
Diary of a Slave Merchant – 2008 (Conclusion)

A man chronicles his life as a merchant of sex slaves

January 17th, 2008

The contractor is going to start tomorrow. I told him I was finishing the garage to hold services in it for a small church I was starting with my family. I figured we needed a raised platform, with steps leading up to it so that seemed like a good cover story.

He said a project like this would normally take a week because he does everything himself. But, if I really needed it done quickly, and I wanted to pay for it, he could get helpers and finish it by Saturday. Apparently, there is usually a group of illegals hanging around near the hardware store and contractors will hire them for the day as needed. It isn’t strictly legal, but it’s so wide-spread that everyone turns a blind eye to it.

We need time to furnish it and decorate it too, so I am paying the extra to get it done by Saturday.

Flower spent the day training the girls. Winter doesn’t really need training, so she was helping Flower train the other two. I popped in a few times here and there. It looked more like Winter was training the slaves and teaching Flower how to train slaves at the same time, but whatever works.

River seems to have issues with people touching her. I’m tempted to have Baby find out what her story is so we can maybe deal with it better, but I can’t let her start getting attached to River. I just need her to get over it.

Baby went out looking for furnishings for the garage. She has most of the furniture picked out, but I’m waiting until Monday to buy everything, just to make sure the room is ready to go.

Tomas got a clean bill of health at the doctor. It will take a few days to get the results back on one of the tests, but he appears to be clean.

January 18th, 2008

The contractor is making good progress. It is framed and the electric has been run. They are starting the drywall this afternoon and will finish it tomorrow and lay the carpet. It was surprising how much they could get done in half a day with just the six of them.

I took Baby out there so she could get a feel for how the furnishing would fit and how to decorate it. It was amusing how the work came to a virtual standstill the whole time she was out there with every eye following her around the room.

I mostly left Flower alone to train the slaves today. The one time I went down there, River and Ruby were sucking on dildos.

January 18th, 2008

Had a very busy day. Contractor will be back at 7am, so getting to bed early tonight.

Flower wants to show me the progress the slaves have made with oral sex. Maybe tomorrow. I told her to start working on their fucking and how to work a cock when they are on top. I know Ruby was a virgin when she got here, and I’ve not seen River in action yet but if her cock sucking is any indication, she will need work also. I assume Winter knows what she’s doing, but I need to evaluate all three of them. Hopefully on Sunday.

Flower also said that Winter keeps asking her for alcohol. I told her not to give it to her under any circumstances.

January 19th, 2008

The guys are busy in the garage, everything is on schedule and they should finish early this evening.

Baby told me that Winter kept the girls up most of the night crying and asking for alcohol. This is apparently more serious that I thought. I can’t afford to have her break down on me now.

I tucked a small, flat bottle of vodka with a few shots left down the back of my pants and went downstairs.

River was wearing a strap-on dildo, lying on her back on the futon, tears streaming down her face, and Ruby was fucking her. Flower stood over them, rod in hand, coaching Ruby. If I wasn’t so busy, I would love to sit and watch this.

I opened the door to the bedroom and Winter popped up out of bed, eyes red from crying.

“Master!” she exclaimed.

I walked in and closed the door.

“What’s the problem?”

“I… I need a drink, Master.”


She got down on her knees at my feet.

“Master… Please… I *need* a drink. Just a little. Please.”

“Winter… Why?”

“Why? I… because I need it.”

“No, I mean, you are stronger than this.”

“I… I can’t… I tried… Please, Master.”

“I can’t let you be a drunk. I need you in your right mind.”

“Then give me a FUCKING DRINK!” she yelled.

I just looked at her.

“I’m sorry, Master! I’m sorry, please…” she begged, more scared that I might not give her a drink than she was of punishment.


“Please… I’ll… I’ll suck your dick! I’ll do it really good, just give me a drink first.”

“You really are pathetic.”

“Please…” she begged and started to cry again.

“Here.” I said, reaching around for the vodka.

“God! Thank you!” she said excitedly, grabbing the bottle from my hand.

I expected her to down the whole thing, but she slowly sipped it, savoring each drop. I just watched her, thinking about how horrible it must be to have such an addiction.

After she finished it, she handed the bottle back to me. I tucked it back in my pants.

