Cory and Tilly_(2)
Cory and Tilly_(2)
Sex Story Author: | Ian Moone |
Sex Story Excerpt: | No brainless beauty though, she was wise beyond her years. She read books, Nobakov and Hardy, Bronte and Austin, Dickens |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Incest, Romance, Teen Male/Teen Female, Virginity, Young |
This is a re-upload of the same story, which was earlier removed as it apparently “does not follow our rules.” I strongly disagree, but alas. It has been removed by some dickhead moderator who has decided to save poor sensitive readers some angst. I’m not sure what’s happening to this site but it’s getting to the stage where you can’t actually post anything these days. I hope you all enjoy the story, and my huge thanks to all 88,000+ readers, and all 380 of you who voted positively in its favour.
This is not a quick “I fucked my sister. The end, lol” piece. This is a story, the first of several parts, with an actual plot and actual characters. If you’re looking for a quick wank over some 5,000 word erotica then perhaps this story is not for you. This is my first attempt at a story on here, and there will be errors. I’m only human, after all. I look forward to reading all your comments and reviews. I understand that it’s a lengthy piece, and I’m sure future instalments in this series will be lesser in length.
Finally, I love the First Amendment. I think it’s the most important piece of writing in modern history. I’m with Evelyn Beatrice Hall on it, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Everyone’s opinion on this story is important to me, but please, if you’ve never written a word in your life then don’t comment on the quality of mine, especially with something as banal as “it’s shit.” I want criticism, if you think there’s something that can be improved upon. I don’t need insults. Writing is seldom easy. Any writer will tell you that.
That said, I hope you enjoy the story.
Many thanks for all your support.
Cory and Tilly – “You say you like storms, but what if you can only handle a little rain and I’m a downpour?” she asked him, to which he said; “Then I’ll drown.”
Cory Greenstreet and his sister, Tilly, had pretty much fended for themselves ever since their father had run away with a blonde twenty-something seven years ago. Their mother had turned to the bottle as an anaesthetic and her kids had taken a backseat role in her life after that – their father was too busy in Nova Scotia with his trophy-wife to bother with two teenage kids, and Loraine was too busy with the drink that drove him away in the first place. When she wasn’t laid out in semi-conscious inebriation in front of the TV watching one of her reality shows, she was at work. She drank and she worked, and sometimes she drank at work and should she be fired for public intoxication it would come as no surprise to either of them.
“Any day now,” they would joke as they took the 8/10 bus to school. “What’ll be her excuse tonight?”
The answer was always the same. “It’s been a tough day.”
Cory didn’t really blame his Dad for leaving. He was a ruthless businessman whose only motivation was money. Apparently he was enjoying the perks of a seven-figure a year Directorship in Canada with a company Macan and a newly renovated lake house on Porters Lake. Naturally, they saw none of the money. Cory remembered receiving a birthday card the year after he had left with twenty bucks stuffed inside and a message saying Happy birthday, kids. But that was years ago now. He’d heard something about his twenty-four year old model wife being pregnant, but he didn’t tell Tilly. Tilly, he knew, took it the hardest. She missed the father figure in her life and it showed sometimes, and knowing he could do nothing about it killed Cory. Seeing his twin, his blood, his best friend, in pain was like a knife to the heart. They were born just minute apart, and had shared an unbreakable bond ever since they had been old enough to register each other’s presence. They would cry together, feed together and sleep at exactly the same time. Forcing them to adapt to life without a father had been a shock to the system for both of them, and they had gone from normal ten-year-olds to de facto adults in the blink of an eye. With Loraine in a constant state of drunkenness their childhood had pretty much ended the day Mike had up and left. Having lived this life for as long as they could remember, they seldom remembered a life any different. They shopped for themselves, bought food and clothes and supplies for the house (out of the weekly money Loraine barely remembered to leave on the breakfast bar) and Cory juggled school with a paper-round and a weekend job at the local garage and two lots of training every week. He was either going to have to surrender football or running, and he loved both in equal measures. He and Tilly trained for the same running club, and neither wanted to give that up. It was the only real time they did what they wanted to do.
