
Cosplay Cumdump – Chapter 1 – Victim Of The Vixens

Kinky Futa cosplayers make a thirsty otaku their bitch.

Micah sat in the midst of the large crowd as the excitement built. He applauded and cheered along with the throngs of enthusiastic fans as each announcement was made. Still, much of his attention remained on the screen of his smartphone until the formalities were over. It was Saturday afternoon, the second day of UwU Con, and the festivities were just beginning.

The first day had been spent milling around the convention hall and taking in all the sights and sounds. Micah had played beta builds of unreleased videogames, seen previews of upcoming seasons of some of his favorite anime and collected a plethora of convention swag and freebies. UwU Con was weeaboo nirvana. Even if it had only been a one day event, it would’ve been worth the trip.

But UwU Con was a three day event and the best was yet to come. The primary reason Micah had attended was approaching rapidly. The cosplay contests would begin soon. Better yet, some of his favorite professional cosplayers would be in attendance. Jessica Natiri, Gwen Hellsong and Roxy Blight were scheduled to take part in the proceedings in addition to several other devastating beauties.

Jessica, Gwen and Roxy had all started as normal con-goers who liked to dress up. Over time, they garnered more attention and started working gigs for the various gaming and anime companies. They would attend conventions dressed as particular characters the corporations wanted them to portray and hawk their products as booth babes.

In recent years, they’d gotten organized and moved on to greener pastures. Now they had their own company, Cosplay Vixens, which the conventions had to hire directly if they wanted the most sought-after cosplayers to attend. This gave the women freedom and autonomy they’d previously not had. Now they could dress as any character they liked, they no longer had to take orders from stuck-up suits and they could charge whatever they wanted for autographs and photo-ops.

Micah was ecstatic. He’d finally get to meet the Vixens in just an hour or two. The women of his dreams! He knew it was the most typical weeb shit ever to obsess over cosplay girls, but he didn’t care. He’d been gawking at these beauties on social media for years. They were Goddesses. Women on high.

He’d do anything to be in their presence. Wait in any line, no matter how long! Pay whatever they demanded for a signed photo and a brief meet and greet. If he was really lucky, he might garner a touch on the back or shoulder. He’d seen some pictures where they kissed a guy on the cheek or surrounded him with an affectionate hug. He would die if that happened.

Suddenly, Micah realized they were launching into the final round of announcements about the cosplay events. He quickly closed the photo gallery on his phone where he’d been swiping through pictures of the gorgeous Vixens and pocketed his device. He looked up eagerly and crossed his arms over his chest.

“Alright folks, let the cosplay fun begin!” the middle aged announcer yelled into the microphone. “The cosplay parade will begin in one hour, so get changed and meet us out front at three o’clock! We’re going to take a nice, long walk around the city and show off our costumes to all the normies!”

Laughs and giggles rippled through the crowd. Micah rolled his eyes. He would participate, but only because the Vixens would be there. Any chance to see them in action was worth it.

“After that, we’ll let everyone take a break and then the Men’s costume contest will begin at five o’clock. The women’s contest, or as I like to call it, THE MAIN EVENT, will follow at six! Both judged by the beautiful, talented, COSPLAY VIXENS!”

Raucous cheering and clapping went up from the crowd and Micah joined in gladly. If there was one thing everyone in attendance could agree on, it was they couldn’t wait to see the ladies don their sexy outfits. The fact that the Vixens were judging was the icing on the cake.

“But wait! I’ve saved the best part for last!” the announcer added in a dramatic voice.

Micah’s eyebrows raised along with his level of interest. He leaned forward along with many others in the crowd.

“You may recall seeing MYSTERY PRIZE listed on the prize packages on the website! Well, it’s my pleasure to unveil them now! The winner of the women’s competition will be considered for membership in Cosplay Vixens! And the winner of the men’s competition will be going to an exclusive after-party with the Vixens themselves!!!”

The world stopped and reality itself seemed to fold in on Micah. He hardly noticed the screaming and thunderous applause all around him. He looked around in dazed disbelief. It was the opportunity of a lifetime and he wasn’t prepared. Micah would get his chance to meet the Vixens, but spending an evening with them would’ve been so much better. Once this was over, he’d probably spend the rest of his life wishing he’d put more effort into his costume.

* * * * *



Even for a smaller guy like Micah, the bathroom stalls weren’t spacious enough. He’d already banged his knee on the door and smashed his elbow into the walls twice as he removed his clothes. Now, as he pulled on his costume, it was a struggle not to trip and fall on the slick tile floor.

He put on his ‘tunic’ which was really just a long, green shirt. After that he donned his beige trousers and buckled the black leather belt around his waist. Finally, he pulled the tall, brown leather boots up his feet and calves. If he was honest, it was the only part of his costume that looked authentic.

Micah packed his regular clothes into his backpack, picked up his accessories and carefully exited the stall. He walked out into the brightly lit bathroom and stopped before the long row of mirrors. The young man dropped his backpack to the side, donned his sad emulation of the signature green cap and took up his plastic sword and shield.

As he gazed into the mirror he saw some dollar-store version of Link from the Legend of Zelda looking back at him. The accessories had the official game logos on them, but they were practically Fisher Price toys. He’d ordered them online and they looked like something elementary school kids would play with; not props you’d bring to an official cosplay contest. The rest of his costume was obviously thrown together quickly and cheaply.

