

I meet Daisy and make her mine.

“Driving Miss Daisy”


I first met Daisy while a graduate student in college. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that she met me as she was the dominant driving force through most of our relationship. You see, I was a nerd, still am for that matter. I wasn’t ugly or fat, or even a sloppy, smelly person. I was tall at six feet three inches and thin as a rail at 165 pounds. I still have a full head of light brown hair at thirty-eight, but I have filled out a bit, the result of sitting on my ass most days at work.

In all my five-plus years at the university I’d never gone on even a single date. As smart as I was, that’s just how shy I was when around the opposite sex so I was shell-shocked as well as tongue tied when Daisy sat opposite me in the library that cold day in early December. She was my exact opposite—beautiful and gregarious, the kind of woman who attracts men the way flowers attract bees and butterflies. She had the most beautiful eyes—sparkling blue—and light brown hair with not a strand out of place. Her face was a perfect oval with skin like fine bone china. Her body? It was the kind of body most guys masturbated to. I know I did…almost every night.

Daisy was a sorority girl—popular, effervescent, the life of every party. I had never even been to a party, not a real one and certainly not one at a sorority or fraternity. My social life revolved around the chess club and university bridge tournaments. I’d been university champion two years running with Phil Jorgenson until he graduated and left school. I had also graduated early, but unlike Phil I had stayed as a graduate assistant while picking up my PhD. in Computer Engineering. Daisy was majoring in psychology, one of the easiest and most useless majors in my opinion.

I was so into a programming exercise on my laptop that I hadn’t noticed her presence until she spoke. “Um…You’re John, aren’t you?” She had to repeat it twice before I realized that she was talking to me. She giggled when I finally looked up. “Boy, you sure do concentrate.”

My response was a guttural gurgle of unintelligible sounds. “You ARE John, right? Don’t be nervous. I’m just another girl.”

“Yeah, right,” I thought. “In order to be just another girl there would have had to be someone else first, but there wasn’t.” There had never been any other.

“Uh…what do you want?”

“Can I speak to you for a few minutes? I hear you’re a real math whiz and I’m having a problem in algebra. Think you can help me? Please?” She batted those deep blue eyes at me and I melted.

“To be honest, I haven’t taken algebra since high school, but I should be able to figure it out. What did you have in mind?”

She laughed as she replied, “So you can speak, after all. Could you possibly spend an hour here with me, say Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons? I have finals in three weeks. Please? If I flunk this course I won’t graduate on time. How would I explain to my Grandma and Poppa?”

I smiled—just a small one—when I replied, “It wouldn’t do to upset your grandparents, would it? I think I can fit you in to my tight social calendar. How is two o’clock for you?”

“Perfect!” She jumped up and kissed my cheek. “I’ll see you here tomorrow. Don’t forget!” She wasted her words. I never forgot anything, thanks to a photographic memory I’d been cursed with and there was no way I’d forget my first on-campus contact with a genuine girl. I finished my work and packed up my backpack. I was back in the dorm an hour later, just in time to clean up before dinner.

I had just returned from the bathroom when my roommate Rob walked in. “You will never believe who approached me in the library this afternoon, Rob.”

“Well, I know it wasn’t a girl.”

“Actually, it was—none other than Daisy O’Neill. She wants tutoring help in algebra, of all things.” Rob gave me a funny look, but remained silent. We walked out into the chill night a few minutes later. Our cafeteria was almost a quarter mile away. We usually chatted, but tonight Rob was silent. He was a grad student in math so I was going to suggest that he tutor Daisy and, in fact, that’s exactly what I said once we were back in the dorm.

“What you said earlier had me confused. I want to access the class’s records. Professor Newton teaches that course and I work with him quite often. I have his access code so I can enter grades from tests and homework. Hold on a second.” We waited for the course database to load then it was only a few seconds before Rob found the grades he was looking for. His face suddenly turned sour, as though he had sucked on a lemon.

“What’s wrong, Rob?”

“Take a look for yourself. She seems to be doing quite well for someone who is afraid she’ll flunk the course. It looks like she has about a B+ average.”

“Maybe she’s just afraid of the exam.”

