
Deb’s Family Farm Training

“Deb’s Family Farm Training”

by Jake Spear

Chapter 1

Deb worked as she hummed, packing for her family’s summer vacation. She had started a week ago but, with 4 children and a husband to pack for, it seemed like a never ending task. “Just one more load of wash and I’m finished,” she thought to herself.

Deb’s husband Mike had spent the last two nights, after work, packing the mobile home with supplies for their trip. Tonight Mike would load the last of the clothes and supplies into the mobile home, and tomorrow they would be on their way to the Grand Canyon. This would be the family’s first vacation since…well since Deb’s and Mike’s honeymoon 17 years ago.

The 34 year old mother of four watched out the window above the sink, as she finished the dishes.

Cathy, the oldest daughter, was just 16 and the desire of every boy in her high school. Cathy laughed as she push her 12-year-old sister Anna on the tree swing in the back yard. Cathy’s twin brother Chris was wrestling with his younger brother Bobby, a typical 14-year-old, if there ever was one, in the grass next to the porch. It was evident that Chris was letting his younger brother Bobby win, although Deb didn’t think that Bobby was aware of that fact.

The front door bell rang and Deb grabbed the dish towel wiping her hands as she walked through the living room. Deb opened the front door. “Mrs. Johnson, can please sign here?” Deb took the pen and signed for the letter. She closed the door as the postman stepped off the front porch.

The return address on the envelope was from her Aunt and Uncle’s farm, but the handwriting was not familiar. Deb’s Aunt and Uncle (Martha and Joe) had raised her from the age of four till she married Mike (her husband) one year out of high school. She knew her parents, only from the few pictures her Aunt and Uncle had shown her.

Deb opened the letter and read it quickly. Her hands shook as she reread the letter again. The letter was from Jeff, the new hired hand at her Aunt and Uncle’s farm. Jeff’s letter said he had gotten her address from the return address on a letter he had found in the trash. The letter went on to explain that Martha had been diagnosed with cancer and had only a short time to live. He knew how much Deb and her family meant to Martha, and so, Jeff had decided he should write and inform her even though he knew her Aunt and Uncle had decided not to tell her the bad news.

Jeff’s name had been mentioned in the last few letters she had received from her aunt and uncle. Jeff had been hired six months ago to help finish the large cellar under the barn, that aunt Martha had always wanted for her canning. The new cellar was basically finished but needed the electricity connected, shelves made, things Uncle Joe didn’t have time for while still working the farm.

Mike arrived home early to pack the last essential items into the motor home and plan their drive for the umpteenth time. He sat hunched over in the living room chair, elbows on his knees, reading the letter several times. Mike got up and walked into the kitchen where Deb was leaning back against the counter with her arms folded on her chest.

“Well Deb, it looks like were going to the farm. I think we can stop by on the way back from the canyon.” Deb almost cried as she hugged and kissed her husband.

“I don’t think we can spend more than three or four days but I know it’s important to you and I think the kids will be delighted,” Mike explained to Deb in a apologetic tone.

“Four days will be just right,” Deb said. “It may be the last chance I have to see Aunt Martha!” Deb kissed and hugged her husband hard for a solid two minutes and let go only to say, “I love you Mike,” before she led him by the hand to their bed room and started to undo his belt.

“Oh No you don’t! I have a whole new trip to plan out by tonight morning, not to mention the last minute packing to do. You’ll just have to wait,” Mike explained as he left the bedroom.

Deb stood alone in the bedroom and wondered when later would be. Living in a mobile home with four children didn’t lend itself to anything but sleeping and driving.

“This might be a long five weeks,” Deb thought out loud.

Since the day Mike and Deb had married, sex had been occasional. Deb had never used birth control and over the last 17 years they only managed to have four children. Deb was always the instigator, never her husband Mike. When they did occasionally manage to have sex it was quiet, short and missionary position only. Deb took a deep breath and headed back to the kitchen to finish dinner.

The next morning the mobile home, with the entire Johnson family, rolled out of the long driveway, on time. The first few days of the vacation went by quickly, but by the end of the first week, everyone was tired of being inside the mobile home. On the eighth day it started to rain and it continued to rain every day the second week. Deb was constantly yelling at the kids to settle down and stop all the fighting.

Deb walked through the dining/sleeping area, to the back of the mobile home to use the toilet. The door to the back bedroom was open a crack and Deb saw her son in the buff posing for the mirror. They had stopped for the day at a camping area to top up the water tanks and Chris had insisted on going out even though it was raining. Instead of turning away, as she knew she should have, Deb continued to watch her son pose through the slightly opened door.

Deb couldn’t stop staring at the size of rigid member between her son’s legs. The fact that it stuck straight out from his groin, and the fact that he occasionally stopped his posing to slowly stroking its huge length, paralyzed her from moving. She continued to stare with unbelief at the size of her son’s rigid cock. Her pussy started throbbing and she suddenly realized her legs were quaking. Just then a gust of wind, from the outside storm, rocked the mobile home and the door almost closed on her nose.

Deb almost collapsed through the door to the toilet, turned around in the small enclosure and quickly pulled the door shut. She lifted her skirt and pushed her wet panties down in one swift movement. Deb sat on the seat, leaned back, spread her thighs and plunged her hand between her legs. Her other hand kneaded one of her beasts through her blouse. Her fingers slid furiously up and down her wet pussy lips. Each caress spread her lips more causing her fingers to move closer to the entrance of her dripping cunt. She bit her lips to stop a moan from escaping, as one finger moved inside her burning hole.

Deb didn’t hear the door open, or even notice her son Chris standing in front of her, too paralyzed to close the door or speak. Deb’s head was thrown back, her eyes closed tight and the only thought in her mind was her son stroking that big cock of his.

Her son Chris, stood at the door staring at his mothers fingers hammering in and out of her shaved, wet hole. After what seemed an eternity, Chris finally choked out the words “Mom! I’m so sorry, so sorry!” as he quickly closed the door.

Deb opened her eyes in time to see the door in front of her close. “Oh shit, how long was Chris watching me,” she wondered. She quickly stood, pulled up her panties, pushed down her skirt and opened the toilet door. She hesitated leaving the toilet and facing her son, but quickly decided to face the fact that it had happened. Deb walked up to the dinning area, sat down next to her son and looked across the table at her husband Mike.

“I suggest that we pull up stakes and head for the farm early,” Deb said to all that could hear. “The kids need to get out of this rolling box and start breathing fresh air again!” Cheers of joy reverberated off the walls of the mobile home while all four kids shouted, “Yes-Yes please DAD, lets-go, lets-go, Please!!”

It took only a few seconds for Mike’s mind to agree but he pretended to be thinking about it for a few minutes, absorbing all the attention from the rest of the family before giving in and saying, “OK, Lets go!”

As Mike climbed back into the driver’s seat and started the motor, Deb turned toward her son still sitting next to her. She put her hand on his leg and noticed a tremendous bulge in her son’s pants. Her mind flashed back to the vision minutes before of her son and his huge cock. Instantly she was wet again and she couldn’t help wonder what it would feel like to have her son’s cock in her wet pussy. Ashamed of what she was thinking she looked up into her son’s eyes.

“We’ll talk later,” was all she could manage to say before getting up and walking to the front to sit with her husband.

It took two days of driving to get to the farm and during those two days Deb notice that her oldest son Chris, spent a lot of time in the toilet. She was so horny, she knew she would positively rape her husband the first chance she got. That one thought, of raping a man, excited her so much that her pussy gushed with eagerness. Deb squeezed her thighs together to prolong the tingling in her pussy lips and try to stop her pussy from wetting the passenger’s seat.

“Thank goodness we’re only a couple hours from the farm and only a few more hours till I have Mike alone in bed,” Deb thought. She closed her eyes and the image of her son’s cock reappeared. Each time Deb visualized her son posing naked, the size of his cock grew longer and thicker. The mobile home rumbled and bounced down the road, as she envisioned her son’s cock now the size of a baseball bat. Finally Deb fell asleep, dreaming about the baseball size cock making love to her body, unable to prevent it from taking her, and secretly hoping it would never stop.

When they arrived at the farm house, the kids were out the door before the mobile home stopped. Deb and her husband stretched as they got out and started up the stairs to the front porch of the farm house. As they got to the front door, they heard someone calling from the barn across the yard. Deb turned with her husband to see a strikingly handsome man running towards them waving his hand in the air.

“Do you think that could be Jeff?” Deb said to her husband Mike.

“I guess we’ll find out,” Said Mike

“I knew you would come. Never had a doubt in my mind. Hi! I’m Jeff and I know who you all are. Glad to finally meet you Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,” Jeff said as he approached Deb and Mike and walked up the porch steps.

The man wiped his hand on his trouser leg, grabbed Mike’s hand and shook it firmly. He turned and stared at Deb and said, “I recognize you from the pictures inside. As a matter of fact I know all of your children’s names. Come on inside and lets get you settled,” Jeff said as he opened the screen door and motioned for them to enter the house.

As Deb entered the house she called to her Aunt and Uncle. “Aunt Martha? Uncle Joe? It’s Deb! Where are you?” But there was no answer.

Jeff spoke up suddenly, “Oh I’m sorry Deb, your aunt and uncle went into town this morning to see the doctor. You know it’s awful far, so they usually stay the night in town and come back the next afternoon. They said they’d be back late tomorrow.”

“Oh, It’s so disappointing they aren’t here now,” Deb pouted, but as she said the words she realized she and Mike would have the house to themselves for the night. That would fit nicely with her plan to attack her husband and rape him silly all night long. She almost giggled at the thought. Deb wrapped her arms around her husband’s arm and squeezed it tight. “Where did these extremely horny feelings come from?” she wondered, but for now she intended to pursue them to find where they took her.

Jeff insisted on cooking supper for them all and afterwards disappeared into the guest bedroom for a good half hour to, “straighten things up a little,” he said.

When the kids found out they had to sleep in the mobile home, they moaned and groaned, until they learned that mom and dad were going to sleep in the house. Then the bickering turned to who got what bed until Mike finally had to settle the argument for them.

About 10:00 P.M. that evening, Deb started tugging on her husbands arm. “Come on, it’s late and I want to go to bed,” she playfully said to Mike who was enjoying the peaceful silence of the night as he rocked on the front porch and didn’t really want to leave just yet.

“I’m not tired yet, but why don’t you go in and I’ll join you later,” Mike whispered to her in the stillness of the night air. Not wanting to go to bed without her husband, Deb reluctantly sat back down on the porch swing.

“I know what would be the perfect end to a beautiful evening,” said Jeff. The word “END” caught Deb’s attention and she eagerly asked Jeff what he had in mind.

“I’ve been hiding this old bottle of brandy for a special occasion and it seems to me that this is that occasion,” Jeff said as he rose and walked toward the barn. He came back a few minutes later, carrying three glasses and a funny looking bottle. With his fingers inside the glasses he filled each half way and handed them to Mike and Deb.

Ten minutes later and his glass empty, Mike agreed that he was ready for bed. Deb had to be helped up from the porch swing. She leaned on Mike all the way to the bedroom, where Mike let her fall onto the double bed. Deb managed to remove her clothes without getting up off the bed while Mike let his clothes drop to the floor in the area where he was staggering from the drink.

Mike swayed, surrounded by his pile of clothes and watched his naked wife as she dug her fingers into her pussy and ground her hips against her hand. Mike couldn’t believe what he was watching his wife do.

Deb wasn’t even thinking of her husband as her hands moved between her thighs. She felt a slave to the burning and tingling that was increasing in her cunt. The picture of her son’s cock rubbing her pussy was consuming her entire being as she rocked her hips in time with her building pleasure.

Mike was suddenly aware that his dick was immensely hard and his hand was moving along its length without realizing it. Mike moved toward the bed and his sexy moaning wife. In less than a minute they both were fast asleep.

When Deb woke up the next morning she still felt that tingling and burning in her cunt. Without opening her eyes she instinctively tried to move her hand to her pussy. Her eyes sprang open when she realized her arms were being restrained somehow. She tried to turn her head but found it held in place somehow. She frantically tried to move her feet and legs. From what she could see and feel, she was in some sort of a metal chair that was reclined to a 45 degree angle. As Deb looked down at her own body, she realized she was naked and secured with thick leather straps to the metal chair.

“Chair” was the closest word that came to her mind, but it was not like any chair she had ever sat in. The chair seemed as though someone had attached a cold, flat suit of armor, onto the entire back side of her body. It was bent at just the right places to fit the joints of her arms, legs, shoulders and hips. This suit of armor however was frozen in position with her legs bent at the knees and her legs spread out to each side. Her arms were slightly bent at the elbows and spread out away from her body.

As she realized her situation she tried to spit out the object in her mouth. The ball gag pressing into her mouth was not only fastened to the back of her head, but was part of the restraint tied to the chair device.