Cory and Tilly were less like siblings and more like best friends. They knew each other better than anyone else on the planet, their secrets and fears, stories and dreams, and had it not been for them then their house – a small detached two-story in an area of town they really struggled to afford – would be a shit tip. (It was a good job that Mike had paid the mortgage off long before he fucked off to Canada because without that security Tilly didn’t know what they would have done.) Between them they managed all right. More than all right, they managed perfectly fine on their own. To them it was life reversed. Loraine was the child and Cory and Tilly were the breadwinners of the household. Cory cooked and took care of the blue duties, as they had termed them, (Cooking, maintenance, gardening) and Tilly took on the pink roles (cleaning, ironing and washing). Loraine, well Loraine drank.
That morning, as Cory was cooking up breakfast in the kitchen (scrambled egg on toast), Tilly walked in in a fluster. She bumbled into the kitchen with her auburn hair pulled into a tight high ponytail, school blouse half buttoned and just her pink and black Jack Wills cotton panties on.
“Have you seen my foundation?” she asked at a hundred mile an hour.
“Not since yesterday. You haven’t left it in the bathroom again?”
“No, I just checked in there.” Her arms went up in exasperation. “Shit!”
“Why do you even need it?”
Tilly looked at him like he’d just come out with the most stupid sentence she’d ever heard.
“Why?” she said, mocking. “Why? Because … just because. Okay? It’s a girl thing and you really wouldn’t understand.”
Cory laughed and checked on the eggs. “Whatever. No, I haven’t seen it.”
She mumbled something under her breath and turned for the door.
“Hey, Tills?”
She turned. “Yeah?”
“You don’t need that shit anyway,” he said. “You’re beautiful enough as you are.”
Cory caught the beginnings of a smile forming on Tilly’s ever reddening face before she turned away from him.
“Why do you always say that?” she laughed, masking her embarrassment.
He rolled his eyes and started to serve up the eggs. Although she was facing away from him he could tell she was blushing like crazy. “Because you are. Now hurry up,” he said, pouring two glasses of orange from the jug in the fridge. “Breakfast is up.”
Ten minutes later with Tilly now dressed and breakfast eaten and plates and cups in the sink, they headed off for the bus at the end of the street.
“Today is the day,” she said as they boarded. “I am so unprepared for this exam.”
Cory took his seat at the window and Tilly shuffled down next to him. “You’ll smash it.”
“Your faith in me is … misguided,” she laughed.
“Your faith in yourself is misguided,” he said as he fingered at his phone. “My faith in you is absolute.” She playfully hit him on the arm and he laughed to himself and went back to his phone. At the next stop Ellie, Tilly’s closest girlfriend, boarded with a flock of other students and Tilly met her with a smile and they headed to their usual spot at the back of the bus.
“Hey Cory,” Ellie said with a flirtatious smile.
“Morning, Ellie.”
“I’m leaving you,” Tilly said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
“I’m shocked,” he said in response. “Goodbye, Ellie,” he called after the girls, watching her ass as it flirted with him as she walked away.
“He’s so hot,” Ellie would say to Tilly as they sat down.
It was the same dance every morning.
Tyrell Jacoury, TJ to his friends and, in fact, to anybody that ever asked, was waiting by the gate when Cory stepped off the bus, girls in tow. He was going to make it as a rapper. No questions asked. Everybody knew it. No, he wouldn’t consider anything else. End of story. He slouched and gave Cory a “waddup, bruh.”
Cory nodded amiably and they followed the girls inside and TJ, brimming with pride, couldn’t wait to tell Cory that he had spent the night with Aimee while her parents were out. TJ and Cory always commanded the attention of the female contingent when they first passed through the gates (they could pretty much have any girl they wanted. TJ exercised that right like it was going out of fashion; Cory was more reserved.) They were the school’s two leading male athletes. TJ was captain of the football team and the basketball team, but he said that when he was offered scholarships (because, that too, wasn’t in question) he would turn them down in favour of music; while Cory was the cross-country, track, road and distance record holder having smashed nine four-decades old records with ease, and was currently the state’s leading goal scorer in the soccer league. They were natural athletes, but unlike TJ, Cory was odds-on for a scholarship. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted, but he didn’t know what he would be doing should he get one either. He had Tilly to consider and that made the future uncertain.
