Daddy’s Rum Punch Sleepover
Daddy’s Rum Punch Sleepover
Sex Story Author: | stifflittlepoints |
Sex Story Excerpt: | . . as all three of them looked at the screen. A camera followed what looked like a guy’s hand |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Drug, Exhibitionism, Fantasy, Male / Female Teens, massage, Young |
The last time his daughter had a sleepover, Mike wished he could have heard what the girls had talked about. This time he was going to make sure that didn’t happen again. Kayleen had a great many books on the shelf in her bedroom and Mike waited until she went to school to place a webcam and microphone amongst the books so that it would not be easily seen. It also pointed towards her computer, so that he could at least partially monitor what she was looking at.
His wife worked midnight’s and on Friday he remembered that his 14-year-old daughter was going to have her best friend Ana Leigh over, by herself . . . for a sleepover. After her previous party, he had checked out her hard drive and noticed the teens had gone to various sites that showed the male genitalia. This time he thought it might be fun to spike some punch, maybe have them smoke a joint or two and see what he could get them to do . . . to satisfy his carnal cravings.
Mike had recently been caught by his daughter . . . smoking a joint outside their house after she had officially said goodnight. He often lit up, after his wife went to work, and enjoyed reading and watching porn. He had forgotten that her window was open . . . on one of those phantom 85 degree days in early spring, and the distinctive aroma traveled into her room. When she came outside to check, he was honest about what he had done, and indicated maybe when she was older, he’d smoke a joint with her. He just asked that she NOT mention anything to his wife. She winked at him, and said her lips were sealed . . . but that he “OWED” her . . . for her silence.
Moving ahead to Friday, his wife Carol left for work about the same time, and Ana Leigh was dropped off by her mom. The girl’s mother thanked Mike for having her daughter stay over and left. Earlier that afternoon, he had made a special rum punch, that he was curious whether the girls might enjoy. After they had been in Kayleen’s bedroom for a half hour or so, he politely knocked on the door and asked if the girls were thirsty. Ana Leigh answered the door. She was wearing a pink top, with the logo “Little Bitty Titties Inside” on the front, a pair of blue jean short shorts, white socks and athletic shoes.
“What did you have in mind?” she asked in a flirty tone.
“That depends upon . . . how daring you’d like to be,” flirted back Mike.
“Kayleen and I LIKE to be dared,” said the cute little 15-year-old blonde as she made no bones about looking at her friends Daddy like he was on a dessert platter at a party. In the background, he heard his daughter chime in “We sure do”. It appeared she was bringing up something on the computer, while her friend answered the door.
“Well . . . Can I trust you two, to keep things to yourself?” Mike asked, now looking at the girls’ spaghetti strapped pink top (with the previously monogrammed message on it) that appeared to have small bare breasts hidden underneath. She hesitated to answer, but was enjoying having him feast on her little orbs that were beginning to come alive . . . as the nipples began to spike.
“Of course you can Daddy,” said Kayleen, leaving the computer and waltzing over to the doorway. It appeared one of them had their tops made, because Kayleen was wearing the same advertisement for small titties.
“Good. Let’s go to the kitchen and see what you think of the rum punch I made up for you earlier.”
“Awesome,” said Ana Leigh. “I only had booze once before . . .at my cousin’s wedding,” she said as the threesome navigated their way down the hall towards the refrigerator.
“So what did you drink while you were there?” asked Mike, now enjoying the company of the girls on either side of him.
“I think my brother called it a “spiked punch with whiskey sour” or something like that,” she recalled. “All I know is that he found a pitcher and when my parents were socializing at the tables, he and I downed the whole thing by ourselves. It must have been pretty full of alcohol, because about a half hour later, when I got up to dance . . . my head was like spinning and floating and it made me . . . all horny too!” What revealing words came out of her mouth, he thought. He took the large pitcher out of the refrigerator, pulled down three supersize glasses and began to pour out the cinnamon flavored drink.
“Well . . . we better get started. I think you two might enjoy this. Mom and I drank something similar to this recipe on our cruise over Easter. So, Ana Leigh . . . what do you think made you so HORNY at that wedding?” he asked curiously.
