
Different Daughters Different Dads – Chapter 3

This is the third of five chapters. This story involves teen sexuality. If you find the subject objectionable, stop reading now. Otherwise, please read on, and enjoy

My thanks to Ghostrider939 for help with editing this story.

Different Daughters Different Dads – Chapter 3

Patty had accepted her friend Michelle’s invitation to go over to the Moscrop’s house after school, and the two girls had talked about all the subjects that teenaged girls always talk about. At first Patty was uncomfortable with talking about sex, both wanting to keep her secret, but needing desperately to tell someone just how wonderful she found it. The revelation that her friend Michelle was also in a relationship with her own father lifted a tremendous weight off Patty’s shoulders. She was finally able to open up to her friend, and told her some of the details of the night she and Ryan had spent together.

Sitting quietly and enjoying her meal, Patty was very aware of the knowing glances between Michelle and her Dad. The biggest question in her mind was how they kept their secret from Michelle’s mother. Right now she was reliving the sight of Michelle openly sucking her Dad’s cock while she looked on. Just the memory made her wet in her panties. She had watched so she would know how to pleasure her own Dad. If the memory got her juices flowing, the thoughts of her Dad’s cock made her doubly horny.

Patty had tried to phone Ryan. She had left a message. He still hadn’t returned her call, and she was getting concerned. Maybe she’d try again right after dinner. No, it would have to be a face-to-face conversation. The conversation wasn’t the only thing she craved.

The ring of her phone snapped her out of her reverie. The display told her that this was the call she had been waiting for. Excusing herself from the table, Patty answered the call, and headed for the front door at the same time, seeking some privacy so that she could be alone to openly talk.

“Hi Dad! Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for your call-back for hours!” she greeted him.

“I’m sorry, Baby. I thought I told you I was going to try to make this a three-day weekend coming up. I worked a little late so we could have all three days to ourselves. What’s up?” Ryan hadn’t really listened to his daughter’s message. As soon as his display showed her number, he had cut the message off and hurriedly phoned her back.

“I just wanted to let you know that I would be over at the Moscrop’s for dinner tonight, and wanted to know if that was alright by you. But we’re just finishing up, so I guess it’s a little late to ask now, isn’t it?”

“No problem, Love. I can dig around and find something to eat here. How are the Moscrop’s anyway? I haven’t talked to Ben since . . . shit, since Moses was a kid! By the way, any idea of when you’ll be home?”

She so wanted to tell her Dad about Ben and Michelle, but now was not the time. Later though, when she was home and they were together, she definitely would.

“I shouldn’t be too long, Dad. Say somewhere around eight, maybe? Want me to call you when I leave?”

“Yeah, I’d like that. If you want, I could drive over and pick you up, and maybe say ‘Hi’ to Ben while I’m at it.”

No that would never do, thought Patty. No sense of the two men meeting while Ryan had only half the information.

“Nah, that’s okay Dad, but thanks for the thought. Michelle and I were thinking of walking through the park on the way home. That way we can just yak for a bit. It’s only a couple of blocks. No sense you driving all the way over here when I can walk it faster than you can drive it.”

“You just be careful though. No telling who might be out there” Ryan chided her, with real concern in his voice. There had been a rash of assaults on the other side of town that had the police patrols doing twice as many sweeps of the neighbourhoods, augmented by local citizen patrol groups. He was glad that their area had escaped any attacks and prayed that his Patty wouldn’t be the first to break that record tonight.

“Thanks, Dad. See ya when I get home. I love you!” she told him just before he broke the connection.

“Love you too, Baby. You be careful, hear?”

“Umm, Dad? I thought you weren’t gonna call me ‘Baby’ any more? Remember?” she tried to remind him.

“Sorry, Patty. It takes a while to change habits, ya know.” He’d have to consciously work on that, he reminded himself. Patty wasn’t a baby any more. In fact, she wasn’t a girl any more, either. She was a woman in every sense of the word. Just that thought alone gave him a thrill that he hadn’t felt in years.

Returning inside, Patty did a quick survey of the situation at the table. Michelle looked lost in a dreamy state as she tried to focus her attention on her Dad. Poor Ben, however, looked like he was caught between his lust for his daughter and the guilt of cheating on his wife. Added to his worries was the fact that Michelle had shared their secret with Patty. In the meantime, Mrs. Moscrop seemed to be oblivious to what was happening right in front of her nose. Patty was so thankful that she and Ryan didn’t have to deal with that dynamic.

