Diary of a Slave Merchant – 2007
Diary of a Slave Merchant – 2007
Sex Story Author: | eyToad |
Sex Story Excerpt: | We need to do something about that. It looks too scruffy. “Now move your hand down and caress your |
Sex Story Category: | Ass to Mouth |
Sex Story Tags: | Ass to mouth, BDSM, Blackmail, Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Domination/submission, Fantasm, Female/Female, Humiliation, Male Domination, Rape, Slavery, Teen |
Diary of a Slave Merchant – 2007
BY E.Y. Toad
May 12th, 2007
I’ve finally decided to do it. I’m going to abduct a young girl and train her as a sex slave.
For those interested, the following is some background on me, my life, and my motivation for doing this.
My name is Edward. I am in my 40’s, married to a very nice and attractive woman for 20 years, and fairly successful financially. I have been self-employed for most of my adult life. My wife and I still get along fine, but sex is basically non-existent. Her desire has slacked off quite a bit in recent years as she has been preoccupied with her ailing parents. I think we both still love each other, but realize we would be happier free to pursue our individual lives.
My journey to this decision started when I was about 4 years old. I was watching a movie with my dad. I have no idea what movie it was but I remember there was a big fat, king sitting on his throne and he had several beautiful slave girls surrounding him, rubbing his shoulders and fanning him. There was nothing sexual in the scene other than the scanty slave outfits. I thought to myself “Wow, that would be the life.” That scene has stuck with me my whole life.
Fast forward to the school years. I was always a bit chubby and socially awkward. I found it hard to talk to girls. I don’t think I was ugly because the few girlfriends I had were reasonably attractive. I just had no confidence.
When I was about 17, my best friends sister was the object of most of my fantasies. She was about 15 or 16. She was not beautiful, but was cute enough, had the nicest tits and usually showed them off in tight pull-over shirts.
That summer, I was out of town for a few weeks. I called my friend to tell him I would be home the next day. He was not home but his younger sister was so I left the message with her. I lived in my mothers house, but she was rarely there because she lived with her boyfriend. When I returned home the next day I found out that the someone had broken in to the house. We didn’t have much to steal, but several things were missing.
I immediately realized it was my friends sister that had broken in. I called her and confronted her about it (I lied and said the neighbor had seen her go in). She confessed and begged me not to tell her parents. I told her I had to because my mother was very upset (my mother never knew it even happened). She was almost in tears and kept begging, promising “I’ll do anything…”. When asked what that meant, she said “I’ll let you fuck me if you don’t tell.”
I agreed and she came over a few hours later. We went to the basement where I knocked down a mattress we had stored down there. I milked it for all it was worth, making her remove all her clothes while I watched. I was in heaven! The object of all my fantasies lying there completely naked in front of me! I finally got to fondle and suck on those luscious tits! She acted embarrassed and maybe even slightly repulsed. I can’t explain why, but that just added to my excitement.
When I told her to suck my dick, she said “I don’t do that.”, to which I replied “You do now, unless you want me to call your parents?”. She was too air-headed to realize this was a complete bluff. There was no way I would tell anyone now since she could rat me out for the blackmail.
She reluctantly started sucking my dick. I could tell she had done it before and was lying when she said she didn’t do it. But again, this added to the excitement. I was forcing this girl to do anything I asked!
She was very timid while sucking and only took an inch or two. I grabbed the back of her head and slowly worked my cock in to the back of her mouth. Every time she would start to gag, I’d pull back out a little. I didn’t want to spoil a good thing by making her puke or have her get pissed off and refuse to continue. Every time she gagged, my dick throbbed from the excitement. I realized that making her gag was turning me on even more.
After sucking for several minutes, I told her to lick my balls, which she did without complaint. I debated on whether I could get her to lick my asshole or not and decided maybe that would be pushing it a bit. If she ever got two brain cells to work together she would have realized she could quit now and I’d be in more trouble than her if she told.
I told her to lie down on her back and I mounted her. I had only had intercourse once before this so I was nervous. She was very dry so I spit on my hand and rubbed it on the head of my cock and pressed in to her. After fucking her for a few minutes, I told her to wrap her legs around me and I fucked her for a few more minutes. Her tits were still mostly upright and perky, even while lying on her back. I miss young, firm tits like that.
I started to realize that since she was so dry, I had actually enjoyed her sucking me more than fucking her, so I pulled out and told her to suck me again. She put her face close to my cock, smelled pussy scent on me and said “I can’t, it stinks!”. I said “You are too dry to fuck. Suck me or the deal is off…”. The look on her face as she put my smelly cock in her mouth was just too much. I knew I was going to come soon.
I realized then that what was turning me on so much was that I was degrading this girl; knocking her down a peg or two from her spoiled “I’m so hot” attitude. She was now just a slut that was naked, on her knees before me, at my command and was sucking her own pussy juice (what little there was of it) off of my cock.
After a minute or so I couldn’t take any more and knew I was about to come. I grabbed the back of her head to keep her from pulling off as I spurted come in the back of her mouth. It took her a couple of spurts to realize I was coming and she tried to pull her mouth off. I held her head in place for a another second or two so I could get off one more squirt of come in her mouth. The last few squirts ended up on her forehead and in her hair as she bent over to spit the come out of her mouth.
She yelled “God damn it!” as she spit several times on the floor. I masturbated for a few seconds to get that last little bit of come out. She got dressed and left quickly, pissed off that I had come in her mouth.
We actually somehow became semi-friends after this. She called me a week or so later and offered to give me head again if I let her and her boyfriend use my bedroom to get high and have sex. I readily agreed (but had to promise not to come in her mouth) and she did this several more times over the next few years. He never knew she was sucking me off. He thought I was just a nice guy. Unfortunately, I could never find a good way to watch them and this was well before affordable video cameras.
This one event forever shaped my fantasy life. Since then, virtually every fantasy I have ever had revolves around sexual blackmail or non-violent rape. I am not a violent person and have no desire to torture anyone, cause bloodshed or do anything that will leave permanently scars. However, paddling and whipping with a belt for training purposes do play a major part in my fantasies.
Several years later, while I was in college, my best friend and roommate at that time was a guy named Wayne. He was one wild and warped guy. He was very popular with the girls, and had a huge cock, I’m guessing 9” or so. His favorite weekend sport was to get young college girls drunk and take advantage of them.
On more than one occasion, he would bring an already drunk girl home to our apartment and keep filling her with booze until she passed out, then invite me to tag team her with him. The girls never knew I had fucked them, and always assumed they had consented to sex with him.
This was not as fun for me as blackmail, because I enjoy the girl knowing I have power over her, but it did allow me to fuck hotter girls than I could have got on my own. Wayne probably could have fucked these girls without getting them drunk, but said preferred it that way because he didn’t have to worry about pleasing them and could fuck them in any hole he wanted.
