
Dad dupes Daughter

I haven’t seen this one on the website so I thought I might as well upload it

Dad Dupes Daughter

Chapter 1

“Dick, you must find a way to help me,” complained Sarah to her husband. She felt she was fat and needed help to shape up.

Dick was happy his plan was working. He had deliberately made comments to give her that impression, that she was fat and needed to exercise to reduce her weight.

“You are not really that fat,” said her husband, deliberately sounding unconvincing.

“Oh yes, I am! You yourself have said that many times,” insisted Sarah. “I weigh 150 lbs! And my tits are so big!”

“But you are… well, perhaps a bit stout, but you have a very good figure. You have your waistline, a very buxom chest and shapely thighs for a 32 year-old. You are big-sized but very attractive and sexy.”

“No, you are just saying that to please me. You have avoided having sex with me for a couple of months. I think it’s because you think I’m fat.”

“No, not really,” Dick didn’t want to deny completely. As much he desired her hot body for sex, he had deliberately abstained from having sex with her because he wanted his plan to work.

” Look at Angel, our daughter. She weighs only 120 lbs.”

“But she has a buxom chest too, ” said Dick.

“I know, she’s only 16 but boasts of 38DD breasts. Probably she has inherited the gene from me.”

“So, what’s your worry?”

“But she weighs only 120 lbs and is so shapely, compared to me.”

“But Angel is only 16 years old. You can’t compare yourself to our daughter.”

“But I want to shape up and try to be like her.”

“You mean you envy our daughter?”

“Yes and No.”

“What do you mean?”

“Yes, I envy Angel’s beauty and body. She is so beautiful, so curvaceous, and has such a voluptuous body. I envy all that.” Yes, Dick knew that his daughter was young, beautiful, sexy and voluptuous. That was why he had formulated a plan. He hoped it would work out well.

“But you also said, yes and no. What’s the no all about?”

“At the same time, I don’t envy her… in fact I’m proud to have such a gorgeous daughter. All her girl friends at school envy her… and the boys and male teachers at her school think she’s the most beautiful and sexy girl.”

“How do you know all that?”

“Remember, recently I was called by the school? They wanted to talk to me about Angel’s studies?”


“That was when her class teacher told me about all this. She told me to keep an eye on our daughter because boys and men might seduce her into sex activities.” Dick didn’t want the boys and men to teach her sex. She was his daughter.

“Well, we don’t have to worry about that. I’m sure she is a bright girl and knows how to look after herself.”

“That’s where you are wrong, Dick. The teacher told me that Angel may be the most beautiful and sexiest girl at school, but she isn’t very clever in studies and in reasoning. “

“What do you mean?”

“The teacher said that Angel is very gullible and na?. She tends to easily believe what she is told without thinking much about the consequences.” That suited Dick’s plan.

“Really? A bit like you were when you were at school? Getting easily seduced by men?”

“Don’t bring all that up now,” retorted Sarah, a bit angrily. “Weren’t you also at fault for seducing me, when I was only 15 years old?”

“But I’ve been honest and married you.”

“Yes, I know, I thank you for that. But you can’t blame me for the men before you. I was so young and men took advantage of my innocence and uncontrollable desire for sex.”

“Do you think our daughter has inherited your uncontrollable desire for sex, as you say?”

“It is possible, Dick. That’s why we have to be protective her.”

“Yes, you are right. I must protect my daughter. She’s all mine.” He hoped Sarah didn’t catch the real meaning behind his words.

“Now, coming back to the question of shaping up my figure. Do you think you can find out about some fitness centre that could help me… and Angel too?”

“Why Angel too. She has a perfect figure already.”

“Yes, I know, but she could have inherited my gene to put on weight… and may become fat like me unless she exercises regularly.”

Dick was happy his plan was working out as he had expected. This was an excellent opportunity for what had been on his mind for a while. And what had been on his mind was Angel, his daughter. During the last two years she had been developing into an exceptionally beautiful and shapely girl. He found her very sexy and her body very voluptuous. She possessed her mother’s uncontrollable desire for sex, he thought. Unknown to Dick, this was true. Angel was hot, very hot. Frequently she got sexually aroused and many times she masturbated at night in her bed or in the bathroom to seek release.

Dick had worked out his plan mainly because of his lust for his daughter.

“Yes, Sarah. I think you may be right. You and Angel need to exercise. I’ll talk to some friends who run fitness centres.”

“Yes, Dick, please try your best. I need to shape up. I want to see whether I can get back my former figure which was like Angel’s… so that we can have sex again.” She didn’t know that her husband had deliberately abstained from having sex with her to force this situation. In fact Sarah was a very shapely voluptuous woman hungering for sex.

Next day Dick talked to one of his good friends and formulated a scheme. It involved money, but Dick could afford it, and if the scheme worked it would be worth the money. So, in the evening, after dinner he brought up the subject when he was watching tv with his wife and daughter.

“Sarah, I’ve spoken to a friend about your need to join a fitness centre.”

“Good. What did he say.”

“He said he has special fitness programmes to help people to be fit and shapely, but they may be expensive since you and Angel want to exercise.”

Angel asked, “Why, daddy? Why must I also exercise. I’m okay. Only mom is worried about her weight.”

Her mother explained, “Angie, you could have inherited my tendency to put on weight. If you don’t exercise to keep fit and shapely, you might grow fat and will regret later.”

Angel’s father added, “Yes, you might become as fat as Mrs Thompson.” She was a very fat, ugly neighbour.

Angel shrieked, “YUK! OH NOOOOO!”

Her mother said, “Then you’d better exercise with me to keep your shape.”

Angel happily agreed, “Yes, yes, I’d better. Daddy, please arrange the fitness programme for me also.”

Her father said, “Well, I’ll see what my friend tells me tomorrow.”

The next day, Dick and his friend cooked up a so-called fitness scheme. When he returned from work, he informed his wife and daughter that the fitness specialist would be coming to the house later in the evening to talk to them.

After they had had dinner, the fitness specialist, Steve Cockrin, arrived. He spoke at length about his fitness programme “for fitness, enjoyment and shapeliness.” Sarah asked several important questions. Some of the questions and answers went like this.

Sarah asked, “Do you mean the fitness programme will be different for each individual?”

