. Some of her long blonde hair cascaded gently over her breasts, the rest flowed down her back.

“Hands on your hips… mmm hmm… shoulders back… good girl.”

Her full breasts jutted out, her stiff pink nipples poking through her hair. I walked to her, and pushed her hair back over her shoulders so I could inspect her breasts.

She was rather proud of her breasts, and they drew many looks and stares. She was concerned about future sagging due to their size and weight, but I always tried to reassure her that they were spectacular. I gently cupped both breasts in my hands, feeling their substantial weight.

D-cups. Motherfucking D-cups. Tipped with gorgeous coral-pink nipples whose lighter pink areola were a full three inches across. Just perfect.

A soft moan escaped her lips as my fingers encircled her stiffening nipples. I looked into her eyes as I gently pinched those firm nips. Her eyelids fluttered a bit and then partially closed as she enjoyed the sensations.

I stepped back and told her to remove her shorts, which she did while shimmying from side to side. Her hair and breasts swayed and she smiled as they finally dropped to the floor. She wore no underwear. That’s my girl.

“Turn around, show Daddy.”

Obediently, she did a half turn and spread her legs about a foot apart. Already I could see her glistening lips below her luscious ass, but she knew I wanted more. Wordlessly, she grabbed her ass cheeks, and slowly pulled them apart, showing me all she had.

She turned and smiled, still spreading her ass cheeks, and asked me, “How do I look, Daddy?”

“Well now, let me look and see.”

I bent forward to inspect her.

Her asshole beckoned me. Completely hairless from lasering when she was younger, her crinkled little skin begged to be licked. I gave her a few laps with my tongue, just to test. She moaned and had to put a hand on the nearby chair to steady herself. You have to understand, Melanie was coming up to almost twenty-four hours without an orgasm; she gets pretty feisty the longer she goes without.

Moving my face down a little, I gently licked her opening and surrounding flesh while my nose rested on her asshole. Breathing in her natural scents just intoxicated me.

I could just take her right here, right now on the kitchen table.

However, we weren’t here for me. We were here for Melanie and Duke.

I stood up and slapped/grabbed an ass cheek firmly in my hands. She yelped, and then moaned at my rough treatment.

“This is mine.”

“Yes, Jim.”

“All of you, all of this.” I slid my hand over her ass and pussy. “All of this, is mine.”

Melanie looked back at me. “Jim, my love. You own me. I’m completely yours.”

“Stand up, girl, and face me.”

I put my arms around her, pulled her in close to me and we kissed softly. I was trying to be slow and romantic but Melanie was a little too wound up for that. I decided not to tease her any more, but I did want to talk to her for a couple minutes. We broke the kiss.

“Hon,” I began. “It’s going to get pretty intense over the next few hours.”

“Hours?” she asked, incredulously.

I smiled back.

“Yeah, hours. I will be very rough with you at times, super rough even. And of course, Duke will be having his way with you. Are you okay with that?”

She nodded.

“No, Melanie. You have to say it out loud.”

“Sorry. Yes, I’m okay with all that.”

“Also, starting right now, there will be punishments for infractions that you incur. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Jim.”

I spanked her ass pretty hard.

“From now on you will call me Daddy or Sir. Or Master if you’re so inclined, but… that one’s a little strange for me.”

“I’m sorry, Daddy. That’s how I think of you, my Daddy.”

I smiled, I loved when she called me that. My cock was already beginning to fill. “Good. And?”

She looked perplexed so I spanked her again.

“I… I’m sorry Daddy, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to say…”

“Manners, little one. Manners are very important. I’ve spanked you several times now.”

I slapped her ass again, harder this time.

“Yes, Daddy. Of course. Forgive me, I forgot. Thank You so much for spanking me and instructing me.”

She looked down at the floor submissively.

“Of course, darling. I only want what’s best for you. Remember our safe words? Yellow means ‘warning I’m almost in trouble’, and Red means ‘Stop everything this second.’ Do you understand?”

“Yes, Daddy, Yellow and Red. Thank you, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” I put my finger under her chin and lifted her face to me.

“Listen carefully. This will be unlike any scene we’ve ever done. We’re gonna go way out there.” I held her face in both my hands. “Just remember how much I love you. I’ve always loved you and I always will. No matter what transpires, it comes from a place of love. It comes from trying to fulfill both of our desires, especially the very dark ones. Just remember, I’ve got you. Always.”

Her eyes got a little glassy as I spoke. But she wanted this, she wanted to submit completely to me. We had talked about this a lot, she wanted to give me all the power.

She wanted me to completely and utterly dominate her.

And I was going to give her all I had.

I got her ‘Bitch’ collar and held it in front of her.

“Is that mine, Daddy?”