We talked about how great it would be to have a slave girl to fulfill our every whim, but it was mostly fantasy talk. We never really seriously talked about it.
My experience with girls since then has been them acting like spoiled bitches that flaunt their bodies, but look at me like “There is no way “*you* are getting any of this!”.
We’ll see about that…
May 15th, 2007
After thinking it over for a few days, I’ve decided that I’m definitely going forward with the plan. I have been looking for a house in the country that has a finished basement and I want at least 5 acres. I don’t much care about any other features of the house; it will just be me and my dog, a male retriever-sized mutt named Lex living there. And of course, my slave girl, but she won’t see much of it except the basement.
I’m going to wait until I find a house to tell the wife I’m leaving. I don’t think she’ll take it very hard. She has been preoccupied with her family and elderly father for several years. She may actually welcome the freedom.
May 27th, 2007
I’m still looking for a house. And I’ve started wracking my brain trying to come up with a plan to find and obtain the girl. I certainly don’t want to just go grab a cute white girl out of her bed and have her face broadcast on the news every night. An Hispanic or Asian girl would be ok, but I’m not really attracted to blacks. It’s not a racist thing, I just don’t find most of them attractive.
The main thing I am looking for is attitude. I want a cocky, spoiled, the-world-owes-me-because-I’m-so-hot bitch. The kind of girl you see in movies that is catty to other girls and manipulates guys. Then I want to break her. I want to break her hard. I want to tie her up and whip her until she calls me “Master” and begs to suck my cock.
An Asian girl would be ok, but most I’ve met are not spoiled and fairly submissive already. They would not be hard or very enjoyable to break.
I don’t have a lot of experience with Hispanic girls. I do find them attractive enough, but their stereotypically portrayed attitude is more of a horny slut than a spoiled bitch. I have considered “buying” an illegal alien girl from some pimp or something, but I have no idea how to go about doing that. That would be about the ultimate way to go for safety. Almost nobody would care where she went or even notice her missing.
I’m not a complete monster. I don’t want to do this to a nice girl, no matter what her race. Not all girls are spoiled bitches and I would not find much pleasure in terrorizing a “good girl”. But, in the end, any young, cute girl will do and will end up a submissive slave, but breaking the spirit of a spoiled bitch is half the reason I’m doing this; to pay back all the girls who gave me that “Don’t you wish!” look over the years.
The highest priorities are she must be young, firm and not overweight. By “young” I mean 17-19. I could go for any girl that is fully developed (I’m not a pedophile), but it would be very difficult to get someone younger without causing a nationwide search and her face on Greta every night for months.
It would be a huge bonus if she was a virgin and had never had any type of sex. I would love to see the look on her face the first time I pull my cock out and tell her to put it in her mouth. And her amateur attempts to suck it would be entertaining.
It’s getting harder to find girls that aren’t at least a little overweight, so I may have to start with that and put her on a strict diet and exercise program. Unlike most guys, I don’t like huge tits. I like them to be proportional and firm. Big fat tits do nothing for me at all.
I’m thinking a runaway would be ideal. Everyone would assume she just ran off with a boy or something. But where does one find runaways?
June 12th, 2007
I think I may have found a house. I looked at it today. It has almost 7 acres and a finished basement with only one window and a full bathroom. My nearest neighbor would be about a half of a mile away, so I won’t have to worry about anyone hearing anything. It is vacant so I can get a quick closing. It’s not ideal, but it will do.
June 18th, 2007
I close on the house next Wednesday. I’m going to tell my wife tonight just in case she flips out and I need to back out of buying the house.
June 21st, 2007
My wife took the news fairly well. We have drifted apart somewhat over the years. We still love each other, but do very little together and only speak for a few minutes each night after I’m done with work and ready for bed.
She is going to keep the house we’re in now and probably have her parents move in with her. That simplifies things quite a bit.
July 12th, 2007
I moved most of my things in to the new house today. The dog loves having room to run around outside.
The basement will need some work. I’m going to add a second door to the bottom of the stairs. This way I can keep both locked and when I go down there, I can lock the top door and hide the key before unlocking the bottom door. This is just in case the girl gets brave and tries to escape. Even if I’m lying there unconscious, she won’t be able to unlock the top door. Call me paranoid but it’s cheap insurance against life in prison.
I will also need to install several rings around the room to anchor chains. I think I will run metal bars through several ceiling studs and secure the rings to them. This will make it much harder to pull them out.
I’ve still not figured out how I’m going to obtain the girl, but I want to be ready if the opportunity presents itself.
July 21st, 2007
The basement is pretty much done. I have 4 chain anchor rings; two at one end and two more perpendicular to those, like a “T” shape. This will allow separate chains for each arm while in a standing position, or one chain for both arms together along with one chain for each leg while lying down. It also allows for a single chain to be moved by me to allow her access to other parts of the room.
The basement has three rooms, plus a full bathroom. The dungeon room is connected to the bathroom. The other room is almost the same size and has a door connecting it to the dungeon, and another door to an unfinished storage area. The window is in the second large room.
The layout of the chain rings is such that if I connect her to the middle ring with about 25 feet of chain she will be able to reach the toilet, but not reach the top door going upstairs. I plan on her wearing a collar around her neck and being connected to the middle chain most of the time. The other chain rings are for the initial “breaking” period, or for punishment when she deserves it.
I furnished the room with a good quality futon, a recliner, a cabinet with a TV, DVD and a satellite TV system. At first, this will mostly be so I can watch TV while she massages me. She will have to earn the right to sleep on the futon or watch TV without me being there.
I found a very good deal on a portable massage table and put it down there also. I love to be massaged and we will probably be making use of it almost every night. The table is split in the middle so it can be folded up and carried away. I added two legs to the bottom so it can be folded but still stand up. This allows me to bend the girl over the table and have her face in the hole that is cut out for that purpose at the factory, but have her still standing with her ass exposed, assuming she’s not too tall. It also has two arm rests that make for a convenient place to secure her arms once I fortify them a bit. I will also need to put something on the two legs I added to allow securing her feet.
Punishment will usually consist of paddling while bent over this table. For more serious offenses, I can hang her arms from the chain rings and whip her with my belt or a small switch or rod. Unless she bites my cock or tries to escape, that is about as severe as the punishment will get. Also, I need to rig up some way to prevent her from biting me, but have her still be able to use her lips while sucking me. It’s a tougher problem than it might seem. Ball gag rings don’t allow use of the lips very well. Once she is broken, I won’t need it, but I’m not taking any chances at first.
