
College Daze – Chapter 1

What happens when a brother and sister become college roommates . . . ?

College Daze – Chapter 1

“You in?” I asked my eighteen-year old sister Tandra.

“Yeah, let’s hit the road” she answered, double checking that her seat belt was properly latched.

I slipped my van into reverse and started to back out of the driveway of our parents house, experiencing a shot of deja vu from this same scene last year. Back then, my little sister had stood at the side of my vehicle looking like she’d lost her best friend. I could still see the tears in her eyes as I pulled away for my trip to my first year of university. That memory was burned into my brain, along with the pain I’d felt at leaving home, our parents, and especially my bratty twerp of a sister.

Tandra and I had been close all our lives, and had shared a lot of intimate information over the years of high school. When she’d come home looking like she was on cloud number nine, I knew she’d had her first sexual experience, which she told me all about, right down to the smallest detail. I’d had an erection for most of her tale. Just seeing me aroused and squirming had brought a giggle to her pouty lips.

I’d had a girlfriend for most of high school, Cassie Mansden, and my sister had pried all the details of our first time of lovemaking out of me. Afterwards, I was kind of worried that Tandra would blab her little head off, and had promised myself that I’d keep my big mouth shut after that. But my sister never said a word to anyone, raising my appreciation of her discretion several notches in the process. In fact, she and Cassie had become close friends. How much information about me they shared, I had no idea.

This year would be Tandra’s first experience of living away from home when she started her advanced education at the same university that I attended. Mom and Dad had suggested that we split the cost of a two-bedroom apartment just off campus. I’m not sure if their reasoning was economic or if they hoped that we’d keep an eye on each other for safety and security reasons. All I knew was that the two of us had struck a mutual agreement that neither would pass judgement on the other when it came to dating or sex. All the evidence from the years of growing up indicated that if one of us had someone over for the evening, it would be no problem. In fact, I didn’t see too many problems on any front.

Actually, I was looking forward to having my sister for a roommate, simply because Tandra was a much better housekeeper than I’d ever been. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve never been too keen on living in a pig stye apartment, but I’m nowhere near being a “neat freak” either. My roommate from last year, Dave Preston, had never seemed to care just how many dirty dishes were piled in the sink, nor how high that pile got. I think he must have been breeding dust-bunnies as a biology project, because he seemed to be allergic to vacuum cleaners. I needed the financial assistance he brought though, so just kept my mouth shut and did what was necessary to keep the health board from having the place condemned.

“Looking forward to this?” I broke into Tandra’s silence. “You figure you can put up with your big brother? I’ll warn you, it could get rough, especially when it’s exam time. I can get pretty intense studying, so plan on becoming celibate for the two weeks before we write our finals.”

“I know what you’re like, Keith. I’ve been around you my whole life. Remember? Just don’t make me come home to a garbage dump and naked bodies all over the place. One or the other might be okay, but both at the same time? No way. Try it once and I’ll never have to worry about nieces or nephews, guaranteed.”

If it had been anyone besides Tandra, I might have been worried. But this was my little sister, complete with her warmth, caring, and more consideration than a brother has any right to expect. I reached across the seats to give her hand a squeeze as a sign that I really did appreciate how easy-going she was. She acknowledged my gesture with a quick peck on the cheek, something that had started between us mysteriously when I was in grade ten, and had just started dating Cassie. I have no idea what happened to induce her to kiss me that first time, but I still enjoyed the closeness between us, and those kisses were a part of it.

“When did you stop being such a bratty little twerp?” I quizzed her teasingly.

“Me? A bratty little twerp? Never!” she snapped back in a mockingly hurt tone. “I never had time to be a brat when you became a complete asshole, especially when you started high school. And while we’re on that subject, when did you stop? Being an asshole, I mean.”

“Who? Me? When was I being an asshole?” I used my best wounded pride imitation.

“Umm, let’s see. I’d say it started when I was about two or three, and lasted until . . . until you got laid the second time. I don’t know how Cassie managed it, but she did turn you into something approximating a human being. I mean, I’ve never been particularly religious, but that was as close to a divine miracle as I’ll ever see! God, that girl was good!”

She was right, in more ways than one. Cassie was pretty special, even now. She was studying at a Fine Arts school not far from the university, and we still got together whenever our busy schedules allowed. On more than one occasion, we’d even had some mind-blowing sex. She could think of positions and fantasies that would have embarrassed the Happy Hooker, I swear!

“You ever see her any more?” Tandra broke into my reverie. I glanced sideways and was presented with my sister’s look of concern.

“Yeah, we still go out once in a while, but it’s not the same” I confessed. “Shit, I miss her, Sis.”

