
Closer Than You Think



My neighbor and his wife had to go out of town suddenly to visit her mother who’d had a stroke. A mild one, and she was fine, but it was a good excuse to make the trip they’d put off for too long. They left their son, Mike, home so he could keep up his practice. It was his second year on his school’s football team, and he didn’t want to miss any of the late summer practices.

They asked me to stay at their house to look after Mike. I’ve been a bachelor all my life and wasn’t used to kids, but then, Mike wasn’t a little kid any more and could pretty much take care of himself. His folks just wanted some kind of authority figure around to make sure he ate some proper meals and wore clean underwear and didn’t tear up the house, and since I lived right next door, it was no trouble at all.

Another reason it was no trouble is because I had major hots for Mike! My being gay was another reason for being a bachelor all my life. I bought the house next door to Mike and his folks several years ago when Mike was just a budding teenager. Even then I could tell that he was going to be a very popular hunk with girls and boys. I became friendly with Mike’s folks right away. Not so much because of Mike, but just because that was the kind of folks they are. But Mike got my attention right away, and I’ve been keeping my eye on him since.

A couple of years ago Mike’s dad put an in-ground pool in the backyard, and did most of the finishing work himself. I spent a lot of time helping, which earned me an invitation to make use of the pool whenever I wanted. That gave me the opportunity to spend some time with Mike: as he loved the pool, and seemed to spend all his spare time in it. I loved to sit after grilling out and watch him dive into the water and then climb out all wet with his shorts clinging to and showing off his little bubble butt. I’d managed to stay in shape and could keep up with Mike’s swimming, and me and his dad played many water games together. Mike seemed to really enjoy my company, and his folks seemed to like me, too.

The side of my house that faced theirs had no windows, save for a small round window up in the attic. Their house was a one story, ranch style, while mine was two story. Many nights I heard splashing in the pool and figured either Mike or his dad was in the pool for a late night swim, but I couldn’t see over their fence from my yard. One night I was working on organizing my attic with thoughts of turning it into a home office when I heard the splashing again. This time I thought to look from my attic window. Now the fence didn’t matter as I had a clear view of their entire backyard and pool. I saw Mike swim to one side of the pool and climb out. He was only wearing his white cotton briefs, which, like all white briefs, seemed to vanish when they got wet. I could easily see Mike’s dick outlined in the briefs, and his butt clearly showed through. I stood there at my attic window and blew a load right onto my wall watching him cavort in the water.

A few nights later, Mike’s mom left on one of her many out of town business trips. Since I was used to working third shift I often did my house chores late at night, as I was always awake anyway. Once again I was working in my attic when I heard laughter from Mike’s yard. I went to the tiny window again and saw Mike and his dad on their patio. They were talking and joking – taking playful little punches at each other. Mike had a soda next to him and his dad had a beer.

I smiled some and watched them a while. It was nice watching a father and son having a good time together. I could tell they were simply having fun just being father and son. At first I’d considered walking over there but decided that the quality time they were having was more important. While I was watching them laugh, Mike suddenly picked up his dad’s can of beer and laughed as he poured some of it over his dad’s head. His dad jumped at the cold liquid, but only laughed. He jumped up, picked up Mike’s can of soda and threatened him with it. Mike jumped and skipped around his dad, daring him to try to catch up. Mike’s dad was my age but in great shape himself, and Mike was still not quite a match for him.

He grabbed Mike and picked him clean up off the patio, walked to the pool and threw him in, t-shirt, jeans, sneakers and all. I heard Mike yell as he flew through the air and his dad laughed as he hit the water. Mike surfaced and I saw his arms waving, telling his dad to come on in. His dad shrugged, laughed, and then just jumped right in the water with Mike, clothes and all. I laughed as I watched them play around and splash each other.

I already had the hots for Mike, but as I saw them climb out of the pool and saw their soaked jeans and t-shirts clinging to their bodies, showing them off, I began to be turned on by his dad too. I wasn’t doing without some dick to play with. I had several fuck buddies at the time. A few were my age, a few were younger, and one was 19 years old. So while I enjoyed getting some young butt, I was just as horny for good-looking guys my own age. Both Mike and his dad were making me awful horny that night! I thought it would be one of the hottest things I’d ever do if I could pork both of them in a 3-way.