“I don’t think so; she aced the mid-term. Something’s up, John; give me a day or two to snoop around.” I shrugged my shoulders and went back to work. One of the good things about majoring in computer science was that I could work anywhere. My programs and records were on the university server. I could access them from anywhere in the world.


Daisy was right on time the next afternoon and for a so-called failing student she showed a real aptitude for the work. She left after the hour to return to her sorority. I stayed to do more work on my dissertation. My professor had told me it was ground-breaking work that could lead to big bucks once I had graduated. He had introduced me to a patent attorney almost a year ago who agreed with his assessment. I had already paid him $10,000 to begin the patent process.

Rob’s face was even more upset when I saw him before dinner that afternoon. “You’d better sit down, John. Here’s the scoop. I overheard her and a few of her friends talking between classes. These girls are so self-absorbed that they never even noticed me standing less than ten feet away. I pretended that I was playing with my phone, but I could hear every word they said, not that they were very quiet about it. She’s looking for a meal ticket, John. She said that she realizes her Bachelor’s in Psych is basically useless. She wants a husband who’s going to strike it rich and that’s going to be you.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help myself. I laughed for almost ten minutes, rolling onto my bed before I stopped. “I can’t believe it, Rob. Of all the people on this campus she picked me? I believe you, but either she’s crazy or she’s the best actress ever.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Do? Nothing; I’m going to do absolutely nothing. I’m glad you told me. I’ll just wait to see how she plays this out. She is right about one thing; Professor Eastman says my thesis could be worth millions. I wonder how she learned about that.” We talked for a few more minutes before leaving for dinner.

I taught an elementary computer sci. class the next day and spent the rest of the day editing my thesis or writing and rewriting code. I continued the work at the library the following morning and I was so into it that I completely missed lunch. I was surprised when Daisy sat down next to me. “What time is it,” I asked.

“Just before two; don’t you have a clock on that laptop?” I did and I was shocked again when I realized that she was right. Leaning toward me, I could smell the shampoo in her hair. “What are you doing that you completely lost track of the time?”

“Working on my dissertation and tweaking the code…the program that I’m proposing for my PhD.”

“What’s it about?”

“I can only speak in generalities because the patent is still pending, but I can tell you that it has to do with transactional security on the internet.” She gave me a look that said, “I have no idea what you’re talking about” so I continued. “Just give me a minute to close everything up and we can look at your math. How was your class today?”

“Confusing.” I knew that was a lie. Rob had been there to assist Prof. Newton and he had texted me about her outstanding participation in the class.

“Okay, show me what you want to go over.” I must be an excellent tutor because she seemed to understand everything by the time the hour was up.

“Do you know where the Chi O house is, John?”

“Sure, right down on Professor’s Row about half a mile from here.”

“I assume that you have a sport jacket, a dress shirt, and a tie.”

“Sure, I even have dress shoes that I use when I’m not living in my cave.”

“Ha ha…very funny; I need a date for a party tomorrow night. Show up at the house at eight. There will be some snacks and wine. I assume you’re old enough to drink.”

“As a matter of fact, I am. Are you?”

“I had no idea you were such a comedian. Eight o’clock! I’ll see you then.” She leaned over to kiss my cheek and a second later she was gone. I sat back in the chair and laughed. So that was how she was going to do it. I packed my laptop into my backpack and walked to my dorm knowing that Rob would be there.

“Okay, I have to say that Daisy is a fast worker. Thanks for the text. It made my day knowing what an outstanding tutor I am. She knew everything from the lesson only half an hour into the session then she ordered me to meet her at the Chi O house for a party tomorrow night.”

“What do you mean…ordered?”

“Just that; she asked if I had a sport coat, shirt and tie then told me to show up at eight–kind of bossy in my opinion.”

“Gonna go?”

“Sure…maybe I’ll lose my virginity.” Rob laughed. He knew that I’d lost it a few years ago, courtesy of his sister. He’d set it up…told me she was the town slut. I thought at the time that it was a strange way to talk about one’s sister, but he was right. I had stayed with him and his family for three days and she’d gotten to me five times—three times at night when I had taken her to the movies and bowling and twice in my bed in the morning after Rob’s parents had left for work. She didn’t even close the door to the guest room. Rob had walked by several times and looked in, bemused at the sight of his twin sister riding my cock.