“Yes, the fitness programme for you will be different from that for Angel for obvious reasons. You are older and heavier and need a programme to reduce your weight and re-shape your body… But Angel’s needs are different. She needs a programme to maintain her excellent figure and develop her other potentials. That is why you two will have to come at different times.”

Sarah asked, “You had said that a man will assist me to do the exercises.”


“Can’t my husband assist me?”

“No, first because he is not trained. Secondly I should take responsibility for my programme, and not a member of your family.”

“But can my husband come and watch?”

“Definitely not. My fitness programmes are private and confidential. I don’t want spectators who may copy my ideas.”

“What about Angel’s programme. Can her father be present.”

“I’m sorry, no. Only our man will assist her.”

“Why can’t I and Angel have women to assist us? Why must the assistants be men?”

“The fitness programmes are such that only men will be suitable.”

After a few more questions Sarah said, “All right Mr. Cockin, we will let you know tomorrow.”

“All right, Mrs. Kant, I hope to hear from you tomorrow. I strongly advice you and your daughter to come for my fitness programmes. By the way, my name is Cock-rin, and not Cock-in.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Mr. Cock – rin.”

When Mr. Cockrin left, Dick was relieved. The bluff that he and his friend had cooked up came through clean. Sarah was in for some surprises but, knowing her, he knew she would be a willing victim.

After Mr. Cockrin left, Sarah said, “I’ll take the programme. I think I’ll need it.”

Angel said enthusiastically, “Yes mom, I too want to take the programme. I don’t want to become fat like Mrs Thompson next door.”

Unknown to the females, Dick’s plan was to get Sarah away from the house for a couple of hours each day so that he can open up opportunities for himself with his young hot daughter.

So he objected, “No Angel, I don’t want you to take the programme.”

“Dad, why? You yourself told me that I need to exercise to keep fit and shapely.”

“Yes, I know. But this programme is dangerous for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You see, you are supposed to be assisted by a man and do the exercise in private. With your beauty and exceptionally voluptuous teenage body, the man might be tempted to seduce you. No, you don’t take this programme.”

“Dad, how can you say that? What about mom? She will also exercise with a man. How is it it’s okay for her?”

Her father explained, “Your mom is older and… she needs the programme more urgently… moreover she’s experienced enough to take care of herself. You are too young and innocent. No, not for you.”

Angel appealed to her mother, “Mom, please talk to dad. Persuade him to let me also take a fitness programme.”

Her mother said, “No, Angel. I think your father is right. You are too young and too sexy… I don’t think any man can resist the temptation to seduce you. We better not take that risk.” Dick was happy that his wife supported him.

“But mom, if I don’t exercise now I may become fat.”

Her father added, “But now you are absolutely fine in beauty and shape. So, there is no urgency for exercise now.”

A very disappointed Angel started crying and ran up to her room.

“Dick, why don’t you go and talk to her. Explain to her that our decision is for her good.”

Saying, “Okay,” Dick went to his daughter’s room. He found her lying face down on her bed, sobbing. He closed the door and approached the bed. His daughter’s curvaceous body excited him. Her tight blue jeans fitted snugly to her magnificent shapely thighs and buttocks. Her admired her beautiful back for a while and said, “Angel, my darling.”

“Go away, daddy. You don’t love me.”

He went and sat beside her and placing his right hand on her right shoulder said, “Angel, I’m sorry. I do love you, darling.”

“Then why? Why you won’t allow me to keep fit? You would if you care for me.”

“Do you really want to do fitness exercise?” He wanted to put his plan to trap her.

There was a ray of hope that her father might agree. So, Angel rolled over on to her back and asked, “Yes daddy, I want to very much. I don’t want to become fat like Mrs. Thompson.”

Angel was wearing a loose blouse but because she was lying on her back the blouse fitted itself around her body. Her chest bulged upwards, her blouse clung itself around her massive 38DD tits and falling away to her flat tummy and curvy hips. Dick took in the exciting body of his daughter as he looked her in the eyes. Her face was wet with tears.

Smiling lovingly Dick gently wiped away her tears from her young tender cheeks, and said, “I’ll find a way for you to do the exercises, darling.”

A gentle smile broke over the lovely teenager’s face. “Really, daddy? You mean I can join the fitness programme?”

“Yes and No. I’ll explain my plan to you tomorrow. We must keep this secret. Meanwhile we’ll let your mother believe that you have accepted her decision not to do the exercise.”

“I don’t understand, daddy.”

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow. Your mother might hear us now. For now, just tell your mother that you respect her concern for you and that you’ve accepted our decision not to join the fitness programme.”

“All right, daddy.” Angel smiled. She raised herself and gave her father a hug saying, “Thank you, daddy, I love you.”

Her father hugged her, conscious of her big breasts pressing against his chest, and said, “I love you too, darling.” Dick was happy that his plans were working out the way he wanted. Then they went downstairs to meet Sarah.

Sarah was happy to see her daughter relaxed and smiling.

“Has your father explained to you, darling?”

Angel rushed to her mother and giving her a big hug said, “Yes, mom. I understand your concern for me. I won’t join the fitness programme, mom.”

“That’s a good girl.”

The next day Dick made arrangements for Sarah to go to Mr.Cockrin’s place at 8 pm for her first lesson. When she arrived there, she was greeted by Mr. Cockrin and they sat on the sofa in the living room.

“Today, we won’t start any lesson but get our agreements signed.”

“Okay, Mr.Cockin.”

“I’m Cockrin… not Cockin, Mrs Kant.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Now, for how long do you want the fitness programme?”

“How long is your programme normally?”

“The lessons would be two-hour lessons everyday from Monday till Friday for 3 weeks in a month. Then you should have a break to coincide with your monthly problems. Then after your period, we continue for another three weeks and so on.”

“So, it’s only about 3 weeks in a month?”


“How do you charge?”

“It’s $5000 per month.”

“It’s expensive.”

“I know, but you will enjoy it. But I can give you discount if you take for six months.”

“How much?”

“$5000 for first month and $1000 only for each of the subsequent months.”

“That will be $10 000 for 6 months.”

“Yes, but if you pay now, I can give further reduction.”

“How much?”

“$8000 for 6 months. That’s a real bargain. Otherwise at $5000 per moth one has to pay $30 000 for 6 months.”

