Dog Gone Good
Dog Gone Good
Sex Story Author: | slick_chick |
Sex Story Excerpt: | The last time I did that, I eventually ended up fingering Sasha's pussy with one hand, and also fingering my |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Fiction, First Time, Masturbation, Pregnant, Threesome, Written By Women |
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Author’s Note:
First of all, this entire story is a work of Fiction, and is the product of my warped and somewhat-perverted mind. Nevertheless, I have to confess that there are parts of this story that are based on things that I have seen and experienced in real life.
This x-rated site features quite a few Bestiality stories. And they seem to be very popular, judging from their ratings. The vast majority of those bestiality stories tend to involve our beloved canine companions. And they inevitably take the form of a woman or a girl having sex with some type of male dog; usually one from the medium-size-or-larger breeds.
That having been said, the better-written male dog bestiality stories posted at this site have always turned me on a lot. And consequently, they have left this Hispanic girl with a nice wet panocha between her legs, as a direct result of reading through them.
However, I began thinking about it, and decided that it was high time for a female dog to be featured in a bestiality sex story. Yes, I know that, unlike her male counterpart (who naturally remains in a perpetually-horny state, and will normally have sex at the drop of a hat), a bitch will only experience sexual desire–and allow a male to breed her–when she’s in heat, which only happens for a few days out of every six months or so.
But I thought to myself, What if a horny young couple were to come along during those precious few “in heat” days, and decide to spice things up a little in their own long-standing sexual relationship, by crossing an extremely taboo line?
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Dog Gone Good
by slick_chick
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“You did what?” I asked Jim, in total shock.
“You heard me. I fucked the dog while you were gone.”
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And here’s how we got to that point:
My boyfriend, Jim, and I were lying in bed together that afternoon, buck naked, and pawing away at each other’s private parts, getting ready to have some serious sex.
And I should mention that my pussy was already unusually moist. I had just come back from spending a whole week without having sexual intercourse, which for me was at least five or six days too long.
Oh sure, I had masturbated late a night in my hotel room several times throughout the previous week. But that was only because I have always been one horny little bitch. And once I get naked under the sheets, all bets are off. My hands just kind of naturally move down into my crotch at some point, and automatically begin the process of rubbing one out.
However, for me, sex is–and has always been–all about “fucking.” And by the time I left to fly back home, I was missing my boyfriend’s dick something fierce.
At any rate, Jim had taken that afternoon off from work, so that he could pick me up at the airport, and drive us both back home. It was around 2:00 in the afternoon when we walked into the front door of our house, and dumped my luggage down on the floor in the living room.
Then our clothes immediately began flying off, every which way, as we were making a beeline for our master bedroom, and hopping on top of our nice, big, king size bed.
And we didn’t kiss each other, or hug, like we normally would do. I was feeling way too horny for that. And I’m sure Jim was too. So we just reached across, and began fondling and masturbating each other’s bare genitals, while I was telling Jim all about what had happened during my trip out of town.
And of course, while we were talking with each other–and both becoming more and more sexually aroused, at the same time–the topic of conversation had naturally and smoothly shifted to where we found ourselves limiting our discussion to sexually-related things. And of course, I went on to tell Jim all about how I had masturbated just about every night in my hotel room bed, describing everything to him in great detail.
And thanks to my candid confession–in conjunction with a generous amount of mutual genital fondling–it didn’t take long for the crack of my pussy to become sopping-wet, and for Jim’s dick to turn into a stiff, blood-engorged boner.
And at that point, Jim was getting ready to roll over on top of me, and penetrate me with that sexy penis of his, when he opened his mouth, and suddenly brought everything to a grinding halt, by saying to me, “I fucked the dog while you were gone.”
“You did what?” I asked, in total shock, not believing what I had just heard come out of my long-time, live-in boyfriend’s mouth.
“You heard me. I fucked the dog while you were gone,” Jim said, as if it were something that a guy commonly says to his better-half–yours truly–who had just came back home from visiting her family out-of-town the previous week.
