Deputy Morpheus (Complete)
Deputy Morpheus (Complete)
Sex Story Author: | Kenneth Hammond |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I stepped out and looked around carefully before nodding and walking towards the vehicle as Amanda pushed Ser Benson out |
Sex Story Category: | Non-Erotic |
Sex Story Tags: | Non-Erotic, Science-Fiction |
Chapter 1
Recovering a fugitive
My life began with my older sister. We were sold to a… school when I was still a baby. Even when I slept they used a sleep teacher to make me learn. Everything from chemistry to engineering, by the time I was fourteen I could have been anything; doctor, engineer, chemist, computer programmer… anything.
The fact was we were trained to kill, we were assassins and could use any type of weapon. Even though I was young they had given me the name Morpheus as my clan name. It came crashing down when I was sixteen. My sister went out for a mission and when she returned the masters stunned her while she was in my room talking to me.
I was confined to my room while she was taken away. It was four days later when the alarms began. When we heard an alarm everyone was supposed to go to their armory and then move to defend the school. I was calm as I rushed to my armory and quickly gathered what I needed. Instead of going to defend the school I went looking for Samantha.
I headed for the school display room. It was where someone was made to talk in front of the school to show everyone how to torture a person. I was afraid of what I would find. When I pushed open the door and stood looking into the large room my fears were confirmed. From across the room I could see the bloody battered body of my sister hanging from the far wall.
I stepped into the room as another door opened and an outsider stepped in holding an assault rifle. I ignored him as I took another step towards Samantha and another door burst open with three other students. My reactions were swift, I drew and fired three shots before the outsider could even bring his weapon up. I ignored the falling bodies and the outsider as I crossed to my sister’s body.
I put my pistol away and knelt to unlock the first ankle restraint. I moved to the other one and then stood to work on one wrist. My sister fell into my arms as I tried to reach the one remaining restraint. The outsider was suddenly there and reached up to release Samantha. She dropped and I lowered her to the floor. I knelt beside her and for the first time in a long time I felt tears on my face.
I felt the hand on my shoulder, “you are not safe kid.”
I snarled and caressed my sister’s dead face before standing, “stay out of my way outsider.”
I pulled my pistol as I headed for the far door. The next hour was a blur of death as I moved through the school killing. The last was in the grandmaster’s quarters and they were guarded with the best students and technology available. After I stepped away from the headless body of the grandmaster I went back to Samantha, I did not care what happened to me.
It was the Imperial Marshal from before that came for me. I was the only student left alive and they needed to access the data net for the school. I ignored their techs and moved through the bloody halls until I reached what seemed like a vacant wall. I pressed against the wall and waited ten seconds before reaching to the right and hitting the light switch.
The wall moved back and then sideways. I walked into the small room that held racks of computers on three walls. I sat at the one small station and brought it to life. I glanced back at the marshal that had followed me, “what information do you need?”
He glanced at a tech behind him and he squeezed around him. I let the tech plug a siphon into the main frame and turned away. I went back to my sister to find some stranger putting her in a bag. I almost killed him on the spot when the marshal touched my shoulder, “she will be taken care of.”
I glanced at him, “where? Samantha was all I had.”
He squeezed my shoulder and that was the start of a new life for me. The system government tested me and determined I was educated. Of course I would have to go back through an advanced school to get a good job. The imperial marshal from the school was the one to suggest becoming a marshal. The process was hard and I had a one in a million chance to make it through the two year testing and selection program.
I walked into the Canis VI headquarters for the imperial marshals. I was carrying my ready bag and wore a nice suit. The weapon scanner screamed and the two guards spun, reaching for their weapons. I stood still and moved one side of my suit coat to show the badge on my belt, “my ID is not in the exempt queue yet.”
The whole lobby had moved away as one guard stepped close to check my credentials. He was also reaching for my weapon and I cleared my throat, “you touch it and I will kill you.”
He froze and his partner moved to point his pistol at me, “your name marshal?”
I smiled thinly, “Morpheus.”
They both froze, I had broken every record at the Marshals Academy and my name was well known. The guard stepped back and his partner turned and input my ID. The scanner turned from red to green and I nodded and started for the far lifts. When I stepped out on the office floor I knew the system marshals had purposely left my ID out of the planetary marshal lists.
They were standing around grinning as I headed towards the far side of the room to the commander’s office. I set my bag on the chair outside the office and knocked. I heard a woman’s voice, “come!”
I opened the door and walked in. Sitting in the commander’s seat was a fair skinned older woman. In the chair beside her desk was imperial marshal Jessop and I smiled, “you missed my graduation Simon.”
He smiled, “I had the commander send me a recording.”
I looked at the woman as she sat back to look at me, “ma’am, I am Morpheus. Central assigned me as a replacement.”
She nodded, “this is not like the academy. Marshal Jessop is an old friend and was giving me a little off the record briefing on you.”
I nodded, “the school…”
She smiled and shook her head, “I already know that. He was explaining some personal things, like your penchant for ice cream.”
I grinned and moved to sit in one of the chairs in front of her desk, “it was not something we were allowed to have in the school.”
She sighed, “I have a problem young man. I only have one marshal I can assign as your training officer. Unfortunately she is headed out to hunt down a fugitive on Sigma II. You will accompany her and stay out of her way. Observe what she does and listen when she tells you something. The life span for a marshal can be very short.”
She touched a comm button, “marshal Camdra please come to my office.”
I heard a voice clearly, “she went to dispersing ma’am.”
Commander Tosin sighed and looked at me as she closed the comm, “very well. Go to dispersing and get with marshal Camdra. See me when you return.”
I nodded and started to stand when I heard the yell from the outer office. I sighed and reached into a inner coat pocket for a tiny vial, “why does everyone keep trying to look in my bag?”
Simon grinned, “his pet just bit someone touching his bag.”
I shrugged, “if you will excuse me?”
She nodded and waved before looking at Simon, “pet?”
I closed the door as I stepped into the outer room. The marshals were gathered around one that was holding his hand. They all turned to look at me and I tossed the vial to the wounded man, “take it before the poison takes affect.”
I reached for my bag and picked it up before heading to the lifts while the marshals just watched me. I glanced at the floor listing before stepping into the lift. I stepped out on the third floor and followed directions to a small office with a window above a counter. Standing in front of the window was a stunning brunette that was cussing, “damn it! What do you mean I am not authorized!”
I walked up behind her and she unconsciously shifted and half turned. I cleared my throat, “excuse me.”
She turned and I saw the badge on her belt and I smiled, “my name is Morpheus. Commander Tosin assigned me to you.”
She tossed her hands up, “what else can go wrong!”
I grinned and bent to set my bag down, ignoring the small and young dragon that swarmed out and up my arm, “perhaps I can help?”
She growled as she gestured to the window, “might as well.”
I stepped up and looked from the android to the form on the counter. I grinned and took out my stylist and started making changes and adding my name to the form. I pushed it across and the android bowed slightly, “the only available ship is the Star Princess. They only have one room, a suite.”
I gestured to the form, “check my code.”
It looked and then nodded, a packet spat out from the slot in the counter with marshal Candra’s name and then another with mine. I accept both and turned to hand one to her. She was staring at the small dragon on my shoulder, “what is that… thing?”
I smiled and glanced at my shoulder, “that is Dragon. She is a symbiotic synth I designed and constructed.”
She looked at me, “android?”
I shook my head, “she is an organic construct.”
She shook her head, “he brought his pet.”
I did not bother to explain and bent to grab my bag. Marshal Camdra glanced in her packet and swore, “we only have an hour before shuttle boarding!”
I shrugged, “I have not unpacked.”
She growled as she turned to the door, “meet me in the lobby!”
I followed her as she walked quickly to the lift. While she headed up to private quarters I headed down. I glanced around and moved to lean against a wall across from the main entrance. I was still waiting a few minutes later when the golem walked in. Before the alarms started screaming I was moving. I shoved a guard away as he stepped in front of the golem with his weapon drawn, “do not shoot!”
I stood still and looked straight into the golem’s face, “gentle being, this is the new corporate building for the Eternal Faith Church. How may I light your way?”
It froze and a few seconds later, “this is the headquarters for the imperial marshals.”
I bowed slightly, “I am sorry to inform you but the imperial marshals were killed in an explosion. This is now the home of the Eternal Faith Church.”
I could see guards and other marshals appearing and ignored them. The golem turned back to the door, “I will seek elsewhere.”
Dragon slipped down my body to follow the golem as I walked behind it. It was several meters outside the door when she swarmed up its back and bit at the base of the neck. She dove towards the door and spread her wings. I caught her as I watched the golem stand frozen.
I ignored Dragon as she climbed back to my shoulder and turned to the guards, “notify hazardous disposal that a golem is locked in stasis outside the doors. Tell them I want a data dump before they destroy it. Have them send commander Tosin a copy of the data.”
I walked back to where I had dropped my bag as guards and marshals moved to check the golem. A golem was basically an android with a bomb in it. A small bright eyed marshal glanced at me as he came back in, “how did you do that?”
I smiled, “I have studied golem logic circuits. When it thought its target location was wrong it went out to contact its controller and verify. The address and ID of the controller will be at the top of its program queue. As for putting it in stasis that was Dragon.”
I glanced at my shoulder and he looked at the miniature dragon and then back at me, “but…”
I started for the door as I saw marshal Camdra appear. The crowd outside cleared a path for us and we waved a transport down. She almost ignored me as we checked in and headed towards the slide that whisked us out to the boarding shuttle. After that it was a short flight up to the starliner and then we were checking in with the ship purser who frowned at our weapons when the ship scanners went off.
We followed a steward to our suite and thanked her before going in. Camdra looked around as she stood by the wide bed. I set my bag on the comfortable looking couch and Dragon stuck her head out. I put my hand on the couch, “my nest.”
Dragon swarmed out of the bag and then started walking down the couch and jumped to the back to walk back. She lay down and put her head on her front paws. I pulled a small compact device from my bag and began checking the room as marshal Cambra cleared her throat, “what are you doing?”
I glanced at her as the detector vibrated in my hand, “checking for listening devices.”
She snorted, “they would not dare…”
I gestured to a wall display and held up one finger. She blinked and her face got a set look as she started for the display I had pointed to. I moved on and continued to check the large room. I pointed out three more devices before reaching the bed. I stopped at a large metal ball on one side of the head board. I looked at the device in my hand and changed a setting. I looked at Cambra and pulled a finger across my throat.
She was removing the last listening device and nodded as I set the detector on the bed and pulled a small case from inside my jacket. It only took a minute and then I was holding a three centimeter jell sphere. I glanced at Cambra as she stopped next to me, “I think we are going to have a talk with the captain.”
I shrugged, “this is actually pretty common on starliners. The monitors for the listening devices are set to alert if they detect certain words or groups of words. The gas is to overcome anyone they think threatens the ship.”
