
Diane’s descipline methods Pt.1

After dealing with the loss of her husband and a busy work schedule, a mother finds drastic measures to discipline her son but ends up enjoying herself

It was a warm summer Friday afternoon where Mark found himself sitting at his computer in his room. Although the transition from spring to summer had only recently taken place, today seemed a bit warmer than usual for that time of year. Mark sat back in his chair as he waited for the video clip he had just opened to complete loading its buffer. He felt a cool and gentle breeze come through the window and brush passed his naked torso as he was dressed in nothing more than a pair of cargo shorts. He was alerted to the video’s playback beginning by a loud explosion as the opening scene of an upcoming game began playing. He watched attentively as the video showed various images and captions from the game when he was disturbed by a knock on his door. He turned around to see his mother standing in the door way.

“Mark! I hope to God you haven’t just been loafing around the whole day.” She said, her voice sounding slightly agitated but mostly exhausted.

“Common mom, can I at least get a decent greeting before you start busting my balls?” He said in his usual moaning voice that she had grown quite sick of over the past few years.

“Look son.” She began as she walked into the room and sat on his bed before continuing.

“I know you feel like you have just finished high school recently but it was quite a few months ago. I bust my ass just to keep a roof over our heads and I could really use your help around the house.” She said, sounding more defeated as she had begged him on numerous occasions to get his act together. Mark’s response was just a grunt as he continued watching the video on the computer screen which only served to infuriate his mother further as she stood up and stormed out of the room. Mark continued to watch the video as if nothing had happened however he couldn’t help but notice scent of her perfume lingering in his room. It was subtle but very evident however he was unaware of the stir it caused in him.

Diane had found her way back downstairs to the living room and was sitting on the couch while talking to her friend on the phone.

“I just don’t know what to do Alison, he just won’t listen and won’t get off his ass! He just sits at his computer all day long.” Diane said to her friend as she voiced her frustrations.

“Oh I know just what you mean Diane, I had the EXACT same issue with my Tom, he just wouldn’t show any initiative to do anything other than play video games. It was driving us nuts!” Diane’s friend replied on the other end of the line.

“I just don’t know how to handle it. I’m exhausted from work and this merger at the office is taking more and more out of me by the day. The last thing I need is to come home and deal with this.” Diane said as she picked up the TV remote control began absent-mindedly flipping through the channels.

“Well that’s what you get for being an over achiever miss high profile business career woman. You have too much on your plate and you don’t know how to deal with it.” Alison replied making a sarcastic remark at her friend’s corporate success.

“Hey don’t judge! What was I supposed to do when Burt passed away, I just felt like I wouldn’t have to think about it so much or it wouldn’t hit me as hard if I just kept busy.” Diane replied. There was a tone of sorrow in her voice as she thought about her late husband and how he was always good with their son.

“At least you have Jack to help you out, I’m alone in this and I’m at my wit’s end.” Diane added, once again emphasising her frustrations and defeat.

“Oh you poor soul, if only you knew. Having Jack around is like having two teenagers to take care of! I basically have to do everything myself.” Alison replied, revealing the truth about her situation.

“You have to be joking! How to do you survive? Especially since you are at home all day.” Diane asked in amazement at her friends ability to handle her home affairs.

“Well it isn’t without a lot of effort, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve. They are men after all and being the only woman in the house, it’s pretty easy to control them both once I figured out what makes them tick.” Alison replied, strategically not giving an honest or descriptive answer.

“Oh no you don’t. Spill it! You have to throw me a lifeline here please.” Diane pleaded with her friend to impart some wisdom on her and save her from her current path.

“I’m not entirely sure my methods will apply to your situation. You might just find them outrageous and think I’ve lost it completely. Instead, I can give you some ideas on how to handle your particular situation.” Alison stated, hoping she had avoided any further interrogation. Although her and Diane were close, she could not disclose this information too anyone but the people involved in it.

“Ok fine whatever. Gimme what you got!” Diane decided to settle with any advice she could get.

“Ok I’m no expert here but you have been a single mom for a while now and have no adult male authority in your home. Now hear me out before you disagree. Mark is 18 now so maybe you should bring it to his attention and declare him the man of the house so to speak. Maybe having some responsibility on his shoulders might change his outlook on life and hopefully his behaviour.” Alison offered the only solution she thought would be relevant to her friend’s situation. Alison was astounded as her advice was met with hysterical laughter.

‘’You’re kidding me right? I can’t even get him to hold a valid conversation, never mind do the dishes or clean his room for that matter.” Diane sarcastically replied.

