


This is a story in continuation of the “My first camping trip” series. it features the same main character, Cindy, but takes place a few years later.

Cindy was 14 now, a freshman in high school. 3 years had gone by since that first trip into her sexual life at this point, and physically, she had grown a bit. She was still fairly short and petite, skinny, 5’3″, had long straight blond hair. She still wore glasses, now a style resembling that of Ashliegh Banfield from the news, black rimmed and although somewhat stylish, her overall demeanor was a bit more geeky than that of most high school freshman girls. She didn’t wear flashy or very trendy clothes, wasn’t very interested in the big big fashion race that most young girls her age get obsessed with. Her style was somewhat plain, although still quite cute. Her breasts hadn’t grown much though, she barely filled an A cup, but it fit her petite stature. In school, she was quite reserved, didn’t have many friends, mostly quiet but had wonderful grades. All her teachers loved her but she didn’t really participate in any extra curricular activities.

It was the beginning of the school year, only 2 months into her first experience of high school. Unfortunately, she had been a bit depressed recently, her best friend Tracy, who had in the last few years been more of a girlfriend than best friend, and Tracy’s older cousin Blaire, had moved away at the end of the summer. It had been over two months now since she had experienced what she had gotten so used to, lesbian love with her 16 year old girlfriend. Aside from her and Blaire, Cindy had never been with any other girls. The last three years had been wonderful, but it had been very hard trying to keep it a secret from her older sister Allison who she still lived with. She didn’t think she would mind so much or judge her, but felt it extremely awkward to talk about her relationship with two older girls. Well, the only relief she felt anymore from this was that she wouldn’t have to hide or sneak around anymore.

A week ago though, she had gotten a package from Tracy and Blaire, a going away present. She was confused at first, but very glad that her sister hadn’t been home to see her get the package, because what was inside it, would not have been easy to explain. Inside the box, on the top, was a letter from Tracy.

“I’m so sorry we had to move away Cindy, you know how much i cared about you and how much I’ll miss all the fun we had. Hopefully I’ll be able to visit sometime, but I doubt it will be soon considering my families financial situation. But, until then, Blaire and I got these gifts for you. We know how much of a little perv you are, and how hard it’s going to be having to refrain from the kind of fun that your accustomed too hehe. So, enclosed in this box are some gifts we thought would help you get through it, a bunch of lesbian porn mags that Blaire and I collected, and, something I know you love (and wasn’t easy to get a hold of), a butt plug =). I know how much you love all things anal, and I hope you’ll be thinking of me whenever you use it.

Love you forever Hun,

“Oh my god….” Cindy said quietly to herself as she looked through the box. 15 very nasty porn magazines, and as promised in the letter, a medium sized, purple, butt plug. She just stood there for a moment at the edge of her bed staring at it all. She didn’t know what to think, she was excited of course at the prospect of the fun she could have with all this…. but so surprised at the gesture, and the plain boldness, of the gifts. Her excitement was cut very short though, as she hear the front door open and her sister start coming down the hall. In a panic, she knew she had to get rid of the stuff quick, or her sister may walk in and see the gross display of perverted pleasures. Quickly, she grabbed the mags and butt plug, and hid them in the closest available spot, her half-opened back pack that was sitting on the bed next to the box. Quickly after she hid the goods, she threw the box into the closet, turned around, and walked out of her room.

“Hey sis, good day at school?” her sister asked

“yeah… fine. Just got done with my homework. How was work?”

“Eh, it’s work. Thank everyday that your in school and don’t have to have a job, I’d take teachers and homework any day over having to support us everyday in that stupid office.”

“yeah…. not looking forward to that part i guess” replied Cindy finally. The rest of the evening, her and her sister shared dinner, sharing the typical small talk and chat that they had almost every night. Her sister asked again, as she did often, about what boys Cindy was interested in at school, which of course Cindy replied to as always with the same quiet shrug, and something short about how they were all stupid. Her sister laughed, Cindy didn’t know if her sister suspected her to be a lesbian, she probably did, but neither of them ever brought it up.

The next day, she walked the two blocks she did to school everyday, completely forgetting though that she had left her new gift in her back pack the night before. She got to her first class, sat down at her seat and went through the normal ordeal of school. A few minutes into the class of course, her teacher told everyone to pull out their books. Cindy grabbed her back pack that was sitting on the floor next to her, and opened it up to grab her book. A very unmistakable look of surprise came over her face as she realized that she had brought 15 lesbian porn mags and a butt plug to school. She was so shocked that she just stared at it for a few seconds before snapping out of it, digging past them, getting her book, and closing her backpack, hoping that no one would would find out what was in her back pack.