Michelle broke into her introspection. Patty almost welcomed it, as the questions running through her head were getting a little too heavy for her to deal with. “Who was that? Your Dad?” Michelle asked her.

“Yeah. He worked late tonight so that he can try for a three-day weekend, this coming. He told me that last night, but I forgot. Anyway, I told him I’d be home about eight. You wanna walk with me as far as the park?” she inquired.

“Sure. Can I, Mom? Dad?”

“Yeah, okay, but you be careful out there, especially on the way back.” Ben said to her. He’d given his approval, so there was no sense in his wife objecting, although she shared her husband’s concerns. They had agreed that they would never contradict one another in front of their daughter. If they disagreed, they’d sort it out when she wasn’t within hearing range. So far, in sixteen years, they had been relatively successful.

Michelle and Patty cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher, then tackled the pots and pans. It was te least they could do to show their appreciation. Patty’s mind was off in the distance, and she couldn’t remember what they had served. Both girls got ready for their walk, with Michelle giving her Mom a quick kiss on the cheek and her Dad something a little more sensual. If she hadn’t known their secret, Patty wouldn’t have made note of the difference. She was now very aware of it.

“Okay, we’re off,” Michelle informed her parents,”I should be back in about half an hour, so don’t you two start worrying until after 8:30, okay? Love you.”

Patty waited until they were half way down the block before she said anything, and the silence was beginning to get to her friend.

“Patty, you’re okay with what we talked about this afternoon, right?” Michelle wanted to know.

“Yeah, I’m okay with it, but it looked like you were a little open with your Dad. That’s the part I’m having a bit of a time with. I mean, what if your Mom caught on? She’s got to know that there’s something happening, doesn’t she?”

“Nah, Mom’s so busy with her own stuff that she almost doesn’t have time for either me or Dad. But how come it’s bugging you?” Michelle answered.

“I’m kind of glad that I don’t have that worry with my mother already gone. But if your Mom found out, we just don’t know if she’d leave, or throw your Dad out.”

“If Mom threw Dad out, I’d go with him, no question about that. But you’re right, it’s something I think about.”

“And what if your Mom had your Dad thrown in jail, which she could do? Then where would you be? You have to admit it’s a possibility.”

“Yeah, I guess it is. Like I said, I try not to worry too much about it. All I know is that I love my Dad, and he loves me, and making love with him is the most wonderful feeling I’ve ever had! We’ll worry about tomorrow when it gets here, and enjoy today for what it is, I guess. What about you though? How long do you think you and your Dad will have sex with each other?”

“Well, if he feels anything like I do, it’ll be for a long, long time. I still have to get through high school yet. But I can see living with Dad for the rest of his life. But like you, I’m just taking it one day at a time. Maybe it won’t last, and maybe I’ll get my heart broken, but I can’t say it’s his fault. I mean, even if he thinks it was him that seduced me, I know that it was really me. Shit, I was the one that told him I wanted him to be my first!”

Michelle seemed lost in her own thoughts, so Patty gave her friend some space. Eventually they’d share Michelle’s concerns. The important thing was that they could share her secrets. In that moment, Patty gave a silent ‘Thank you’ that it was possible. Patty affectionately put her arm around the other girl’s shoulder and gave her a heart-felt squeeze. Michelle looked up at her friend, then whispered, “Thanks, Patty. I guess I needed. And thanks for being such an understanding friend. But you’re right. Some of the things you mentioned scare the shit out of me, and I guess I try to avoid dealing with them by ignoring them.” There was another long pause as Michelle went back to her thoughts. Then with the beginning of tears, she looked at Patty. “Patty, what am I going to do? I’m so scared of hurting my Mom and Dad, but I can’t let him go! I need him, and my body wants him so damned much! I love them both, but I’m in love with Dad so damned deep!” she confessed.

“Michelle, any time you need someone to talk to, you know where I am, right? You were there for me this afternoon. I promise I’ll always be there for you too.” Patty reassured Michelle. “Just had a thought, but I need your permission to go through with it.

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