
Different Dads, Different Daughters – Chapter 4

This is the fourth of five chapters. The story involves teen sexuality. If you find the subject offensive, stop reading now. Other wise, read on and enjoy.

My thanks to Ghostrider939 for help with editing this story.

Different Dads, Different Daughters – Chapter 4
The next morning Ryan woke to the definite sensation of something warm, wet, and wrapped around his hard and throbbing cock. Peeking under the covers his curiosity was rewarded with the deliriously sexy sight of Patty sucking him while she was in a state of pleasure and happiness. Mind you, if he’d taken the time to look, he could have figured it out by the up and down motion of the covers, or by the air movement that her bobbing created. But just that lustful sight was worth the effort of his exploration.

“Morning, Lover. Started breakfast without me, did you?” he greeted his daughter. Without missing a beat, Patty waved one palm at her Dad as she continued to feast on his manhood. “Mmm, that feels so good, Baby! I could get used to waking up this way every morning” he added.

Sweeping back the covers just enough to get a better vision of his daughter enjoying her ministrations, he also realized that her sucking on him had gotten her as horny as he was. He could sense, rather than feel, that she had one hand tight between her legs, and was slowly but sensuously rubbing her clit, and probably had at least one finger slipping in and out of her cunt, too. Just the thought of her masturbating made his already stiff cock harden just that much more. It also made him even more horny, and he knew that he wanted to pleasure Patty as much as she was pleasuring him.

“Baby, without rudely interrupting anything, is there a reason that you get the ‘Full Meal Deal’ while I’m lying here in ‘starvation mode’? I sure could use a drink of my favourite breakfast — like ‘hot and tasty pussy juice’!” Patty moved to accommodate her Dad’s request, pivoting around on his cock so that she could straddle his face and present him with her version of “breakfast in bed”. Ryan immediately slid his tongue down her gash, starting just above her asshole and working slowly around to her rock-hard clit, then back again. He made a mental note that her outer labia lips were wetter on the trip down than they had been before he had tickled her love button. That nub was not only one of her most sensitive pleasure centres, but also the secret to dispensing more of that addictive nectar that he craved so much. He resigned himself to the possibility that he’d need more exploration — a lot more. He slipped his tongue into her honeypot with each pass up and down her slit. She pushed her hips into his face each time, rewarding him with a fresh pool of her juices.

Ryan had no idea how long Patty had been sucking him like that, but he became aware that his balls were beginning to tighten, pushing his hot white goo into his shaft. Should he warn her that he was about to blow his load into her, or should he just let it happen? Well, she’d surprised him with her lusty slurping on his cock, so maybe he should return the favour and leave the announcement of his imminent orgasm for her to discover too. Besides, he could feel her cunt walls grasping and trying to pull his tongue deeper every time he dipped into her, so she was probably more centred on her own pleasure reaction than anywhere else. Only a miserable son-of-a-bitch would interrupt that. But his lust overcame his logic, and he just had to tell someone, anyone, of the unbelievable ecstasy his daughter was sucking out of him.

“God, Baby! You’re gonna make me cum! So close! I can feel it, ready to fill you up with my cream!”

For the first time since he’d woken up, Patty slipped his cock out of her mouth and groaned at him through her lust.

“Dad, just shut the fuck up and eat my pussy! I’m so close to squirting all over your face! If you stop licking my cunt, I’m gonna grab your tongue, pull it out of you, and stuff it so far up my pussy that I’ll have two sets of tonsils! You feel so damned good that . . . ”

He’d filled her up with his tongue again. She’d lost track of what she was going to say. She could feel his shaft twitching in her hand, signalling that he was about to finally give her a load of what she craved. Any time spent off his pole might delay that release, and she was hungry for his juice. Wrapping her lips around his cock again, she took it deep, letting it slide down her throat, her muscles to milk that gorgeous cock.

She could also feel that tingle start in her pussy as it spread up to her belly, then envelope her every fibre. As her muscles tensed and she began to shake with her climax, her throat grabbed Ryan’s cock and squeezed it with tight constrictions, forcing his cum to race up his shaft and explode from his jizz hole, then shoot straight down her throat to her waiting belly. As much as he wanted to scream of the exhilarating ecstasy that she was giving him, he concentrated as best he could on giving her simultaneous release from her own need, to experience the joy of her own delight. He tried, but the feeling in his groin was too strong and wonderful to focus on anything else.