“Mrs Johnson,” a voice she recognized as Jeff’s boomed out from behind her. “There’s no need to talk, I know what you are going to say and I am not interested in hearing it,” Jeff spoke as he walked around the chair and stood between her wide spread knees, looking at her open and very exposed sex.

“I will explain quickly why you and your family are here, because it fits with my plans to do so,” Jeff talked as he unzipped his pants, unbuckled his belt and let them slide to the floor. Deb stated at the monster size cock swinging between the man’s legs.

“Your husband and children are restrained in other rooms, next to here,” He said stepping forward while slowly stroking his enlarging cock. “You’ve been given a drug I found in Japan, that will stimulate the nerves and heighten the feelings around your cunt and nipples. The tingling you feel works to keep you aroused when not being touched. The craving effects are irresistible and usually last for 3 to 4 hours. What you and your husband were given last night was a small oral dose, combined with mostly knockout drops. You should have had some wild dreams last night,” Jeff explained as he continued to stroke his long cock.

“I must tell you, there is one small side effect of the drug you’ve been given jest now. It will not allow you to reach orgasm, which is extremely useful in this part of the training,” Jeff smiled as he watched the terror and excitement on the face of the woman bound before him.

Deb tried to fight the incredible stirring’s in her pussy. As her cunt muscles involuntary squeezed together she felt her pussy juices gush out and run down the crack of her ass. Jeff placed the tip of his cock on Deb’s clit and rubbed it up and down while he spoke. Deb stopped listening for several seconds as her whole body exploded with the feelings she was experiencing from the touch of Jeff’s cock on her now engorged clit.

Jeff continued to rub his cock up and down Deb’s now sopping slit. He watched as Deb’s eyes open wide and recognized well, the expression of pleasure and torture on Deb’s face.

“You don’t know who I am Do You Deb? Jeff asked as he rubbed himself on her pussy lips. “Let me refresh your memory. You were four years old, I was ten when Uncle Joe took you away and brought you here to the farm. Mom and Dad had just begun your sex training, when Uncle Joe showed up. He threatened to go to the authorities if dad didn’t let you go right then. I guess Uncle Joe thought I was too sexually perverted to be saved along with you. He left me with “Good Old Mom and Dad” to finish my sexual education at the hands of our parents.”

Deb couldn’t believe that she had a brother she didn’t know about. But somewhere, down deep, she knew it was true. Some dark and vague memory was emerging. The face of a boy. A face next to hers. A face on top of hers, on top of her body, rolling, playing with her cunt, both of them giggling and wiggling. And mumbles in the background urging and instructing them. Deb didn’t want to think about it, but at the same time Deb found it impossible to hide the strong sexual feelings that were now pulsing through her body. She tried to speak through her gag, tried to move to somehow allow Jeff to stick his cock in her craving pussy.

Jeff went on. “Mom and Dad continued to use and train me until I was sold to a Japanese firm and shipped overseas. When I was too old and unresponsive for their enjoyment, I was used to train and torture others for my owners’ pleasure and money. When I turned 40 I was given my freedom and sent back to the United States.”

Jeff continued to rub his cock up and down Deb’s slit pausing slightly at her asshole and continuing back to her clit. It was driving Deb wild knowing that she was powerless to stop this man from doing whatever he wanted to her. For some uncontrollable reason she wanted him to fuck her. She needed him to fuck her. She would have begged him to fuck her if she could.

“This brings us to why you and your family are here. I’m planning to finish your training myself. You will assist me in training your children. Your husband will not be trained. Instead he will be used, but basically remain untouched to watch, as you and your children are turned into sex craving animals.”

Deb screamed into her gag. Her mind raced. “No-No-You can’t do this. Why are you doing this to us?” she thought. At the same time her hips were involuntarily trying to move up and down with Jeff’s rubbing prick.

“That brings us to why,” Jeff continued his explanation. “Money and revenge, of course. Our dear Aunt and Uncle are on vacation for 5 more days and I want them to return and find their darling niece a total sex slut, along with her incestuous children. For six months I have listened to their praises of you and your perfect little family. We’re going to show them what your perfect little family has become. AND, there’s the money. Your children once trained can be sold as sex slaves to the highest bidders. You and your husband will be let go, but I doubt that your husband will still want the sexual slut you’re going to become. You’ll probably live the rest of your life on the streets, getting your hourly sex fix from fucking drunks and degenerates for free.”

“Now that you know what you can look forward to, we might as well start your first lesson.” Every muscle in Deb’s body was tense as sweat was poring off her and puddling on the ground along with the juices that continued to seep from her pussy. Jeff stepped out of his trousers that were on the floor and kicked them to one side. He walked around behind the chair and came back to stand between Deb’s legs again. He showed her a silver device that was attached to a rubber hose. It was 6-inches long, 2-inches in diameter and had a very unusual shape. At the base of where the silver shape was attached to the hose was a wide rubber coupling.

“This, little sister, is the shape of a dog cock. A rather, nice sized one, I might add. I want you to get use to this shape, because you’ll learn to love it and crave it every time you see a dog. This particular devise has a hole in the tip to allow liquid to be administered via the tube and this rubber at the base is inflatable, just like the knot of real dog’s cock.”

Jeff reached around and untied the strap that held her head to the chair along with the ball gag and dropped it to the floor. Deb was breathing heavily and the first sound out of her mouth was a loud, long groan.

“Now, you’re going to beg me to put this in your ass little sister. Tell me how much you want it in your ass, and if you convince me, I might just put it there for you,” Jeff explained to his bound sister.

Deb’s pussy was throbbing open and closed, and her ass was burning along with her breasts and nipples. Her pussy lips were swollen red with the increased blood flow through her sex organs. She wanted and feared the size of the silver instrument. Between gasps for air Deb began pleading. “Please big brother, put it in me. Please, I need it so bad, I’m so hot I can’t stand it! Pleeease, Please, fuck me with it. Just fuck me pleeease!!”

“Very good sis, but you forgot to mention which hole you want it in. You’ll have to beg me again if you really want it.”

Deb wanted and needed to feel the long thick dog shaped dildo in her raging cunt. She had heard Jeff say the device was to go in her ass, but needed it SOOooo badly in her cunt. “Please Jeff stick it in my cunt please, I can’t stand being empty anymore. My cunt’s on fire,” She shouted and begged her brother.

“Sis, you disappoint me. You know where we wanted it to go. I guess we’ll just have to give you a little incentive,” Jeff said trying to sound disappointed.

Jeff stepped back and flicked a switch on the wall. The drapes covering the wall, two feet in front of Deb parted in the middle and opened to the full length of the wall. Behind the drapes was a wall of full height mirrors stretching from left to right. For the first time Deb could see herself strapped into the chair device, her knees and legs grotesquely stretched out to each side and her pussy gaping open and exposed. Her pussy was shaved clean. Deb couldn’t remember the last time she had looked at her bald pussy like this. She saw her nipples standing straight and watched as the lips to her cunt vibrating from the drug induced excitement within her. She was mesmerized by the sight of her cunt muscles as they continued to contract and relax.

Watching the image in the mirror was so indecent that it electrified Deb to look. Her thighs spasmed with excitement. She couldn’t believe how deliciously obscene she looked as her breasts rose and fell from her over excited breathing. Her reflection looked so immoral that it stimulated her to greater desires.

“Jeff, please you can put it in my ass. I want it in my ass. I need it in my ass,” Deb begged her brother as she watched her reflection.

“Too late little sister. I’m going to show you what happens when you don’t respond in accordance with my every expectation,” Jeff said as he walked to the side wall.

Deb eyes followed her brother Jeff’s reflection in the mirrors. With the effects of the drug racing through her blood stream, her pussy screaming for relief, she found she found it difficult take her eyes off her brother’s huge cock. In her mind she compared it to her husbands dick, the one she had been deprived of during the last two weeks. “Dam you Mike, dam you for that,” she thought. She could see that her brother’s cock was almost three times the size of her husbands.

“Jeff! Pleeeease dear brother, Fuck me, please fuck me with your big cock. Don’t do this to me, I beg you,” Deb pleaded as spasms rocked her bound body.

Her brother ignored her and smiled while he slowly stroking his 10 inch cock with his right fist. She stared in disbelief, as she saw his large fist barely fitting around the circumference. Jeff stopped stroking to flip another switch on the same panel that had opened the drapes. Instantly the wall of mirrors turned into a wall of glass separating them from a smaller room on the other side.

In the room on the other side of the glass, Deb saw her 16-year-old son bound to the top of a table face up. His twin sister, Cathy, was bound to the same table face down on top of her brother. The feet of both children were facing Deb and she could clearly see her son’s stiff cock sticking up between her daughter’s thighs and resting against her daughter’s still virgin cunt. A rubber tube ran out of her daughter’s ass to an outlet in the wall not far away.

A new surge of excitement raced through her body as she saw her son’s cock glistening with sweat and his twin sister’s pussy juice. “NOOO! Please Jeff Don’t do this. Please don’t do this. Shove it in my ass – Jeff shove it in my ass instead pleeease!” Deb begged her brother.

“Too late sis. Training requires that you are given one chance to do what is expected of you. If you don’t, then I punish one of your family or in this case let YOU do the punishing.”

Jeff walked behind her as she stared at her children on the other side of the glass wall. Her brother returned with something and held it in front of her face.

“This device, dear sister, will be used to send a signal to the device buried in your daughter’s ass. I can set the machine to send electric shocks of varying degrees, pump gases, fluids or in this case… dispense a powerful aphrodisiac designed to be absorbed quickly by her chaste young body. As you can see, your daughter’s already had quite an erotic effect on her brother, judging from his stiff reaction to his sister’s budding young frame,” Jeff explained.

“The effect of one dose of the aphrodisiac is immediate but it only lasts 10 seconds or so. The real question is, how many doses are you going to give to your daughter? You can give her none, or you can pump her ass so full…… Well, I’ll just leave that up to you,” He said with a grin as he lowered the device in his hand to her inflamed cunt lips.

The device Jeff held was made of stiff rubber and had the resemblance of a deflated balloon. A rubber tube ran from the end of the balloon to a control panel somewhere behind the her chair. At the connection of the balloon to the rubber tube, another tube with small pump bulb was attached.

“We’ll just insert this rubber inside your cunt and pump it up a little,” Jeff said as he fed the deflated rubber into his sister. Deb shook as the touch of her brother’s fingers sent chills of pleasure through her aching body. Her brother finished inserting the balloon and was now inflating it deep inside her. Deb could feel it fill with air and press against her tight cunt walls. The rubber tube jerked on the ground with each pump her brother forced into her.

With all her inhibitions lost, Deb squeezed her cunt muscles to heighten the increasing sensations between her legs. This was exactly the uncontrolled hunger Jeff was hoping to cultivate within his sister. “Within a few days her mind and body would only be satisfied by the most repulsive sexual acts. She would become a true whore’s slut,” He thought as he watched his sister desperately trying to satisfy herself on the inflated ball inside her tight cunt.

“That’s it,” He coaxed her. “Squeeeeeze that bulb little sister. I have set the machine to deliver one dose to the ass of your daughter, every time you contract your cunt muscles. I’ve given you a front row seat to watch the result it has on your children.”

Jeff walked behind Deb and flicked the switch to activate the dispensing device that linked Deb to the device in her 16-year-old virgin daughter’s ass. Immediately Deb saw the tube sticking out of her daughter’s ass jump as the liquid surged into her daughter bowels. Deb tried to relax her cunt muscles as sweat dripped from her hair and poured down her face and off her heaving breasts.

Jeff walked over to a device on the glass separating the two rooms and pushed the intercom button. Instantly the sound from her oldest son and daughter filled the room. Jeff just smiled at his sister trying to hold her body’s desires still.

On the other side of the glass the 16-year-old Cathy was talking to her brother. “Ohhh Chris, something’s happening. I feel so hot between my legs all of a sudden,” Cathy said. “They’re putting something in me Chris. It’s making me burn and itch inside.”

“Try and move up a little,” Chris instructed his sister lying on top of him. “Try and pull away from touching me,” He grunted. Just then the tubes surged with another dose of liquid and seconds later both Cathy moaned loudly into his ear and rubbed frantically against his stiff prick.

“Shit. Fuck. Chris, I can’t help myself,” Cathy screamed to her brother as she wiggled on top of him. “I don’t have any control. I can’t stay still. It feels so good. I’m so HOT Chris,” Cathy said as her head rose to look at her brother’s face.

“Oh Chris I’m so sorry,” Cathy told her brother as she looked into his eyes. “I can’t stop.”

Cathy frantically rubbed her cunt against the length of her brother’s hardening cock until the dosage starting wearing off.

“Chris, I think it’s O.K. Now,” She spoke in gasps. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it, I was so hot for you Chris,” Cathy said and laid her head on her brother’s shoulder as her excitement settled.

“You have to try and move away from it somehow,” Chris told her not wanting to say cock to his sister. “See if you can slide up, away from it a little,” He said trying to help his twin sister.

