
Diary of a Slave Merchant – 2008 (Full)

A man chronicles his life as a merchant of sex slaves

Warning! This contains very graphic, Extreme sexual situations including kidnapping, forced sex, bondage, whipping/Spanking, scat and numerous other things.

There is also one brief scene of Incest.

Note: This is a continuation of “Diary of a Slave Merchant – 2007”. It is recommended that you read it first, otherwise you might be a little lost for a while. Quick recap for the lazy: 40-something year-old Edward divorced, bought a house, kidnapped two girls, forced them to become sex slaves, sold one (Slave name: “Star”) to an old college friend named Wayne who is now wealthy, fell in love with the other (slave name: “Baby”) who was abused by her foster father and who now helps Edward acquire and train new girls. They have just acquired their first new girl, a “tough” girl with a bad attitude.

Here are the last few entries from the 2007 diary:

December 12th, 2007

Baby has a couple of promising prospects at the runaway shelter. She is working on one in particular. A 18 year old blond with a streak of black in her hair. Nice body, attractive, very bad attitude. She has three or four piercings, dresses in black and is a real tough ‘Nobody-fucks-with-me’ hard-ass. Right up my alley

She told the girl she was going to go live at her uncles house and that she would talk to him about them both staying there.

December 22nd, 2007

We spent a good chunk of money fixing up the basement. It is now two separate finished rooms, both with chain rings and both suitable as slave quarters.

We installed a larger refrigerator, microwave and some cabinets for food in the main room.

The unfinished storage room has been partially finished and has several extra chain rings on the ceiling, a twin bed with a heavy frame and several padded beams of different heights made out of saw horses. It will server as the punishment room.

December 31th, 2007

Baby brought the blond girl home last night. We went the easy route this time and got her so drunk she was too fucked up to fight back much. She passed out during the struggle. She woke up this morning chained spread-eagle and face-down on the twin bed in the punishment room with a ball gag in her mouth. I think I’ll name this one ‘Cunt’.

We went down to introduce her to her new life. I explained her situation to her as she made muffled noises and her face turned red. I then removed the ball gag, only to be assaulted by the longest string of curse-laden insults and death threats I think I’ve ever heard.

This one is going to be fun….


Diary of a Slave Merchant – Winter 2008
BY E.Y. Toad

January 1st, 2008

Happy fucking new year! And what a great start to 2008. My left forearm is still bleeding from teeth marks and Baby, my beautiful little slave/lover, was brought to tears and it broke my heart.

Early this morning, or I should say yesterday morning (it’s been a long day) we stirred our new acquisition from her alcohol-induced slumber. She was chained face down and spread-eagle to the twin bed in the punishment room, with a ball gag in her mouth. She was fully clothed.

It took her several long seconds to realize that she was chained to a bed and gagged. She swung her head around several times trying to determine where she was but could not turn her head far enough to see us. She made several grunts and angry, muffled screams as she pulled at her chains

I climbed on the bed and straddled her, grabbing her hair and pulling her head back to prevent her from turning it. I put my mouth right next to her ear as she frantically tried to turn her head from side-to-side to see who was on sitting her.

“Stop struggling. You are securely chained and cannot escape.” I said, almost in a whisper.

She responded by doubling her effort to pull out of the chains and her muted screams got louder. I pulled her head back farther with a fast, forceful motion. She let out a painful yelp and stopped screaming.

“STOP STRUGGLING!” I said angrily, pausing a few seconds for her to calm down. “You are now my property. Your life as you knew it is over. You will learn to obey me instantly and fulfill my every whim without question or hesitation.”

After hearing this, she went crazy. She thrashed about so violently that I lost my grip on her hair and she flipped her head in all directions, flopping her body around as she made a desperate attempt to escape her bonds.

I regained my grip on her hair and jerked her head back even further than before. She let out a loud yelp and started crying and screaming even louder, but more high-pitched. Her tone was a sort of desperate, screaming plea, like she had something important to say, or at least that’s what it sounded like to me.

I removed the ball gag to see what she had to say, and she had plenty of choice words for me.

“Let me go you fucking pervert mother fucker! I’ll fucking kill you, you cock sucking faggot! Don’t you dare fucking touch me you old fucking cock sucker. I’m not gonna be your fucking mmffff…” she yelled, her final words muffled as I replaced the ball gag.

“You are going to be, and do, anything I say.” I said, releasing her hair and getting off the bed. “You will soon learn obedience and will beg for the chance to please your master.”

Her muffled protests continued as I opened the cabinet to choose an instrument of punishment. This girl is definitely tougher than Baby and Star were. I decided skip the paddle and go directly to the 1/2″ dowel rod.

I held the dowel rod in my right hand and tapped it in my left as I circle around in front of her. She looked up at me, saw the dowel rod and started crying hysterically, tears streaming down her face.

“Your slave name is ‘Cunt’. Your old name no longer matters. You will answer to ‘Cunt’ and only ‘Cunt’ unless and until I give you a different name.” I said, walking around to her left side.

She followed me with her eyes as far as she could, but I moved just out of her field of vision. I didn’t want her to see the strokes coming.

“What I am about to do only has to happen once.” I informed her, “Your first lesson is punishment. You are about to find out what happens if you break even the smallest of my rules, or refuse, or even hesitate to carry out a command you are given.”

“Baby, please stand in front of Cunt.” I said, motioning to Baby.

Cunt looked around, surprised that there was someone else there. She made several throaty, pleading noises and looked at Baby as if to beg for her help. Baby turned her head away slightly. I believe Baby is 100% on-board with what we’re doing, but she doesn’t like the punishment part very much.

“You are now my property!” I proclaimed loudly, bringing the dowel rod down hard across both of her ass cheeks at once.

Her whole body tensed and she let out a blood-curdling scream, even muffled by the ball gag. Her hands opened wide, fingers spread apart, and her hands shook as the initial pain wracked through her body.

She panted and cried out several times as I paced a few steps back and forth. She started opening and closing her hands tightly over and over as if in anticipating the next stroke.

“I am your master.” I continued, “You will follow my every command without question or hesitation!”

Her body tense up, expecting another stroke. I waited a few seconds until she seems to relax her body a bit and then brought the rod down across the back of her thighs.

She screamed and thrashed around for a few seconds then looked up at Baby and renewed her pleas for help. Her pleas had the tone of “Why won’t you help me?” Baby just looked away.

“You will always address me as ‘Master’ and you will answer to ‘Cunt’!” I yelled, bringing the rod down across her ass again. Her whole body shook with pain as her voice changed to a low-pitched, moaning scream.

I decided to give her a chance and see if we’d broken through that tough exterior a bit yet. I bent over and put my mouth to her ear again.

“I’ll give you one chance to end this now.” I whispered, “I’m going to remove your gag. I want you to say ‘I am your obedient slave and I live to please my Master.'”

I started to remove the gag and before it was even fully out of her mouth she started sobbing and screaming, a long string of slobber dripping out of her mouth.

“Let me go! <sob> I’m not your fucking slave! God damn it, let me… <sob> let me go! Please, Lisa…<sob> please make him let me go!” she began, as the rage resurfaced. “LET ME GO YOU FUCKING INSANE FUCKING PERVERT!” “Lisa” is the name Baby used with Cunt.

“That’s not what I wanted to hear.” I said quietly, replacing the ball gag.

“Baby, help me over here.” I said, grabbing one corner of the twin bed frame by Cunt’s feet and motioning for Baby to grab the other. Together we tipped the bed up on end and leaned it slightly against the wall so Cunt was hanging upside-down.

“You had your chance. This could have been easier for you.” I explained, “I’m done toying with you now.”

I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed a two feet long piece of garden hose.

“I really wish it hadn’t come to this, but you you will learn to obey me.” I said, walking back over to Cunt.

I lowered her tight, blue pull-over shirt down as far as I could. It bunched up near her shoulder blades. I then reached around and unzipped her pants, pushing them upwards toward her feet until they bunched up between her knees and ankles. I left her white bra fastened and her light-blue panties in place. She thrashed around, crying and pleading, but I was no longer listening. Baby looked away.

I stood back and looked at her. She has a very nice, tanned body. There were a few red marks from the rod, but no damage or serious welts. I caressed and fondled her ass a bit and ran my hands down her sides and back up to her ass. She shook her body and twisted, trying to pull away from my touch.

I decided to remove her gag.

“Why… <sob> why are you doing this?” she asked, “I’ve never done anything to you. Let me go! <sob> Let me go! <sob> LET ME GO! I”LL FUCKING KILL YOU BOTH!” she screamed.

I took a step back and the room became strangely quiet. Cunt even stopped crying and screaming for a few seconds, probably trying to hear what was happening.

The first stroke broke the silence, crashing down upon her ass, followed by an ear-piercing scream as her ass clenched tightly.

“PLEASE!” she begged, “Please stop! Just let me go and I’ll never tell any…”

The second stroke interrupted her useless pleas.

