
Cow Girl_(1)

If you don’t like it don’t read it.

Cow Girl.

Chapter One.

Carol was not your typical Iowa high School girl. She was raised by what could
only be called a dysfunctional family. Her parents paid very little time
concerned with her happiness or comfort. Her father was a long-haul trucker who
enjoyed the job because it kept him away from his obese wife who rarely left the
house except to go the grocery or liquor store. So it was only natural that
Carol would be attracted to any source of attention.
She lived in rural Iowa and her nearest neighbor was a quarter of a mile away.
She had to endure a forty-minute bus ride to get to school and she dreaded this
daily trek. It was during these bus rides that Carol was subjected to the cruel
ridicule of her peers as they mocked her poor cloths and her mother’s
appearance. Carol herself was a pretty girl who had developed quickly. Her ample
breast and baggy clothes gave the impression of chunkiness that was unfortunate.
In reality she still had a bit of baby fat to grow out of but she had a body
that most would fine highly attractive. She was self-conscious of her body’s
sexual maturity and worked to hide it during these grueling bus trips.
It was on the last leg of her return bus trip on a dusty May day that Carol saw
a sight that would change her life. Rapidly gaining on the trudging bus was a
bright red motorcycle being driven by a blonde girl in a leather jacket. What
was interesting to Carol as she gazed out the back window was that she
recognized this girl as being new in school. Carol did not think she lived near
her yet why would she be coming down this rural road if she didn’t. As Carol
watched, the mystery girl tore past the bus and sped down the road. This girl
had been the topic of some gossip because she was a loner and seemed a hood. She
took no grieve from the cheerleader types and had been rumored to have punched
one out. Carol thought she was a striking girl with a tall athletic stature that
Carol would love to emulate.
Carol watched as the bike turned down an access road to a farm that had recently
been for sale. A thought quickly came to Carol’s mind as she pictured herself
riding to school with this tall blonde on the motorcycle and avoiding this
agonizing bus trip and the constant barbs from her peers. The trick was how to
strike up a friendship with this girl who was such a loner. Carol spent the
evening sitting on the porch swing racking her mind on how to open this
relationship. The answer came naturally as she notice the blonde and another
woman jogging down the road in spandex running outfits. A large German Shepherd
dog ran alongside. Carol sat in awe as she watched the two ran past her house.
They looked over as they past and waved to her. She waved back and quickly
thought of an opening.
She went inside and got two cold beers and went out to the road to wait. About
fifteen minutes later the two came back up the road, sweat shining off their tan
skin in the moonlight. Carol called out as they came close and said, “You guys
look thirsty, would you like a beer?” The two slowed then stopped. They were
breathing hard and it took them a minute to catch their breath. The older woman
reached out for the drink with a smile on her face, “This is really neighborly
of you. My name is Megan Barker and this is my daughter Rachel.”
Rachel took a long look at Carol, appraising her up and down, then smiled and
took her brew. “Have I seen you at school?” Carol looked down at her shorts and
baggy T-shirt and replied, “Yes, we are in the same English and gym class. I
have been meaning to introduce myself but I’m kind of shy.” Megan gave a nod to
Rachel than started jogging in place. “Why don’t you two get to know each other
a little better while I continue my run. Thanks for the beer, Carol. If your
down near our farm, drop by and we will return the favor.” With that said, she
turned and called to the dog, named King, and jogged on down the road.
Rachel stood on one leg and leaned on the wood fence. She seemed to be waiting
for Carol to make the first step. Carol desperate to make this friendship work
did not want to turn Rachel off by bringing her to her house and having her meet
her mother. To an obvious health nut like Rachel, her mom would be a turn off.
Carol offered to jog with Rachel back to her house. She was not an athletic
girl, but she wasn’t too out of shape either. As they started off, Carol could
see Rachel looking at her breasts bob heavily on her chest as she ran. Since she
hated to wear a bra around the house on hot days, she had taken it off when she
got home from school, not expecting having to run that evening. After about five
minutes running and exchanging small talk about school and teachers, her boobs
were hurting.
She brought her hands up and tried to hold her boobs from jumping up and down
her chest with each step. Seeing this, Rachel slowed to a walk and said, “I see
you’re blessed with great tits. I really don’t even need to wear a sports bra
when I run, but mom says I must to keep my tits firm.” Rachel asked, “Do your
tits hurt from that little run?”
Carol feeling like a complete fool for trying to keep up with this girl in
obviously great shape just nodded yes. “I guess I’m not in shape to do this kind
of running, especially without support. My boobs are always getting in the way.
I wish I had a body like yours and your mother. You guys have bodies guys must
drool over.”
Rachel gave a little grunt and said, “If I wanted some guy I guess I could have
my pick. But my mom keeps me pretty busy with my training.” By now they were in
sight of Rachel’s house. Rachel stopped and turned to Carol with a questioning
look on her face and asked, “Have you ever considered trying to improve your
endurance and become more toned up. You have a nice body, but it could use some
Carol, always dissatisfied with her appearance, replied, “I would love to train
but no one in my family is into that and I hate to work out alone. In gym I’m
always trying to keep from being seen as such a geek that I never go out for
Rachel gave a knowing smile, “If you are serious, I and my mom might take on the
task of whipping you into shape. It would mean spending a lot of time down here
at our house and maybe even going out-of-town to clinics and stuff. Do you think
you can get away from your house for that much time?”
Carol jumped up and down with joy, “Oh hell yes, I can get away. My dad is never
around and my mom doesn’t care if I ran away. It would be more food for her.”
“Then it’s settled then, we will begin your training tomorrow after school.
There’s only two more weeks of school left then you can devote yourself full
time. Come down first thing after school and we will begin.”
The initial reason for starting this friendship had slipped to the back of
Carol’s mind when the opportunity to have a personal trainer help her out of her
awkward years came up. Now she remembered, “You know I could start earlier if I
didn’t have to take that long bus ride home from school. I noticed your great
bike and was wondering if I could bum a ride home?”