“Yes princess, it is. Are you ready to be a bitch?”

“Yes please, Daddy!”

I slowly caressed her cheek with the black leather, then moved the collar down her neck and fastened it around her throat, snugly.

Melanie moaned softly as I tugged on the collar, then I snapped the chrome leash onto one of the hoops on the collar.

She spoke in a soft whisper, “Thank you, Daddy.” She tried to remain calm, but I could see her excitement by the way she bit her lip, the way her fingers tapped on her thighs.

“You are now in Bitch Mode. The scene doesn’t end until this comes off. Hands behind your back, good girl. Now, bitch, when I ask you questions, you will need to answer in full sentences. I don’t want to hear just yes or no answers.”

“Yes, Daddy. I will answer fully.”

“Good bitch. Now, what do you want today?”

“I want Duke to lick my pussy.”

I waited a moment, then yanked a little on her leash, startling her. “What else, Melanie?”

“I want to… I want to give him pleasure, Daddy.”

I yanked harder on her leash.

“Speak the words, you have to speak plainly.”

Clearing her throat, she tried again.

“I want to suck Duke’s cock. I want him to cum in my mouth.”

“Better, and who is Duke, put it all together for the camera, bitch.” I pointed to the camera over my right shoulder.

“I want to suck our dog’s cock. I want him to cum so I can taste dog cum.”

“Very good. And what else do you want Duke to do?”

She looked at the ground. “It’s embarrassing, Daddy. Do I have to say it out loud?”

I slightly yanked her chain a little, she lifted her head and looked at me as I glared at her.

“Say it.”

“I want him to mount me.”


Right across her face, her left cheek. Her hair flew as her head spun to her right.

“I’m getting tired of your obstinance! Now answer properly!”

Her left cheek turned a shade of pink almost instantly. I had never slapped her face before, but she knew it was part of my fantasy. Still, she was rather shocked by it. She began to lift her left hand as if to rub her cheek with it. I grabbed her wrist, hard, and stared into her eyes.

She relaxed, looked down at the ground for a few moments before raising her head and staring into the camera.

“Thank you, Daddy. I want our dog, Duke, to fuck me. I want him to knot in me, tie with me, and fill me with his dog cum. I want… I want to be his bitch, Daddy.”

“Very Good, little bitch. Anything else?”

“I want… I want you to Dominate me, own me… use me as hard as you want to, Daddy. Do… anything to me. I need…”

She looked down at the ground again, her shoulders slumping as she tried to turn away from the camera.

“Say it, little one.”

“I need,” she said into the camera. “I need you to punish me. For my sins. Please punish me hard.”

I pulled her chain to me, she stumbled a bit and I caught her. I kissed her firmly, lovingly, our mouths open and wet.

“This might be the last time I kiss you all day, my love.”

We kissed passionately, our tongues working feverishly in our hot mouths. My hand grazed her pussy lips and found her soaking wet.

After several moments, our lips parted and both of us breathed hard. The excitement was palpable.

“Melanie, I love you.”

Before she could respond, I slapped her face firmly, the other cheek this time. I couldn’t have her unbalanced, after all.

“Now, down. On all fours, like a good little bitch.”

She got down on her hands and knees, and nuzzled her head against my left leg. I grabbed the little square sports camera so I could get some good close ups.

“With me,” I commanded as I pulled her leash. Melanie began crawling on her hands and knees beside me, like a good little bitch.

I had my little sports camera on a stick, and I held it at length and pointed it right at her ass as she crawled naked on all fours. It was filming upside down, but that’s easy to flip over when I edit the movie together. All told, I had seven cameras to film the action. Two were mounted permanently inside the house and one outside, my little sport camera on a stick, and three more on tripods. The mounted cameras fed to a computer drive while the others would require the occasional change of memory cards and batteries. All of my tripod and sport cams were set to record at high speed and 4K resolution. That meant I could have them playback in slow motion if I desired, or regular speed.

I walked Melanie to the corner of our loft, which was pretty cool in and of itself. It was an old six-story factory that built machine parts and, for whatever reason, part of the top floor had the roof and walls cut out and exposed. I guess they needed some outdoor space for part of their processes. Anyway, as part of my remodeling the loft to make it livable, we put in a bunch of ceiling-high glass windows and a glass slider to this outside portion of the loft. This outside area was about forty by fifty feet and was blocked off from the outside view by a six foot wall. For Duke, we Astro-Turfed most of it. There was a concrete patio area with a table and chairs, and next to it, I fenced off a ten by ten foot section with tall chain-link fencing. That section had no AstroTurf either, just bare concrete and Duke’s bowls and a dog bed/pillow.