“PLEASE, OH GOD!” she begged, after a long scream of pain, “GOD, PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!”


I had had enough of this. I began a flurry of strokes up and down her legs, across her ass and down to her shoulder blades. Over and over the hose stung her skin as she flailed around and sobbed uncontrollably.

I lost count of how many strokes I was up to when she passed out and her body went completely limp.

Baby and I lowered the bed. I hadn’t noticed that she pissed her pants at some point. There was a wet streak from her crotch to her head; her hair and the bed sheet also damp.

“Baby, clean her up and talk to her when she wakes up.” I ordered, “Explain how things work here and try to save her from any further punishment, but do not unchain her.”

Baby was my lover, but she was still a slave and subordinate to me, especially in front of other slaves. She was given freedom to move about the house because I trusted her but she knew her place and obeyed me as her master.

We had worked out a good guy/bad guy routine that worked quite well with Star. I was obviously the bad guy; the strict master that expected unquestioned obedience and the administrator of punishment. She would play the good guy that was on their side and trying to help them. It was a psychological game that helped to break them.

I left Baby alone to her tasks and went upstairs to get some lunch.

I made a sandwich and sat at my computer to watch Baby and Cunt on the video monitor. After a few minutes of Baby cleaning her up, Cunt began to stir. I turned the volume up and watched.

“Wha… Lisa? What the hell is going on, Lisa?” Cunt asked. “Why is he doing this to me? What…why are you…Lisa, tell me what’s going on!”

“My name is not Lisa. My name is ‘Baby’.” she replied.

“Who are you? Who is that man? What the FUCK IS GOING ON?!?” she yelled.

“Listen to me, um… Cunt,” Baby started. “That man is our master. We are his slaves. You cannot escape from here. We will train you and then sell you to a new master. You’ll see, it’s not so bad. You will get to live with a rich guy and have everything you ever wanted.”

“What? You are in on this?” Cunt replied, “What do you mean I’ll be sold? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Why are you helping him?”

“Because he is my master. He took me in when I had no one and he loves me.” Baby said.

“You are a fucking slave to that old man just because he acts like he loves you?” Cunt asked incredulously. “What the hell is wrong with you? He’s fucking older than my dad! You let that faggot fuck you just so you’ll feel loved? You are fucking pathetic!”

“It’s not like that.” Baby replied, visibly upset.

I started to get a bit concerned that Cunt may start putting doubts in Baby’s head, but decided to watch for a little longer.

“It’s EXACTLY like that!” Cunt yelled. “You let that gross old fucker stick his cock in you so you can pretend he’s your dad!”

“Shut up, Cunt!” Baby replied angrily.

“What, you can’t fuck your real dad any more so you found this ancient fucker to fill in for him?” Cunt taunted.

Cunt apparently didn’t know that Baby was adopted, or that she was sexually abused for years by her foster father. She either didn’t know or was stupidly taunting her about it, but I don’t know what she hoped to gain in either case.

Baby looked as if she were holding back a flood of anger.

“Do you think of your dad when you are sucking that wrinkly old cock, you fucking pathetic bitch?” Cunt asked rhetorically. “When he sticks it in you does it feel like…”

Baby interrupted her taunts, exploding in rage and jumping on her back. She grabbed Cunt’s hair and jerked her head back farther than I had earlier, getting right in her face.

“Don’t you talk about Master like that!” Baby yelled. “He loves me and I love him and nothing you say can change that!”

Cunt groaned loudly, her neck obviously in pain. “Stop…stop…I was just…stop it, please!” she begged.

“You…you need to learn your place! I am the mistress. I am in charge of the slaves. You obey me just as you would him!” Baby said

“No one… is in charge of me…” Cunt said, twisting her head to ease the pain in her neck.

Baby was frustrated. She was not a violent person but couldn’t bring herself to stand there and listen to Cunt’s taunts. She left the room without saying a word.

I met her on the stairs as she was on her way up. She was crying.

“Don’t let her get to you.” I said, embracing her on the stairs. “She is just trying to make you angry enough to make a mistake.”

I wiped her tears aways with my thumbs and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Do you want to go show her who is in charge? It’s been a while since you had…you know…” I said, smiling wickedly.

“Mmm-hmm…” she replied, sniffing one last time and composing herself.

We walked back in to the room together, startling Cunt and she whipped her head around to try to see us.

I squatted down at the head of the bed and faced Cunt. “Baby is your mistress. You follow her orders as you will mine.” I said slowly, with controlled anger. “You are trying my patience.”

“We’re going to turn you over on to your back. Do not struggle or try to escape.” I warned.

I reached over and unchained her left arm and started to chain it up next to her right arm before swapping her right arm over to the left side.

Suddenly, she stretched her neck out and bit down on my left forearm. She clamped her teeth down and tore in to my skin like a wild dog. It hurt like a mother fucker. I instinctively smashed her upside the head several times and she finally let go, dazed and almost unconscious.

“AH! Fuck!” I yelled, grabbing a towel from the cabinet. It was bleeding but not badly. I wrapped the towel around my arm and headed out of the room. “You have seriously fucked up!” I said, “I’ll be right back, Baby.”

I went upstairs to the bathroom and cleaned the wound, using a wrap-around bandage in place of the towel. I waited a few minutes and headed back downstairs.

“Are you all right, Master?” Baby asked as I walked in to the room.

“Yes, Baby. Hand me the rope from the cabinet.” I ordered. I didn’t want to do what I was about to do, but this girl needed broken, now.

I wrapped the rope around Cunt’s neck and grabbed each lose end. “Do you understand that your time has run out?” I asked, pulling on the ropes a bit to cut off her air. Her face started turning bright red, she tilted her head back and her eyes bulged out a bit.

“Please…<gasp>…I don’t want…<gasp> please don’t…” she said in strained voice.

I pulled the ropes tighter. “You are out of chances!” I said, in my most stern voice. “Say it now! Say ‘I am your obedient slave and I live to please my Master!'”

“I…am…STOP! <gasp> … <gasp> PLEASE!”

“SAY ‘I AM YOUR OBEDIENT SLAVE AND I LIVE TO PLEASE MY MASTER'” I yelled, then put my mouth up to her ear again and pulled the ropes very tight. “Or you die…right here…right now…you will die!”

I was not going to kill her, but she didn’t know that.

“I… <gasp> am your obedient <gasp> slave and I <gasp> live to please you!” she barely managed to squeak out, messing up the line. It was close enough.

I loosened the rope but kept it around her neck. She took several large gulps of air and panted loudly.

“Say it again!” I ordered.

“I am your obedient… <sob> slave… <sob> and… and <sob>… I live to <sob>… please you.” she cried. She let her head fall face down on the bed and sobbed deeply.

“Good. Now I’m going to turn you over on your back. If you move a single muscle I will fucking kill you on the spot. Do you understand?” I asked.

“<sob>… yes…” she said meekly.

I jerked her head back by her hair. “‘Yes’ What!” I demanded.

She looked confused for a few seconds and then sobbed out a weak “Yes…Master?”

I let her head fall back on the mattress and finished turning her over. She did not resist.

“Please…<sob> can I have some water?” Cunt asked.

“Get her some water, Baby.” I ordered. Baby got a bottle of water from the slave quarters fridge and fed it to Cunt while holding her head up for her.

“You have been quite a handful today.” I began, “You will stay chained here for the night. Tomorrow you will learn your place. I hope your rebellions are over.”

“Come on, Baby. We’re done here for the night.” I said, motioning her to come back upstairs with me.

I turned the light off and closed the door, leaving Cunt chained to the bed, lightly sobbing and in complete darkness.

January 1st, 2008

Baby and I woke up, had some breakfast and then went down to play with our new toy. I had planned on breaking her in last night, but my arm hurt too much to think about sex. It is feeling much better today. It was not as deep as I originally thought and it’s starting to heal.

I opened the door to the punishment room and Cunt turned her head towards us.

“Please… please unchain me.” she begged, “I won’t resist you any more, I promise. Please, my back is hurting.”

I had forgotten that I left her all night on a partially wet sheet, lying on her backside that had been severely whipped. She was probably still quite sore.

“Soon…maybe.” I replied. My arm hurt too, so I didn’t have a lot of sympathy for her at this point.

I grabbed the dowel rod from the cabinet, walked over to her and whacked her across the front of both thighs. She let out a short, sharp scream and looked at me in confusion.

“Please unchain me…what?!?” I yelled.

“Wha?… I don’t… I mean… Please unchain me, Master!” she stammered.

“That’s better!” I said.

“Will you unchain me now…” she started, followed a few seconds later by “Master!” as she remembered to say it.

I turned back towards her and brought the rod down across her thighs again. She yelped loudly again and looked at me with a mixture of confusion and anger.

“What… why was… what did I DO?!?!” she demanded, with a tone unfit to use when addressing her master.

“Explain it to her, Baby.” I ordered.

