Daddy, Please Kiss Me
Daddy, Please Kiss Me
Sex Story Author: | Mystic47 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | You and I are father and daughter and that relationship is as strong as the one your mother and I |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, First Time, Hardcore, Incest, Male/Teen Female, Virginity |
We were on the car ferry headed to the island. Since we had made this trip for years, we didn’t bother to go up to the observation deck to watch the scenery. My daughter Kaitlyn and I were going home after a long day at a girls’ soccer tournament. Both of us were content to sit and relax in the car for the 35-minute boat ride. We had reclined the seats back and were staring at the roof of the car, I thought she had slipped into a nap. About 15 minutes after lying back she opened her eyes, looked at me then rose up to lie over the console between the seats. She turned to face me, put her hands on my shoulders, laid her head on my chest and murmured “I love you daddy.”
I rested my hand on the back of her head, “I love you too Kaitlyn.”
She lifted her head and kissed me on the cheek, “Daddy, would you kiss me?”
I scanned her pretty schoolgirl face and replied “You should never have to ask that question, I’m always ready to kiss you sweetheart” then pecked her on the forehead.
The next words came on a light breath across my cheek, “No, not there, really kiss me.”
I pulled my head back and looked at my fifteen-year-old daughter, “What?”
“Kiss me like you kiss mom” she said so softly I almost missed the words.
“Kaitlyn —-”
“Dad, I never kissed a boy, I want to know what it feels like to mouth kiss.”
I felt compelled to remind her, “I’m not a boy, I’m your father.”
“Yeah, that makes it okay, we can kiss and you don’t have to be afraid that me and a boy are doing something.”
“Doing something?”
My girl blushed, “You know, something.”
I balked even more, I felt uneasy with her lying in my arms asking me to kiss her. She felt the hesitation, “Please?” In my entire life I’d never had fifteen-year-old girl ask me to ‘please’ kiss her. I bent slightly then brushed my lips on hers. Kaitlyn’s eyes were wide open and when I pulled back, she smiled excitedly, “How was it?”
“It was sweet. You have sweet soft lips.” She smiled even wider then raised up and planted a full lip lock on me, her move surprised me but I didn’t stop her. With my hand on her head I held her against my lips for maybe three seconds then let her go. She pulled away, her eyes were sparkling, “That was nice.” The ferry was nearing the dock so she moved back to her side of the car content. After we started moving my daughter rested on the reclined seat with her eyes closed but captured my right hand and held it for the few minutes it took to drive from the ferry dock to our house.
A month passed and I shrugged off the intimate episode in the car as a moment of curiosity for a growing girl. I wondered if she had used me to break the shyness of kissing someone and was now planting her lips on some skinny, drooling, pimple faced kid with curious hands. I hinted in a conversation with Maggie, Kaitlyn’s mother, that she might want to talk facts of life with the budding young woman. My wife assured me that they had already had a series of conversations about boys, sex and caution. She told me our daughter was informed enough to say she would wait until she was married before having sex. “A great ambition,” I replied, “but we both know how that could go to hell in a hot moment.”
I was lazing in bed on a Saturday morning, my wife had risen earlier to ready herself for a day of holiday shopping. She came in around 9, wished me a good day then left to visit her sister on the mainland. A few minutes later Kaitlyn stepped into the bedroom and asked “Are you awake?”
I cocked an eye on her, “Yeah, what do you want?”
My daughter crawled up over the end of the bed then flopped to her side next to me, “I want to talk.” I looked at her from disheveled morning hair, over her face and down her adolescent curves under a cotton night shift. My daughter was beginning to look like her mother, and not just in the face.
Her lying on the bed next to me wasn’t anything new, she’d done that ever since she could toddle from her room to ours, “About what?”
“Remember when we kissed in the car?”
“Of course, I said you had sweet lips.”
“I want do to that again. Kiss again like that.”
Her words grabbed my full attention, what she said was beyond my idea of causal chat. What she wanted was a step of intimacy that I wasn’t prepared to take. Not with my daughter, on my bed, in our sleep wear. “Kait, why don’t you go get dressed while I get up.”