The restraints on Cathy allowed her limited movement on top of her brother. She was held in place by straps at her wrists and just below her knees. Cathy tried to arch her back in an effort to move away from her brother’s cock. As she did, the tip of her brother’s cock slid down the crack of her ass and rested against the sensitive skin between her ass hole and the entrance to her virgin cunt. Cathy could not pull away any farther. Another dose pumped into Cathy and she wiggled uncontrollably rubbing the tip of her brother’s cock against her tender area. Cathy started shaking and began to rub her breasts in circles against her brother’s chest.

“Ooooohhhh shit Chris, what are we going to do?” Cathy asked.

“I don’t know Cath, your making me so hot,” Her brother panted. “I don’t think I can take much more. You gotta stop moving like that. It’s driving me crazy!”

“Ooohh Chris, I never dreamed it could feel this good,” Cath moaned. “My whole body’s on fire. I feel like I can’t get enough. Is it always like this Chris? Does it always feel this good?”

Cathy arched her back as she gently pushed against her brother’s cock. The large head slid down again and tucked itself inside her outer pussy lips. Both children gasped and froze in their present position. Cathy’s body was shaking from the desire building inside her and not sure if she should move or not. Another shot pumped into Cathy’s ass and it was all she could do to keep from screaming into her brother’s ear.

Cathy strained to move her ass up let her brother’s cock slide along her wet pussy lips another inch, then slowly she moved her pussy back down till it poked at the tube in her ass. Once again she did the same. Each time she moved a little faster. Even as the drug wore off, Cathy continued to move and explore these new feelings stirring insanely inside her. As Cathy’s movements continued, the head of her brother’s cock parted the lips of her sopping wet pussy a little more with each stroke.

Chris could feel the head of his cock sinking deeper and deeper into the folds of his sister’s pussy lips with each movement of her hips. More and more of his cock head was being engulfed as his sister wiggled and slid against him. Suddenly his sister’s extremely wet pussy lips parted and the engorged head of Chris’s cock slipped between and paused at the entrance to her virgin hole.

“Oh Chris I don’t know what’s happening to me. I’ve never even let a boy TOUCH me before. Now I can’t stop rubbing my cunt up and down my own brother’s cock. I feel so nasty and dirty. I want so badly to be your slut sister,” Cathy moaned as she continued to move her hips in a circle, keeping her brother’s cock between her pussy lips and rotating it around the entrance to her cunt hole.

“Chris?” Cathy said in a low moaning voice, “Do you like having your nasty slut sister do this? Does it feel good to you too?” Chris could only moan an answer to his sexy sister.

As Deb watched and listened to her son and daughter in the next room. She tried desperately to fight the urge to squeeze the device inside her. “How much longer?” Deb shouted at her brother Jeff.

“It’s just getting interesting,” Jeff spoke as he turned to look as his sister’s face. “Look! Your daughter’s trying to decide whither to fuck her twin brother’s cock. Why don’t you give them another dose and help her with the decision?”

Deb stared at her son’s cock lodged in the entrance to his sister’s cunt. Her children’s bodies were covered with sweat and Deb could see the tiny moist beads glistening on the lips of her daughter pussy. She watched as her daughter’s pussy lips engulf and circled the huge head of her son’s cock. She saw her son’s cock jerk with each quiver of his sister cunt. She had to fight the urge to squeeze her cunt muscles, for the sake of her children.

Jeff watched Deb’s face fill with determination. He smiled and walked behind her chair. He reached around his sister and gently massaged her breasts and nipples. “Deb,” He whispered to her. “Help me show your family the exquisite pleasures of forbidden sex.” He spoke softly, almost lovingly as he gently squeezed both nipples. Then his hands slowly slid down from her breasts towards her shaved mound. “Help me sis, you can do is, let your daughter experience the pleasure of her brother’s cock filling and warming her cunt. Your daughter wants it. Just look at her Deb, she wants it so bad. Let her have her brother’s sperm.”

Deb screamed as her brother Jeff took her clit and squeezed it hard. Deb could not hold back any longer. She felt so nasty, so good and she wanted her children to feel the same forbidden desires that she was feeling.

Deb’s eyes opened wide as she screamed. “Yeeesss Cathy, fuck your brother. Fuck him-Yes-fuck him-fuck his big cock with you tight virgin pussy,” Deb screamed as she struggled in her bonds while her cunt muscles crushed the inflated device inside her. “Fuck your sister’s virgin cunt Chris,” she screamed knowing her son could not hear her. “Fuck her with that beautiful long cock of yours son.”

Jeff watched as the tubes jerked wildly on the floor beneath Deb’s chair. He watched the exquisite torture on his sister’s face.

Deb continued to watch the scene in the next room while her cunt went crazy with contractions. The tubes delivering the aphrodisiac to her daughter jerked obscenely as dose after dose raced through them towards her daughter ass.

In the next room Cathy screamed as the liquid continued to fill her bowels and leak out around the sides of the tube. Cathy’s head snapped up to look into her brother’s eyes. Chris watched his sister’s expressions turn from innocence to pure lust.

“Oh Chris, I can’t hold back any more. I’m yours Chris. I’m your slut,” Cathy spoke to him as she lowered her lips to his and sucked insatiability on his tongue. Cathy arched her back slightly and without warning, forced her cunt down onto her brother’s cock. A muffled scream echoed in the chamber between their locked lips.

Cathy’s hips gyrated, front to back, side to side while moving up and down on her brother’s huge cock. She pulled her lips from her brother’s mouth, threw her head back as she screamed with delight. “Oh God Chris, it feels soooo goood like this! I can’t stop fucking. I can feel you all the way inside me, all the way. Fuuuck it feels so good! Am I a good slut Chris? Is your sister a good slut?” Cathy asked her brother as she moved on and off his cock.

“Just don’t stop Cathy!” her brother unanswered. “Don’t ever stop sis. You’re so hot. So tight,” Chris half mumbled and half spoke. Chris suddenly realized that he was on the verge of coming in his sister’s pussy. “Wait! Wait Sis! Pull off me, quick, pull off now! I’M COMMMIIINNNGGG!!” Chris shouted as his sperm surged through his cock and into his 16-year-old sister’s unprotected virgin cunt.

Cathy felt her brother’s cock heave, as his hot sperm splashed against the inside walls of her cunt. The sensation of her brother’s cock, pulsing as it delivered its load, and the feeling of his hot sperm packing her stretched cunt, took Cathy over the edge and she came along with her brother.

Deb watched her two oldest children enjoying each others bodies and could not remember why she thought it was a bad thing. She wanted her children to feel pleasure. To love each other. To experience each other.

Jeff turned out the light to the room where the twins were now basking in the afterglow of their first sex. He left the sound on so they could hear if the twins decided to do it again. Jeff had already turned off the machines as soon as Deb had succumbed and her son and daughter had started fucking each other. No need to waist the aphrodisiac when nothing could stop what was going to happen at that point.

Jeff reached down between his sister’s thighs and released the pressure of the bulb inside her cunt. It fell to the floor without much noise. Deb’s cunt was still gaping open from the stretching it had received and Jeff put two fingers in the entrance to her cunt, barely touching his sister at all.

“You did a good thing sis.” Jeff held up the silver dog dick and asked her again.

“Now beg me to put this in your ass little sister. Convince me how much you want it in your ass, and maybe I’ll let you lick your son’s balls and ass next time you let him fuck his sister”

Deb knew she could not fight what was happening to her. How could she have come to this, in such a short time? Her thoughts turned her on; the chair turned her on, watching her children turned her on. The realization that she had caused her virgin daughter to fuck her brother really turned her on. Now she was about to beg her brother to put this obscene instrument, where she had never in her life, had anything before.

Deb looked into Jeff’s eyes and begged “Please Jeff, I want you to shove that big hard dog dick in my burning, needing, ass hole.”

Jeff smiled. “Beg me more sis” he said.

“I’ll do anything. Please-please put it in my ass. I need it soooo badly. I suck your cock. I’ll do anything. Pleeeease…” she sobbed. “I’m so hot for it. Fuck my ass with it Jeff!”

Jeff smiled and placed the tip of the stainless steel monster at the pucker of his sister’s ass. He watched her ass pulse in time with the contractions of her cunt muscles. Without warning he rammed it forward. His sister screamed with pain but at the same time pressed her ass hard onto the invading object. Jeff was pleased when he saw that the first three inches were inside. He ignored his sister’s screams, leaned back and pushed with all his weight. Screams resounded off the walls as the last of the invading giant disappeared into his sister’s ass. Jeff twisted a knob on the base of the connection and the rubber knot expanded inside the stretched ring of her ass. It was secured inside her now and would not come out until Jeff removed it.

Jeff twisted the dial on the pump and a warm liquid started flowing into his sister’s bowels. Almost immediately, Deb stopped crying and relaxed. Deb’s stomach bulged as the liquid continually filled her intestines. She watched as her stomach continued to expand more and more and waited nervously for the pain to begin. Then the expansion stopped, and Deb looked at her extended stomach, then at her brother.

“The liquid is laced with a pain killer. It will take approximately half an hour for the pain killer to start wearing off. By that time your intestines will have become extremely sore from the pressure there presently under. Your body will quickly start feeling the pain and within a matter of minutes, will become unbearable.”

Jeff closed the shutoff valve at the end of the silver dildo and disconnected the attached hose. “I must check on your children and husband for now. I’ll return in 45 minutes,” He said as the left the room.

Chapter 2

When Jeff returned to the room he could hear Deb screaming through the closed door. Jeff opened the door, walked to the cabinet, grabbed a 2 inch diameter hose and squatted down between his sister’s open legs. Jeff ignored the screams and pleas emanating from his desperate and struggling sister.

Deb watched hysterically as her brother connected one end of the hose to the dildo and placed the other end in the drain below the chair. She watched as he opened the valve and felt the pressure dwindle inside her draining intestines.

After 5 minutes, Jeff disconnected the drain hose and reconnected the smaller hose. He walked behind his sister and turned another dial. Again a warm liquid started filling her bowels. The pain subsided slightly and a warm tingling feeling started in her ass. The warm feeling spread through her entire body as she felt herself relax again.

“Feeling good?” Her brother asked as he turned the dial to stop the flow.

“Yeess, so relaxed and warm and nice,” she murmured.

“I’m glad sis. With your bowels stretched to the maximum, the surface area for absorbing is 4 times larger than normal. Which means that half the normal dose of chemicals will have a greater effect than a full dose would have before. I’ve added in a small dose of a Spanish fly mixture I made myself. You should be feeling light, relaxed and very sensual right now.”

Jeff gently placed his hand on his sister’s cunt and rubbed her cunt lips in light slow circles.

“Mmmmm that feels goooood Jeff,” she purred as her brother teased her craving pussy. “Ooooh, don’t stop doing that. I neeeeed it soooo badly.”

Jeff stopped his sensual caressing and walked back to the bench. He twisted another dial and turned it off after a few seconds. The response was almost immediate. Deb started rocking her head from side to side and moaning between pants and gasps for breath.

Deb felt a small change in pressure in her bowels and almost immediately there followed a wave of warm chills sweeping her body. Her nipples stood straight out and clit swelled instantly. The lips of her cunt puffed and renewed sex juices flowed from her open pussy. The craving for sex had returned with a vengeance, and now it spread through every part of her body.

“It’s time for you to cum Deb and once again I’m going leave the decision to you,” Jeff instructed her.

“I want to cum Jeff, I don’t need to decide. I want to cum now, pleeese Jeff!” Deb screamed as the craving kept growing within her body, raising her to greater and greater urgency.

“Then let’s see if you’re ready.” Jeff unhooked the hose between Deb’s legs and drained the small amount of liquid in her ass. He next deflated the ring on the dildo and jerked it out in one swift movement. Jeff took the dildo and the hose back to the bench and put them in the sink. From beside the bench the unrolled a garden hose and turned it on.

Jeff sprayed his sister’s body to wash off the sweat and filth from the morning training. Deb screamed with delight whenever the stream of water hit her pussy and still open ass hole. When all the dirt, piss and smell was washed down the drain, Jeff recoiled the hose and turned off the water.

Behind her, Deb heard her brother open the door and leave. “No!” Deb thought. He can’t leave me like this.”

The door opened again and Jeff walked in front of her with his arm around her 14 year old son, Bobby. Deb was shocked speechless. Bobby was naked except for a tight leather hood covering his entire head with the exception of his open mouth and lips. Bobby had to keep his mouth open in order to breathe while wearing the tight hood. Attached to the leather hood were various rings of stainless steel. Black leather cuffs were buckled around his elbows with the same type of steel loops.

“I’ve a toy for you to play with,” Jeff announced with a smile.

Jeff directed Bobby to between his mother’s naked legs. “Kneel down,” Jeff commanded the boy.