Rachel gave Carol a slap on her butt and said, “I don’t know. With your big butt
on my bike I might not be able to go as fast. But that will change in time. All
right, meet me by the motorcycle parking after school. I’ll bring an extra
helmet for you. I have to go now, Mom likes us to get a good rub down after our
evening runs. It helps you sleep you know.” With that, Rachel bounded down her
drive to her house. She yelled over her shoulder, “Don’t worry about what to
wear during training, we have all the stuff you’ll need. See you tomorrow.”
Carol practically skipped all the way back to her house. The evening had worked
out great. Not only had she met a new friend, got a ride to school, but also now
saw a way to rid herself from her image as a daughter of a fat woman who
everyone thought would probably end up the same way. Carol swore she would not
become like her mother, even if she had to endure all kinds of physical

Chapter Two.

Carol didn’t get much sleep that night, she was so excited at the prospect of
shedding her bad image. At school the next day, she talked briefly with Rachel
in English class, but had more time to clutch during gym. The required gym wear
was shorts and T-shirts. The sport for this class was field hockey. Carol played for
only one period as a fullback and got run over twice by quicker girls. Rachel
took to the event like the true athlete she was. When she had the ball, she
drove down the field, scoring most of the time. The coach had to take her out to
make the game more even.
After class, the girls were required to take showers, Carol notice that Rachel
undressed slowly and put her towel around her body as she went to the showers.
Carol slowed her undressing also wanting to talk with Rachel while they
showered. By the time they were to the showers, most of the girls had already
finished and were drying off. Carol went into the same enclosed shower area as
Rachel. It was her first opportunity to get a good look at Rachel’s body naked.
What she saw made her wonder what kind of girl she had chosen for a training
partner. Her body showed numerous bruises on her butt. They seemed to be in
strips. Across her firm pert tits could also be seen shades of red. What caught
her eye the most was the small studs that went through both her nipples. They
were horizontal and entered right where the nipple met the areola. They
fascinated Carol and it soon became obvious that Rachel noticed the attention.
“What are you staring at? Haven’t you ever seen body piercing before?” Carol
awoke from her rude gawking and apologized, ” I’m sorry for staring, but no,
I’ve never seen piercing before. Does your mother know you have them?”
Rachel soaping up her tits nodded, “Sure, she’s the one that got them done. I’ll
show you something else when we get to my house if you’re up for another shock
to your Iowa mentality.” She turned her back and soaped her pussy. Carol tended
to her own washing, thinking how unusual those pretty little studs looked on
Rachel and what other surprises awaited her. When she was done, they rinsed off,
and headed to their separate lockers to dry and dress. That was all she saw of
Rachel till school was out. Not wanting to miss her ride, she ran to the
motorcycle parking area and waited. Soon Rachel came out wearing her leather
jacket and carrying two helmets. She tossed one to Carol, “Put it on.” She
hefted her bike off its kickstand and with one kick started it up. Carol swung
her leg over the bike, and reached around to grab Rachel’s waist. She felt a
wonderful throbbing from the powerful engine. “Hold on tight girl, cause here we
The bike jumped as if alive, and tore out of the school. Carol had never ridden
on a bike before and was scared to death. Her grip tightened, and she felt her
body wedged tightly into Rachel’s back. Her long black hair flew out the back of
her helmet as they bombed down the country roads to home. When they skidded to a
stop in Rachel’s yard, Carol’s hands had to be pried from around Rachel’s waist.
“How did you like the ride? Still want to ride with me or is the bus more your
speed?” This snapped Carol out of her funk and she slowly stepped off the bike.
She could still feel the vibrations between her legs from the great ride and
felt a familiar tingling to her pussy. “I’ll stick with you as long as you’ll
have me. That was fantastic. It’s like riding a roller coaster. I was scared out
of my mind, but want to do it again once its over.”
Rachel laughed and shook out her hair when her helmet came off. “Great, I don’t
want to hang around with a chicken. Let’s go inside and get you ready to start
your training.” They both bounded up the steps of the house and up to Rachel’s
room. Carol jumped on to the bed and watched as Rachel began to strip off her
school cloths. Again Carol tried unsuccessfully to not gaze at Rachel’s body as
it was revealed to her. She again saw the studded nipples because when not
exercising, Rachel did not wear a bra. When Rachel was down to her panties, she
turned to Carol, “OK, now its time to see what we have to work with. Strip and
we will begin to weigh and measure you for training.”
Hesitantly rising to her feet, Carol reached back and unzipped her dress.
Pulling it off her shoulders, she let it fall to the floor. She crossed her arms
over her breast trying to decrease their size. “All of it, panties and bra.
Off,” commanded Rachel.
Reaching back she unclipped her bra. Once undone, the pressure of her tits,
snapped her bra around her back and she pulled the cups away from her tits. She
had large nipples befitting her ample breast and they quickly rose to the
embarrassing situation. She pulled down her panties and kicked them off. Being a
brunette, she had a dark mass of hair covering her pussy.
Rachel walked around Carol like an inspector. “Raise your arms above your head.”
Carol slowly lifted her arms up, causing her shoulders to rise, forcing out her
tits even more.
“OK, time to do the before measurements. Stand straight and I will begin.” She
got a tape measure and a pad of paper. Beginning with Carol’s legs, she measured
up her legs. When she got to her hips, she gripped each of Carol’s butt cheeks
and measured their size. Carol asked, “Why are you taking such detailed
“My mother will want to keep an accurate record of your training. If you fall
behind her exceptions, you will be sorry.”
The measuring continued up her waist to her shoulder, arms and neck. Then Rachel
asked, “You will have to help me with your tit measurements. Take you right tit
and hold it up so I can get a measurement of the size around the base of your
tits.” Carol grasped her tit and pulled it out straight. It was weird holding
her tits while Rachel taped all around them. She even taped the size of her
areola and nipple length.
“Is this the best length your nipples get?” Rachel was looking at the half-inch
nipples now sticking out of her tits.
“I guess so, they have gotten larger at times but not without help,” Carol
answered defensively.
“Well, this will not do. Mom won’t believe tit like yours have only half-inch
nipples. What do you mean by they get larger with help.”
Carol blushed and looked down at her tits. “I sometimes get the urge to play
with my tits. I can even get my nipples to reach my mouth and suck them when I
play with myself.”
