Convention Antics_(0)
Convention Antics_(0)
Sex Story Author: | Blueeyes14 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Their family lined up together for the first photo. Then Janet and her husband, posed alone, facing each other, pecking |
Sex Story Category: | Cheating |
Sex Story Tags: | Cheating, Drug, Erotica, Male / Older Female, Oral Sex, True Story |
My father works for a large Fortune 500 company, and they hold a week-long convention every year. The entire trip is paid for by the company, so my father enthusiastically attends. Our family tags along, but I can not remember a single time we all attended because of conflicting schedules. This year, I am the only family member attending.
I always loved coming to these conventions. Every year guaranteed new memorable experiences. The last time I attended was four years ago, right after graduating college and before starting my new job. I arrived at the airport on Wednesday, midway through the convention. My vacation time flexibility and work responsibilities prevented me from taking off the entire week. While waiting in line to pick up my rental car, I formulated a response for when people would ask, “Where have you been these past four years?” I figured I would just respond with something along the lines of “I am a working man now. I have bills to pay now that I am out of my parents basement. I needed to save up money to afford one of these fancy rooms. Vacation time with my company is more flexible now. Etc.”
Ever since committing myself to attend a few months ago, I have been growing more nervous every day. After all the things that have occurred over the years, who would not be was nervous. “Who is attending this year? Will any of my previous flings be there? Does anyone know what happened in the past?” I knew all this uneasiness would peak and then disappear once I met up with everyone tonight at the Mid-Week Mixer.
Before driving over, I decided to check into the hotel and drop off my luggage. The hotel website showed that my room came with a mini-fridge, so while at the airport I stocked up on some snacks, Gatorade to fight hangovers for the next couple days, and some bagels for morning breakfasts. Once situated in the room, I showered, shaved, and dressed in casual business attire. The event was from 4:00 – 9:00, and being held less than a mile away, down on the waterfront. I decided to take my rental car rather than pay more money for a cab. Plus, the rental car gave me a quick out in case things got dull. From experience, I know things can get boring when a bunch of company people interact with various levels of management during business/social functions.
I arrived at the event, and the first hour went incredibly smooth. Indeed, all my nervousness faded. I saw many old faces. None of my previous flings was there, so the coast was clear; I was unsure whether they would show up, and if I would have to face the drama that would ultimately ensue. A few of the friends I made over the years were also in attendance. I did not take long before we were all gathered around like old times. It felt like four years ago was only yesterday. Everyone commented how good I looked. I had gone on a big workout push about a year ago, and have been training for a half marathon for the past 6 months.
Everyone at these events always acted very “proper”, my friends and I included. The adults always considered me the party animal of the bunch. They knew that I lead the pack, and were content with us having fun. Nothing ever got out of control and we never caused any trouble. My point being, these social events definitely needed life to them, and I was happy to oblige. When we were younger, I was always the one that found us alcohol and weed. While the parents would be out drinking, we would all be hanging out partying just the same.
Rachel is one of my friends, several years younger than me, and just finished college. Her family has been coming to these conventions for over 10 years. Her step-father is a big-shot with the company, and friends with my father. I remember when Rachel’s parents stayed at our house one week a long time ago, mainly because I had to give up my bedroom so they could have a place to sleep. I will admit, Rachel is not the most attractive person, taking on most of her biological father’s features. There is no sexual attraction between us. Although, she was curious about giving her first blowjob years ago when we were much younger, but that story is for another time. Believe it or not, we were still able to be friends afterwards.
Back to the mixer. During the course of the evening, Rachel came up to me and asked if I still smoked weed. I knew where this question was headed. She knew me well enough that I probably would still smoke once in a while, and she was right. Rachel’s next question however, took me completely by surprise. She told me that her mother, Janet, wanted her to ask me.
One moment I thought all is well, no drama this convention, and the next moment I get this thrown at me. I looked over Rachel’s shoulder towards her mother, where she was mingling with her husband, my father, and all their friends. Chills ran down my spine as I saw Janet looking at me smiling. I immediately began thinking, “Why in the world would she ask Rachel this sort of question?” The only reason I could think of, was to check and see how much trouble our group of friends would get into this year.