Deb’s son knelt down in front his mother’s naked pussy. Jeff first took Bobby’s right elbow, and then his left elbow, and fastened them loosely to the straps above each of Deb’s knees. This allowed him to touch, poke and even fondle his mother’s thighs and cunt lips, but not to stand up or pull away too far.

Jeff reached down and clipped a long leather strap to the chin ring on Bobby’s hood. He then pushed the other end of the strap through a ring under the chair just below Deb’s quivering cunt. Then he ran the strap through a series of rings under and behind the chair. He pulled the strap hard and Bobby fell with his mouth on his mother’s cunt. Bobby took a step forward on his knees to correct his balance and squeezed his mother’s thighs for support.

Deb gasped with the contact of her son’s mouth and fingers on her. When Jeff let go of the strap a protesting whimper escaped Deb’s lips, as her son’s mouth pulled away from her needy wet cunt. She couldn’t say anything, without letting her son know the cunt he just kissed belonged to his perverted horny mother.

“Fuck!” was the only word that appeared in her mind. She couldn’t believe how excited it made her to feel her son’s hot breath on her cunt. She looked down and almost screamed at the site of his tongue pushing against her shaved cunt lips, as he tried to breathe around them. She tried to move her hips toward her son’s tongue but her bonds kept her tightly in place.

Jeff continued running the strap to a ring in the ceiling above Deb’s head and back down till it hung in front of her face. He tilted Deb’s head back, and at the level of Deb’s mouth, he tied a large plastic ring to the leather strap. Jeff placed the plastic ring between Deb’s teeth, pushed her chin closed, and pushed down on the top of her head.

As Deb’s head moved down to her chest, her son’s mouth moved forward and into his mother’s cunt. This time the feeling was so good Deb pulled harder. Her clit and pussy were sucked into her son’s mouth in a desperate effort to inhale. Deb pulled down harder as her son shook his head and struggled to breath. His tongue lashed her cunt and pushed hard against her clit.

Deb finally let go when she realized what she was doing. She looked at her brother Jeff and shook her head left and right. “NOooo-please” was in her eyes, but her pleading expression was ignored by her brother. Deb closed her eyes and tilted her head back to think.

Jeff walked to the switch at the side wall and again turned on the light in the room behind the glass. Deb couldn’t believe what she was looking at.

Tied to a cross in the middle of the room was her naked husband. His arms were out to his sides and there were small weights attached to his wrists. Cables ran from the top of his wrists through rings in the ceiling, then over to the wall behind him, down the wall, then between his legs and were fastened to the hood worn by their 12 year old daughter Anna. A ball gag had been placed into her husband’s mouth which limited him to only muffled sounds.

Anna’s face was almost totally buried in her father’s crotch. The little girl was only slightly able to pull her mouth off the semi-ridged prick between her cheeks. Her hands were tied above her head and attached to a belt around her father’s waist. Jane watched in shock as her husbands arms dropped and Anna’s head slid forward till her nose was completely buried in her father’s pubic hair. Anna struggled and shook her head fighting for release. Finally Mike raised his arms but only briefly before lowering them back again with a moan.

“His cock is only partly erect, but if you will notice the tubes leading out of his ass we can quickly remedy this and start the race,” Jeff said as if Deb should know what he was talking about.

Deb looked at her brother with questioning eyes. “O.K. I’ll explain it to you. You see, as his dick grows it has no other place to go but down the little girl’s throat. Due to the fact that his dick is small the girl might be able to breathe if she pulls back real hard. Unfortunately for her, it’s just a matter of time until her neck gets tired or he can’t hold his arms up any more. At that point there are has two choices. Let the girl die choking on the cock buried in her throat, or fuck her mouth till he comes and hopefully go limp before she suffocates. That reminds me I was going to explain this very thing, before I left him in there. Oh well I’m sure he’ll figure it out”

“By the way, there is one other way to save the little girl, if things start going badly. If you cum before she chokes, you win the race and save everyone,” Jeff smiles as her turned and walked back to the bench. He turned the dial to start the liquid into Deb’s husband’s ass, as he shouted, “Let-The-Race-Begin!”

Deb watched her husband’s hips jerk as his ass filled with the liquid being pumped into it. Without hesitation her husband jabbed his cock forward into his daughter’s face. The little girl closed her lips and screamed, onto her fathers invading cock. She could see her daughter questioning eyes open wide as her fathers rapidly inflating cock filled the small girl’s mouth.

Deb watched as her husbands hips began to move forward and back into his daughter’s mouth. “Shit, he’s fucking our daughter mouth,” she thought. “He’s not even trying to resist!”

The realization of this and her son’s hot breath on her shaved pussy lips caused her head to slowly lower to her chest. She closed her eyes and bounced her head on her chest forcing her son’s open mouth against her steaming cunt.

She opened her eyes to see her daughter face being furiously fucked by her fathers cock. The continued moaning from behind her husbands ball gag were increasing and in time now with his shoving hips. The 12 year old Anna was having trouble with her breathing. Occasionally she was coughing around her father’s cock.

Deb watched the jack hammering of her husbands cock into their youngest daughter’s face and moaned as she lowered her head again. The drug inside her, combined with the lurid scene in the next room, and of course the feeling of her son’s lips on her naked cunt, was too much for her. She didn’t care about the race. Her only concern was getting her son’s lips around her clit and getting his tongue as far as possible inside her cunt as she could.

As she lowered her head and pulled on the ring, the strap suddenly snapped. She looked to the side and saw her brother Jeff smiling with a small pen knife in his hand. Still holding the plastic ring in her mouth Deb groaned furiously at her brother and shook her head up and down.

Jeff walked to her side leaned toward her ear. “Since time is critical, and I don’t have another strap, I’m going to untie your right arm and hand, and strap it to the top of the hood between you legs. You owe me big for this favor Sis.”

There was little resistance in Deb’s eyes as Jeff unhooked her arm and tied her wrist to the top of her son’s leather hood. Jeff then reached down and undid the two straps that held her son’s head to his mother’s pussy. Her son instantly pulled back a few inches but stopped when it reached the length of his mothers arm. Deb’s fingers spread over the top and dug into the back of her son’s hood.

Slowly but forcefully Deb guided her son’s mouth to her juicy cunt. Because her hips were restrained by the chair, Deb compensated by grinding her son’s head back and forth into her inflamed cunt. As she watch the lurid scene in the next room she continued to press her son’s face into her cunt in rhythm with her daughter face fucking.

Deb hardly noticed that her brother Jeff was standing beside her and her son. Without warning Jeff reached to the side of Bobby’s hood, unsnapped the leather blindfold on each side, and pealed it away from the velcro that held it tightly in place. Bobby eyes blinked open and then flew wide. He looked up directly into his own mother’s eyes and realized that he was licking and sucking his own mother’s WET CUNT!

Deb looked back at her son and moved his head to her throbbing clit. “Lick my clit son, stick out your tongue and flick your mother’s clit for me. OH YES, than SO GOOD Bobby! Now, flick it from side to side son,” Deb eagerly instructed her captive 14-year-old.

Bobby moved as instructed. He couldn’t believe his mother was pulling his head to her cunt and telling him how to like lick her. “Ugh Ugh Ugh Ugh,” was all Bobby could get out in a series of short sounds, with his open mouth held tight in his mothers crotch. The vibrations of the muffled sounds against her pussy lips drove Deb wild with passion. She rubbed her son’s face up and down her pussy, jerking his head in a rapid movements and stopped only force Bobby to press his tongue hard against her engorged clit.

“Yes, that’s it son, suck me, lick me hard OHHHH!” Deb shook with pleasure as she forced her son to licked up and down her slit and flick her engorged clit. Deb knew she was close to cumming. She could feel it building up inside her. Her breathing was getting rapid and the grinding of her son’s face on her flaming cunt was getting harder and faster. The more her son moaned, trying to breath, the hotter it made her and the harder she pull his face into her crotch.

“Yeees Bobby, that’s it, fuck your mommy with your tongue. Stick it in my cunt hole and make me cum. Ooooooh yes! Harder, harder son! Yes fuck me, fuuucckk meee!” Deb screamed and tossed her head back. “Oh I’m Cuuummmiinngg! Harder son, Push, Harderrrr!”

Deb’s pussy juice gushed into her son’s mouth as she held his face tight between her spasming thighs. She continued to pull her son’s face to her cunt in short hard strokes trying to fuck his tongue up her cunt hole. At last she pulled with all her strength and forced her son’s tongue in as far as it would go as she shuttered in orgasm.

As Deb released the pressure on her son’s head, her son looked up at the smile his mother’s face. Deb realized she had cum harder on her son’s face than she had ever cum before. She had never felt as satisfied with her husband Mike. Mike had never licked her between her legs before. She had asked once, and only once, and been told that only whores thought of such things.

Deb lowered her head and smiled into her son’s eyes. She watched as her son bent down and lovingly licked some of the cum off his mother’s pussy lips. She moaned, arched her head further back and communicated her pleasure to her son with a slight pressure on the back of his head and then released it a few seconds later.

Bobby pulled back and for the first time, from only inches away, he stared at his mother’s wet pulsing cunt. He was slightly embarrassed of his hardon but knew that his mother could not see it under the chair.

Suddenly Deb’s head snapped upright as the muffled moans from the next room sank into her brain. “You said that you would release my daughter if I came first,” Deb demanded.

“I did tell you that didn’t I,” Her brother Jeff laughed and shook his head from side to side. “I tell you what. I’ll give you a choice. Release your daughter from her face fucking or release your son from your dripping cunt.”

Deb looked down at her son and stared into his eyes. It felt so natural to have her son’s head between her legs. So warm, so soft. The choice was easy. “Please. Release my daughter,” Deb decided.

Jeff left the room and appeared a few seconds later on the other side of the glass. Deb watched as he removed the 12-year-old girl from her father’s crotch and helped her to stand. The little girl wiped her face with the back of her hand as she gently cried. Suddenly she reached back and swung her fist at her father’s crotch. As she started to pull back for her next swing, Jeff stopped her and lead her out the room.

Deb watched with disgust as her husband still tied upright to the cross lowered his arms. His still raging hardon, only 4 inches, stood out straight from his crotch. Deb realized that her daughter was never really in any trouble of suffocation from her husbands puny organ. She couldn’t see how she was ever satisfied by anything so small.

Her brother Jeff was back within a moments of leaving the room on the other side of the glass wall.

“Thirsty?” Jeff asked his sister.

“Yes,” she said realizing she had not had anything to drink for hours and the sweat she had lost probably had added to her exhaustion. Jeff approached her from the side and held up a large bottle of water.

“It’s not very cold,” he said “but its wet.” He told her as he unscrewed the cap and held it to her mouth.

Deb opened her mouth and placed her lips around the top of the plastic bottle as her brother tilted the bottle up. Deb drank greedily from the bottle and gulped down half the bottle before she realized it. Jeff kept the bottle raised and Deb slowed her gulping till only a quarter was left. She tilted her head back to signal that she had had enough, but Jeff didn’t lower the end.

“Drink it all,” He said. “You’ll need it.”

With her stomach already full she swallowed the remainder of the bottle. Jeff took the plastic bottle away when it was empty and set it on the counter behind his sister.

“When are you going to let me get out of this chair?” Deb asked her brother.

There was something very maternal about her son’s face still licking at her pussy. She felt that she could be satisfied just to sit there and let him lick for the rest of her life. She watched her son’s head move, lightly licking her lips and she instinctively directed his lips to the areas that felt the best to her. Every now and then she instructed him how to lick or tongue the area she moved his face to. Her son seemed eager to satisfy his mother’s requests, and that made it all the more exciting for her. Two nights ago she never would have dreamed she would be having oral sex with one of her son’s or that it would feel so good.

“I’ll be letting you out of the chair very soon,” Jeff said. “As soon as you get rid of the water you just drank.”

It dawned on Deb what he was saying and a tingle went down her spine as she looked down with wide eyes at her son’s face still buried in her crotch.

“What about my son?” she asked. “Aren’t you going to let him go?”

“I’m sure you son is as thirsty as you were. I think we should allow him to have a drink before we put him back with his sister. His sister must also be very thirsty by now, so why don’t you show him how to give his little sister a drink?”

While the thought of what was to happen, raced through Deb’s mind, she could see no way of preventing it. Already the urges within her body were building. She was sure that it would only be a matter of minutes before she could not hold back the piss from her son’s mouth.

Deb watched her son as he continued his licking of her pussy juices. The way he continued to suck on her cunt made it hard for Deb to hold back the urge to piss. As she tried desperately not to release the water inside her, she couldn’t help the small amounts that dribbled out, despite her efforts. She was sure her son could smell it and she was certain he had understood what was going to happen.

She watched as her son licked every little dribble and sucked it into his mouth. He seamed so greedy about getting it all.

“I made him chew salt pills two hours ago and he hasn’t had any liquids in the last 4 hours.” Jeff said watching over her shoulder. “Ask him if he needs a drink.”