“No way could I do that. I would break my neck. Let me see you do it and I will
get a great measurement for the record.”
Still holding her breast, Carol brought it up to her and bent her head. She
could just reach her nipple and sucked it into her mouth. She closed her eyes
and gently nibbled her nipple. It grew larger and she started to get
self-conscious of her actions. She opened her eyes and say Rachel smiling.
“That looks like it feels good. How much did it grow?” Taking the tape measure,
her nipples were now a good three-quarter of an inch long. Logging the number on
the ledger, Rachel turned and asked, “How about the left nipple, will it get the
same size? How about I help with this one.” Moving slowly, she came up to Carol,
and bent her head to the stunned teens left nipple. Carol almost backed off, but
Rachel’s arm had gone around her back and held her firmly.
The feeling of Rachel’s mouth and tongue caressing her nipple made Carol shiver.
Rachel began by gently sucking the nipple but then moved to firmer nipping and
by the time she pulled away Carol’s nipple had been chewed up. Quickly grabbing
the tape, Carol’s left nipple measured a good inch long.
“Now that’s what I call an accurate measurement, and a great tit.”
Walking over to her closet, Rachel started looking through her athletic outfits.
She came up with a blue spandex outfit and tossed it to Carol. “Try that on for
size”. The two girls were roughly the same height, so the outfit fit but was
really tight around the tits and butt. Turning to show Rachel, Carol felt
totally fat and ugly. Her thick pubic hair stuck out the sides and could be seen
through the thin material. “I look like a hairy pig in this outfit.”
Rachel shook her head, took Carol’s hand and led her into her bathroom. “Take
that off and sit on the counter.” Shucking off the spandex, Carol slid up and
sat on the bathroom counter. Rachel got a scissors out and began to snip off
Carol’s pussy hair. When she had gotten as close as a scissors could do, Rachel
got an electric hair clippers and began to buzz off the rest of her hair. Carol
got worried when she saw how much was coming off and pushed Rachel away. “Stop,
your going to make me look like a cue ball. How will I be able to take a shower
at school? What will all the girls think.”
Rachel stood up and gave Carol a cold look. “If you want to work out you will
have to follow all the rules my mother requires. Besides when you work out you
will be working up a sweat and having all this hair will cause you great
discomfort and it will stink. As far as what the other girls say, there’s only
two more weeks of school this year. You can skip gym if you are too afraid what
those tramps at school will say. So, are you going to let me make you
presentable for training or are you going to leave?”
When no alternative came to mind, Carol slowly opened her legs and said, “All
right, I never liked all that hair anyway. Take as much as you want off.”
Grabbing a tuft of Carol’s pussy hair and pulling, “Stand over the toilet and I
will get rid of rest of this stuff.” The clippers came to life and soon only
short stubble adorned Carol’s pussy. “You know, this will grow back and itch
like hell. You should get electrolysis, and then you won’t have to worry again.
Until then we should do this regularly. I will help you and make it a regularly
part of your training. OK?”
In for a penny, in for a pound, Carol thought. “You’re the coach. Do with me as
you will.”
Rachel rubbed her hands together and went to the sink. She ran the hot water and
got out a disposable razor. “Come over her and sit on the counter again.” With
slow, short strokes, all the hair on Carol from her belly button to her pussy
was sliced off. “Get on your hands and knees now and I will get rid of the stuff
up your backside.”
Carol felt like a cat as she got down and felt her ass cheeks being pried open.
The gentle scrap of the razor soon made her as smooth as the day she was born.
Reaching down and rubbing her smooth pussy and ass, Carol felt so different.
This whole day had been a step into a new world. As she knelt naked with her
pussy bare at the feet of a girl she hadn’t know for more than a day she
wondered what would become of the ugly duckling Carol of yesterday.
Helping Carol to her feet, Rachel held Carol’s hand and led her back to her
bedroom. Pushing Carol down to sit on her bed, Rachel put her hands on her hips
and grinned like a spider who had caught a fat fly in her web. “Are you ready
for that little surprise I mentioned in the showers this afternoon?”
“Sure, what have you got.” Rachel slowly unscrewed the metal studs from her
nipples. She went over to her dresser and got what looked like hoop earrings.
She opened the rings and slid them through the holes in her nipples. Now two
rings hung down from Rachel’s erect nipples. Carol had never seen such large
nipples, much less on such average size tits. Rachel then took a strand of chain
and clipped one end to one of the nipple rings. She then brought the chain up
behind her neck and down, attaching it to the other nipple ring. The chain was
of a length to force her nipples to be pulled up slightly when she bowed her
head. When she raised her head back, her nipple rings were clearly straining,
pulling her nipples and her entire boobs upwards.
“That must hurt when your raise your head. Why are you wearing that chain?
Rachel sat next to Carol and looked her in the eye. “My mother is a very
demanding woman. If you haven’t guessed she runs this family as she sees fit.
She kicked my father out when I was two and I have lived with her and her sister
Beth my whole life. We are into physical fitness and she plans for me to be an
Olympic runner. We move around a lot because sooner or later it becomes known
that she physically controls me and we have to move on. I would do anything for
my mother and hope you will accept our life style”.
Carol sat stunned. What had she gotten into? She desperately wanted to stay this
girl’s friend. For some reason she was deeply interested in the attention
Rachel’s mother paid to her. She couldn’t imagine her parents caring enough to
Discipline her for error, much less working to have a vision of her future. “If
your satisfied with your life, who am I to interfere. But why does she have you
wear the rings and chain?”
Rachel lay back on the bed, an action that pulled her breast sharply upward.
“Well, Mother says that only by constant reminders of the future hardship I will
experience in professional competition will I be able to toughen my resistant to
pain. Only by constantly being aware of my body and its shape will I work to
keep it in condition. That is why when at home, I am not allowed to wear cloths.
Only my rings and chains.”
Carol lay on her side, and looked down on Rachel’s upper body. Being naked
herself, she felt extremely inadequate next to this tanned beauty. “What do you
mean by wearing only your rings and chains. I see only one chain.”
“That’s my next surprise.” Rachel sat up and pulled her panties down her legs.
