Counseling at Camp Care pt 4
Counseling at Camp Care pt 4
Sex Story Author: | louderthansound |
Sex Story Excerpt: | They all quickly entered the door a few nervous high pitched girly screams echoed. The commotion of about 6 other |
Sex Story Category: | Boy |
Sex Story Tags: | Boy, Exhibitionism, Fantasy, Girls / Female, Lesbian, Masturbation, Voyeurism, Young |
Chapter 4
Aly’s eyes slowly blinked and opened, it was still somewhat dark. The light rain outside pattered on the roof and windows of the cabin. Aly’s eyes adjusted to focus as she slowly looked around at the group, all laying in the big makeshift bed on the floor. To her left, Erin and Suzy were cuddled up, wrapped in a blanket. They laid on one small mattress, slightly edging off onto Aly’s larger mattress. To Aly’s right, on her mattress, was Alex. He was ‘spooning’ her side. His arm and leg draped upon Aly. Beside him was Becca, she was on Alex’s mattress and half wrapped up in his blanket. Becca’s mattress and blanket sat alone beside her. Aly shifted slightly and Alex snuggled in closer to her, still asleep. She felt a bit of a ‘poke’ on her thigh. ‘Maybe it’s just a button or zipper from Alex’s shorts.’ She thought. She breathed slow, closing her eyes and relaxed, her mind went back to the memory of the night before and she felt her stomach flutter. She smiled a sneaky smile to herself. -‘Wait. Alex is wearing gym shorts. No zipper or buttons.’ Her mind snapped and her eyes shot open again. She looked around subtly and made sure the girls were still asleep. Then focused her gaze towards Alex. He was breathing deep and slow, still sound asleep. She ran her hand down herself towards her thigh, she kept watch on Alex as to not disturb him. She got down to where his crotch was pushed up against her. The back of her hand brushed his lower stomach. She froze momentarily as he shifted a bit in his sleep. She slowly inched herself away to make a bit of space between them. She let out a soft breath as her curious erotic ambitions took over. She let out another breath, it was more of a moan. She moved her hand down and lightly felt the front of Alex’s loose shorts. She felt what was ‘poking’ her. His small member was stiff and pointing straight out, tenting his shorts, previously tight against her thigh. She only brushed the tip with her knuckle, but she knew what it was and her body tingled all over. She swallowed and tried to get a better feel of his little stiff shaft. She traced the tent with her fingers. Lightly at first, and applied more pressure as she felt she could without waking him. He was very hard. His little pecker was skinny, but she was surprised at the length. She must have been moving too much or using too much pressure as Alex began to stir awake. She stopped moving and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. But she kept her hand against his stiff member. Alex let out a soft awakening moan, she felt him adjust his position and he seemed to push his groin against her more, then relaxed. She stayed still. He pressed again, she heard a very soft gasp escape him. He did this a few times before Aly couldn’t help but push her hand back a bit more to feel more of him, meeting his small thrusts. This startled him and he slowly backed off and sat up slightly. Aly took this as a sign that she should ‘wake up’ too. She blinked and pretended as if she was just waking up. She looked up as Alex was smiling down at her.
“Good morning.” Aly said in a tender voice.
“Is it morning?” Alex asked, as it was still dark out.
“I think so.” Aly answered softly as she uncovered and crawled to the end of the mattress, wiggling her bum and she climbed over the blankets and pillows. She stood slowly and checked the time.
“Yeah it is. We actually even slept in a bit today.” Aly said a bit louder. The other girls started to stir aswell from the sound of Aly’s voice. Aly looked out the window.
“Looks like today isn’t very promising for weather.” She said, then turned back to the kids. Becca unraveled herself from the blanket she was in. Suzy and Erin giggled and continued to hug and cuddle under the blanket. Alex ‘rearranged’ himself and stood up.
“Uh, did I take your blanket?” Becca asked as she looked at the blanket she had just uncovered herself with, and saw hers off to the side.
“Yeah, we shared for a bit, but you seemed to roll up in it so I shared with Aly.” Alex answered.
“Oh.. oops… sorry.” Becca said.
“It’s ok.” Alex answered cheerfully.
“Ok, well we should get up and rush a bit, or we’ll be late for breakfast.” Aly announced. Becca stretched and stood. Erin and Suzy let out a groan, transitioning to giggles, and slowly uncovered, revealing their nakedness.
“I slept really good.” Suzy said as she stretched.
“Told you! Sleeping naked is so much better!” Erin giggled.