“In that case, I’ll pay now for 6 months.” She took out her checkbook and wrote out a check for $8000.” Sarah did not know that this money would be returned to her husband because he had already paid Mr. Cockrin to get his wife into this so called “exercise” scheme.

Then she signed the agreement forms without much reading it through. She was given a copy.

Then Mr. Cockrin made a phone call and an elderly lady came in to take measurements to make special clothes for the exercises.

“Since we’ll start lessons from tomorrow only, I’d like to show a tape of women who had taken my fitness programmes and had benefited.”

Mr. Cockrin showed a tape of beautiful women, first there were a string of gorgeous models, then a number of beauty queens and finally the tape showed beautiful actresses. He told Sarah that all the women she had seen had taken his fitness programmes. Gullible Sarah believed the lie. And was impressed.

“There is one more tape… but I don’t think you”ll want to see that,” said Mr. Cockrin.

“Why, Mr. Cockin?” She realized her name slip and added, “Mr.Cock… rin, I mean.” She had to pause after Cock to get the rin correct.

“Because this tape shows some of the women who became so beautiful and shapely that they became porn stars. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to see them. Some women like to see them but I don’t think you dare to see them, Mrs. Kant.”

Sarah did not want Mr. Cockrin to think that she was not as daring as the other women. “Well, I’m an adult. So I suppose I can see them.”

“All right then. It may have some naughty scenes… since they are porn stars… I hope you don’t mind… ignore them… just see how beautiful the women have become after taking my fitness programmes.”

The tape showed young women about Sarah’s age in skimpy clothes hugging and kissing men, then the scenes showed them being hugged and kissed by naked men, then she saw scenes where the men sucked the tits of the women, then there were scenes where the women sucked big cocks. Sarah was very aroused by then. She felt too shy to continue in front of Mr. Cockrin.

“All right Mr. Cockrin, that’s enough. I know… they are beautiful.”

He stopped the tape and said, “Yes, better… the rest are love making scenes… some very wild ones… if you still want to see them I can lend the tape to you… you can see it at home.”

“No, thanks, Mr. Cockin… I mean, Cock… rin.” She just couldn’t get his name right. Cockin sounded so vulgar!

Sarah got up to go home. Mr Cockrin said, “I’ve to ask you one more thing.”

“What’s that, Mr. Cock… rin.” Yes, she got it right now.

“You need a male partner for the fitness exercise. Any preference?”

“What do mean?”

“You see, I have several groups of men, of different ages and professions. Some are older men, some young men, some college boys and some are even school boys. They all have been interviewed and put through physical tests to make sure they are good looking and physically in top condition. Do you have any special preference?”

“What do you recommend for me?”

“I have a group of 18 and 19 year olds. College boys who need extra money. They are handsome and being members of the football team are in excellent physical condition.”

“They are young.”

“Yes, but during the interview I found them to have a fondness for beautiful young women between the ages of 30 and 36. You are 32, so these boys will be good for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“They will like you and help you to exercise enjoyably.” Sarah thought that there was some suggestiveness in the words of Mr. Cockrin. And it excited her.

“But you said I need only one male partner.”

“Yes, at any one time. I recommend that you exercise with a new boy each day. A new partner each time can inject freshness in excitement.”

“So, you recommend that an 18 year old boy will be good for me?”

“Yes, to start with. Later, if you would like older men, I can arrange for you.”

“I don’t think I would like old men.”

“No, Mrs. Kant. I wouldn’t recommend very old men for you, but there is a group of truck drivers between the ages of 30 and 40.”

“They’ll be rough men.”

“No, not really. I have selected them for their rugged attractiveness and muscular physique. I would recommend that you to try them sometime. They should be good for you also.” How suggestive his words, thought Sarah.

“I think I’ll start with an 18 year-old first.” All this talk of boys and men was exciting Sarah.

“All right, but I cannot guarantee though. You see, my boys and men are in great demand by other women. So, while I try my best to get the person you want, I may be forced to provide you with someone else. I hope you understand that.”

“Yes, I do. I leave the choice of my partner to you.”

” But remember that everything that we say and do here must be confidential. That’s part of the agreement you have signed. Not even your husband and daughter should be told anything. You have signed an oath to that effect in the agreement form.”

“All right, Mr. Cock… rin.”

” All right, I’ll see you tomorrow evening at 8 pm.”

Sarah thanked Mr. Cockrin and left for home.

Now we pick up the story at an earlier time of the evening when Sarah left the house to go to Mr. Cockrin’s place. As soon as she left Dick went up to his daughter’s room to talk to her. He found her in her silk pajamas. She looked as beautiful as always and greeted her father eagerly.

“Yes, daddy… please come in. You said you wanted to tell me something.”

Dick’s eyes roamed, as if casually, all over his daughter’s gorgeous body. The silk pajamas covered her body but did not hide her sexy curves and bulging chest.

Having succeeded in sending his wife to a friend’s house where she will be taken care of, Dick started to put his scheme into action. He started to tell his daughter a tall story about the fitness exercises so as to suit his design to enjoy his daughter.

“Yes, darling. I have good news for you… about your fitness exercises.”

“You mean I can join Mr. Cockrin’s fitness programme.”

“Not exactly.”

“What do you mean, daddy?”

“You can’t go to Mr. Cockrin’s place. Your mother won’t allow that, you know.”

“So, what are we going to do?”

“You see, when your mother goes to Mr. Cockrin’s place, you can do the exercises here in the house. So your mother won’t know about it.”

“But how can Mr. Cockrin be in two places at the same time?”

He lied, “No, he won’t be here but after much persuasion and a lot of money, he has agreed to show me how the exercises are done so that I can get you to do them here.”

“Oh that’s very good. How much did you have to pay him, daddy?”

“$50 000. It’s a lot of money.”

“Oh daddy, you shouldn’t pay so much, just for exercises.”

” I’ve already paid him the money.”

“Oh daddy, why?”

“Because you want it so much. When I saw you cry last night, my heart ached painfully. I love you, darling. So, I’m prepared to pay any amount of money to make my lovely daughter happy.”

“Oh daddy, that’s so nice to hear.”

“So do you agree to do the exercises here? It’s second best I know, but it is better than nothing.”

“Mr. Cockrin had said that I’ll need a male partner. Will he send one here?”