July 30th, 2007
I have installed three hidden video cameras around the room and one in the bathroom. They are all connected to my computer upstairs and record 24 hours a day in low-res time-lapse mode. It can store about 8 days before starting to delete the older video. I can also switch it to high-res, real time video and get several hours of that whenever I want to record one of our sessions.
I am masturbating almost daily. Planning this out and daydreaming about it is making me incredibly horny. I need to find a girl soon. The basement is done enough to get started.
August 8th, 2007
I added a few more enhancements to the basement. The carpet was in rough condition so I decided to replace it. When I removed it, I discovered there was a drain on the floor and the floor had a coating on it, probably waterproofing. I realized this could come in handy, so I decided to leave the floor bare and I got an adapter to connect a garden hose to the bathroom sink. I have always hated taking showers (although I do take one every day). This will be a great setup for me to lie down on the massage table, get a massage with warm oil, and then have her bathe me and top it all off with a long, soft, slow blow job. It will also be handy to be able to wash away any piss or other fluids that may end up on the floor.
I think I need to go masturbate now.
August 12th, 2007
I placed a big throw rug in the room that covers most of the walking space but can be picked up for wet sessions.
I’m starting to wonder if this whole thing is just my mid-life crisis and a pipe dream I’ll never be able to pull off. I have not backed off at all in my desire to do it, but getting a girl without a lot of attention is harder than it sounded at first. Unlike the sex stories I’ve read, it’s highly unlikely a hot 18 year old girl will knock on my door to ask for directions.
August 28th, 2007
In my desperation, I have assumed the identify of a fictional 17 year old male on a popular social web site. I found a picture of a cute guy on the web and invented his name and background. I have always used an off-shore proxy for my “sensitive” web browsing because I am paranoid about privacy so I should be safe and untraceable without them getting warrants from supreme courts in at least two countries.
I’ve had friend requests accepted by several cute girls in my area. I’m talking to them almost daily, in some cases several times a day. One in particular seems to be really unhappy at home. She has both parents at home, a nice house (from what I can see in the pics) and mostly everything she wants, but she is still miserable and thinks her life sucks and everyone is so unfair. Awww, poor thing. And to make it worse, she acts like a catty bitch to other girls in their public messages to each other. Spoiled little slut. She is very cute though, and has a killer body. I’m really hoping this one works out.
September 3rd, 2007
I’ve still been working on the girls on the social web site. Especially the spoiled little slut, who I will now refer to simply as “Slut”. She has had some serious spoiling in her past and now still expects everyone to spoil her. I am also playing the poor, mistreated kid, unhappy with my life. I told her I have an uncle that I am thinking about going to live with because my parents are so unfair to me and treat me like a child. I jokingly told her she can come live there with me too if she wants to run away together. I’m assuming she couldn’t possibly be stupid enough to run away with someone she’s never met, but I can always dream. She is definitely hot and is the object of all my recent (and far too frequent) masturbation sessions. It’s hard to tell from the pictures, but she seems to be about 5’8” or so, maybe 115lbs, fairly petite, just like I like them. Proportional tits, dark brown hair and eyes. She almost looks like she might have a bit of Hispanic in her, a few generations ago. She dresses slightly Emo but has no piercings or tattoos that I can see.
September 7th, 2007
I’m starting to think I may be able to fool “Slut” in to running away with me after all. She asked me yesterday if I was serious about running away together. She apparently got in a big fight with her parents and wants to leave home. We’ll see how long she feels that way. I found out today she is 17, and will turn 18 in December.
I need to be careful to handle this right and not leave any trails back to me.
I’m also working on another girl. She is 19 and was an orphan who lived with foster parents that she didn’t seem to like at all. She is living on her own now, but having a hard time of it, working at a book store. She isn’t as hot as “Slut” but is definitely cute. She could stand to lose 10-15 pounds, but is certainly acceptable. Her tits are still proportional and her ass is nice. She just has a bit of extra meat all over, but spread out well. She has auburn hair, seems to be about 5’7” or 5’8” and about 130lbs.
She seems to be a nice girl. It won’t be as fun to break her, but she has a look about her. She still has a bit of baby fat in her face. If I was younger, I could probably go for her. She has that kind of “good girl” look. Normally, I would probably pass on her because I don’t think she’ll have the bad attitude, but I’m starting to get desperate and not many people would notice if she disappeared. I have told her that I just turned 18. I’ll call her “Baby”.
The other girls are going nowhere.
September 10th, 2007
“Slut” is still talking about running away together, but I’m starting to think it’s all talk.
I’m still working on “Baby”, but no news with her yet.
September 15th, 2007
Oh my God! Slut messaged me and said she got in another big fight with her parents and is sick of it. She wants me to come pick her up tonight. I never thought this would actually happen. I’m not sure where to go with it from here. I’m obviously not a 17 year old boy. Fuck!
September 16th, 2007
I am excited, scared, nervous, and dead tired. I’ve not slept all night. I messaged Slut last night and told her I was working and couldn’t come get her, but I’d have my uncle pick her up if that was ok, and I’d be home after I got off work at 10pm. She agreed! What a dumb bitch! I told her to leave a runaway note to her parents so they would not worry about her. I told her to meet my uncle at a McDonald’s near her house. I described him (me) to her. I told her my uncle could get in a lot of trouble, so not to tell anyone what she was doing or that he was involved. I talked her in to leaving her cell phone at home by telling her it could be used to trace her, and I promised her I would get her a better one this weekend.
I also told her to delete her account from the social site “so they couldn’t find us”. I know there are still records of it, but it won’t be so easy for her parents to track what happened. She’s almost 18. I doubt the authorities will get involved if there is a runaway note. I can’t believe she is going for this!
I was scared to death I would find cops waiting for me at the McDonald’s. I was very careful and staked the place out for an hour before she got there, but she finally did show up on foot. Everything seemed ok, so I approached her and asked if she was Slut (using her real name of course). She said yes and I introduced myself as the uncle and asked her to get in. I am very clean-cut and normal looking and she apparently trusted me so she hopped right in. This was about 9pm.
We had about a 45 minute drive to my house in the country. I assured her that my nephew would be home about 10:30pm and was telling her about all the things she could do with my nephew while living with me. I was a “cool” adult. I’d let them do pretty much anything they wanted to do, and I still smoked pot sometimes (I already knew she did sometimes as well).
We arrived at my house at about 9:50pm. We went in and she sat down in the living room. I got her a diet drink, told her to make herself at home until my nephew got home, and I excused myself to go in to the other room. I was unbelievably nervous and scared. Was I actually going to do this? Did I have the balls? It wasn’t too late to back out.
I stood in the other room for several minutes trying to work up the courage. I finally decided it was now or never. I had a dog training collar in the kitchen junk drawer. It’s the kind where you loop the chain back through the big ring on it and put it over the dogs head. When you pull on it, it tightens and basically strangles the dog until you stop pulling on it.
