Friday afternoon, at three o’ clock, I reported to Ms. Navarro’s classroom for detention. Chris Green was already there, sitting in one of the desks, and so was another boy, Billy Anderson. I had Billy in a couple of my classes; he was a really good looking dude: about six foot tall, vanilla wafer-colored skin, beautifully muscular arms and a hard chest. Billy had intense black eyes, light stubble around his angular face, short dark brown hair, and a small (compared to Chris), but cute pair of pink lips. He and Chris sat beside each other, talking about something that I couldn’t–and really didn’t care to understand. When they saw me, both of them chuckled a little, and I rolled my eyes and headed for a desk way across the room from them. I assumed that because Chris was around one of his ‘friends’ that he was gonna try to act all hard and shit. He would say shit about me to Billy, and at the end of detention, Chris would ask to come over to my house so that we could fuck. I really wasn’t in the mood for either of their shit today.I hoped that for once they didn’t have anything to say, but of course, they had something to say. They were gonna say as much shit as they could before Ms. Navarro came into the room.
“Is that the faggot that got you in trouble?” Billy asked Chris.
I felt Chris’ eyes on me, but I didn’t look at either of them. I tried to pretend as though I didn’t hear them, but it was hard, because Billy said it extra loud so that I had no choice but to hear it.
“Yeah,” Chris said, faking disgust. “He’s the one. Should go over there and beat his ass.”
“You should,” Billy agreed.
Finally, I turned and looked over at them. They were just waiting for me to say something back to them. “Both of you need to shut the fuck up and leave me alone. Don’t fuck with me right now.”
Chris and Billy laughed out loud as though I had just said the funniest joke in the world. Looking at Chris laughing at me when I knew that he was just trying to act all cool in front of Billy pissed me the fuck off. He was a prime example of the reason why I hated high school boys: some of them might be cute, but they’re super fake and immature.
A few minutes later, Ms. Navarro entered the room, carrying a load of papers in her hands. She placed them at her desk and sat in her chair. She looked at all three of us. “I want all of you to be quiet. Nobody moves, nobody talks for a whole hour.”
“Stupid bitch,” Chris muttered.
“What did you say, Christopher?” Ms. Navarro demanded.
“Nothin’,” Chris said. “I didn’t say nothin.”
“That’s what I thought,” the teacher said. “Anymore comments like that, and you’ll be in detention until graduation.”
“Whatever,” Chris whispered.
Half an hour passed. The classroom was silently mostly, except for Billy, who tapped his fingers on the desktop, and the ticking of the clock. I peeked over at Chris, who was looking at me. Everytime I saw Chris’ sexy face, part of the hated I had for him diminished, and I was reminded of the times we had messed around together. I remembered the way his warm lips sliding up and down my dick, the way he forced his eleven inch dick all the way up my ass, the way his whole body trembled whenever he came inside of me, and the way I seemed to melt after I squirted my cum inside his hot, tight ass. The more I thought about that, and the more I looked into Chris’ eyes, the harder my dick got. I didn’t want to get hard, but of course I could never control how my body reacted to Chris Green. I raised my hand and asked to go to the bathroom.
“Hurry back,” she said.
“I have to go to,” Chris said.
Chris saw me push down my hard dick, as I stood. Billy wasn’t even paying attention, he was staring off into space. As I walked to the door, Chris said, “I need to go to the bathroom too.”
Ms. Navarro gave Chris a sharp look. “Wait until Brandon returns.”
“No,” Chris said, “I really need to go now.”
I’m sure he didn’t need to go to the bathroom at all. The only reason why he wanted to go was because I was going. I figured that Ms. Navarro would say no again, but she sighed and said, “Both of you be back here in under two minutes. If you’re not–”
Chris hopped up out of his seat before Ms. Navarro could get her last words out. Billy turned and watched us leave the room. He gave me a look of suspicion as we left the the classroom. The bathroom was located directly around the corner. I went inside and and Chris followed closely behind me. We both stepped up to the urinals at the same time. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my stiff dick. I stood as close as I could to the urinal so that Chris would not be able to see my hard dick. Chris unzipped his pants and pulled out his large cock. It hadn’t grown all the way to its full eleven inches, but it was definitely getting there. Unlike me, Chris stood at a distance from the urinal, giving me a full opportunity to see his beautiful dick, and the golden liquid that squirted out of it like a water gun. I tried not to look at Chris’ dick, I tried to prove to myself that I wasn’t that sprung on him, but I couldn’t. I had to look at his dick. After he was finished pissing, Chris started to softly rub the big,, wet head of his cock. He rubbed up and down the shaft slowly, until his dick was hard as wood. I started to rub my own dick slowly.