“No darling. That will cost another $50 000.”

“So, what are we going to do, daddy?”

“How about me, your father, as your partner?”

“But you are not trained in the activities, daddy.”

“Every day during lunch break, I’ll go to Mr. Cockrin’s office. He will show be a tape of the exercises for the day. And I’ll get you to do them in the evening when mom’s away.” That was how Dick planned to enjoy his daughter.

“Oh, I see.”

” So, is it all right? Will you accept me as your partner? You better agree, darling. Otherwise I’ll lose all the money that I’ve already paid. It is non-refundable.”

“Oh daddy, of course I’m happy that you will be my partner. I’m sure you are better than a stranger. And you’ll be more caring.”

Dick was happy that his scheme was working out nicely. “Thank you, darling.”

“Oh daddy, I’m the one who has to thank you.” His daughter hugged him thankfully, giving him a kiss on the cheek. This was the first time for several years that his daughter had kissed him. Dick could feel the big firm breasts press and rub excitingly against his chest.

He too hugged her and kissed her on the lovely young cheek. “I love you, Angel. I really do. Thank you for the hug and kiss.”

“Oh daddy, I love you too.” His daughter gave him another hug and another kiss to which he responded by kissing her tender cheeks.

Unknown to Angel, her father’s manhood was swelling into erection inside his tight brief. The physical contact with her father was giving Angel a warm happy feeling… They parted, laughing softly. Dick hoped his daughter wouldn’t notice his flush of sexual excitement.

“One Mrs Brown is supposed to come at 9 to take your measurements.”

“Why, daddy?”

“To make and buy suitable dresses that you are supposed to wear for your exercises.”

Just then the doorbell rang. Mrs. Brown was invited in and she followed Angel to her bedroom to take her measurements. Then she left.

“Daddy, thank you for taking so much trouble to help me keep fit.”

“You are most welcome, darling. I’ll do all I can to help my beautiful daughter to keep fit and maintain her wonderful body.”

“Oh daddy, that’s nice to hear. I’ve heard others praise my beauty but they don’t give me as much thrill as your praise. It’s nice to know my own loving father is saying that I’m beautiful and that my body is wonderful.”

“Can daddy then praise you often?”

“Of course you can, daddy. I’ll only be thrilled to hear compliments.”

Dick approached his daughter and cupping her lovely face said, “You are the most beautiful girl in the world!”

Angel smiled happily and saying, “Thank you, daddy,” kissed her father on the cheek and hugged him once more. Her father hugged back, kissing her soft cheeks several times, and enjoying her hot body against his body.

“I love you, Angel. I love you very much. Thank you for your hugs and kisses, thank you, darling… thank you… thank you… I’m grateful to you… thank you…” Dick’s manhood was throbbing gently.

Angel was very touched by her father’s words of thanks. “You don’t have to thank me for hugging and kissing you, daddy. I’m your daughter. You can hug me anytime you want to. I love you very much also, daddy. “

“Really, darling? I’ve been afraid that you might not like me to hug and kiss you.”

“If you long to be hugged, just tell me. I’ll hug and kiss you… on the cheek. Okay?” Angel smiled happily at her father.

“Thank you, beautiful,” said her father.

“Yes, I mean that, daddy. Here, let me give you another hug and kiss.” Angel wrapped her arms around her father and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She was very happy that her father had arranged the exercises for her.

“When you hug me, can I hug you back, darling?”

“Of course, daddy, it takes two to hug. I’ll be disappointed if you don’t hug me.”

So, they hugged. Angel was feeling some strange warmth in her body which she didn’t realize was sexual arousal. Dick’s manhood was of course bloated and throbbing fiercely as his daughter’s sexy body rubbed against his body.

Then they sat down to watch tv while they waited for Sarah to return. It was a family film and there was a scene where the father gives his teenage daughter a kiss, a short loving one, on the mouth.

“Daddy, is it all right for a father to kiss his daughter on the mouth?”

“Of course, it’s okay darling, especially if they love and care for each other very much. It’s a natural expression of love.”

“Do you love me and care for me very much?”

“Yes, of course, darling. You are the one I love most dearly in life.”

“Then, why haven’t you kissed me on the mouth.”

“I’ve been longing to kiss you on the mouth for a long time… for years in fact. But I’ve been afraid that you may not like it, darling. Afraid that you don’t love and care for me as much as I care for “

“Oh daddy! I do love you most dearly. I do care for you most dearly.”

“Then, will you kiss me on the mouth? Can daddy kiss you on the mouth?”

“Of course! Oh daddy, I love you.” Angel leaned over and kissed her father on the mouth and sat back smiling, “There, I have kissed you… on the mouth.”

“Now, let me kiss you,” said her father and kissed her on the mouth. The two mouth kisses were quick ones but they had made important breakthroughs. Dick was aroused by the possibilities that the mouth kissing could open up.

Just then there was a lover’s type of kissing scene on the tv. A long passionate kiss.

“Angel, look at this kissing scene. It’s a long and deep kiss… see how they do it.”

“Yes, daddy.” Angel knew that this was a kiss of lovers.

“Yes, darling, this is different from the short kisses that we exchanged a moment ago.”

“Why, daddy? What’s the difference?”

Her father explained, “A short kiss is merely an expression of love and care but a long and deep is a true experience of love and care.”

“What do you mean by experience of love and care, daddy?”

“When I gave you a short kiss on your mouth a while ago, did you feel anything in your body?”

“I think no, daddy.”

“You are right. I too didn’t feel anything when you gave me a quick kiss on my mouth. Because what we did was merely to express our love and care. But if we really want to give our love and care to each other we must do more than that.”

“What must we do, daddy?”

“We must kiss in such a way that our bodies experience our love and care for each other.”

“And how do we do that, daddy?”

“By kissing long and deep… by hugging and caressing our bodies while we kiss… by sucking at our mouths… by exchanging tongues in our mouths… by sucking each other’s tongue… that is, by kissing like the lover’s did on tv just now.”

“But daddy, we are not lovers. How can we kiss like that?”

“We ARE lovers, darling. I love you, so I’m your lover… now you tell me, do you love me?”

“Yes, daddy.”

“Then you are my lover. Don’t you see? Lovers merely mean two people who love each other.”

“You mean we are lovers?”

