
Daddy’s Slave 3

the Party continues

Daddy says that I will be punished for any spelling mistakes so I have checked but if any are found comment below and suggest the punishment that I should get as Daddy thinks that would be appropriate…

As I went back out to the party I was immediately collared by my father who walked me around and introduced me to several groups of people that he said were the ones to know. Each group were told my story and each group had a feel of my breasts and cock and balls and some insisted that I suck them off while that talked to my dad. It was bazaar, here I was on my knees sucking a mans cock while he held a conversation with others as though I didn’t even exist and when he came another cock was presented to me and the whole thing started again. This went on for a while then I was introduced to several of the most stunning women I had ever seen, most were over 6’0” tall with perfect bodies and wore nothing but long black PVC gloves that reached over their elbows. They told my father that they were going to take control of me for an hour or two and we moved to a corner of the room where there were several low beds. On one bed was Joan with her legs trust up on her chest, her arms tied to the bed head, a gag over her mouth and a dildo sticking out of her arse. I was told to lie down and when I did I was also trust up like Joan was except there was no dildo. The women then placed a small ball in my mouth and I found that I was being gagged as well; something that had never happened before and I started to panic not knowing what was happening. They turned Joan’s bed so that I could see her cunt and arse and then the dildo was removed and one of the women knelt before Joan and with a small tube squirted lube into her cunt and arse and then into my arse It was cold and soothing and I watched as this woman inserted two fingers in Joan’s cunt, then three and then four and finally all the fingers and thumb. Joan was trying to get away and screaming into her gag as the hand penetrated her but the woman just laughed and kept going . She then started to rotate her hand backwards and forwards stretching Joan’s cunt with each turn until the whole hand was pushed into her and the woman started to fist fuck her in earnest. I was fascinated as I watched the hand almost come completely out and then plunge back in to the wrist getting deeper every time until the woman almost had her arm up to her elbow buried in Joan’s cunt. The black glove was turning a white colour as Joan’s juices mixed with the lube and stuck to the glove. I could see tears in Joan’s eyes and her look of helplessness was something to see. The woman continued to fuck her for a minute or two and then removed her hand and applying more lube started to finger Joan’s arse and slowly inserting her fingers until the whole hand was buried and then she got her other hand and put it in Joan’s cunt and then started to fist fuck her with one hand coming out whilst the other was going in. Joan was writhing on the bed but because she was tied down she was at these women’s mercy. It was then that I felt fingers at my arsehole and could feel several being pushed into me, opening and closing as they tried to make my arse wider. I wanted to cry out no but the gag stopped me and I realised that even if I could speak it wouldn’t stop this from happening. More fingers were added and soon I felt the hand start to move into me and the pain was something that I couldn’t describe and I was screaming at the top of my lungs but to no avail as the gag worked a treat and only a muffled sound escaped my lips. I felt the hand starting to move deeper into me and felt that my insides must surely be torn apart by the relentless intrusion into my bowels. Suddenly the hand moved almost out of my arse and then was plunged back in and a steady fucking started and went on and on until the woman grew tired and her place was taken by another who continued to fist rape my arse. I couldn’t believe that this was happening and that I was getting used to it and starting in fact to enjoy it and the women were all egging each other on and both Joan and I received as many as 8 different hands and arms in a short time, sometimes just one but most of the time two in Joan’s case. As suddenly as this had started it stopped and we were left trust up like turkey’s, our arses and her cunt open to all to see. I was shattered and wanted to stop but I could see from the activity around me that the night was going to go on into the next day. My cock had again become as hard as a rock and my balls were turning a shade of blue and were swollen to twice their normal size and as people walked by they would give them a slap or pull down on the stretcher to increase the pain. Joan was removed from her confinement and made to crawl on all fours between the people giving head to any man she found or licking a cunt here or an arse there and nobody paid any attention to her at all. It was as though this was common practice in these peoples lives and we were no more than buckets to collect their cum in. I was finally released and couldn’t move for several minutes as my legs had cramped but soon I was on my feet and hoping against hope that this night would end. My mother found me and pulled me to a quiet corner where we both had a drink and I saw that she had been used and abused as much as I had been. Her face, hair and body was covered in dry cum, the nipples where the rings were were bleeding slightly and the rings in her labia had torn the flesh a bit causing them to bleed as well. I sobbed quietly in my mothers arms and she kissed my lips and said that I was the hit of the party and that dad was really proud of the way I had handled myself and that it would soon be over and we could have a nice couple of days together doing nothing but sleeping and bathing. I kissed her back and found myself forcing my tongue into her mouth in a passionate kiss that at first startled her but soon was returned with gusto. We were locked in this embrace when dad finally found us and he was pleased as punch with out display of affection. He said that there would be just another hour or so and the main event was just about ready to start and that we should be ready to do what was ordered. After all the pain and degradation that I had endured I wondered what the main event was and did it include me and mum.
