Daddy’s Little Girl_(2)
Daddy’s Little Girl_(2)
Sex Story Author: | Lucky Mann |
Sex Story Excerpt: | With Donna’s help, my automotive parts store had been quite successful and had grown to six stores. They |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Fiction, First Time, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Romance, Virginity |
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Daddy’s Little Girl
Donna’s abusive boyfriend had finally gone too far. He had made sexual advances toward the woman who lived next door to them. When the woman refused him, he had beaten her to death. He recently started serving his life sentence in prison.
I first met Donna when she walked into my office looking for a job. Being a typical male, the first thing I noticed was her looks. She was 24-years-old, about 5’5″, weighed 110 to 120 pounds, and had a nice set of pointed breasts. Her curly, shoulder length, brunette, hair loosely fell around her face and over her shoulders. Her eyes, oh those eyes, were hypnotic. They were the deepest blue I had ever seen.
Donna broke my spell when she said. “I’ll do anything. I really need this job.” She explained that she was broke, needed groceries, and was about to be evicted from her house. She was desperate.
How could I refuse her? Being something of a soft touch, I hired her immediately. I even advanced her a few hundred dollars to help her get by.
The advance turned out to be a good investment. Donna was a great sales representative for my small auto parts store. Whether working the counter or delivering parts to our larger customers, Donna was efficient and productive. In addition to her ability to quickly learn about the parts we sold, I’m sure her great looks didn’t hurt sales or customer relations. When she made deliveries, the customer’s would fall all over them selves to help Donna unload their order. Donna never had to strain herself when a bunch of red-blooded men were around.
About three months after I hired Donna, we started dating. That was when I met her young daughter, Debbie. Debbie had her mother’s curly hair and those same blue eyes.
Six months after that, Donna and I married. She and Debbie came to live at my home. My wedding present to Donna was to fire her. We both wanted her to be a stay-at-home mother and wife. We had discussed it before the wedding, and Donna had eagerly agreed.
Over the next seven years, our life as a family was wonderful. Donna was a beautiful, active, and happy mother and wife. She was constantly on the go during the day.
At night, Donna was an enthusiastic slut of a lover who enjoyed all forms of sex. She frequently woke me in the morning by sucking me off. We had been married only a few weeks when Donna began staying nude whenever she was home. I, of course, didn’t mind seeing her beautiful body parading before me.
“Honey, you are a beautiful slut.” I’d tell her.
“I know, and you love it.” She’d reply. She’d then wiggle that cute ass at me and go on about her business.
Debbie was an active child. As she grew, she played soccer and softball. She took martial arts classes, and was in the drama club at school. When she was a teenager she, like her mother, began going nude, or just wore panties, around the house.
Debbie giggled and trotted off when I told her. “Little girl, go put some clothes on.” I swear she wiggled her butt at me as she left the room.
I told Donna I didn’t think it was good idea to let Debbie go nude.
Donna said. “Deb’s just a kid, and she likes the feeling of being nude. Besides, doesn’t she have a cute little butt?”
I hated to admit it, but Debbie did indeed have her mother’s cute little butt. She also had the puffy beginnings of breasts swelling on her chest. I couldn’t help myself. I had to watch as Debbie’s body slowly matured.
By the time Debbie turned 16 she, and her mother, seldom had a stitch of clothing on when at home. They were turning into a couple of regular nudists. Debbie had grown a nice little set of B breasts. She still had that cute little butt and her mother’s hypnotic blue eyes. It was getting very difficult not to admire her young body.
Just a few weeks after Debbie’s 16th birthday, Donna dropped the bombshell. She was dying. She had contracted some rare form of cancer. Her doctor had told her she could live 6 months or maybe up to 5 years, but she was going to die much too soon.
For the next 12 months, Donna was her beautiful and sexy self. She and Debbie still paraded through the house nude. Donna frequently squeezed my arm and whispered. “Isn’t Deb becoming a sexy girl?”
“Yes! She looks just like her beautiful mother. She’s going to break a lot of hearts and make some young man extremely happy.” I replied, as I hugged Donna. Debbie was indeed a sexy girl. Her athletic body was slender, tight, and smooth. Her cute little butt and expanding breasts drew my eyes every time she passed. If she weren’t my little girl…, well, never mind.
Then Donna got very sick. She seldom got out of bed. She tried, but was just not up to taking care of my needs. That bothered Donna much more than it bothered me.
For the next several months, nearly every hour she wasn’t in school, Debbie spent with her mother. Sometimes, they cried together. But more often than not, I could hear them laughing and giggling behind the closed bedroom door.
Then, shortly before Debbie’s 17th birthday, Donna called us to both her bedside. She had wasted away to only 60 or 70 pounds. She looked like a skeleton. Her breathing was labored and she could only talk in whispers. Her eyes were still as blue and bright as the day we met.
Donna held both Debbie and my hands. Shakily, she put Debbie’s hand in mine.
Looking at Debbie, she weakly smiled and said to her daughter. “Remember what I said.”
Debbie bowed her head and nodded. “Yes, Mom.”
Then looking at me, Donna smiled and whispered, “Honey, take care of Deb, and let her take care of you.” Donna weakly smiled and closed her eyes to sleep. She quietly died sometime that night.
Late on the night following Donna’s funeral, Debbie came to my room, the room I had shared with my wife, and slipped into bed with me. Even though she was nude, we innocently held each other through the night. We both cried and comforted each other. While sobbing on my shoulder, Debbie dozed off to sleep. I saw no reason to wake her just to send her to her own room.
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