“Oh God, Baby! You feel so good! I’m C-C-U-U-U-M-M-M-I-I-I-N-N-N-G-G-G!” and with that he inhaled deeply and dived back between her legs, shoved his tongue up her cunt, and reached his hand under her to rub her clitoris as she joined him in Nirvana. Patty was overwhelmed by her own exploding cum, augmented with the realization that Ryan’s jism was blasting straight down her throat. The two sensations combined to take her to a plateau that overrode every other part of her consciousness. She was in such delight that she couldn’t speak, couldn’t think, couldn’t even move, as she felt every drop of her Dad’s hot cream fill her belly. When she had taken all that he could give her, she let his cock slide back out of her throat, but not out of her hungry mouth. Licking and sucking on his cockhead, her focus returned to the orgasm that was still happening at the insistence of his tongue inside her cunt and his finger on her clit.

Laying on his back, Ryan continued to lick Patty’s pussy, retrieving all her girl-cum within the range of his thirsty tongue while gently rubbing her clit as it slowly began to soften under his finger. They both massaged each other’s genitals as the effects of their mutual climax eased, allowing them to sink into the warm bliss of its afterglow. Finally regaining a modicum of normality, Patty let her Dad’s cock slip out of her mouth, rolled off him, and turned herself around so that she could curl up in the warmth of his chest, and his arms.

“Baby, that’s what I call ‘The Breakfast of Champions’! Damn, but you taste so good!”

“Yeah, you taste good too, Dad”, she whispered back.”But I think I ate too much — my belly is so full! You sure do cum a lot first thing in the morning, that’s for sure. But it ain’t breaking my heart to feast on your juice. Give me a few minutes to relax a bit then I’ll go make you some coffee.”

“As much as I need my morning coffee, Sweetheart, it’s gonna be a let-down after all that delicious pussy juice. Wonder if girl-cum is fattening?”

She lightly slapped his exposed chest, lifting her head to look in his eyes at the same time, then quipped, “Not as fattening as your jism if we get sloppy! Ewww, what a delicious thought, though!”

“Sorry, Patty, but your mother had me fixed before you were born, and all I can do now is shoot blanks”. Did she need any more expansion of that, or would she understand? If she asked, he would explain, but only if she asked.

“Blanks, eh? You can still give me all the cum I can handle. As much as I’m glad we don’t have to worry about unexpected surprises, it would be wonderful to give you a kid or two some day. But if we can’t, we can’t”, she told him. Well, she knew what he meant by “shooting blanks” obviously, and seemed to take the news quite well.

“I know, Love. Sometimes I miss that possibility too, although there hasn’t been anyone willing to share the experience with me for a long time. Not until you. To be honest, I haven’t had time to even consider you and I becoming parents. I mean, there are ways, but we’re still too new to concern ourselves with that yet. Aren’t we?”.

“I’ll warn you right now, Dad. I can accept not being able to carry your child. At my ripe old age, I’m too young to even want to get pregnant. But if your balls ever dry up and I can’t get my fair share of your jism, you’re going in for a testicle transplant. And that isn’t a threat, it’s a promise!”.

“I’ll have to try and remember that, but it sounds painful!” and he leaned down and kissed the top of her head, then in a moment of playfulness, tickled her waist lightly. Being super-sensitive there, Patty jumped in shock, and considered her usual retaliation move, which was to knee him in the nuts, but decided that she had no interest in damaging him there. After all, she really did love the taste of his cum, and that would be cutting her nose off to spite her face.

Having gotten his daughter’s undivided attention, Ryan tried looking at the clock, but found his view blocked by his daughter’s beautiful body. He had to get ready for work, and she needed to start thinking about going to school. As much as he adored being able to lounge with her curled up on his chest, her arms holding him tightly, the ugly realities of life needed to be addressed. They both should be getting on with their day right about now.

“Patty, I can’t see the clock. What time is it, anyway?”.

“Time for you to eat me again!” she quipped as she lifted her head to see his clock, than amended, “Almost a quarter to eight. Why? You in a hurry to be somewhere?”

“Hmm, tempting offer, but you’ve got school, and I have to go to work, unless you’d rather live on the street, not eat, and go naked in the cold and damp of winter.”

Reluctantly, Patty released her hold on her Dad, and began to crawl across his legs on her way out of bed. He grunted at her as she pushed against his stomach, then gave her a light swat on the ass. She hadn’t been prepared for that, and her reflexes pushed her up into a kneeling position as she glared at him in mock disapproval.

“Dad! There are better ways of getting a piece of ass from me than that, ya know!” she joked, then added, as an afterthought, “ but, if you really want to play with it, I could always trap you in this bed for the rest of the day. As a matter of fact, I just may . . .”.

“Hmm, I guess I’d better watch out, hadn’t I? All this fucking is turning you into a perpetually raging set of hormones. I’ll bet that if I gave you the chance, you’d do me until my cock fell off!”