“Let me see it, B,” Chris said.
“No. Get away from me.”
“What, you mad at me?”
“I don’t feel like talkin to you right now.”
“I wasn’t serious when I was sayin all that mess about you, Brandon. Don’t get all emotional and shit.”
“Whatever,” I said. “I don’t care.”
Chris smiled and started to jerk himself off faster. I saw his ass clench tight within his loose jeans. I wanted to reach over, put my fingers down the back of his pants, and slide them up and down his asscrack. Almost as if he had read my mind, Chris forcibly dug into the back of my jeans, yanked down the waistband of my underwear, and stuck his finger deep into the crack of my ass. I closed my eyes and a soft groan escaped my mouth. Chris moved behind me and pulled my pants and underwear all the way down, exposing my naked ass to him. He pushed me hard against the urinal. With one hand on my lower back, Chris used his other hand to open my ass up wide. “Been thinkin bout this sweet ass all day,” Chris said. He bit my left ass cheek hard. A flood of pleasure coursed through my body. I wanted him to keep going, even though I knew he shouldn’t. Chris opened my ass with both hands, uncovering my asshole. I felt the tip of his wet, silky tongue against my closed hole and my knees weakened. Chris turned his baseball cap backward so that he had better access to my ass. He reached between my legs, found my hard dick, and pulled it backward, toward my ass, toward his mouth. Chris started at the top of my asscrack, continued down to my hole, which was moist enough now to let his tongue slip in a little, down to the piece of skin that connected my asshole to my nutsack, and slipped the head of my dick into his eagerly awaiting, hot mouth.
“You taste better every time,” Chris said as my dick fell out of his mouth.
“…Chris…we have…to go back.”
“Not yet.” Chris returned to eating my ass furiously. Each time his tongue went deeper and deeper into my asshole, I started to sweat all over. I wanted to stay there like that, with him ripping my ass apart with his tongue, but I knew that in a few seconds, Ms. Navarro was gonna send–
Billy walked into the bathroom. I didn’t have to open my eyes to know it was him. Chris immediately took his face out of my asscrack, jumped to his feet and buttoned up his jeans. I did the same thing. Billy, who didn’t appear disgusted or surprised at all, leaned against the wall, his burly arms crossed over his muscular chest. He looked at Chris and I with a satisfied smirk on his handsome face. “She told me to tell you two to get back in the classroom now,” Billy said.
Chris moved away from me as though I had a disease or somethin. “Yo, Billy. It’s not what you think–”
Billy walked out of the bathroom before Chris could finish what he was gonna say.
“FUCK!” Chris yelled. He kicked over one of the wastebaskets, sending used paper towels flying all over the ground. Chris looked at me angrily, as though somehow this was my fault. I could tell that at that one moment, he hated me more than anything he had ever hated in his life. I sure that he was gonna say somethin or try to hit me or somethin, but he didn’t. He flashed me the most hateful look and stormed out of the bathroom, leaving me alone.
When I walked back into the classroom, Ms. Navarro asked me, rather annoyed, “What took you so long in the bathroom? I told the both of you to be back in under two minutes?”
“Uh…” I didn’t know what to say.
“Don’t trip,” Billy told Ms. Navarro. “Brandon and Chris were just takin a dump. You should go in the bathroom. It’s gonna smell like ass in there for a week.”
I didn’t know whether to feel relieved that Billy had covered for me, or grossed out that he had used that excuse. Chris was slouching in his seat, the bill of his baseball cap shielding his face so that I could not see the anger that was in his eyes.