She got up and went over to her dresser and got another ring and a chain. She
came back and sat cross-legged on the bed facing Carol. For the First Time
Rachel’s pussy was fully exposed. She had a bare pussy, just like Carol’s own
newly shaved pussy. Sitting cross-legged had caused her pussy to pout open and
another stud was visible.
The stud stuck up from the hood of her clitoris. As Rachel pulled her pussy
open, Carol could see that the stud went down through her clitoris and was
attached on the bottom with another screw stud. Rachel slowly unscrewed the top
stud and slipped the bar out of her hood. She then placed the ring on the end of
the chain over the bar. She then slipped the bar back through the hood and
reattached the screw on stud. She then stood up in front of Carol. The chain
dangled down between her legs and pulled on her clit and hood. They hung down a
good inch from normal. Rachel then reached down and brought the chain up her
back. She turned to Carol. “Would you snap that to the chain behind my neck?”
Carol was stunned, then got up and took the chain from Rachel’s hand and clipped
it the nipple chain behind Rachel’s neck. Most of the weight was now taken off
Rachel’s clit, but it still stuck out from her pussy. The chain went up her ass
crack and had very little slack. “Well, this is how I live at home. If you want
to leave, now’s the time. My mother will not allow any sign by you that you
disapprove with how we live. If she does, she and I will not be able to help you
and I won’t be able to give you rides to and from school. What to you say?”
How to answer that question. While Rachel’s family was the most open and
sexually odd she had ever heard of, nothing so far could outweigh the
excitement. In this one day, she had experienced such new thrills that she could
not help but see what was to come. “Consider me part of the family”

Chapter Three.

From that time on, Carol’s life changed forever. Rachel ordered Carol to
redress in the spandex outfit and she put on a similar outfit. She took off the
chains but left the rings in her nipples and clit. They put on running shoes and
they both went out for an afternoon jog. The day was warm and sunny and soon
Carol was drenched in sweat, while Rachel barely showed signs of exertion. After
just fifteen minutes, Carol had to stop and bent over thinking she was going to
puke. Her tits hurt from their jumping around even wearing one of Rachel’s
athletic bras. They were just too big to overcome gravity. Rachel looked down at
the tired teen. “I don’t think you will ever be a runner. I think we will have
to come up with another way to get you in shape. I will have to keep to my
running, but we will ask my mom what she thinks would be a good way to get you
shaped up.”
They slowly jogged back to the house. Megan Barker was waiting, sitting on the
porch. She did not look happy to see the girls dogging their return journey.
“You won’t win any competitions running like that”
Rachel nodded and looked scared. “Mom, I was seeing what kind of shape Carol was
in, and found out that she will need some other training method besides running.
She has poor endurance and her tits start hurting after only a short run.”
“I was afraid of that. She has a body like my sister and we know how she has to
work out. We may have to use the same training method on this little one as I
used on her.”
Carol had not met Megan Barker’s sister and was naturally curious about this
training method they were talking about. “I haven’t met you sister. How does she
work out?”
“It’s kind of difficult to explain without seeing it. It will be very awkward
for you at first, but soon you will see the logic in using this training method
on a body like yours. It’s too late today for fitting you out for this type of
training, so we will start tomorrow. Its a Saturday. We will expect you bright
and early. Make it 8 o’clock. Rachel, have you completed her measurements? We
will need them to work out the correct harness for her.”
“Yes, mother. I think you will be impressed with her sizes. We kind of had to do
some trimming already to get her in this outfit.” Rachel grasped Carol’s outfit
and snapped the tight elastic cloths.
“Don’t be mean, Rachel. You have been training for years. Carol has just started
and if she is dedicated, we will make her a valuable asset to herself and her
friends.” Megan put her arm around Carol’s shoulder and gave her a little hug.
Megan Barker was an older version of Rachel. They both had sleek athletic
builds. Megan was wearing a loose bathrobe and as they walked into the house,
Carol noticed something shiny on Megan’s tit. She thought, ‘Like mother, like
daughter.’ She wondered how close a family this was.
“You can keep this outfit if you want to wear it home, or you can change back
into your school cloths. Rachel, I will expect you and I to put in some extra
miles after dinner, since you barely worked out this afternoon.” Letting go of
their hug. “Now, Carol if you will excuse me, I have to see if my sister has got
dinner on the way.”
Megan walked down the hall and left the too alone.
“Do you want to change or wear that. You sure look a lot better in this than
your baggy dress.”
Carol agreed and went with Rachel to get her old cloths. As soon as they entered
Rachel’s room, Rachel began to strip off her outfit. “Would you help me with my
chains again Carol?”
“Sure” Taking the chain that Rachel clipped to her clit ring, Carol held it up
while Rachel put on her nipple chain. “I kind of noticed that your mom has
something attached to her tit too. Her robe was loose and I couldn’t help
noticing when she hugged me.”
“Yes, Mom is into body piercing and she has some stunning jewelry she wears. I
am sure you will see it soon. Mom doesn’t wear cloths that much around the house
either. You could call us nudist. But when you got it, flaunt it.”
“I guess. I hope someday to be as open with my body as you guys are. But I have
a ways to go first.”
“You’ve got a great body.” Rachel brought her hands up and was gently caressing
the outlines of Carol’s boobs. “I love your tits. I’m kind of jealous in fact. I
think I need to see your tits one more time before you go home. I can’t get over
their size.” Rachel was already pulling the shoulder straps down off Carol’s
outfit, not giving her a chance to resist. It was like Rachel felt she had
complete control of her body, now that she had agreed to let her train her.
With the outfit pulled down to Carol’s waist, her tits stood out for Rachel’s
grasp. She messarged them and then pushed Carol back onto the bed. Lying on her
back her tits flattened out. “I just love the feel of these jugs. Rachel leaned
over and took one of her nipples into her mouth. Again she worked it over like
before. Then she moved to the other. This was all getting Carol turned on. No
matter how new this was, she always enjoyed having her tits sucked. It was a big
part of how she masturbated. So all this sucking was getting her hot. At home
she used a fat candle to rub her pussy and help her get off. Now, she couldn’t
help but start to feel her pussy getting wet. She started to naturally move her
hands down to her pussy, but stopped short when she remembered where she was.