She looked at me, “how do you know all that?”
I grinned as I headed to the couch, “the school I grew up in was Hades.”
I glanced back when she did not say anything, she did not seem to recognize the name. I sat and Dragon stood and hopped down into my lap. I scratched under her jaw and looked at Cambra, “the school was built by assassins to train assassins. Almost from birth we were taught everything they could think of. It was not just weapons work or a martial art.”
I smiled, “while in the Marshal’s Academy I tested for and received advanced degrees in chemistry, engineering, computer programming and sciences. I also have advanced degrees in bioengineering, micro biology, bio chemistry and bio computer engineering.”
She looked stunned and then looked at Dragon and her eyes narrowed, “it is not a pet.”
I shook my head, “she is alive but she is much more than people think.”
Cambra grinned, “teaches me to suck eggs.”
She sighed and sat beside me, “okay, we are headed to Sigma II. The fugitive is Paul Ton Helibrandt, sentenced to public death for the murder of three thousand people. He has a cult following that managed to kill the execution guards and free him. Sigma II is mostly an agro world with small communities. Intel thinks Helibrandt is hiding in or around a community named Posidin. It is an ocean side community of some size.”
I nodded and sat thinking, “and his followers are the citizens of the community.”
She nodded, “they wanted me to lead an assault team in.”
I shrugged, “by the time you cleared every building he would be gone.”
She nodded, “I was thinking it might work out if I went in covertly.”
I shook my head, “they would know the moment you stepped off the transport.”
She looked at me, “you have a better idea?”
I grinned, “yes. We do not bother hiding and just go in together. The followers and Helibrandt are not going to panic or feel threatened.”
She shook her head, “yeah they will just shoot us.”
I grinned, “no. They will try to shoot us and when they do we will have them.”
She looked at me and I smiled, “I will take whoever they send and they will give us Helibrandt.”
She snorted, “his followers would rather die.”
I stood as I felt the faint vibration of the ship as it began to move. I looked back as I placed Dragon on my shoulder, “and when I tell them we are going to kill every follower in public?”
She jerked, “what?”
I headed for the door, “we need to get to the jump rooms.”
She stood to follow me, “the emperor and the royals are not going to kill all those people.”
I did not say anything as I led the way to the center of the ship. The crewman directed us across the walkway and followed us in as we headed to two seats. I relaxed and let Dragon climb down into my lap, “I did not say we would do it. I said we would make whoever tries to kill us think that was what we were going to do.”
She smiled and reached over to scratch Dragon under her chin before looking at me, “that is not bad.”
We relaxed as the crew began coming in and then the captain walked in calmly and sat in the fancy seat in front. A few minutes later I felt as if I was being turned inside out. When it stopped I glanced around and stood to help marshal Camdra up. I looked around the room again and many people were vomiting or looking comatose.
The crew were just starting to rise and Camdra glanced at me, “how the hell can that not effect you?”
I smiled as I cradled a dazed Dragon and headed towards the door, “training.”
I walked through the quiet ship until I found the lounge and went into the serving room to pour a glass of juice. I left and walked to the large display that showed the stars outside the ship. I settled into a comfortable chair and leaned back as Dragon seemed to sigh and start crooning. It was several minutes before the crew member that served the lounge came in.
She took one look at me and froze. I was looking out the window but saw her take a breath and start walking nearer. She cleared her throat, “excuse me sir. Pets are not allowed in the lounge areas.”
I looked at her and smiled, “Dragon is not a pet.”
She looked at Dragon who was looking back, “ah…”
I smiled, “my name is marshal Morpheus. Dragon is a symbiotic synth. I designed her to help me when I work.”
Her eyes widened when she heard I was a marshal. She blushed, “is there anything I can get you marshal?”
I shook my head, “I was just admiring the view.”
She smiled and turned away. It was not long before some of the other passengers began arriving. As it began getting noisier I stood, lifting Dragon to my shoulder. I was almost to the passageway when a large bearded man stepped in front of me, “I do not like marshals.”
I looked at him amused, “I do not like rude people.”
He blinked and then grinned slightly, “what if I break a few of your bones?”
I grinned, “what if I paralyze you?”
He laughed and struck, his fist moving through where my head had been as I shifted sideways. Before he could pull it back my hand snapped out to grab it, pull and twist. Dragon hissed as the man looked up from the floor and grinned, “damn you are fast.”
He rolled to his feet and bowed slightly, “it is good to see you again youngster.”
I waved away the four crewmen that had suddenly appeared and headed towards us, “I thought you were still on Bishop?”
I held my hand out and he clasped it, “I was but Imperial Auditors never stay in one place to long.”
I nodded as I turned to the hallway, “so you have business on Sigma II?”
He shook his head, “it is just a stop over.”
He glanced at me as we walked, “I checked and you still have not touched the funds you received from the school’s accounts.”
I shrugged, “I guess I just have not needed them yet.”
He sighed, “I know you do not want them son and I know why. Your sister gave her life so you would not have to be a killer. No matter what else they taught you, they also gave you a gift. Those funds are as much from your sister as from anyone else.”
I looked at him and sighed, “I know you mean well but…”
He touched my shoulder, “use it when you need it. Just do not ignore it because of what they did to Samantha.”
I nodded and took a breath before looking at him, “want to meet my training officer?”
He smiled, “how about at dinner? Say the fifth hour?”
I nodded and watched him walk off. Richard was one of the few people that knew I was worth millions, not that I ever intended to touch the money. I turned and headed back to our suite. Camdra looked up when I came in, “got lost?”
I smiled, “met an acquaintance.”
She nodded and looked back at the data pad she had been studying, “perhaps it will not be as hard as I thought.”
I looked at her as Dragon leaped off my shoulder to fly towards the couch and her nest. I moved to the chair beside hers, “what were you thinking?”
She tapped a part of the map she had been studying, “this is the only compound not identified by the community. We go in under stealth and monitor it.”
I nodded, “sounds good. But we will need sat look downs before trying to get close. Are we sure his followers have not breached security around the planetary net?”
She nodded, “that was confirmed before he was sentenced.”
I sat back, “Dragon can do a check inside if we have to do an entry.”
Camdra looked at the tiny dragon and her eyebrows went up, “just what can she do?”
I smiled as I looked at Dragon, “she can do recon, sending whatever she sees to me or recording it… She can do much more. She can send a specific stasis pulse through her bite and well, she can do a lot of things. She can smell most organic and inorganic poisons.”
Camdra looked at me and nodded, “that is useful.”
I nodded, “her bite will silence any guards for up the six hours.”
She grinned, “very useful.”
I looked at the map and smiled, “actually I prefer doing things this way. Any chance you can send a star comm to request sat monitoring until we get there?”
She grinned, “I have ten minutes reserved in the communication center.”
I nodded and sat back, “my acquaintance would like to meet you. His name is Richard Centanal, he is an Imperial Auditor.”
Camdra looked at me, “most people in government avoid auditors.”
I smiled, “they called him in to get a handle on the… school financial records. They wanted the names of people that paid them and I was the only one around to access the system.”
She nodded, “makes sense. What time?”
I stood to walk to the couch and lay down, “fifth hour.”
It was a long two week trip which was made bearable by watching marshal Camdra and Richard. Almost from the first instant there was something that drew them together. When we boarded the shuttle down to Sigma II I stopped at the assistant purser and dropped the listening devices and jell sphere of poison into his hand. His eyes snapped to my face and I shrugged, “we are imperial marshals.”
The ride down to the planet went smoothly and we exited with the crowd only to turn into a restricted section at the port. We walked through a scanner that began flashing red. Camdra barely paused before touching her badge to the ID scanner to quiet it. The guards relaxed as I moved my jacket so they saw mine. We walked into a room with lots of monitors and three people, two women and an older man.
Camdra cleared her throat, “I am marshal Camdra. Do you have the sat recordings I requested?”
The old man nodded and stood to pull a compact sat comm down from a shelf, “you can return the sat comm when you leave planet. I programmed it for the sat you wanted for real time observation. The recordings are by date and time code.”
Camdra nodded and bowed slightly, “thank you.”
He actually smiled, “just do not let that bastard get away. My niece was one of his victims.”
She smiled as she held the sat comm out to me, “you know the marshals always get their man.”
I opened my bag and Dragon swarmed up my arm as I slipped the sat comm into the bag in her place. The man stared at her and then grinned, “anyone with a dragon will get the job done.”
I smiled and turned to the door. Camdra caught up a few steps down the hall and we kept walking in silence. Outside the port building we stepped onto a slide belt that whisked us out towards the transportation area. When we reached the end of the slide we stepped off to walk to towards a hovering vehicle. An elder man stepped out from another and nodded.
He wore the uniform of the planetary constables with braid that told us this was a senior official. Camdra bowed slightly as I pulled a small compact device and began checking the vehicle. The man frowned but she captured his attention, “standard procedure for a recovery marshal.”
He hesitated and then smiled, “I understand, trust no one and nothing.”
I stopped beside Camdra and nodded, “clean.”
She nodded to the vehicle and handed her kit bag to me. I took it and opened a back door and put both bags inside. I glanced at Dragon, “guard.”
She rubbed her face against my neck and dropped to the seat before I closed the door. I turned as Camdra got a briefing on several followers of Helibrandt that had been arrested. I glanced at an approaching man and then spun and brought my pistol up. Even as the hidden pistol appeared from behind his leg I was firing.
I did not want him dead so I shot him in both shoulders and then in each hip. While Camdra pushed the constable away and drew her weapon I moved forward. I knelt next to the man, “who sent you?”
He cussed and tried to spit before glaring at me. I sighed and pulled a narrow tube from inside my jacket and touched his temple, “who sent you?”
His answer was a monotone, “disciple Helibrandt.”
I looked at Camdra, “it looks like he expected us.”
She nodded and then shrugged, “let the local Leos have him.”
I nodded and stood, putting the tube and my pistol away. Camdra looked at the officer as we walked towards the vehicle, “he is all yours.”
I slid into the passenger seat as Camdra lifted the vehicle and spun it before heading away from the direction we needed to go. I reached back to my bag and pulled the sat comm out. I started watching the recordings on fast forward.
I finally sat back, “this is the community armory and safe house. They have two roving patrols, one inside and one outside. The fence is touch sensitive and set to kill. I count at least twelve cameras on separate circuits. The sat also picked up a laser grid inside the perimeter and tremor plates.”
Camdra shook her head, “it is not going to be easy.”
I grinned, “the good news is Dragon can kill the inner perimeter security and cameras.”
She smiled as she glanced at Dragon, “you are gorgeous Dragon.”
Dragon purred as she put her head on my lap. I scratched behind her ear, “the armory is not listed with the planetary constables.”