“Yeah, it was also nice cuddling… except you kick in your sleep!” Suzy said and tossed a pillow at Erin. Erin laughed back and shrugged. She turned and wiggled her bare bum and scurried over to get dressed. Everyone got dressed in the open, except Alex, who struggled to change under a blanket. Aly felt bad as she watched Alex struggle, now that Aly knew why. She thought again about maybe telling the group. But then they may get even more distracted or ashamed of their own nudity. Aly thought it would be best to think about that later. The group finally dressed and rushed to the bathroom quickly before heading to the cafeteria. It was gloomy skies and lightly raining. They were a bit wet when the arrived but not soaked. Shianne was already seated, waiting and watching for Aly and the girls.
“Hey! Took you long enough!” Shianne groaned sarcastically as they approached.
“We slept in a bit.” Becca replied, slightly out of breath.
“Late night?” Shianne asked, winking at Aly. None of the girls noticed, and Aly just brushed it off as if to say ‘If only you knew.’
“The storm made us sleep more I guess.” Erin added, trying to sound intelligent.
The group got their breakfast and began to eat. Aly sat beside Shianne. She leaned over and very quietly whispered to Shianne.
“So, I did it last night.” She whispered.
“Did what?” Shianne asked, in her own quiet tone.
“You know… what we talked about yesterday?” Aly said with a coy smile.
Shianne let out a small gasp, she smiled proudly.
“You did?” Shianne asked excitedly.
Aly nodded with her own smile.
“I just couldn’t wait any longer, after all that’s happened.” Aly added.
Shianne pumped her eyebrows.
“Would’ve loved to watch.” Shianne said sneakily, biting her lip seductively, but with a childish smile.
Aly just laughed the sexual tension off and lightly nudged Shianne.
The group finished their breakfast and ran back to the cabin. Shianne’s eyes widened when she saw how the beds were arranged. She went over and whispered to Aly.
“You, y’know.. rubbed one out with the beds like this?!” She asked, sounding surprised. Aly nodded shyly with a smile.
“Now that’s hot, I really wish I was here for that.” Shianne admitted with a smile.
“Here for what?” Suzy’s voice broke their private conversation. Aly froze.
“Oh, umm, just for the slumber party you girls had, looks like it was fun all in one big bed.” Shianne said, saving the situation from escalating. Aly breathed a sigh of relief. Shianne went and sprawled out on the bed and the girls played pile on. While the girls played on the bed, Alex came and pulled Aly aside.
“Are you going to tell Shianne our secret today?” Alex asked.
“I don’t have to, we can wait if you want.” Aly answered back kindly.
“No it’s ok. I want her to know too. But can you tell her?” Alex asked. Aly was surprised that he wanted her to share the information so soon. But Aly agreed. She checked the schedule and saw that they were in the craft cabin.
“Well at least we will be out of the rain this morning.” Aly said to the group. And the group went to the craft cabin. They made necklaces and bracelets. While the kids were crafting Aly stood off to the side with Shianne.
“I have some…news…” Aly said softly.
“News?” Shianne asked.
“I guess more of a…revelation. ” Aly replied cautiously.
“Oh?” Shianne added simply.
“Yeah… but you have to promise to keep it a secret. It could potentially get us in trouble.” Aly said somewhat sternly.
“Mmm…” Shianne let out a moan.
“I like those kind of secrets.” She added, while raising her eyebrows and smiled sexily.
“Not like that.” Aly said back, Shianne’s smile faded.
“Well maybe kinda like that.” Aly added, Shianne smiled again, a bit more confused looking.
“Out with it then girl.” Shianne probed.
Aly took a deep breath.
“It’s about the girls.” Aly started.
“Did they catch you masturbating?” Shianne gasped a bit loud for a whisper. Aly shushed her.
“No. Well almost, but that’s not what I’m getting at.” Aly stumbled out, hushed.
“Then what about the girls?” Shianne asked, quieting her voice.
“Well maybe not ‘girls'”. Aly said.
Shianne blinked and gave Aly a frustrated look.
Aly took a deep breath.
“Alex is a boy.” Aly outed with a quiet huff.
“What?!” Shianne asked quite loudly.
“Shh!” Aly responded.
“Sorry…what?” Shianne answered back in a forced whisper.
“Alex’s parents couldn’t afford the boys camp. So Alex is ‘pretending’ to be a girl so she – ahem, ‘he’ could come to camp.” Aly explained.
“Wow….umm… well… that explains a lot.” Shianne thought aloud.
“I know. But he wanted me to tell you. He also wants to tell the others, but I told him we should keep it quiet until the right time arises. If ever.” Aly continued.