Deb looked down at her son. Excitement flashed through her as she spoke. “Do you want mommy to give you a drink?” She asked her son.

Bobby hesitated before he finally nodded his head up and down in his mother’s crotch.

She asked again. “Son, darling, are you going to drink all mommy’s piss like a good boy?”

Her son nodded immediately up and down and licked the inside of her pussy all the way up to her clit. Deb couldn’t believe the excitement she was experiencing just then. Her son had just tongued and sucked his own mother to orgasm, was now licking her cunt, and wanted his mother to piss in his mouth.

“O.K son. But I want you to drink it all. Don’t spill any of it. O.K.?” Bobby acknowledged with a nod.

Deb’s kidneys were begging for release. She held her son’s head against her cunt and released her piss into her son’s mouth. Bobby greedily sucked and swallowed as his mother wiggled his head with her hand to add to her enjoyment. Deb thought she was going to go insane from the movements of her son’s lips and jaw on her cunt as he struggled to swallow her steady stream of piss.

When Deb had finished, her brother Jeff, unhooked her son from between his mother’s legs and lead him out of the room. Deb closed her eyes and relaxed contently. Her attitude toward sex was defiantly changing, and so was her relationship with her family.

Jeff returned from taking Bobby back to his room with his little sister. He smiled at the site of little naked girl running to and hugging her naked brother. Anna helped her brother remove the remainder of the leather hood and cuffs. Jeff took them from the little girl and locked the door as he left.

Anna looked at her brother’s cock, that was still hard from the excitement of sucking his mother’s pussy.

“Wow Bobby, your thing is bigger than dad’s!” Bobby heard his little sister say, and his mind shifted from embarrassment to pride. He looked down at himself and moved his hips forward to allow his sister to see his full length. “You wouldn’t believe what dad did to me Bobby,” His sister said in a pout, as she stared at the size of her brother’s prick.

“What happened sis?” Bobby asked his sister. Anna hemmed and hawed and finally said that it was too embarrassing to tell.

“I’ll tell what mom and I did if you tell me what you and Dad did,” Bobby coaxed his little sister Anna.

“Well, alright, but you go first,” Anna said.

Bobby started to tell his little sister how he was strapped between their mom’s legs and that mom showed him how to lick her and make her feel good. He tried to explain what he did, but was having a hard time.

“Then I licked the little thing at the top of her…… you know …… and then pushed it up and down and sucked it.”

Anna’s face showed that she didn’t understand any of this. Bobby tried harder to explain. ” You know …. it’s hidden inside and looks like ….. you know!” Bobby said as frustration spread across his face.

His sister shook her head “NO,” and looked down at her little pussy and spread her tiny lips with her fingers to see if she could see what her brother was talking about.

“Mom loved it, and said she didn’t want me to ever stop. It must have really felt good to her,” Bobby continued as they both sat on the floor with their knees up, looking at each others sex.

Bobby got up on his knees and said to Anna, “Here, open your legs more and I’ll show you.”

Anna opened her legs wide for her brother so he could show what he was talking about. Bobby got down on his stomach with his face and hands inches away from his sister’s tiny little cunt. He reached out and spread her smooth cunt lips to find her clit and show it to her.

Shivers of pleasure ran up and down Anna’s spine as her brother touched and spread her little pussy lips. Her brother noticed the response and smiled. “Yeah, that’s what mom did when I was doing it to her. Here I’ll show you what mom made me do,” Bobby said as Anna put her hands behind her and leaned back.

Bobby lowered his head to his sister’s pussy and licked her, from her ass hole, to the top of her pussy lips. As he got to the top of her pussy he stuck his tongue between her lips and found his sister’s clit.

“Aaahhh,” his sister screeched.

Bobby lifted his head, “Did that hurt Anna?”

“No I don’t think so, but it felt funny. Kind of tingling and warm. It’s alright you don’t have to stop. You can show me,” Anna said as she laid back on the ground, her hands on her stomach, knees in the air.

Bobby noticed a trickle of wetness seeping from the bottom of his sister’s pussy down the crack of her ass. Bobby lowered his head and with his tongue licked his sister from her ass hole to the top of her pussy again. Anna moaned and squirmed as her brother continued his licking.

Suddenly Bobby put his lips around his sister’s clit and sucked it into his mouth. Anna started bouncing up and down into her brother’s face and at the same time grabbed his head and held in against her cumming pussy.

“Wow!” Anna said. “Mom was right. It feels so good when you do that. Can we do it again?”

“Sure, but maybe latter. Right now my mouth and tongue are kind of sore from doing it to mom and you. I think they need a rest.”

Bobby got up from between his sister’s legs and stood. “Are you going to show me what Dad did to you?” Bobby asked.

“Oh, alright,” she said as she got on her knees in from to of her brother’s still stiff prick. “His wasn’t this big, but I think he liked it cause he kept doing it even when I wanted him to stop!”

Anna shifted on her knees, reached over, put her hand around her brother’s prick and guided it into her mouth. Bobby’s legs felt like rubber and he had to try hard just to keep them from folding underneath him. Instinctively bobby’s hips started to move forward pushing his cock in and out of his sister’s mouth.

“Muuuffff!!” was all his sister said as she let his prick slide against her tongue like she did her fathers. Bobby tried to restrain himself from moving, but he couldn’t quite stop his hips from pushing forward and backward. He quickened his pace slightly as the feelings inside came to a head. Suddenly his prick was jerking inside his sister’s mouth. His sister screamed and started to back, but Bobby grabbed her head and pushed his prick down her throat. Bobby’s sperm squirted and squirted into his sister’s mouth and throat. His hips pushed his prick forward and his hands pulled his sister head so that his entire cock was buried down her small tight passage.

Finally, Bobby let go of his sister’s head and she pulled off her brother’s prick slowly. Anna ‘s mouth was filled with her brother’s sperm and some was leaking down her chin. “BOBBY!” his sister complained as she swallowed. “Why did you do that?”

Bobby looked at his sister. “Sorry Anna I couldn’t help it,” He said sounding truly sorry. “I don’t know what happened. It just felt so good I couldn’t think about anything else.”

Anna remembered just now when she had cum and looked up at her brother. “It’s alright I guess. Besides it tastes pretty good and I’m really thirsty.”

Bobby smiled when he thought of how he could take care of his sister’s thirst. He felt tired of standing and his legs were weak. He sat down next to his sister and hugged her. He could tell it was getting dark outside from the window at the top of the room. He was tired, and so was Anna. Maybe later he’d let his sister have a drink.

“It’s been a good day” Jeff thought to himself.

Everyone in the family had been paired up in three separate rooms. 14 year old Bobby was in a room with his 12-year-old sister Anna. Deb had been put in a room with her 16-year-old son Chris, and Mike had been put in a room with his 16-year-old daughter Cathy. Each room was bare with only two blankets. The blankets were mostly used to cover their naked bodies from each other. There was a large drain hole close to one corner of the room. A shower head stuck out of the wall about 10 feet above the drain and a knob to turn it on stuck out of the wall under it.

Everyone was exhausted and fell right to sleep in the quietness of their partner’s arms. Jeff went about preparing for the next days activities. In the morning he would be busy with all the farm work. The animals had to be fed and stalls cleaned, the minimal farm chores. He should have them finished by noon, and if he prepared for the second day of family training now, he’d be ready to continue on his sister right after lunch.

Chapter 3

The next day at dawn, food was slid through a small sliding plate at the bottom of each door. The Johnson family ate their country breakfast, finishing everything Jeff had cooked for them. Shortly after noon, Jeff entered the room containing his sister Deb and her son Chris.

“Leave the blanket sis,” Jeff instructed as both Deb and her son stood up. Chris tried to take a step forward, but his mother stopped him short. “It’s alright Chris,” she told her son as she grabbed his arm. The blanket slid off her body and she walked toward her brother standing in the hall outside. Chris stared at the beautiful body of his mother as she left the room. He couldn’t help his reaction to seeing her naked and reached down to stroke his rigid cock and wait.

Jeff led his sister Deb to the same room she had been in the day before. As Deb entered the room she was surprised that the chair she had occupied yesterday was gone. In place of the chair, there was a large thick exercise matt with a hole. Sticking up through a hole in the middle of the matt was a steel pipe supporting a padded platform sloping up at a 45 degree angle. At the top of the sloping platform was a chin rest that stuck up from the surface slightly and seemed to be adjustable. Attached under the chin rest were what looked like bicycle handle bars for the hands. There were two holes in the sloping board and Deb assumed they were for the insertion of her breasts. The platform was only long enough to support her from her waist to her shoulders.

“Kneel down at the end, put your breasts in the holes, and put you head on the chin rest,” Jeff instructed his sister. Deb did as she was told. As she wiggled to get comfortable. Her brother adjusted the chin rest so that her head faced straight forward and was at her brother’s waist level. Jeff attached a collar around her neck and fastened it to the underside of the chin rest. Her hands were on the handle bars and Jeff cuffed them in place. Deb felt her knees being pulled apart from behind and locked in an extremely spread position.

“I’m sure you remember the dildo shaped like a dog’s prick you loved so much yesterday,” Jeff said as he squatted down so he could look her in the face as he spoke.

Deb’s eyes widened and she shouted “Noo! Pleeease! It hurts so much. I’m still sore.” She cried as she pleaded with her brother. Jeff only smiled and shook his head.

“You misunderstand me sis. I’m not going to use that on you today. No, that would be very cruel thing to do to my baby sister. Instead I was thinking that I should allow you the pleasure of having the REAL thing.”

Jeff watched the expression in the face of his bound sister as she realized what was going to happen. Jeff stood and left the room as Deb fought the confines of her bondage. He returned a few minutes later holding a leash attached to a large dog. Jeff brought the dog around to Deb’s face and squatted down with his arm around the huge beast.

“Deb this is Rex. Rex this is Deb. Now that you’ve both been formally introduced, I think it’s time you two get better acquainted,” Jeff snickered as he stood up and lead Rex by the collar to his sister’s totally spread and exposed ass. He reached out and clipped Rex’s leash to a ring between Deb’s spread legs.

“Rex is a very well trained dog,” Jeff started. “I brought him with me when I can to the farm. Fortunately for you, Rex hasn’t had the opportunity to mate with a female bitch for almost 2 months now, so I’m sure he’ll be in top form today. I’ve seen Rex here take 5 bitches in one afternoon, or one bitch all day long.”

Jeff stepped back and gave the dog a command. “Rex, Lick!” And Rex proceeded to lick Deb’s pussy from behind.

Deb wasn’t sure she could accept this. She moved her hips left and right away from the dog’s snout, not allowing Rex to have a steady target for his tongue.

“Deb-Deb-Deb. When are we going to learn? You must never refuse to have sex, of any kind, when it’s offered,” Jeff scolded his sister.

He looked at the dog and shouted, “Rex, Stop!” And the dog stopped and sat down.

Jeff walked around to face his sister. He stooped down and adjusted the chin rest slightly. He walked back, unhooked Rex’s leash and brought the dog to Deb’s face. Jeff lifted the two front paws of the large dog and placed them on his sister’s shoulders. Deb’s face was only inches from the dog’s large sheathed cock. As she looked she saw the wet red tip of the dog’s cock slide from it’s sheath.

“As you can see, you have already started to excite him. I must insist that you bring him to a point, that he can satisfy himself in another way.”

Jeff reached under the dog and rubbed the dog’s balls with one hand and stroked his sheath with the other. Deb watched as the dog’s cock slipped out of the sheath and touched her lips. As her brother continued his manipulations the dog moved forward and his cock entered Deb’s mouth.

Jeff stopped and watched as his dog took over, pumping his own swelling cock into Deb’s mouth. Rex would give two of three quick pumps and then stop. Two or three more and shift his stance.

Deb couldn’t believe she was sucking the cock of a dog. She was amazed at the size of it. It was so big around that it stretched the lips of her mouth to where it almost hurt. She had never seen a dog’s cock before. Especially this close. It was amazing to see, and so slippery in her mouth. It was pointed at the beginning, thick in the middle and tapered back to a large ball where it met the dog’s sheath.

Rex was really getting into fucking her mouth now. The dog’s cock was sliding almost all the way in and out of her lips with each quick stroke the dog took. She was beginning to wonder what it would feel like to be fucked with this thing. She felt her pussy getting wet and she couldn’t stop wiggling her ass even though there was nothing to wiggle it at.

Just as the dog started picking up the pace, and Deb was sure It was going to cum in her mouth, Jeff shouted, “Rex, Stop!” and Rex jumped off her shoulders and on to the ground. Rex immediately starting licking himself, and Deb thought that this was what her brother meant by “satisfy himself in another way.”

“Rex, Come!” Jeff commanded and the dog stopped his licking and followed his master out the door. Jeff returned a few minutes later without the dog. Deb was relieved but wondered what was next.