A large circle was formed in the middle of the room and a vaulting horse was placed in the centre which had been modified to include a platform at one end slightly higher than the top of the horse. Straps were seen in various places and I caught my breath as Angie was led into the centre, placed face down on the horse and tied into a position where her arse and cunt were pointing backwards away from the platform. People were really on edge as someone raced forward and whipped her arse with a cane and then several of them repeated the same until her arse was red raw. My dad came into the centre and squirted a great amount of lube into Angie’s cunt and arse and then disappeared out the back and returned moments later with a stallion, black as the ace of spades and led him around the circle so all could see this magnificent animal. He stopped the horse in front of me and mum and ordered her to grab the horse’s dick and masturbate it while I was to fondle its balls. We moved to the animal and mum reached out and rubbed the horse’s cock which started to grow in her hands and I used both hands to fondle the balls. They were heavy and I leaned forward and lick them trying to get one into my mouth but it was too big so I consoled myself by licking and sucking the sack that held them. Mum in the meantime had placed her mouth over the horses cocks opening and was tonguing it, licking the edge and forcing her tongue into the opening until the horse was fully erect at which time it was led forward and made to rear up and place its front legs on the platform that was provided. The horse did this with consummate ease and it was obvious that this was a regular occurrence. When it was there mum was told to place the head of the cock against Angie’s cunt and keep masturbating the horse until nature took over. After a couple of pumps from mums hands the horse started to move back and forward driving its massive cock into the small cunt that it was placed in. Angie screamed as the cock went into her and continued to scream as the horse pushed further and further up her cunt with very stroke. The crowd was fairly silent as they watched this small girl being fucked by this huge horse and it was soon evident b y the increasing tempo that the moment they were waiting for was about to arrive. The horse made one last move forward and stopped stock still and we could see the cock pulsating and knew that Angie was getting a load of horse spunk into her cervix and it was evident by the amount that was squirting out that this horse had been without a partner for some time. The cheers from the crowd drowned out the screams from Angie and as suddenly as it started the horse moved back and onto four legs as his cock slid out of her cunt and the fluids started to really drain. Several of the women moved over to Angie and started to drink the horse cum that drained out of her and mum was told to lick the horse cock clean which she did with some relish. I thought that that was that and the night was finished but then Angie was released and carried to a bed to rest and I was made to lie face down on the contraption and my hands and feet were fastened with the straps. I was shit scared until I saw the horse being taken away but soon my terror returned as another horse was led in and under the careful ministrations of my mother its cock grew to full size and it was led towards me and made to rear up onto the platform and I felt its cock being placed against my arse hole and the horse started to move forward as the cock invaded me. I had had a huge black cock but this was something else and the pain made me scream and cry out that it was tearing me apart but this only made the crowd more determined that I be fucked by this animal and they urged it on and its cock sank deeper and deeper that anything had gone before and I was on the verge of passing out when it stopped and backed off a little only to plunge back in further with the next stroke and so it went as it withdrew and plunged and withdrew and plunged until my mind would not accept the pain anymore and I went into a kind of trance as this animal fucked me for all it was worth while the crowd roar its approval. It was like I was watching myself get fucked and I was turned on to see this in my minds eye. I don’t know how long I endured this animal rape but was bought back to reality when I felt a sudden gush of spunk from the cock burning my insides and it kept going for what seemed like an eternity until I felt the cock start to soften and it plopped out of me and litres of spunk followed. I felt tongues and fingers at my arsehole trying to get a taste of the horse spunk that I was excreting but I didn’t care anymore and didn’t even realise that I had been untied. The horse was led away and I lay there as the people started to get dressed and leave until it was only my mother and father, the hosts and myself left. The hosts thanked my father for a wonderful performance and hoped that there would be more in the future possibly with some younger girls next time and I was helped to my feet and half carried to the car and was asleep before we even got to the road.
Dear Diary- it’s the day after the party and its about 1.00pm and I have just woken up and feel like I have been run over by a steam roller. My arse is so sore that I have to lay on my side and my balls are still swollen but the stretcher has been taken off. My clothes or what’s left of them are on the floor but I don’t remember taking them off and it was probably my parents that did it for me. The night before is a blur of cocks and cunts and arses and more pain than I care to remember but I do remember the kiss my mother gave me and the sight of that bitch Angie being fucked by the horse. Poetic justice for the life she had led me into and I hoped that she was suffering as much as I was. I tried to remember what I had liked the most and it was the look on my fathers face after I had taken the horse cock up my arse and been well and truly fucked, that look of satisfaction and acceptance meant more to me than anything and I would go through it all again to see my father with that look again.
Life has retuned to normal or as normal as possible. I have now become a woman in every sense of the word except for a working set of balls and a cock. Whenever I go out I go as a woman and nobody can tell looking at me that I am not what I pretend to be. I have formed friendships with several women and work in a dress shop to pay my way at home although we don’t really need it as mother and I more than make enough with our bodies than we will ever need. Add to this the monies that we were left and we could quite easily give the game away except we all enjoy what we do however degrading and painful at the time.