I know some guys cringe at the idea of older guys fucking around with young guys, and they always slap their hands over their ears when someone tries to educate them, but I thought back to the days when I was young. Younger than Mike was now even. I knew what fucking was. I knew why my dick was getting hard. I knew what I was supposed to do with it, too. I just couldn’t find any one right away to help me out! I often wished I’d had an older guy to show me the ropes, but couldn’t find any until I was 18. Since then I always liked both younger and older guys.

While I liked playing around with young boys (and anyone under 30 is a young boy to me!), I always had a policy of not making any moves on them, but to wait until they came on to me. There are plenty of young guys who are turned on by older guys, so I wasn’t doing without. As hot as I was for Mike, I vowed not to touch him unless it was his call. Since I did have some guys to bring home with me and fuck around with, I contented myself with just being buddies with Mike and his dad, but made sure Mike knew I was always available whenever he wanted to do something. At their pool, especially when Mike was home alone, I always wore my skimpiest swimsuit. When I saw him coming toward my house I would rush to strip down to my underwear just so Mike would get used to seeing me that way. I figured if his eyes spent a lot of time checking out my body, I’d notice.

After Mike and his dad chased each other around the pool and threw each other in a couple of more times, I stood and watched them as they started to strip their wet clothes off. I thought they would strip down to their underwear and continue playing in the pool. My cock jumped to immediate attention when I watched them both unhesitatingly strip butt naked before they jumped back in the pool. I jacked hard as I watched them swim around naked. When they climbed out of the pool, they sat back down at the patio table to sip at their drinks. I then realized that they obviously spent a lot of time naked when they were alone together, and that thought made me coat the wall with another load of cum. I didn’t think there was anything sexual going on between them.

I knew a lot of fathers and sons hardly wore any clothes when they were alone together. My own father and I were always hanging around the house naked when my mom wasn’t home. We never did screw each other; we were just a couple of guys alone together and saw no need to wear clothes. Saved on laundry, my dad told me. My college days were before co-ed dorms were all over the place, and my dorm was full of nothing but naked guys walking up and down the hallways, hanging out in rooms with doors wide open, and horsing around in the showers. Again, there was nothing sexual going on except in my mind, my hand, and with the guys I could lure into my room.

So seeing Mike and his dad hanging around the patio naked together wouldn’t have phased me if it weren’t for the fact that both of them were drop dead fucking gorgeous! I spent many a night with my face pressed to that tiny attic window and my hand wrapped around my dick, while I watched them swim and fart around naked.

It became routine for me to run up to my attic and look through my window whenever I heard splashing from next door when Mike’s mom was out of town. Many times I would watch Mike climb out of the pool with only his underwear on, reach into his shorts, pull his little dick out and jerk off at the side of the pool and I would jerk off on the side of my wall. Sometimes I would watch his dad swim naked late at night and pound his meat under the water. Once I thought Mike had had it when I saw his dad walk outside just as Mike was shooting a load up in the air. But his dad only laughed and tossed Mike a towel. I didn’t hear what he said, but Mike just wiped himself off and jumped back in the water. His dad stripped down naked and jumped in with him and they had a good time. I was glad Mike’s dad was so understanding and let Mike jerk off, apparently whenever he wanted, which was a LOT of the time. I’d long since lost count of how many layers of cum I’d wiped off my attic wall.

That’s why I jumped at the chance to actually get to move in with Mike and live with him alone – even if it was only for a couple of weeks! Hell, I was hoping that Mike would feel comfortable enough with me to still hang out naked, and I could check out his body up close!

I got off work early the first night, but didn’t call Mike to tell him I was coming home because I figured he’d already be asleep. When I pulled into the driveway, I saw a light on in his bedroom window, but thought he’d just fallen asleep with the light on. I walked into the house as quiet as I could, left my boots by the door, and tip-toed upstairs. On the way to his room, I was hoping he also slept naked so I could maybe spend some time standing over him admiring his beautiful body.

As I got closer to his room, I heard a noise and realized he was still awake after all. I still was quiet, and as I looked around his door frame I saw him sitting in his desk chair – his back to me. He was working on his computer, and yes, he was naked! He still didn’t hear me, so I just peered around the corner of his door and watched him. The workouts he was doing on the football team were starting to show on his body. He was a receiver, and so was not the big bulky type, but had a good runner’s body going. He wasn’t all that tall; shorter than me, but the lanky kid I had gotten to know was slowly being replaced by broader shoulders with back and shoulder muscles starting to grow.

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