I may not have many social skills when it comes to women, but I knew that my cock was somewhat larger than average. I’d measured back when I was in high school—along the top which always shorter than along the bottom. I always was the curious type. “Seven and a quarter inches,” that’s what it said, and thick, too. Too bad it was attached to the body of someone with no ability to deal with women. I’d bet at the time that it could have satisfied plenty if only I had some nerve. It did a hell of a number with Rob’s sister. Unfortunately, she married some guy from her work about two weeks later and I’d never found anyone else.


I checked myself in the mirror one final time. I thought I looked presentable. My tie was just the right length and it was centered just perfectly between the two collar leaves of my button-down shirt. My navy blazer completed my outfit. I checked my pockets—wallet, hankies, room key, breath mints. I was all set. No condoms; I doubted I’d be that lucky. All I had to do was walk down the hill and turn right onto Professors Row.

I was a few minutes early so I strolled around aimlessly until my watch read 7:59 then I strode up the walk and knocked on the door. Nobody answered so I tried the handle. The door opened and I stepped inside. I was met by a young woman who told me her name was Amanda. She was like a lower case Daisy. I wondered then how many women like Daisy would be in attendance. Plenty, I guessed. “I’m here for Daisy O’Neill.” She took a look at me and began to giggle. Then she walked away and called up the stairs. Daisy walked down a few minutes later, a smirk on her otherwise lovely face. I continued to play dumb.

As she approached she said, “Right on time; that’s very good, John. You know…I realized this afternoon that I’m not sure of your surname.”

Wow—a big word; I was amazed so I decided to pull her leg a bit. “It’s Gotti…John Gotti; maybe you’ve heard of my uncle, John Gotti—the Dapper Don.”

“I thought you said his name was John. Why would anyone call him Don?”

“Try Google. I’m sure you’ll find him there. He was quite famous.”

“Isn’t he still famous?”

“Yes, of course, but he’s dead now.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry.” I almost laughed. My name is John Gotti, but I’m no relation to the notorious Mafia kingpin. Instead, I simply smiled and allowed Daisy to lead me to the basement where the party was just underway. I poured two glasses of Merlot from a bottle. It was a brand I’d never heard of even though my parents were oenophiles–wine aficionados. Apparently, sorority girls didn’t necessarily have great taste. I thought the wine was a bit acidic, too. It had begun to turn into vinegar, but I said nothing, smiling instead in faux innocence.

Daisy and I danced quite a few times and she moved right into my body on the slow ones. I enjoyed those dances quite a bit and Daisy obviously noticed. She rubbed her body into my erection several times. I noticed Daisy and her friends talking quietly and giggling whenever I went to get another glass of wine. It was like a play within a play. They had me playing the fool while I was playing a different role entirely.

I’m obviously smart. One does not earn a PhD in computer engineering through stupidity. I had been at the party less than an hour when I realized that this was no Mensa meeting. Daisy was no genius. I already knew that, but her friends were no smarter. Several had asked me to explain words that I had used in conversation—words that any college student should have known in my opinion. I had a great time at the party though, mostly from the role I was playing. Around midnight I wondered what would come next. Would Daisy put her moves on me? If so…when?

She did it then, inviting me to her room. It was a great opportunity for me. No, not that way; I’d driven to Radio Shack this morning to buy some audio bugs. They were small with strong adhesive on one side. I was able to attach one to the underside of Daisy’s desk while she was distracted. Rob had installed a relay while we were partying that would collect the data and forward it to my laptop when I called for it. In appearance it was just like a telephone junction box that was stuck to the exterior brick with strips of strong adhesive. A conduit that went down into the soil below held the wires that formed the antenna. Only a real phone technician would be able to tell that it wasn’t genuine telephone company equipment. Rob told me later that night that installing it on the side of the house while the part roared inside was a real rip. I wasn’t interested in spying on the sorority members. I only wanted clues as to Daisy’s plans for me and, in that regard, I got a boatful.

I knew in advance when she would allow me to fondle her breasts and when I could chance fingering her pussy. That way I could build the illusion that she was in control of our relationship when just the opposite was true.

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