
Draft Dodger

Jessica is drafted by the meat agentcy and then runs away where she then finds herself on a dairy farm.

Draft Dodger

Story: #30
Copyright ©2005
Written: April 16 2005
A story By: KaosAngel
Proofed by: Piasa_Troll
Please send any comments about this story to (purekaosangel@yahoo.com)

Jessica wasn’t sure what to make of the man standing in front of her after she had answered the door bell to find him standing there holding a large yellow envelope. The envelope needed no introduction since Jessica had been told from the day she was old enough to understand such things. She knew it to be a meat draft notice ordering one of the female members of her family to give there meat at the state barbeque, “But who?” she though silently to herself as she accepted the large envelope and shut the door.

The state required all girls between the ages of 18 and 30 to register for the draft meaning that at anytime they could be called on to give there meat. Jessica knew that one day her time would come, but had it come now?, Jessica walked toward the kitchen slowly and approached her mother Mary and her father Steve, placing the envelope on the table and looking up toward her mothers face as they all took a moment of silence, “Is that what I think it is honey?” her father spoke, “Yes dad I think its a meat draft notice” Jessica replied, “But for who?, mom is too old, they got sissy last year” she added.

Taking the large envelope from the table her father then opened it to Jessica’s shock the notice had her name on it, “NO that can’t be right I only tuned 18 two days ago, it has to be a mistake” Jessica said as she stood and ran to her room crying and yelling “IM TO YOUNG TO DIE!!” as she ran up the stairs.

Placing the letter back on the table her father stood up, “This says here a meat pickup truck will be by to pick her up at noon, Ill go talk with her” he said as he grabbed his state issue emergency meat girl restraints, only used when parents though there draftee’s would run away, sometimes girls in Jessica’s state of mind would run away when this happened the state would order the processing of every female member of the draftee’s family, so the state started handing out the state issue emergency meat girl restraints, for unwilling draftee’s.

This wouldn’t be the first time he had to use the restraints, he had to use them on his oldest daughter Jessica’s sister Lina, he had caught her trying to go out her bedroom window the night her draft notice arrived. Walking up the stairs to Jessica’s room he hoped he wouldn’t have to use the restraints he didn’t like it when he had to use them on Lina, that look in her eye’s when he turned her over to the processing plant made him cry. But her cunt fillet had tasted so great he didn’t regret what he had done.

As Steve entered the room he was happy to see Jessica lying across her bed crying, happy that he wouldn’t have to use the restraints of course, sad that he would soon be losing the second of his two daughter’s but then the taste of Lina’s fillet had reemerged in his mind and he set out to undress Jessica to prepare her for pickup.

Jessica now fully nude in front of her father continued to cry as he tied her hands behind her back, a rope around her neck and a ball gag in her mouth, taking her down stairs to wait. Before she knew it noon had come and the doorbell rang, Jessica’s mother had answered the door allowing the pickup agent to enter.

“Hello my name is Dave I’m here for the meat” he said as he then walked over to Steve who was sitting in the kitchen holding the end of the rope that was around Jessica’s neck while she sat submissively on the floor, at his feet, crying. “This meat is yours now” Steve said as he handed over the end of Jessica’s rope, Jessica looked up into the eye’s of the man who was now her owner, pleading with her eye’s for him to let her go.

Ignoring her plea Dave forced her to her feet, “Would it be possible for me to get her fillet when she is processed?” Steve asked before Dave had gotten to the door where Mary was still standing, “I don’t know sir you will have to discuss that with the owner” Dave said as he lead Jessica out of the house and into the large truck waiting outside with large bold lettering on the door that read “Hill’s Fine Meat’s” then under that in smaller black print “Best Meat’s in Town”.

Traveling down the long dirt road that lead to the “Hill’s Fine Meat’s Processing Plant” Dave’s truck broke down, “OHH CRAP!” Dave yelled as he pulled the truck to the shoulder of the road and came to a stop, getting out of the truck he went to the back and opened the cargo hatch several pairs of eye’s winced as the sunlight hit the girls chained to the walls inside the truck, “What am I going to do with all this meat now” he said.

Entering the truck he began to check the girls for damage, in all there were 10 meat anima’s none of them were damaged, “Ok listen up cow’s, we have broken down in the middle of the road from here we will have to walk to the processing plant” he said as he started to unchain the cow’s hands and legs from the wall of the truck one at a time and then enchained them to the bumper of the truck while he went back in for another.

It all happened so fast when it came time for Jessica to be unchained he had found himself lying on the floor of the truck in pain watching Jessica run away down the dirt road to freedom, Dave got up from the floor “Damn that bitch I got to go after her” he thought to himself “Can’t leave all this meat sitting here” he thought again, looking up to where Jessica was running he could no longer see her, she had gotten away, “twenty years of meat pickup not a single meat animal has gotten away!” he yelled and then went to the cab of the truck, picking up the receiver of a CB radio.

Dave radioed the plant and told them what had happened, given them Jessica’s address and they send another pickup agent to collect her mother, when that was done he then radioed Gene an expert in the recapture of escaped meatgirls.

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