“I’m being serious! You don’t have to go overboard, just make him feel like he is needed around the house and you need his protection. Appeal to his sense of manhood and see if there isn’t any difference in his behaviour.” Alison responded with an honest and well thought out answer.

“I don’t know. If you weren’t a physiologist I would’ve told you that you have lost your mind. But what have I got to lose.” Diane replied, not quite sure how she would go about doing this.

“Ok great! But test the waters before you fully commit to this method. Ask him to open a jar of pickles or something and see if he doesn’t jump at the opportunity to save the “damsel in distress”. If he doesn’t, then you will have to find another method of getting through to him.” Alison further qualified her theory.

“Hmmm, I’m not entirely sure that will work but suppose it does, what then? How is that supposed to change his attitude?” Diane queried this proposed solution.

“Well, if he displays ‘courageous’ tendencies that it is safe to assume you can move forward. Simply keep asking him to “help” you and he will develop a sense of need. He will feel like you need him and ultimately that will make him feel like he is responsible for filling the gap of the man of the house in your life.” Alison offered a full process map which she felt confident in.

“Alright I will try that. But if it doesn’t work, you will definitely be hearing from me!” Diane said with a playful tone.

“If it doesn’t work, I will call bullshit on all the solutions I’ve ever recommended.” Alison replied.

“Alright, let’s not get ahead of ourselves and just see what happens. Anyways I think I’m going to call it a night. Talk to you later. Bye.” Diane said as they exchanged their parting greetings and ended the call.

Diane sat and stared at the TV with a blank expression on her face as she tried to digest what her friend had just told her. It didn’t take her long before she discarded the advice and made her way to her bedroom to call it a night.

The next day Diane found herself in autopilot as she only “woke up” once she realised she was in the kitchen trying to straighten out the mess in there. It wasn’t long before she heard footsteps coming into the kitchen.

“Hey mom.” Mark said as he walked over to the fridge and gabbed a bottle of water.

“Oh wow, we actually know how to greet today.” She said sarcastically. He didn’t bother responding and simply smirked at her comment as he sat down at the counter.

Diane continued cleaning up the kitchen when she suddenly heard her friend’s suggestion echoing in her mind. She pondered the advice for a few seconds and thought it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. She walked over to the fridge and grabbed a jar of pickles and began pretending she was trying to open it but couldn’t. This instantly caught Mark’s attention as he looked up and watched his mother. She realised he was now watching and tried to make the act look more convincing. As she was about to give up hope she heard the words she never thought she would hear him speak.

“Mom, can I help you with that?” He asked politely. Diane was in a mild state of shock as she never thought in her wildest dreams that he would volunteer to help her with anything.

“Sure, if you wouldn’t mind.” She said as she handed him the jar. Within seconds she heard the jar lid pop opened and he handed it back to her.

“Here you go.” He said with a half-smile on his face.

“Thank you!” She said sincerely as she grabbed the jar and put it on the counter and pretended to look for other ingredients.

“I must say, it’s nice to have a big strong man around the house to help me.” She added as she continued fiddling about the cupboards. She turned around to find him smiling quite brightly at her remark. This was certainly a system shock to Diane as she had never seen him so eager to help before. Before she could say anything further he walked out of the kitchen and headed back to his room as if everything was normal. It didn’t take long before Diane had her mobile phone in her hand and she was dialing her friend’s number.

“Hello.” Alison said as she answered the call.

“Alison, I can’t believe it worked!” Diane said with an astonished tone.

“Really? That’s great! It means you stand a chance at turning his behaviour around.”

“Hmmm, I wouldn’t be so sure about that just yet. I will test this theory of yours more and see what happens.” Diane said, not sounding all that convinced of this miracle cure.

“Trust me it works. There are plenty of more step you can take to whip him into shape so if this doesn’t work, there is still a lot more you can try.” Alison stated.

“Really? Like what?” Diane queried.

“Well, you could always try the chore and reward system. It can get quite involved so I’m not sure if that’s best for you.” Alison responded.

“What do you mean?” Diane asked.

“It’s basically as system where you ask him to do something and if he does it, you reward him. I know its a little crude but it will only work if you keep consistent with it, the moment you stop all your hard work will go down the drain. But that’s advanced stuff, just try the basics first and see if it works.” Alison advised.

“Oh alright, I will give the easy stuff a try. You seem to know what you are doing since Tom is so well behaved.” Diane commented.

“You think so? It took A LOT of work to get to where we are now, there was a lot of bribing involved but it think we are at a mutually beneficial point right now so it works. Any way I have to go now, Tom has finished doing the dishes and I have to deliver on my promise. See ya.” Alison said.