Deb felt a tube being inserted into her ass. Next she felt a warm liquid flowing into her bowels. The tube was removed and a plug was inserted to keep the liquid from dripping out. Deb’s inhibitions dissolved and she groaned, wishing that the dog was back.

“Would you like to fuck the dog now sis?” Her brother asked.

“Mmmm yes. Anything I’ll fuck anything. Just bring it in and let it fuck me. Ohhh I’m soooo hot and horny, get the dog back. Let that beautiful big dog cock fuck me full,” Deb moaned as she thought about the dog cock fucking her.

“Too late sis. I’m afraid Rex has found another mate, but if you’d like to watch I don’t think Rex or his new bitch would mind. But you have to promise me you won’t get jealous now,” Jeff explained to her.

Jeff opened the curtain and turned on the lights to the other room. There in the middle of the room was her 16-year-old daughter Cathy, bound on the same kind of sloping platform Deb was, except Cathy’s neck was not tied down and she was wearing a red ball gag.

Rex was busy licking Cathy’s pussy from behind. Deb could hear her daughter moan through the gag, as Cathy moved and shook her head from side to side.

Deb couldn’t believe it but, she was jealous of her daughter. Rex should be licking her cunt, not her daughter’s. Her daughter should not be trying to steal Rex away. “I was Rex’s first choice,” Deb thought. “I’m Rex’s bitch. Cathy you have no right to have Rex even touch you,” Deb thought as her bodies desire continued to build.

Rex was driving Cathy wild with his licking. Sweet juice from her 16 year old pussy poured out, as Rex’s tongue greedily caught every drop. Cathy had surrendered completely to Rex’s tongue lashing. Rex’s tongue was so long and fast that, to Cathy, it seemed to be unrelenting. She wiggled her hips and pumped her pelvis in an effort to get Rex’s tongue to different places on her pussy.

Suddenly Rex drove his long slick tongue up inside the 16-year-old, twisted the tip around and pulled it out. Cathy screamed through her ball gag with shear delight. She had never felt anything like that, but before she had a chance to calm down, Rex shoved his tongue inside her cunt hole and did it again.

From the other room Deb watched in anger as she watched her daughter taking Rex away from her. “Dam bitch daughter,” she shouted. “I’m Rex’s bitch, not you! Get away from him you little cunt!”

In her present state of mind, Deb regarded her daughter as the competition. As she watched the dog with her daughter she could feel every lick from the dog’s tongue on her own pussy. She could feel his velvet tongue sliding against her cunt lips. Deb opened her mouth and tried to remember what Rex’s doggie dick felt like when he was fucking her lips. She imagined giving herself fully to the dog, to do with as he wished.

Cathy’s body shook with pleasure. She had never dreamed a dog could do this to a woman. The dog would snip at her clit, and his tongue would start its seemingly unending slide along her entire cunt. With each lap the dog’s tongue dragged her pussy lips with it. Then it would withdraw for a moment and leave her craving for it once again.

Deb’s hips were humping air as she sought relief for her burning pussy. She was totally consumed with anger at her daughter and longing for the pleasure the beast could give her.

Cathy wondered how long before her fluffy lover would get tired and have to stop his tormenting of her pussy. “He just can’t stop,” She thought. “Can’t ever stop. I would just die if he stopped now!”

Just then Jeff walked to the glass wall and pushed the microphone button. “Rex, Fuck!”

The amplified voice startled Cathy and she looked in the direction the voice had come from. She was relived when she saw only a speaker. She relaxed again thinking she was alone with the dog and no one would see her perverted behavior with this animal. She was still free to enjoy the great new feelings she was experiencing.

To Cathy’s frustration the dog stopped licking. Her body was starting to relax, when suddenly, Cathy felt the dog jump up on her back. “What is this dog doing now?” she thought twisting her head back to try and look at what was going on. The dog’s body was jerking, and the dog’s chest was moving on her back.

Cathy’s head jerked back when something hit against her pussy. Then it hit again. And again. Cathy tried to move away, but Rex growled. Cathy laid still, suddenly afraid of what was happening.

Rex was relentless. He pumped with short strokes feeling for the correct spot, waiting for the opportunity to fuck his girl bitch. Within seconds he found his mark and jerked his haunches forward sinking his shaft into the entrance of the girl’s extremely wet pussy.

Cathy screamed into her ball gag as the tip of Rex’s cock invaded her recently virgin cunt. She tried to crawl forward but she was already as far forward as her bonds would allow. Cathy knew she could not escape and she lowered her head to await what she knew would come next.

Rex pulled back slightly and rammed forward again sinking another quarter inch into his new bitches cunt. Again and again he forced more and more of his cock into the girl. He drove with such force that Cathy could barely catch her breath. Suddenly his entire cock slammed into Cathy’s stretched cunt. Rex paused for a moment and then started his unrelenting thrusting in and out of the moaning girl.

Cathy felt like she had a football jammed inside her. The combination of pain and pleasure overwhelmed her and she soon started pushing back at each thrust of the dog’s cock. Cathy was amazed at the feelings she was experiencing. When Rex slammed into her, she felt pain, but when he pulled out she craved for it to be inside her again.

Deb watched from the other room in agony as her daughter started responding to the dog’s fucking cock. Rex was hammering into her daughter with that beautiful dog cock and her daughter was enjoying every inch of that cock as it smashed back into her. She saw the dog’s balls swinging forward with every stroke and slapping her daughter clit. She wanted so badly to be in her daughter’s place right now. To feel that thick cock sliding in and out of her pussy. She would find a way to punish her daughter. Punish her good.

Cathy was almost there. She wanted desperately to cum and at the same time she wanted it to go on forever. She felt Rex’s dick swell inside her and noticed his pace quicken. Suddenly the cock inside her jerked and it felt like she had a garden hose squirting up inside her. Dog sperm was splashing on her legs as Rex continued to pump her cunt.

Cathy tensed, and then it hit her hard. Her body jerked and spasmed out of control. Her cunt muscles squeezed the dog’s cock inside her so hard that she heard Rex Yelp from the pressure. Rex may have stopped but Cathy wasn’t finished. She pushed hard against the invading prick and jerked her pelvis up and down, screaming one long scream into her gag for a full minute. Totally drained and exhausted from her shattering orgasm, Cathy passed out with Rex still inside her.

Jeff turned out the light to Cathy’s and Rex’s room. He knew Rex would continue to try and pull out of the girl while she was passed out and would eventually succeed. If he left them together for long enough, Rex would fuck the girl again and again until she was released and taken away. That was alright with Jeff. He turned his attention back to his sister.

Jeff knew that Deb’s sexually heightened state was not due to any chemicals, but in fact was completely her own doing. Jeff had pumped only water into his sister’s ass. No stimulants or aphrodisiacs were used. He allowed her to believe she was drugged only to overcome her dwindling reluctance. The feelings within Deb’s body were entirely her own now. Believing that she was helplessly drugged only served to release her inhibitions. She was ready. She would do almost anything now.

Jeff decided to see just how badly she wanted to fuck something. Jeff walked over to the cabinet above the bench on the wall and opened the door. He found the object he was looking for and removed it from the shelf. He held it in his hand and smiled to himself. He had rarely had an opportunity to use it. The object was an exact replica of a horse’s dick, a very large horse’s dick. It’s length was 2 foot long but the really wicked part was it’s thickness. For most of it’s entire length it was 3 inches in diameter and at the tip it flared out like a mushroom to 4-1/2 inches. Only a true fuck slut could manage to get it in her pussy, and then once forced in. it was painful to get out. Jeff grabbed an attachment collar for the horse dildo and screwed it into the bottom end.

Jeff approached his sister Deb from behind. He did not want her to see the size of the object just yet. Deb was screaming for someone to fuck her and still shouting obscenities regarding her daughter stealing Rex away. Jeff knelt behind his sister and attached the collar holding the dildo to the steel pipe below the platform. He adjusted the collar so that the tip of the flared end was barely touching his sister’s pussy lips. Deb screamed when she felt the dildo touch her cunt. “Yes, Yes fuck me fuck!” She continued to scream as she rotated her hips in a circle and moved her pussy on the flare. Deb tried to slide back but her collar attachment prevented her from doing anything except rubbing it lightly.

Deb begged her brother to fuck her. “Jeff, please Jeff, just bring back the dog and I’ll, I’ll fuck his brains out. I know I can do better than that slut daughter of mine,” she insisted loudly.

“No sis, Rex wants your daughter right now,” Jeff taunted. “Your not as good a dog bitch as she is!”

“Please-Jeff-Pleeese. I’ll do anything. Anything you want from now on, but please I’m going crazy not being able to fuck something. I need to be fucked. I need a cock filling me up. Pleeese Jeff,” Deb pleaded while rubbing herself on the tip of the dildo.

“O.K sis. I’ll loosen your collar and let you fuck the dildo you’re rubbing on. I hate to see you in need like this, but if I do this for you, and you don’t use the dildo to fuck yourself, I’m going to have to punish you by sewing your cunt shut. Do you understand me sis?”

“Yes, Yes! Anything Jeff!” Deb was panting out the words. “Please just….loosen my….collar…..so….I can….ram it….in my….cunt….and show you…what a slut…..I am. Hurry Jeff ….hurry…. I’ll show you. I’m a big slut …..you’ll see. A big… Dog… bitch …slut.

Jeff smiled to himself. The training was going better than he had expected.

Jeff released the collar strap that held his sister Deb from moving backward. Deb immediately wiggled her hips and pushed back onto the dildo’s flared head. She pushed again, her arms strained against the handle bars. “Nooooo,” she screamed. It was there, right at her cunt’s entrance, but she couldn’t get it in. She needed it inside her cunt so badly. She turned her head to look back.

Deb saw the back end of the dildo. It looked large but not too large. The size excited her when she thought of how full it would feel. She had to get it in. With one great effort she pushed back onto the impaler with all her might. She wiggled her hips up and down at the same time she pushed. She fought the pain, thinking only of her need to be fucking something so badly.

She felt her cunt entrance slowly stretching to accommodate the intruder. She pushed harder and harder as the pain increased. She didn’t care if it split open, she didn’t care about the pain, her only thought was to fuck something. She had to fuck something. She had to fuck it right now!

Suddenly the flare of the horse dildo shot past the stretched entrance to her cunt and slammed against the inside of her womb. She screamed in agony from the pain at her stretched cunt entrance and from the punch inflicted inside her stomach but, within seconds she was rotating her hips on the thick impaled dildo wedged in her cunt. She moaned and grunted, as her cunt spasmed, quivering around the shaft, moving so it touched every inch of her inner womb.

The helpless mother began to make short pumping strokes while she circled her hips. The incredible mixture of pain and pleasure took control of her mind and shut out all other concern’s Deb had. She thought only of the feelings coursing through her loins. She couldn’t stop. Her strokes along the invader were increasing in length now. She pumped harder and screamed every time she slammed the flared head of the cock into her insides.

Her brother Jeff watched as the entrance to her cunt squeezed and shrank tight around the 3 inch shaft of the dildo. With every stroke Deb made along the veined replica of the horse cock, her sensitive inner womb rolled partly in and out as though it was attached somehow to the surface of dick.

Deb’s inner womb was being stretched in order to accommodate more and more length of the 2 foot long cock. Her cunt couldn’t get enough. Further and further she forced it’s length into her elongating sex.

Jeff watched, as his sister pulled forward off the shaft leaving the juice from her pussy along 10 inches of the exposed cock. He unzipped his pants, removed his clothes and walked over to straddle the 2 foot long cock. He looked down at his sister’s ass riding along half the black dildo’s length. He stroked his cock as he watched the lurid scene below.

When Jeff’s cock reached it’s full length he lowered himself down so that his balls rested unused end of the long dildo. He slid forward until the tip of his cock touched his sister’s puckered hole.

The feeling of her brother’s cock against her unprotected ass shocked Deb at first and then worried her. She stopped her movements and paused with 6 inches of the dildo in her cunt not knowing weather to move or not.

Jeff slid forward and positioned his cock at the puckered entrance to his sister’s ass hole. Deb wiggled left and right against the soothe round head of her brother’s prick. “Yessss!” Deb shouted suddenly wanting her brother’s cock in her ass. “Just hold it right there. I want to push back on it slowly.”

Deb pushed back increasingly hard as her brother held his cock from moving away. “Arghhhhhhh,” She shouted as her brother’s cock slipped past the entrance and was engulfed by her tight spherical ass ring.

Deb was so stuffed that she could barely move on the shafts that invaded both her holes. She struggled to move back and then struggled to move forward, but nothing happened. Jeff grabbed his sister by her hips and pulled his body up forcing his cock into her ass further. Only 6 inches slid in before Jeff could feel the flare of the horse dildo stopping his entrance.

Jeff then slid out and back in knocking against the flare each time. His pace increased as his sister remained wedged on the large shank sticking in her cunt. Jeff could feel the heat rising in his balls as they rubbed along the length of the long black rubber pole. He quickened his pumping and, within the tight the walls of his sister’s ass, he started to cum.