She was sitting in a chair watching TV with her back mostly to me as I was making a sandwich that I had no intention of eating. I looped the dog collar through the ring and sized it big enough to go over her head. And I put a length of small diameter rope in my back pocket. This was it; decision time. There is no going back once I do this.
In a burst of bravery, I walked up behind her and started to quickly put the collar over her head. She was startled by my getting that close to her and turned towards me just as I was putting it over her head, and she started to stand up at the same time.
It was now too late to turn back. I had the collar over her head but she was scared as hell and started scratching and kicking at me. I gave the collar a hard jerk and her eyes kind of bugged out a little bit as she got a horrified look on her face. The collar cuts off your breathing as well as the blood going to your brain. I wasn’t sure if I could keep the pressure on until she passed out, or if it would just kill her outright, so I loosened up on it a bit, sat on her chest, trapping one of her arms under me, and I yelled at her to calm down. She kept fighting back with her free arm, and was thrashing around. I screamed that if she didn’t stop fighting, I would kill her. I had no intention of killing my prize, but she didn’t know that.
She finally stopped thrashing around, but was hysterical, crying and yelling “Why are you doing this!? Who are you!?” I tightened the collar again and told her to shut up. I took her free arm and put it under my leg. I told her to remain calm and I promised no harm will come to her if she did what she was told. At this she renewed the fight and managed to get one her arms free again. She put a hellacious scratch on my left arm. At this point I took the chance that she would pass out before she died and tightened the collar. The look on her face was horrible. She thought I was killing her. I didn’t want it this way, but she was a lively one.
After a few seconds, I didn’t count exactly how long, she stopped struggling and seemed to be passed out. I felt for a pulse and it was strong. I knew I may not have long to work, so I immediately picked her up and carried her downstairs. I laid her face down on the massage table, strapping her arms to the arm rests and folded the table in half, securing her feet to the legs of the table with ropes. I left her fully clothed, but bent over the table with her ass sticking up in the air and legs spread slightly apart.
I had my girl. Oh my God! I have a hot young girl tied up in my basement. I really did it. I was too nervous to do anything. I just stood there waiting for her to wake up. What was I going to say? I had fantasized about all the things I would do to her, but I never really thought about what I would say. She was taking longer to wake up than I thought, so I meekly fondled her ass a little bit. This was *my* ass now. I reached under her body and felt her tits. They were just as firm as they looked. My God, I haven’t felt firm tits like this since my wife was 25. And these were *my* tits now.
I had my sex slave, and had her forever. I didn’t want to rush things. I was much too nervous to get an erection anyway. I knew she would wake up soon so I formulated a plan based on some news story I read on the web once. Some guy convinced an abducted girl that he worked for a white slavery ring and that she was to be trained and sold. This sounded like as good a plan as any.
She was out maybe 7 or 8 minutes when she finally started to wake up. It took her a few moments to realize that she was tied down. Once she did, she started thrashing and screaming. I heard one of the table legs she was tied to crack, but it did not break. I grabbed her by her hair and pulled her head back, lifting it up to what had to be an uncomfortable position. I looked her in the eyes and said “Stop fighting and shut up or I will kill you right now!”. This seemed to get her attention. Maybe she just realized she was securely tied down and had no choice. She just started crying and saying “Who are you? Why are you doing this?”
I said “Everything will be explained to you in the morning, but the short version is that you have been kidnapped. You are to be trained as a sex slave and sold to the highest bidder once your training is complete.”
At hearing this her face contorted and she started screaming “Who the fuck are you! You can’t do this! Let me go God damn it!”.
“I can do this, and I am doing it.” I assured, “You will be trained by me to be a submissive slave. You will fulfill every whim of your master. For now, I am that master. If you refuse, you will be severely punished. If you are slow to obey, you will also be punished.”
She starting screaming again, barely making sense. I grabbed her by the hair again and pulled her head back even further this time, saying “You have no choice in the matter. Your life as you knew it is now over. You will live to please your master from now on.”
I lowered her head a bit because I could tell it was painful for her. I needed more time to plan how to proceed so I told her “I’m sorry for what I’m about to do to you, but if you always do as you are told, this will be the only time you will have to endure this.” She looked at me with a terrified look on her face, wondering what I meant by that.
I walked behind her and she started trying to turn her head both ways far enough to see what I was doing but was unable to see me clearly. I grabbed a paddle that I had in a drawer and stood behind her, to her left. I said “This is what will happen if you disobey your master. I am doing this now so you will know what punishment is like as a slave. Hopefully this will convince you to accept that this is your life now, there is nothing you can do about it, and it will go much easier for you if you obey your master.”
With that I pulled back and whacked her ass very hard. When I heard the way she screamed and saw the way the whole table jumped, I thought maybe I had hit her too hard, but decided that it was just about right. She was still screaming as I continued:
“I am your master now!” …Whack!
I paused between each whack for a few seconds.
“You *will* obey me!” …Whack!
She is screaming bloody murder now. It is hurting my ears.
“You will obey your master instantly and without hesitation!”… Whack!
She stops screaming and starts begging “Please stop! Please! Oh God, please stop!”.
“Say ‘You are my master and I will obey you’ and I’ll stop!”… Whack!
Her ass must be getting numb now as she has stopped screaming and just lets out a loud yelp when this blow lands and then starts sobbing loudly.
“Say it!” …Whack!
She totally fucks the line up and say something unintelligible, so I repeat it:
“Say ‘You are my master and I will obey you’!”… Whack!
She lets out another loud yelp and almost says the line correctly. I decide it’s close enough and stop paddling her.
I pull her head back again, but not painfully far. “Very good, Slut! You are learning quickly. I will leave you for the night so your new status can sink in to that pretty head of yours. This is your life now. You will never see your friends or family again. You will never have another cell phone, go to the mall with your friends, or have a boyfriend. You will live to please your master. Get your crying out of the way tonight. Your training starts in the morning and crying will not be tolerated.”
With that, I turn the light off and leave her in complete darkness except for the glow of the DVD display. She is still sobbing as I walk upstairs, locking both doors.
I am shaking all over. I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. My mind races all night thinking of the possibilities. I could not sleep a wink. I’m betting she didn’t either.
September 16th, 2007
I dozed off at the computer for about an hour.
I want to take this very slowly. She’s mine forever now. I realize that no matter how hot she is, and how cool it is to have my own personal sex slave, at some point I will get bored of her and we’ll settle down in to the same old routine every night. I want to delay that as long as possible.