Despite being in the same city as the university, Cassie’s life was starting to take on a new direction, one that diverged from my own. Sure, we talked to each other a lot, and even went out on the occasional date. But we were drifting apart in spite of all our efforts not to. I’d realized that if my dream of becoming an architect were to come true, losing Cassie would be a part of the cost. It’d hurt like hell inside, and I’d even gone so far as to call Tandra on the phone when I just had to get it out of my system. She’d listened to me rant and rave about my frustrations for a good two hours, never saying anything more than her heart-felt support for her big brother. God, I loved her for that.

The rest of the trip went by quickly, spurred on by our incessant bantering. Tandra really was a good travelling companion, even spelling me behind the wheel for an hour or two when my eyeballs threatened to slam shut about halfway to our destination. I’d bought the van to do local deliveries for a courier company, and should have been used to several hours behind the wheel. Our Dad had co-signed the loan with me, knowing that I needed the income to pay for my schooling. That was the independent streak in me that he’d instilled over the years. I wondered if my sister had inherited the same trait. Time would tell.

It was twilight when we finished off the three hundred mile journey, not including the time it took to find the apartment building. In spite of my sister’s cajoling that I ask someone for directions, we drove around and around until I found the place. There was no way I was going to admit being lost. It’s a guy thing.

We talked to the building’s manager for a few minutes, then rode the elevator to the second floor apartment that would be our home for the next ten months. Actually, it was a nice place, although a little barren with no furniture in it yet. Walking in the front door, there was a small but adequate galley kitchen to the left that opened to a combination dining area and living room. To the right and down a short hallway was the main bathroom on the right, a decent-sized bedroom on the left, and a huge bedroom straight ahead at the end, complete with an ensuite that held a gorgeous tiled shower in an all-glass enclosure. Tandra claimed the smaller of the two rooms, citing the fact that the main bathroom was just across the hall from her. I suggested she take the larger room, which would allow her the privacy I thought she deserved, but she was adamant that her idea made more sense. I’d learned a long time ago that arguing with my sister was an exercise in futility, and our rooming set-up was now cast in stone.

“Damn!” I cursed quietly. “I forgot that we’ll need furniture, and it’s a little late to be shopping tonight. Would you mind if we just hauled up what we’ll need for the morning, and crashed on the floor tonight, Sis?”

“Keith, if it was anybody but you, I’d tell you to fuck off. But for one night, I think I can live with the inconvenience. There’s a couple of boxes of blankets in the back of the van that we’ll need. Thank God this place has carpet on the livingroom floor, though. It’ll be a bitch to keep clean, but it’s soft enough to sleep on, for one night anyway. First thing tomorrow, we unload our shit, then go furniture shopping. That’s the deal here, okay?”

“I’ve got a better idea” I countered. “Let’s just unload everything and get it up here. We can store it in the big bedroom for now, then unpack once we get some furniture. Sound like a plan?”

“Yeah, okay, but I’m not looking forward to lugging all that shit around tonight,” Tandra told me in no uncertain terms, “and you’re buying supper afterwards. You got anything in mind that you’re going to feed me?”

“Umm, let’s see” I started to tease her. “If I hang you by your heels from the ceiling and feed you nothing but milk for a year . . . “

“That’s veal, you asshole! And if you’re trying to imply that your sister’s a cow, you’ll be singing really high notes when I’m finished with you!” Damn, that girl could give as good as she got. I kissed her forehead as a peace offering, and I could swear she leaned into me when I did. I knew, in that moment, that we’d get along just fine.

“Let’s go, Kiddo” I murmured, then spun her towards the door and gave her ass a light smack. I’d never done that to her before, and wondered if I’d live long enough to see another sunrise once I had. Tandra rubbed her butt mockingly as she gave me a saucy grin. No words were exchanged between us, yet that connection between brother and sister seemed to instantly strengthen. It felt good to be able to joke with one of the most important women in my young life.

My sister isn’t the most substantial female I’ve ever known. At five-foot seven, she’d have to wear her entire wardrobe to tip the scales over the one-fifteen mark. But she packed as much up to the apartment as I did, and never complained once. It took us over an hour to get everything upstairs, and when we were finished, we were both in desperate need of a shower. Tandra rummaged around until she found the box of towels that our mother had supplied for us, then located the soap and shampoo. She headed for the main bathroom, but returned within seconds.

“That tub’s going to need one hell of a good scrubbing before I’ll use it” she declared, her first complaint of the day. I glanced inside the doorway, and had to agree with her.