Baby walked over to her and sat on the edge of the bed.

“You do not speak to Master unless you are asked a question, or as an acknowledgment of an order.” Baby began. “If you have something important to say, you must first say ‘Master?’. If Master decides to respond, he will reply with ‘What is it, Cunt?’ and then you can say what you wanted to say.”

“But if Master decides that what you said was not important enough, you will be punished.” Baby continued. “Also, you must always use a respectful and submissive tone of voice.”

“You may speak more freely to Baby when I am not around.” I added, “But, you will address her as ‘Mistress’ and be respectful to her at all times. You will obey her as you do me or she is authorized to punish you however she sees fit. Do you understand all of this?”

“You people are insane…” she mumbled, almost inaudibly. She turned her head away from us and started to cry.

I grabbed her head with both hands, spinning her face toward me with a hard jerk. “DO… YOU… UNDERSTAND?” I demanded.

“Yes…” she replied, deeply sobbing several times before finally getting the word “Master” out.

“Ok.” I said, “Baby, undress her.”

Cunt looked at me with shock on her face. I’m not sure why she was shocked. I thought I had made it clear why she was here.

Baby grabbed a pair of scissors from the cabinet and straddled Cunt’s waist. “Ok, Cunt, I’m not going to hurt you, but I need to cut you out of these clothes.” Baby said, as she slipped the scissors under the bottom of Cunt’s shirt, near her navel. Cunt turned her head back away from us and started crying louder.

“Look at me, Cunt!” I commanded. Cunt slowly turned her face back toward me.

“Clear the hair away from her face, Baby.” I said, “I want to see her face too.”

Baby brushed the hair from Cunt’s face. She really was quite pretty.

“Do it slowly, Baby.” I ordered, “Make it sexy for Master!”

Baby very slowly cut through her shirt, one snip at a time, pausing for a few seconds between each snip. Cunt looked downward in shame.

“Look at me!” I yelled, “Look right in to the eyes of your master! Do not look away again or you will be punished.”

Cunt quickly looked me in the eyes as the flow of her tears increased. This was thoroughly humiliating for her. Good.

Baby finished cutting through the shirt and sat up straight, putting one hand under each half of the shirt. She slowly moved her hands up toward Cunt’s chest, caressing her stomach as the shirt fell away to either side. This girl knows how to be sexy!

Baby then cut through the sleeves so the shirt was fully open. I reached over and pulled it out from under her.

“Mistress thinks you are pretty!” Baby said, caressing Cunt’s upper body with both hands, circling her bra-covered chest with light strokes of her fingers.

“Oh God!” Cunt cried, momentarily diverting her eyes away from me, “Please…”

Baby slid the scissors under Cunt’s bra and with one quick snip, the bra was loose but still covering her tits.

Baby took one bra cup in each hand, slowly pulling them away to reveal Cunt’s well-rounded and firm tits.

“Very nice!” Baby said, cupping each one with her hands. “Don’t you think so, Master?”

“Yes, very nice.” I replied. And they were, but I was looking more in to Cunt’s tearful eyes than at her tits. I can see her tits any time. I want to see this bitch’s face as she learns who is in control.

Baby bent over and lightly kissed each of Cunt’s nipples, then slid off the bed and moved to Cunt’s feet. Cutting each pant leg up to her hips and then positions herself between Cunt’s legs.

Running her hands up Cunt’s legs, she parted the split in each pant leg, turning her hands as she made her way up Cunt’s thighs, fingers point toward her crotch.

Baby ran her hands up under the front of Cunt’s pants, all the way up to the zipper, but carefully avoided her crotch.

She then pulled her hands out and unbuttoned Cunt’s pants and unzipped them slowly. Cunt renewed her crying, diverting her eyes momentarily several times to look down at Baby.

Baby cut away the rest of Cunt’s pants and they fell away. I grabbed them and pulled them out from under her. Cunt was now lying there naked except for her light-blue panties, sobbing and pleading with her eyes for me to stop.

“That’s good, Baby.” I said, motioning to her to get off the bed.

Baby reached down and pulled Cunt’s panties down just enough to see the hairline of her pussy. She bent over, planted a light kiss on the newly exposed skin, looked up at her and said “Master will have you now.”

I retrieved the special anti-biting clamp I had made a few months ago to use with Star and Baby. It was a large ‘C’ clamp with pegs attached that pushed the persons cheeks inward when tightened. This forced their cheeks between their top and bottom teeth, preventing them from biting without biting through their own cheeks first. It makes them look a bit like a fish, but allows almost full use of their lips and tongue.

I tightened the clamp to Cunt’s face, crawled on to the bed and straddled her chest, my crotch a few inches from her face.

“Baby, put a pillow under her head.” I ordered. Baby complied, positioning Cunt’s head about an inch away from the zipper of my pants.

“Lick me!” I commanded.

Cunt looked at me with fear in her eyes. “Iii oooowwwnn wuuunn oooo…peeeezzz!” she wailed, unable to form words properly.

“LICK ME!” I yelled.

Cunt stuck her tongue out and quickly licked my pants, then stated to sob again.

I sat up straight, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out.

“Now, lick this!” I ordered.

“Aaaah aaaccckk eee oooth!”

I have no fucking idea what she was trying to say. She did another quick thrust of her tongue, barely touching the head of my dick.

“Stick your tongue out and lick me!” I yelled, “And do not stop until I tell you to!”

She sobbed once and stuck her tongue out, daintily rubbing it against the underside of the head.

“Stick it out farther!” I commanded, “Lick it good, like an ice cream cone! Baby, give me the dowel rod!

“Iii iiiyinnn” she cried. She then stuck her tongue out all the way and started to lick better than before. My cock was throbbing and pulsing as she tickled the underside with her wet tongue.

Baby handed me the rod which I held in my right hand and tapped in my left hand.

“Now, Cunt, what do you think?” I asked tauntingly, “Do you think you’d like this ‘old’ dick in your mouth? Or would you prefer more of what you had last night?” I tapped the rod in my hand again for emphasis.

“Iiiy aaarrrry!” she said. I think it was “I’m sorry”.

“Well, from what I heard, you don’t like old, wrinkly cocks.” I said, “Maybe you don’t want his one?

“Eth… eth.. iii ooo.” she said.

“Ask me for it.” I demanded.

“Eeezz Mathter, eeezz yet meee uck iii” she begged.

“Ok, you may suck it.” I replied.

She hesitated, sobbed once and then lifted her head to take my cock in to her mouth, but could only get the head in because of the way I was sitting.

She sobbed quietly as she bobbed her head up and down the two inches or so she could manage in this position.

“There you go, that’s a good slave.” I encouraged. “Keep it up! Use your tongue too!”

She started sliding her tongue across the underside of my cock as she continued to glide her mouth up and down the head.

“Look at me!” I demanded. She looked up at me and blinked a few times to clear the tears from her eyes.

“See? Old, wrinkly cock doesn’t taste any different than young cock, now does it?” I asked.

She shook her head and continued sucking my cock.

“In fact, I’ll bet you really like old, wrinkly cock now, don’t you?” I gloated.

She nodded and moaned “Mmm-hmm.” The vibrations of her moaning felt really nice and it gave me an idea.

“Hum a song for me!” I ordered.

“Mmmm?” she moaned.

“You heard me.” I replied, “Hum a song for me. Maybe some ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’. You know that one don’t you?”

“Mmm-hmm.” she replied, sobbing loudly.

“Do it!” I said firmly.

“Mmm mm mmm mm hmm hmm hmm…” she hummed. It felt quite good.

“Louder!” I ordered.

“MMM MMM HMM HMM MM MM MMMMM…” she continued.

This was feeling too good. I wasn’t ready to get off yet. We still had more fun planned.

January 1st, 2008

I climbed off of Cunt and bent over close to her ear. “You’re catching on!” I exclaimed, brushing her hair out of her eyes. “Cooperation is much more pleasant for you, don’t you agree?”

“Uhh-huh.” Cunt replied.

“Do you think I could removed this clamp and count on you to not bite?” I asked.

“UHH-HUH!” she said, anxiously.

“Ok,” I began, “but know this: If you bite… if your teeth even scrape too hard, I will torture you to death… slowly… I am not *even* bluffing. Do you understand?”

“Uhh-huh.” she answered.

I removed the clamp and Cunt contorted her jaw several times to ease the stiffness.

“Baby, it’s your turn!” I announced.

Cunt snapped her head around to look at me with twisted confusion on her face. “What do you… what does *that* mean?” she asked.

I considered using the rod on her for speaking without permission, but the look on her face was priceless.

“Baby… continue.” I ordered.

“Yes, Master.” Baby replied as she started to unbutton and unzip her pants.

“Oh my God! You can’t… you never said… Oh GOD, I can’t do this! Please don’t make me do this!” Cunt begged, the tears starting to flow once again.

“Cunt…” I started, but was interrupted.

“I can’t do this! PLEASE!” she pleaded.