At some point she will be broken and nothing will degrade or humiliate her any further. Which, by the way, is what I’ve realized is the part that turns me on more than anything else. I want to work through the different ways to humiliate her over time. I could go in there this morning, rape her, come down her throat, fuck her ass with a cucumber or whatever, but then what is left to do other than get bored?
My main decision today is how to get her naked. I will only see her naked for the first time once so I want to do it right. The two choices are to make her slowly strip for me, or chain her to the ceiling and slowly cut her clothes away with a knife. I think stripping would be the most humiliating, so I’m leaning towards that. Cutting her clothes with a knife would be scarier for her, but my goal is humiliation, not terror.
I never knew there would be so many decisions to be made, but it sure is a good dilemma to have!
I need to try to get some sleep.
September 16th, 2007
I did manage another hour of sleep. I’m not sure how as my mind is still racing. I’m in no hurry to have any kind of sex. I’m still very nervous about this whole thing and I’ve not spent a lot of time thinking about any actual sex acts.
Believe it or not, the thing I am most looking forward to at the moment is just feeling her body. I want to grab those tits while she isn’t lying face-down on the table. I want to fondle that ass. Just through her clothes for now. Seeing her naked for the first time is one of the milestones. No need to rush it.
I put together a set of video files that I had downloaded in the past. My thought is to show them to her as examples of what happens to the girls I have trained. I want to show her that cooperative slaves have a nice life, while trouble makers end up in torture movies or something. I’m not sure yet if I will use them or not. I will play it by ear.
Time to go see how she is doing.
September 16th, 2007
By the time I got downstairs, I decided to wait on the videos. I don’t want her to have any hopes or any feeling that she is cooperating of her own free will. I will probably use the videos at some point, but I think it will take away from the excitement of breaking her.
I unlocked both doors very quietly. When I walked in, she was still in the same position and asleep. I have no idea how she managed to fall asleep in that position, with a burning ass, and knowing she was a captive, but she did.
I shook her lightly to wake her up. She stirred but was very groggy. Her hair was a tangled mess in the front. She apparently had cried quite a bit. Once she woke up enough to remember where she was, she started lightly weeping and asking “Why are you doing this to me?” I didn’t answer, but held a bottle of water with a straw in it up to her mouth. She drank almost the whole 16oz bottle.
I then said “I’m going to put a collar on you, attach it to a chain on the ceiling, and untie you from the table. If you try to fight me or escape, you will find out about level two punishment. There are 3 locked doors between you and the outside world. You cannot escape. Do you understand?”
She meekly squeaked out a “Yes” and put her face back down in the hole in the table.
I put one of Lex’s old dog collars around her neck and attached a chain to it. I really did not plan this part out very well. There is no way to lock the chain to the collar. It’s just one of those kind where you move the lever with your thumb to open it. I need to secure her and go out today and get some things.
I asked her if she had to use the restroom and she nodded her head, so I walked her to the bathroom door and gave her enough slack to go in by herself and pee. I want to save the humiliation of me watching her pee for another time.
She was in there for a minute or two when I got impatient and told her to hurry up. As she opened the door, I noticed that there was very little slack in the chain. Suddenly she burst through the door and swung the end of the chain at me, aiming for my head but hitting me on the neck. She tried to kick at me, presumably aiming for my balls, but her foot deflected off of my right thigh. She was a mad woman, kicking, scratching and screaming wildly. Luckily, I’m a fairly big guy and subduing her was not too much of a problem. Fuck, I’m so stupid. This could have been a disaster. If she could have somehow disabled me, she could have taken the bottom door key out of my pocket and eventually found the hidden upper door key. I have got to be more careful. What a great “Professional Sex Slave Trainer” I am!
I decided I have to go out now and get some things to better secure her. I tied her back up on the massage table because I know that will hold her. I used an extra couple pieces of rope and a few more knots here and there. I will be gone for a few hours and want to make extra sure she is secure.
“You really fucked up. I was trying to be nice about this. It could have gone so much easier for you.” I said.
“Fuck you, you bastard!” she yelled, “My parents know where I went! They will find me and you will fucking die in fucking prison you fucking pervert!”. I knew she was bluffing, but I was glad she was showing some spirit again.
I replied “I am going upstairs to treat these scratches you gave me. When I come back, you will learn the hard way that trying to injure me in any way is the worst possible infraction of the rules. In that one act, you have broken three rules: resisting me, trying to escape, and physically injuring me. It will not be pleasant for you. Today you will find out what real pain is like.”
The look on her face was priceless, as I could tell she was terrified, but still trying to be defiant. “Go to hell you fucking pervert!” she choked out while trying not to sob.
With Slut secured, I am going to do some shopping.
September 16th, 2007
I just got back from the hardware store, and an adult book store that also sells sex toys. I don’t want to spend the time listing everything I bought, but I spent over $700.
I’m going to try to catch a few hours of sleep. The nervousness is starting to fade a bit now.
September 16th, 2007
I managed a few hours of sleep and then went downstairs. She seemed to be half awake and half out of it. When I walked in, she popped her head up and started to try to make a deal with me.
“Listen, I know what you want. It doesn’t have to be like this. Untie me and I’ll do what you want. Promise you’ll let me go and I will have sex with you. I’ll make you feel really good, then I’ll go home and no one has to know this ever happened.”
I walked up to her and stroked her hair, looking down at her with a mixture of pity and disappointment on my face, saying “It’s too late for that now. You had your chance for this to be easy, and you chose to make it hard on yourself.”
“Please, I know how to make you feel good. I will do anything you want, I’ll fuck you all night long if you want, just please let me go! She begged.
“Too late” I said, as I slipped a ball gag over her mouth.
She was trying to scream and started thrashing around again.
“Your first punishment is for resisting me. This is what happens when you try to fight me, refuse to obey an order, or hesitate too long in obeying an order.” I said, as I grabbed a 4 foot long, 1/2” wooden dowel rod I had bought at the hardware store.
She could not see what I was doing and was still screaming and thrashing.
I decided her ass was probably still tender from the paddling and decided to go for the back of her thighs.
Whack! Her whole body tightened up and she let out a blood curdling scream that was loud even with the ball gag in her mouth.
“This is what happens when you resist me!”
“Is this what you want! Does this feel good?!”
“You will instantly obey my every command, won’t you?!”
She frantically starting nodding her head and screaming, I assume she was trying to say “Yes”. I had already decided that disobedience was punishable by 10 lashes so I gave her three more in rapid succession.
I waited a few seconds and then pulled the ball gag down so she could speak.
“Oh God, please stop. Please…Oh God it hurts.”
“Do you understand why you were punished?”
“Yes, please…God…no more!”
I put the ball gag back on and said “That is your punishment for simple disobedience: Ten lashes.”
“Unfortunately, you also tried to escape. You must be punished for that as well. The best punishment for attempting to escape is to prevent you from trying it again for a while.”