She nodded as she changed direction, “it is fair game than.”
I sighed, “how do you want to take out the guards?”
She looked at me before turning back to what she was doing, “we will try stunning them but if that does not work…”
I nodded and she looked at me, “does having to kill bother you?”
I sighed and relaxed as I set the sat comm to real time, “it is not that it bothers me. My sister gave her life so that I would not become an assassin…”
Camdra nodded, “so you feel a debt to not kill unless you have to.”
I looked at her and finally nodded, “yes.”
She smiled, “good. Killing because it is easier is not the way marshals work.”
I nodded and started watching the sat comm while petting Dragon. It was six hours before Camdra stopped. She had been low to the ground and using ridges to keep us from being seen. She settled the vehicle to the ground behind a screen of thick brush. I glanced up and nodded, “I will watch for Helibrandt if you want to get some rest.”
She grinned and stretched before crawling into the back. Dragon surprised me when she lifted her head and looked back before turning to crawl after her and I grinned, “traitor.”
Over the next two days we took turns watching but did not see Helibrandt. When he finally came out Camdra hissed and I glanced towards her as I warmed a cup of water for tea. She grinned, “he is there.”
I turned the warmer off and moved towards Camdra, “it will be dark in a couple of hours.”
She nodded, “he went into the safe house with a few other nasty looking characters.”
I opened a door and stepped up before starting to strip. Camdra looked at me with an eyebrow raised but I ignored her as I started pulling the dark suit out of my bag. Next was a variety of weapons and equipment. I finally climbed into the vehicle behind the wheel. She nodded and handed me the sat comm before moving into the back to get ready.
I watched a few more people arrive before Camdra came back and then we sat waiting for it to get dark. I lifted the vehicle and slowly headed towards the compound we had been watching. A quarter mile before we reached it I set the vehicle down. We got out and Dragon took flight, I had patiently explained to her several times while we watched so she knew where she was going and what she had to do.
If I concentrated I could see through her eyes. It was as if there was a vague shadow as she sent what she saw to me. By the time we reached the perimeter fence it was down and so were the cameras. We went to the ground and waited for the outside patrol. I shot one in the throat with a high density stunner, the light armor he wore did not cover his throat.
Camdra moved to the fence and watched as I used a black arc torch to cut through the fence. I glanced at her when I got an image from Dragon and whispered, “Dragon says the other guard is coming around to your left.”
She nodded as I went back to work, a moment later I heard her stunner. I pulled the cut fence apart and slipped in. She followed and we headed toward the side door we had chosen to use. She went to one side while I stopped in front of it, I nodded and she hit the open button. As the door slid open I moved through it and to one side with my stunner up and ready.
Camdra followed me in and took the other side of the hall. We started checking rooms and a few moments later I found the tunnel entrance. We looked at each other and then Dragon was there with a warning and we were running. We cleared the fence and dropped to the ground before the building suddenly exploded in a sheet of searing flame.
Camdra was cussing as she rose from the ground. I rose off Dragon and turned to face the distant community. I started walking and a moment later Camdra caught up, “what are you doing? Everyone will be after us now.”
I glanced at her, “they will be moving him from the closest house. He will not be staying in this community. If we do not take him now it may take weeks before we find him again.”
She nodded, “true but what about…”
I looked at her calmly, “they just tried to kill two marshals.”
Camdra’s face hardened, “true.”
I could hear the distant sirens as I neared the large house. Two men turned at our approach and reached for weapons, I did not slow as I drew and fired. Camdra’s shot echoed mine and both men crumpled to the ground dead. Dragon was at the door as we came up and spit acid towards the lock. She leaped and flew off as the area around the lock hissed and started smoking.
Camdra only paused before kicking the door in. I followed her in and fired at three men that jumped to their feet. Her stunner buzzed quieting as two dead men fell and then Helibrandt fell on top of them. I holstered my pistol and crossed to him before kneeling and yanking him up and over my shoulder. Camdra led the way out and headed towards our vehicle.
The siren behind us closed but headed for the burning compound. Camdra opened the back door and I placed Helibrandt in before rolling him onto his stomach. I searched him while she slid in behind the controls. I used a restraint drug to keep him unconscious before securing his wrists and ankles. I slid into the vehicle as Dragon dropped out of the dark night and onto my lap.
Camdra did not even wait for me to finish closing the door before lifting and spinning the vehicle. Our return to the port was as indirect as it was leaving it. The tall building we came to was brightly lit and the blue white sun of Sigma II was just coming up. When she stopped the vehicle I stepped out with my weapon drawn. She followed and then moved to the back door and used a neutralizer to bring Helibrandt around.
She released his ankles and yanked him out of the vehicle. He opened his mouth to snarl and she slugged him, “shut up dead man.”
He was surprised as she nodded and I led her towards the front entrance. I walked through the doors and the weapon scanner screamed before I placed my badge on the reader. Several security officers were scrambling around and relaxed until they saw our prisoner. The floor plans in all marshal buildings are the same and I led the way to the lifts.
I turned sideways to grab Helibrandt by the hair as I stepped into the lift, “you move and I will shoot you through the spine.”
His eyes were wide as he nodded hesitantly. Camdra slipped in on his other side and the lift sped skyward. I shoved him out when the lift stopped on the prisoner floor. Camdra walked swiftly ahead of us as I holstered my weapon and started pushing Helibrandt. We went through a small waiting area and then into a hallway.
Camdra waited beside an empty chamber and I pushed Helibrandt against the wall. She expertly used a clothes zipper to cut his clothing off and removed the restraints. She grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back before shoving him through the doorway. The doorway flashed and then a red tinged haze sprang up blocking the door.
She turned, “put the jumpsuit on dead man.”
I followed her as she headed the other way down the hall. We walked into an open area with chairs and couches and I grinned as she continued on towards the showers. I set my bag down and walked to open a window and closed it after Dragon sped through.
I walked to a chair facing the hallway and sat down, “computer? I am marshal Morpheus, marshal Camdra is my training officer. Our prisoner is Paul Ton Helibrandt, notify the planetary constables he is back in custody and awaiting an execution date.”
I relaxed as a wet Dragon sped back from the showers a few minutes later and dropped onto the arm of the chair. I bent and opened my bag before pulling her towel out and dried her. Camdra appeared looking clean and refreshed a few minutes later. She nodded to the hall, “did you log us in?”
I nodded as I stood, “yes. No response from anyone yet.”
I picked up my bag and headed towards the showers. I washed quickly and ran my dirty clothing through the cleaner slot. I put a new suit on and folded the other before putting it away in the bag. I walked into the lounge area to see Camdra scribing our fugitive report with Dragon draped over her lap.
She looked up when I dropped my bag beside hers on a couch, “they scheduled his execution for seventy two hours. Planetary Militia just dropped in on Posidin and surprised a few people getting ready to attack this building.”
I shrugged as I sat beside her, “dumb. Everyone knows a marshal’s prisoner is dead if they try to take him by force.”
She grinned, “another lesson kid, people do not believe what they are told.”
I nodded and looked at the hallway, “you want the first watch?”
She shook her head, “go get some rest. I activated the auto defenses.”
I stood and headed for a semi dark cubicle to one side of the hallway. Inside was a narrow bed and table. I lay back and let myself relax. I woke to a pinging alarm and rolled off the bed with my weapon in my hand. When I stepped out of the cubicle Camdra was just stepping from another. She was on the other side of the hallway and nodded as I moved to the corner and turned to point my weapon down the hall.
She echoed my move and we looked down the hall to the far waiting area. Standing frozen were two uniformed constables. Camdra moved down one side as I turned and moved quickly to a far door. I touched a plate beside the door and shook my head at the four man team frozen on the landing. I pressed a yellow button and they jerked and spasmed as electricity flooded their bodies.
I turned and walked back to the waiting area where Camdra had the two men on the floor in restraints, “there was a four man team on the emergency stairs.”
She nodded, “these two think we do not have the authority to detain anyone or do our jobs.”
I smiled, “followers?”
She nodded again, “I think it is time to call the emperor and request a suppression and mediation team.”
The men jerked and she grabbed one and started dragging him to the lift. I grabbed the other and followed her. It was two hours later while we were drinking tea and relaxing when the holo table chime sounded. Camdra glanced aside and smiled, “yes commissioner?”
The grey haired man looking back smiled, “Camdra I should have known. The emperor is sending the team. He said to tell you he owes you and your… trainee, a bottle of his best brandy.”
Camdra grinned, “tell his nibs he still owes me one from last time.”
The commissioner smiled, “I will be sure to remind him. Now for your prisoner, we have talked to the governor and the execution has been moved up to midnight.”
She smiled, “standard pickup?”
He nodded and Camdra nodded back, “thank you sir.”
He smiled and then looked past her at me, “marshal Morpheus his majesty wishes you to know you are doing a good job.”
I smiled, “thank you.”
He disappeared and Camdra sighed, “six hours and he becomes their problem.”
Six hours later I was standing beside Camdra with Helibrandt in front of us. The lift pinged and four constables stepped out. One was the senior official that had met us at the port. He smiled, “thank you marshal Camdra.”
She pushed Helibrandt towards them, “if he tries to escape just shoot him.”
They all grinned as they pushed him into the lift. I sighed and turned to head back to the lounge, “want me to check dispersing for a transportation time?”
She nodded, “I will finish the paperwork.”
Twelve hours later we were lifting off planet in a shuttle.
Chapter 2
I looked up from the stack of reports I was going through and marshal Edwards grinned. He was a short stocky man with grey hair and a wicked sense of humor. I glanced at Dragon as she looked up expectantly and sighed as he slipped her a small piece of sweet meat, “what now?”
He laughed, “the boss wants you.”
I looked at him closely and then stood, “Dragon guard my desk.”
Edwards shook his head in mock sadness as I headed towards the commander’s office. A few of the others looked up but most ignored me. I knocked and then opened the door and walked in, “you wanted me?”
Commander Tosin turned from her terminal, “yes. The planetary constables on Garfield have requested our assistance in hunting down a criminal.”
I moved to one of her chairs, “what makes it one of ours?”
She smiled absently, “the wanted man was a trained commando.”
I thought about it and nodded, “do we have a file on him?”
Commander Tosin slid a tiny disk across her desk, “classified so a lot is missing.”
I nodded and slipped the disk into my jacket, “limits?”
She actually sighed, “alive if possible, dead if necessary. The constables would prefer him dead.”
I shook my head as I stood, “they never learn. Okay I will see what I can do.”
I headed back to my desk, “time to go Dragon.”
She stood and stretched before leaping and spreading her wings. I let her land on my shoulder as I headed towards the lifts. I went up to the living quarters and walked to mine. I pulled my ready bag down and left. I took the lift down to dispersing and then headed to the port. This time I was traveling aboard a passenger cargo ship.