Rachel noticed the movement and raised her head from her tingling tits. “Does
this feel good? I love having my tits sucked. Do you want me to stop?”
Not knowing where this was going, yet highly worked up from all the sexual
implication of the day, she just closed her eyes and shook her head no.
Taking this positive sign, Rachel grabbed Carol’s outfit and pulled it down her
hips and off. Her new bare pussy could be seen shining. Rachel moved to lie
fully on top of Carol and rubbed her tits over Carol’s large mammeries. They
seemed to roll around her chest as Rachel moved over her body. Carol could feel
the chains and rings as they rubbed into her flesh. Rachel’s head bent down and
Carol felt her hot lips press against hers. She had never kissed a girl, but
Rachel was insistent. She snaked her tongue along Carol’s lips until she opened
her mouth. Rachel’s tongue was alive as it delved to taste Carol’s mouth.
Carol had never experience such a kiss and it took her breath away. By now her
hips were grinding up against Rachel’s and her arms had moved down to squeeze
Rachel’s strong ass. As Rachel bent to suck Carol’s ear and throat, her hands
went back to working on Carol’s tits. They bucked against each other like two
sex starved animals and soon Carol could feel the familiar build up of an
orgasm. It flared up from her pussy and struck hard when Rachel brought her knee
down to grind into her pussy.
‘Oh God, Don’t stop. You’re making me burn up.” Rachel’s hot kisses continued to
rain down on her and she floated in sexual bliss. Slowly she loosened her grip
on Rachel’s ass and let her arms fall to her sides in surrender. “That was
great. I didn’t know two girls could have so much fun. Did you come too?”
Rachel looked down at her new play toy. “It takes more than a little rutting to
get me off, but I was close. Your body drives me wild. If you let me I could get
off, but you might think how a little odd.”
Carol wondered what Rachel was purposing. It didn’t seem fair to leave her high
and dry while she had an orgasm. “What do you want me to do?”
“You just lay back and I will do the work. I just need to use these lovely big
tits of yours.” Rachel sat up, straddling Carol’s waist then began to move up so
her pussy was over Carol’s tits. Reaching back behind her she unclipped her clit
chain and brought it back out in front of her. She then reached down and grasped
Carol’s right tit and squeezed it, pushed it up into a tight ball of flesh. She
then wedged it up into her pussy, driving Carol’s taut nipple over her clit.
Carol held onto Rachel’s ass and looked up at the blonde Amazon squatting over
her tit. Rachel’s face was soon smiling and her head fell back causing her
nipple rings to strain at their chains. Carol couldn’t help getting hot again as
her tit was so roughly handled and rubbed into Rachel’s drooling pussy. Rachel’s
pussy strained open as more of Carol’s tit was pressed up into it. Carol helped
by taking over for Rachel holding her tit up. This freed Rachel to grab her clit
chain and tug on it. This seemed to drive her over the top and she let out a
hiss of breath and held still. After a moment, she rolled off Carol and fell
into a heap.
Looking over and bringing an arm over to pet Carol’s pussy soaked tit, Rachel
smiled. “Now that’s how these babies need to be used. I think this a start of a
beautiful friendship.”

Chapter Four.

When Carol strode up to the Barker house the next morning, it was Megan,
standing regally on the front porch that greeted her. “Your on time, that’s
good. I demand promptness and dedication in the girls I train. What did you have
for breakfast before you came today?”
Having to scrounge from her mother’s food supply, her diet was full of junk
food. Carol proceeded under Megan’s probing questions to outline a diet that
definitely contributed to her being out of shape. “The temptations to eat that
stuff you have readily available at your house must be overcome. If there was
some way you could stay here, we could be sure you did not stray. I could also
start you on my special diet of vitamins and healthy foods. Is there any way you
could stay with us so your training could be more complete?”
Her family, if you could call it that, would barely notice her being gone. But
to move out for a time and live with this family was a big step. She didn’t know
how she could arrange it without just sneaking off and having them think she was
a runaway. She knew she wasn’t going to get any help from her parents to go on
after she graduated from high school next year. They had no money and her grades
would not get her any scholarships. She expected to find a minimum wage job and
hopefully a husband. Being in shape and more desirable might help. If it didn’t
work, she could go back home in the fall and start school again. Until then,
this offer sounded exciting and she already was looking forward to more fun with
“I think I can sneak out and live down here. But I won’t be able to get out much
or people will tell my parents I’m here. This house is well off the road and
pretty isolated. I should be able to spend the time needed to get in shape here
and then maybe head back home in the fall for school a new girl. Would that be
“You will have to follow my rules while you are here in training. Do you agree
to this?”
Standing in front of this blond goddess made Carol desire to emulate her more
than ever. “Yes Mrs. Barker.”
“Mrs. Barker is too formal for the relationship we will develop. Since I am the
Mistress of this house and now you, you will call me Mistress from now on. Is
that understood?
Carol felt very small before this powerful woman. Calling her mistress seemed
crazy but looking into her eyes, she didn’t want to anger her. “Yes Mistress.”
A look that made Carol shiver came over Megan’s face. It was like a child that
has found a new toy dropped in her lap. “We will start your training today.
Tonight you will pack your run away bag and sneak down here. We will have to
make the town and your parent’s think you have left town. We will drive you to
the bus stop and buy you a ticket to Chicago. You will get off at the first stop
where I will be waiting to bring you back here. Doesn’t that sound like an
adventure? Are you up to it.”
Now that a plan was being laid out that would alter her summer for sure, she
almost said no. But then she saw her reflection in the front window and knew
this was her chance to get her life on track. The confidence these people showed
and their great image was too much an attraction for Carol. “Yes Mistress, I
will be down here this evening. My mom will probably not notice I’m gone for a
week. I’ve already taken all my finals for this year, so I should get credit
even if I blow off the last two weeks.”
“Come now and I will start you with your first installment of my health potions
of vitamins and a good breakfast. Than we will start in on finding the best type
of training to suit your body.”
While the vitamin mixture tasted odd, Carol took it like a trooper. By the time
she was finished with breakfast, Rachel had returned from her morning run. “Why
don’t you go up and keep Rachel company while she showers and I will think up a
work out regime for you.”