“Yeah, I would. Not too keen on that part where your cock falls off, though. I’m getting your problem. I’m becoming quite attached to it right where it is. Pun intended! Now get your fat ass out of that bed, and share a shower with me, and that’s an order!”

In his worst plantation-slave imitation, Ryan cringed as he mocked her.

‘Yes, Missy! I’ze cummin’ Missy! Please doan beat me off, Missy!”, and they both giggled at the silliness.

They showered without feeling and fondling each other too much, dried each other off, managed to get dressed, although the empty bed looked really tempting, and trundled downstairs to the kitchen. Patty made coffee for her Dad, and was tempted to join him with a cup of her own, but sometimes coffee affected her adversely, almost like a sugar high. Maybe tomorrow, she thought as she decided to pass. Soon Michelle was knocking on the door to walk with her friend as they did almost every morning. As Ryan answered the door, she looked straight at him as if trying to figure out whether he had condemned her for what she and her own father were doing, or if he had accepted it.

“Hi, Michelle. Patty’s almost ready. I think. Come on in, find a seat, and make yourself homely” he teased her. He had always teased Michelle a little. Realizing that Ryan could still joke with her, she relaxed and walked to the table, sitting on one of the kitchen chairs. She stared at Ryan so hard that she was beginning to fear her eyes might burn a hole in him, but she also desperately searched his face for any kind of reaction, given that Patty had probably shared the secret with him. Ryan noted her concerned expression and quickly clued in to what was on her mind. No, he wasn’t upset with her at all. Patty hadn’t given him a blow-by-blow description of exactly what had happened, but it took two, and he doubted that Michelle was just an innocent party. If she had been his daughter, he’d probably lust after her too, for she was as strikingly beautiful as Patricia, in her own way.

“Michelle, relax, would you? Patty explained your situation to me last night, right after you called her, and I’m not about to condemn you. Not until I get the whole story anyway, and I think I’d like to talk to your Dad sometime this weekend, if he’s interested. I guess you probably know something of the situation in this house, too. It’s just that yours is a lot more complicated, and I’m not so sure that there’s a solution that’ll work without somebody getting hurt. But I promised Patty that I’d give it some thought, and for her sake mostly, I’m hoping we can all put our heads together and come up with a small miracle. Okay?”

The look of relief flooded over Michelle’s face as she jumped up and wrapped her arms around Ryan’s chest and hugged him for dear life. As much as his instincts wanted to hug her back, he held his arms up so that she could let go of him when she was ready. Patty picked that moment to walk into the room, and Ryan was grateful that he hadn’t allowed himself to hold Michelle.

“Hey! Michelle Moscrop, you get your mitts off my Dad! You’ve got your own Dad to love! You can’t have this one! Not unless you want me to pull your boobs off and tie ‘em behind your back!” Both girls giggled. Michelle released her grip on Ryan, only to re-establish it with her best friend.

“You would, too, wouldn’t you?”, Michelle stated with a happiness that she hadn’t felt inside her since the beginning of the last summer. With a somewhat more sombre tone, she continued as she addressed both of them, “Actually, I really want to say Thanks, for caring and understanding, and for trying to think of something that Dad and I can do to make all this mess straighten out . . . or go away. It’s getting to him, and it’s starting to get to me, too. In a way, we’re sort of counting on you, but if there’s no answer, then there isn’t. One way or the other, though, I’ll always remember that you guys were there when I needed you.”

“Listen, you two, it’s time you were off to school. Now give me a kiss, then get the hell out of here, before I start something I can’t finish.” Ryan whined.

Michelle started to move towards him, but Patty stopped her with mock indignation.

“Back off, Wench! He’s mine!” and pushed past her to get to her Dad first. He bent over to give her a quick kiss, but she had something else in mind and kissed him harder than he was expecting. Definitely more passionately than a father and daughter should. As much as he would have loved to take it further, Ryan had to break off before his own lust made them late.

“Okay, you two, scoot!” and he spun his daughter around in his arms and lightly swatted her on the ass, then propelled her softly towards the door. “Are you two going over to Michelle’s after school, or have you got something else in mind?”

“Maybe we’ll come over here, if that’s alright Dad” Patty replied. “I think Michelle could use some time backing up from the trees so she can understand the concept of a forest. It’s too confusing at her place.” Patty was referring to one of her Dad’s over-used adages, but it made sense. He wasn’t about to discourage her logic as she wasn’t too far from the truth.

“Yeah, right! And I’ll probably come home to find you both rolling around on the floor in a two-girl orgy!” he teased right back. Patty gave him a look of disapproval, letting him know that she was only interested in heterosexual behaviour patterns. His subconscious noted, however, a quick bright gleam in Michelle’s eye that was gone almost before it started. That information was stored in the back of his brain, but his conscious mind missed it.

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