She lifted her head from her mother’s pillow, her large green eyes locked on mine, “Daddy I won’t leave until we kiss, I liked what we did and want to do it again. I have to learn with somebody and I don’t have a boyfriend so,” she brightened the room with a big enthusiastic grin, “I choose you!”
I put a hand on the smooth skin of her cheek, “You are fifteen, you are my daughter; I should not be the one to be teaching you how to kiss or anything else intimate for that matter. Now go get dressed, I have to pee.”
My girl looked at me solemnly for a few moments then said as if it made a difference, “I’m almost sixteen.” Then just as she did in the car she asked “Please?”
My hand was still caressing her face so I cupped her chin in my fingers and pulled her close. Her eyes were open when our lips touched but they fluttered shut when I pressed firmly against her mouth with mine. My intent was to give her a quick smooch but she put a hand on my shoulder and held herself against me then her mouth slid over mine gently as she twisted her head. I hung on to the kiss long enough to enjoy it. When I pulled back, she opened her eyes, smiled wide and gushed “Oh, wow, that was nice” then threw her arm over me and drew tight to me, her small breasts were flattened against my chest, her body molded against mine. I felt a rush of relief that there were blankets between us.
“Kait you really have to go now.”
In spite of a scream of protests in my head, I didn’t resist when she put a hand on my neck pulled me closer then gave me another kiss. Her mouth opened wider so I caught the full impact of her soft warm lips as she canted her head, pressing them to mine. She released me then asked “Are you going to ride today?”
There are several bicycle trails on the island and we rode them regularly, it was good exercise and kept me and my wife trim and fit, Kaitlyn often rode with us, “I’d planned on it, want to go?”
She chirped a happy laugh, “I’ll get ready.”
Through my morning coffee and waffle breakfast I could feel and taste my daughter’s kiss. It was an unsettling but pleasant feeling. The unsettling part was that I enjoyed the feeling and couldn’t get it off my lips. I watched her as she moved about the kitchen, not with the eyes of a parent, but with the eyes of a male on a provocative female. She was wearing her bicycle gear which was a skin tight polyester pants and shirt combo. The shiny black material had red piping down the sides of both the shirt and mid-thigh pants. The stripes followed the contour of her profile highlighting the emerging curves of her body. In the past year or so she had grown several inches taller, too fast to have a softly rounded shape, she held some youthful sharpness in her hips and shoulders. She wasn’t skinny but her thighs were slender so she had a noticeable gap at the junction of her legs. Every time she turned from me my eyes magnetized to her ass and the space between her thighs. I felt perverted as hell, but compensated by trying to convince myself I was a concerned father judging the effects my daughter would have on boys steeped in testosterone.
We rode for close to two hours at a leisurely pace stopping once in a while to enjoy the island scenery and catch a breath. She took the lead on the trails so I spent much of my time watching her butt and hips rock on the bicycle seat as her legs pumped the pedals. I felt sinfully slimy but she was much more interesting scenery than the forest and water. By the time we got back to the house it was hot and both of us had worked up a good sweat so we headed to the showers; her to the main bathroom, I had a bath adjoining my bedroom.
Just as I pulled off my shirt Kait charged into the room, “Help me, I can’t get a good grip on my top, it’s too tight and sweaty.” She turned her back to me and waited for me to pull her top off. I grabbed the hem of the tight shirt and pulled it up over her shoulders and extended arms. When it was free, she turned to face me, took the shirt then put her right hand on my chest. Her eyes lingered on mine me for a second while her fingertips tugged lightly on my chest hair then she treated me to another quick lip to lip kiss, “Thanks dad.” I couldn’t help but think she was flirting with me before putting her lips to mine; was that something else she was learning to do?
