

Ominous grasping tentacles approach from the waters below. Which of the twelve maidens will be the chosen one?

Moonlight danced on crashing waves, their thunderous energy spent in frothing fury on the face of the unyielding cliff. A wave receded, revealing the slender tip of a sinewy tentacle, clinging tenuously to the jagged wall of dripping stone. The full orb of the glowing moon was the irresistible lure, summoning the creature from the deep with a primitive urge. Another wave rushed in, buoying a dark shape upward from the murky depths. The water ebbed, and now three tentacles grasped for purchase, powerful suckers holding fast to the glistening rock. Straining, the appendages pulled, hefting the creature’s rounded body from the water. It was a misshapen blob, mottled black and green, perhaps four feet in diameter. A dismissive glance might fashion it as but a common squid or octopus, but closer inspection would reveal disturbing differences. There was simply a wrongness about the beast, an abomination which the mind could not quite describe and yet found instinctively repulsive. A single eyelid raised, revealing a large, glaring pupil, dead center in the body mass. A small mouth below the eyeball gaped open, displaying rows of tiny teeth. The yellow eye peered upward at the cliff, assessing its position. Three more tentacles slithered from the sea, wriggling, finding cracks and crevices in which to secure a steady grip. Slowly the creature began to climb, hauling its two hundred pound mass from the chilly sea.

Along the length of the moonlit rocky cliff, other tentacles also rose, twitching, seeking. The creature knew the competition would be fierce, and odds of individual success were slim. But onward it climbed, finding a gaping crack in the cliff and contorting its body to squeeze itself inside. Other creatures would find similar openings, but this one held a sense of promise. Surely this must be the one. Lashing out with a tentacle at a competitor that sought to encroach upon its tiny cave, the creature settled in to protect its turf, patiently awaiting the rising of the tide.

Faint sounds echoed, carried down the jagged passage through the cliff. The creature trembled, drawing itself upright as it strained to hear. The lyrical chanting beckoned it, arousing an instinctive drive. It shuddered with delight, knowing now for certain that its choice of this particular rocky opening had truly been correct. Crests of waves splashed into the entrance of its cave as the tide began to build. ‘Soon,’ the monster thought, ‘very soon…’

Water poured into the cave as the tide continued to rise. The creature rode the surge of waves, propelled deeper into the craggy opening. Tentacles grasping, it pulled itself along, the alluring sound of singing growing ever louder. The passage was tight and jagged, but the creature could adapt, shifting its form as needed to traverse the twisting tunnel. Save for its compliment of teeth, the beast was comprised almost entirely of flexible muscle, sporting not a single bone in its massive body. Well, one ‘bone’ perhaps, it paused to think — one very special, throbbing ‘bone’. It gave an ominous rumble, sounding almost like a chuckle. Suckered tentacles grasping at the rocks, it drew itself steadily along, vanishing into the total darkness of the narrow, winding passageway.

The jagged rock of the tortured passage gave way to smoother going as it widened into a tunnel, hewn from the natural cliff. Ahead, a glow of pale light flickered, luring the creature onward. The tunnel ended, opening into a pool of shallow water. As the tide continued its accent, the pool filled higher with chilling ocean brine. The chanting voices were stronger now, very near. Pausing at the shadowy entrance to the pool, the monster gazed upward with a cautious look, assessing the unknown terrain. Never had it been here. It was driven by instinct alone, compelled to make this perilous journey — one completed by uncounted generations gone before. Bubbles gurgled as the water rose, surging briefly above the tunnel roof as the tidal pool continued to fill.

The singing voices gained in enthusiasm as the water rose. Peering up through the surface of the water, the beast could see a dozen figures, clad in white, swaying gently as they encircled the grotto’s edge. ‘Hoo-monz,’ the creature thought, straining its primitive mind to put a label to the form. Unsatisfied, it tried again. ‘Humanz’, it corrected, pleased with the improvement. Mere proximity to the humans seemed to stir some latent knowledge deep within its psyche, awakening previously unknown concepts. ‘Human gurlz,’ it came to realize. No… wait… the term of ‘girl’ was correct, and yet somehow it was lacking. They were something more, yet also something less — something… primal. It blinked, mentally searching, looking for a better phrase. ‘K… kuntz’ it thought, its malformed mouth working silently as it struggled with the word. Yes… Human CUNTS! Now that felt right! It trembled with anticipation, knowing its journey had reached the proper end.

The surging water in the tunnel briefly ebbed, driven by the rhythmic cycling of the waves. A cool breeze wafted down into the open tunnel, drawn downward from the temple room above. The creature shivered with delight, its keen senses picking up on the intoxicating scent which perfumed the air. Adept at breathing both below water and above, the beast inhaled a deep inrush of air. Its form swelled as it took in a deep, savoring breath of the sweet, musky feminine odor — the alluring scent of warm, moist cunt. Hidden within the darkness of the tunnel opening, its large, single eye peered ravenously upward, assessing the assembly of the dozen girls. They were beauties, one and all, but their pretty facial features offered the creature no particular appeal. The eye moved from one to the next, discounting those it judged too frail of form, or those whose swaying movements lacked sufficient erotic lure for its tastes.

Suddenly it stopped, its heart pounding with excitement. She was perfect! Long black hair hung in curls, extending down to the middle of her back. Such a mass of hair! The creature trembled. Imagine how it could entwine its tentacles in all of that! What a secure grip it would provide! Rounded hips — wide and shapely — swiveled in a sensual motion as she sang. ‘Breeder hips’, the creature thought, another deep, rumbling chuckle broadcasting from its muscular form. And large, marvelous titz — tits? — brimming with nourishment! Her huge fleshy orbs rocked softly beneath the tight, sheer lace of her robe that did little to conceal her form. It was all the creature needed to see. And yet it paused, its lone eye drawn inexplicably back to her face. Strange thoughts came unbidden to its primitive mind — unnatural ideas forming in its simple brain. A vague understanding of the concept of ‘innocence’ tried to form. Her eyes were large, glistening pools of the deepest blue. Her nose was… ‘cute’ in a pert, upturned manner. Smooth tanned skin, dappled with just a hint of freckles, graced her elegant cheekbones. She smiled — a pointless, useless gesture — and yet the monster felt a tug of strange attraction. Yes — the notion of pure, unspoiled innocence somehow seemed to do her justice. The creature’s mouth twisted into a ragged sneer. There would be no innocence remaining when the girl’s defilement was completed, it solemnly vowed.

The pool was nearly fully, its rippling surface lapping at the rocky edge. The girls stepped in closer, their melodious chanting rising to a fevered pitch. The water began to glow, casting a subtle light of blue that reflected in shimmering patterns off the ancient structural stones of the temple dome above. The creature gathered itself in the opening of the tunnel, all six tentacles grasping at the edges. Muscles coiled, gathering energy. With explosive force the beast launched itself into the pool, bubbles frothing in its path. Momentum carried it through the pool, straight on target. A geyser of water erupted as it broke the surface, drenching the surrounding girls to their skins.

Startled squeals had but started to form on lips as the beast struck, driving the beautiful brunette backwards, knocking her off her feet. She flailed in panic but subduing tentacles quickly wrapped around her thrashing limbs. Suckers engaged on tender skin as the creature’s flexible appendages coiled tight. A howl of mindless horror escaped her lips, chorused by others in the group. All their training for this moment, all their staunch religious fervor faltered now that they faced the terrifying prospect of the beast in person.

But then the wisest of the girls called to them, a voice of reason above the din of panic. She called for calm, called for the girls to remember who they were. They were the chosen of the sect — maidens to this cult of the sea.

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