“Let this be the last time that you take that long, Mr. Newman,” Ms. Navarro. “Now sit back in your seat.”
I did. For the next twenty minutes, I just sat in my desk, worried about having been caught by Billy Anderson. Glancing over in his direction, I saw Chris with his head pointed down, his body frozen as though he were a vegetable or somethin. Billy was looking at me, a strange look in his attractive dark eyes that made me wonder what he was thinking about. He grinned at me, a taunting smile that made me a little bit more worried.
Four fifteen finally came and Ms. Navarro told us that we could leave. Chris got out of his seat first, kicked open the door and left. Billy, still grinning with his awesome, pretty white-toothed smile, got up and headed out of the door. I was the last one to leave, and as I grabbed my backpack, Ms. Navarro said, “I know what the two of you were doing in the bathroom.”
“I didn’t mean for it to happen,” I told her. “He just…”
“Are you sure that’s the kind of person that you want to be involved with?”
“I’m not involved with him. And I never will be.” I left the classroom.
I didn’t see Chris or Billy as I passed the parking lot. I looked for Chris’ truck but didn’t see it. But as I walked out of the gates, off campus, I saw Billy standing across the street, leaning against a stop sign, just watching me. I started to hurry along the street, pretending that I didn’t see him.
“Wait up, Brandon,” Billy said.
Billy ran up behind me, placing his firm hand on my shoulder to stop me. “Get off me!” I growled. Billy laughed.
“Don’t get mad at me,” Billy said. “I wasn’t the one doin somethin I shouldn’t have been doin.”
I walked faster to get away from him, but Billy kept following me. “So you’re fuckin Chris Green?”
“Don’t worry bout who I’m fuckin. Stay outta my goddamn business.”
“Such poetic language, Brandon,” Billy said laughing. “But your business is bout to be everybody’s business tomorrow.”
I stopped walking, turned and stared at Billy. He stood there, his hands deep into the pockets of his faded blue jeans, his naked arms flexing. He had really nice looking arms; I had to stop myself from staring at them for too long. “Go ahead and tell whoever you think needs to know,” I said to him. “I have no reputation at this shitty ass school to uphold. I don’t give a fuck what people say about me.”
“Yeah,” Billy responded. “I know you don’t, but Chris does. If I tell people bout how my boy was eatin out your ass then Chris is gonna be fucked. And then he’ll take it out all on you.”
“I didn’t make Chris do anything he didn’t want to do, so I really don’t give a fuck if he gets mad at me. So like I said before, if you wanna go tell the whole world, do the fuckin thing.”
“Didn’t say I was gonna tell,” Billy said. “I said if I tell. I can keep my mouth shut, but that all depends on you.”
“What the fuck do you mean it depends on me?”
Billy looked around to see if anybody was looking. Nobody was around. He took a step closer to me. I didn’t know what he was planning to do, so I got a little nervous. I could smell his body odor. It smelled almost like Chris’ except for Billy’s was stronger. I could smell the must coming from his armpits, and rather I liked it or not, it was starting to make my dick get hard. “If you do to me what Chris did to you, and if you give me head, I won’t tell nobody.” I thought it was a joke at first, that he was just fuckin around with me, but when I looked into his eyes, it was more than obvious that he was deadly serious. I never thought of Billy Anderson as the type of dude that would fuck around with another dude–but then I thought the same thing about Chris Green. Billy was much like Chris in the sense that they were both extraordinarily good-looking with tight bodies, but they both shared the same fucked up, arrogant attitude that I hated (but subconsciously loved) in high school jock type dudes. Billy Anderson had asked me to eat his ass and to suck his dick, both of which I assumed were really nice. My dick got so hard that for a moment I thought it would fall of my body. Billy saw the front of my jeans extend outward and he smiled. He started to rub his own crotch, and I saw his dick lengthen within his pants. The tent I made in my jeans was nothing compared to the fuckin house that Billy made in his jeans. Obviously he and Chris were similar in more ways than just their personalities.
“Okay,” I said, my heart beating quickly and loudly.
“Tight,” Billy responded. “Let’s go up to the gym. Nobody’s there.”