The best part of the outside space was that none of it was visible from any other buildings so we could suntan in the nude, as well as other things. We were also high enough that any noises made up here were drowned out at the street level.

At this point, Duke, was fired up. I left him outside while Melanie and I got ready. As I walked Melanie along the inside of the windows, Duke jumped up and down, barked, and pawed at the glass. We stopped short at the sliding glass door, I wanted to point out a few things to her first.

“Little bitch, do you see that rack over there? Tell me what you see.”

“Yes, Daddy. I see two, no three floggers of different lengths. Are they real leather, Daddy? I hope so.”

“Yes they are, keep going.”

“Well, there’s also some paddles, handcuffs, um… chain, are those nipple clamps? Daddy has been shopping without me!”

“Good girl. Now look down in the corner, what do you see?”

Her eyes followed my pointed finger and she visibly stiffened, a look of fear washing over her face.

“Is that… a cane? Daddy… please no… I will be good. I promise you, Daddy, please…”

I chuckled at her. “We probably don’t need that”, I assured her. “You’ll have to beg me for that, or be really disobedient. Either way, it’s up to me. Everything from now on is up to me. But that is made of rattan, not bamboo. Rattan holds up much better and gives better welts…”

I let her ponder that for a few moments.

Duke, meanwhile, barked and jumped at the glass. He just loved us, and we loved him. He was part of our family, and although I was the one who first got him out of his cage at the rescue shelter, and I was the one who brought him home, he really loved Melanie the most. They had a special bond that surpassed what he and I had. That being said, we were good buddies; he recognized me as the alpha, and was quick to try and please me by following orders.

I cracked the door open so I could talk to Duke. I wanted Melanie to be able to get outside without being molested.

“Duke. Cage. Stay.” And I snapped my fingers and pointed to his fenced in area. He ran over there and sat down quickly, watching us intently. Little mewls and whines snuck out of him as he struggled to obey me.

I walked Melanie over to this wooden contraption I built. Essentially it was like one of those wedge sex pillows you can buy. But this one was custom made to Mel’s height from her knee to her hip so she could kneel down doggy-style and get perfect support. Being wood, it wouldn’t “give” like a soft pillow; whatever was given to Mel, she would bear the full brunt of it.

And since the wedge was made from wood, I could screw in “hooks and eyes” which would serve as tie-down points that I could attach chains or whatever to. More about that later. Right now I just wanted to sit her at the low part of the wedge so she could lean back on it in just a few minutes.

I positioned the cameras for what I thought would be good angles, then I looked at Mel.


She took a deep breath, then exhaled heavily. and said,

“Release the hound!” She said.

I couldn’t help but laugh. I loved her enthusiasm. Without further ado I called out.

“Here, Duke!”

A black blur shot past me as Duke ran to Mel. He was so excited he didn’t know what to do, he rubbed against her for a moment, then laid at my feet, then ran back to Mel… it took us several minutes to get him to calm down with both of us petting him and loving on him.

Eventually, I backed off a few steps. Duke looked at me but Mel called his name again. He went to lick her face like always tried to do, but never really succeeded as she always lifted or turned her head.

Not today, though.

He lapped at Mel’s chin, and then he licked her right on the lips several times. She looked at me… and opened her mouth.

Duke’s tongue shot inside. Mel’s eyes slowly closed as she opened wider to receive his huge tongue. Duke, who was very interested in this new development, licked her open mouth with gusto.

I got behind the closest camera and checked the view screen; poifect. I could see the camera capturing his tongue inside her mouth, and his slobber dripping down her chin.

“Kiss him back, Mel.”

Melanie extended her tongue so that Duke was solidly licking it. She tried to match his licks and get her tongue in his mouth, but his tongue was too big, too strong, and too fast for her.

I got the camera in close, you could even see her cheek bulge when his tongue went inside her mouth and pushed it. I could also see Mel’s throat go up and down every now and then; she was swallowing, swallowing his drool.

Mel looked like she was sinking into a hypnotic state. She had experienced this before, somewhat. She was going into ‘subspace.’ She would become suggestible, ready to do anything, try anything. It was my job to keep her safe, but she told me everything she wanted beforehand, and we were going to do it all.

“Mel, lay back down on the incline. Don’t worry, Duke will follow.”

She lowered herself onto her elbows first, and finally lay flat. Duke and her broke the kiss for a couple moments, but he quickly resumed once she got situated. As he stood over her, she grabbed his head and rubbed it like she did when he was being a good boy. Breathing heavily through her nose, Mel kept kissing our dog, and taking his tongue inside her.

“Suck his tongue, honey.”

I took off the rest of my clothes as I watched her suck and kiss her lover’s mouth and tongue. This was my fantasy as much as hers; I wanted her to be Duke’s bitch in every sense.

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