“I guess I owe you this.” she said, reaching up and unzipping my pants.

I pushed her away.

“Just get your shit together!” I growled, “I don’t have time to deal with this. Get out there and help train those girls.”

“Yes, Master…” she said, humiliated.

As I walked out of the room, Ruby was now lying on the futon, wearing the strap-on and being fucked by a still-crying River. You’d think she’d eventually run out of tears.

This whole thing… it’s just insane.

January 19th, 2008

After I left the basement earlier today, I started thinking about River. I had assumed since she was so compliant, that she didn’t need to be broken. I was wrong.

Being broken, I believe, is not just a state of no longer resisting for fear of punishment. It’s when your mind comes to accept as normal what you are being made to do. When you break a horse, it doesn’t think ‘I need to let this guy sit on my back or I might get whipped.’ Rather, it becomes natural for the horse to let the rider sit on his back. Evidence of this is that once broken, the horse will let anyone ride it.

That’s my theory, anyway. And I intend to test it out with River.

About 6pm, the contractor called me out to show me the completed work. Everything seemed to be in order. He showed me a couple of potential problems with the ceiling that he couldn’t do anything about without more time.

I wrote him out a check as the laborer’s cleaned up, stacking the left over material in a pile outside the side door of the garage. He paid them all in cash and they all piled in his panel truck to leave.

As he was headed back to the truck, I stopped him and told him there were a couple of things I could use the laborer’s help with and that I’d pay all five of them $50 each to stay a couple hours late. I told him I’d take them back to the hardware store when we were done so he could go ahead and leave.

He walked around, opened the back door of the truck and said something in broken Spanish, struggling for words at times. All five of them came back out of the truck and in to the garage.

I thanked the contractor and saw him off. I fetched Tomas and had him bring the guys some beers and tell them to just hang out and wait for me.

I waited long enough for them to finish a couple of beers, then grabbed one of Baby’s wrap-around, short skirts and went down to the basement. Flower was cooking something in the microwave, presumably dinner for the slaves. Baby was talking to Ruby, working on her English and River and Winter were sitting on the futon.

“River, put this on.” I ordered, handing her the skirt.

After she put the skirt on, I removed her collar and walked her to the lower door.

“The rest of you stay here.” I said, “We’ll be back soon.”

As we reached the garage door, I paused and turned to River.

“River,” I began, with a stern voice, “I am going to introduce you to some people. No matter what they say, or what happens, you are not to tell them you are a slave, ask for help, or anything like that.”

“OK, Master.” she said.

“They will not rescue you no matter what you say,” I continued, “and you be severely punished if you do. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Master.” she said, nervously.

We walked in to the garage and it became dead silent. All eyes were on River.

“Tomas, do any of them speak English at all?” I asked.

He said something in Spanish and got nothing but negative replies and shaking heads.

“No, Sir, None of them.”

“Good.” I said, taking the steps up to the newly-built platform, pulling River up with me.

I turned River to face them and walked a couple of feet away from her, calling Tomas to stand next to me.

“Translate for me.” I whispered to Tomas so River could not hear what I was saying. River could not understand Spanish, so she had no idea what was being said.

“My girlfriend is attractive, is she not?” I whispered.

Tomas translated and they all excitedly answered in the affirmative.

“Unfortunately, she has been unfaithful to me.”

They looked confused, a couple of them making a “Boo” type noise.

“She needs to be punished, and I would like you to help me.”

They looked even more confused now.

“I have $50 and a condom for each of you.”

They were in shock. None of them moved or said a word.

I walked over to River, grabbed her skirt and pulled it off of her, revealing her light blue panties. River started sobbing and put one hand up to her mouth, the other over her crotch.

There were several excited shouts.

I walked down the steps and went to each one, handing them a $50 bill and a condom, then walked back up to Tomas.

“I promise, no one will get in trouble for this. She will not tell anyone because she knows she did wrong and needs punished.”

The men started to become excited, laughing and playfully pushing each other.

“Come up here and make a circle around her.”

As the men approached, I stepped over and stood behind River, putting my hand on the back of her neck. I didn’t need to whisper anymore so I left Tomas standing a few feet away.

“Masssterrr… what are they doooinnngg!” River cried, on the verge of hysteria.

“I’m sorry, River,” I said, “but you are no good to me like this.”