With that, I grabbed a small foot stool, about a 18″ tall and put it under her knees so she was kneeling on it. I then took some rope and tied it tightly around the bottom of the footstool and up around her calves so she could not move her legs and her feet were dangling off the end of the footstool.
After removing her shoes but leaving her socks on, I said “This is your punishment for trying to escape.” I then took a length of garden hose about two feet long and whacked her left foot with the hose, right at the ball of her foot, just below the toes. To say she screamed again is an understatement. Feet are very sensitive. I’m sure this pain was much more intense than the paddling or the caning.
I wanted to get this over with quickly so I hit the left foot 4 more times, at different places. I wanted her feet sore enough that she would have some trouble walking for a day or so, but not permanently injure her.
I waited about 30 seconds for her to calm down a bit, then I started on the right foot. I gave the right foot the same five lashes, in roughly the same places.
I had to take a piss so I left her there for a few minutes. When I came back she was still crying, but not quite so hysterically. I again lowered the ball gag so she could speak.
“Please..please… god… please…I’m sorry! I’ll do whatever you ask. I will not try to escape again. I swear! Please don’t hit me any more! Please… god…” and she started crying again.
At this point I was actually feeling a bit sorry for her, but I have to carry out all of her punishment. She has to learn what her place is and what the consequences of her actions are. I hope this is the last time I have to do this, but it must be done.
I told her I was going to move her and that if she resisted, she would get more of what she just had. She probably thought it was over at this point, but she was mistaken.
I secured both of her hands with two of the four pairs of handcuffs I had bought at the adult book store. I then locked light chains to the handcuffs and ran them to two of the rings in the ceiling. I untied her and told her to stand up. She slowly stood up as I was taking up the slack in the chains.
“Step over here!” I ordered. She complied but walked softly and slowly because her feet were very sore. It appears as though I used about the right amount of force on her feet.
“Raise your arms!” She did as she was told, but only raised her arms to about shoulder height. “Over your head!” I demanded. She looked at me with a look of “Oh God, what now?” on her face, but slowly raised her arms above her head.
I pulled the chain all the way through the ring until her hands were all the way above her head, then pulled them even more, forcing her to stand on her toes. She was still fully clothed except for her shoes, and still had the ball gag in her mouth.
This was what I was looking forward to; exploring her body.
I walked behind her and got close to her ear and said “You are mine now.” She let out a whimper as I grabbed her ass. I squeezed her ass cheeks and it felt wonderful. I had not felt a firm ass like that in so long. “This is my ass now.” I said as I continued to fondle it. I slowly worked my way up her sides and under her tits. “These are my tits now.” I said as I cupped her magnificent tits in my hands. They were just over a handful, just like I prefer them. I played with her tits for a few more minutes and worked my way down her stomach. Just feeling her firm body even through her clothes and bra was worth everything up to this point, and worth the risks I was taking. You have no idea how many times I’ve seen these firm young girls and only been able to fantasize about what they felt like.
I then worked my hands back around to her ass again and fondled it for a minute or so and then started working my way down to her thighs. I ran my hands along the back of her thighs and then to the inner thigh area. As I cupped her vagina in one of my hands I whispered in her ear “This is my pussy now.” She let out another whimper and squirmed a bit. I think she had to pee again. It had been many hours since the bathroom incident.
I had my fill of fondling her for now and lowered the ball gag. “Please, I’ll do what you want. Please let my arms down and I’ll do whatever you want. They are hurting, please let my arms down.”
I replaced the ball gag and replied, “I will let your arms down in a few minutes, but I think you may have forgotten that we still have to deal with you injuring me. I have six scratches, two of them fairly deep. I cannot let this go unpunished.” upon hearing this, she started crying again, begging and pleading but I could not understand what she was saying.
I just stood there in front of her for a few moments, letting her wonder what was going to happen. I then reached for my belt buckle and started to slowly unbuckle it. The look on her face was one of confusion. I imagine she was thinking “Was he going to rape me now? Why is he undoing his belt?”
I unbuckled my belt and pulled the belt off. As I doubled it over, the look on her face changed to one of fear. She now knew what was going to happen.
“I really do not enjoy this” I lied, “but you have given me no choice. You hurt me and that is the worst possible offense against your master. I hope I never have to do this again, but that will be up to you.”
I walked around to stand behind her as she was still begging and pleading. I started on her ass. I lost count of how many lashes she got on her ass and up and down the back of her legs, probably about 10. I was careful not to hit her hard enough to leave any permanent marks. She was kicking around the whole time, so I waited a few seconds between each lash for her to get back on her toes.
I then said “This will stop when you say ‘I am your whore slave and I will instantly obey your every command.’” I knew she couldn’t say it with the ball gag on but she wasn’t ready yet.
I walked around to face her directly and started on the front of her thighs and hips. After about 10 lashes in the front, I gave her a minute to settle down and again said “This will stop when you say ‘I am your whore slave and I will instantly obey your every command.’” and I lowered the ball gag.
“Oh god, please stop!… You’re killing me!” she screamed.
“That’s not what you were supposed to say.” I said as I replaced the ball gag. And walked behind her again. This time I targeted her back and shoulders. I gave her at least 12 lashes and then walked back around to face her. She was mostly limp and just hanging there.
“You have one chance to get this right: say ‘I am your whore slave and I will instantly obey your every command.’” and I lowered the ball gag.
She said something but it was barely audible. I started to put the ball gag back on and she really perked up and said very loudly “I am your whore slave and I will instantly obey your every command! Please stop! Please!”
I decided she had endured enough for now. I looked at the her and noticed there was a small wet spot in her crotch, like she had let out a bit of pee during her beating. This brought to mind that scene from the movie “Last House on the Left” and gave me an idea.
“Ok, slave” I said, “This is your first test. Piss your pants!” She looked at me like I was crazy and I think she didn’t understand what I meant. I then raised the belt and whipped her on the thighs three times yelling a word with each lash “Piss!… Your!… Pants!”
She looked up towards the ceiling, then closed her eyes and had a completely humiliated look on her face. Her chin was quivering trying to hold back tears and I could tell she was concentrating, trying to pee. Finally after about 10 seconds, a wet spot started to appear. She must have really had to go as it made a huge wet spot down the front of both legs of her jeans and got the floor wet as well.
I guess I should have thought this through a little more. I now have her hanging there in wet, smelly jeans and piss on the rug that I forgot to pull up. But, man, that look on her face was worth it. She was no longer a spoiled brat flaunting her body. She was on her way to being broken. She’s not there yet, but well on her way.
I went around behind her and looked at the size of her jeans and shirt, then lowered the chains a bit so she could sit down on the floor. “Stay right there until I return.” I said as I walked back upstairs.