“What’s she like?” Cory asked as TJ finished his story.
“Amazing, bruh.” He gestured to her ass, which everybody knew was mighty fine.
“Did she let you put it in?”
“Nah, but while we were fucking she let me stick a finger up there.”
Cory grinned. “Nice!”
“And she let me finish too.”
Cory slapped his mate on the back. “Where?”
TJ licked his lips and the two boys laughed.
A group of girls wolf-whistled as TJ and Cory passed, but the boys ignored the girls. They took one look at Ellie and Tilly, their tight bubble butts packed tightly into their pants, and they looked at each other and grinned. Their attention was in one place and one place only, and they were semi-hard just watching the two girls move. Ellie and Tilly were the two prettiest girls in the school by a considerable margin, and Cory had had a secret crush on his sister’s best friend for years now. TJ did too, but of the two, Ellie fancied Cory that little bit more. Ellie was the spitting image of Tilly, and if you didn’t know them then you would easily edge your bets on them being twins over Tilly and Cory. Ellie’s platinum blonde hair was in a loose bun and bobbed with every movement. She was definitely a distraction to the upcoming exam, Cory thought. When they reached the door Tilly turned to Cory.
“I’ll be late home tonight, I’m training after school.”
“I’ll wait to cook,” he said.
“Just eat if you want, I’ll be fine.”
Cory smiled. “I’ll wait.”
Tilly beamed at him and they went their separate ways. It was a very slow day.
Thursday Night:
Tilly had aced the exam.
There was a stir-fry almost ready when Tilly arrived home that night and the smell greeted her churning stomach like nectar to a bee. Training had been intense and her legs felt like jelly. Cory heard the door close and met her in the hallway with a long, tight hug. She was still in her club crop-top and she was sweaty as hell but it didn’t seem to bother him. “Here’s little miss “I’m so unprepared”,” he mocked and she playfully hit him in the ribs. She’d scored 91% to Cory’s 86%. He was sure she just set out to better him. He couldn’t recall a single exam in which he’d achieved a higher grade then she.
“I hate hills,” she said, and Cory laughed.
“Here,” he said. “Give me your stuff and go get changed. I’ll stick the shower on for you.”
She was tired, Cory could tell, but she still flashed him that grateful, loving smile again. It was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. It was infectious, almost. Her smile was like a drug to him. She groaned in appreciation. “I love you,” she told him as she dumped her bags on his arm. She mouthed thank you, loaded with fatigue as she passed him.