Three weeks later I grinned at the XO as I approached the shuttle down to Garfield, “I will miss our games of chance Tony.”
He grinned, “only because you never lose.”
He took my hand and then reached up to scratch Dragon’s chin, “watch his back Dragon.”
She yawned showing her needle like teeth and he laughed, “take care Morpheus.”
I nodded and boarded the shuttle, when I walked out of the terminal I knew something was wrong. Dragon still rode my shoulder and leaped into the air. I headed towards the slide to the transportation area with her soaring above. I was halfway there when a constable stepped onto the slide in front of me. He walked against the slide to approach me and stopped a few feet away, “marshal Morpheus?”
I looked him over, “yes.”
He nodded, “I am constable commander George.”
I waited and his face reddened, “I came to meet you because it is important that we talk.”
I continued to wait as we drew nearer to the end of the slide and the restricted parking area reserved for marshals. He looked around, “Samuel De Varga is a dangerous criminal. We have a shoot on sight order for him. To be blunt we do not want him taken alive.”
I smiled, “the imperial marshals are not hired killers. We take our man alive and only kill when necessary.”
He looked into my face, “here on Garfield you will do as we tell you.”
I laughed and stepped off the stopped slide, “constable I am a deputy imperial marshal. I do not take orders from any local system. Now you asked for our help, if you do not want it I will go back to headquarters.”
He stepped closer and snarled, “listen you young…”
He gasped as my weapon was suddenly touching his chest. I pushed until he stepped back, “I suggest you listen constable. If you interfere with me again or threaten me I will place you in custody and have you taken to Canis VI. The sentence for interfering with a marshal can be severe.”
I looked at his white face, “now, once I check in with the governor I will start looking for your man.”
He backed up and I headed towards the lone vehicle in the marshals parking area. I did a walk around as I checked the vehicle. When I opened the door Dragon dropped down to fly through and land on the far seat, I set my bag in back and climbed in. I started the vehicle and turned it towards the capital as I lifted. I thought about constable commander George.
The way he acted was not like any law enforcement agent should. It was an hour’s flight to the government center and by the time I reached it I had come to a decision. I would stay and regardless of the system request I would find Samuel De Varga to hear what he had to say. I parked the vehicle in front of the building and opened the door.
Dragon leaped to grab on and climb to my shoulder as I got out. I headed towards the ornate doors and paused only to silence the alarm with my badge. I hit the lift button for the governor’s floor and got off to walk through a huge plush lobby. I stopped at a wide desk with three assistants, “I need to see the governor.”
The young man looked up at me and frowned, “the governor is in a conference and can not be disturbed.”
I looked at him calmly, “do I look like a politico or someone else she would normally see? My name is marshal Morpheus and I am here at her request.”
He snorted, “you can wait like everyone else.”
I shook my head, “what is it with this planet? Let me explain something to you. If I even think you are obstructing me I can shoot you. Now where is the governor?”
His eyes had widened slightly but I guess because I was not yelling at him he thought he was safe. He stood and leaned on the desk facing me, “I said…”
I grabbed him by the throat and yanked him over the desk before dropping him to the floor. I looked at the two women moving back from the desk and snarled, “the governor… now!”
One pointed to a large set of double doors and I turned and started walking towards the doors while looking at the two guards headed towards me, “get in my way and I will shoot you.”
I opened the doors and walked into a huge office. A tall grey haired woman looked up as I walked in and frowned. I crossed to her desk as she reached for her intercom. I cleared my throat, “I am marshal Morpheus. I do not sit around waiting for anyone. You wanted our help, since I have been on your planet I have been slighted, threatened and dismissed. Now either you want our help or I take the next ship back to Canis VI.”
She sat back and just looked at me. Finally she leaned forward, “you are a little younger than I expected.”
I just looked at her waiting and she turned to reach for a chip on the corner of her desk. She slid it across, “you will report to me when you kill him.”
I took the chip and glanced at her, “when I Capture him I will turn him over to the courts.”
She stood quickly and snarled, “listen to me Marshal! You will kill him on sight!”
I smiled as I turned towards the door, “if you can get the Emperor to give that order I might consider it.”
I crossed to the door and walked out. By the time I reached the ground floor there were a dozen constables waiting just outside. They blocked my way to the vehicle and I shrugged to let Dragon know to fly. A few watched her take off but most just looked at me as one of the constables stepped forward, “you are an arrogant bastard.”
I smiled thinly, “I have been told that.”
He leaned closer and snarled, “if you want to live to…”
He did not even see the blow that struck his throat. As he fell to the ground choking I drew my weapon, “listen very close. I am a deputy of the Imperial Marshals. You will move out of my way and stay out of my way.”
They were stunned and backed away with hands raised. I waited until the way was clear and started for my vehicle as I holstered my pistol. Dragon dropped out of the sky to fly through the open door. I slid in and closed the door before raising the vehicle and turning to head for the system fleet headquarters. I spent the time thinking about the way everyone was behaving.
I slowed and dropped to the ground beside the guard building that was flashing red alarm lights across the fleet boundary markers. I opened the window and held up my badge, at first the guards had an angry belligerent look until my ID flashed green on the gate scanner. He looked at it in surprise and then at me as I shrugged, “notify the commander I am on my way in.”
I lifted the vehicle and headed for the distant set of buildings. Fleet bases were always laid out the same so I headed for the tall tower in the center. I dropped closer to the ground as I entered the cluster of buildings and slowed to a stop at the front steps of the tower. Dragon climbed my shoulder as I stepped out and headed for the front doors.
The two fleet commandos on each side of the door stared ahead and ignored me as I approached. The doors remained closed and locked and I shook my head, “I am getting tired of this game.”
The two were still reacting as the huge glass doors shattered and I slipped the small tube back into my sleeve. I headed through the shattered glass ignoring the weapons they held. I walked straight to the lifts as a dozen commandoes burst through a side door and entered the lobby. I touched my badge to the red glow on the lift controls and pressed the top floor.
When the lift stopped and I stepped out there were six commandoes blocking my way to the commander’s office. I looked at them, “I am marshal Morpheus. Move or I will move you.”
They glanced at each other and then opened a hole. I ignored everyone as I headed straight for the large double doors. I pushed them open and stepped into the huge office. The commander looked back from the window he was looking out of, “so the marshals are going to do their dirty work.”
I smiled as I crossed the office and sat in a comfortable chair, “if you mean capture and bring him before a judge than yes.”
He turned to face me, “the governor has not told you…”
I held up my hand, “commander, you of all people know the imperial marshals do not take orders from locals and we do not normally do kill missions. Now I came to you for a brief on Samuel De Varga. What is the fleet impression of him and what do you know about the charges against him?”
He looked surprised and then grinned as he walked to sit in another chair, “I should have known you marshals would not take their crap.”
I nodded and sat back to listen. We were interrupted a few times before he was finished. I stood to cross to the window as Dragon glided from my shoulder to the commander’s desk and the small bowl of salted fish and crackers. I looked out not really seeing the base below us, “so you think they assassinated the previous governor and are using De Varga as the scapegoat?”
He sighed, “yes. De Varga was a good man and as far as I know never left his homestead.”
I turned, “you have not said and the record did not hint at a wife or mate.”
The commander looked away, “I have not passed this along to the locals. De Varga pledged marriage to a local woman named Sintha Mathison.”
I nodded, “a Mathison is listed as a distant neighbor.”
He nodded and absently picked Dragon up and scratched under her jaw, “that was why he accepted colony credit to settle here.”
I sighed and headed for the door, “come on Dragon.”
She leaped from his arms and flew towards me as I pulled the door open and looked back, “I will see what I can do commander. Try to keep your personal from doing anything… violent.”
He grinned as Dragon landed and climbed onto my shoulder, “I will try.”
I headed towards the lift as several commandos rose to their feet. I walked through the busy lobby and stepped out the opened door and walked around the maintenance men replacing the shattered glass. As I left the base I noticed a vehicle in the distance to one side. It seemed to keep pace with me and I sighed, knowing it was probable someone trying to follow me.
Halfway to De Varga’s steading I settled to the ground in a small patch of woods and opened the door for Dragon, “Guard. Put anyone that comes in stasis.”
She leaped away and flew up into the trees. I settled back waiting and I was not disappointed. Fifteen minutes later two men entered the patch of woods moving towards my vehicle with drawn weapons. I watched as they split up and came up on each side of the vehicle. The man on the far side of the vehicle suddenly jerked and froze with his mouth open before falling straight back.
The other man froze and pointed his weapon at me, “where is De Varga?”
I returned his look and smiled, “I would drop that weapon if I were you.”
He snarled, “De Varga asshole!”
Dragon landed between his shoulder blades and bit. He jerked and stopped moving with a look of shock on his face. I shrugged and held out my arm, “thank you Dragon.”
As the man fell she leaped and flapped to me. I closed the door as she slipped onto my lap and I lifted the vehicle to resume our trip. I stopped in the yard of a neat looking ranch house and got out and walked around with a feeling of being watched. Dragon shifted a few times on my shoulder but I only reached up to reassure her. The few pieces of equipment were well cared for and seemed in good condition.
I finally turned to the house and walked to the front door. I did not knock, I placed my badge against the lock and then opened the door. I stepped in and smiled at the young woman staring back wide eyed from the front window, “my name is marshal Morpheus. I am an imperial marshal looking for Samuel De Varga, you would be Sintha Mathison. If Samuel surrenders to me I will bring him before an imperial judge and he can defend himself against these charges.”
She glared, “you are here to kill him!”
I shook my head, “imperial marshals do not kill unless we have too. I will find your fiancee and I will bring him before a judge.”
She spun and ran out of the room and a moment later I heard the back door. I nodded to myself and started a slow and careful search. I did not find much but I did not expect to, not with a commando. I walked out the back door and slowly looked around before heading for a distant tree line. I found the hidden watch post quickly and then let Dragon fly as I started the slow work of trying to follow De Varga.
Just from the tracks or lack of tracks I could tell a lot. Dragon sent a warning of a hidden man ahead and I slipped off the trail I was following to silently move closer to the waiting man. As soon as I saw him I knew it was not De Varga. I cleared my throat and he spun quickly bringing the long barreled rifle around. The cocking of my pistol made him stop moving.
His eyes were wide as I looked back calmly, “now why would a neighbor lay in wait on Samuel De Varga’s back trail?”
He only looked back at me and I sighed, “drop the rifle.”
It hit the ground and I holstered my weapon, “now why were you laying in wait for me?”
He shifted and glared, “damn hired killer.”
I smiled, “imperial marshals only kill when defending themselves.”
His eyes narrowed, “that is not what the constables say.”
I shrugged, “they can say whatever they like. I will bring De Varga before a judge to defend himself against the charges.”