She stepped back and my eyes locked on her breasts which were covered by a thin black sports bra with a white Nike swoosh across her breasts, the logo ‘Just do it’ was emblazoned under the emblem. My gaze rested on the slight nipple bumps in the fabric until Kait turned and headed for the door. As she moved away, she hooked her thumbs under the waist band the bicycle pants and rolled them a couple of inches down to reveal the black elastic band of her underwear, also decorated with a line of small Nike swooshes. The top of her briefs arrested my attention until she left my sight. I got the impression she left that way on purpose, giving me a glimpse of the hourglass form of her lower back, to lure me into thinking exactly what I was thinking; Kaitlyn was quickly becoming a woman. As I stood in the shower the spots where her fingers touched me felt warm and I could only think of my daughter standing nude in her own shower, ‘Just do It’ kept running in my head. I was ashamed of the semi-hard state of my cock when I finally stepped out to dry off. I questioned myself, was this a phase all fathers experienced when their daughters grew through puberty?
She left to spend the afternoon with friends which gave me time to chastise myself for the unwholesome thoughts I was having about her. As the hours passed, I calmed my thoughts and became her father again. About five that afternoon Maggie called, “Hey, why don’t you and Kait walk on to the ferry and meet us at the Wharf Diner. We can eat, then you two can go back home, I’m going to stay tonight with Clarice, we have more stores we want to explore.”
“Alright but you call your daughter, that way she will know it’s you, not me, messing up her evening with her friends.”
“You’re a coward but I still love you.”
She was supercharged with little girl gusto when she dashed into the house, “I have to change before we go!” Fifteen minutes later Kait came from her room wearing light makeup, a sun yellow summer dress, small hoop earrings, rhinestone sandals and a dazzling smile, “Can we take the car to the dock? I don’t want to bike it today.”
The dress hung from her hips to about four inches above her knees. The length of the bare legs from the skirt hem to the floor made her look taller than 5’8. As I checked her long slender legs (think Taylor Swift), my imagination again wandered to places a father’s shouldn’t. A wide swath of bare skin revealed by the open neck of the bright yellow cotton showed me she wasn’t wearing a bra. She had made up with liner, mascara and lip gloss, her long light brown hair was pulled back to a pony tail that swished across her lower back as she moved. For the First Time in my life the words sexy and daughter combined to form a single thought. Unbidden, the question arose in my mind, ‘If this is what she looks like at fifteen, what the hell will she look like at eighteen?’ I was tempted to tell her to change into something less revealing, but that impulse was overruled by a reaction that was completely non-fatherly. My daughter appealed to the beast within and he silenced any objection to how she looked.
Dinner with my wife, daughter and sister-in-law was a two-hour exercise in quiet enjoyment. I didn’t have to say much more than hello and order dinner. The three chirped and chatted the entire time, my only contribution was to pick up the tab. I sat back and relived the eighteen years I’d known Maggie and considered myself rich to have met and married her. We said our goodbyes then Kait and I left for the half hour boat ride. Sitting on the passenger deck of the ferry Kaitlyn said “Let’s go outside, I don’t get to take this trip in the dark much and I like looking at the lights at night.”
We stood at the back rail of the upper deck and watched the city shrink in the dark. The wind from the speed of the boat chilled my girl who was wearing no more than the short dress. I saw her shiver and she said “I have goosebumps!” then threw an arm around my waist and clutched to me for warmth. I put my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer. As we stood in the rising moon with her head on my shoulder the bonds of our relationship started to unravel. A sexy young female clung to me and my long line of male ancestors were taking notice. Back in the car she quietly held my hand on the drive home, just as she did a month earlier.
I sent her to bed with a smile and a kiss on the cheek. She had been as playful and daring as a kitten all day and I had the distinct impression I could have given her another mouth to mouth buss, but I was too wary of the feelings stirring in my nuts. I needed to put some space and a couple of walls between us. My daughter and I had spent many nights alone in the house, but that night was the first I’d ever had any thought but parental for her. I was stressing over what was playing out in my mind.
I woke up disorientated.