“Yes, if we are not then you don’t love me.”

“Oh daddy, I do love you… very much.”

“And I too love you very much, darling. That’s why I say we are lovers. Do you agree?”

“Yes, daddy… I never saw it that way before.” Innocent Angel believed what her father had said.

“You haven’t seen it that way because you are young and still learning about a lot of things.”

“Yes, daddy, you must teach me.”

“I’m willing, darling. For a start you must learn to kiss in such a way that we, as father and daughter, experience our love for each other.”

“Why haven’t you taught me all this earlier, daddy?”

“In fact I’ve been longing to kiss you like that for years but I wasn’t sure you were ready for it. Your mother too wouldn’t have approved?”

“Why, daddy?”

“Probably she would have become jealous because I would have wanted to kiss you more often than her. She might think that I love you more than her. So we mustn’t hug and kiss in her presence.”

“All right, daddy, we won’t do it in front of her.”

“That’s a good girl. But can daddy hug and kiss you often… whenever I like?”

“Yes, but only in private when mom is not around.”

“Thank you, darling. Now, what about this long and deep kissing?”

“What about it, daddy?”

“Do you know how to do it?”

“I have never kissed on the mouth before daddy. Even the quick kiss I gave you on the mouth earlier was my first experience.”

“Do you like to learn?”

“Learn what, daddy?”

“How to kiss long and deep… so that our bodies can experience our love for each other.”

“Yes, daddy.”

“Let’s stand up… we have to embrace and hug nicely first.”

They got up and Dick took his daughter’s hand and slowly drew her gorgeous sexy teenage body towards his. He held her by the hips and drawing her hips against his, said, ” Bring your hips against daddy’s, darling… yes press against daddy’s body… that’s right…” Dick’s manhood throbbed and swelled.

“Now bring your chest against daddy’s…” Her father kept watching her bulging chest as it drew closer to his chest.

“Press your chest against daddy’s chest. Shyly Angel did that. Her father embraced her and caressing her back smiled at her.

Just then the door bell rang, “Rrriiinnnngggg… rrriiiiinnnggg…”

“Mom is here, daddy.”

“All right, darling, I’ll teach you how to kiss tomorrow.”

They separated and went to open the door for Sarah. Sarah looked happy and told them that her fitness exercise would start from the next day and that was why she was back early.

The next day was a day of great anticipation for Dick. He had everything planned for the evening; plans that would allow him to enjoy his voluptuous daughter’s company.

As soon as Sarah left the house at 7.30 pm to go to Mr. Cockrin’s place for her fitness lessons, Dick called his daughter into the living room to talk to her.

Angel was in her pink silk pajamas, the pants and blouse-like top accentuated her voluptuous full shapely figure. Of course she was wearing her panty and bra. The under-sized cloth bra was filled to bursting by her 38DD tits. They pushed brazenly against her pajama top.

Angel was surprised at the way her father was dressed. Usually he was fully dressed in front of her. But today he was half-naked. He was bare from waist upwards. He was wearing only his pajama bottom and it displayed very clearly his bulge. The bulge was big and evident in spite of his brief. Angel couldn’t help taking note of her father’s broad bare chest and his obvious bulge. Angel felt a bit embarrassed to see her father half-naked. The bulge in particular drew her eyes often. But her father appeared normal.

“Angel, come and sit here,” he said, indicating the couch which he had placed close in front of his own couch.

“Daddy, let me pull back the couch… it’s too close to you.”

“No, darling. I’ve purposely pulled your couch close to mine. I like to sit close to my daughter.”

“But our legs will be in the way, daddy.”

“No, you sit with your legs between my legs.”

The lovely sexy teenager sat in front of her father. Her bent knees were between his spread open thighs. He was exposing his bulging loins area. In fact Angel’s knees were close to her father’s bulge and she realized that and felt shy.

“Yes, daddy, what news have you for me?”

“It’s all set, darling. We can start your first lesson now.” Her father placed his hands on her knees as he spoke.

“Oh daddy, that’s wonderful. Have you found out how it’s done?”

“Yes. Let me explain what happened today. During lunchtime I went to Mr.Cockrin’s office. He gave me the dresses you are to wear for the exercises today. Then he showed me a tape of a man and a girl doing the exercises of the first lesson. We are to do the exercises like that.” All were lies. In truth they were all his own ideas.

“Good, daddy. That means we can do it now.”

“Yes, but before that, let me tell you what else he had said.” Her father’s hands remained on her knees, gently caressing them. Angel’s eyes dropped for a moment onto her father’s bulge near her knees.

Quickly she raised her eyes to look at her father. “What did he say, daddy?”

“You see, there are three important things about the exercises.”

“What are they, daddy?”

“First, you are to wear clothes that will give your body some exposure. Your flesh and skin must get much fresh air to improve their tone and freshness. So, some clothes may be a bit daring. I hope you don’t mind.” Angel saw her father looking at her chest, his hands gently squeezing her knees.

“I don’t mind, daddy, if it improves my skin appearance.” Her own eyes looked at her father’s bare chest.

“Good, I’m proud of your attitude. I’ve always longed to see you in daring clothes.”

“You seem to have longed for a lot of things, daddy.” Angle looked directly into her father’s eyes with a cheeky smile. They laughed and for a moment her knees pressed against her father’s bulge. Angel quickly withdrew her knees.

“Yes, darling, because you are a very beautiful daughter. (Her father caressed her face to indicate that she was beautiful). You are also well built (his hands ran down the sides of her upper body and pointed to her chest area).” His hands then went back to her knees, a bit higher up this time.

“What’s the second, daddy?” Angel was feeling a bit aroused with the way her father was looking at her and the way he was touching her body and legs.

“It’s exercise for your body… for muscles, nerves, joints etc… for your chest (he pointed to her chest)… for your thighs (his hands ran up and down both her thighs)… to improve your fitness and stamina for physical activities.” Angel didn’t understand what physical activities her father had meant.

“What’s the third?” her father’s hands stopped midway on her thighs.

“The third is the most important… it has multi-functions.” He seemed excited and moved forward so that Angel’s knees were unavoidably pressed into his bulge. Then her father sat back as before. Angel was feeling uneasy because she was feeling things.

“What are we to do, daddy?”