Jumping up to leave Carol grunted “OK.” Megan slammed her hand on the table
startling Carol and bringing her to a halt. “That’s not how a respectful young
girl answers her host and don’t forget to address me properly.” Carol stood
stunned, than quickly lowered her head and said, “I’m sorry for being rude
Mistress. May I go visit with Rachel now?”
Megan turned to leave and said over her shoulder, “Yes child.”
Glad to have passed that test, Carol ran up the stairs to find Rachel. She heard
the shower running when she came into her bedroom and went into the adjoining
bathroom to see what Rachel was up to. Carol saw Rachel’s outline visible behind
the shower screen washing her hair. Carol got an idea and went to the sink and
filled a class with cold water. She then sneaked up and tossed it over the top
onto the unsuspecting naked girl. Rachel let out a cry and pulled the curtain
back. Carol was laughing at her practical joke. Rachel’s face went from surprise
to a look intent on revenge. Much quicker than Carol thought possible Rachel
reached out and grabbed Carol’s arm. She gave a mighty tug and Carol felt
herself being pulled off balance and fell into the tub. She was now getting all
wet laying at Rachel’s feet. She didn’t feel like she had hurt herself from the
fall but she was stunned by Rachel’s strength and speed. Rachel reached down and
began to spank Carol’s ass through her wet shorts. It hurt, so she rolled over
and lay flat on her back. Rachel stood over her and glared down at her. “I hope
that little Spanking will keep you from trying that again. As long as your in
here, help me by washing my hair and back. Take those cloths off, they are
already soaked.”
Getting up slowly, Carol pulled down her shorts and panties and then lifted her
shirt off. Rachel turned her around and helped with her bra. Once naked Rachel
handed her the shampoo and turned to face the shower. Carol enjoyed washing
Rachel’s shoulder length hair and once that was rinsed clean she scrubbed her
back. Rachel then turned around. “Might as well do the rest of me to make up for
that little trick. Carol hesitated a second then began to wash the tall teen’s
tits and belly. When she came to her pussy, Rachel took her hand and guided it
up and down her snatch and butt till they were totally clean. “I like this. I
see you will be very useful around the house.” After rinsing off, they stepped
out of the tub. “Dry me off, would you Carol.”
She didn’t know weather that was a request or a statement, but being the guest
and feeling guilty for playing the trick, she grabbed a large towel and began to
buff Rachel dry. She took some time with her hair, but soon Rachel got up and
went into the bedroom. Carol then finished drying herself and seeing as her
cloths were all wet, she followed into the bedroom naked. Rachel was just
finishing putting on her rings and chains.
“Since this is what I must wear around the house and your cloths are all wet, I
guess you will have to begin your training naked. We will stay inside, and since
we are nudists around the house you will not feel out of place. Come on.”
Grabbing Carol’s hand in the same steel grip, Carol was dragged out the door and
down to the living room. They found a naked Megan doing sit ups. Carol had a
good look at Megan’s body for the first time. She had a gold stud through each
of her nipples. More studs could be seen sparkling around her pussy. She also
had no hair on her pussy. She made a magnificent sight. Holding her feet was
another woman that could only be Megan’s sister. The sight of this new lady
totally shocked Carol.
Rachel whispered to Carol, “That’s my aunt. My mother was always a dominating
woman and her sister is kind of her personal servant.” The lady was on all fours
holding down Megan’s legs. She wore nothing but a unique harness that looked
very tight. She had a nice body, but what was odd were her tits. They were
larger then Carol’s and hung almost to the carpet. Attached through the ends of
her nipples were large weighty rings that pulled her nipples harshly. The
nipples must have been almost two inches in length. The harness that encased her
body had straps that surrounded her tits and held them firmly downwards. More
straps when down around her ass and pussy and were also pulled tight. Her head
hung down and Carol could not see her face hidden behind her hair.
Seeing the girls come in, Megan stopped her exercises and waved her hand
dismissing her sister. The lady remained on all fours and crawled out a nearby
door. Noticing Carol staring after the crawling woman Megan felt a rare need to
explain. “That’s my sister. She has had a hard life. She had a bad marriage, go
hooked on drugs and when it was all through she came to me for support. I took
her in but she kept up her old unhealthy lifestyle till I had to take drastic
action. I now have to keep her under control or she will go off and try to kill
herself with drugs again. I hope you don’t think me harsh but the only way to
keep her from hurting herself is keeping her bound and working. She is quite
helpful to me and we have a good relationship. She will tell you that she really
appreciates all the work I put in keeping her in shape. I see you are following
our house rules about cloths, that’s good. I think you will fit in nicely. Now
you two can have the morning off. I’m still trying to work out your training
Carol and we may not be able to start till after our little trip tomorrow. Off
you go now.”
“Yes Mistress” was all Carol could utter as Rachel pulled her out the door.
Once back up in Rachel’s bedroom, Rachel asked, “What can we do to get to know
each other better? Why don’t you tell me more about your life.”
Laying back on the bed, Carol proceeded to pour her heart out about her life and
what she saw as her future. Rachel sat next to her, looking down and
occasionally patted Carol in comfort and friendship.
Carol felt completely exposed to her new friend. Being naked and stroked by this
beautiful teen helped to break down any barriers to honesty. Rachel hugged Carol
when she talked about her terrible home life. Carol could feel Rachel’s rings
and chain rub her tits as they clutched tightly. The rings continued to
fascinate Carol.
“Do you think you will keep those rings when you eventually strike out on your
“I have worn them for so long now that I can’t imagine not having them on.
Besides having them on makes me horny all the time. You’ll have to experience it
before you condemn it.”
“I would be too scared to get pierced. I think I have a low threshold for pain.”
“It’s just a matter of mind over pain. I have been training for a long time, and
sometime the pain can be used for good. But you will have to train a while
before you will see what I mean. “
Rachel sat back and looked like she was thinking hard. “I tell you what, why
don’t we see if your pain threshold is really as low as you think. I promise to
stop when you say, but to train properly we really should have an idea if you’re
a wimp.”