Shianne choked a giggle.
“Right time, or right ‘thing’ arises? She huffed an excited giggle.
Aly looked back sternly but cracked a smile.
“What? He must have some sort of ‘arising issue’ being surrounded in nude prancing girls all the time.” Shianne tried to justify her joke.
“I guess it would be ‘hard’ for him.” Aly giggled but then felt guilty as she joked about Alex’s difficulties.
“Hmmm… well how did you find out?” Shianne asked.
“I gave him the new swimsuit we bought and he went on about how it ‘wouldn’t fit’… And one thing lead to another and-” Aly trailed off.
“And what?” Shianne pried.
“Well… he ended up naked.” Aly said, biting her lip as she revealed the secret.
“You saw him naked?” Shianne gasped.
“Then what happened?” She added, enthused.
“Nothing.. well nothing much..” Aly said.
“What do you mean nothing much?” Shianne asked with a smirk.
“Well I ‘helped’ him put on his new bathing suit..” Aly admitted.
“Oh…” Shianne said wide-eyed.
“I’m finished!” Alex’s voice echoed and he approached Aly and Shianne. They were slightly startled by his approach. He held up a few beaded necklaces.
“I made you each one.” He said, handing both Aly and Shianne a necklace.
“Awe, that’s so sweet. Thank you.” Aly replied kindly. Shianne just smiled goofily at Alex. Aly rolled her eyes at the awkwardness of Shianne. She looked at the time and told the group they had some freetime before lunch. The group walked out of the craft cabin to see yet more rain coming down. The group rushed back to their cabin and tried to decide what to do. The girls looked out the windows with frowns, disliking the weather conditions. Shianne whispered something in Aly’s ear.
“Good idea!” Aly replied.
“Ok girls, we have a surprise for you. And a potentially fun activity.” Aly announced. The kids all turned and looked at Aly. Aly walked over to her suitcase and pulled out a couple shopping bags.
“Now, Alex already got her surprise, but we got a surprise for all of you too.” Aly explained to the girls, and followed up by pulling out one of the bathing suit sets.
“Shianne and I got you girls all matching bathing suits!” Aly exclaimed excitedly. The girls all beamed with joy as they saw the suit Aly held up. They cheered and thanked Aly and Shianne with hugs. They all retrieved their new suits and admired them.
“Ugh, I wish we could use them, but stupid rain!” Becca grumbled and pouted. The other’s smiles transitioned to frowns as well, as they processed the current weather situation.
“Well here’s the deal! You can put on your suits and we can play outside in the rain.” Aly suggested energetically.
The girls contemplated the idea.
“That sounds like it could be fun.” Erin answered.
“We could practice our cheers?” Becca added a bit more excitedly.
“Yeah! And now we even have matching outfits!” Suzy beamed.
The group psyched themselves up and started to disrobe and dress in their suits.
Alex struggled underneath his blanket.
“Umm. I think I need help.” Alex mumbled quietly towards Aly and Shianne, who watched the girls converse and dress themselves.
“Oo! I can help you!” Shianne answered back, overly excited sounding.
“Umm…” Alex shyly cowered, looking up at Aly.
Aly smiled and nodded at Alex. She crouched down beside him,
“She knows our secret now, but I can help you if you prefer.” Aly whispered kindly.
Alex smiled proudly.
“Shianne can help!” He said as he relaxed and almost looked excited that someone else knew.
Shianne jumped in happily and half crawled under the blanket.
“Whoa! Excited much?” Aly gasped towards Shianne who just smiled up broadly at Aly, Shianne cuddled in close to Alex and they both wiggled and giggled. Aly stood back up and turned to the others as they modeled their suits for each other. The giggles and movement behind Aly caused a distraction and Aly had to say something to hold the others’ attention.
“Ok girls, one rule though. If you see any lightening or hear any thunder, we have to come back inside. Ok?” She announced and expected a response as the girls focused on her. They all nodded and agreed.
“Done!” Alex said from behind Aly and he rushed back over with the others and they looked each other up and down. Shianne stepped in close beside Aly, sounding short on breath.
“That was fun!” Shianne whispered, exasperated.
“Are you that desperate and horny?” Aly snickered back.
“Call it what you will.” Shianne shrugged.
“Oh you.” Aly rolled her eyes and huffed a laugh.
“Maybe I wouldn’t be so ‘desperate’ if you would just put out.” Shianne nudged Aly with a sneaky laugh.
Aly shuddered as tingles ran down her spine ending between her legs.
