Counseling at Camp Care pt 1
Counseling at Camp Care pt 1
Sex Story Author: | louderthansound |
Sex Story Excerpt: | All the girls seemed to be excited. They all chatted and laughed and ran around. They seemed to really get |
Sex Story Category: | Exhibitionism |
Sex Story Tags: | Exhibitionism, Fantasy, Female / Girl, Teen, Voyeurism, Young |
Chapter 1
Aly smiled to herself and stretched her arms up. Stepping out of the bus she just arrived on. It was a long 3 hour drive, she was glad they had finally arrived. She glanced up, taking in the bright sunshine through her tinted sunglasses. Then, she almost tripped as a few small girls darted past her, brushing her legs. One girl turned around – “Sorry, ‘scuse me!” She giggled and ran off to catch up to her friends. Aly laughed to herself at their excitement. Truth be told, she was also very excited in anticipation of the next two weeks.
She had attended ‘Camp Care’, an all girls camp, ever since she was a young girl. The last few years she worked as a camp counselor’s helper during the day, and slept in a cabin with the other helpers. But now being 18 years old, this is the first year she will be considered a full fledged camp cabin counselor and have a group of kids to herself. She would be in charge of a cabin group of 3-6 girls, and during the day she will have a younger teen helper, the same position she had the last few years, but she will now be staying with her group of kids in their cabin during the nights.
The camp was situated up north near a large lake. It was a beautiful camp and Aly’s mind was flooded with great memories. She retrieved her small suitcase and backpack from the storage compartment under the bus and walked towards the large field and pavillion where they would be welcoming the campers, explaining some rules and then separate into their assigned groups. That’s when Aly and her kids would go and settle in at their cabin. As she walked, she gathered up a few straggling girls and half raced them to the open field. The kids all sat in the grass and the camp leaders stood beside a small stage with a portable sound system. Aly greeted a few of her friends from past years, hugging them. She saw a few new counselors and helpers.
“Hello girls! Welcome to camp care!” The speakers echoed as Sharyn, the head counselor spoke into the microphone. The girls in the crowd burst into cheers and screams. The crowd’s noise slowly settled. Sharyn began to explain some of the ground rules to the kids. Another counselor handed each of the cabin leaders their info folders. It had the cabin number, info on each kid, rules and schedules in a file envelope. Aly held onto her pack, only reading that her helper’s name was Shianne. Aly looked out at the crowd of girls there must have been at least 100 or more girls, big smiles and beaming with excitement. Aly smiled to herself recalling only a few years ago sitting in the same crowd with the same feeling of excitement and anticipation.
“Now that’s it for the ruuuuuules! Time to let you all know what Camp Care has that’s super fun!” Sharyn said enthusiastically through the microphone, that caused another thunderous applause and more cheers from the campers.
The camp had lots of activities, games and crafts. There was a beach with a dock and slide, a water trampoline, craft cabin, baking cabin, sports, campfires and everything else a typical summer camp had.
“Now I’m going to introduce your cabin counselors. I’ll call out your names and you can follow them to your cabins. I will see you in the cafeteria for lunch when your time slot comes, your cabin leaders will have your schedules.” Sharyn exclaimed. Aly took this time to look at the names of her campers. She had a group of 4 girls,
Erin, Alex, Becca, and Suzy. She waited patiently until Sharyn announced her name, she stepped beside the stage. Sharyn read off the names of her campers. 4 girls stood up and made their way through the seated crowd towards Aly.
“Hey girls! I’m so excited to be here, we’re going to have so much fun!” She giddily half-whispered. Giving a smile to the girls. They looked within their small group assessing their new bunk buddies. Aly familiarized herself with their nametags to try and match names to faces. They were all very cute kids. At this age they didnt seem to have vast differences in their bodies, all on the slim side and had the generic body shape, at first glance.
Erin had shoulder length brown hair, Becca had long blonde hair, Alex had shorter, shag style hair and Suzy had dirty blonde hair pulled back into a pony. The girls followed Aly to the cabin that they were assigned to.
The camping areas were divided into age groups. In each group there were 6 cabins in a semi circle. Each cabin was divided into two rooms, each with either 3 or 4 bunk beds, a couple small end tables and dressers and one larger single bed for the counselor. It was a bit more plush and comfortable than the bunks. There was a communal bathroom cabin in the centre of the groups of sleeping cabins. It was nothing fancy, but had stalls and sinks on one side with an entrance. The back room, with a separate entrance, was the shower room, similar to a gym, it had about 8 shower heads across the walls and a wooden bench in the centre.