Carol never liked pain, but looking at all the rings on Rachel she thought she
should try to show a little backbone. “OK, but stop when I say. What are you
going to do to test me?”
“Well, we can’t have you thinking about it and backing out. That would ruin the
test. You will just have to trust me. Lie back on the bed and I will get you
ready for the test. When we are done I will make you feel great again.”
Rachel went over to a dresser and came back with some leather items and some
more chains. She took one of Carol’s arms, attached a leather cuff tightly and
then ran a chain from the cuff to a ring on the headboard of the bed. She
quickly repeated this with Carol’s remaining limbs. Carol tried to move or roll
but she was pulled too tightly. Rachel sat astride her stomach and looked down
at her prey.
“I think we must make it so you don’t see or hear what is coming to keep you
from ruining the test.” She got a leather mask and pulled it over her head. The
mask was tight and she couldn’t hear or see anything. She then felt Rachel
squeeze the sides of her jaw, opening her mouth. Before she knew what was
coming, a rubber ball was deep in her mouth and being held in place by a strap
that pulled on the sides of her mouth. Now she was scared, because she didn’t
know how she was going to tell Rachel when she had enough. She moaned and
struggled until she felt a hand grab her nipple and pinch it hard. Then a voice
was at her ear. “Don’t waste your energy. I will know by your body language when
you have had enough. Trust me. If you keep struggling I will not be able to
accurately gauge your resistance.”
Carol was still terrified, but what could she do. She lay quietly, awaiting her
The first think she felt was a stabbing prick in her right tit. She didn’t know
what had caused it but the pain only lasted a moment then faded. This was
followed by numerous stabs all around her body. The ones that hurt the most were
when her pussy lips and nipples were pricked.
Rachel was really enjoying this. She was using sharp needles and pushing them
slowly in about a half-inch into Carol’s skin. She noticed Carol’s struggles
when she slowly pushed the needle through each of her nipples and her pussy
lips. When she stopped, Carol looked like a pin cushion. Wanting to capture her
handiwork, she got her camcorder and videotaped Carol’s body. Carol seemed to
have handled this pain rather well so now she turned to a new pain giver.
She didn’t want to drive Carol away. The thought of losing this big titted teen
as her plaything was unthinkable. So until she had moved in, she would go easy.
Unknown to Carol, Rachel had been exposed to bondage and pain as an adjunct to
sexual pleasure since she began to develop. Her mother was a true Mistress of
pain and lived to inflict pain and dominate others. She had been the object of
this drive as had Megan’s sister.
Megan’s sister, Beth had been Megan’s sex slave for as long as Rachel
remembered. The story Megan has spun for Carol was a total lie. Now, Beth could
not think of any way to live besides serving her sister. Their relationship now
seemed normal to Rachel. Looking down at Carol, she began to picture this ripe
teen as her personal slave. The thought of what she could do with this malleable
girl made her wet with lust. But she had to play it cool until she committed to
them by running away tonight. Once in their house, Carol would be watched and
controlled until she was broken to Megan’s and Rachel’s will.
She chose to use candle wax as the harshest pain for this session. Before she
did this she wanted to show the pleasure that she could deliver. The combination
of pain and sex was an intoxication combination. Rachel took a vibrator and
began to rub it up and down Carol’s spread pussy. She delved into her pussy with
her fingers and the vibrator watching then quickly getting damp. As she pushed a
finger in, she came up against an obstruction. She almost wet herself now that
she knew that she had a virgin to make her slave. She wasn’t ready to deflower
her today so she contented herself by putting the vibrator up against Carol’s
clit and began the wax treatment.
The first touch of the vibrator on her pussy sent a shock through Carol’s system
that was readying itself for the next stab of pain. The tender caress and
probing soon had her totally confused. The constant buzzing on her clit started
to drive her towards a climax. The first drop of hot wax on her nipple sent her
brain into a tailspin. The continued drops on both her tits, and then her pussy
lips were hard to understand because she continued on her rise to orgasm despite
her pain.
When the vibrator moved down to press into her pussy and warm lips began to lick
her engorged clit, she could not hold back. Her orgasm crashed over her. As this
began, Rachel began to pull out the needles that stuck out of her body. With
each pull, her orgasm climbed and she felt new levels of lust as her orgasm
pressed on longer than any she has ever endured.
She finally went limp. Rachel raised her head and pulled out the vibrator and
licked it clean. She got a warm wash cloth and began to clean the numerous drops
of blood that had appeared where she had pulled the needles out. Soon, Carol’s
body showed no signs of the blood and wax. She continued the soothing body scrub
and massaged Carol’s massive tits. She couldn’t help tonguing and sucking those
lovely orbs. Soon her own lust got to her and she grabbed the vibrator and
jammed it deep into her pussy. She drove it in and out fast as she continued her
attack on Carol’s breast. The excitement of having Carol as her prisoner and the
vibrator got Rachel off in record time. When she had cooled down from her come,
she put away all the tools of pain and pleasure and began to unstrap Carol.
When the gag and hood was removed, Rachel immediately rained kisses on Carol’s
face. Still in a daze from the treatment she had just experienced she returned
the kisses affectionately.
“Oh baby, you passed that test with flying colors. I really felt for you, but I
hope my loving helped make up for the discomfort? You really are going to handle
your training well. I can’t wait for it to begin. You still want to come live
with us, don’t you?”
Carol’s thoughts were totally muddled now. She had begun to have second thoughts
about coming to live with these bizarre women at the beginning of the pain test.
She looked down at her body and saw only an occasional spot where the needle
prick was still bleeding, but none of them hurt. She remembered the stunning
orgasm she never though was possible. Looking into the glowing eyes of Rachel
and enjoying this loving hug she responded honestly. “I never thought I could
come that hard. If you promise to be kind like that to me I’ll be here for
“I’ll give you more pleasure than you could ever imagine.” Rachel knew she would
also test the bounds of Carol’s endurance to pain and Humiliation. But that
would wait until she was addicted to Rachel’s sexual attentions.
Laying side by side they spent the rest of the morning listening to music,
talking and occasionally kissing and loving. At noon, Megan called them to
lunch. Both naked teens ate a healthy lunch and Carol had her vitamins. Carol
noticed that Rachel was taking a different vitamin brew. “What’s the difference
in our vitamins, Mistress?”
