
Dared To Do Doggy

As the old bus grinded noisily away from the No.27 stop, Rebecca Moore flipped her light duffel bag’s draw string over her shoulder and began to make her way into the large complex before her. The last rays of the setting sun were slowly dissolving ahead of a barmy summer twilight.

The petite, thirteen year old blondes, moist, red lips, curled into a wicked little grin as a loud chorus of woof-whistling burst forth as a car-full of teenage boys whizzing past. She’d had new blonde highlights added to her already fair hair just that morning, making her straight, mid-length hair, easier to form into the alluring tendrils that framed her pretty face and made the smooth, sun bronzed skin of her charming shoulders seem even more tanned.

“Keep to the right beside the race track and you can’t miss my place!” Rebecca recalled Sandra Orrick’s directions as she entered the showground proper.

Some big race horses lifter their massive male heads, snorting the air and nodding approvingly as the curvy girl past their holding stables.

Sandy was so lucky! It must be exciting to live around the hustle and bustle of the cities favorite racing venue she decided. Rebecca Moore was new in town, but she already knew, be it horse races, Gymkhanas, dog shows, greyhound racing, exhibitions, fairs, you name it, pretty much every event or display the city ever had was held right here. And Sandy’s father was the chief groundskeeper for the whole thing.

She made her way past the various pavilions and concessions already thronging with early-birds gathering for the Saturday night races. Men’s heads turned here and there amongst the crowd, sneaking leering glimpses of the shapely teenager passing by. Her close fitting boob-tube accentuated the firm young breasts and perky teenage nipples beneath and her lime-green cotton cutoffs outlined the pert, athletically rounded ass that graced her smooth, shapely legs below.

Picking her way through the crowd, Rebecca eventually arrived at a bungalow style house that was the ground keeper’s cottage. It was completely surrounded by a high paling fence, instantly recognizable, as per Sandra’s description, as the Orrick family’s home. Rebecca made for what appeared to be a wide hinged gateway in the fence. When Suddenly;

“Whoo,Whoo Whoo Whoo Whoo!” Rebecca recoiled in shock as she heard a large, savage dog barking just beyond. Threatening snarls continued to vibrate the wooden fence as Rebecca recognized her school friends sweet, contralto voice, commanding the agitated animal.

“Richter. Sit!” The voice ordered.

Rebecca regained her composure somewhat as the barking stopped, the gate swung in and she was greeted by the dazzling, apologetic smile of Sandra Orrick’s pretty face, beckoning her inside the Orrick’s private yard.

“Hi Becky. So you made it at last! Sandra greeted.

Her exquisite violet grey eyes danced with happiness at Rebecca’s arrival, putting Becky immediately at ease, just as her new best girlfriend had done, only a few weeks before, when the two had first met at Becky’s new school.

“Don’t be afraid of ol’ Richter here. His bark is worse than his bite.!” Sandra reassured as she patted the black, boney, skull-like head of the dangerous looking Doberman dog beside her dismissively.

Beauty and the beast! Becky mused to herself as she studied the odd looking couple. Sandra, who was about a year older and an inch taller than Rebecca had obviously been swimming recently. She wore only a skimpy polka dot bikini which hid very little of the sexy teenage girls ample cleavage, curvy hips and generally statuesque physique. Her long brunette hair flicked up attractively well below her broad yet feminine shoulders and softy outlined her classically beautiful face. Becky had to admit, she was little envious of her new girlfriend. The impeccably manicured eyebrows, the straight bridge of the girls small, slightly upturned nose, and especially the deeply sensual fullness of her lips served in stark contrast to the menacing K9 figure crouching on its brawny haunches to her side.

Richter was a fearsome looking Doberman. His small, black eyes, gleamed intelligently above a long, snout-like mall. A powerful jaw sprouted long, sharp teeth above mottled black and pink gums. Formidable muscles rippled beneath the animals short, well groomed black and tan coat and twitched in his long, columned neck as he studied Rebecca Moore, his moist black nose straining the air for her scent.

Becky couldn’t help noticing the well hung male appendage that swayed slightly at the dogs grey skinned groin area.

Yep. He’s a boy doggy alright! Becky confirmed to herself as she noted the bright pink tip of the animals pointy penis protruding slightly from his leather-like sheaf, and the dogs fat, smooth, ball-bag bloating heavily below.

“Come on inside and meet my folks before they leave.” Sandra said as she started for the house.

Becky’s eyes widened enviously as she viewed her friends sexy back and rump. The bikini was “thong” style she realized. From its tight beginnings at the sexy gap below her friends bouncy round bum, the bikini’s string disappeared within the deep, tawny crack of Sandra Orrick’s smooth, firm buttocks, only emerging again above to bite gently into the nicely padded rounds of her curvaceous hips as they wiggled seductively side to side as the lovely creature led Becky up the garden path.

