
Doggy Styles 6 – Sultan’s Reward

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Doggy Styles 6 – Sultan’s Reward (Bestiality, Ff, young)

Summary – Claire has some trouble training Sultan, Tori’s Great Dane

Previous Chapter Summary – Claire and her mother shared something very special.

Note – This is a work of Fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can ruin your life. Don’t ruin your, or other people’s lives!

It was graduation day at Mrs. Hill’s obedience class. Claire Davis waited nervously with her handsome German Shepard, Duke. She watched the other owners walking their dogs while Mrs. Hill shouted out instructions: “Heel! Stop! Sit! Stay! Lay-down!”

Claire’s turn was next. She reached down and scratched Duke behind the ears. He looked up at his master and panted, his big pink tongue hanging out of mouth. His white teeth glistened as he smiled happily at her and wagged his tail. Then, at Claire’s command, Duke quickly got up and waited at her side. Claire led Duke around the ring, repeating Mrs. Hill’s instructions. After a few agonizing moments, it was over, and Claire took a long, shaking, breath. “Whew!”

“You did great, Duke! Good boy!” Claire said, praising Duke.

To Claire’s surprise, Mrs. Hill awarded Duke the first-placed ribbon. Claire was so proud! The other owners congratulated her, agreeing with Mrs. Hill’s decision. They deserved it.

“You and Duke have really done well, Congratulations!” Mrs. Hill said to Claire, after the other owners had left. “You really have a way with animals.” She patted Claire’s shoulder awkwardly and then petted Duke. She seemed more comfortable with animals than humans. “Come back to the office, I have something for you.”

Claire and Duke followed Mrs. Hill to her office. “First place ribbons sometimes come with an award. Just for special dogs and their owners, like you and Duke.” She presented Claire with a nail-grinder for Duke’s toenails. “I usually try to give a small prize to someone I feel has really excelled in my class. This makes a dog’s nails much smoother so they won’t scratch you so badly,” Mrs. Hill said, smiling.

“Thanks! Duke really scratched me up the first time we…,” Claire started to say. “I mean…”

Mrs. Hill smiled knowingly, and didn’t let Claire finish her sentence. “Well, now he won’t scratch you so badly,” she said. She then showed Claire how to use the device. Duke’s toe-nails were soon smooth and perfectly rounded.

“Duke did very well out there,” Mrs. Hill said. “How is the ‘other’ training going? Duke’s little problem we talked about? He seems so well behaved now,” she teased, watching Claire face bloom a little bit pink from embarrassment.

“Duke never puts his nose where it doesn’t belong now,” Claire said proudly. “Unless you ask him to.”

“Oh, I see,” Mrs. Hill said. She slyly winked at Claire and said, “I’d like see what other tricks you have taught him sometime.” She smiled at their private joke.

“Duke!” Claire said, determined to show her teacher how well Duke had learned his lessons. She pushed out her crotch and said, “Duke! Sniff-the-Bitch!”

Duke immediately shoved his nose under Claire’s short skirt and sniffed repeatedly at her sex.

“Oh, my,” Mrs. Hill said. “I didn’t mean for you to…. Oh, never mind,” Mrs. Hill decided. She knew her and Claire were kindred spirits when it came to canine love. “What else does he know?” Mrs. Hill was very curious now, wondering what other tricks Claire had taught him.

“He knows lots of tricks!” Clair said proudly. “He can Lick-the-Bitch and Fuck-the-Bitch, and…”

“Bark!” Duke interrupted. He had become excited, hearing his special commands.

“No, Duke, not now, boy!” Claire said. “We can play later. I promise. Sit!”

Duke sat, his long, pink, penis now poking out from his sheath.

Claire continued. She whispered into Mrs. Hill’s ear while keeping an eye on Duke, “He knows Bitch-Hand-Job and Bitch-Blow-Job, too!”

“Uh, that’s very nice, Claire,” Mrs. Hill said. “You two have been busy!” Now Mrs. Hill was blushing.