“Put out what?” Suzy’s voice beckoned, as the kids all turned towards Aly and Shianne.
There was a moment of silence.
“The fire within my loins!” Shianne announced loudly.
Aly’s eyes widened and her stomach fluttered. She flushed red and froze in shock of Shianne’s abrupt response.
“Huh?” Erin groaned, looking quite confused. Aly’s shock subsided as she saw the kids’ blank stares.
“Nothing, just boring adult stuff.” Aly tried to brush off having to explain or open up for more discussion.
“Is that like when you’re hoo-ha gets warm and tingly sometimes when you see naked people?” Becca asked in a childish, yet blunt way.
All eyes turned to Becca, then back to Aly and Shianne. Aly swallowed hard.
“In a way, yes.” Shianne answered the girls.
“It means you’re body is ready for S-E-X.” Becca said more confidently.
The girls giggled at the ‘naughty’ talk. Aly felt nervous and slightly guilty about the conversation.
“That doesn’t sound like ‘boring’ adult stuff.” Suzy added, causing more giggles.
“Yeah! I like that feeling.” Erin said matter-of-factly.
Aly stirred uncomfortably and cleared her throat.
“Look, they’re young and learning. This should be a safe environment to talk about certain things. Otherwise they may learn it from the wrong sources.” Shianne said, directed at Aly, sensing her discomfort. Aly was surprised by Shianne’s mature answer, it calmed her down some, reminding her of her own camp experiences.
“I guess you’re right.” Aly admitted.
“Ok girls, we want you to be comfortable to ask us questions, but it will have to be later. We should get outside and play while we still can.” Aly concluded.
The girls beamed and smiled, while blushing.
They all went outside and Aly and Shianne followed, still wearing their clothes. The kids played, skipped and rolled around in a field. Aly and Shianne stood under a tree, watching the kids.
“So… are we really going to have the sex talk with them?” Shianne asked.
Aly thought for a moment.
“Uh. I don’t know. I don’t think we should gather them and sit them down to explain the whole thing. But I think we need to make sure that they know if they have questions, we will answer them honestly.” Aly explained.
“I agree.” Shianne nodded.
There was a moment of silence.
“I hope they have questions.” Shianne added as she thought aloud.
“Me too.” Aly admitted with a smile. The two made eye contact for a second and they smiled.
“There’s something just… exciting, about their innocence.” Shianne hummed.
“Yeah, I kind of miss those days.” Aly admitted thoughtfully.
“What do you miss most?” Shainne asked, as they continued to watch the kids play with childish laughter.
“Hmm… probably the slumber parties, and learning and discovering new things.” Aly answered.
“What about you?” She added, nudging Shianne.
“I miss the slumber parties too! Especially the games I used to play at them.” Shianne answered, nudging Aly back.
“Oh? What games?” Aly asked with a snicker.
“Spin the bottle, doctor, house, twister, truth or dare.” Shianne listed off with a slight moan.
“Oh yeah! Remember we bought a truth or dare?” Aly perked up remembering their trip to the mall.
“Just thinking of this is making me excited!” Shianne laughed.
“What kind of ‘excited’?” Aly daringly asked, leaning into Shianne.
“Oh…many ways..” Shianne giggled.
The field the kids played in began to get muddy, it was slippery and the kids started to run and slide through the mud. Soon enough they took turns treating a small hill as a muddy slip’n’slide. They started to collide into each other and looked as if they were mud wrestling but laughing hysterically.
“Such dirty girls.” Aly laughed as she watched, making sure no one got hurt.
“Them or us?” Shianne giggled and swatted Aly’s bum through her wet yoga pants. Aly jolted and laughed.
Then a loud crackle of thunder struck. The wind picked up and it started to rain harder. Everyone jumped a bit.
“Ok girls! We should go inside now!” Aly hollered out to the girls, who’s laughter subsided and a few screams echoed from the thunder. They all ran over to Aly and Shianne.
“Oh girls, you are so muddy and wet!” Aly laughed as they hugged her.
“Mmm, wet.” Shianne moaned quietly, which got her a stern look from Aly, who eventually cracked a sensual smile.
“That was really fun!” Suzy smiled big.
“Yeah! We played and wrestled and a fire started in my loins!” Erin yelled out, and caused the group to all laugh.
Aly’s knees felt weak momentarily. She thought she should say something, but no one else was near and she couldn’t help but feel a rush throughout her body.
Another crack of thunder and flash of distant lightning broke the embrace and they all rushed back towards the cabin. When they were almost back to the cabin, Aly changed direction and led the group in a frantic run to the shower room.
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