Aly opened the door to their assigned cabin and the girls immediately started ‘claiming’ their beds, all but Alex. Erin, Becca and Suzy chatted for most of the walk but Alex seemed a bit more shy, just glancing around as they walked. Maybe it was her first year and the whole camp atmosphere was overwhelming, Aly thought.
“I want this bed!” Erin screeched and sprawled out on the larger single bed.
“Ha! Sorry girl! But that’s my bed. The perks of being ‘the boss’.” Aly laughed out kiddingly.
“Awe!” Erin giggled a mocking groan.
“Maybe in a few years you can become a counselor and get a bed like that.” Aly said thru laughter, helping Erin drag herself off the bed as dramatically as she could. Erin quickly caught her feet and ran off to a bunk and climbed up to a top bunk exclaiming “This one will do then!” The girls laughed at her excitement change. Erin, Becca and Suzy all had chosen their beds. Erin was on the top bunk above Suzy, that sat in the far corner of the room. Becca choose a lower bunk of her own just inside and to the right the door. The girls started arranging their pillows and stuffed animals. Alex still stood just inside the door, looking around nervously. Aly remembered her training and memories of her favourite past counselors. She walked over and knelt down on a knee beside Alex, placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, I promise these weeks will be tons of fun, I’m so happy you’re here, I think we’re going to be good friends. Do you wanna take the bed right beside me?” Aly asked kindly.
“That way we can whisper secrets at night.” Aly added in a whisper so the other girls wouldn’t hear. Alex looked at Aly and smiled and giggled a bit. Her smile grew bigger and she nodded, running over to toss her bag on the bottom bunk that was right beside Aly’s bed. Aly stood back up straight and smiled to herself, proud of how she handled the situation.
“Now what do we do?” Asked Suzy, as she hung off upside down from her bunk.
“Well, let’s take a look at our schedule.” Aly answered pulling a paper out of the envelope. She glanced at it quickly and hung it in a frame beside the door. Looks like our lunch time is 12:20. That gives us about 45 minutes before we need to go there. So let’s just unpack our stuff and then maybe we can take a walk around the camp and I can show you all the activities that we can do later.” The girls responded with ‘okays’ and opened their suitcases up. They began to pull out all their clothes.
“So, are there any boys here?” Asked Becca nonchalantly.
“Not here, they have a boys camp across the lake and sometimes you can see there from our side, but for the next two weeks it’s just us girls!” Aly answered, she snickered to herself recalling the years her and her friends tried to get closer looks or hoped they could sneak to the boys camp, but never really got the chance.
“Well maybe we can try to see them from the beach.” Becca giggled sneakily. Suzy and Erin both giggled “Oooo.” Becca just shrugged and continued unpacking.
“Hey Suzy, do you want to share a dresser?” Erin asked.
“Yeah sure!” Suzy replied. They started to load the large dresser that sat beside their bunk.
“I want my own.” Becca added and started placing her clothes in a small dresser by her bed.
“Do you want to share with me?” Aly asked Alex.
“Ok.” She replied softly. They didn’t need to share a dresser, but Aly felt that the offer would help Alex feel more included.
“We should put our bathing suits and socks in the top drawer, shirts in the middle and shorts and pants in the bottom.” Erin directed.
“Where do we put our underwear?” Suzy asked back, quite loudly, followed by a giggle.
“Oh. Yeah… top drawer too I guess. I didn’t think of that. I didn’t bring any.” Erin replied matter-of-factly.
“You forgot underwear?!” Becca asked in a sassy, dramatic way.
“I didn’t ‘forget’, I just don’t wear underwear.” Erin replied with her own sassy tone.
Everyone giggled a bit at her honesty.
“What? Underwear is just not comfortable.” Erin giggled in response.
“Talk about uncomfortable underwear, my big sister wears underwear that goes up her bum. Like a wedgie all the time!” Suzy added with laughter.
“Its called a thong!” Becca said factually.
“Yeah, older girls wear them all the time.” Suzy added.
“Do you wear thongs Ms. Aly?” Erin asked, turning to Aly.
“You don’t have to call me Ms. Aly. Just Aly.. but yes I do wear them once and awhile if you must know.” Aly answered stifling her laugh. She loved the innocent atmosphere at camp, talking about ‘private’ things. The girls laughed.
“What kind of underwear do you wear?” Erin asked Suzy and started rummaging through Suzy’s clothes ambitiously. She found some boycut panties, waving them around.
“I got Suzy’s undies!” Erin chanted.
“At least I wear undies, miss nudie patootie!” Suzy witted and retrieved her panties, sticking her tongue out jokingly towards Erin.
We all laughed, including Alex.