Her brother’s sperm acted like a lubricant in her ass and Deb screamed as her brother began banging his cock in and out rapidly. His speed increased by the lubrication let him slip past the flair of the dildo inside Deb’s cunt. Large amounts of sperm sprayed out with every inward pump. Some of it dripped down onto the dildo in her cunt as her ass became full and could handle no more. She tried again to move on the shafts imbedded in her cunt but could only managed to shove it in another inch. She whimpered in frustration. She needed to cum like her brother. She felt cheated that she couldn’t move, and she needed to move to cum.

Jeff withdrew from his sister’s ass and walked to her face. He grabbed the collar around her neck and pulled her forward. The flare of the horse dildo kept her from returning forward all the way to the same position as before and Jeff had to adjust the chin support to clip her collar.

With this done Deb couldn’t move on or off the cock inside her. She whimpered as she watched her brother lower his stained prick to her mouth and moaned as it slid past her lips.

Without stopping Jeff continued pushing his cock down his sister’s throat. His sister accepted it without complaint and looked up to stare in her brother’s eyes. She licked and cleaned her brother’s cock as it slid completely in and out of her face enjoying the sensation but wanted so desperately to be sliding along the cock the dildo at the same time.

When Jeff was satisfied that his cock was cleaned off he removed it from his sister’s mouth.

“That’s all for today sis,” He said as he unhooked the dildo from its holder. He pushed it in 12 inches and looked at it as it stood out from his sister’s cunt wiggling in the air. He unhooked her legs, wrists, collar and stood her up.

Deb looked down between her legs and watched the cock swing back and forth between her thighs. She reached down to pull it up more but was stopped by her brother when he grabbed her right arm. “Nooo Jeff. Pleeease. Let me fuck myself. I need to cum right now. I need it so bad Jeff. Don’t stop me. Pleeeease Jeff,” Deb begged almost crying.

Jeff ignored his sister and using the cuffs on her wrists he clipped her hands behind her back. Deb tried to reach the dildo buried inside her but couldn’t. She continued to cry and begged her brother to let her fuck it.

Jeff walked his sister, with the dildo wobbling between her legs, back to her room. He opened the door and pushed her in. Deb turned back to the door and screamed. “Nooo. You can’t so this. Don’t leave me here like this. I need to cum. Don’t do this to me!” Deb sobbed and turned around to see her 16-year-old son holding the blanket closed in front of him.

Chapter 4

“Chris, son, you have to help your mother. I need you to shove this up in me. Please Chris. I’ll do anything. Anything you say. Please son, just do this for your mother, pleeease,” Deb sobbed as she spread her legs, offering her son room to get under her and grab the large cock. Her son refused to move and instead stared at his nude mother with the long thick black cock hanging down from between his mother’s widely spread cunt lips. Cum from her recent ass fuck was wet and running down her thighs and Chris watched mesmerized as it dripped off the end of the long cock and on to the floor below.

Deb’s eyes were pleading with her son as her hips unconsciously pumped slightly forward and back swinging the black cock in frustration, trying to get as much pleasure or pain as possible. Deb looked at her son and saw his stiff cock sticking out of the blanket. She remembered the first time she saw it and how it made her so hot, that she had to shove her fingers in her cunt and try to masturbate in the toilet. She wanted so badly to have her son’s stiff cock shoved in her cunt now, and to feel the warmth of his sperm squirt inside her. “Oh son. If I could only fuck your cock right now. I want so much to lick it and fuck it till you cum,” she said staring as his cock. “Help me take this out, so I can fuck that beautiful cock of yours.”

Chris could only stand with his mouth open and his hard cock sticking out or the blanket. Deb had to do something fast. She needed to be fucked and she was helpless with her hands cuffed behind her back. If her son wouldn’t fuck her, maybe he could get the cuffs off so she could rape him. Deb turned around with her back to her son.

“Chris, either help me get these cuffs off or fuck me!” Deb screamed.

Chris finally woke from his trance and first with hesitation, walked forward to examine the leather cuffs on his mothers wrists.

“Bend over a little mom,” Chris told her as he stood behind her.

Deb bent forward so that her breasts were hanging down and her upper body was parallel to the floor. The dildo, still stuck a good 12 inches in her cunt, rose in the air between Chris’s legs and almost smacked him in the balls. Chris saw it coming and caught it in time. He grabbed his mothers wrists and turned them slightly to look at how the cuffs were attached. The cuffs were locked on each wrist but, they were only connected together by a simple clip to a ring on each. Chris reached to unclip them and then stopped, and retracted his hand.

He realized the situation that his cuffed naked mother was in. He grabbed hold of the dildo and pulled. The dildo moved out to the point where the flare caught inside her cunt’s entrance. Her son pulled again and Deb screamed.

“Oh Chris, no please that hurts,” Deb sobbed to her son.

Chris pushed it in as far as he could and his mother cried, “Yess, Yess son! That feels so good! More! Do it again! Please?”

Chris couldn’t believe it as he watched the huge monster cock, easily slide 12 inches into his mothers gushing cunt. He remembered how his own cock would only go a few inches into his sister’s pussy before the head hit inside and stopped.

Chris looked at his mother, bent over, hands tied behind her back, a 2 foot long dildo sticking out from her cunt, pussy juice mixed with come all over her, and then he noticed the tip of his own dick a few inches from his mothers used and still opened ass hole. Without even a second thought he moved forward till the end of his cock pushed against his mother’s red ass hole.

“Mom, If your going to be such a slut then I’m going to have to fuck you like a slut deserves.” Chris told his mother as he rubbed the end of his prick at the entrance to her ass, smearing his pre-cum around the opening and mixing it with Jeff’s come still leaking out.

Deb shook uncontrollably as she realized the effect she must have been having on her 16-year-old son. She had longed for this, and thought about this ever since she had seen him naked a few days ago. She had fantasized about seducing her son last night while she held him in her arms only hours after watching him take his sister’s virginity. Now she was enticing him to fuck her ass.

All she could think about was “Yes son. Fuck mommy’s ass. Shove your cock all the way in,” She spoke softly as she stood bent over in front of him.

She wanted her son’s dick in her ass, but she wanted the dildo shoved in hard too. “I need your cock in my ass son, but I want more. I need you to push the dildo in my cunt as hard as you can,” She felt nasty and naughty and so perverted asking her son to do this to her. She moaned and moved her hips as her son prepared to push the head of his cock past the entrance to his mother’s ass.

Chris reached forward and grabbed his mothers hips. He placed the head of his cock at the leaking entrance and shoved his hips forward. His mothers ass hole resisted slightly and then spread quickly to engulf the head of his prick.

“Oh yes son,” Deb cried as she felt her son’s cock enter her. “Ohh, FUCK YES! All the way inside my ass. Fuck your mothers ass. Fuck me hard!”

Chris pulled hard on his mothers hips again until his prick sank all the way into her ass. He continued to pull, in an effort to get every last bit of cock shaft buried. He pushed slightly, on his mothers hips while pulling out only a inch, before ramming it back in to the hilt.

“OHHH Shit, that feels good,” he said.

He reached behind him and slapped the end of the dildo to drive it deeper into his mothers cunt. His mother screamed, and Chris hit it again and again harder and harder each time. Chris grabbed the link between his mothers cuffed wrists with his left hand. He reached back slapped the end of the dildo with his right. Each time he punched the thick black shaft into his mothers cunt, she jumped forward jerking her ass off his cock. Chris would then pull her back on his cock and ram the dildo into her again watching his mother move her body on and off his cock in her ass.

The fantastic feelings and the thought of fucking his helpless mothers ass were too much for the 16 year old boy. After only a few minutes he started to come. Chris pulled hard on his mothers arms and buried his cock as far as he could in his mom’s ass and held it there as he pumped his sperm till it came out around his cock. Chris reached forward and unsnapped the link between his mothers cuffs as he pulled his satisfied dick out of her ass hole. Cum spewed from her ass hole and ran down around the sides of the dildo, over the lips of her pussy and onto the floor between her legs.

“Noooo!” Deb screamed. “No not yet. I didn’t cum yet,” Deb whined at her son.

Frustrated and raising from her stooped position, she turned to face her son, forgetting about the 12 inches of cock sticking out of her cunt. The end of the dildo was caught in a wedge between her son’s legs and hers. As she stepped to turn angrily, it pulled out of her cunt leaving the flare just within the entrance. The quickness of the turn and the force of her step caused the flare to explode from her cunt.

Screaming, Deb fell to the floor both hands reaching for her crotch in an frantic effort to ease the pain. She gasped when she felt her whole hand slip inside her open and gaping cunt. Still in pain from the abrupt exit of the dildo, and it’s flared head, she eased her left hand further into her opening. Her arm wasn’t long enough for her hand to reach the end of her severely stretched womb, but she brought her right hand to her clit and rubbed it gently. Although not gone, the pain was starting to subside from the caressing her hand was doing on the inside of her womb. Slowly her caresses turned to easy pumping and her right had was now working furiously on her enlarging clit.

Deb became more and more excited as she continued to pump her hand and now her wrist into her cunt. She pushed down hard and rubbed her clit with the heal of her other fist. The fantastic feelings began to return to her body. Those glorious feelings she could no longer do without. She rolled on her back with her knees up in the air, switching her hand from her clit to her nipples and then back again in time with the waves of euphoria rippling through her.

Deb could feel it building but she had reached a point that she could not get past. So close but not quite close enough. She worked harder on her cunt and squeezed her nipples. She jerked and rolled but still she was not there. She saw her son watching and without stopping, she got to her knees and walked over to where he was sitting against the wall. She fell forward with her face on his chest and wiggled down to engulf his cock with her mouth. She thought if she could just get her son to cum in her mouth she could cum too.

Her son looked down on his mother with amazement and excitement. He saw his mother on her knees, her left hand inside her cunt and her right hand alternating between her clit and nipples. Her face was forced down on her son’s upright cock and her balance being awkward to say the least forced her mouth to take his whole cock down her throat. Chris liked this new feeling. It was very different from the his mother’s tight ass and his sister’s tight virgin pussy. Her tongue skimmed his cock as she rolled around the head. Light touches on the sensitive underside sent fingers of warmth through his groin.

“MMMmmmm, Mom that’s good,” he moaned. Chris started to raise his hips to move his cock into his mom’s mouth at his own pace. He grabbed her head with both hands and began to move her head up and down his cock to please his own body.

“I’m going to use your face to fuck my cock mom. I’m going to cum in your mouth cause that’s what you want. Isn’t’ it mom?” Chris said slamming his mother’s head down on his thick cock.

Deb tried to mumble, “Yes.”

“You love my cock don’t you mom?” Chris continued.

Deb screamed a muffled, “YES,” with her throat full of her son’s cock.

“Your going to suck all my sperm and swallow it. Your going to drink my sperm like the slut mother you are. Your going to do anything I want cause your addicted to my cock aren’t you mom?” Chris commanded, knowing he was in charge totally.

“I’m cumming mom, drink it down, suck IT ALL, AAAAHHHHHHH FUCK,” Chris shouted as he jerked his mothers head up and down his throbbing cock.

Finally, with both hands, Chris forced his mothers head all the way down, driving his cock into her throat. Struggling, unable to breath Deb tried to scream around her son’s cock. Even as she fought for air her hands did not stop working on her own cunt. Load after load of her son’s sperm pumped down her throat as Chris continued to cum while holding her head down tight to his crotch.

Finally finished, Chris grabbed her hair and pulled her head off his still pulsing shaft, tossing her to the side. He turned and pulled the blanket over himself and went to sleep.

Deb sobbed realizing she was not going to be able to come tonight. After what seemed like hours of rubbing and fist fucking herself, she fell asleep with her hands still between her legs. Frustrated and unsatisfied she dreamed she was fucking the dog while her whole family applauded and told her what a “GREAT DOG SLUT” she was.

Chapter 5

The morning of the third day of captivity started as usual with breakfast being slid in and devoured, as it was the only meal served. Shortly after, the trays were collected and taken away in silence.

Deb’s crotch no longer felt like it had been ripped open, but she still had that terrible craving. She sat thinking constantly of her son’s prick and how she still wanted it. She paced trying to think of something to distract her mind to keep her from jumping her son and sucking his masculine cock into her mouth, squeezing his balls until he was stiff and throbbing in her mouth and then pushing him on his back and taking his sperm. “God I’m so horny I can’t stand it. I’ve got to think of something else,” she thought as she paced and watched her sleeping son.

Just then the door swung open and her brother Jeff stood in the doorway. He tossed a set of cuffs in and told Deb to, “Put these on your son.”

Deb got one cuff on and started with the other, “No. Behind his back,” Deb heard Jeff say.

Deb hesitated for a second not wanting to take her eyes off her son’s semi-rigid cock but still holding one hand she walked behind her son, pulled both his arms together and snapped the cuffs loud enough for Jeff to hear.