Baby slid her pants down and stepped out of them, now standing in just her white panties and a t-shirt. She paused for a moment as Cunt continued her pleas.

“Please… M-Master… we can… I’ll… I’ll do you… whatever you want… please, Master!” she implored.

“Continue, Baby.” I said, motioning with a pointed finger to Cunt.

Baby slid her hands down both hips, rolling her panties down her thighs and stepped out of them. She then stood up straight and spread her legs just slightly. If I’m not mistaken, Baby was enjoying lightly taunting her, probably in revenge for the mean things Cunt had said to her earlier.

“OH GOD, NO!!!” Cunt yelled, turning her head away from Baby.

“CUNT!!!” I yelled, raising the rod, “YOU WILL…” again I was interrupted, this time by Baby.

“Master, please let me talk to her?” she asked.

I nodded.

Baby knelt down on the bed, getting close to Cunts face. “Cunt… Cunt, listen to me.” she said, waiting for Cunt to quit sobbing. “This is what Master wants. It will happen, either with the clamp or without it. Please… I don’t want to see you punished again.”

“But I… I’m not like that! I don’t… I mean, I’m not a… I can’t do that!” she replied.

“You can, and you must.” Baby assured her. “I’ll help you through it. It’s not that bad. I thought it was going to be horrible my first time, too, but it wasn’t. Please… just follow my directions. It’ll be over soon and you’ll see that it’s not that bad.”

“I… can’t…” Cunt sobbed, but with resignation in her voice.

“Let’s start with a kiss.” Baby suggested, slowly planting her lips on Cunts mouth.

Cunt pulled away slightly, surprised at the initial contact. Cunt made a token effort to receive the kiss, but did not exactly return it. It was a long, slow kiss, as Baby tried to get her used to the touch of a woman.

Baby slowly moved to straddle Cunt’s waist as she continued to kiss her for several long seconds, then started lightly sliding her tongue across Cunt’s lips, occasionally dipping it in to her mouth.

“See how I’m doing this with my tongue? This is how you do it.” Baby said, “Stick your tongue out a little now.”

Cunt cautiously stuck her tongue out an inch or so. Baby began to flick her tongue on Cunt’s tongue, circling and teasing it.

“And do like this on the clit.” Baby instructed, returning to her tongue movements.

I was about to come, right there, in my pants. I fucking love this girl.

Baby sat up straight, lifted her arms and removed her t-shirt. She then bent down, laid a long, slow tongue kiss on Cunt’s mouth, both of their tits smashing against each other.

After several seconds of this, Baby sat back up and crawled up to straddle Cunt’s face, her pussy about an inch from Cunt’s lips.

“I don’t know if… I… I…” Cunt stammered.

“Do it like I showed you, Cunt.” Baby directed. “Let me feel your tongue, just a little.”

Cunt stuck her tongue out and tentatively touched it to the lips of Baby’s snatch.

“It… it… the smell..” Cunt protested.

“You get used to it quickly.” Baby assured. “I want to feel your tongue now.”

Cunt slid her tongue back out and ran it up most of the length of the lips, immediately withdrawing it back in to her mouth.

“There you go!” Baby encouraged. “That’s a great start. Keep it up!”

Baby started rocking gently, closed her eyes and grabbed her own thighs to give her something to squeeze. Baby has a tendency to go wild during orgasm, sometimes forgetting there is another person involved. She almost suffocated Star once in the throes of her ecstasy.

“Now, work my clit, like I showed you.” Baby instructed.

Cunt let out a quiet grunt and complied.

“Mmmmmm! Yes!” Baby exclaimed excitedly as she started rocking more forcefully.

My balls were aching from watching this, and I decided Baby needed a distraction to calm her down a bit, so I walked around in front of her and guided her mouth on to my cock.

“Mmmmm-Hmmmm!” she moaned approvingly, sliding her mouth down, taking it in almost to the hilt.

As Baby swallowed my cock over and over, I could feel that she was starting to get too wild, but I was lost in my own world and didn’t care.

Baby took her mouth off of my cock just long enough to bark out new orders. “Stick your tongue out… all the way… yes… fuck me with it!.” she demanded, returning to my cock.

Baby started to moan deeply and rock violently on Cunt’s face. The vibrations of her moans sending me to the point of no return. I could hear Baby’s muffled orgasmic screams as my cock tightened and began to explode. Load after load of come shot down her throat, and she, as usual, didn’t spill a drop.

After we wound down and I pulled out of her mouth, Baby still rocked gently against cunt’s face, caressing her own shoulders with her hands. I lifted her chin with my finger and motioned for her to get up.

Cunt lie there sobbing, face completely covered in pussy juice and saliva, trying to spit the stray, curly, auburn hairs from her mouth.

Baby got a towel and wiped Cunt’s face dry. “I’m sorry,” she said sheepishly, “I sometimes lose control a little. “

I transfered Cunt to a collar and long chain attached to one of the the ceiling rings. I gave her permission to shower with Baby’s supervision and went back upstairs. I took a quick look at the bathroom video monitor. Cunt was just standing in the shower, staring at the wall and sobbing while Baby washed her with a sponge.


January 2nd, 2008

I got a call from Wayne this morning. He and Star are doing fine. He called to ask if I had another girl ready yet. He has a friend who is very interested in buying a slave, and asked me if I took trade-ins!

Apparently, this guys wife is one of those typical bitches that can marry in to money because of their looks. But after she moves in to the big house and the BMW is delivered, the sex soon dries up and she devotes her time to spending money and social events.

The guy wants her gone, and assures me she has virtually no family, no close friends, and claims he can cover our tracks with anyone who asks about her. He would schedule a trip to Europe for just her, several weeks in advance to give her time to tell casual friends about it. The day of the trip, they will both come by here and he will leave with only his new girl. If anyone asks about her later, he will claim that she met someone in France and refuses to return.

I told Wayne to go ahead and have him schedule the trip, but did not commit to taking her yet. She’s 31, but definitely attractive, and I would love to get my hands on one of these spoiled bitches, but it seems very risky. And at 31, she would be harder to sell and would bring less money than a younger girl. I also told Wayne that taking the guys wife would not change the price of the slave. I need to think about this some more.


January 2nd, 2008

Baby has spent the day filling Cunt in on the rules and her new daily routine and duties. I watched them off and on all day via the hidden video cameras in each room of the basement.

Baby had Cunt change in to an official slave outfit, which is plain cotton panties, a matching t-shirt, and a pair of socks. This is all slaves are allowed to wear. They may pick from several colors, but they must match, and nothing else may be worn.

She also taught Cunt how to “assume the position” when I come down. There is a locked door at the top of the stairs and another locked door at the bottom of the stairs. Normally, after I come through the top door, I hide that key in a special place, then unlock the bottom door with a different key.

When the slaves hear me coming down, they are to kneel on their knees and rest their asses on their feet, backs against the wall opposite the door and hands on their thighs. The reason for this, besides making them take a submissive position, is so I can see them as soon as I crack the door and to make sure they are not setting up an ambush.

About 7:30pm, I went down the stairs, locking the top door as usual, and slowly opened the bottom door. Baby and Cunt were in position. Cunt was still wearing the collar I had put on her earlier, which was connected to a ceiling ring by a long chain. Baby no longer needs to be chained or take the slave position. She is doing it now to teach Cunt the routine.

Cunt’s bra-less tits look amazing in her tight t-shirt, her nipples standing out under the thin cotton material. Being a “Tit Man”, I can’t wait to be properly introduced to them.

I walked in and faced them. “I see Baby is teaching you to be a proper slave.” I said.

“Yes, Master.” Cunt replied, surprisingly upbeat. Maybe too upbeat.

“Good…” I began, “Today we’re going to find out what hidden talents you may have.”

“Master?” Cunt asked.

“Talents, Cunt.” I said. “Everyone has at least a few. I need to know what you are good at: dancing, sucking cock, fucking or whatever. Different masters want different talents, so we need to find out what you are good at, and teach you the things you are not so good at.”

“Oh…” Cunt replied, trailing off and looking around anxiously.

“Stand up, Cunt.” I ordered. “First we need to take a look at you to see where your body might need work.”

She immediately complied and stood up.

“Put your hands behind your head and…”

My sentence was cut off by Cunt screaming. “You are fucking insane!” she yelled as she took the slack in the chain and wrapped it around Baby’s throat. “I will fucking kill her!”

This happened so fast that poor Baby had no time to react. The fear on her face broke my heart, and filled me with rage, but I remained calm. This situation could still be diffused with no one getting hurt.

“Cunt… stop this.” I said calmly. “You cannot escape from here. Let Baby go right now, and I promise your punishment will be light.”

Cunt pulled the chain tighter around Baby’s throat. “Fuck you, you God damned pervert!” she screamed. “You try to turn me in to some kind of fucking lezzie, now you think I’m going to fuck you any time you want! FUCK YOU!”