“What kind do you wear Alex?” Erin turned and asked.
Alex just shrugged.
“You don’t know?” Erin asked, innocently trying to bring Alex into the conversation.
“You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” Aly soothed, as professionally as she could.
“Its ok, I just wear normal ones I guess.” She answered quietly while shrugging.
“Just normal?” Erin asked, trying to get more info from the shy girl.
“Yeah.” Alex replied, then shuffled through her bag.
“See.” She said, holding up a teal pair up bikini style bottoms.
“I like that colour, it’s my favourite!” Aly added, smiling at Alex. Alex cracked another smile.
“I wear thongs.” Becca broke the silence bluntly.
“You do?” Suzy asked, surprised.
“Yeah, my sister says boys like them the best.” Becca replied boldly.
“Is that true Aly? Do boys really like thongs best?” Suzy asked, turning to Aly.
Aly thought for a moment about how to answer.
“The best boys will like you for who you are, not just what you wear.” Aly said, trying to be the best influence on their young minds.
“Oh..” the girls replied, taking in the information.
“But whatever undies you like best, you should wear.” Aly added friendly.
“Even if that means no underwear, right Erin?” Aly added with a giggle and a wink.
“Yeah!” Erin replied enthusiastically. The girls giggled.
“Well, either way, I like thongs the best, they are very pretty. I’m even wearing a thong now.” Becca said.
Suzy let out a little gasp.
“Can I see?!” Erin almost yelled.
“I guess.” Becca shrugged and started to undo her shorts.
“Now hold on girls, we need to stay appropriate.” Aly broke in, feeling like she needed to step in to say something. But saddened herself slightly, because she was secretly enjoying the conversation.
“Its no big deal. We’re going to see eachother naked in the showers anyways. And we’re all girls.” Suzy answered logically. She must have been a repeat camper knowing that the showers were in a shared room.
Aly thought for a moment. She really wanted to be a ‘cool’ counselor and so she decided as long as the girls were comfortable she would need to be ok with letting them ‘experience’ and grow in the camp atmosphere. She wants them to have a learning freedom and like her as their leader. She didn’t want to be considered a prude.
“Ok. As long as you’re ok with it and it stays our secret in our cabin.” Aly said, trying to keep the group happy.
“Yeah!” Becca answered. She finished unbuttoning her shorts and pulled them down around her ankles. She stood up put her hands on her slim hips and opened her legs a bit to ‘show off’ her underwear. All the kids’ eyes went straight to her crotch, that was barely covered. The thong was a dark wine red colour, with lace and hints of sparkles. They sat looser than they should, Aly thought they must not be hers, plus she didn’t think they made such ‘sexy’ underwear for young girls. Erin rushed over and knelt in front of Becca. Suzy quickly joined and stood behind her glancing at the previously hidden ‘new thing’. Alex sat on her bed beside Aly and watched intently from a distance. Aly tried not to, but she found herself also staring at Becca’s risky underwear. Aly’s eyes widened as Becca ‘modeled’ for the onlookers. Becca, enjoying all the attention, swayed her hips slightly side to side. Then, slowly, started to turn around, very slowly, trying to stay graceful with her shorts around her ankles. Everyone seemed to gasp as she turned and the underwear disappeared into her tight bum crease. Her bottom was very tight and perky. Aly took notice for the first time in her life and wondered if all young girls bums were that perky.
“Aren’t they uncomfortable?” Erin asked, breaking the silence in the room.
“No, you get used to it, I kinda like the feeling.” Becca answered as she finished her turn-around.
“Where would you even get those?” Suzy asked.
“Underwear store I guess. I kinda took a few pairs from my sister. She has so many she won’t notice a few missing.” Becca admitted. Aly finally broke her trance and glanced towards Alex. Her face was flushed and blushing as she looked towards the girl in her underwear. But Alex did have a cute smile.
“Mine are so plain looking now!” Suzy jolted and pulled down her cargo shorts, revealing her more conservative boycut underwear in a bold blue. Erin, who was kneeling between Becca and Suzy, turned quickly and got a close up of Suzy’s covered mound. The tight spandex material did hug her plump mound and firm bum though.
“I’m more plain!” Erin said excitedly jumping up and pulling up her summer dress and quickly flashed her bare bum to the girls and pulled her dress back down, bursting out laughing. The cabin was filled with childish laughter.
“Okay, okay girls, let’s cover up our butts and get ready to go for a quick tour and then get lunch!” Aly announced through laughter. All the girls rearranged their clothing and the group set out for a quick camp tour.
Aly lead her group around to the beach, parks, sports fields, craft cabin and all the other available activities.
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