“Ok no problem. Speak to you later.” Diane said and shortly after heard a click as the line on the other end was dropped.

Diane stood at the kitchen counter and tapped her nails on the marble counter top. She thought about her recent conversation with her friend and also thought about how Mark had reacted to her so quickly and in such a positive manner. She decided that she would commit to trying this method out no matter how far she had to take it as she needed to shape her son into an upstanding gentleman and not just another teenage hooligan.

Over the next few days Diane stuck with her new found method of discipline and to her surprise it worked every time. It worked on everything, from simply asking him to get grocery bags out of the car to having him change a light bulb, the minute she appealed to his sense of manhood, he was quick to aid her in any way possible. The routine seemed easy enough and Diane had no trouble with sticking to it at first however, after the third week passed she found her resolve waning as she wondered why he couldn’t just be a good person by default.

“Why do I have to bribe him to get him to do stuff people should be doing for their parents anyway?” She asked herself as she got dressed. She looked at the curtains and there was a glow seeping through the edges as there was a tiny gap between the curtain and edges of the window frame. She walked toward it and pulled the curtains apart and in an instant the sunlight came pouring into the room like water flooding a basement. She stared through the window and stared at the street in front of their house with a vacant expression on her face. She then turned around and walked toward her nightstand where she picked up her mobile phone and began dialling Alison’s number since she was the “expert” in child training. The phone began to ring however it just continued to ring with no answer. She cancelled the call and decided she would go about her day and being a Saturday she didn’t particularly want to do anything. On her way down the hallway she noticed Mark sitting at his computer in his usual manner and she stopped at his door.

“Mark, didn’t you say you would clean the pool for me today?” Diane asked.

“Yeah but I’m not in the mood mom, its boiling out there.” He said as his eyes never left the computer screen. Without responding Diane stormed out of the room and down the stairs into living room. She began pacing up and down the living room as she tried calling Alison numerous times but her calls were not answered. Feeling like things are returning to their old state a little too quickly, Diane grabbed her car keys and headed out the door. She quickly got into her car and drove out onto the road, headed toward Alison’s house. When she arrived she noticed Alison’s car wasn’t in her drive way so she parked on the street figuring she will probably have to leave as there is no one home. She got out of her car and headed toward the house and once again tried to give Alison a call when she heard Alison’s phone ring inside the house. She walked up to the front door and was about to ring the doorbell when she notice blurred figures moving inside the house. She tried to discern who it was but the figures where difficult to make out through the frosted glass of the front door. She then noticed the figures walk toward the kitchen and curiosity got the better of her. She quietly moved to the side of the house and as luck would have it, the kitchen blinds were opened so she had a clear view into the kitchen. She then saw Alison and her son walk into the kitchen she could finally hear what they were talking about.

“I hope you didn’t wear yourself out too much when mowing the lawn today.” Alison said to her son as she walked toward the fridge and he followed behind by a few paces.

“It wasn’t all that bad mom, you know I like helping you out around the house.” Tom said as he leaned against the kitchen counter.

“Yeah I’m sure you just like getting rewarded for helping.” Alison replied as she opened the fridge and retrieved a carton of orange juice.

“No mom, I actually like helping you since dad is always at work, who else will help you without you having to hire someone.” Tom replied as he watched his mother pour some orange juice into the glass she was holding.

“Well that’s really sweet of you honey, you are turning into a real gentleman. Here, have something to drink. It’s quite hot out today.” She said as she handed him the glass to which he accepted and quickly drank the whole thing in a few gulps. Diane felt her blood boiling as she watched them. Here she is skulking around in hedges because she is in crisis and her “best friend” can’t even bother to pick up the phone.

“Feels better doesn’t it? It’s hot as hell today.” Alison said as she picked up a towel and patted her neck down as she had begun sweating.

“That was good, thanks mom.” Tom said casually as he placed the glass on the counter.

“Speaking of good, you have been really going at your chores lately. I’m impressed!” Alison said, commending him on his recent behaviour.

“Thanks mom, it’s easier to do them since I have more free time with the summer holiday and all.” He responded as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

“Well I like your spirit. That reminds me, it’s time for you reward since you have been so well behaved.” Alison said as she casually walked up toward. Once she was standing in front of him, she got down on her knees, unzipped his pants and with one hand slid her finger in the waist band of his underwear and with the other pulled his cock out of his pants. She admired it for a few seconds and it began getting erect and suddenly took it into her mouth without allowing it to get fully erect.

Diane’s hands flew up and covered her mouth as she gasped and her eyes widened to their limits.

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