“Together we are to do exercises that will excite and stimulate your body (his eyes were on her chest)… and make you enjoy the stimulation (his hands caressed her mid-thighs).” Angel saw her father’s eyes drop for a moment to her loins as his hands caressed her thighs. Luckily her thighs were together and didn’t give her father much of a view.

Angel was surprised by the words “excite and stimulate your body”. In fact her father’s hands were already stimulating her. “Why must we do that, daddy?”

“So that your body will produce happy and healthy hormones… the right hormones. From now onwards we’ll call these right hormones RH. This RH is said to keep your body healthy and shapely. It seems the more stimulation your body gets (her father’s hands caressed her thighs again as his eyes looked into her eyes), the more RH it will produce… and the more shapely your body will become.” His eyes fleeted over her huge chest.

Dick’s manhood was already bloated inside his brief with the mere thoughts of stimulating his daughter’s voluptuous teenage body. In his excitement he opened out his thighs wider. This made his bulge more visible. Angel noticed her father’s thighs opening out and her eyes dropped to her father’s bulge for a moment. And Angel was thinking over what her father had said about stimulating her body.

“But daddy, can’t we just do the physical exercise and leave out the stimulation part?”

“No darling. Physical exercises alone will build up muscles and make you look like a body builder. The sexy shapeliness, the type of body you now have, will not be maintained and developed. For that we need the body to produce RH.”


“Yes, that’s what Mr. Cockrin has said. He also said that women who like and enjoy stimulation are also the shapely ones. The reverse is also true… that shapely girls like and enjoy stimulation. The two go together and are inter-dependent.”

“I see.” Innocent and gullible Angel believed her father. Moreover her own condition seemed to confirm what her father had said. She often got sexually stimulated, and this must have produced RH. That was why she was shapely, she thought.

Her father again ran his hands along the sides of her upper body and then along her full shapely thighs as he asked, ” So, do you want to remain very shapely and sexy… like you are now?”

“Yes, daddy.”

“Then you must get stimulated, the more the better, says Mr. Cockrin.”

Angel was a little worried about the stimulation part. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing to get stimulated in front of her father? And how was the stimulation to take place? Is her father to be involved in any way? Oh God!

“Daddy, is it possible to cancel the programme?”

“Can darling, but I’ll lose $50 000 which I’ve already paid to Mr.Cockrin. Do you want me lose that money?”

“No, daddy.”

“Why, darling? I thought you were very keen for this fitness programme. Why don’t you want it now?”

“No, daddy. I want the programme but… but…”

“But what darling?”

“It’s just that… doing the things you said, especially with you… I… I…”

“Why, darling? Do you mean you don’t want me to be your partner? Because you don’t like me?”

“Oh, daddy! No, no… I do like you… very much…” Her father’s bulge seemed to draw her eyes once more. The bulge was very obvious.

“If you like me enough you should agree to do the exercise with me, darling… but if you still don’t want to, never mind… I’ll tell Mr. Cockrin tomorrow to cancel the programme. “

“But you’ll lose $50 000, daddy.”

“Yes, but never mind. I only want what you want… because I love you more than anything in the world.” Her father appeared very disappointed. “It’s just that I feel disappointed.” Her father took his hands away from her thighs.

Angel felt guilty. She felt sorry for her father. How could she be so unkind to her father? After all, what he was doing was all for her good.

“I’m sorry, daddy. I will do the exercises… with you as partner.”

“But are you sure? I don’t want you to start reluctantly and stop after a few lessons.”

“No, daddy, I won’t stop. I’ll go all the way.”

“Promise?” Her father took both her hands in his hands, in an expression of thanks.

“Yes, daddy, I promise,” said Angel smiling.

“That’s good! (her father placed both her palms flat on his spread open thighs and held her palms there). I want my darling daughter to remain beautiful and shapely.” Her father’s eyes again travelled all over her body… her chest, thighs and loins.

“All right, daddy, I promise to do the exercise with you.” Her own eyes roamed quickly over her father’s bulge. Oh God! It’s bigger than before!

“Oh, I’m so happy. I’ll do the best I can… as a father… to stimulate you as much as possible. Let daddy hug and kiss you to thank you.” Her father got up. His big bulge was for a moment at her face level, inches away. Angel smiled and got up also.

As Angel waited for her father to kiss her, her father said, “One more thing, darling.”

“What’s that, daddy?”

“Remember, yesterday I was about to teach you how to kiss long and deep? When your mother came in and interrupted?”

“Yes, daddy.” In fact Angel had been thinking about it the whole day.

“Let daddy teach you now. But before I teach you, can I ask you for something?”

“Yes, daddy, you can.”

“Remember, you’ve said that we can hug and kiss anytime I like?”

“Oh daddy! Of course, I remember,” said Angel smiling at her handsome father. “Eager to hug me, right?” teased Angel.

“Yes, darling but I want us to experience our love when we hug and kiss.”

“What do you mean, daddy?”

“When we hug and kiss we must exchange our love for each other… so, we must kiss the way I’m going to teach you to. Okay?”

Smiling, Angel said, “Okay, daddy.”


“Yes, I promise…”

“Let daddy now teach you how to kiss.”

Her father placed his left hand on her right hip and said, “Come close and press this part of yours ( with his right hand he pointed to his daughter’s frontal region below the hips, effectively her loins area)… yes, this part… press it against daddy here (he pointed to his frontal region below his hips, effectively his bulging loins area.) “

Angel moved her lower body against her father’s. “Okay, daddy?”

“Not quite, come closer… (he pulled her at the hips)… make contact with daddy… yes, that’s right… ( he pressed her loins area against his bulge)… press tightly against daddy… good… that’s the way… (his hands cupped her buttocks and pulled her tight against his loins)… now keep your lower part pressed against daddy.”

The way her loins were pressed against her father’s big hard bulge excited the young girl. Angel knew that their body contact was a bit sexual. But how could she tell her father off?

Putting his left arm around his daughter’s exciting body, Dick said, “Now press your chest, yes this big beautiful chest of yours (with his eyes he indicated her bulging tits)… yes, darling, press your lovely chest against your father’s chest.”

Angel pressed her bulging chest of tits against her father’s chest and said, smiling, “Daddy, must we hug like this?”

“Yes, darling… otherwise our bodies will not experience our love. All right, darling?”

“All right, daddy.” His daughter put her arms around his body.