“Are you sure? I already had two weeks of detention for fucking on the floor of Ms. Navarro’s room. I’m not tryin to get caught ever again.”
“Calm down,” Billy said. “I told you, nobody’s gonna be there `cept for us.”
We went back on campus and entered the building which led to the gym. My dick was straining in my semi-tight jeans, waiting to be free. I tried to hold it down with my hand, but it kept popping back up. We went up a case of stairs, me first and Billy behind me. He smacked my butt hard and then squeezed it. “Nice ass,” Billy said.
“Yeah, sure,” I said. His complement meant nothing to me really.
Like Billy had said, the gym was empty. The remaining sunlight filtered through the high windows, giving the whole place a reddish-orange color. Our footsteps echoed as we made our way over to the bleachers. As soon as we entered, Billy took off his shirt and threw it at the base of the bleachers. I can’t think of the right word to describe how beautiful Billy’s naked torso was. The light collected on his hard chest, illuminating every sharp line and curve. His abs were shockingly perfect. Billy kicked off his shoes, started to proceed up the bleachers. As he did this, he unbuckled his jeans, pulling them down. Billy bent all the way over as he took his pants off, giving me a perfect view of his stunning, tight ass. It was so fuckin beautiful, and I started to precum knowing that in a few moments, my face would between that butt, fuckin his asshole up with my tongue. But the best part came when Billy turned around. His dick was bigger than my arm, a perfectly cut, thick and long ten inch dick, that pointed toward me like a missile aiming straight for its target. I was drooling at the thought of having that incredibly large dick going down my throat.
“Come up here,” Billy said.
I pulled off my own shirt, my nipples hard. Unfastening my belt, I pulled my pants off and walked naked up the bleacher stairs until I was right in front of Billy, his massive dick waiting for my hungry mouth to let it come inside. “Go for it,” Billy told me. Putting my hands on Billy’s hard hips, I brought my face closer to his crotch, opened my mouth, and invited his dick to enter through my lips. Billy groaned and his big, tight nutsack bounced. I got most of his cock in my throat, and with the rest, Billy thrust his hips forward hard, sending the remaining three or so inches down my throat. I grabbed on to his hard ass to keep myself balanced. “Suck that dick,” Billy moaned. “Keep doin that shit.” Although I hated to admit it, I kinda missed the way Chris and I insulted each other as we fucked, the way we used to fight each other when we went at it. Billy continued to fuck my mouth hard and fast, sending his dick deeper into me each time. I had to struggle to keep up with his quick rhythms. Billy grabbed me by both ears and slammed me onto his dick, all the way, so that my lips were kissing his thick, black pubes. Billy gyrated in my mouth, popping his hips forward, raping my mouth with his big dick. He was leaking his precum all over my tongue and I enjoyed every drop of it. Suddenly, Billy pushed my forehead with the palm of his hand, sending his dick out of my mouth. “Now it’s time for the other side,” Billy said. He turned around and pressed his beautiful ass against my face. “I just wanna feel your tongue in my ass, dude. Nothin else–no fingers, and if your dick even comes in the area of my ass, I’m throwin you off these bleachers.” Now he was beginning to sound a lot like Chris and my interest increased. Him saying that he didn’t want to me to invade his ass with my finger or dick was just his way of begging to be fucked.
“Bend over some,” I told him.
Billy did as I asked. His tight ass spread a little, but I would have to use my hands to pry it apart. Once I did get his butt open, I wasn’t able to see his asshole too clearly because of the lacking light, but I found it with my tongue, and the moment that my tongue connected to his hot, sweaty hole, Billy started to tremble. I started off slow, doing gentle circles around the rim, getting him moist enough so that later I would jam my tongue all the way his ass. Billy groaned and I started to work faster with my tongue, going in crazy circles and zig-zag patterns. “Goddamn,” Billy moaned, “I like that shit. Do it some more.” I went on to eat his ass out like a wild animal. Once I got his asshole wet enough, I thrust upward with my tongue, sending about a fourth of my tongue past his gates and into the smooth warmth of his ass. “FUCK!” Billy yelled. He held on to the bleacher stairs in front of him to maintain his balance. I gave his asshole no mercy; I did my best to run a fuckin hurricane through his ass with my tongue. I took my tongue part way out of his hole and then dug it right back it, making Billy scream out so loud that his voice echoed about four times throughout the gym. Licking my index and middle fingers, I continued to lick his asscrack up and down for a little bit before I finally took my tongue out. Taking a real good look at his pretty ass, I spread his tight cheeks apart again, and spat a large wad of spit on asshole. I rubbed it around his asshole, and without warning, I shoved my thumb up Billy’s asshole as far as it would go.