“So you fucked Sasha?” I said, not really knowing how else to respond to my boyfriend’s blunt, totally-unexpected confession.
“Yep, I sure did. I fucked her alright. And I didn’t just do it one time, either,” Jim went on to admit to me.
“How many times did you ‘do it’ with our dog, Jim?”
My boyfriend had that “well, let me think” look on his face, while he was moving his thumb along, from one fingertip to the next, and silently counting with his lips, before he finally replied, “I’m not really sure. But I guess I ‘did it’ with her at least three or four times. Maybe five?”
“Oh my God! She’s our little girl, Jim. She’s a member of our own family. You fucked our little girl!”
“She’s not that little, Deb. She’s a full-grown German Shepherd, for Christ’s sake. But God, her pussy was really warm, and it sure felt good! I mean, not nearly as good as yours does, of course, but–“
“You’re disgusting!” I verbally reprimanded him, cutting him off mid-sentence. “And now, you wanna stick that nasty, doggie-fucking dick of yours in my pussy?”
“Yeah, sure. Why not?” Jim answered back calmly. “I know you’re horny as shit right now, and you wanna fuck. So here I am!” he said, proudly gesturing downward towards his fully-erect penis. And then he attempted to roll over on top of me, and mount me in a missionary intercourse position.
But I pushed him back off of me, scolding him, “Hey, wait a minute, Buster! You’re not gonna get off that easy! Before I give you this pussy, you’re gonna tell me exactly how you ended up fucking our pet German Shepherd, while I was gone.”
“Okay. Fair enough,” Jim said, and then started into his story:
“First of all, you’ve gotta realize that I didn’t mean for any of it to happen. It just kinda did, you know?”
I just gave Jim a blank stare, as I was waiting for him to get on with his story.
“Well, you know how Sasha’s an indoor dog, what with us livin’ in south Florida, and all? And you know how she loves to climb up into bed with us late at night, and snuggle her way up in between the two of us, while we’re sleepin’?”
I nodded my head a few times, while continuing to give Jim that same blank stare.
“Well, remember when we had phone sex, a couple of nights ago?”
“Yeah. And…?” I said, still waiting for Jim to get into the “meaty part” of his story.
“Well, later that same night, I was sound-asleep in bed, and I was having this really erotic dream. It had to be about 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. But anyway, I was dreamin’ that you were in bed with me. And you were playfully lickin’ and suckin’ on my dick, to try to wake me up, so that you could have sex with me.
“And when I finally woke up enough to realize that I wasn’t dreamin’, my dick and balls were hangin’ out of my underwear leg-hole, and I was shocked that you weren’t the one who was lickin’ my dick. Sasha was. And boy, she was goin’ to town, with that long, ol’ tongue of hers.
“At first, I was so freaked out, that I grabbed her head, and pushed her away from my crotch.
“She laid her ears back on top of her head, and acted like she’d done somethin’ wrong.
“And so I told her, ‘Oh, no, Baby. You’re a good girl. Daddy’s not mad at you. Daddy’s just surprised. That’s all.’
“And then I gently patted my thigh a few times, right next to my dick, and told Sasha, ‘Is this what you want, Sweetie? Do you wanna lick Daddy’s dick? Are you feelin’ horny right now, just like Daddy is?’
“Of course, I didn’t expect Sasha to actually answer me. She’s a dog. But she did respond to me. She nudged her head back into my crotch, and then eagerly licked away at my dick and balls. And I just laid there, and let Sasha ‘do her thing’ for a little while.
“And then I decided that I was gonna see if Sasha would actually let me touch and feel her little doggie-pussy. I’d never done that before, because you’re the one who always gives her baths. Not me. And I assume that you’ve touched and felt Sasha’s little doggie-pussy, right?”
“Of course, I have. I have to clean her down there, especially when she’s in heat,” I said, matter-of-factly. “And by the way, that’s the only time when she doesn’t seem to mind me messing around with her private parts. The rest of the time she’ll always growl and snap at me, to let me know that she’s not happy with what I’m doing to her.”