I’m going to the department store to get her some clothes. I guess I should also pick up some girl products, but I don’t really know what all she will need yet.
September 16th, 2007
I am exhausted. I’ve only slept about 3 hours in the last two days. I went downstairs, threw some jeans, panties and a white button up shirt down on the floor. I forgot to get her bra size so she will have to use the same one for now. I also gave her a box of baby wipes and one of those 99 cent ham and cheese lunch meals, as well as a small bag of beauty items such as a hair brush and some makeup that I just guessed at; I had no idea what to get.
I told her to clean herself up, change her clothes and I’d see her in the morning. Before removing her ball gag, I told her “Say ‘Yes, Master’” and I removed her ball gag. She quietly let out a “Yes… Master.”
I picked the rug up and she let out a few faint whimpers as I turned the light off and went upstairs.
September 17th, 2007
I slept about 6 hours.
I realized I hadn’t checked the social site in a few days and spent a little time catching up with it. “Baby” messaged me and told me she was laid off from her job at the book store. She is looking for another job, but is worried that she will lose her apartment because she is already behind on the rent.
If I didn’t already have Slut, I think I may have had a chance at getting Baby. The thought occurs to me that two girls would be any mans dream. It would be great to have two girls at once, but the security issues make it difficult to justify. The two of them together may be able to overpower me given the right circumstances. I’ll keep playing along with her for now.
I’m feeling fairly well rested. Time to go back downstairs and play with my new toy.
September 17th, 2007
This morning it was time to get her naked. When I went downstairs she had cleaned up and changed pants as I had told her to do. I had forgotten that she was wearing chains on her wrists and couldn’t change her shirt.
She even brushed her hair enough to be presentable, but didn’t use any of the makeup. I saw this as a little passive rebellion on her part. I hadn’t told her to use it, so she didn’t; she wasn’t going to be any prettier for me than I specifically told her to be. I let it go this time.
I told her “Good morning, Slave”. She remained silent, looking at the floor.
“Master is talking to you, Slave” I said.
“Good morning… … … M-m-master.”
“We’re going to switch you over to a collar and free up your arms” I said as I put the new dog collar on her and attached the chain to the collar and ceiling ring. I then freed her arms and she started rubbing her wrists. I left enough slack in the chain for her to walk around in about a 3 foot radius.
“Master is talking to you!!!” I growled.
“… Thank you… … … Master.”
There was a noticeable delay before she would say “Master” and a barely detectable sarcastic tone when she said it. Another of her little passive rebellions. We’ll deal with this soon.
I pulled the recliner over from the corner and sat upright in it about two feet in front of her. I grabbed the dowel rod I used on her yesterday and put it across my lap. I told her to stand up and face me, which she did. I just stared at her for a few moments and she diverted her eyes and looked down.
“Look at me.” I demanded. She looked up at me but her eyes kept darting away for a fraction of a second.
“Look me in the eyes and quit looking away.” I said. She stood there staring at me and me staring back. I don’t know what was going through her head right then but I can guess it was not pleasant thoughts about me.
After staring at each other for an uncomfortable minute or so, I said, simply “Dance.”
She looked at me and said “What?” with a tone of “Are you nuts!”. I immediately and with one swift motion swung the dowel rod off my lap and on to her left thigh, yelling “Dance!!!”.
She grabbed her thigh where I had hit her and looked at me with a look that I couldn’t quite interpret. Maybe it was a look of “I can’t believe this pervert” mixed with “That fucking hurt, you bastard!”. After about 3 seconds, she slowly started to swing her hips very slightly and said “Yes… … Master”. That was a good start. I let her do this for a bit and then said “Move you hips more.” to which she again replied “Yes… … Master.”
At this point I was getting annoyed at her delaying saying “Master” and whacked her again with the dowel rod, yelling “Stop pausing before saying ‘Master’!”. She again grabbed the spot where I hit her and said “I’m sorry, Master!”, her voice cracking a bit as she tried to hold back the tears.
I repeated my last command: “Move you hips more.”
She replied “Yes, Master.” and started to swing her hips just a bit more, but it was good enough for now.
I switched the dowel rod to me left hand so I could hit her right thigh if I needed to whack her again.
“Move your upper body and arms, too.” I commanded. She complied, but it looked like some kind of timid version of a weird ’60s dance.
“Dance sexy! Slow it down, grind your hips, thrust out your chest. Turn around slowly. Dance like a stripper. I’m sure you’ve seen them on TV, do it like they did.” I said all at once.
“Yes, Master” she replied as she started to at least try to act sexy. It wasn’t really very sexy, but being in control of this hot, young girl was giving me a rock-hard boner.
“Face me and keep dancing.” I said as I clicked the remote for the TV and satellite box. I put it on the “Love” music channel. I didn’t recognize the song. It wasn’t exactly “sexy” music, but it was good enough.
“Look me in the eye and caress yourself as you are dancing.” I demanded.
She did as she was told and stared me straight in the eyes as she ran her hands up and down her sides and hips. I watched her for a few minutes and then commanded her “Caress you tits and and thighs too”. She started to get a look of humiliation on her face and started to tear up a bit, but did as she was told.
“Now, run your hands up your inner things, and against your pussy.” I demanded. This was getting to be too much; my balls were starting to hurt.
“Keep dancing. I’m going to ask you some questions. When I ask you a question you will always reply by repeating the question as a statement. In other words, if I say ‘Do you like ice cream?’ you don’t just say “Yes, Master.” You will reply with ‘I do like ice cream, Master’. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Master.” she incorrectly replied. She obviously doesn’t understand yet.
“Keep in mind that we have been watching you for months. We have listened in on your phone calls and read your text and Internet messages. We know most of the answers to these questions already. If you lie, you will be punished. Now, answer properly this time… do you understand?” I said, raising the dowel rod just a bit to make her take notice.
She looked confused for a few seconds and then said “I understand, Master.” Good girl.
“How old are you?”
“I’m 17, Master.”
“How many boyfriends have you had?”
She thought for a few moments and said “Four, Master”.
I quickly whacked her on the right thigh; “How many boyfriends have you had!?”
“… I… I have had four boyfriends, Master” she said as she rubbed the spot where I had just hit her.
“Are you a virgin?”
She looked very embarrassed as she said “I am not a virgin, Master.”
“So you have fucked a guy before?”
She hesitates for a second, embarrassed to say it; “I have fucked a guy before, Master.”
“How many times have you fucked a guy?”
She looks down at the floor as she answers “I have fucked a guy 1 time, Master.”
“Keep looking at me, Slave”
“I’m sorry, Master.”
”Did you enjoy fucking?”
“I did not enjoy fucking, Master. It hurt.”