However, no sooner had Becky taken a step to follow her sexy friend, then she was stopped in her tracks by the suddenly active Doberman.

Richter had darted forward, blocking the teenagers path. Before Becky could even react, he had his pointy snout between her tightly clamping thighs as he inhaled the rich female aroma of her pure young vagina. Becky was quite off balance as she tried to evade the curious animals indecent inspection. A sudden blush of embarrassment warmed her cheeks as Sandra came to her rescue. She took the crotch rutting dog by the collar and calmed him into submission once again. As Rebecca steadied her nerves again, Sandra made light of the situation.

“Sorry about that Becky. Richter’s only trying to get to know you. He still does the old “crotch sniff” to me and mom all the time. Don’t worry. You’ll get used to him!” Sandra grinned.

It was the way one might speak while admonishing a naughty little boy Becky imagined. By this time they had reached the front door, just as Sandra’s parents were on their way out. Sandra introduced everyone. Mr. Orrick was a tall, slightly weathered looking man in his mid forties. He must have been a good looking guy when he was younger, Becky decided. His hand seemed pleasantly roughened by hard work as he shook Becky’s own politely. Mrs. Orrick was like an older version of her Daughter. Shorter and with larger, heavier breasts, but a very attractive woman just the same and perhaps a couple of years younger than her husband.

“Well. You girls have fun now! And remember Sandy, use the beeper if you need us’ Mrs. Orrick waved back as the couple hurried past.

They were on their way to tend to their various duties around the racetrack for the night. Sandra’s Dad was “Clark-of-the-coarse” during races and her mom did whatever she could to help out. During the day, they did all sorts of tasks around the showground, anything from cleaning the stables and kennels, to leveling the race track and maintaining the buildings. That’s why the city paid for them to live here inside the showground fulltime, Sandra explained as they went inside.

As they entered the sparsely furnished living room through glass sliding doors, a young, red headed boy greeted them. He was much shorter than either girl. Sandra introduced the boy as being her little brother Denis. He was about eleven Becky guessed. He was kind of scruffy looking, mostly bones. His pale skin was covered with freckles. He had green eyes and his carroty orange hair was coarsely cropped and spiky looking. Obviously he’d also been swimming recently. He was almost naked, except for a pair of dark blue trunks that wrapped around his skinny hips and boney pelvis, bulging only slightly at the front where they formed a smallish lump to house his little pecker.

“How ya go’in Becky? Hey. You weren’t kidding sis. She’s a real sexy chicky-babey!” Denis said as he ogled Becky’s sexy body.

“Ignore my uncouth little brother Becky. Let’s go for a swim!” Sandra laughed as she noticed the look of bemusement on Becky’s pretty face.

“You can get changed in my room, back there Becky, we’ll meet you in the pool.” Sandra instructed as both she and the boy headed outside giggling. Becky soon found Sandra’s bedroom. She pulled her bikini from her bag and changed hurriedly. Her friends bedroom had all the usual teenage stuff, including a DVD player and portable TV. Wow. Sandra must really like dogs! Becky mused as she realized the many posters that decorated the small bedroom consisted entirely of various big dogs in action shots. There was even a framed photo next to the bed which showed Sandra hugging Richter. Sandy was kissing his cheek and Richter had a blue sash which read “1st Prize” around his muscular neck.

Denis let out a shrill woof-whistle and Sandy clapped as Rebecca rejoined them poolside in a hot pink bikini. The duo were already swimming merrily about in the deliciously cool water as the warm summer evening swallowed up the last glowing sparks of twilight. Soon all three were splashing and giggling with delight. The noises of excited folk attending the race meeting nearby where plainly audible. However, the high, sturdy fence made the Orrick family’s yard a private sanctuary, safe from the prying eyes of the great unwashed public belong. Becky was thoroughly enjoying herself as she swam about, despite Sandra’s little brother sneaking peeks at her skimpily clad body whenever he reckoned the pretty teen wouldn’t notice. The girls made chit chat and small talk as they swam, but soon they had all had enough and Sandra disappear inside the house to fetch some food from the oven.

Becky stretched out on a lounge-like deck chair beside the pool. Sandy’s little brother sat on the edge of another close by, almost leaning over her and grinning enjoyment as his wide green eyes rolled brashly from head to toe along the supine girls shapely body.

“I like the bikini ya wearing!” He leered as his eyes fixed shamelessly on the firm, uplifted swellings of her firm young breasts.

“It looks really, really, good on ya now its wet!” He continued, causing Becky to become conscious of effect the cool water had made on her pert young nipples. Her stiff little nubs were quite obvious now beneath the thin damp material of her bikini.

“What do you think Richter?” The obnoxious kid asked into nearby shadows. Startled, Becky was suddenly aware of the black, hulking form of the big Doberman against the darkened backdrop of the yard, only a few feet away.

She sat forward quickly as Richter moved in close beside her.

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