Cunt pulled Baby up off the floor and stood behind her as she started edging around me towards the door.

“Cunt, I’m warning you.” I said, “Stop this now, or you will be severely punished.”

“Unchain me! Or I’ll kill her RIGHT NOW!” She screamed, yanking on the chain. Baby’s face was turning red and her eyes were wide open and filled with terror.

I stood on the futon and disconnected the chain from the ceiling. “Cunt…” I said, trailing off.

She circled around to the door leading to the stairs, keeping the chain tightly wrapped around Baby’s throat.

“Masterrrppp!!” Baby said, her word cut off by Cunt jerking on the chain.

“Baby, its ok, just hang on.” I assured. Baby was desperately trying to get a grip on the chain to relieve the pressure.

Cunt turned the door handle, and realizing it was locked, yelled “Give me the fucking key!!!”

I tossed the key on the ground in front of her.

She slowly bent down, never taking her eyes off me and felt around for the key, finally finding it and picking it up. Damn, so what is plan B? I wondered briefly if I could run over and disable Cunt before she could crush Baby’s wind pipe. I decided the situation was not yet desperate enough to attempt it. There was still the locked upper door, and the locked front door.

Cunt walked backwards up the stairs, and upon reaching the top, turned the door handle only to realize that it, too, was locked. “Give me the key, God damn it!” Cunt demanded.

“I don’t have the key.” I replied calmly. “It’s in a small box glued to the underside of the step your are standing on.” I was lying.

Cunt bent down, keeping her eyes on me the whole time and felt for the box.

“It’s not here!” she exclaimed, “Where is it!”

“It’s more towards the back.” I replied, “Reach all the way back… over on the left side.”

Cunt bent down and started taking quick glances under the step but would immediately look back at me. There was no way I had enough time to climb the stairs before she looked back at me. I was starting to get a little concerned.

Suddenly, Baby apparently sensed an opening and jerked on the chain, getting just enough slack to slip the chain over her chin. Cunt quickly realized what was happening and tightened the chain again, but it had now slipped and was going diagonally across Baby’s face. Her face contorted as the chain tightened and twisted across it.

Baby reached back over her head and frantically clawed at Cunt, managing to grab her hair and pull sharply, causing them both to tumble down the stairs.

“Baby!!!” I cried.

They reached the bottom of the stairs with a sickening “thud”, Cunt landing on top of Baby.

I quickly untangled them from the chain, jumped up on the futon and ran Cunt’s chain through the ring. I got back down and pulled the chain tightly. As I looked at my Baby lying on the floor, barely conscious, my rage took over. I jerked the chain with every ounce of strength I could muster, pulling Cunt across the floor by the collar around her neck.

Cunt screamed with pain and grabbed the chain, trying to lessen the tension. She screamed and kicked her legs furiously as I pulled her across the room, six inches at a time.

I kept pulling until she had no choice but to stand up, directly under the chain ring in the ceiling. I kept pulling until she was standing on her toes, arms flailing and still screaming.

“NO! NO! NO! NO!” she sobbed in despair.

I quickly grabbed the handcuffs, took her arms and jerked them around her back and handcuffed them behind her. I then took the ball gag and put it on her. I didn’t want to hear anything she had to say.

Cunt now being secured, I ran over to Baby and knelt down.

“Baby…Oh God, Baby!” I cried, getting my first look at the extent of her injuries. She had multiple scrapes on her arms and legs, a bruise circling around her throat and a long contusion diagonally up her face. She also had two fat lips where the chain had crossed her mouth.

“Daddy…” she moaned. She usually only called me that in private. My heart sank upon hearing her say it in her weak, pain-filled whisper.

“It’s ok, Baby.” I said, trying to hold back my tears. Her injuries were not life-threatening, but I couldn’t stand to see my Baby girl like this.

I walk over to Cunt, grabbed her by the hair and jerked her head up to face me.

“You hurt my Baby.” I growled, my face contorted with rage. “I *will* be back, and you *will* beg me for death before I’m done with you.”

“OOOOO!!! OOOOO!!!” Cunt pleaded through her ball gag.

I picked Baby up and carried her upstairs to the bed. I cleaned her up, applied some medicine to her wounds and caressed her head as she drifted off to sleep.

I looked down at her sleeping, tears welling up in my eyes. It was at that moment I realized I’d rather be dead than live without my Baby.

She is going to pay for this…

January 3rd, 2008

I went back down to the slave quarters. Cunt still hung there, balancing on her toes for the last 30 minutes.

I stood there for a moment and just looked at her. My anger had subsided somewhat as I watched Baby fall asleep, but it started to well up in me again.

“Oooo aaaakk eeeee!” Cunt grunted. I didn’t know what she was trying to say and didn’t care. I grabbed a roll of duct tape and taped over the ball gag. I don’t even want to hear her voice.

“Mmm-mmm, hmm-mmm-mm!” she mumbled in a pleading tone.

I just kept looking at her, trying to control my anger. I certainly didn’t want to kill her, or even physically damage her. There is still hope that she can be broken and sold. I have too much time invested in her to screw it up now.

After staring at her for a little while longer. I decided I need to do something drastic. I walked back up the stairs and unlocked the top door, leaving it open. I also left the bottom door open.

I walked up to her and unlocked the chain attached to her collar. She fell to the floor.

I pushed her over on her stomach and unlocked her handcuffs, freeing her arms. I held her down by pushing on her back as I removed the duct tape and ball gag.

“Wh… what are you doing?” she asked.

“You are free.” I said.

“What?” she said with disbelief.

“You are unchained.” I said, unbuckling my belt and sliding it off. “Both doors are open. All you have to do is walk through them, open the front door and run.”

She looked at me, looked at the door, and finally looked at the doubled-over belt.

“Let’s see how tough you are.” I taunted.

She started to slowly circle around me, towards the door. “Please, I won’t tell anyone, just let me…” she stopped mid-sentence and darted for the door.

I was ready for her. I quickly lassoed her around the neck with my belt, tightening it as I pulled her down to the ground.

I pulled her across the room, dragging her by the neck with my belt, releasing her in the corner opposite the door. She scrambled to her knees and looked back at the door, trying to determine if she could make another run for it.

She must have decided it was worth a try. She shot towards the door trying to go around me to my right, then changed directions to try and go around my left.

Just as she got within reach, I grabbed her by the hair and swung her to the ground.

“God damn it, you fucking pervert!” she screamed. Something inside me snapped.

I raised the belt and brought it whipping down across her back as she tried to get up on her knees.

“Ahhhhh! Stop!” she yelled, putting her arm up, trying to block further blows.

I quickly reared back and lashed the belt across her lower back and ass. She jerked up straight, still on her knees, grabbing her back in pain. “Pleeeeaaaseee!” she begged.

Over and over I brought the belt crashing down on her soft, young body, welts rising to mark each lash. She huddled in the corner and raised her arms to protect her face. She passed out at some point, but I continued to whip her limp body until I was too exhausted to raise my arm again. I wanted her to be as sore as my Baby would be.

When she regained consciousness, she was hog-tied and naked.

I had dragged her to the punishment room, laid her across a platform I made by laying a board across two wood blocks. She was positioned on her knees and elbows, both arms and both legs were securely tied. Her head was bent back and secured so it was pointing straight ahead. She was almost completely immobile. The only things she could move were her feet and hands, and even those just barely. I put the anti-biting clamp in place.

“Ooooohhh! eeeezzzeeeee!” she groaned.

“Do you see not that it is hopeless?” I asked, “Even if you had made it past me and out the door, you would have had to run 10 miles, in the dark, in your underwear, to find anyone to help you.”

“Eeezzzzeee!” she pleaded.

“And even then, out here in the woods, you would be almost as likely to run in to a bear, or some local redneck that would just keep you locked up in his trailer.” I added.

“This could have been easy on you.” I continued. “You could have cooperated, learned to be a good slave, and been sold to a nice, wealthy gentleman and had an easy life.”

“As it is, you did the one thing I cannot forgive.” I said. “It would have been better for you if you had attacked me.”

“So you blew the last chance you had at a nice life. Now you will be nothing more than a sperm dumpster and human toilet.” I said, as I stood up and pulled my cock out.

I pointed my cock toward her. “Look at me.” I ordered. She lifted her eyes to look at me, just as the stream of piss hit her on the forehead. She clamped her eyes shut and moaned, unable to move or do anything to prevent the urine from drenching her face.

I aimed my cock for her mouth. The piss filled her mouth as she gurgled and tried to block it with her tongue.

I drained my long-held bladder and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. I opened it and poured it over her head, splashing some in her mouth. I wasn’t done with her yet and didn’t want her to smell like piss.

“Did you like that?” I asked. “I thought you might be thirsty!”

“Uuuuhhhhhhffff” was all she could manage to say.

I bent over and put my mouth to her ear. “I’m sure you must be getting hungry, too.”

“OOOOOOHHH! OOOOOOOHHH!” she screamed and started crying hysterically.