I would be lying to say Rachel and her step-father had a good relationship. I would go as far to say it was because she was only his step-daughter. This is probably the reason Rachel and Janet were so close. They shared the same free-spirited personality. I knew that Rachel would most likely tell her mother I still smoked weed and that Janet would never tell her husband, because he would make a big deal out of a harmless situation. Knowing their mother-daughter relationship, I just smiled back at Janet and she looked away resuming her conversation. I felt my reaction to this surprising situation was satisfactory. Out of curiosity, I asked Rachel, “Why would your mother care if I still smoked?” I smirked, sarcastically adding, “its not like I brought any with me on the plane”. Rachel laughed at me, seeing right through my bullshit. She knew that I would have definitely brought some weed if I still smoked, and she was right, I did bring a few joints along.
Rachel’s next statement was a bombshell I was not prepared for. “My mother just turned 42 and has been doing all sorts of midlife crisis types of things with her friends recently. She even went skydiving, can you believe it? It like she has been trying to get some sort of reaction from my step-father lately. Of course he disapproves, so I make an extra effort to encourage her. You only live once right? Anyways, I am not sure, but I think she was asking because she is curious to smoke again. She probably hasn’t smoked since forever ago.” I just stood there in shock, open mouthed, and speechless. “Did I just hear what I think I heard? Janet wants to smoke weed?” I am an adult now, and the thought of smoking with one of my parents’ friends, yeah why the fuck not!?” I looked back over to see Janet speaking to my father, and thought to myself “I guess her and my mother are not much alike after all.” I laughed with Rachel and said, “Sure, yeah, let her know I still smoke and brought some joints, and if shes interested to let me know”. Rachel nodded and smiled as she walked away. Judging from the tone of Rachel’s previous statement, she made it seem like her step-father kept Janet locked in a cage. If your wife wants to go sky diving, why not? Go do it with her. Nevertheless, this was Rachel’s idea of helping her mother and getting back at her step-father at the same time. I was game.
My impression of Janet over the years was that she was artsy and eccentric compared to her formal and reserved husband; he tucks his t-shirts into his jeans, and I believe has a fanny-pack collection. Rachel and Janet looked nothing alike to the extent that when we were younger I would joke with Rachel by asking if she was adopted. Janet was tall, and with heals comes up to my chin. Her hair was shoulder length, very curly, brown with a lot of blond highlights. Janet always wore unique designer dresses, which earned her praise from other women at the events. I am no fashionista, but to describe the dress she wore that night, it was spaghetti strapped, flowing down over her knees, was blueish green, having an almost jungle-like appearance. With her short curly hair, the back of the dress showed off her long neck, with the opening going down to the middle of her back. She had a great figure for her age; definitely a looker.
About 15 minutes later Janet walked up to me. She greeted me with a hug saying, “Hey there Blue-eyes, long time no see”. Janet always called me by that nickname, and I would always respond, “It’s the Irish in me”. After a few pleasantries, I saved her the trouble by cutting right to the chase, “I talked to Rachel, so did you want to get out of here for a while? The buses won’t be coming to pick everyone up for another few hours, and your husband will stay until the end, guaranteed”. Janet blushed a little at my forwardness, but laughed saying, “Yeah I was thinking about it”. I told her that I was going to take off in a few minutes, but not before I say goodnight to everyone, and if she were interested to let me know.
While heading back to my friends, I reflected on what just transpired and laughed, “Not even one day at the convention and I am already getting myself into trouble. It must be because I stayed away for a few years. Oh well, I need to make up for lost time!”. I ended up telling everyone that I was tired from working this week, the flight, and just wanted to rest up for fun tomorrow. While saying goodbyes, Rachel’s step-father came up to me and asked if I would mind escorting his wife back to the hotel because she was not feeling too well. I replied saying “Of course!”, while at the same time thinking to myself, “I guess it didn’t take her long to make up her mind”. Standing there behind him I see Janet trying to fake a stomach ache, and Rachel with a ridiculous evil grin on her face. What had I gotten myself into?
Just before leaving, Rachel’s step-father came up with the great idea of taking a quick few family photos while everyone was dressed up, to use for the annual Christmas card. Janet tried to delay it for another day, but her husband would not take no for an answer. In order to speed things along I suggested that I use my phone, and could text the pictures to Rachel after.
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