“Are you experiencing something already?”

Angel just nodded, feeling her father’s bulge rubbing against her and exciting her.

With his left hand he held her tight against his body. With his right hand he caressed her cheeks and cupping her face by the chin area he said, “Now, let me kiss you on the mouth… gently open your lovely lips.”

Angel gently parted her full moist sexy lips. “Yes, that’s good… when I place my lips on yours and kiss, you also kiss back, a sort of sucking kiss… do as I do, darling.” Angel nodded.

Dick slowly kissed his daughter, pressing his big lips against her soft succulent lips and sucked gently. After a few seconds, he spoke into her warm mouth, “Kiss back, darling… kiss back the way I’ve kissed you.”

Angel now kissed her father the way he had kissed her. She slowly sucked her father’s lips and together they mashed their mouths and kissed. She felt her father’s hands caressing her back and drawing her body tightly against his. Her big tits, through her pajama top, were rubbing against her father’s chest.

“Rub your lower body against daddy, darling,” urged her father. Lower body must mean her loins, Angel realized. Slowly she rubbed her loins against her father’s loins, against his bulge. Angel was aroused by the body contact and by the kissing.

“Oh God! You learn fast, darling” Then he continued to hug and kiss her, sucking her soft sweet lips again and again while his manhood throbbed heatedly inside his brief. And after a while they separated.

“Do you like kissing like this, darling?” Shyly, Angel nodded.

“But there’s some more, darling. Let daddy teach you. Come let’s embrace as before.”

Her father again drew her sexy body against his body. “Yes, darling, press your lower part against daddy and while we kiss keep rubbing gently against daddy.” Gently Angel ground her body against her father’s bulge. She knew that that was what her father wanted her to do.

“Good, yes that’s good. Your body will experience daddy’s love. Now, press your lovely chest against daddy. Yes, like that… that’s good… you can also rub your chest against daddy’s chest.” His left hand held her tightly as he cupped her chin around the mouth with his right hand.

“Now let us use our tongues to explore our mouths.” Her father slipped his long fat tongue inside her young warm wet mouth and licked all the inside of her mouth. It was exciting, thought Angel.

After a while he said, “Now use your tongue to explore daddy’s mouth.” Angel did just that. She slipped her young sweet tongue into her father’s warm mouth and licked as much of the inside as possible. As she did that she felt her father rubbing his body against hers. She could feel his bulging loins against her body.

Then her father said, “This time keep your tongue inside for daddy to suck your tongue.”

Again Angel slipped her lovely tongue into her father’s mouth which he now sucked and sucked and sucked, trying to draw the whole of her tongue into his eager sucking mouth. Angel was excited. When her father next slipped his tongue into her mouth she knew what to do. She sucked her father’s tongue as vigorously as her mouth could manage.

Both of her father’s hands were rubbing her back and pulling her body tightly against his body. They kept exchanging their tongues in their mouths and sucking and kissing. Angel was sexually aroused. Her whole voluptuous young body was squirming and writhing against her father’s body. She felt good but was also worried.

Her father didn’t seem to want to stop. And Angel was getting very, very aroused. So finally, after quite a while, Angel broke the kiss and said, “Yes, daddy… I now know how to kiss… to give love.”

Her father reluctantly released her. Shyly Angel stood away from her father and lowered her eyes. She saw her father’s pajama bottom spotting a huge bulge!

Her father asked, “I’m glad you learnt very fast how to kiss to give love. I experienced your love in my body. Did you experience daddy’s love in your body?”

All she knew was that she was wildly aroused. But she nodded a yes, shyly. That might be what her father had meant by experiencing love. Young and innocent as she was, how could she doubt what her father had said?

“This is the way I’ve been longing to kiss you. Do you like kissing like this, darling? “

How could she say no after all the good things her father had said about kissing like this to exchange love? So, she nodded, smiling.

Angel looked at her father’s bare chest. With his pajama bottom spotting a huge bulge, he said, “Come then, let’s kiss again. Bring your body (pointing to her loin area) and press against daddy here (pointing to his bulging loin area). Let’s hug and kiss again… since you like it.”

In spite of her innocence Angel knew that this would only get her and her father more excited sexually. So she tried to stall the kiss. “Next time, daddy, I hope you don’t mind? Otherwise we may not have time to do the exercise before mom comes back.”

“All right, darling. We’ll hug and kiss afterwards… to exchange our love… now you know how to do it properly. Would you like that, Angel? Kiss again afterwards?”

How could she say No? Shyly she nodded, and to change the subject she asked, “How about doing the exercises, daddy?” She didn’t know that it was going to get wilder.

“All right. We have to wear the attire for the exercises. They are in my office bag in my study. I’ll go and get them.”

“Where are we going to do the exercises? Here in the living room?”

“No, darling. In the bedroom.”

“In whose bedroom, daddy? Yours or mine?”

“We won’t do things in my bedroom. If anything is messed up, your mother might notice and become curious. Remember, we are not to let her know about the exercises.”

“Oh yes, you are right.”

So, we’ll do in your bedroom, darling.”

“Is my bedroom suitable enough?”

“Yes, darling. You have all the necessary furniture, a big dressing table mirror and another big ceiling mirror above your bed. We can watch ourselves in the mirror as we do the exercises.”

“Yes, that will be nice.”

” And, most important of all you have a very good bouncy big bed. We specially bought it for you last year since we love you very much.”

“But I thought mom was against buying the bed?”

“Yes, but I insisted on buying it for you. I’ve been hoping for an opportunity like this.” Angel wondered what connection the bed would have with the exercises.

Her father got his office bag and as he approached her, Angel could see his bulge swaying under his pajama bottom. They went up to Angel’s bedroom. Angel was feeling shy to take her father to her bedroom because of the way he was dressed.

Dick followed his daughter from behind. She was a gorgeous sight from behind also. The silk pajama bottom clung lovingly to her lovely round buttocks and shapely thighs. His brief was filled full by his swollen manhood.

In the bedroom Dick said, “Remove your pajama top and bra… after that I’ll give you the top to wear for the exercise.”

Angel said, “Turn around, daddy.” Her father obeyed her.

Facing her father’s back, Angel removed the pajama top and bra and gave them to her father who extended his hand behind him. Her huge breasts stood out boldly, round and firm and gorgeous. Why shouldn’t they? After all they were 38DD tits.