“When we’re done here, I’ll see if I can find something for you to eat.” I taunted.

She just cried even more hysterically, frantically tugging at her bonds.

“Hey, I want to introduce you to someone.” I said sarcastically. “He’s very special to me. Lex!”

She stopped crying and tried to look around.

“Lex! C’mon boy!” I shouted.

Lex, my male, retriever-sized mutt, came running down the stairs and looked in to the room.

“C’mere, boy!” I encouraged. Lex walked over to my side.

“This here’s my boy! Me and him are like this!” I said, holding up my first two fingers wrapped around each other.

“Uhh, uhh, uhh!” Cunt panted.

“Yeah, he’s my boy…” I repeated, pulling Lex’s front legs up to my chest and wrapping my arm around him to hold him in place.

I turned Lex around to face Cunt as I reached down and grabbed his cock.

“AAAAAAAAAGGGGG!” Cunt screamed, as the horror of what I was doing sunk in.

I started rubbing Lex’s cock to get him going. Cunt stared at his cock, her expression becoming more terrified as the red tip of Lex’s cock started to emerge.

“athter! ather! eeezzee! oooohhh!” she begged.

“It’s too late for begging.” I said, walking Lex around behind Cunt. I helped Lex up to mount Cunt and walked back around to face her.

He probed around with his penis, struggling to find an opening.

“C’mon Lex, you can do it!” I cheered.

“Eeeezzzzeeee!” Cunt pleaded.

Suddenly, Cunt let out the most horrible scream I think I have ever heard. Her eyes bulged out and her nostrils flared. “AAAAAARRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!”

“Lex, did you find the wrong hole again?” I asked, taunting Cunt.

I walked around to take a look and then walked back to face Cunt, who was gasping and screaming with each thrust of Lex’s cock.

“Yep, you sure did!” I chuckled.

“AAAK…AAAK…AAAK…AAAK” Cunt screamed in rhythm with Lex’s movements.

“Well, I don’t want Lex to have all the fun!” I said, pulling my cock back out.

I got down on my knees, crawled a step or two over to Cunt, and with one smooth move, rammed my cock completely down her throat.

Her face turned red and she looked up at me as if I she was going to die. I pulled my cock most of the way out and before I could ram it in again, puke shot out of her mouth on to my cock.

“Well, that was unpleasant.” I said, reaching over for a towel and wiping us both off.

I put my cock back in her mouth and jammed it down her throat again and just held it there for several seconds. She continued to attempt to scream with each of Lex’s thrusts, which were rapidly picking up speed.

I then started pumping her face. “C’mon, boy. Let’s fuck this bitch together!” I said, trying to match Lex’s rhythm.

I soon realized that I could not keep up with Lex, who was furiously pumping Cunt’s ass as he gripped her waist with both paws. So I quit trying and just concentrated on filling her stomach with come.

It did not take long for me to shoot my load straight down her throat, bypassing her mouth and any chance of spitting it out. She gurgled a bit as I removed my cock from her mouth and sat back down in the chair.

Lex was desperately trying to get the knot in his cock in to Cunt’s asshole, but it was just too big. He dismounted her and paced around in frustration.

I called him over, pointed him away from Cunt’s face and swiveled his cock out behind him. I pointed it at Cunt’s face and jacked him off until the come started flowing. It splashed in her face as I continued jacking him off.

By this time, Cunt was just lying there with a blank look on her face, and barely making a sound. I aimed for her mouth and Lex’s come pooled behind her bottom teeth and under her tongue. Her only reaction was to move her lips just enough to let the come spill out on the ground.

Lex was finished and quickly lost interest, running back upstairs.

“Well, wasn’t that fun?” I taunted. Cunt did not respond.

“I hope it was,” I began, “because this is your life now… every day… until you die.”

“Now,” I continued, “I’ll bet you are starving!”

Cunt finally showed some reaction. “Ooooohhh!” she moaned weakly, then closed her eyes and fell silent.

I looked up and Baby was standing there at the door. I have no idea how long she had been there.

“Baby!” I exclaimed. “You should be in bed!”

“I’m ok, Master.” she replied. “Really, I’m OK, just a little sore.”

“Cunt and I are almost finished.” I said. “You should go back upstairs and get something to eat.”

“I’m fine, Master.” she responded. “Please Master… I think Cunt has had enough. Please let me talk to her.”

“We’re not done yet! Go upstairs and I’ll be up in a little while.” I ordered.

Baby pulled me towards her and lowered her voice almost to a whisper. “Please, Master… Daddy… I’m OK. Cunt has had enough. I forgive her. Let me handle it from here… please.”

I hesitated for a few seconds and then walked back and knelt down to look Cunt in the face. “You owe this girl your life.” I said.

I closed the door and walked back upstairs.

January 3rd, 2008

After the episode with Cunt and Lex last night, Baby was a bit concerned about her. She thought I was too hard on Cunt, and she was probably right.

After I left the room, I watched them on the video monitor sporadically all day.

Immediately after I left, Baby put the collar chain back on Cunt and attached it to the ceiling, then untied her and lay her down on the bed. She applied ointment over Cunt’s body to soothe the pain from the belt, and treated her asshole, which had some superficial bleeding.

Baby spent most of the first few hours trying to console Cunt as she lie on the bed facing the wall and crying. After a few hours, I walked down to see how she was. When I walked in, Cunt became hysterical.

“NO! NO! NO!” she cried, pulling her body up in to a ball in the corner of the bed.

Baby led me back out of the room and closed the door behind us. “I think we will need a few days, Master.” Baby began, “She’s definitely broken, but she’s on the edge of cracking up. I believe she will be OK, but I need some time alone with her.”

Later that day, Baby finally got Cunt to sit up and eat a sandwich. I decided to give them three days.

January 5th, 2008

Wayne called today. I told him about Cunt and that she would not be ready for at least a month. He said that should not be a problem, but that his friend had already scheduled his wife’s overseas trip for January 15th, so it was “do or die” time.

He was sure his friend wouldn’t mind waiting for Cunt, but we had to take his wife on the 15th, if we were ever going to do it. I told him I’d let him know tomorrow.

January 6th, 2008

I phoned Wayne and told him we’d take the guy’s wife. I knew it was a risk, but the money is starting to get low. I need this guy to buy Cunt, but he can’t if I don’t take his wife off his hands.

Baby made the rounds to the runaway and womens shelters in town tonight. She has a couple of prospects, but nothing very promising yet. It looks like we’ll already have two slaves on the 15th, so there is no hurry for more.

January 8th, 2008

The three days I gave Cunt to recover are up today. I told Baby this morning that I expected Cunt to be ready today. I know Baby has been working with her quite a bit. I told her I’d be down at 4pm.

At about 3:45pm, I switched on the video monitor and watched them for a while. Cunt appeared to be doing OK. Baby seemed to be reassuring her and petting her head a lot.

I turned the sound on.

“…will be OK. I promise no one will hurt you again if you do exactly as you are told, and are respectful to Master.” Baby assured her. “Master will be here soon, and I need you to tell him what we talked about. Don’t forget to get permission to speak first.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Cunt answered.

“And do not talk back, make bitch faces, sigh loudly or anything like that. Always smile and say ‘Yes, Master’ no matter what you are asked to do.” Baby added.

“Yes, Mistress,” Cunt replied, “I will do my best.”

They sat on the edge of the futon, awaiting my arrival. They were both in slave outfits, Baby in light blue, Cunt in green.

At 4:05pm, I grabbed my clipboard and headed down.

As I unlocked the bottom door, I heard them scrambling around. I cracked the door open to see them both in position against the far wall, looking down towards the floor. Neither one looking up at me as I entered the room. Good so far.

I walked over to the recliner and dropped my clipboard on the table. Cunt jumped slightly upon hearing it hit the table.

I stood in front of the recliner and faced them. “Cunt!” I said forcefully.

“Yes, Master?” she replied without looking up.

“Step forward.” I ordered.

Cunt stood up and took one step towards me, not looking up. She was now about two feet in front of me.

I walked up to within a foot of her, paused a few seconds and said “Down on your knees.”

“Yes, Master.” she answered, immediately complying.

“Look at me.” I said.

She looked up at me, shaking her head slightly to get her hair out of her eyes. I hadn’t noticed before how pretty she actually was. Baby had made her remove all of the studs and other crap from her piercings and helped her with her makeup. Her green eyes were her best feature.

“Are you ready to cooperate now?” I asked.

“Yes, Master.” She said, her tongue popping out and licking her bottom lip. It was a completely unintentional, nervous action on her part, but still incredibly sexy.

I was lost in her eyes for a few moments until she snapped me out of my trance.

“Master…?” she asked.

“Yes?” I prompted.

“Master, I am very sorry for what I did to Baby. I did not mean to hurt her.” She began, genuine contrition evident in her voice. “She has been good to me and I would never try to hurt her, or anyone, ever again.”

