Daddy’s poker night
M+f rel beast gb
This is just a fantasy, I don’t condone sex with minors
Daddy’s Poker night
My name’s Bill Krants. I am writing this because I don’t know what else to do. Sombody needs to know what happened that night and I guess I am the only one willing to tell.
It began innocently enough. Doug Seers has a regular Friday night poker game at his house. The only thing different about this poker night was that Martha had informed Doug on Monday morning of this week that she wanted a divorce.
At work on Wednesday afternoon I had suggested that Doug cancel the game as he was in no emotional condition to host, but he insisted that the diversion would do him good. This remark was seconded by Dirk Benson, our co-worker who is usually a winner at Doug’s poker night. Dirks main concern however seemed to be whether or not Callie, Doug’s twelve year old daughter, would be there. Doug, not picking up on the inappropriateness of Dirks question, informed him that she would be there as Martha had decided that she would get a hotel room until she could find something more permanent, then Callie could come to live with her. I’m sure that the only reason that Martha was handling things this way was that Doug flatly refused to leave the house when she told him the news. His reasoning had been that their house, his house, had been in his family for four generations and it was understood at the time of their marriage that that should something happen to the marriage she would not try to take it. Nothing was in writing however and that was fifteen years ago. At any rate Martha, trusted Doug with their daughter and therefore until she could get permanent housing, Callie would continue to live with Doug.
Friday turned out to be one of those crisp October evenings and it was dark by seven when I arrived at the Seers house. Dirk was there nursing a beer while watching TV. Barkley, Callie’s large mixed breed dog greeted me at the door and demanded his obligatory stroking and scratching of his ears. I don’t know what breed of mix he was but it seem clear that there was Rottweiler and Dane in his genes because he was huge. Barkley toured the gathering hoping to get a few more strokes, few were offered except from Callie, who cooed at him and ruffled his fur, before he eventually returned to his bed in Callie’s room,
Doug and Callie were setting up the snack table and putting an old wool olive drab Army blanket on the dining room table. Doug had already been drinking heavily and continually pouted and mumbled about how Martha was doing him wrong. Callie was being a trooper, making sure that everything was getting done. Doug was little help, so I pitched in. Callie was as pretty as a picture in her Catholic school uniform. Standard white blouse and plaid pleated skirt. With the right clothing and make up she could probably have passed for eighteen, instead of a twelve year old seventh grader. Right now she looked every bit a petite little pre-teen girl. Her Blond hair hung down to the middle of her back in soft ringlets and shown bright in the lighting over the table. Her bright blue eyes sparkled with mischief and her smile could melt the heart of the most stern task maker, she was the epitome of every petafile’s wet dream.
We were expecting six guys including myself and Doug when Dirk informed Doug that he had invited another person and that he hoped it was OK. Any other time Doug would have chewed Dirks ass out for inviting additional people without checking with him first. Doug, however, was already three sheets to the wind and barely acknowledged Dirk’s comment.
I asked Dirk, “Who did you invite?
“That new guy in shipping, Theo Johnson” replied Dirk.
“He’s Black” I blurted, immediately regretting my outburst.
I am not racist, at least I work at not being so, but I was just caught off guard that Dirk would invite a black man to our poker game. If anyone was racist it was Dirk. Many a poker game was interspersed with off color black jokes and innuendoes.
“Yea, I know. I hope he doesn’t get arrested in this white bread neighborhood.” Dirk Joked. “I gave him a map. I hope he can read.”
A knock at the door announced the arrival of Fred Downs, Mark Dark and Kirk Benson, Dirks younger brother. Everyone always teased Mark about his name. I always thought it was cool but Mark had gotten so much shit over the years that it was a touchy point with him. It’s getting dark Mark you better get home. It didn’t help that he was pussy whipped by his wife Pam.
By now everyone had migrated toward the table and was sitting down. Doug had flopped at the head of the table away from the kitchen and Dirk claimed the chair opposite him at the other end of the table, I sat to Dirks right, Kirk to his left. On my right was Mark then Fred next to Doug. Doug was drinking Boiler makers and was already blitzed. He tried to shuffle the cards and they flew all over the place. It was a good thing his chair had arms or he would have fallen out of it. Fred, who picked up the scattered cards counted them and began shuffling, to Doug’s right was the remaining empty chair.
Callie asked if there was anything she could get us before she took her bath. Dirk asked for another beer. When she brought it back he wrapped his arm around her waist and praised her beauty.
“Isn’t this the most beautiful girl you have ever seen?” Dirk questioned the group.
Everyone agreed as Callie blushed and grinned, clearly enjoying the attention of the men.