“Daddy, that’s way TOO personal,” she protested for her friend, beginning to sip what was in the glass. She looked at Ana Leigh for some agreement but was surprised by her response.
“No . . . that’s alright,” said the girl, pausing to slam down about a third of the glass. “This stuff is SO GOOD! If we are going to keep things to ourselves, I don’t mind sharing. Anyway . . . even though you’re not suppose to like other members of the family, I have this cousin, who is maybe my age or 16 and he is a FOX. He’s the younger brother of the guy who got married. The more I drank that stuff at our table . . . the HOTTER he looked. And then he freaked me out . . . and asked if I wanted to dance with him.”
“REALLY? So didja?” said Kayleen, envious of what was being shared and also liking the taste of the punch and gulping it down . . . like it was Kool-Aid.
“Uh, huh,” said Ana Leigh. “It was a slow dance, and he pulled me close and for the first time . . . and I am sorry if I embarrass you Mr. Johnson, but you’ll see . . . I just kinda say what’s on my mind . . . I felt a boy’s . . . uh . . . penis all HARD up against my stomach.” Mike had been silent up until then, actually getting off by hearing her daughter’s friend tell the specifics, so he decided to jump into the conversation. He also took the opportunity to fill up the girls’ glasses, in hopes they would just keep on talking and drinking. Neither one of them was even 90 pounds . . . and he knew the alcohol would soon start taking its effect on their minds and nubile bodies.
“If we’re going to say what’s on our minds . . . us guys like to call OUR stiff things . . . COCKS. So don’t hesitate to call them that girls, okay?” Both girls busted out laughing, not ever hearing any adult say anything like that before.
“Calm down ladies,” he said after a few minutes of them giggling and still reacting to his comment, “and drink up!” he said raising his glass for a toast. “Here’s to us having a great evening of fun . . . and acting HORNY with each other!” he joked, hopefully setting the stage he wanted everyone to play on.
“Awesome DUDE!” joked Ana Leigh clinking her glass to his, and then to Kayleen’s.
“Here’s to everyone acting HORNY!” said his daughter, whose eyes had begun to show signs of the rum punch. This remark surprised her Dad, but he clinked his glass against hers and said, “The ONLY way to act!” which started the girls giggling and laughing all over again. Over the next half hour or so, he was able to get the girls to finish the rum punch as he took the pitcher to the sink and realized standing up just how strong he had made it. Looking at the clock, he realized they would have many hours together, and was strategizing how he could best get them out of their clothes . . . for a much closer . . . intimate inspection.
“Why don’t we go downstairs in the basement,” he suggested.
“That’s where Daddy keeps all his porn stuff,” joked Kayleen as they began moving downstairs, which all of a sudden was not as easy as it looked. Ana Leigh stumbled and placed her hand around Mike’s waist.
“Sounds good to me,” she slurred. “Maybe you got some real dirty stuff you’d like to share with us?” she suggested.
“Oh, I can think of MANY things I’d like to share with you both . . . in fact one in particular,” he said, thinking about the growing cock in his pants. They walked into the family room portion of the basement, which had an almost old school “shag-like” carpeting.
“This carpeting is so awesome and soft,” said Ana Leigh leaning down and feeling the texture. “I think I am going to sit right here,” as she planted herself in front of a Lazy Boy chair.
“Me too,” said Kayleen sitting next to her, and definitely feeling the effects of the punch. Mike elected to sit in the Lazy Boy with the girls on the floor in front of him.
“So what would you two like to do?” asked Mike already having his own carnal agenda in mind.
“Well, first to be honest . . . I feel like I did at that wedding, so anything about sex . . . would be fine with me,” admitted Ana Leigh . . . looking at her friend.
“You got any stuff we can look at on the screen, Daddy?” she said pointing to the 8’ X 6’ projection screen in front of them.
“Uh huh,” he said, reaching for the remote and turning on the projector and than a hard drive hooked up to it. “If I am not mistaken, you girls were looking at boy’s cocks . . . at your last sleepover,” he reminded the two. Kayleen turned scarlet on being reminded.
“How did you know?” she asked nervously giggling. Mike accessed a menu and clicked on one called, “Getting Off”.
“Let’s see if this is what you had in mind,” he asked .
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