The moon’s silver glow shown through the bedroom window and I was on my side facing Kaitlyn who was on her back next to me, my hand rested on her stomach, her hand covered mine. It took me several seconds to realize who was beside me, that it was very late night or very early morning, but regardless, my daughter should have been in her own bed. I could feel her body shaking under my touch, her breath rapid and warm across my face. Kaitlyn pushed my hand down her midriff until my fingers were over her crotch. She moved her legs apart then held still when I almost involuntarily started caressing the hot damp cloth over the form of her pussy. She shivered, flexed, and gasped lightly as I massaged her. She nudged closer until her hip crushed against my rapidly swelling cock.
When I realized who was in bed with me, my first impulse was fright and to send her back to her own room. The thought rose, but as the words formed, I stalled. Maybe it was curiosity, maybe something else, but before I chased her away, I would find out how much she had developed from girl to teen. I eased my hand into her underwear and began to stroke her warm wet sex. When she didn’t object to the intimate intrusion, I felt emboldened; the feel of my fingers sliding through soft silky pubic hair created a chaos of thudding in my chest. I pushed my long finger over the puffy lips of her vagina; her stomach and hips started to undulate as I rubbed her. Shards of moonlight caressed her face so I saw when she opened her mouth for more air, I could hear her heart booming in her throat, her legs moved even wider apart. I kept pressure on her tender young sex, moving my finger until it was sliding up and down over her clit. She must have been teetering on the edge because just moments after I stroked her, she grunted softly, grabbed a fist full of blanket then convulsed and started shaking while huffing gulps of air. I had given Kaitlyn an orgasm and at that moment I accepted my daughter was more woman than girl. When she quieted, she rolled to her side facing me, moved a hand to my stomach then pushed her fingers under the elastic of my undershorts and gripped my erection, softly exploring. Her entire body was in motion, restless, flowing with lust against the full length of mine. She bent her leg at the knee and laid it over my thigh, her warm smooth skin caressed mine as she fondled my prick.
Her hand on me was the death blow to my morality and fortified my libido, all thoughts to send her away vaporized. She let go when I twisted around and pulled the sides of her underwear to take them off. Kaitlyn lifted her butt to let them move down her legs, when they were around her ankles, she kicked free. She raised up and I knew instinctively she wanted me to pull off her night shift. In moments my daughter was naked, the heat radiating from her was almost smothering. She pulled on my shirt then tugged it off. Her hands rushed under the blanket to my shorts and pushed them down, compelling me in silence to strip. As soon as there was nothing between us, she rolled to her other side, putting her back to me. I spooned against her supple warm body and she lifted her top leg to rest it over mine. My erection found its place between her open legs, pressed against her virgin slit. When I reached over her and put a hand on her developing breast, I got a soft sigh and a bump of her ass against my groin as my reward. She rolled her hips, her whole body vibrated as her tender pussy slipped on my hard cock, deliciously inviting me to even more intimacy. I moved my hand to cover her crack then probed into her with my middle finger. Kait gasped then rocked her pelvis against my hand, seeking more penetration, she was flowing fluids so I found no resistance. I pushed in to my second knuckle; she grabbed my wrist and held my arm in place. She began to whimper as she experienced her first finger fuck while tugging on my hard-on with a hand behind her.
I fingered the girl for a couple of minutes but my balls were building tension so I pulled my hand from between her legs and shifted around until the head of my cock was in the right place. She reached between her legs, gripped my erection and rubbed it on her body preparing to receive me. I pressed against her gently but she wasn’t being hesitant or wary about losing her Virginity. My girl held me while I pushed through her fist and into the small opening which stretched to accept the thick hard muscle. I felt the tightness, the resistance, but she and I were both slick with lubrication and driven by instinct so I pushed deeper. She had to move her hand and when she did, I thrust up and in until my groin slapped against her firm round ass. Kaitlyn stiffened with pain but it was momentary, in a few seconds the hurt began to fade and she puffed quietly over her shoulder “It’s better now.” Those were the first words either of us said since she came to my bed. I grabbed my daughter by the hip and started fucking her. She was virgin no more.