He looked at me for a long time and finally nodded. I turned and went back to following the trail only to have it stop in a stream. I glanced up at Dragon and she started a slow spiral out. Finally she called and I headed towards her. I found his trail and started following it again with Dragon above me. I knew seconds before he fired and spun and dropped.
The forest echoed with the shot as I moved quickly into cover. I shifted and then began to move around the shooter. I knew Dragon was looking and had not found the sniper. It was more of a stalking game than hunting. It was a long twenty minutes before I found him. I cleared my throat, “do you want to play it out or surrender?”
There was silence and then, “you are just going to kill me.”
I smiled and put my weapon away, “if I wanted you dead we would not be talking.”
It was a moment before the clump of low brush moved and De Varga stood up. I nodded and walked forward, “Samuel De Varga I am marshal Morpheus and you are under arrest.”
He actually grinned, “Morpheus?”
I nodded and he turned placing his hands behind his back. I turned him back around and locked his wrists together in front of him, I knelt as Dragon dropped onto his shoulder. When I stood with his rifle he was grinning, “I saw your pet but could not believe it was what I saw.”
I smiled at Dragon, “she is more than a pet. If you try to escape…”
He nodded, “I thought as much.”
I turned and we started the long walk back to his homestead. It was getting dark when we got close and I sent Dragon ahead. The warning she sent was enough to make me pull De Varga back, “wait.”
It took a few minutes for Dragon to finish her scout and then I was pulling De Varga sideways and around the homestead. He glanced at me, his voice low, “watchers?”
I shrugged, “constables with sniper rifles.”
I moved slowly so we would not draw attention. Dragon dropped down onto the back of the first and bit his neck as he jerked. I nodded to the image she sent and squatted, pulling De Varga down. A moment later the other man was down and in stasis. I stood, pulling De Varga up and behind me as I walked towards my vehicle. Dragon dropped down onto his shoulder as I stopped beside the door.
I dropped to the ground and looked under the vehicle before sighing and reaching under. I carefully pushed a needle through a small hole in the side of the pressure bomb and pulled the release. I turned and stood as De Varga looked at the bomb. He looked up into my face, “I do not think they like you.”
I smiled and opened the vehicle after setting the bomb down. He sat in the seat and then stiffened as I turned the new pressor field on and shrugged, “sorry.”
I lifted Dragon off his shoulder and let her hop across to the other seat. I sat De Varga’s rifle on the floor under the front seat and climbed in. A minute later I lifted and turned to head away from the city or base and accelerated. When I entered the city much later it was from a different direction. I did not bother with the street entrance to the marshals building, I landed on the roof pad.
I got out and Dragon clung to my jacket as I opened the back door and shut the pressor field off. I waited and De Varga climbed out, “not taking any chances.”
I gestured before grabbing my bag and he started for the roof door. There were two doors and I used the one that had a blue badge on the lock plate. My badge unlocked the door and opened it. I let De Varga enter and I followed to close and lock the door behind us. Five floors down the stairwell stopped and I unlocked and opened the detention level door.
After I had checked De Varga for weapons, I placed him in a cell. I locked out the floor lift to the marshal detention level. I logged in my prisoner with the marshal’s computer before I logged into the court database. I scheduled a morning hearing with an available judge and closed the database. It was not long before the calls started.
I had them all dumped into the marshals message bin and went to wash and relax in the lounge. When I got out of the shower I dried off and then held the towel out. Dragon came out all bouncy and happy and I dried her and then changed into a clean suit. I relaxed in the lounge and watched Dragon play a game of pounce. I stilled when the alarm pinged and moved quickly to the cell hall and the entryway.
The four man response team stood frozen in the stasis field and I shook my head and moved down the hall. I moved through the field easily taking weapons. When I turned the stasis field off the four constables started to move and I drew my weapon. I gestured and they hesitated before doing what I told them. I locked them in a cell and headed to the stairwell door.
The four man team there was as cooperative as the other team and I locked them up and decided a call to the commissioner would be in order. I sent a short brief on my arrest and the actions of the local law enforcement officers. I lay back on a couch with Dragon on my lap. The comm chime sounded a few hours later and I turned my head to see the holographic image of the commissioner.
I smiled, “good morning sir.”
He grumped, “it is night here.”
I grinned, “that is a marshal for you.”
He smiled slightly, “I was reviewing the fleet base commander’s report when your report came in. The emperor has decided to let the locals know they are still part of the empire. I know you did not ask for help but the base commander will be sending a few people to escort you and your prisoner to the courthouse.”
I shrugged, “I was tired of playing nice. His nibs should have finished adding the courts to our building. It would save a lot of time.”
The commissioner smiled, “than I guess the commandoes will save a lot of lives.”
I returned his smile, “actually I was thinking of just inflicting a lot of pain and suffering.”
He laughed, “that is much better and drives the point across to not fuck with a marshal. His majesty has been worried that you have been damaged and will not use the proper amount of force.”
I grinned, “I only use force when necessary, although lately the locals are trying my patience.”
He nodded, “from your report I can understand that. Anyway deliver De Varga to the courthouse and let the judge decide, that is what the emperor is paying her for.”
I nodded, “will do.”
He smiled and the holographic image shut off, I checked the time and relaxed. I was up a few hours later and ate before heading to the cells. I fed the prisoners and checked the roof cameras to see the two fleet sting ships floating above my vehicle. An eight man security team squatted on their heels waiting beside the door. I gestured to Dragon and she leaped into the air before gliding across to land in my arms.
She climb to my shoulder and I opened De Varga’s cell and held out the wrist restraints, “it is time.”
He smiled, “and I am still alive.”
He put his wrists into the restraints and I stepped back. As he passed me Dragon leaped and landed on his shoulder. He glanced at Dragon before heading toward the stairway door. I checked the vision plate and then opened the door, when we came out onto the roof the commandoes stood.
I saw the looks towards De Varga and gestured towards my vehicle, “two man teams in a diamond. Never get between me and my prisoner. Maintain a sniper alert and if the locals get in the way let me deal with it.”
I looked at each of them, “questions?”
The sergeant grinned, “the commander said your name is Morpheus?”
I nodded and he looked at the others, “well in that case lead the way.”
When I set my vehicle down in front of the system court building a crowd of constables was waiting. The commandoes moved out of the vehicle and I pulled De Varga out. As I headed towards the front doors constable commander George stepped in front of the other constables and drew his weapon. A single flick of my wrist made him jerk and then start screaming as he fell to the ground.
Several constables reached for weapons only to be hit by my small darts. I pulled De Varga to a stop as they lay screaming on the ground, “you men are supposed to be law enforcement officers. This man is in custody, killing him now would be murder…”
“Not if I say different.”
I turned to see the governor walking towards me as she reached into her jacket. My hand flicked as Dragon struck. The governor stood frozen with her mouth open in a scream. I turned back to the constables, “it is over. Let the judge decide his fate.”
They hesitated and then several nodded and moved sideways, opening a way. I glanced at the commandoes, “one of you grab commander George and someone else get the governor. The judge can decide their fate too.”
I glanced at the other constables squirming around and whimpering, “the others should be fine in another ten minutes.”
Dragon leaped from the governor’s body as a commando bent and grabbed her by the suit. Another moved to get commander George as I started forward. Dragon landed on De Varga’s shoulder as we went through the wide doors. I led the way across the elaborate lobby and the tall doors to the courtroom opened. I walked down the aisle and stopped beside a short pillar with a glowing blue top.
The bench was empty until I placed my badge on the top of the pillar. A middle aged woman appeared in a holograph behind the raised bench, “what do you have marshal?”
I gestured to De Varga, “this is Samuel De Varga. The planetary government requested our intervention in his arrest. I have several constables in custody for assaulting the marshals detention level. I also have constable commander George in custody for attempted murder of my prisoner as well as Governor Davis for the same offense.”
The judge sighed, “very well. Samuel De Varga place your hand on the witness scan.”
He glanced at me and then stepped up to place one hand on the top of the pillar where my badge had been. A shimmer appeared beside the judge and seemed to flicker before she was looking at De Varga, “this report tells me you were seen firing the weapon that killed governor Peters. The witness is constable commander George. Your service rifle was recovered at the scene with your prints and DNA. What do you have to say?”
His face had darkened, “my service rifle was destroyed upon my retirement from service. Its destruction was witnessed by my company commander and attested to by the company armorer. At the time of the assassination I was on base meeting with my retirement councilor.”
I heard a hiss of indrawn breath from the commandoes and ignored it as he continues, “the base security log will show this. I had a meeting that afternoon with constable commander George at his request. When I arrived he tried to shoot me and I escaped.”
The judge nodded and glanced to the side as the holo screen flickered. She looked back at De Varga, “the security logs confirm you were on base but the councilor has not filed the appointment with the base computers. The fleet armory record confirms that your weapon was destroyed.”
The judge looked past De Varga at the commandoes and the two prisoners, “one of you bring constable George to the witness scan.”
I pulled De Varga to the side and commander George resisted, making one of the commandoes slam his hand down onto the scan. After George it was the governor’s turn since he claimed she was the one to order the assassination. Like all imperial court trails it was recorded and played on the planetary comm net.
Chapter 3
Escorting a prisoner
I climbed out of the vehicle and walked towards the large imposing building. Dragon poked her head out of the sling and looked up into my face and I smiled, “the warmer will keep them warm if you want to ride on my shoulder.”
Her gravid state had come as a surprise. Like only a few creatures she was technically both male and female. Although sex did not really come into it, she became pregnant after she reached a certain age. First was her gravid state and then she laid three to five eggs, (this time it was only three). She kept the eggs warm and seventy to eighty days later the young hatched. They bonded to a sentient person shortly after hatching.
Dragon slipped out of the sling and swiftly moved up onto my shoulder as I touched my badge to the door plate. I walked into the large lobby and across to the man relaxing behind the counter. I nodded to him, “I am marshal Morpheus. I am here to escort a prisoner.”
The man sighed and turned to touch an intercom button, “the marshal is here warden.”
He pointed to a corner that opened to reveal a lift, “leave the pet.”
I smiled as I turned to the lift, “Dragon is not a pet. She is a deterrent.”
When I stepped out several floors above the lobby it was to two prison officers and a tall civilian. I started across the wide hallway and the tall man turned to hold out his hand. I glanced at it as Dragon hissed a warning that had the hand pulled back quickly. I shrugged, “Dragon has eggs and is a little suspicious.”
All three looked at Dragon as I looked around, “where is my prisoner?”
The warden cleared his throat, “I thought we might talk first and give you pertinent information.”
I smiled, “he is a killer and never to be trusted. His followers will try anything to free him so everyone around us is not to be trusted. I may look young warden but I know what I am doing.”
He looked at Dragon, “really?”
I laughed as I reached up to caress her face, “let her bite one of your men and you will see why she is not a pet.”