“I know,” he said, giving her a playful slap on the ass. The evenings were still mild and Tilly just wore her training pants rather than her leggings. They were just a little big longer than cheerleader panties, black and tight and her bubble butt looked incredible. She giggled at the touch and set about tackling, with extreme difficulty, the stairs, which had never looked so unappealing. How she longed for a downstairs bathroom. Her quads screamed at her with each step. Cory sympathised – he knew that feeling well. (John, their running coach, really knew how to push his army to the limits.) As Tilly ascended the stairs, Cory watched her and he felt himself growing a little in his pants and he pulled his eyes away. He knew he shouldn’t be looking, be having these thoughts, but…
Cory had left the shower running for Tilly, and she looked at it gratefully as she entered the bathroom. She stripped off out of her running clothes and as the warmth of the water seared over her naked skin she thought about Cory and how brilliantly kind he was to her, even when she was a bitch. All she ever heard from the other girls at school was how ‘fit’ and ‘hot’ Cory was. They all talked about how great he was all the time, and how they wanted him and she often thought how they didn’t even know the half of it. She knew for a fact that she wouldn’t have survived the last few years without him by her side. He wasn’t just a brother to her; he was her partner, her best friend, and her world. He knew everything about her; knew her better than she knew herself. She wanted to say her soul mate, and although that’s how she felt it sounded wrong. He made the loneliness go away when she was with him – he made things better. He was kinder, more loving, towards her than any other boy could ever be. He made her feel … alive with each moment they spent together and the way he looked at her made her melt like butter. It made her fluttery. It was like each time he looked at her was the first time he had seen her in a million years. When they ran together it was like running with their enemy, pushing each other harder and stronger to their limits. At school they pushed each other further. But it was never a rivalry; and when they hung out at home, at the cinema, at the bowling alley, the ice-skating rink, they were like a couple goofing around and taking pictures. They were good for each other. He was good for her. Not like the ex-boyfriends that had come and gone, and they had come and gone because of one single reason. They weren’t Cory – they couldn’t match up to him and they didn’t make her feel the way he made her feel. She didn’t need another boy, she told herself. All she craved was the intimacy a relationship brought. Cory gave her everything else – the love, the feelings and the emotions – the only thing lacking was the intimacy. The girls at school talked about intimacy and about boys and about sex and she knew a few of the girls had been intimate with boys. A few of them talked about wanting to get intimate with Cory and it killed her to know that they had that chance.
The water washed away the sweat and grime of training, and Tilly turned up the temperature and let the scalding water flow through her hair. She had a feeling Cory had been with a couple of girls, but if he had then he never bragged about it. She thought about him, and his body;
Tilly thought Cory was beautiful. He was dangerously handsome with deep blue eyes and a personality that was infectious to girls. He was 6’2”, with chiselled looks and styled hair and a beautifully taut, defined body – muscular and strong with a toned chest and powerful legs. He was the All-American type, but he was smart and ambitious too. The buck didn’t stop with sports. He wore nice clothes and wrote great stories and he cooked great food and Tilly knew why all those girls talked about Cory like that. The other boys were lame. They were all about sports or parties. But Cory, he was something else entirely. He had another level, he was interesting, and as the water pounded down Tilly felt those feelings she got from time to time when she thought about her brother. She did not know whether it was tiredness or whether it was something else that was making her have these stupid, impossible thoughts but those thoughts where real and she ran her hands down her body, imagining they were his hands. She felt butterflies in her stomach, and then a knock on the door broke her from her mirage and she shook it off like a dog shaking off water.
“Dinner’s up,” Cory called and Tilly called back saying she would be out in a minute. She put her hair into a loose bun and pulled on some jogging bottoms and one of Cory’s old Ellesse hoodies and headed downstairs.
They were half way through dinner when Tilly asked Cory how many girls he had been with. The question caught Cory off guard and he spluttered through his mouthful of stir-fry and Tilly stifled a laugh.
“Where the hell did that come from?”
“It’s just a question.”
“You’ve never asked before.”
“I’m asking now.”
Cory felt himself reddening in the cheeks as he stumbled around an answer. He didn’t really want to tell Tilly that he’d manage to get with four girls – it wasn’t his style to go around bragging about it and she’d never asked before. But there were no secrets between them and as he stumbled and stuttered his way through half sentences and odd words her familiar smile greeted him. She took a mouthful of dinner. “It’s okay,” she said after a beat. “You don’t have to tell me their names. I’m just curious is all.”
“Ah … four,” he said after a couple of beats. “You know, I’m not the one who blushes. This isn’t right.”
Tilly laughed. “Suck it up, big boy,” she mocked.
Loraine was asleep on the sofa with Survivor playing on the TV, and there was an empty by the foot of the couch. Cory had muted the TV before Tilly had come down and a playlist from his laptop played quietly as they ate at the breakfast bar, facing each other.
“Do you love any of them?” Tilly then asked.
“I don’t,” he said. “They were heat of the moment flings. Nothing more. Why,” he then asked, “are you jealous?”
He grinned and Tilly feigned repulsion. “You wish,” she laughed.
Cory changed the subject. “And you,” he said. “How many boys have you been with?”