We were locked into a pure, natural, spontaneous act. What we were doing and experiencing was driven by the same urges and needs that compelled our ancient ancestors to mate. Our minds, our laws, our morals, were rendered void by eons of male and female instinct. Even though Kaitlyn was just fifteen, she was reacting to me with wild primal need, she was taking from me as much as I was taking from her. She reached between her legs and started rubbing my cock while I thrust in and out. I was so into the feeling of her tight hot body that it took only those light caresses on the shaft to spring the tension, I began gushing, squeezing long surges of cum into my innocent young girl. She arched her back rubbing her ass on my groin while she lost her innocence in her mother’s bed.
She rolled over to face me when I pulled out. She was panting for air when she put her arm around my neck and hugged me. She was still turned on; her body was rolling in waves against mine. Kaitlyn found my face with her hand in the dark and pulled me close, “Make out with me daddy.”
With the pressure off my balls, my hormone levels at low ebb, I pushed away from my daughter, “Kaitlyn, what the hell are you doing here!? We can’t do this, it isn’t right, this so fucking wrong on every level of decent and good!”
She looked at me, “Daddy, I want this, I want to do what mom does with you. My insides get all mixed up and I feel fluttery and warm when I think of this, don’t send me away.”
The blanket was a rumple at our feet, her nakedness radiated like a beacon in the night. I paused to take a calming breath, to look into her wide green eyes, “Kait this isn’t right sweetheart, you know that don’t you?”
She ignored my concern, “I hurt a little bit.” She dipped a hand between her legs and drew back fingers coated with pink semen; my cum mixed with her lost chastity. She cast a glance at me as she got off the bed, “I’ll be right back, don’t go to sleep.” The last fucking thing on my mind just then was sleep.
She came out of the bathroom in a rush of little girl happy, bounced on the bed then greeted me with a large smile and a wet kiss, “I love you dad!”
“Kait,” I paused, I needed to send her to her own room but wasn’t sure how to say it. “Kait, you can’t be here, we can’t do this, you are my daughter for god’s sake, and you’re years too young for sex with anyone. Go back to your bed sweetheart, we have to forget this ever happened.”
My daughter ignored my pleas by flipping over and turning on the nightstand light. She sat up beside me, her fresh firm breasts drew my gaze while she smiled down on me. She reached for my semi-flaccid prick and began to caress it with her finger tips, “I don’t want to go back to my bed, I want to stay here so you can teach me about kissing and fucking” she stated with total sincerity.
Again, she shocked me, the girl never used foul language around her mother or me but hearing her say ‘fucking’ made me realize that math and history weren’t the only things she was learning in school. I was self-conscience as hell with her fingers on my cock and tried once more to send her away, “Kait —, Kaitlyn, we can’t.”
She lay at my side put her nose just behind my ear and offered softly, “Yes we can dad. With the light on, I want to see you do it with me.” She was still fondling my prick which was firming up again in spite of what I was thinking. I turned my face and our lips bonded; I was a goner. When she made her offer, when her mouth covered mine, all thoughts of impropriety were again banished. I wrapped Kaitlyn up in my arms and started seducing her as if she were Maggie on the night I got tired of being polite.
My hands were all over her body then I bent to taste the nipples on her breasts. When I teased the first with my lips Kait convulsed and gasped “Uh!” She put a hand in my hair and pressed me closer to her while I kissed and suckled the firm standing nipples. My right hand migrated to her knee then I stroked up her thigh until I held her pussy. Kait was panting soft sounds of pleasure her hips rolling in sync with the hand caressing her sex. “OH – Daddy!” she yelped then her body went stiff, her legs began to vibrate and she groaned out a long breath of ecstasy.
She was on her back, gulping air, staring wide eyed at me when I rolled over her. She spread her legs to give me space, “Watch me baby, watch me put my erection in you. Watch while we fuck Kaitlyn.” She licked her lips to moisten them then shifted her head until her eyes were locked on the cock poised to penetrate her. I pressed the head into the split between her thighs, she pulled her knees up then laid them wide to each side. I pushed into her until my balls rested on the soft cushions of her body. She moved her eyes to mine, put her hands around my neck and asked “Am I like mom, do you like me like her?” She looked wary, wondering if I wouldn’t like screwing her.