“Give me the blouse, daddy.” When she received it, Angel saw that there was no bra but only a short tube top. “Where’s the bra, daddy?”

“No bra, darling. Remember, the exercises require your body to have freedom to move… that includes your chest area… so, no bra, darling. Just put on the tube top.” What could she do but obey?

The tube was a small one, just wide enough to cover her two huge breasts. It covered her huge breasts loosely but did not conceal them completely. The fabric was utterly thin. Her pinkish-reddish nipples and aureoles were visible! Oh God! They were! But Angel knew that she couldn’t refuse to wear that top.

“What next, daddy. “

“Remove your pajama bottom and panty and give them to me.”

She did. Her father then handed to her the short hot pants to wear. “Where’s the underwear, daddy?”

“No darling, no underwear. Just wear the pants.”

Angel got into the short hot pants. It was really short, very short., just about covering her lovely buttocks and loins. It was made of thin stretchable white fabric that clung like second skin to her buttocks and frontal loins region. There were no seems in front or back. She bent down to look. The fabric clung to her flesh so intimately that her pubic mound was clearly outlined, including her cunt lips and slit. Oh God!

Angel looked at herself in the mirror. Because of the revealing top and small skin-like hot pants, she looked like naked!

“Daddy, must I wear like this?”

Her father turned around and looked eagerly all over her gorgeous body. He loved the way the thin tube top and skin-like short hot pants increased her sexy voluptuous appearance.

He lied, “Yes, darling… that’s the way Mr. Cockrin wants you to wear for today’s exercise.” He looked happily at her breasts and loins and added, ” But you are gorgeous, darling… you have a superb body!”

“Thank you, daddy. That’s nice of you to say.”

“Now, you turn around while I change into my attire. I’m your partner, remember?” Angel turned her back to her father.

After a while her father said, “All right, Angel. I’m ready.”

Angel turned around and was shocked by what she saw. Her father wore a short shorts similar to hers. It was short, it was white and it was thin and it was very stretchable. It clung to his manly loins and what shocked Angel was the obvious way her father’s manhood was outlined. Obviously he was not wearing any brief because she noticed that her father’s massive manhood was gently lifting up the fabric and pressing against it was the big knob!!!

Dick let his daughter look at his body for a while and then asked, “Ready, darling? To do the exercises?”

“Yes, daddy.”

“You see, Mr.Cockrin has said that I too can do some of the exercises that you do so that I too can remain fit and shapely.”

“That’s nice, daddy. That’s good. Yes, I think you should do the exercises also.”

“But I’ll need your help?’

“What help, daddy?’

“Can you help me to do some of the exercises after I have helped you to do them.” Dick wanted to get his daughter to agree to this request so that he can have more fun.

“Yes, of course. I’ll be happy to help you.” Not suspecting her father’s intention, Angel agreed.

“Thank you, darling. Let’s start then.”

Initially her father got her to do some simple exercises like raising the arms forward, upward and sideways. Her father stood in front of her, with his hands on her hips and asked her to do some body shaking exercises. “Now shake your body up and down, and then sway your body left to right… keep doing the upward and sideways movements alternately”.

Her father held her by the hips as Angel swayed her upper body upward and sideways. The tube top was loose over her breasts. So, the big vibrant breasts swayed and caused the tube top to slide down. Her big breasts threatened to pop out of the top. Her father looked into her eyes and smiled.

“Lovely, darling, lovely,” he said smiling at her and looking at her bouncing breasts.

Angel kept adjusting the tube top to keep it in place. Again and again her father smiled at her and dropped his eyes to her chest. He was watching her breasts jiggle and roll as she did the exercises. She also saw her father looking intently at her visible nipples and aureoles. He looked happy.

After a while she was allowed to stop. “Beautiful, Angel… beautiful.” Angel adjusted her tube top.

“Now, let’s do the bending exercise.”

“How, daddy?”

“Let me show you. You bend your body forward at the waist.”

Angel put her hands on her waist and bent forward.

“No, that is not enough. You must bend forward until your upper body goes down a lot. But this will make you lose your balance. So, let me hold you from behind.”

Her father stood behind her and held her by the waist.

“Stand with your legs spread out… you’ll have better balance.”

Angel spread out her legs.

“Now, bend forward.”

Angel bent forward. As she did so, her father closed in against her behind. She felt his bulge between her buttocks.

“Bend down some more, Angel… drop your upper body down.”

Angel did that. Angel felt her father hold on to her waist, felt his thighs press against the inner sides of her thighs and felt his bulge press tightly into and between her buttocks. Angel felt shy but was excited.

“Hold the position for a few seconds, Angel.”

Her father held her like that for many seconds. Angel was very conscious of her father’s bulge against her buttocks. He seemed to press into her.

“Now, straighten yourself, darling.” Angel straightened herself.

Still holding her from behind her father asked, “How about a kiss for daddy?”

Since she had agreed that her father could kiss her anytime, Angel turned her head and offered her sweet young mouth. Her father and she kissed with open mouth, sucking at each other’s tongues for a while. It was all so exciting for Angel as her father hugged her from behind and kissed her. Then her father released his hold on her and broke the body contact.

Angel found that her loose tube top had slipped down over her breast, exposing them right down to the aureoles. Quickly she adjusted the tube top and her father smiled at her as she did so. Angel smiled back.

“This exercise is good for your abdomen and waist line.”

“Is that so, daddy?”

“Yes… So, shall we do it again… do it a few more times?”

Angel nodded smiling. The thought of her father pressing his bulge into her buttocks again made her feel embarrassed.

Again her father stood behind her and held her by her waist.

“Spread your legs, darling… a bit more… yes, that’s good.” Her father immediately moved his body against hers, his bulge rubbing excitingly against her full buttocks.

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Chapter 2

“Now, bend down as before.”

As Angel bent forward, her father held her by the waist and fitted his bulge tightly between her ass cheeks.

“Good, darling… good. Now hold the position for a while.”

For a moment Angel lost her balance. She didn’t realize that her father had deliberately made her to lose her balance by loosening his hold on her at the waist.

“Daddy!” shrieked Angel, thinking that she was going to fall face down.

Her father laughed, “Ha ha ha…

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