“Yeah, like I said, he don’t try to sniff anyone’s pussy unless I tell him to. And he doesn’t try to hump everybody’s legs since I’ve been jacking him off and stuff, like you said.”

“Well, I only explained how professional dog breeders…, Oh forget it.” Mrs. Hill dropped all pretenses. Since they shared a special love for the furry, loving, animals, she didn’t need to pretend any longer.

“And your mother?” Mrs. Hill asked. “No more threats about having him castrated?”

“Oh no!” Claire said. “Mom loves Duke now!” She giggled. She was so excited to be able to talk to someone about dogs, dog training, and dog-sex!

“I caught them tied together the other day – it was so funny! And, gosh! Mom was so embarrassed! But, I could tell she really liked it, you know? Especially after I had heard her begging for Duke’s big dick! Ha! Ha! Ha!

“Anyway, I showed mom all of his other tricks. Now, she takes care of him after school when I’m training Sultan. She can’t wait to meet Sultan when he’s trained. She asks me about him almost every day!” Claire made her voice sound higher, mocking her mother. “‘How’s Sultan’s training coming along?’ ‘When are you bringing him over to see me?’ She’s acting really, really, slutty lately.”

Then, Claire remembered something. “Hey, maybe you can help me with Sultan?”

“Well, I don’t know…” Mrs. Hill began. This young girl was talking as if training dogs for sex was the most natural thing in the world! Did she really want get involved with such a girl?

And, it seemed Claire had no filter between her brain and her mouth when it came to ‘puppy-love,’ as Mrs. Hill liked to call it.

“So, like I’m having trouble with Sultan. I go to Tori’s house every day after school, I mean Mrs. Norris’s house, and…”

“That Sultan? The Great-Dane? Mrs. Norris purchased him from me. Yes, he’s very unruly and very difficult to train. I was happy to find him a good home.”

“Well, Tori is paying me to train him. But he’s worse than Duke ever was! Shoving his nose up every girl’s twat and humping things.” Claire added, her mind jumping from one thought to another, “Oh, we’re attending your obedience school class next week! It will be fun!” She then got around to Sultan’s training. She continued, “But, I don’t know if he’s stupid, or not able to remember his lessons, or what’s wrong with him? He seems to do very well when I’m with him, but the next time, it’s like he’s forgotten everything I’ve taught him!”

“Oh? How so?”

“Well, I taught him all the basic commands, sit, stay and stuff, and then Sniff-the-Bitch, and Lick-the-Bitch, you know? Oh, he really loves Bitch-Hand-Job!” Claire said enthusiastically, making long jerking-off motions with her hand. “But then the next day, he’s shoving his nose in my twat again! Without permission! He knows better than that! Why is he forgetting everything so soon?”

“Well, he’s always been difficulty to train. He is very, ah, how shall I say it?”

“Horny?” Claire asked.

“Yes,” Mrs. Hill said. “And he’s still immature, remember. But, he always was very, very, eager, if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, he’s eager for the beaver all right. His big ol’ doggy-dick is always wanting attention! And, it’s huge!” Claire held out her hands to show Mrs. Hill how big Sultan’s cock was.

Mrs. Hill nervously cleared her throat, recalling Sultan’s swollen dick from the brief time he had spent at her kennels. Her mind wondered for a bit. She smiled. Then, thinking about Claire’s problem, she mentally ran down the list of reasons why Sultan might be having problems learning. She considered one possibility and pondered on it. ‘No. Maybe? No. Well, probably. Yes. That must be it,’ she decided.

Mrs. Hill said, “Did you ever consider he was relearning his bad habits from someone else?”

“From someone else?” Claire repeated. “But from who? Oh, you mean Tori!” Claire exclaimed.

“Well, I’m not accusing her of anything, of course,” Mrs. Hill said nervously, “But sometimes an owner can mistakenly undo years of..,”

“Oh!” Claire exclaimed, interrupting. “So, you mean while I’m teaching him not to sniff and lick pussy until I tell him to, Tori is letting him, or making him, lick her pussy?”

Mrs. Hill only raised her eyebrow and studied Claire countenance.

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