At least Micah somewhat looked the part at 5’7 and with a slender build. He didn’t have Link’s blonde hair, but his light brown locks should pass muster.

‘Oh, shit! Link has pointed ears, doesn’t he? I totally forgot about that until now!’

He sighed and briefly thought about changing out of his costume and calling the whole thing off. Then he remembered he couldn’t participate in the parade if he wasn’t dressed.

‘Dammit! This is lame, but at least I’ll be close to the Vixens…’

Micah gathered up his backpack along with his silly plastic toys and what was left of his pride. He slumped his shoulders and made a hasty exit from the restroom.

* * * * *

It had been a long march around the city and the cosplay parade had depleted the stamina of many. Most of the convention goers were resting or getting a bite to eat. Not Micah. He was no fool. He figured this would be the best time to check in at the Cosplay Vixens booth.

As he approached the entrance his suspicions were confirmed. The booth was open for business and the line was short. There were just three people ahead of him. Jessica was nowhere to be seen, but Gwen and Roxy were standing near the front table. They were chatting with a fan, signing autographs and downing bottled water after the long walk.

Not only were they beautiful, but their work ethic was impressive. It’s no wonder Cosplay Vixens had turned into a force that could make or break conventions. As the line grew shorter and Micah moved up, he studied the two divas intently.

Gwen was striking in her Isabella Valentine costume; a Goddess beyond compare. The warrior Dominatrix from Soul Calibur, otherwise known as Ivy, was the perfect role for her. Gwen’s full, luscious curves filled out the sexy costume so well. It was skimpy in how much it covered the body, but certainly not skimpy in detail.

Her hair was cut short and dyed white to match the character. Was that her hair or was it a wig? It was hard to tell. A series of purple and black leather straps started at her neck and wound down her supple form. They criss-crossed her body and lightly bit into her soft flesh. The shiny fetish-wear highlighted her thickness wonderfully.

A black leather bra held up her ample breasts and matching boots took over at her knees. The purple straps ended there and clipped onto the black lace leggings that led into her boots like garters. She wore a golden gauntlet on her left arm that extended into elaborate shoulder armor adorned with a skull. Her sword arm was wrapped in a silky, black sleeve until a white, satin glove took over halfway down her forearm.

Ivy’s signature snake-sword lay on the table not far away from Gwen. In the lore of Soul Calibur, her weapon was a bladed chain-whip that could switch between broadsword and whip form in the blink of an eye. It was also the weapon with the furthest reach in the game. Micah doubted her prop sword could extend like that, but it sure looked cool.

The one odd element of her costume was the black and silver codpiece she wore. Ivy had never worn a codpiece in any game skin or artwork that Micah had seen. Come to think of it, he’d seen Gwen wear a codpiece with many of the costumes she’d donned over the years. It was an odd addition, but certainly didn’t detract from her overwhelming sex appeal.

Roxy, likewise, was gorgeous as an enticing, demonic femme. Micah didn’t recognize her character in particular, but she was clearly some kind of Succubus. The dainty redhead had gone the distance in propping up her small form to look bigger and more intimidating than she normally would.

Shiny, ridged, jet black horns curled forth from her canopy of blood-red hair. They gave her a sinister look that was immediately compounded by the lenses in her eyes. They hid her normal eye color, leaving only black portals with red highlights that could pierce your very soul. Her fingernails were painted the same crimson tone as her luscious locks.

A long, slitted, black dress trailed down her body, leaving her bust and sides exposed for convention goers to gawk at. Where her flesh was exposed, black tribal tattoos were painted all over her body, adding further to her unholy depiction. Her tiny feet were strapped into heeled, black platform shoes, granting her an extra four inches of height.

Micah’s tongue was practically hanging out as he came to the front of the line. He waited impatiently as the customer in front of him got his meet-and-greet and claimed his souvenirs. Micah felt horribly inadequate in his half-ass costume, but at least he was a cosplayer and that gave him something in common with the Vixens. Hopefully, he could segue that into a conversation and not come off like a total dork.

The fan in front of him said his thanks and trundled off. Micah stepped up, a broad smile on his face as the two Vixens scanned him.

“Hello… Link?” Roxy began as he approached.

“Hi, I’m Micah. Sorry about the costume. I had to throw it together on short notice.”

“Do better next time” Gwen stated with a sneer and her hands on her hips. Apparently she was really getting into her role this afternoon.

Roxy waved her off. “It’s fine. Not everyone has weeks to work on their outfit. What can we do for you, Micah?”

His tension faded and he immediately felt more at ease. It was odd being consoled by a woman dressed as an infernal Demoness.

“I put in an order for a signed poster and three personal photos. One with each of you. Let me pull up the receipt…”

Roxy nodded and waited for Micah to pull up the confirmation on his phone. “Jessica’s not here right now, but we can take the first two photos now, if you like.”

“Sounds good” Micah replied. He held up his phone and showed Roxy the digital receipt.

“Perfect! Hand that over and I’ll take your first one with Gwen.”

Micah was surprised they didn’t have someone designated to do that for them, but he was more than happy to give Roxy his device. He opened his camera app before handing it to the smiling Succubus. Micah strode forward, getting an even more impressive view of Gwen in her amazing Ivy outfit before taking up position beside her.

Once she had his phone, Roxy immediately closed the camera app and started snooping around.

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