“Yeah, I see what you mean. Bathtubs aren’t supposed to be black like that, are they?” I agreed as my nose involuntarily wrinkled up. “Go use mine, and I’ll wait out here for you. Where’s your suitcase, so you’ll have something clean to put on?”

There was a mysterious gleam in her pretty blue eyes as she headed for my bedroom door and the waiting shower. Just before she opened that door, she turned to me and made a suggestion that almost stopped my heartbeat.

“Get your stinky ass in here, Keith. You need a shower worse than I do. I wonder how much hot water we can get out of this place?”

“Tandra, what the fuck are you talking about?” I squeaked out, my failing voice betraying the hope that she was suggesting we share the shower. “That stall might be big enough for two, but you’re my sister, for god’s sake!”

“Look, asshole,” she almost commanded, “I have to live with you for the next year. If you think I’m going to worry about you seeing my naked body, or me seeing yours, you’d better get your head re-examined! You’ve seen me in my bra and panties before, and it’s not like you weren’t running around in just your shorts when we were growing up. That adds up to three pieces of clothing between the two of us. Doesn’t leave much to the imagination, does it? We’re bound to see each other nude around here at least once. Any good reason to delay the inevitable?”

In a way, I was floored, but the idea of seeing my sister in her birthday suit had a definite appeal to it. The fact that she’d see me naked was almost irrelevant to me. I’ll admit that the thought of being allowed to gaze at her svelte young body was doing things to my cock that could prove embarrassing. Whether it was Tandra or me that would suffer from the sight was still unclear.

My sister picked up the towels and facecloths we’d need, along with the soap and shampoo, then disappeared into the ensuite. I heard the water begin to splash on the shower floor, swallowed hard, then peeled off my sweat-soaked T-shirt. With more than just a little trepidation, I undid my jeans and let them fall to the floor, which left me wearing nothing more than my shorts. That, and the beginnings of a raging hard-on at the thought of Tandra’s naked body about to be displayed for my visual pleasure.

She came back out and whipped off her shirt, revealing her firm and perky breasts still clad in her bra. Sure, I’d seen her running around in a bra before, but never as well displayed as now. My over-active imagination paled in comparison to the reality of actually being able to study her breasts, which I estimated to be somewhere between a B- and C-cup. Without any hesitation or apparent modesty, she started to undo her pants, and I felt her eyes rivet themselves on my semi-erect manhood.

“You planning on doing laundry in there, or are you going to take those off?” she inquired. I swear that the gleam in her eye became bright enough to illuminate the entire room without the use of lightbulbs. By now, she was standing in front of me wearing just her bra and panties, and I couldn’t help but get that image of her pussy burned into my brain as it strained against the fabric of her bikini panties. As if on queue, my tumescent cock rose to full erection, with the attendant tenting that goes with it.

“Oh wow!” Tandra exclaimed. “Is that because of me?” There was a teasing quality to her tone, and something more. It was almost as if she was looking forward to ogling my naked form. I swallowed hard again, then bit the bullet and let my shorts slip over my hips on their way to joining the rest of my clothing.

By now, Tandra had unfastened her bra, revealing every sensual detail of her upper body. It was impossible to miss the fact that her nipples were hard as diamonds, projecting a good half inch from her areolas. She was as turned on and horny as I was! God, I wanted to feel those magnificent orbs in my hands, to twist and pull her nipples in an effort to give her some pleasure, to suckle on her until she came for me! Then she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her panties and let them drop. My little sister had one of the most gorgeous pussies I’d ever seen, high and proud, and completely hairless! I could feel the pre-cum oozing out of me, leaving a smear of lubricating liquid at the tip of my cock.

Tandra moaned softly as she took in the sight of her naked brother, and I saw the tip of her tongue mindlessly sweep across her lips as her eyes locked onto the sensual sight before her. I’d never considered whether my body was anything special before, and wasn’t about to do an analysis now. But hers was something that most men can only dream about. Now I was being treated to the real thing, in all three dimensions. Even Cassie hadn’t gotten me as horny as my little sister had me right now.

“Your bigger than I thought” she murmured, “and if you keep that up, I’ll be dripping wet for the whole year.”

Her voice brought me out of my fantasy world and back to reality. I was a little shocked, although pleasantly surprised, that the sight of my naked body appealed to my little sister. I was torn between molesting her until we both climaxed, or hitting the shower in the hopes that neither one of us would have to suffer through our potential embarrassment any longer than necessary. I finally managed to get my legs to work again, and headed for the bathroom, inviting Tandra to precede me. The sight of her firm bubble butt wiggling in front of me as we went through the doorway did absolutely nothing to relieve my straining erection.

We entered the shower stall, with Tandra passing through the door first, and a strained air of unfamiliarity permeated our little world.

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