She then bent down and kissed my left shoe. “Please forgive me, Master.” she begged.

I was stunned.

“I promise I will be a good slave and never defy you again.” she exclaimed, kissing my right shoe, then sitting back up on her knees and looking down at the floor.

I looked over at Baby, unable to hide the shock on my face. Baby put the back of her hand over her mouth to hide her smile and lowered her head, trying to suppress her laughter at my reaction.

“That’s… that’s good to hear, um…” I stammered. I found it hard to call her ‘Cunt’ after that performance.

“And for my part, you will find that I am a fair and loving master…” I assured her, lightly grabbing her chin with my right hand and tipping her head up to look at me. “…to my obedient and loving slaves.”

I stood there looking in to her eyes for a few seconds, then broke away and sat down on the recliner. I can’t afford to get emotionally attached to this girl.

“So… you need a new name to suit your new attitude.” I announced. “Do you have any ideas?”

“Master? I… no… I mean… can it be anything I want?” She asked.

“Within reason.” I responded, adding “But it shouldn’t be a normal name that you average person would have. It should be descriptive of you.”

Baby stood up and walked over to Cunt, pet her hair a few times and said “How about ‘Flower’…because of the way she has bloomed for us?”

“I like it!” Cunt exclaimed excitedly. “I mean…I like it… Master!”

“Then ‘Flower’ it shall be!” I proclaimed.

“Baby, from now on, unless she gives us a reason to change it, Flower shall have full slave privileges: TV, futon, refrigerator access and the rest.” I said.

Flower looked at Baby and they smiled at each other. Baby knew which of my buttons to press. I think they were playing me like a fiddle. I gave Baby a playful “You’re in trouble!” look. She just smiled and looked away.

“Ok, Flower…” I started, getting up from the chair and standing a few feet in front of her. “It’s time for your evaluation. Stand up.”

“You will be inspected and we will grade you in several different categories.” I explained. “Remove your shirt.”

Flower immediately crossed her arms, grabbing opposite sides of her shirt near her waist and pulled it off in one smooth motion. Her firm tits bounced a few times, coming to rest in a nice, high position.

“Very nice!” I commented, handing Baby the clipboard. “Baby, please continue the inspection.”

My mind wandered as Baby poked, prodded and squeezed Flower, assigning scores to her different physical features, and taking notes on areas that may need improvement via focused exercises, a little extra makeup here or there, etc.

Normally I would have done the inspection myself so I could fully explore my new girls body, but I am becoming very worried about the finances and my mind is just not in to it tonight.

I barely notice Baby putting lotion on her finger and checking Flower’s vagina for tightness.

If Wayne’s friend doesn’t buy Flower, we’re going to be in serious trouble. The current state of the economy has really hurt my business. The work has all but dried up, and the money I got from Wayne for Star is almost gone.

Baby has Flower bend over as she puts a rubber glove on and coats her finger with lotion.

I’m very worried about the deal with this guys wife. It’s just too risky, but I don’t really have a choice at this point.

“AHHH!” Flower cries. I turn to look and Flower is bent over, Baby has her left hand on Flower’s lower back and and her gloved right index finger up her ass.

“I’m sorry, Honey!” Baby says, pulling her finger out. “I know you are still a little tender down there.”

What if he doesn’t like Flower? I mean, she’s young… firm… pretty… what’s not to like? Still, you never know. “Different strokes” as they say. I need a backup plan.

“We’re done, Master.” Baby announced.

“Thank you, Baby.” I said, taking the clipboard from her. “I’ll look over this in a bit. Why don’t you two take the night off, have some ice cream and watch TV.”

I turned to walk up the stairs and Baby caught up with me. “What is it, Daddy?” she asked, in her soft whisper-voice.

“Nothing, Baby.” I replied. “I’m just a bit preoccupied tonight. Go have some fun with Flower.”

I went to my computer to check my email and browse for any possible work leads. Nothing.

I need more girls… and more buyers.

January 10th, 2008

Baby went to the womens shelter tonight. She has an Hispanic girl that wanted to come home with her tonight. Baby has been talking to her for a week or so now. Baby told her she’d have to check with me first.

Most of the girls immediate family was deported about two weeks ago. She escaped deportation because she wasn’t home at the time. She has no other family here besides a few cousins, none of which she can stay with, and an older brother that lives in his car. This would be an easy and safe acquisition, but Baby said she is just “OK” looking, 22 years old and “slightly overweight” so she wanted to make sure we even wanted her first.

I figured she might not sell for much, but anything we could get for her would be better than nothing, and she is extremely low-risk. I told her to bring the girl home tomorrow night.

Flower is coming along fine, or so Baby tells me. I’ve been too busy to properly test her talents. And as much as I hate to admit it, I’ve not been very motivated to work with her now that she is broken and so compliant. The thrill is gone and she feels like just a piece of property to me. I also desperately need to sell her and don’t want to get attached to her like I did Star. It was very difficult to sell her.

January 11th, 2008

Baby is bugging me about working with Flower. ” She needs a real cock to practice with.” she says. I agreed, but told her it would have to wait a day or two if the new girl is coming home with her tonight. She agreed and said she would remind me in a couple of days.

January 12th, 2008

Baby brought the Hispanic girl home, telling her she could stay here as a live-in house keeper. She is fairly short, maybe 5′ 3” her skin is medium tone, and she definitely could lose 15-20 pounds, but is nicely curved. Her tits are nice, but a bit smaller than what I would call proportional. Overall, she is “cute”, but nowhere near as pretty as Baby, Star or even Flower.

The girl speaks little English, but some. Baby has a high school level knowledge of Spanish. I only know about four words of Spanish, but between the two of them we are able to communicate somewhat efficiently.

We talked to her for a several minutes. She asked what her duties would be and how much we would pay her. I played along, listing her duties and promising her $10 an hour. She seemed thrilled to be getting paid so much. When she asked where her room would be, it was time to drop the charade, since I don’t actually have an empty spare room for her.

I decided I was bored with the tie-them-up-and-beat-them routine and wanted to try something different: pure intimidation.

I told her to wait there for a moment and went in to the kitchen. Hiding a long knife down the back of my pants, I walked back to the couch where she was sitting, stood closer to her than she was comfortable with and looked down at her.

“Mister Edward…” she said.

“Take your clothes off!” I demanded.

She looked at me, confused, then looked at Baby waiting for a translation. I think she understood what I said, but couldn’t believe it and was hoping she was wrong, or that I was joking.

Baby translated the best she could, acting out removing her clothes with her hands.

“No, Mister Edward… I clean house.” she replied.

“No clean house.” I said calmly, shaking my head. “Take your clothes off.”

“NO! I clean house only!” she insisted.

I slowly pulled the knife out with my right hand, running my left index finger down the blade for dramatic effect.

“Take your clothes off… NOW!” I ordered. Her eyes lighting up with fear and her body jumping slightly in her seat when I emphasized the word “NOW”.

“Mister Edward!” she cried, tears welling in her eyes.

“NOW!” I yelled.

Terrified at my yell, her head slammed against the back of the couch and her feet jumped off the floor. She pulled her knees up towards her chest, but she did not try to fight or run.

She stared at me in horror for a few, long seconds, then made a cross on her chest with her hand and cried, repeating something several times in Spanish.

I raised the knife to my shoulder and pointed the blade towards her.

“Do it!” I barked.

She slowly started unbuttoning her blouse.

“Stand up!” I demanded, positioning myself between her and the front door. She did as she was told.

“Clothes off!” I snapped.

She continued to unbutton her blouse and cry. Saying things in Spanish with a few English words here and there.

“Shut up!” I demanded. She looked at Baby who said something to her in Spanish. She looked back at me and fell silent, slipping her blouse off and dropping it on the floor.

She just stood there, looking at me as if she were done.

“All of it!” I ordered, pointing to her chest.

She let out a quiet sob, reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra, letting it fall to the ground, and covering her chest with her arms.

I was getting tired of trying to make her understand English. I told Baby to help her carry out my orders.

“Arms at you side!” I demanded. Baby said something to her and then grabbed her arms, positioning them at her side.

I roughly grabbed her right tit and squeezed it. She winced in pain a bit and shrunk back away from my touch.

“Stand up straight!” I yelled. Baby guided her back in position. Baby seemed to be reassuring her in Spanish that she would not be hurt.

I put the knife back down the back of my pants and grabbed both of her tits, kneading and massaging them. They were not the best tits I had ever seen but there were nice and firm. Her dark nipples became involuntarily erect as I rubbed them between my fingers and thumbs. She started sobbing and saying something to Baby with urgency in her voice.

“She says this is a sin.” Baby said, trying to suppress a smile.

I stepped back and pulled the knife back out.

“Pants off!” I commanded.

She started crying again and repeated the part about this being a sin. Baby knew my patience was running out so she took the girls hands and moved them to the button on her pants, prompting her in Spanish.