She was unlucky that day though, the girl sitting behind her HAD seen into her backpack, and although she didnt see the butt plug from her vantage point, she did see part of the cover of one of the porn magazines, the very very nasty, LESBIAN porn magazines. She of course stayed quiet but thought of what she should do with this information…. should she tell everyone? Should she confront Cindy about it? She didn’t know yet.

Her name was Kathryn. A year older than Cindy, being that Cindy was somewhat advanced and in a more advanced class, and quite a pretty girl. Not the typical, porn star hot style, but more of a very cute, somewhat tall, 15 year old sophomore in decent shape with perky B cups and a very firm ass. She’d been in soccer for the last 2 years, but wasn’t really much of a jock. Kind of an, in between girl. Friends with most, but not especially popular in any sense, except with the guys who all thought she was hot. Kathryn was a little reserved though with the boys, although she wasn’t especially smart in any right, she definitely didn’t want to be the center of any rumor mill floating around through high school.

So, as Cindy sat there in front of her, nervous as all hell, Kathryn decided she wouldn’t be the person to do to this girl what she would never want done to her. But, she did decide that she had to figure out a way to confront her about it. Kathryn had never thought about being with a girl, and still wasn’t even sure that it was where she wanted this to go, but the thought of looking at those magazines with Cindy, who she barely knew, was starting to excite her. Maybe Cindy was a full on lesbian and would try to seduce her? Maybe she was just curious and had never actually been with a girl. She didn’t know, but decided she HAD to find out.

Cindy had moved on from the incident, and decided that no one had probably seen into her backpack. What were the chances anyways? She spent the rest of the class in attention to the subject at hand, until the bell rang, and it was time for the 15 minute morning break. She usually used this time to use the bathroom, or get started on her homework out in the grassy area where most people hung out and talked. She didn’t feel the need to use the bathroom so she decided to get a quiet spot on a bench a little ways away from everyone where she could concentrate and try to get a few things done. What she didn’t notice, was that someone was following her. She sat down, and reached into her backpack, around the contraband, and grabbed out her history book to start going over the new chapter they were covering.

“Hey, that the only interesting reading material you have in that bag?” a voice said. Cindy was in shock…. someone saw!!! she hadn’t looked up yet, she was so embarrassed, but she recognized the voice. It was the girl who sat behind her in that last class, Kathryn. What could she say?

“umm…. why do you ask, Kathryn?” she finally muttered while slowly looking up but trying not to look her in the face.

Now Kathryn was nervous, she hadn’t planned this well was what the situation was obviously proving. She didn’t count on how obviously embarrassed and scared she was making Cindy. She didn’t want that, so she tried to think fast and come up with something to make it less so.

“I’m sorry, this is a little weird, I saw inside your backpack earlier…. the magazines and stuff. I didn’t want to freak you out, I wanted to know if I could look at them sometime, I’ve never seen inside one before” ok, that was a pretty good way to get it across she thought. Cindy should understand that without feeling too weird.

“ummm… well honestly I haven’t even looked at them myself, someone gave them to me and I had to hide them real fast, I just forgot about them. so, I uh, don’t know what to say, I guess you could borrow one but please don’t say anything to anyone.”

“Oh, thanks. Maybe um, since you’ve never looked at them we could just look at them together sometime? I’m pretty nervous about the whole thing but I couldn’t stop thinking about it in class. I won’t tell anyone I promise, I’m not one of those snobby stuck up girls, I’m just curious…”

“Well, umm, I don’t know if we should be looking at those right now, so when would you want to do this?” Cindy asked, now alot less embarrassed, and starting to feel a little turned on. Kathryn was really pretty, maybe she was into girls? Cindy started looking at Kathryn, imagining her coming over and looking at these magazines with her, and where it might lead.

“Are you busy afterschool? I walk the same way as you, I live a few streets over. Any ideas?”

“Well, my sister doesn’t get home till about 5, we could go to my house if you wanted, since its on the way and all.” This got a flutter in Cindy’s stomach going. Kathryn coming over to her house to look at porn with her? How lucky could she be. Hopefully she would like what she saw and maybe things would get steamy. But, she probably wasn’t really into girls, Cindy thought. She was probably just the kind of curious about what was in those things, and not into the whole girl-girl thing in real life. But, she would find out.

“Sounds good, meet me here after school?”

“Sure, I’ll see you then I guess.”

Kathryn walked away, back over to her group of friends, and went on with her normal day. Cindy watched her walking away, unable to take her eyes off her cute little ass. mmmm, she thought, would she like to get in there. She tried to keep herself realistic though, she didn’t want to get her hopes up. She was just so horny since Tracy had left, she had never been much into masturbating much, but recently she was having to satisfy herself at least once a day. The idea of a new girl was wonderful to her, but she couldn’t blow it.

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