Jeff stepped forward and checked the cuffs behind Chris’s back. Satisfied that they were secure, he cuffed his sister the same way and lead them both out the door and down the hall. “Today I feel like getting some fresh air,” Her brother announced from behind them.

“Turn right and go up the stairs, when you get to the landing just push the door open and walk on out,” Jeff instructed as he followed then up the stairs and out the door at the top.

Deb looked around when she came through the door and realized they were in a large barn. Jeff nudged them both and they continued to walk out of the gate of stall, to the main area in the middle of the large barn. Once there they stopped and waited for further directions.

The barn was shut off from the outside world with only thin streams of light piercing through the warped boards, of the old barn walls. The smells of new hay and animals mixed with the sounds of pigeons nervously flapping about in the rafters above.

Jeff directed them over to a very large but relatively empty stall, where Deb saw 6 tall wooden posts, each with their own set of chains. The posts were buried in the ground and stood about 5 foot tall, self supporting, about a foot away from an exterior wall. Deb and her son walked toward the far wall, and turned when they reached it. Jeff secured them both to separate posts and left. He returned shortly with her husband, her youngest daughter Anna, and Rex the dog. She noticed that her husband was wearing a large red ball gag.

After securing her husband and daughter to their separate posts, Jeff brought the dog over in front of Deb. “You know Rex don’t you Deb? If there’s anything you want him to do, just ask him. I’ll be back in a few minutes, and if he’s not busy I’ll let your daughter play with him,” Jeff snickered. He knew Deb wanted the dog but would be reluctant to do so with her husband watching.

Deb never noticed her brother turn and leave. She stared at the dog’s enormously long wet tongue sliding in and out of his panting mouth only inches from her cunt. She tried to not say the words. She felt the eyes of her family, watching, questioning. But she feared that if she didn’t tell the dog to lick her before Jeff’s return, he would take Rex away. Her hips were moving involuntarily, pressing towards the dog’s snout, she couldn’t resist any more. “Rex, Lick!” She heard herself scream at the dog.

From somewhere in the barn she heard loud moaning, a woman’s voice screaming for someone to lick harder. She realized the words were coming from her own mouth. She opened her eyes and watched as the obedient dog continued to drive his tongue between her legs. She spread her legs to allow him more access. Immediately his tongue shot up inside her and licked from her ass to the top of her pussy. She squatted down to spread her cunt open and give Rex access to her needy clit.

“Auggghhh, Rex! Your tongues so good,” she encouraged him as Rex flicked his tongue, curled it at the end and stuck it up the entrance to her cunt. “OoooHohoh Rex!” she barely pronounced with a definite quiver in her voice, “Your the best pussy lapper I’ve ever had. Ohh Yesss, don’t stop! Yes! Yes! Fuck me with it Rex. Bite my pussy, Yes!.

Jeff was back and had finished securing the two remaining family members to their posts alongside the others. The chains were long enough to allow each captor to sit on the hay below them. He watched as his sister Deb urged the dog to lick her pussy and saw the look on her husband’s face as he witnessed the lurid scene.

Jeff noticed that the pussy lips of the 16-year-old Cathy were moist and knew she was remembering her first dog fuck the day before, as she watched her mother enjoying Rex’s tongue. It was time to get things moving, there was a lot more training to be done with the rest of the family.

Jeff walked over and removed a tarp covering a large object that resembled a short hospital gurney in the middle of the barn. He dragged the tarp to the side and dropped it next to the side wall. The top surface of the gurney, about 2-1/2 feet off the ground, had a thick dark orange-brown padding, and had the size and shape of an ironing board. The tip of the ironing board angled down to two long padded shin rests on each side of the gurney. The stainless steel struts below the padded top crisscrossed everywhere with support to finally attach to 4 wheels at the bottom, which were secured to rails in the floor. Two large springs were secured from the floor to the far end of the gurney, designed to bring it back to it’s place after it was moved forward. Jeff kicked away what little straw he saw on the rails and walked back to his sister Deb, who was still moaning and verbally encouraging Rex’s ongoing tongue lashing.

“What a lovely family,” Jeff said as he stood before his 6 naked captives. “Today we are going to hold a sex education class!”

Jeff raised his voice to be heard over the ranting’s of his sister, still squatting on the dog’s snout. “Each one of you will be given a chance to fulfill your deepest and darkest desires.”

No one spoke but Jeff saw the oldest girl, Cathy, squeeze her thighs together, while both the boy’s cocks were standing straight out from their crotches, and were sneaking looks at their sister’s bodies on each side of them.

“I want you to open your mind, to the pleasures and desires your bodies are craving. Your bodies were made to be satisfied, and to satisfy others in so many erotic ways. Each one of you, feel the passion inside you, begging to be pleased. Your body burns for what it needs,” he continued to speak as he raised his hand to Cathy’s pussy and rubbed it lightly.

All eyes were on Jeff as he spoke. In a few more minutes he would have them nodding in agreement with him. “The same wonderful needs and desires are being felt by the rest of your family. It is only normal that each of you wants to give and receive pleasure. I will teach you how to give, and in return you will learn to receive,” Jeff ended his speech and took his hand away from the 16-year-old pussy.

Jeff walked over to his sister Deb. “Rex, Stop!”

Jeff helped his sister up from the ground and untied her hands. He lead her over to the gurney and secured her in place. Deb was bent at the waist, her upper body was laying face down on the padded top, with her hands wrapped around the sides and secured together underneath. She was kneeling on the long pads and her calves were held in place with two straps each. Her ass and cunt were exposed to her family’s view and her hips were grinding away in the air still searching for Rex’s tongue. Jeff pulled a lever on the side of the gurney and the front fell to the ground, bending Deb at the waist to a 45 degree position. Deb screamed as her head stopped only inches from the barn floor, while her ass pointed up for easy accessibility.

“This is your mother’s fantasy. Today, your mother is going to show us how to give pleasure to a horse,” Jeff said as he smacked the cheek of Deb’s exposed ass hard enough to leave a red imprint.

Jeff walked to one of the stalls and came back leading large jet-black stallion. He lead the stallion past Deb and turned the horse to face Deb’s exposed ass. Jeff had very little trouble coaxing the horse to step over the bent body of his sister and Deb’s eyes registered shock as she looked sideways to see the front hoofs of the horse not far from her head.

Jeff walked back to the family to untie the 16-year-old Cathy. He led her over to the side of the horse and had her kneel down at the side of the horse, behind her mother’s ass.

“I want you to caress the horse’s dick and balls,” Jeff instructed Cathy. “And I want you to describe to your mother what’s happening and what it feels like as you doing it.”

Cathy stared up at Jeff with a shocked look on her face. Jeff could tell she was on the verge of refusing him. “If you can’t do this for your mother, then I’ll just have to get your little sister to do it,” Jeff told her as he turned an walked toward little Anna.

Cathy looked at her little sister who was shaking her head “NO” quickly, pleading with her big sister through shocked eyes.

“No! I’ll do it,” Cathy said with a slight reluctance.

Cathy put one hand under the massive horse dick and lifted it slightly. She was surprised at the feel and weight of it. Her right hand reached under and lifted one of the horse’s balls.

Cathy cleared her throat and started, “O.K. Mom. I’m holding one of his balls in my right hand and sliding my left hand along his dick,” Cathy stopped not knowing what to say next.

“Describe what the dick looks like,” Jeff prompted her.

“Well, the horse’s dick is really long. It’s almost as long as my arm. It’s thick at the back, thinner at the tip. His balls are very big and I can’t even hold them both with one hand. Their so heavy and the skin around them is soft and nice to feel. When I rub his dick I can see and feel the large veins along the length. OH!” Cathy jumped suddenly. “He’s growing! He’s getting longer! The tip is starting to stick further out and it’s a little shiny. It’s all black and shinny and still growing. It’s longer than my arm and feels very strong and solid.”

Cathy let go of the horse’s balls and wrapped both hands around the head of the horse’s dick. “I’m sliding my hands up and down it and it feels very silky on the outside and hard under the skin,” Cathy continued to describe to her mother.

“Cathy,” Jeff interrupted the young girl. “Your mother is going to need the head of that dick to be wet and slippery to get it inside her cunt. If you care for your mother you better do something to help her.”

Not completely understanding, Cathy looked up at Jeff again. Jeff opened his mouth, licked the air with his tongue and smiled at her. Cathy knew what she had to do but didn’t know if she could do it.

Cathy leaned forward, closed her eyes, stuck her tongue out and wiped it on the end of the horse’s dick. Shivers raced through her body as she thought of what she was doing. She licked again. She licked several more times. She opened her eyes and saw that the tip of the horse dick was covered with her saliva. She twisted her head and looked at the end of the horse’s cock. Suddenly she opened her mouth as wide as she could, pushed her head forward and sucked the end into her cheeks. The size and feeling of it in her mouth drove her crazy and she reached down between her legs with one hand and rubbed her pussy.

“MMMmmmmffff!” she murmured and pushed forward on the dick a little more. Cathy took her mouth away and started talking again. “OOHH MOM! It feels so good. I put my mouth on it and tasted it with my tongue. It’s so big and beautiful, I didn’t want to stop. I want to taste the cum inside it. I want to hold this black cock as it cum’s and feel it’s balls as the sperm shoots out the end.”

She stuck her mouth on the enlarged wet tip again and screamed onto its length as it jerked in her cheeks. She ran her tongue around the circumference of the head and pulled her mouth off again.

“Oh Mom your so lucky,” Cathy said. “I’m so excited I’ve got two fingers in my pussy and I’m dying to see this beautiful black cock inside your white cunt. I wish I was you right now,” Cathy said as she fingered herself.

Cathy looked over at her mother’s cunt and saw it was dripping juice down onto the barn floor.

“Let me help you some mom,” Cathy said. Cathy let go of the horse’s dick and put both hands on her mother’s ass. She pulled her mothers cunt lips apart with her thumbs and looked at the moisture inside. She lowered her head and pushed her tongue inside. She twirled her tongue in the wetness and smeared it all over her mother’s pussy lips. Deb began to moan and wiggle her ass again and the more she wiggled and moaned the faster her daughter wiggled her tongue.

“I think the horse is ready now,” Jeff spoke to Cathy as he gently pulled her off her mother’s cunt. “I want you to guide the horse’s cock into your mother’s cunt. When it’s deep inside, finger your mother’s clit with one hand and do whatever you want with the other.”

Jeff walked to the head of the horse and gently pulled it forward. As he did so Cathy guided the end of the cock into her mothers waiting and very wet cunt. The horse stopped moving when the black head of his cock slipped into the confines of the tight white woman’s pussy. As the horse continued to move slowly forward, he buried his long black cock easily inside the warm moist cunt, till at least a foot was buried and another foot remained outside.

Cathy swooned at the sight of the thick black cock entering further and further into her mother’s pussy. Finally it stopped and her mother jerked forward as the gurney she was on moved slightly. Cathy watched as the horse cock withdrew and the gurney moved back. 6 inches of glistening black cock withdrew from her mother’s pussy and slammed back in moving the gurney up further.

The horse’s big cock was now moving the gurney so much that she couldn’t keep her hand on her mother’s clit. She moved both hands to circle the black cock in front of her face, letting the cock slide through them as it pumped in and out of her mother making wet squashy sounds.

Deb screamed with delight every time the huge cock was rammed into her cunt. The springs on the gurney absorbed most of the shock, of the end hitting against her inner womb.

“Oh Cath!… Oh Cathy!… I’m going… To CuM!!… So HARD!…. It Feels… So Good… So thick… So Deep… OOOOhhh… I’m….. Cummm… Mmming!” Deb forced the words out between the horse’s forceful jabs into her stretching cunt.

Suddenly the horse cock jerked in Cathy’s hands, pushed forward and stopped. Deb was held in place as the impaling horse cock pumped its gooey liquid into her cunt. As quarts of cum quickly filled her womb it began to squirt out from around the tightly stretched cunt hole and the thick black cock blocking its exit. The incredible feeling of hot cum filling her and the fantastic vibration of the long thick shaft within her caused Deb to cum for a second time.

Cathy was sitting on her legs looking at her body covered with the warm horse cum that had squirted out of her mother’s cunt. She rubbed it on her chest and on her pussy at the same time. She licked around her mouth at some that had splashed on her face and moaned at the deliciously evil taste.

Jeff backed the horse up and the long thick black cock exited Deb’s cunt with a pop. More warm horse sperm spurt on Cathy and she moaned again and started to cum on her slippery fingers. She fell backwards and jammed her fingers in and out of her cunt while replaying in her mind the fucking she had just seen. She visualized herself getting fucked with that huge beautiful cock and she came.

Jeff lead the stallion back to its stall and closed the gate. He walked the cum covered Cathy back to her family, attached her hands behind her and then to the post. As he looked back at his sister Deb, her hips continued to move in circles fucking nothing but air.

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