They looked at each other and the warden shook his head before turning to one of the men, “have Edwards brought up.”
I waited and a few minutes later a large man was pulled out and pushed down the hall. He kicked out at one of the guards and growled as the guard snapped a club down into his leg. When they reached me Edwards lunged towards me and then began screaming in pain.
I looked at him on the floor and knelt to pull the tiny dart from his neck, “the pain becomes worst each time you are stung. I am marshal Morpheus, you will call me marshal. You will do what I tell you, when I tell you.”
He struck out with both hands still in restraints. I brushed it aside and struck into the side of his neck. I stood as he screamed again and nodded to the warden, “the release?”
He was looking at me as if I was some strange creature and nodded to a guard who was grinning as he held out a comp screen. I took it and signed for Edwards before handing it back and looking down, “get up.”
He growled and struggled before coming to his feet. He jerked when Dragon leaped and came down on his shoulder, “GET IT OFF!”
I slapped him, “Dragon is trained. If you attack or make any aggressive move she will bite you. One of two things will happen, either you will be locked into stasis or you will die. Now shut up and move.”
I took his arm and turned him to the lift as the guards moved out of the way. We were starting across the lobby when he shifted and started a move to strike me. I slipped back and Dragon bit his neck. I caught him when he began to fall and she hissed as she swarmed up onto my shoulder. I sighed, “okay go ahead.”
She rubbed her head against mine as I crouched. She slipped down my chest and back into the sling as I slung Edwards over my shoulder. The guard that had been watching was wide eyed as I stood and started for the doors. I opened the back door of my vehicle and dumped Edwards in the back before turning the pressor field on. I walked around and got in before lifting and turning the vehicle.
I did not drive straight to the starport, I headed away. I made a large circle before turning to head back towards the port. I slipped into the city traffic instead of flying above it. When I turned off at the transportation lot it was sudden. I got out and moved back to shut the pressor field off before pulling Edwards out. I reset the vehicle controls and yanked him up and over my shoulder.
I was walking through the port building when they struck. I do not know how they got weapons past the door scanner but four men were suddenly standing in front of me with drawn pistols. I guess they thought I would just do what they said. I did not even stop walking as my hand came up and my weapon fired. Two men fell back and the other two panicked and tried to duck away for cover.
They never made it as I shot one and then the other. As the port building alarms began I juggled Edwards and reloaded my weapon. Dragon swarmed out angrily and moved up onto him to hiss at everyone that came near. I holstered my weapon to display my badge before continuing towards the gate I needed. I hissed at Dragon and dropped Edwards beside the gate leading to the shuttle.
Her small jump as she left Edward seemed to slow as I turned at just the hint of sound. My weapon was coming up as a man stepped out with a rifle already against his shoulder. He never got the chance to fire as I squeezed the trigger and his head snapped back. His fall backwards was in slow motion as Dragon finally dropped onto my shoulder.
I glanced at her as she rose up to mantle and hiss angrily. I shook my head and removed the sling with her eggs and set it in a seat nearby, “nest.”
She rubbed my face and dropped down to the seat and crawled into the sling. I sat beside her and leaned back as port officers descended to pull the body away. They kept looking at me as I relaxed but they did not come closer. It was several hours before a clerk arrived at the boarding gate. Edwards groaned and she looked at him before looking away.
When he turned his head towards me I shrugged, “I warned you. Next time she might just kill you.”
He glanced around and licked his lips, “where is it?”
I smiled, “around.”
By the way he kept flexing I knew he was testing his restraints. I sighed and stood as the gate opened. I turned to put the sling on and then stepped towards Edwards. His leg cocked and my hand flicked a tiny dart out. He started screaming and everyone that was headed towards the gate stopped and backed up. I waited and then yanked him up and pulled the dart from his neck, “you just keep asking for it.”
He snarled as I shoved him through the gate. In the shuttle I strapped him in and touched a slim needle to his arm. He sucked in a breath as he froze and his eyes looked at me. I nodded, “one move on the way up and you will be screaming for a very long time.”
He swallowed and nodded and I faced ahead. The ride up was bumpy and from the few looks I knew I had several more followers on the shuttle. When we reached the ship I waited for all the other passengers before standing. I waited and he stood up but I saw him shift his weight for a kick. As his foot snapped out I stepped aside and brought another small dart down into his leg.
His scream went on for a long time before it stopped. I kicked his feet, “get up!”
He glared but I only looked back. Dragon had come out while he screamed and had moved to a seat back. As he struggled to his feet she leaped and swarmed up onto his shoulder with an angry hiss. He jerked, “GET IT OFF!”
I slapped him, “you have already pissed her off. Keep yelling and I will be delivery your body.”
He glared and started to turn his head before freezing as her teeth touched his neck. I watched as he finally straightened and gestured down the isle, “move.”
I walked beside him and gestured the shuttle crew and the ship’s purser back as we came to the hatch into the ship. Instead of going to my suite I guided him through the ship as a man tried to follow stealthily. I pushed Edwards across and into a jump room. I guided him to the back and pushed him down in a seat. I sat beside him and again he felt the touch of a needle against his arm.
Dragon hopped to my shoulder and rubbed my cheek before crawling into my lap. It was not long before the room began filling as the ship started moving. The jump came suddenly and Edwards started to move, first to pull his arm away and then to strike. His scream made everyone try to move away and went on and on. I shifted Dragon and put her into the sling with the eggs before standing.
I knelt to pull the needle out before standing again, “you know each time you do that it damages you.”
He glared and I shrugged, “suit yourself.”
I stepped back, “get up.”
He rolled and came to his feet before turning to look at me, “you will slip sometime.”
I gestured and led him out and through the ship. After I closed the door to my suite I pushed him towards the bed. When we reached it his body went tense and then his eyes widened. I pushed and he fell onto the bed. I moved him around before pulling the colored pin out of his arm, “sweet dreams.”
I went to the couch and sat before pulling the sling off and setting it beside me. The first attack came that night. Edwards had awaken and tried to just lie still until I came closer. I was meditating and he finally sat up and swung his feet off the bed. I turned my head and gestured to the table, “eat.”
His eyes narrowed but I had just gone back to meditating. The slight sound at the door had me moving before it even started opening. My weapon fired and the first man’s head snapped back. My second shot took a woman in the throat as my other hand absently flicked towards a charging Edwards. As he crashed to the floor screaming I shot another tall ugly woman with a pulse rifle.
I waited and walked to look out into the hall before turning to walk to Edwards. I knelt and pulled the tiny dart out before standing and stepping back, “get up.”
He cursed and snarled and I showed him another dart. He rolled to his feet as a ship’s crew member stepped into the doorway. Edwards started to move and froze before falling, I smiled and glanced down at Dragon by his knee. She was leaning off the couch and hissed before moving back. I nodded to the crewman, “let the purser and captain know what happen.”
I moved forward and lifted Edwards before carrying him to the bed. I dumped him on the bed and went to start cleaning up. When he came out of stasis he turned his head to glare, “when you slip I am going to rip that flying bat thing apart.”
I smiled and rubbed Dragon’s head, she was curled up in my lap and purring. Edwards sat up and started to move off the bed. Her head snapped around and she glared as she hissed. He stopped moving and looked at me. I rubbed her back before looking at him, “go use the facilities and wash.”
He nodded and stood with his eyes on Dragon. I let him leave before pushing her towards the sling, “I will find something for you to eat.”
She hissed softly and crawled into the sling as I went to the food dispenser. When Edwards came out I knew he had something he thought was a weapon. I gestured to the bed and he ignored it. I shook my head and my hand flicked out. He screamed and kept on screaming as I stood and walked to him. I knelt and ignored the tiny dart in his arm as I started searching.
I found the broken piece of metal and pulled the dart out as I stood and stepped back, “stand up.”
Edwards growled and lurched to his feet, one foot snapping out. I side stepped, bringing my hand up under his foot and he started screaming again as he hit the floor. This time I just waited for the chemical to wear off. When he finally relaxed and glared at me I shrugged, “I warned you.”
This time when he stood and I pushed him towards the bed he went. I pulled the tiny dart out as he stiffened and collapsed onto the bed, I also removed the colored needle. A week later the ship reached Neon, that was where the second attack came. I was moving Edwards towards the shuttle airlock when a man stepped out in front of us.
I had made sure we were going to be on the last shuttle down. I pushed Edwards forward and to one side as I drew my weapon. The man was trying to bring a weapon up that had been hidden behind his leg. He did not make it as I killed him with a shot to the head. I turned and fired back down the hall behind us. It should have been clear but two men were coming out of rooms on each side of the hallway.
They both fell, one with a hole in his chest and the other with his head half gone. I absently side stepped and my empty hand snapped out. Edwards flew back into the wall as I turned to look at him coldly, “one more time and you are dead.”
He wiped blood from his broken nose and growled as he slowly stood, “maybe.”
I snorted and pushed him into the shuttle and then down the isle and into the first seat. I sat beside him and he froze as the needle touched his arm. I smiled as I relaxed beside him, “this one kills.”
When we landed Edwards was sweating as I stepped back for him to stand. Dragon had come out of her sling and was on his shoulder as he slowly stood. This time I used the back way through the port. I stepped out the port attendants door and glanced around before I hailed a hire vehicle. Edwards was tense the whole ride but a needle touching his arm kept him from moving.
I tossed the credit chit to the driver when we reached the large stone gateway. I moved out and Edwards hesitated before following. This was where I played an ace, I took his elbow and touched a button on a small box inside my shirt. For an area of ten feet around us everything became foggy. He jerked and then stopped moving as he felt Dragons teeth at his neck.
I pulled him along through the gateway and touched my badge to a thick metal door. It opened and I pushed him inside before following. I knew this was where he would get desperate and touched his wrist with a colored needle. Dragon leaped to my shoulder as Edwards slumped to the floor. I turned the box off and looked across the room at the two guards behind the thick armored glass.
I shrugged and put Dragon in her sling before squatting and lifting Edwards to my shoulder. I walked to the only other door in the room and one of the guards opened it. I moved to the waiting men and knelt to drop Edwards onto the floor before standing and pulling out my comp screen. I held it out to the only civilian in the room.
The warden shook his head, “you cost me a case of bourbon marshal.”
Chapter 4
Protecting a judge
I glanced up as the tiny dragon zipped by me and landed on the stand behind me. I smiled and sat back, “welcome back Cambra.”
She grinned, “Samantha is fantastic.”
I glanced back at Dragon with her daughter and smiled, “how did the prisoner like her?”
Cambra snorted, “I think she likes threatening people. As soon as Edwards saw her, he stopped moving.”
I grinned and stood up, “did they have any problems with the execution?”
She snorted again as she turned to walk with me, “the sedative you gave me kept him quiet.”