“Would you think any less of me if I said a number?”
Cory shook his head immediately. “No. I could never think any less of you.”
She smiled at his words and then shook her head. “None,” she said.
“Boys come onto you all the time,” Cory said. The meal was now forgotten in favour of their conversation. They never really got in depth about girls and boys; this was new for them.
“Yeah, but they’re not…” she trailed off. “…nevermind…”
“Not what?”
“It doesn’t matter,” she said. She looked a little guilty. You, she said in her head. Cory nodded. He understood that look and he knew not to ask.
It was another thing she loved about him.
“What about all those boyfriends? Not even any of those?”
“All those boyfriends? You make me sound like a huge slut,” she laughed. Tilly went through boys the way most people went through hot dinners. She practically had a new one every week, but they never lasted long. For all her beauty and her charm she was an old-school romantic and she was broken. She’d been cheated on more times than Cory could count because she wouldn’t crawl into bed after the first week. Boys got bored, and he had punched more of the little bastards than he cared to admit. She knew the real reason they didn’t last, deep down; she just didn’t want to admit it to herself. The voice in her head spoke again: because I love Cory more than anything else in this world. He is the reason I get up in a morning.
She felt herself blush.
“You know what I mean,” Cory laughed.
“No,” she said after a beat. “Like I said, they’re not … they’re just not,” and Cory nodded. “People talk about their virginity as if it’s this terrible thing that needs to be thrown away like trash but I don’t believe that. I don’t think it should just be thrown away but I don’t think that it should be put on a pedestal either. I think that if you’re in love with that person and they are in love with you in that moment then it’s right because it’s the realest, most private thing you could ever do with another person. But losing your virginity doesn’t make you any less virtuous or any less pure,” she said and Cory listened intently. She was breathless, wise beyond her years. She was much wiser than a girl her age had the right to be. “I want my first time to be special. I want it to be with someone that loves me and that I love back and even if it doesn’t last forever, I’ll know that the most intimate, most private moment in my life was special and that’s okay with me.”
Cory smiled at the poetry of her words and then he thought and then Tilly asked: “Was your first time special?”
Cory shook his head. “No,” he said. “It was clumsy and awkward and I wish I’d have waited too.”
She smiled at him, understandingly and then she asked; “Why don’t you have a girlfriend, anyway? It’s not like you don’t have the option.”
Cory met her gaze and shrugged. A lump was in his throat and he swallowed hard.
“Because they’re just not, either,” he said.
“Oh.” And a silence took a hold of the table. The playlist had ended now. A clock on the wall ticked. Brains whirred, say something, anything, their heads said in unison. Cory loaded up another playlist. Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd started to play on the laptop.
“And anyway,” Tilly said after a beat. “There’s a difference between a boy wanting to sleep with you and loving you. Right? None of my ex’s ever loved me. They just wanted to get into my pants and then move on.”
Cory nodded. “Very true.” Boys at school talked. Tilly was the ultimate prize everybody wanted, and she was aware of that. The most attractive girl in the school. She was an object to the masses of immature boys though, and nothing more – something to possess and then discard once they had used her. They didn’t want her. They wanted her body, her virginity. They wanted to be the one that said, I was her first time. That’s why she didn’t date anymore.
“I guess with me it’s the former.” She laughed. “I guess nobody actually loves me.”
“That’s not true,” Cory said and Tilly beamed. “I love you.”
She let it linger for a couple of beats and then asked why. “And none of that ‘because you’re my sister’ bullshit this time,” and Cory laughed and then he looked at his sister, properly – not as a sibling – but as an example of the opposite sex and he was hooked.
Tilly was more beautiful than any girl Cory could ever dream of seeing. Tilly was white, 5’1” and she weighed 118lbs wet through – delicate and petite, soft and virginal, innocent and unspoiled. She was young, pretty and sexless. She had soft auburn hair and beautiful green eyes and the body of a cheerleader, tight and taut with long, slender legs leading up to a thigh gap, which served as a peristyle of the Gods.
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