“SHIT!” Billy bellowed. Once again his voice echoed several times. I ripped my thumb out of his ass and Billy exhaled sharply. But before he could catch his breath, I stuck my middle finger into his ass and started to whirl it around with his tight, hot ass. “Oh fuck,” Billy moaned, “Oh, fuck…Chris was right…”
I had shoved my middle finger so far up his ass that it had almost swallowed my knuckle. But when Billy said that, I snatched my finger out as hard as it could. “Chris was right bout what?” I asked.
“Nothin’,” Billy said.
I jammed both my index finger and middle finger into Billy’s ass at the same time. Billy’s ass clenched tightly around my fingers. “Chris was right about what?” I repeated. I finger fucked him hard and deep. Billy groaned and moaned so much that I thought he was gonna cry.
“Nothin’,” Billy answered. “He didn’t tell me nothin’.”
Again I snatched my fingers out of Billy’s ass; Billy whimpered and arched his back. My dick was painfully hard now and I was tired of using my finger to fuck him. I wanted to use the real thing now. “Tell me what Chris said bout me. If you don’t, I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week.”
“I fuckin’ dare you,” Billy said.
I grabbed Billy by the hips, pointed my hard dick in the direction of his waiting hole, and prepared to dig myself inside of his hot ass. “I’m gonna fuckin ass you one more fuckin time: What did that asshole Chris say about me?”
“You might as well go `head and start to stick me, `cause I’m not sayin shit,” Billy said.
“If that’s what you want.”
With one easy motion, I forced my dick into Billy’s hole, all the way his ass, hitting his pleasure spot. The feeling of his hot ass hugging around my hard dick paralyzed me with lust for a couple of seconds. Billy’s whole body tensed and I heard his grit his teeth as though he were repressing the world’s biggest scream. “You better not try and scream,” I said. “Take this fuckin big dick and shut the fuck up.”
“Fuck, yeah,” Billy groaned.
Gripping Billy by the hips, I pounded his ass, his butt mashing up against my stomach as I went all the way deep inside of him. “Tell me what Chris told you,” I said.
I gave him a quick, very hard thrust, sending my dick even further against his ass. “Tell me.”
Billy relented. “Fuck!” he yelled. “He said….” Billy growled again as I beat his insides up with my dick. “He said that you were…oh shit I’m bout to cum…” I reached around to his front, grabbed his dick and squeezed it really hard at the same time that I was ripping him out.
“Tell me what he said.”
“I’m bout to bust,” Billy cried. His whole body spasmed and his dick trembled in my hand. Seconds later, a flood of thick, burning hot cum spilled out of his dick, all over my hand. Billy continued to convulse as I fucked him hard. I was miles away from cumming, and I could keep fuckin him all day if I wanted to. With my fingers covered with Billy’s sticky cum, I forced my fingers into his mouth.
“Lick it,” I told him. “Eat your nut.”
Billy licked my fingers dry until there was no more of his cum left on my hand. I continued to fuck him and Billy continued to moan, obviously not tired not yet. “What did Chris tell you?”
From behind me, two hands grabbed my waist, and a naked dick rubbed up against my asshole. I recognized the strong body odor. I didn’t have to turn around to know that it was Chris. He put his dick inside of my asscrack, rubbing it up and down the length. I almost melted with his touches, even though I was still fucking Billy. Whispering intimately in my ear, Chris told me, “I told Bill here that you were the best fuck in this school, and that he had to try you out.” And with saying that, Chris slammed his eleven inch dick deep into my ass, and all three of our moaning voices mixed together, forming one big continuous echo that never stopped.
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