The men formed a circle around her. River grabbed my arm with both hands and pulled in close to me.

“Massssstteeerr!” she sobbed.

“Tomas, tell them to be rough, but do not hurt her.”

“Master! NO! PLEASE!” River begged, falling down on her ass, balling up at my feet and grabbing my legs.

“Put your condoms on and keep them on. If it falls off, you are done.”

“Master!!!” River shrieked.

I grabbed River by her hair, pulled her up and then quickly grabbed both arms, holding them behind her.

She was standing in place, bent over at the waist and raising her left leg to hide her crotch.

“Nooo! Master! Pleeeeasssasssseeee!” she was completely hysterical.

The men stood in a semi-circle around her, all of them wearing condoms on their cocks. Some of them just had it sticking out their zipper, others removed their pants and were naked from the waste down.

The stench of sweat from a hard days work was strong as the men stood there, waiting, some of them jacking themselves off. One of them reached over and and grabbed her tit.

“OHHH GODDD! No!!!” River screamed.

“Fuck any hole you want, boys, but do not damage her!” I said, waiting for the translation.

River was sobbing hysterically, saying something unintelligible.

When Tomas had finished translating, they started to close in, unsure if it was time yet.

I put my hand under the collar of Rivers t-shirt and with one quick yank, her tits flopped free. I turned my back to the open end of the circle they stood in and backed up a bit, pulling River with me.

The men all started groping her, squeezing and pinching her tits, and grabbing her ass. A hand reached in and yanked her panties off. I held her up for a few more seconds, then let her go and backed off.

She fell to the floor, screaming frantically, and trying in vain to fight off ten hands.

One of them, apparently the so-called ‘Alpha Male’, grabbed her by the hair and pulled her to her knees. He pushed his thumb between her lips, forcing it in to her mouth, and pried her mouth open. She bit his thumb. Not hard, but just enough to make him pull it back out.

He looked down at her, reared his right hand back, and smacked her across the face. He then looked at me to see if I was upset. I looked back at him and nodded toward River.

He smacked her again. And again.

He then put his thumb back to her lips and she opened her mouth, letting it slide in unopposed. Her eyes were starting to glaze over and her screaming had changed to sobbing moans.

He slid his above-average sized cock in and started to fuck her mouth with it. She let out a short, muffled yelp each time his cock hit the back of her throat, and she gagged several times. There were eight hands mashing her tits, feeling her up and pinching her ass, but she seemed to barely notice, concentrating on catching a breath between plunges of the illegals cock down her throat.

After maybe 45 seconds, he started to pant loudly, bent his head back and closed his eyes. I stepped in closer to make sure the condom was still in place just in time for him to let out a long moan and then start grunting, his body tightening, as he filled the condom with come.

When he had finished, he pulled his cock out of her mouth and the condom started to slip off of his softening erection. I tapped him on the shoulder and motioned for him to step away from River.

“Tomas, tell him he can help restrain her and touch her, but no more sex.”

Tomas stood there with his mouth hanging open, watching the action.

“Tomas!” I snapped.

“Yes… yes, Sir.” he replied, then translated.

River was still on her knees, head hanging down, barely making a sound.

Another man started to put his cock in her mouth, but another grabbed him and they argued for a moment. They seemed to reach an agreement and pushed River down on her back.

As one of them started to spread her legs, River came alive and started kicking at him, screaming, scratching and crying.

The man shouted something in Spanish and one of them grabbed her arms, stretching them out above her head. Two others each grabbed a leg, spread them out and held them down.

River screamed as one of them mounted her, twisting her body, trying to get loose from the grips of the sweating men, then returned to crying hysterically when she realized it was futile.

River turned her head and looked at me.

“Massssterrrr!!! PleeasssAAAAAAGGGGGGG!!!!” she screeched as the man pierced her vagina.

“Uhhhttt! Uhhhttt! Uhhhttt!” she huffed with each stroke.

Another of the men bent down, trying to put his cock in her mouth. She was in a very awkward position, so he moved around, trying to find a good entry angle.

He finally found a good angle, slid his cock in to her mouth and started to fuck it.

She let out a deep, muffled, staccato cry as her tits violently flopped up and down from the force of the man fucking her cunt. He was furiously pounding her as he approached orgasm.