Well, damn, I missed her being a virgin by one guy. Over the course of these questions, her dancing slacked off to not much more than slight hip movements.
“Turn to your right.” I said and she complied.
Whack! I lash her across both ass cheeks. She grabs her ass with both hands and cries “What did I do, Master?”
“Move your hands, Slave.”
She hesitantly moves her hands away from her ass and… Whack! I thrash across both ass cheeks again.
“The first lash was because you stopped dancing without permission. The second lash was for speaking without being spoken to. You never speak unless you are asked a question, or you are given a command. Do you understand?”
“I understand, Master. I’m sorry, Master.”
“If you ever have anything to say you feel is important enough to risk punishment, you may simply say ‘Master?’. If I decide to, I may say ‘What is it, Slave?’. If I feel what you had to say was not important enough, you may be punished. Do you understand?”
“I understand, Master.”
“Now, start dancing again.”
“Yes, Master.”
With this she starts dancing, and if it’s not just my imagination, she seems to be trying a little harder to be sexy.
I wanted to get some action going now. “Face me and keep dancing, Slave.”
She slowly turned towards me and kept dancing.
“Unbutton the top button of your blouse”.
Her face turned a bit red and she got this look on her face like she knew where this was leading.
“In between my commands, you will continue to dance and caress yourself, but I want you to continue to face me unless I saw otherwise.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Unbutton the next button.”
“Yes, Master.”
“You do not need to need to respond to each command while you are dancing.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Do the rest of the slowly buttons as you dance.”
She continued to dance as she unbuttoned the rest of the blouse. It was now hanging open, giving me a nice peep at her cleavage.
“Unbutton your pants.”
She looked like she was about ready to cry, but managed to hold it back.
“Unzip your pants until the top of your panties show. Unzip them very slowly.”
As she slowly slid the zipper down about half way, I saw the top of the white panties I had bought for her, with the little pink bow at the top. My balls were aching.
“Slowly remove your shirt, by raising your arms one at a time and pulling the sleeve off.”
She did as requested, but stopped looking at me while she was doing it.
“Look at me, Slave!”
“I’m sorry, Master.” she said as she looked at me and awkwardly tried to unbutton the sleeves.
With her shirt off now, I wanted to savor every minute. “Just dance for me now. Turn around a few times, slowly.”
She danced in place, slowly turning around.
“Have you ever kissed a girl, Slave?”
She looks around the room quickly, as if making sure no one else could hear and she said “I kissed a girl one time, Master.”
“When was this, Slave?”
“When I was… 13 or 14. It was my best friend. We were just playing around, Master.”
“Have you ever had sex with a girl, Slave?”
“God, no! I…I mean, No, Master.” I raise the dowel rod. “I mean, I have never had sex with a girl, Master”.
“Unhook your bra but do not remove it yet.”
She reached around with both hands and unhooked her bra.
“Hold your bra in place with one hand, and slowly slide the straps off of your shoulders as you dance.”
It was incredibly sexy watching her slide the straps off her shoulders, while trying to keep her bra up, all the while looking me right in the eye. I like the eye contact. It’s too easy to do this while looking away. When she looks me right in the eyes, she knows who is in charge. My balls are about to explode, but I’m not going to ruing this moment by rushing it.
“Turn around some more as you dance.”
I could see a few faint red marks on her back as she turned around. I had used just about the right amount of force while whipping her; painful, but no damage.
“Face me and bend over towards me, but maintain eye contact.” I wanted to get a good view of her cleavage. It was beautiful.
“Now, stand up straight. I want you to keep facing me and gyrating your hips as you *very* slowly lower your bra.”
She did as she was asked, but tried to keep one arm partially covering her tits. This was actually ok with me. I like to be teased. I couldn’t see them completely but could tell that she had medium brown nipples, exactly the kind I like. My wife had pink nipples, which are better than very dark brown, but Sluts tits were just about perfect.
“Use both both hands to cover your nipples and move your tits around, mash them up a bit and push them together as you dance.”
She stood there gyrating her hips and playing with her tits. I don’t think I can take much more of this. I noticed the pants I bought for her were not a perfect fit. They were starting to work their way down her hips a little.
“Now slowly reveal your tits to me. Keep dancing.”
Slowly, the full glory of her young, firm tits became apparent.
“Take your index fingers and caress your nipples.”
She was getting more used to being almost naked in front of me. It didn’t seem to humiliate her as much as it was at first. I’d have to do something about that.
“Ok, We’re going to move to your pants. I want you to very slowly inch your pants down as you turn around and swing your ass and gyrate your hips, but keep your panties on.”
The look of humiliation started to return as she slowly spun around and lowered her pants. One side of her panties had worked in to her crack.
Once her pants were about half way down her thighs, they fell down and bunched up below her knees.
“Slowly step out of your pants and kick them away.”
She did as she was told and stood there in just her white panties and the blue socks she had on when she first got here. I could see the faint shadow of her dark pubic hair.
I told her to stop dancing and had her strike several poses as I took pictures from my recliner. When I had enough pictures, I said “Face me and stand up straight.”
“Lick you index fingers and caress your nipples again. I want to see them standing up erect.”
She complied and her nipples did indeed stand at full attention. I was not dumb enough to think she was enjoying this in any way. Whenever I read one of those rape stories on-line, I immediately quit reading and delete it when the victim starts to enjoy it. That just does not happen, and takes the fun out of it. If I wanted to read a consensual sex story, there are plenty of those available. But I digress. This was purely a physical reaction to the stimulation and cooling effect of the saliva.
“Have you ever masturbated, Slave?”
This time her face turns bright red and she looks down at the floor briefly, hesitating just a bit too long. I start to raise the dowel rod and she blurts out “I have masturbated, Master!”
“Good, then you know how. Show me how you do it.”
“Wha?… Master?”
“What is it, Slave.”
“Please… don’t make me do that, Master!”
“Why not, Slave?”
“I can’t do it, Master. I can’t do that in front of you. Please, Master, don’t make me do it.”
“Are you disobeying a direct order, Slave?”
“No! Master, no! I am not disobeying. I’m begging you… please… don’t make me do this.”
“Slowly move your right hand down to your pussy, Slave. Now!”
“Master… please…” she sobs as she slowly moves her hand towards her crotch.
“Keeping caressing your nipples with your left hand.”
A tear falls down her beet-red cheek as her hand reaches the top of her panties.
“Slip you hand in to your panties.”
She lets out a pathetic whimper, but does as she’s told.
“Spread your legs a bit…a little more. Ok. Use all of your fingers to lightly caress your pubic hair.”
It was at this point that I first saw her bush. It was… substantial. She apparently had never shaved. It might have been the hairiest snatch I had ever seen.
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