
Christine’s Story I

As told to Eric Saxon by Christine

I had only a week left of summer camp. I had been going to this camp since I was eight. I loved that place in fact I still do. There was so much to do: the crafts, orienteering, the horses, the canoes and boats, I really liked sitting around the campfire with my friends singing songs and telling jokes. I could spend my whole life doing this.

Being only thirteen I was feeling sort of funny. I had been reading some of those romance novels, and my fantasies were turning to romantic heroes. I decided to go off by myself and just sit and look at the stars. It was a bright clear night but I had to get away from the glare of the camp lights to see them best. I would sometimes go down to the docks and sit on the end of a wharf looking up at the glowing constellations.

On this particular night it was just sunset as I sat down on the end of the dock. I took my sandals off and dangled my feet over the edge. The sky was ablaze with the darkness encroaching on the reds and purples of the coming night.

As I sat there I noticed one of the canoes gliding across the lake towards the dock. It was being piloted by the camp’s dreamiest councilor, Wesley, the son of the camps owner. Father and son live in the big house down by the road.

Wesley’s mother had died when he was young so his father raised him. They lived alone in that big house. The camp offices were there as well. I had a crush on Wesley since the first time I laid eyes on him when I was only eight years old. He usually treated me just like all the other pre-pubescent girls that populated the camp. I was not even sure he ever noticed me.

As he pulled the canoe up on the shore he looked at me and said. “Well as I live and breath its Christine! What are you doing down here on the dock all alone?”

‘Wow he does know who I am.’ I thought, but I said, “Oh I just came down here to see the sunset and look at the stars for a little while before I go to bed. I only have a week left of this camp and I want to see the sunset as often as I can before I go home.”

“I guess I kind of take those sunsets for granted. You’re right to enjoy them while you can. Do you mind if I join you for a while?”

Did I mind! Not in my life did I mind. He was the dream of my life. Just to have him talking to me was like a major event that I had only dreamed of forever. He was so tall and with blond hair bleached by the sun while he worked as a councilor at his father’s camp. His youthful body was in perfect manly shape, because of the duties of his work were physically demanding. No for sure I didn’t mind. To my teenaged mind he was the ultimate hunk. All of a sudden I felt awkward. I looked down at the water and weakly said. “Okey.” This was the first time he ever even acknowledged my existence.

We sat in silence for a few minutes as the sun sank slowly towards the treetops. The bright blue sky darkened and turned an almost purple colour. The clouds slowly began to glow bright pink then scarlet. I felt a little odd. I had never sat alone with a boy before. He must be eighteen or nineteen. It was the kind of situation you read about in the romance novels.

“You must be a little cold in just your shorts and a T-shirt.” He said.

“Not really,” I said, “the night is warm.”

I could hardly see his tanned body in the gathering darkness. We sat a little longer.

Did you ever go swimming at night?” he asked.

“No.” I answered with a quiet voice.

“We could jump in right now.” He suggested.

“I don’t have my swim suit.” I said.

“We could skinny dip.” He said with a little laugh. To make the point he pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it over his shoulder. He moved a little closer to me and whispered, “are you going to take off your shirt too Chris?”

I sat really still and didn’t say a word. I really wanted to take my shirt off for him, but I knew I mustn’t. Good girls just didn’t do those things. I kept my head down and gripped the edge of the dock tightly as the darkness gathered around us. I finally answered in a very quiet voice. “No.”

“I’m sorry.” He said quietly. “I didn’t mean to pressure you. I just thought I would tease you a little. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

We sat there in silence as the sun completed its journey behind the trees. I felt really strange now. I just sat quietly blushing at the thought of taking my clothes off and getting into the water with this naked hunk.
I sneaked a peek at his bare chest that seemed even more manly in the darkness. I felt a little twinge in my pubescent pussy.

“What if someone saw us?” I nervously asked.

“There is no one here. They’re all up at the camp, probably going to bed. Nobody can see us.”

My mind was in turmoil. I didn’t know what to do. I gathered my nerves together and then slowly grasped the bottom of my T-shirt and lifted it up and tossed it over my shoulder.

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