I bent down, kissed her, and answered “You don’t need to be like mom, you don’t have to be her for me. I want you to be Kaitlyn, not Maggie.” I began to plunge and pull, in and out of my daughter slowly, I was sure she was still sore from the first fuck so I didn’t want to hurt her by being rough or in a hurry.
Her body softened, creases of worry and pain eased from her face to be replaced by a growing awareness of what we were doing felt good. She moved her eyes from mine to watch me screw her and said “Tell me when you get done, I want to know; will I feel it when you squirt in me?” She put her hands on my waist and started pulling on me when I stroked in, she was helping me fuck her.
When my wife and I have sex, we can entertain each other for close to an hour before a final mutual climax, but with a cute, taboo, 9th grade girl under me gazing up while I screwed her, my endurance shortened to about six or seven minutes. My cock clenched in a futile effort to hold back the forces in my balls so I pushed up on straight arms and warned her, “Watch now Kait.” I pulled out so the head of my cock hovered over her tummy then the first convulsion laid a line of semen from pubic hair to breast, I pushed back in about half way then stayed motionless. Kait watched my erection jerk each time it shot a surge. When I pulled out again, she threw her arms around my neck and pulled me flat on her, “Oh wow, that was amazing! I love it!”
The alarms and fear I’d felt the first time I screwed her didn’t return when I was done pumping the second load of nut juice into her. I rolled to my back and pulled her over so she was cuddled against me, my arm around her back. I caressed the smooth skin of her ass and asked her, “Do you want to stay, you don’t have to go back to your room?” It wasn’t because I wanted to fuck her again that she could stay, it was because I’d never in my life felt a stronger bond with my child.
“I want to but I don’t think I can do that again, I’m kind of sore.”
“Just stay here and be my daughter, I love you Kaitlyn.”
She reached over, turned off the light then snuggled close, “I love you too daddy.”
A pastel sunrise filtered through the leaves of the big maple outside my window when I woke that morning. Kaitlyn was lying on her side away from me cradling her mother’s pillow like a plush toy. I felt a momentary surge of angst when I looked at my daughter’s nude form, but that quickly faded to a father’s love. A rush of warmth enveloped me and I again felt the strength of the bond I’d experienced a few hours earlier. She was my child and nothing in my life could be better.
I reached over and began to stroke her from shoulders over the round cheeks of her butt and down her thighs. She stirred, straightened her legs then rolled to her back and stretched the sleep from her muscles. Sleepy eyes flickered open, “Hi dad.” She didn’t seem troubled to wake up naked in her father’s bed so I felt reassured that what we had done was something she was still okay with.
“Morning girl, why don’t we get up and I’ll take you to Mitzi’s for breakfast.”
Kaitlyn studied me for a few seconds, smiled and replied “Yeah, I’m really hungry.” I didn’t doubt that; she’d used a lot of energy fucking me just hours earlier.
“Come on, let’s take a shower.”
“It will be fun.” That got me another happy girl smile as she bounced off the bed.
The warm water flowed from her shoulders over her small breasts then coursed down her stomach to between her legs where it cascaded to the floor of the stall. While I was wiping her back with a soaped sponge my cock began to revive, it rose far enough to press against her leg as I washed her. Kaitlyn looked at what had touched her then up to my eyes, hers were full of permission. She was ready to fuck but taking a shower with a woman can be a slow erotic event and I wanted to introduce my girl to some slow erotic sex.
I pulled her into a full body hug and as my hands went to hold her ass, she slid a hand between us and began to pull on my erection. She and I felt each other up as our lips met again. Kaitlyn was pumping my cock slowly when she extended two fingers to my balls so she was caressing my nuts as she moved her hand. I stroked the crack of her butt then reached over her ass, sliding my fingers through the warm swollen lips of her sex. She began to roll her hips against the pressure between her legs when I introduced her to the tip of my tongue to her mouth. Kait moaned softly then pulled away, she looked into my eyes, “Can we do it here?”