She nodded to the commander’s office, “how is the new commander?”
I grinned, “he has been ignoring me. You can ask one of the others, they seem to think he is a hard ass.”
Cambra grinned, “good for him.”
I glanced at Cambra, “you had to mention him.”
She grinned as she walked towards her desk and I headed towards the new commander’s office. He looked up when I just walked in and frowned. I ignored it and walked to the desk and sat in one of his seats, “you called?”
He nodded and sat back, “someone thinks highly of you. Sector commander Jessop and the quadrant commander both requested you.”
I nodded but did not show anything. He leaned forward, “someone has cracked the imperial justice data banks. Sector commander Jessop has requested you for a protection detail. Why he has not assigned one of his own I do not know.”
I shrugged, “who needs protecting?”
He sighed and slid a data chip across the desk, “judge Harriet.”
I glanced from the chip to him and he smiled slightly, “rings a bell?”
I looked at him, “you have read my file.”
He sat back, “I have.”
I waited and he gestured, “your badge.”
I pulled it and tossed it to him. I was curious to see what he was going to do. He pulled the badge from the case and turned to push it into a slot in the wall behind his desk. There was a flash and he was pulling it out and replacing it in the case. I caught it and glanced at it, “sergeant?”
He smiled, “you have made an impression with the emperor.”
I put the badge back on my belt, “I only did my job.”
He laughed as he stood, “the emperor said maybe he will send you a bottle of brandy.”
I snorted and stood, “I will not hold my breath, he owes me several.”
I picked up the data chip and turned to head for the door. I should have known everyone would be waiting. I sighed at the loud cheer as I stepped out of the office and started to catch the egg that was thrown. Dragon dropped from the ceiling and everyone laughed as she caught the egg in her front claws and soared away.
I shook my head at Edwards, “you never learn.”
He grinned as he reached up to the tiny dragon on his shoulder, “Sampson will protect me.”
I headed towards my desk, “who is going to protect him from you.”
Everyone laughed again and turned to head back to their desks. I gestured to Dragon as she landed on her stand, “time to go Dragon, we finally got a mission.”
She leaped from her stand and grabbed my shoulder before moving onto it. I put a couple of files away and bent to grab my bag beside the desk. I used the lift and dropped down to dispersing. I walked in and smiled at the tall young marshal at the window, “you are back Michaels.”
He glanced back and grinned, “just got in.”
A tiny head shyly peeked around his neck. She was almost completely hidden in his long hair as she hugged his neck. I smiled as I walked passed him to the other window, “how did Georgia do?”
He grinned as he stepped back from the window, “she was great. She put two in stasis before they even knew I was not alone and then she forced the prisoner to walk along beside me as timidly as a lamb.”
I laughed, “I am glad it worked out.”
Marshal Michaels had been a surprise, he had arrived just as Dragon was pushing her three babies away to be bonded. I half expected, well hoped Cambra would bond with one. Edwards had been a surprise to everyone and Michaels, well… Dragon had searched the room after her daughter screamed at everyone and forced him to come close enough for her daughter to leap into his arms.
I pulled a form in front of me and quickly filled it out before pushing it to the android. The android barely looked at it, “I am sorry marshal Morpheus there is no transportation going out.”
I looked at it carefully and noticed Michaels as he stopped and turned towards me, “give me the ship departure list.”
The android turned and pushed a slip of plastic across. I glanced at it, “there are three cargo ships that can transfer me at the sector nexus and a luxury liner headed to the planet I need.”
I looked at the android, “book me on the liner.”
It shifted, “the liner exceeds our dispersing quota. I am sorry marshal Morpheus there is no transportation going out.”
I glanced at Dragon and she slipped off my shoulder as I reached for the payout comp. I placed my badge on the comp, “deduct the fare from my account.”
The android seemed to vibrate, “I am sorry marshal Morpheus there is no transportation going out.”
It froze suddenly and Dragon poked her head around its neck before scrambling around. I reached through the window to punch a few buttons and a packet spit out the slot. I touched the building communicator, “this is marshal Morpheous. I am in dispersing, the android has been hacked. I need a tech here to do a full spectrum system check.”
“I am on my way marshal.”
I turned and bent to grab my bag and grinned, “this is not a good way to start a mission.”
Michaels grinned, “I will wait for the tech. You know you make them nervous.”
I smiled as I nodded, “see you when I get back.”
I glanced at the departure data as the lift whisked me down to the lobby. I nodded to the guards on my way past and walked out the doors. I hesitated and stepped in front of the man trying to enter, “excuse me, I was looking for another hostel this one seems to be full.”
The golem hesitated, “this is the office for the imperial marshals.”
I frowned as Dragon slipped down my back, “no, this is the Imperial House. A first class hostel which is booked up, would you know where another is?”
It frowned and tilted its head before freezing. Dragon dropped off it as I turned to the doors and opened them. I looked at the two guards, “notify hazardous disposal, we have another golem. This time tell them that if they destroy it before they vacuum it I will do bad things to them.”
They looked at each other and nodded as they headed towards the door. Dragon swarmed back up onto my shoulder as I walked towards my vehicle. When I walked into the starport I knew I was going to have a long wait and headed for the VIP sleeper rooms. The single almost unheard beep made my eyes snap open and my weapon come around.
The locked door opened quietly and an old lady smiled at me. I fired before her half hidden hand could come out of the bag she was holding. I was up off the bed and moving before the body even started to fall. Dragon’s scream of rage was more than enough to draw attention. I knelt beside the body as I continued to scan around us.
I finally holstered my weapon as several guards began to get closer. I was careful searching the body and the bag. I ignored the weapons and guards pointing them as I finally straightened with the compact silenced pistol. I slipped it into the small of my back and stood.
I nodded to the guard supervisor, “the body is to be considered a level one threat to your men and the port. You need triple dense gloves and body bag. Use the industrial incinerator to burn the body and make sure everyone that comes within a dozen paces is masked.”
He jerked and stared at the old woman’s body, “who was she?”
I glanced at the body, “he was a very skill assassin.”
I pulled my comm, “marshal Godson.”
A moment later the commander’s voice came on, “Morpheus we are still dealing with the golem and the android.”
I glanced around, “we have another worry. One of the older students from my school just popped in.”
There was a long pause, “what did they say?”
I smiled, “he was sent to kill me and I killed him.”
Again there was a pause, “have you notified the port guards on how to handle the body? You know what happened at the school.”
I looked at the supervisor, “I told them. I need a starcomm to sector commander Jesop. Tell him the school may be back and to take all precautions.”
“I will make sure he gets it.”
I shut the comm off and returned to the room. I collected my bag and Dragon before heading through the port. I set the bag beside me as I sat next to the boarding gate. After slipping the silenced pistol into my bag I put Dragon in my lap. I caressed and reassured her as I leaned back and scanned the area. It was several hours before the attendant came to open the gate and by then there was a small crowd waiting.
I knew that if the school was after me they would have someone on the liner but probably not on the shuttle. I also knew something they did not, the shuttles for this class of liner were new and had military grade anti missile defenses. When we boarded I flashed my badge and sat in the very front next to the door. I watched each and every person board.
We were barely off the ground before red lights started flashing. The acceleration was tripled and then tripled again, pinning everyone in their seats regardless of the anti gravs. I knew what it meant and tried to relax. The defenses must have worked because we were not hit and broke free of the planet. The shuttle took a little longer to dock with the liner and there were a lot more crew waiting to help passengers.
I ignored them as Dragon sat calmly on my shoulder and I collected my bag and started into the ship. The large burly crewman that moved in front of me backed away quickly when I pulled my weapon and touched my badge. He swallowed as he looked from the pistol to Dragon and finally into my face, “there was an incident…”
I shook my head as I strode past him, “of course there was.”
There were a few people that might have been from the school lounging around but they did not come close. I dropped my bag off in my suite and headed towards the jump rooms. I made sure to sit in a back corner and watched each person as they came in. After we jumped I was up and moving, carrying Dragon against my chest.
I moved to the ship’s lounge and pulled out a few sealed bottles of water. I walked back to my suite and pulled my weapon and stood to the side as I opened the door. The silent shot that came through the door was not unexpected. I tossed the bottles of water through and again the weapon fired. I nudged Dragon onto my shoulder and pulled a small disk from behind my belt.
I knelt and slid it through before standing as I counted. The image of me crouching appeared before I spun around the door. The assassin’s weapon fired into the holograph and I fired into the small women rapidly. I walked to her and looked down at the hole between her eyes and the three close holes in the center of her chest. I knelt to check her and stripped everything that could be lethal.
I carefully checked the tells on my bag and pulled out the detector before beginning a sweep of the suite. I shut down the bugs and disabled the poison gas. I also found a couple of nasty surprises the assassin had already left. I called the captain using my badge to declare an emergency. I explained about the assassin and how she was to be handled during disposal.
The crewmen that came were wearing evac suits which was good. I helped put the assassin into the hard plastic body pod and let them leave. Dragon had been clinging to the wall above the door the whole time the crewmen were there. I caught her as she dropped free and let her begin her own check. I spent most of my time in the suite.
The few times I came out I left tells that would let me know if anyone tried to enter. When we came out of jump I had my bag with me in the jump room and stood to head for the first shuttle down. Normal procedure was to go last but I did not wait and strode through the ship to the shuttle bay. I had to wait for the crew to get there and begin prepping the shuttle.
I told the senior crewman I would be using the first seat inside the hatch. I stood watching the shuttle while they checked and boarded the other passengers. The ride down was smooth and I stood as the shuttle was locked to the boarding tube. Dragon hissed angrily at one woman that stood to crowd closer and she jumped back, “what the hell is that!”
I turned to look at her and smiled as I reached up to touch Dragon, “that is a dragon. She is my partner and right now she is doing sentry duty.”
The woman glanced down at my belt and saw the badge. She grinned, “you are a marshal with a dragon for a partner?”
I nodded and she laughed, “what will the emperor think of next.”
I turned and moved towards the opening door. As soon as possible I slipped into the back ways of the port and came out by a rental stall. I had a public transport take me across the city and got out in front of the marshals building. As soon as I walked through the door I touched my badge to the ID plate before the alarm could sound.
I took the lift up to the offices and stepped out to walk across the large room as everyone went quiet. I set my bag on a chair outside the commander’s office before just walking in. Jessop looked up and opened his mouth before grinning and standing, “Morpheus!”
I grinned as Dragon launched herself across the room towards him, “you look older Simon.”
He caught Dragon and stroked her head and back, “don’t we all.”
I crossed and reached out to clasp his hand, “at least you are still alive.”
He frowned and let Dragon climb to his shoulder as he sat, “I have two marshals that are not.”