I really enjoy working in the shop and it has given me an advantage as some of the women have come onto me in a lesbian way only to find a full set of man jewels where my cunt should be. Although taken aback at first many realise what an opportunity this is and take full advantage inviting me to visit them at home or to a special party that they are giving. I always ask if they want a real woman and that I could organise one if they so desire and most of the time Mum and I are off to work together which is how we like it. Its strange but I have become enamoured of m y mother and try every chance I get to kiss her and hold her tight like a real lover. Just the thought of thrusting my tongue into her mouth and having hers reciprocate gives me an immediate hard on and makes life rather difficult if these thoughts enter my mind during the day at work. To try and stop this I have learned to push my balls up into my body and devised a harness system that encases the knob of my cock, pulls it back between my thighs and laces around my waist. The effect is that I can wear a bikini and it looks like I have a large mons venus which really gets the guys going. This helps a bit but in some cases I have to undo it as I feel that I might do some damage as I get harder and harder. I am not game to tell my mother or father of my feelings but they grow stronger every day.
The owner of the shop is a small man who just comes in once a week to collect the takings, have a feel of any shop assistant that gets in his way and tries to screw each and every one. When it was my turn to go to the office with the takings I was not prepared to be groped as soon as I entered the room but he was on me before I had a chance to say anything. He grabbed my tits, gave them a squeeze and then tried to finger my cunt. Because I had my cock tied back he was somewhat puzzled that he couldn’t press a finger into what he thought was my opening and sat back perplexed. It was then that he told me that one of the reasons I had the job was that reliable sources had told him I put out and he wanted some or no job. I decided to flirt a little and make his life uncomfortable for a time so I started to undo my blouse and showed him my small bra with the swell of my tits pushing over the top and the nipples just below the top of the bra. I ran my hands over my breasts kneading them and pushing them together and I saw his pants begin to tent. I increased my gyrations shoving my crotch towards his face and wiggling my arse as I turned around. The tent in his pants continued to grow and I unsnapped my bra and threw it to him but keeping my arm across my tits like a tease. Slowly I lowered my arm and bent forward moving my body to and fro causing my breast to wave in front of him. He made several attempt to grab me but each time I was able to keep out of his grasp and continued my show. I then place my thumbs in the waist band of my skirt and slowly started to lower it to the bottom of my bum cheeks making sure that he could not see my cock and balls and then I squatted down in front of him and undid, with a great deal of effort, his fly and this monster cock sprang up before me, the slit at the top oozing clear pre cum which I licked off and swirled my tongue around his bulbous knob. He took hold of my hair and head and pushed my down onto his cock but it was too big to fit in my mouth so I continued to lick it and tease the underside which made more pre cum flow out. Whilst I was doing this I used one of my hands to release my cock from its harness and ease my panties down my legs on off so that I was only wearing my garter belt, stockings and high heels. He was still trying to force his cock into my mouth and succeeded in pushing the top of the knob into my mouth but I couldn’t do anything except suck like a vacuum cleaner on the little that was in my mouth. I decided that this was stupid and pulled my head off his cock and then stood up facing him with my cock staring straight at his eyes. He stopped, went red, choked and then tried to talk but nothing came out but a gurgling sound as he stared at my cock and balls in all their glory. Then to my surprise he grabbed me pulled me towards him and engulfed my cock down to the pubic hair in one gulp. My cock went right into his throat and he sucked like a madman, grabbing my balls and rolling them in their sack, pulling them down away from my body, letting them go so they sprang back into place and repeating this time and time again. I was in seventh heaven as my cock responded to his ministrations and I felt it start to swell and that familiar feeling of spunk rising up the shaft starting and he must have felt it to as all of a sudden he shoved a finger up my arse and I unloaded spurt after spurt into his welcoming mouth. Not a little bit escaped his mouth as I felt his throat contract as he swallowed each and every drop and then when I had finished he slumped back into his chair with a satisfied look on his face. I was perplexed as the stories I had heard from the other girls was that he really preferred women but his was completely opposite to what they or I expected. My cock was slowly shrinking back to normal and he told me to parade before him and play with myself as I did and I walked up and down, turned and posed, bent over to show my arse and legs, rubbed my tits and masturbated my cock which was coming back to life. This was the first time that I really felt in control since this whole thing started way back and I really didn’t know how to handle it. My boss then stood up and removed his clothes, a wholly unremarkable thing as he only stood about 5’4” and was overweight with a beer belly and little stocky legs. The only exception was his cock which although not much over 7 inches and fully erect was a thick as a mans hand and his balls were the size of decent sized passion fruit, excuse the pun, and completely hairless which looked kind of funny as he was covered from head to foot in black hair the like of which I had never seen before. He then asked me to come over to where he was and bend over with my back towards him and touch my toes and then I felt his tongue on my arse and in my arse hole licking and sucking and biting whilst his hands roamed all over my cock and balls, masturbating with one whilst playing with my balls with the other and then swapping hands as his tongue continued to cause me much pleasure.

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