Kirk injected, “Top model material for sure. Daddy is going to have to put up razor wire to keep the boys out.”
While saying this Kirk ran his hand down her back over his brothers arm and rested his hand on the top portion of her ass. She was so enamored with the compliments I don’t think she realized where his hand was. If she did she didn’t show it. Dirk offered her a sip of his beer and wanting more than anything to be part of the group she asked her dad if it was OK.
“Sure” Doug slurred. “Drink the whole dam thing.”
Ffffrrrrreeeettttttttt, Fred shuffled.
This was not like Doug. If anything I thought he was an over protective father. I suppose his anger and depression over Martha was affecting his judgment, not to mention that he was shit faced.
I spoke up and said, “Just a sip Callie”
“Make it a big one” Dirk said as he glared at me.
Ffffrrrrreeeettttttttt, Fred shuffled.
Callie took the beer and started to drink and Dirk pushed up on the bottom of the can forcing her to drink more than she had planned to. Some spilled down onto her blouse and dirk grabbed a napkin off of the table and began to rub her breasts where the liquid had spilled. Shocked Callie tried to back away, but Dirk still had his arm around her waist and Kirks hand had lowered to the middle of her ass where he was gently squeezing her cheeks over her skirt.
Ffffrrrrreeeettttttttt, Fred shuffled.
Dirk and I had never been what you would call friends. Doug and he had gone to high school together. I have always just tolerated him. He was a crude kind of guy, the type that boasted of his sexual conquests. He was very aggressive with people, to the point that I felt he was a bully. His brother was cut from the same mold. Once I asked Doug why he put up with them and he responded that they were just blue collar guys. They’re good people. Many times I had seen them disrespect Doug, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t want to.
At that moment the door bell rung and Callie pulled away to answer the door. However she didn’t get away from Kirk before he flipped the back of her skirt up and it settled on the top of her ass. When she passed by me I thought that she was sans panties but then I realized that she had on a thong. I thought ‘what is a twelve year old doing wearing a thong?’ Everyone but me expressed their pleasure and surprise except her dad, who was by now passed out in his chair. Callie giggled and didn’t bother to straighten her skirt as she sashayed her way to the door. By the time she turned the door handle her skirt had drifted back into place. She opened the door and greeted the big black man standing there.
Ffffrrrrreeeettttttttt, Fred shuffled.
“You must be Theo” she said with a smile.
“And you must be Callie,” he said responding in kind. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Good stuff I hope.”
“Yes, very good stuff and as I can see, no embellishments.”
Ffffrrrrreeeettttttttt, Fred shuffled.
She took his large black hand and led him to the remaining seat between Kirk and Fred.
Standing next to Kirk she asked Theo if he would like something to drink as Kirk’s hand traveled up the inside of her right leg and disappearing under her skirt. Callie, showing no signs of Kirks invasion other than a red face continued on.
“We have beer, bourbon, Diet coke and regular coke, the non powdered kind. Callie’s face began to get redder as Kirk continued to explore under her skirt. I didn’t think she could get any redder but it did when Theo looked down and saw where Kirk’s hand was.
Continuing to watch Kirk’s arm. Theo slowly said “I’ll have a beer, Thanks.”
Ffffrrrrreeeettttttttt, Fred shuffled.
She swirled away from Kirk and headed for the kitchen. Kirk again tried to flip her skirt up but he was too slow and she pranced through the door.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” I quietly spat at Kirk. “She’s twelve for Christ sakes.”
“Fuck you Bill.” he shot back at me, “She’s ripe. Besides she didn’t say a word the whole time I had my hand under her skirt.”
“She probably didn’t want to embarrass her dad’s friends by pointing out you crude actions.”
“Stay out of it pin head,” Dirk, menacingly glared at me. We will do whatever we please and you will keep your god dam mouth shut.”
Ffffrrrrreeeettttttttt, Fred shuffled.
Dirk and Kirk are both big guys. Both are over six foot tall and around two hundred thirty pounds of solid muscle. They are known to mix it up at bars every once and awhile just for fun. I however, am the typical accountant type. Balding, five foot eight and one hundred fifty five pounds, I was no threat to anyone at the table.
Mark spoke up. “Leave the girl alone Dirk. Don’t you have any respect? You’re supposed to be a friend of Doug’s.”
“Are you kidding, he would be encouraging us every step of the way if he weren’t passed out.”
“That’s a lie,” I shot back. “Doug is a loving, protective father”
“Yea, he would love to love her. He talks about how hot she is and how he would like to lick that little snatch.” Dirk sneered, “He just doesn’t have the balls to do it.”
Ffffrrrrreeeettttttttt, Fred shuffled.
It was taking Callie a long time to bring Theo his beer.
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