He gestured to the chair and I sat as he began telling me about the judge he wanted me to protect. When he finished I stood and Dragon leaped into the air. I headed towards the door and glanced back as she landed and clung to my shoulder, “have you found the school?”
Simon shook his head, “we narrowed it to this sector.”
I nodded, “let me know when you find it.”
I walked out and grabbed my bag as I crossed the room. A female marshal followed me to the lift and turned to face me as it dropped, “what makes you so special?”
I glanced at her as Dragon shifted, “I was raised in the assassin’s school called Hades.”
She jerked, “I thought everyone was killed.”
I smiled as I stepped off the lift on the lower floor, “a dozen people from the school survived.”
She followed me as I walked down the vacant hall towards the two marshals standing beside a door. I glanced at her, “the others were off planet on missions.”
She frowned, “killing people you mean.”
I nodded, “yes.”
I stopped in front of the marshals, “anyone come in besides the judge?”
They shook their heads and I stepped forward to touch my badge to the door screen. The door opened and I looked at the marshal that had followed me, “ask Simon… commander Jessop, if you really want to know more.”
She grinned with the two marshals, “Simon?”
I shrugged, “after it was over I lived with him for a short time.”
I walked into the judge’s apartments and the door closed behind me. The old judge looked up when I walked in and frowned, “I do not know you.”
I sat in a comfortable chair across from her and let Dragon leap into the air. I looked at her, “my name is Morpheus, deputy marshal Morpheus.”
She smiled, “Simon’s boy.”
I smiled, “in a way. He requested me from my commander to protect you.”
She sat back as Dragon landed on the couch back and walked closer, “how do I know…”
I laughed, “if I had wanted you dead your honor, you would already be dead. Dragon will accompany you everywhere. She is a bio synth and is linked to me.”
The judge looked at Dragon and reached out to scratch her under the jaw, “Dragon? You could not name it something nice.”
I grinned as I stood, “Dragon is a good name.”
I began a careful examination of the apartment and returned to find Dragon curled up in her lap as she read something from a screen reader, “tell Dragon when you need to go anywhere.”
She glanced at me and nodded as I turned to walk towards the door. For the next two hours I combed every floor in the building. I returned to Simon’s office and knocked before I poked my head in, “do you have anyone trained to work with explosives?”
He turned from talking to a middle aged man, “a few why?”
I held up the three small but extremely powerful bombs I had found and disarmed, “because I would like irregular sweeps on the floors below and above the judge’s chambers.”
Simon came to his feet, “are those live?”
I smiled, “Simon.”
He shrugged, “sorry.”
He pressed his intercom, “Smith, Atckins and Beck, come to my office.”
Simon looked at me, “how did they get them in?”
I shook my head, “I think they have a compromised badge.”
His eyes narrowed and I blinked as I got an image from Dragon. I turned and started running, ignoring everyone and everything. I hit the emergency override in the lift to make it drop three times as fast as normal. The two marshals guarding the judge’s door looked at me running towards them and one spun to open the door. I barely slowed as I came through the door drawing my weapon.
The judge was crouched behind the couch. Dragon was on a man’s back biting into the back of his neck. She did not stop as I approached and I holstered my pistol and waved the other marshals back, “he is an assassin.”
The judge almost whispered, “that is Jorge, my clerk.”
I did not look at her as I slowly walked around the man, “your clerk is probably dead. This man is wearing a skin mask.”
I pulled out a small needle and slipped it into a vein in the man’s neck. Dragon released him and dropped to the floor. The man slowly stirred which should have been impossible with all the stasis drugs Dragon had injected into him. His eyes shifted and met mine and I shook my head, “the build is a little thicker and the eyes are different but you are Domino.”
His eyes narrowed, “you betrayed us.”
I shook my head, “they betrayed me. They locked me away and tortured my sister before killing her.”
He blinked, “Samantha? But… why?”
I shrugged, “I does not matter anymore. Samantha wanted me out of the school.”
He swallowed, “she betrayed us.”
I snorted, “she tried to get me away to protect me, just as she always did.”
He closed his eyes, “kill me Morpheus.”
I looked at the judge, “do you know of any warrants or wants for a man named Domino?”
She shook her head and did something on her bracelet, “there is not anything but if he…”
I held up my hand, “did you kill the clerk?”
Domino shook his head, “you know I never took a life that was not paid for.”
I smiled, “people change.”
I looked at the judge and then back at him, “do you want out?”
He looked at me closely, “they would kill me.”
I shrugged, “they would try, just as they have tried killing me. You never liked killing. Give me the new school’s location and I will get you out.”
He smiled, “what would I do? All I know is how to kill.”
I laughed, “would you believe I even have the perfect job for you?”
Domino grinned, “who do I kill?”
I shook my head, “how would someone kill this judge? What would you do to prevent it?”
He looked at her and frowned, “bodyguard?”
I waited and he smiled, “protection security, yeah I could do that.”
He looked at the judge, “the people close to her are always targets and the easiest way in. Poison would be next, the food processor or a gas in the building vents. Bombs above or below if the assassin is an amateur. Her court AI system would also be a good way to get to her. The interface is easy to tamper with if done in one of the courtrooms.”
I was smiling as the judge stared open mouthed, “so? Do you want out?”
He looked at me for a minute, “they really tortured and killed Samantha?”
I nodded and he sighed, “get someone to take notes.”
I looked at the judge and she nodded before turning to make a call. I carefully stripped him of weapons and then sat him in a chair as six marshals came in including Simon. A deputy took notes as Domino talked and when he stopped Simon nodded to me, “and what do you want done with him?”
I smiled as the judge stirred, “we do not have him for any assassinations. The only thing we could charge him with is assault, illegal use of court ID and trespassing. We always have requests for protection, I think we should use him.”
Simon smiled and looked at the judge, “Olivia?”
She sighed, “as much as it pains me I agree.”
Simon looked at Domino and glanced to me, “let him go. I will take him upstairs to fill out some paperwork.”
I moved to stand in front of Domino, “if you betray my trust there will be nowhere to hide.”
He smiled, “for Samantha.”
I touched his neck with a tiny self injecting ampule and stepped back. He shuddered and turned to nod to Simon who led him out with a deputy. I glanced at the judge as she bent and picked Dragon up. I smiled as I collected all the weapons, “I need to go check a few things.”
She hugged Dragon, “of course.”
I left and went down to the main level before heading into the inner bowels of the building. My badge opened all the doors until I was in the computer core. I sat at an access station and began running checks and putting safeguards in place. I was there for three weeks until Simon received word the contract had been removed.
The young female deputy was with me the whole time. Her name was Amanda Swift and I think Simon was playing match maker. There was a whole battalion of commandoes that surrounded the new assassin school. I walked in alone with a weapon in each hand. When I came out it was with a dozen children, the assassins and masters were all dead.
Chapter 5
Prisoner exchange gone bad
I looked up as Amanda sat at her desk across from mine, “word is there was a huge mix up with a prisoner.”
She lifted Dragon from the corner of her desk and put her in her lap. I glanced at the commander’s door, he had not even blinked when I returned with Amanda. She had just handed him her transfer chit and he gestured to me, “partner up with Morpheus.”
So she had her desk across from mine. It was nice to have a partner, even Camdra seemed to like Amanda. The commander stepped out of his office and looked around before crossing the room. Amanda turned as he stopped and he tossed me a chit, “go to Mirror. Meet with constable Towson and take custody of Ser Jacob Benson. Transport him to Echo and do a prisoner exchange for Denison Tio and return Tio to Mirror.”
I nodded and bent to grab my ready bag. When I stood Amanda was just standing as Dragon swarmed onto her shoulder. I shook my head as I started across the room with her following. She was carrying her own ready bag and we went down to disbursing. She grinned when the only thing going out was a liner with one suite and one bed.
When we were finally relaxing in the lounge after the jump I opened the chip and started reading. She had been right, there had been a big mistake. Ser Jacob Benson and Denison Tio were identical right down to DNA. The only distinguishing mark was on Tio, a small scar beside his left eye. I finished and tossed the chit to Amanda who snatched it out of the air.
The crew and passengers began to come in and as usually one of the crew crossed to say something about Dragon. Amanda smiled politely as she listened to her speech and then ignored her. I shook my head, “Dragon is a registered weapon in the service of the Marshals. She will remain with us at all times unless you or your captain will sign a waiver of liability for any deaths that may occur.”
The woman’s eyes widened, “of course if she is registered.”
She left quickly and Amanda chuckled, “she would not hurt anyone unless they threatened you.”
I smiled and sat back, “you would be surprised.”
I noticed a quiet woman that began to watch us. She almost seemed to blend into the background. Dragon hissed and Amanda whispered, “I know Dragon but she is only a watcher.”
I stood before crossing to the woman, “may I help you gently lady.”
She acted surprised, “no, why do you ask?”
I shook my head, “because I always know when someone watches or follows me.”
She smiled, “but I was just sitting here minding my own…”
I held up a hand, “you were in the starport and bought a ticket at the last minute. You have tried to keep a constant eye on us. I do not know who or why yet and do not really care at this point, the watching stops.”
I turned and crossed to leave and Amanda was already up and walking out. The woman disappeared after that but somehow I knew she would be there after we landed. Our time on the liner was nice, we even ate dinner with the captain several times. She was impressed with Dragon after she hissed at a waitress bringing a meal and refused to let her eat it. It turned out something was wrong and the food was bad.
We took the first shuttle down to Mirror and used a marshal vehicle to go to the central detention. Dragon rode my shoulder as we walked through the doors and I touched my badge to the alarm pad. Amanda was following and waiting until we were clear of the door, “we have another watcher.”
I nodded, “it is that woman using a disguise.”
A short wide man met us beside the lifts, “marshals.”
I nodded, “constable.”
He frowned at Dragon and then his eyes widened, “you are Morpheus.”
I smiled, “yes.”
He grinned and held out his hand, “I am really glad it is you then. Ser Benson is small stuff but our man Tio is a different story. He has people that want him free and has money to make it happen.”
Amanda snorted, “not with us.”
The constable glanced at her and nodded, “I know but they will try force or coercion.”
She smiled, “that will not work either.”
I smiled, “where is Ser Benson?”
He turned to the lift as he waved to a guard. A moment later a guard and another man in a plain jumpsuit appeared. As they came close Dragon leaped and flew the few feet to drop onto the prisoner’s shoulders. He jerked back and I reached out to grab his jumpsuit, “Dragon is your protector and keeper. She has two bites, she can stun you and put you in stasis or she can kill you. Do what we tell you and you will be safe. Try to escape or fight and you will suffer for it.”
He swallowed and finally looked away from Dragon to me before nodding. I turned him and pushed him towards Amanda. I took the screen from the guard and signed for the prisoner and nodded to constable Towson, “I will see you when we return.”
He nodded and I headed for the door with Amanda pushing Ser Benson in front of her.
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