His ass clenched together and he made several strong, deep jabs, pausing and grunting each time his cock hit bottom.

He finally fell on top of her, exhausted. The other men shouted and pushed him, wanting their turn. He crawled off of her and stood up, the come-filled condom still intact. Tomas repeated the instructions he gave the first man. The man then knelt down and grabbed River’s left leg, taking over to let that guy have a turn.

The man who was fucking her mouth decided he wanted some pussy and moved between her legs. At this point, River was lying there, staring at the ceiling, not making a sound.

Another quickly took his place and crammed his cock in to River’s mouth. She moaned slightly, but offered no resistance. The man between her legs penetrated her and started to thrust his hips.

I kept a careful eye on them to make sure I could tell when they were about to come.

“Do you want a turn, Tomas?” I asked.

“Um… uh…” he stammered.

“She’s right there…”

“I… No, Sir. I…”

“It’s OK, Tomas. I understand.” I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. “Maybe something else will turn up for you tonight.”

The third and fourth man finished with River, Tomas gave them the instructions and they switched off holding her down for the last man.

This one was apparently the low guy on the totem pole. He was chubby and his dick was quite small. Not Kevin-small, but definitely below average. He mounted her but seemed to be having trouble getting it in her. His cock was erect, but I guess his belly and small cock prevented him from reaching her cunt the way she was lying flat.

He finally decided to stand up and just masturbate while looking down at her. The other men cheered him on as the ones with free hands groped River’s body.

River looked up at him with a blank expression as he towered over her body and jacked off. It didn’t take him long to fill his condom with come.

The men stood up, laughing and excitedly talking in Spanish. River lie in place on her back, not moving even after they had all let go of her.

I gave Tomas the keys and told him to bring the men back to the hardware store. They all exited the garage, still laughing, talking and occasionally thrusting their hips. I imagine they were bragging about how hard they fucked her.

I looked down at River. She kept staring at the ceiling.

“I’m sorry it had to come to this.” I said.

She slowly turned her head to look at me.

“Burn in hell.” she said calmly, then rolled over on her side.

I picked her up and carried her down to the basement. The girls all gasped and sat up straight.

“What happened?” Baby asked.

“She’ll be fine.” I assured them, carrying her in to the bedroom.

I lay her down in her bed, covered her up and shut the door.

“Baby, you might want to go talk to her.” I suggested.

Baby got up and walked toward the bedroom door.

As she walked past me, I touched her shoulder. “Arms length.” I reminded her.

January 19th, 2008

Just before 9pm, I talked to Baby. River was not saying much, but Baby seemed to think she’d be OK.

I felt sorry for Tomas. His balls have to be aching after watching River out in the garage tonight. And after his clean report from the doctor, I thought it was time.

I told Baby to go downstairs, make sure Ruby and River were in bed. Then make up something to tell Winter to have her stay up late, then her and Flower go watch TV upstairs. I wanted Winter alone in the main room.

I waited until Baby and Flower went upstairs, then went out back, fetched Tomas and brought him in to the kitchen.

“You ready for some action?” I asked, pulling the fixings for a sandwich out of the fridge.


“I have a brown haired beauty down in the basement, ready to do anything you ask.”



“How do I… what do I say?”

“Put this in your back pocket.” I said, handing him a small bottle of vodka, about 1/4 full, “Go down and say you are there to check the TV.”

I debated with myself about taking advantage of her addiction, but I need to keep giving her small amounts of alcohol to keep her going through the auction, and honestly… this sounded kind of fun since she is such a bitch.

“I do not know about TV’s” Tomas replied.

“Pretend, Tomas… Look behind it and move some wires around.”

“Then what?”

“Just make sure she sees the bottle. Then say you will need another cable and will finish it tomorrow.”

“But how do I sex her?”

“She will take care of that once she sees the bottle.”


“Believe me, just let her see the bottle and you are golden.”


“Tomas…” I sighed, “Just let her see the bottle. She will ask you for it. Tell her you can’t give it to her. She will offer you sex for it. Have sex. Give her the bottle… See?”

“Ah… I see.”



“Yes… Go!”

Tomas walked down to the basement and I grabbed my sandwich and a drink and ran upstairs to enjoy the show while I ate my dinner.

I sat down at the video monitor and turned it on.

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