The girl continued to cry as she unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, pushing them down to her feet, sliding her flip-flops off and stepping out of the pants. She put her hands in front of her crotch, which Baby promptly moved back to her sides.

“Mister Edward… I clean house only!” she repeated, sobbing.

I ignored her and moved the knife towards her, slowly so she wouldn’t be startled. I slid it under the right strap of her white and blue striped panties, cutting it with a quick snap of the blade. She let out a quick, high-pitched screech as she pulled back from the knife, grabbing the strap of her panties, trying to hold them up.

“Off!” I demanded. Baby motioned to her and said a Spanish word.

“Please, Mister Edward!” she begged.

Baby took her hand and helped the girl start to drop her panties, letting go and allowing the girl to finish removing them once she realized she had no choice.

She was now standing in just her white socks, her dark black cunt hair a tangled mess. She has a small belly pooch and her hips are a little flabby, but overall she’s definitely fucakble.

“On your knees!” I ordered, pointing toward the ground.

She complied without complaint. I’m not sure she understood where this was going.

“Suck my cock!” I commanded, taking a step closer to her. She looked very confused and turned to Baby for a translation.

Baby tried to translate, but was having trouble finding the right words. She motioned toward my crotch and made a bobbing head motion with her fist up to her mouth.

The girl looked back at me in horror and started crying again.

“Mister Edward! No!” she pleaded. I nodded my head and pointed the knife at my crotch.

She looked back at Baby, frantically sobbing and talking very fast. Baby couldn’t follow everything she said, but caught the gist of it and said something in a reassuring tone.

“She thinks this is a sin and is afraid.” Baby said. “I told her it wasn’t a sin if she was forced to do it. I think she believes me and said she would try if we promise not to ‘murder’ her.”

The girl unbuttoned my pants and slid the zipper down slowly. Pulling my pants down to my knees, she reached in to my boxers and tentatively grabbed my semi-erect cock. She pulled my dick out the front of my boxers and put her nose up to it. I think she was smelling it. She then licked it once as if to taste it.

“Put it in your mouth!” I ordered, thrusting my hips toward her, my cock throbbing as it became fully erect with anticipation.

She looked at Baby, who stuck her thumb in her mouth and bobbed her head up and down on it.

She sobbed a Spanish phrase a few times while making a cross on her chest again with her hand, and then put her mouth on my cock.

She didn’t even take the whole head of my cock in her mouth and started to bob her head up and down about an inch. Baby quickly put her hand on the back of the girls head and guided her farther down on my cock. The girl braced herself against my thighs with her hands, trying to push away from taking too much.

“More, Baby.” I said. Baby pushed the girls head down another inch or so, causing her to gag.

“No Mas!” the girl cried, pulling her mouth off. That was one of the few Spanish words I knew.

“Fucking MAS!” I yelled, grabbing her head and jamming it back on my cock, until the head hit resistance in her throat. I held her head in place for several seconds as she struggled and pushed against my thighs.

I pulled my cock back a bit, allowing her to breathe and then motioned to Baby to take over guiding her. Baby grabbed the sides of the girls head and with slow, steady motions, repeatedly slid the girls mouth over my stiff, saliva-covered cock.

I closed my eyes and tilted my head back as the young girls soft mouth worked its unwilling magic. I put my right hand on the top of the girls head, grabbing a handful of hair as I felt my balls tighten.

After several more strokes, I held the girls head in place with my right hand and shot my first load of come in to the back of her throat. She immediately twisted her head to the side, my cock falling out of her mouth.

She dropped to her hands and knees, gagging and choking, spitting come out of her mouth. Baby, always on the ball, grabbed my dick with her hand and jerked me off until I had finished coming.

I looked down, and the girl sat there on her knees, head on the floor and crying. On her back were several splashes of come, slowly sliding down her ribs.

I started to pull my pants back up when suddenly, there was a knock on the door! We live in the middle of nowhere. A knock on the door cannot possibly be good news.

I quickly pulled my pants up, grabbed my revolver from the cabinet and went to the door. I cocked the revolver and held it in my right hand, keeping it behind the door as I opened it with my left.

There stood a young Hispanic male, about 25 years old. He was roughly 5′ 8″, and slim, but not particularly muscular. I quickly decided I could take him if I had to, but kept the revolver ready.

“Can I help you?” I inquired.

“Sir,” he began, with a thick Spanish accent, “What are you doing to my sister?”

January 12th, 2008

I was speechless, my mind working over-time trying to figure out what to do.

“Um… I… she came home with… uhh” I stammered.

“I followed her.” he said, “I got worried after so long and looked in the window. I saw you mistreating Rosalyn.” (Rosalyn is not her real name).

“Get the fuck in here!” I said, whipping the gun out from behind the door and pointing it straight in his face.

“Whoa!” he shouted, putting his hands up as if to show he was not armed, “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“What?” I asked, “You see me ‘mistreating’ her then you knock on my door. I’m supposed to think you stopped by for a beer? Why are you here?”

“My name is Tomas.” He said. “Rosalyn is my sister. We have no home since our family was deported. She was staying in the shelter and I sleep in the car. When she could get a house to clean, I would take her and wait. She would hide me some food out the back door.”

“*Sneak* you some food out the back door.” I said.

“Pardon?” he asked, confused.

“Never mind.” I said, annoyed. “So, what do you want?”

“We wanted nothing but to clean house and get some food and little money.” he replied. “But now you mistreat her. We would want some more money.”

“Oh? And how much would you like?” I asked sarcastically.

“Maybe… $100?” he suggested, with a tone as if he were asking for some huge, insulting amount of money he knew he wouldn’t get.

“And $30 to clean house, if you want.” he added.

I just sexually molested his sister, and he wants $100, and still wants to clean the house. At this point I was relieved. He probably has prostituted her out before. I can just give him a couple hundred dollars and they’ll both go away. I’d like to keep her, but I’m not going to murder this guy, and I don’t see another option. The last thing I want or need is a male slave and it’s too risky. He’s much more likely to be able to overpower me than the girls.

“OK,” I agreed, “I’ll give you the money. Follow me and get your sister.”

We walked in to the living room. Baby was sitting on the floor, trying to console Rosalyn, who was still naked and lying on the floor.

Rosalyn looked up, saw Tomas, jumped to her feet and ran to him. She started crying hysterically, hugging him and talking very fast in Spanish.

She was frantically pointing at me and waving her arms around as Tomas tried to calm her down. I’m certain I heard the word “Policia” more than once. I asked Baby and she confirmed it. She is ranting that I raped her and they need to call the police.

FUCK! I guess this isn’t a scam, and she’s not a prostitute. I can’t let them leave now.

“Over to the couch!” I ordered, pointing the gun at them again. “Both of you!”

“Roslyn, sit down.” I said, handing Baby the knife I still had tucked in the back of my pants.

“Watch her, Baby.” I ordered. “Tomas, come in the kitchen with me.”

I followed Tomas in to the kitchen, gun held high. I did not want to kill Tomas, but I will if that is my only choice. I had one last desperate plan to try. If this didn’t work I’d have to kill him, so I saw no reason to hide anything.

“Tomas,” I began, “We deal in slaves here. We kidnap, train and sell slaves to rich people.”

“What do these people do with the slaves?” Tomas asked.

“They are sex slaves, Tomas” I answered.

“And you want to make Rosalyn a sex slave?” he asked.

“That was the plan until you showed up, yes.” I replied.

“And what do you do now?” he countered.

“Well, that’s up to you.” I said, “The way I see it, you have three choices. I heard Roslyn talking about calling the police. I cannot allow that.”

“You pay us, we won’t call police.” he assured.

“I cannot take that chance. She is very upset.” I reminded him.

“Yes, she is.” he agreed, “But she will do as I say.”

“I still can’t take the chance.” I repeated. “So, your first option is… I kill you, and keep her as a slave.”

“I do not like that option.” Tomas said, with no hint of trying to be humorous.

“Your second option is, I take you both as slaves and you would probably be sold to a gay man.”

“I do like that option either.” he said, equally seriously, “What is third option?”

“The third option” I began, ” is I keep Rosalyn, you live here and work for me. When she is fully trained, she will be sold to a rich person and be taken care of very well for the rest of her life. And you can continue to work for me for as long as you like.”

“I… might like this option.” he said thoughtfully.

“I’m not going to deceive you, Tomas” I said, “the training is hard. She will be chained up and ‘mistreated’ until she learns to please a man… and a woman, in every way possible. She will be harshly punished if needed, but when it’s all over, she will have a good life and never want for anything again.”

“And as for you,” I continued, “You help me with anything I need around here, yard work, fixing the house or anything else I need. I will pay you $200 a week in cash and get you a small trailer to live in behind the house.”

“I am liking this option.” he interjects.

“And, once you have a clean bill of health from the doctor, I can ocassionally use you to help train slaves.” I said, with a sly grin.

“What does that mean?” he inquired.

“It means sex.” I answered.

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