Megan turned from her work. “Well, Rachel has been on vitamins for years. You
need to work up to her level. In time you will hopefully be on the same regime.”
“I hope to live up to your expectations, Mistress.”
Megan looked hard at Carol. “I’m sure you will do your best. If you falter we
will just have to motivate you. I think you should go home now so your family
doesn’t begin to question where you were. We don’t want anyone to suspect you
are here once you run away. Now get dressed in you own cloths and go home. Be
back by ten tonight and we will pull your disappearing act.”
Both girls got up to leave, “Yes Mistress.”
Once dressed in her damp cloths, she hugged and kissed Rachel good bye and went
home to pack. She could barely keep her excitement under control. Whatever was
going to happen while she lived with the Barker woman, it would sure make her
present life pale in comparison.

Chapter Five.

Carol arrived just after midnight. “What took you so long?” Megan sat waiting on
the porch.
“Sorry, my mother picked tonight to stay up and rattle around the house. I had
to wait until she finally went to bed.”
“Well, we still have plenty of time before the bus leaves, so no harm done. I
want you to go freshen up and then we can start into town. I will have to drop
you outside of town and you will have to walk to the bus stop. Remember you are
running away, so you should avoid people. On the other hand, we want people to
know that you have left town so no one will think to look around here. Buy the
ticket in you own name and if you see someone who knows you, that’s OK, but
don’t start any conversations. Now go get ready and say good night to Rachel. We
leave in half and hour.”
Carol left her bag on the porch and went up to Rachel’s room. She knocked and
entered. Rachel was on her bed, dressed in her chains, reading a book. Carol
said she only had a little time before her fake run away trip. Rachel got up and
came over to Carol. “You don’t know how excited I am to have you coming to stay
with us. I know we will become very close. Are you ready to go?”
“Just let me go to the bathroom and I will be ready to go.” Carol was
embarrassed when Rachel stood in the door and chatted while she pissed. When she
was pulling up her pants, Rachel stepped forward and helped tuck her in. This
attention was strange yet the intimacy she felt with her new lover could not be
withheld. Rachel held her head in her hands and gave her a deep kiss. “That’s
for luck. I will be waiting for you when you get back and then your training can
begin in full. Now get going, you don’t want to keep mother waiting.”
The next couple of hours were terrifying for Carol. Sneaking through town, with
Megan shadowing her made her feel like a criminal. Buying the bus ticket, she
was seen by two people that knew her and looked questioning at her. She quickly
moved on and hid in the ladies room until her bus was called. There was no one
she knew on the bus but it was crowded. It took about an hour to reach the next town
and once they stopped, many got off to use the bathroom. Carol got off with the
flow and then hid again in the ladies room until the bus left. Then she crept
out without anyone seeing her. Megan’s flashed her lights at Carol when she got
outside and she quickly ran and got in the car. They speed off with no one the
When they were nearing their town Megan gave instructions. “Lay down and put
your head in my lap. We don’t want anyone seeing you as we pass through town.”
Megan had just a light dress on that had ridden up while she was driving. When
Carol put her head on her lap she could clearly smell the musky odor of her
pussy. While Carol was laying down, Megan began to stroke her hair and
shoulders. She continued to pet her face and even moved her hand over her
“Your such a pretty girl. Even if you body needs work, we see the potential in
you. I am going to make you a perfect companion for Rachel.” Carol started to
rise up at this comment. Megan reacted quickly. She pushed her back down and
gave three good spanks to Carols exposed ass. “I did not give you permission to
sit up. There was a car passing us just then. You must learn to obey. I see we
will have to make sure your head strong attitudes are adjusted during training.
You will be a much different person when I am through with you.” Carol spent the
remainder of the journey in Megan’s lap being caressed by this powerful woman.
She was tired and soon fell asleep.
She awoke when the car started down the rough dirt access road to the farm.
Megan gave her permission to sit up. Megan drove the car right into the barn. It
had been converted into a garage and held all kinds of carriages and carts.
“I know you’re tired so after a quick vitamin dose I will put you to bed.”
Megan dropped her bag on the floor in the kitchen and sat down. Megan busied
herself mixing up another vitamin shake. “This is high protein and will do you a
lot of good. Drink it up and then you can go to bed.”
It tasted like medicine, but she downed it quickly. Megan then lead her down a
set of stairs she hadn’t noticed before. It was very dark and she held Megan’s
hand. Once down in the cellar, Megan opened a solid wood door to a small room
with a single bed. “I don’t want to wake Rachel with you sleeping upstairs with
her tonight so this will have to do for now. I hope you enjoy your rest, you’re
going to need it when we begin training tomorrow.
Megan insisted on helping her off with her cloths. She was feeling extremely
drowsy and could barely stand up. Once naked, she sprawled out on the bed and
was soon breathing heavily. Megan looked down at her new trainee with a smile
that would have made Carol shiver if she was awake.
Megan gave Carol another half an hour to let the sleeping pills she put in
Carol’s drink take full effect. She had planned to have Carol fully under her
control when she woke up. A big part of that would be the training harness she
had created. To make sure the harness stayed securely on Carol, Megan had spent
yesterday designing and bending shiny metal bands using the measurements Rachel
had provided.
Now she went and got the bands, a leather apron and a small welding torch.
Starting with Carol’s ankles, she used large pliers to bend the bands so the
ends just touched. She put the thick leather apron under the band against
Carol’s skin. After testing the depth of Carol’s sleep, she used the torch to
melt the ends together into a solid piece. She then filed them smooth and tested
their strength. She could not budge them, even with her considerable strength.
Satisfied with her handiwork, she continued onto the other ankle and both
wrists. The neckband she used was rounder and smoother, but it attached just as
firmly. When she was done, Carol lay naked except for the five shiny bands.
Megan planned to keep Carol under her supervision and control for many years.
These bands symbolized this to Megan. How Carol felt was no longer important.
Next came the leather harness that Megan had devised. It was similar to her
sister’s harness. Three half-inch leather strips were attached to Carol’s collar
band and secured by metal studs driven through the leather.

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