“Not yet baby, wait for it.” I slid down the shower wall to my butt on the floor between her legs, licked her from ass to pubic curls then put my mouth to work on her vagina. I French kissed the lips of her pussy which sent a muscle spasm through her; she moaned loud enough I could hear her over the water cascading onto my head. Kait leaned back on the wall and spread her legs wide, allowing me, urging me, to excite her with my tongue. I set about to do just that, I licked and probed, tasting the sweet nectar from her body. I formed a seal over her clit and lifted it out of its soft home and sucked it between my lips. While I was consuming the delights of her sex, I put my hands on her ass, spread the cheeks then slipped the tip of a middle finger into her butt. Her hips jerked and her sphincter tensed but it was momentary; as I tickled her anus, I felt the tension ease. She was caught between my hands and mouth and I was determined to give her an orgasm before I took her back to bed.
Her skin was wet and slippery, her hips were rolling as she gasped, she was hard to hold on to. She sucked in air making a sharp “UH” sound each time my tongue teased her clit. When she released her breath, it came out as a hiss. I could hear “UH-sssss; UH-sssss; UH-sssss;” above the sound of running water. Then it changed. Her ass clenched on my finger, her thighs began to tremble and the –ssss turned into a long low groan as the tremors built to a full-blown climax. She crushed her body against my mouth, grabbed my hair and pressed my face tight to her. I shoved my finger in as far as it would go up her butt then sucked on her until she couldn’t stand. Her knees gave out and she folded into a heap beside me on the floor of the shower. I reached up and turned the water off then lifted Kaitlyn in my arms and carried her back to bed. I laid her on her stomach then pulled her legs apart by her ankles. The drops of water on her skin sparkled in the morning sun, my daughter looked as if she had a thousand jewels sprinkled across her back. I mounted over her ass then fucked Kaitlyn as if she were a sexy new girlfriend.
The excitement of screwing my daughter kept me going for twenty minutes, my stamina was returning. Even though she obviously enjoyed what was happening to her she was totally acquiescent, letting me turn or position her any way I wanted. I screwed her from over her back, spooned against her, and between her legs as she looked up at me. The girl was whimpering and convulsing with a series of orgasms as I fucked her. It was when she was lying on my stomach that my endurance ended and I emptied my balls into her again.
We couldn’t do anything but gasp for air, she was lying on me her chest rising and falling rapidly as we gradually came off our sensual high. She lifted her head then kissed my chest, she looked up at me then asked tentatively, “Daddy, am I going to have a baby now?”
The question startled me. I’d fucked her three times and I knew I didn’t have to take precautions, but it didn’t register that she might think about getting pregnant. Her eyes softened as I reassured her, “No Sweetheart, you don’t have to worry about that. When you were little, I got very sick and almost died, then after I got out of the hospital, the doctors told me I couldn’t make babies anymore. Something happened to my testicles and now I’m sterile, that’s why you never got a brother, I can’t make any woman pregnant.”
She rested her head on my chest and sighed “I’m glad.”
“Glad you don’t have a brother?”
“No, glad we can do this and not be scared.”
I pushed her off me, “You don’t have to worry about a baby if we do this, but if you let a boy fuck you then you need to be careful.”
She answered with total sincerity, “I’m not going to do it with anybody else. Not until I get married.”
That was the same vow she made her mother but I had twenty years more experience than she, “That’s a nice thought but one day some boy will come along and you will fall in love and let him do anything he wants, because you will want to also. That’s how nature is girl, you just have to be careful. I can teach you how to be safe with condoms and different ways of letting a man cum.”
“Like a blow job?”
Once again, I was stunned, “Holy shit girl, what the hell do you learn in school?”
Kaitlyn grinned marginally, “I don’t learn anything like that, but I hear a lot.” She changed topics, “Daddy, do you still love mom?”
“Huh? Of course I do, why would you ask that?”
“Because of what we did, I don’t want you to fall out of love with her.”
I pulled her to me, hugged her tight and reassured my daughter, “Kaitlyn, I love your mother more than life, I love you just as much but there are different types of love. She and I are partners, soul mates, bonded by a natural attraction and love.
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