“But have you ever touched Sasha’s pussy in a sexual way, while you were bathin’ her? I mean, when she was in heat, and lettin’ you touch and feel her down there?”
“Of course not. What kind of person do you think I am?” I said, just a little too defensively.
The real truth of the matter was that, whenever Sasha was in heat and I was giving her a bath in the bathtub, I would go out of my way to closely examine, touch, and feel out her strange-looking, pointy-tipped, puffed-out doggie-vulva. And I had done this on several occasions. Because frankly, I found her canine version of a pussy to be nothing less than fascinating and intriguing. But of course, Jim didn’t know what I had been doing to Sasha in private. Nor did I really want him to know.
“Right now? A super-horny one,” Jim answered dryly.
“Well, maybe so. But that still doesn’t mean that I’m into doggie-pussy.”
“How do you know, if you’ve never tried it?”
“God, you’re just gross! You know it?” I told Jim, and then urged him to continue on with his story, “So what exactly happened that First Time with Sasha?”
“Well, I got her to flip over onto her back on top of the bed, so that I could scratch her tummy. And then I quickly worked my way down her abdomen, until I was scratchin’ a lot more than just her tummy.
“And she didn’t seem to mind one single bit. No sir. She just laid there, and kept waggin’ her tail. And she didn’t try to escape from me. Even when I got brave, and started fingerin’ the inside of her little doggie-crack. And all she did was start gettin’ wet. Just like you do, when I’m fingerin’ your pussy.
“And before I knew it, I had one finger up deep inside her. And then two fingers. And then I started finger-fuckin’ her little pussy, in the same way that I finger-fuck yours. And that’s when I realized that Shasha’s German Shepherd pussy was actually big enough for me to stick my dick all the way up into it, and fuck her.
“And that’s exactly what I did.”
“And she didn’t try to escape?” I asked, as I reached across to grab Jim’s right hand, and place it on my pussy.
“No. She seemed to be enjoyin’ it, just as much as I was,” Jim said, as he reached over to grab my right hand, and place it on his dick. “I realized she might have been in heat, ‘cuz there was a little bit of pinkish discharge. But it wasn’t enough to worry about. I mean, I knew that I hadn’t hurt her, or anything like that.”
“Wow!” I said, not really knowing what else to say.
At this point, we both got quiet for a moment, as I was slowly and playfully hand-pumping up and down on his dick-shaft. Meanwhile, Jim was using his thumb and forefinger to gently pump up and down on the long shaft of my clitoris, treating my clit as if he were jacking off a tiny penis.
Then, all of the sudden a thought hit me, and I stupidly asked Jim, “Did you cum inside her?”
“No, I pulled out, ‘cuz I didn’t want to risk gettin’ her Pregnant,” Jim replied very sarcastically, making a comically-convoluted face at me, and then after a couple of beats, he added, “Of course I came inside her! Let’s face it. It’s the only natural thing for a guy to do, when you’re fuckin’ someone–even if that ‘someone’ just happens to be a dog. I cum inside you, don’t I?”
“Yes, you do. But I’m not a dog,” I said, as I felt Jim’s middle finger slide up inside my vagina, and then wiggle around a little bit.
“But you act like one sometimes,” Jim said.
“When?” I asked.
“Right now,” Jim cryptically answered.
And that’s when Jim suddenly got up out of bed, still buck naked, and went to the back door of the house, opening the door, to call Sasha to come back into the house, from the back yard, where she had been busy relieving herself.
Sasha bounded directly into our bedroom, and jumped up on top of our bed, licking my face, obviously happy that her ‘mommy’ was finally back home again.
“Hey there, Sasha,” Jim said, as he was walking back into our bedroom, “Where have you been, Girl? Your mommy’s been missin’ you.”
Then Jim turned to me and said, “Show Sasha how much you’ve missed her. I want you feel out her little doggie-pussy.”
“Jim, please don’t make me do this,” I balked, not really wanting my boyfriend to see just how turned-on I can become, while playing with Sasha’s doggie-pussy.
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