Chris and Christie: Making it work part 3
Chris and Christie: Making it work part 3
Sex Story Author: | theblackknight |
Sex Story Excerpt: | You could have called me and I would have come and got her.” Hailey smiled and waved her hand. “It |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, Hardcore, Male/Female, Romance |
This is the final chapter of the sage of Chris and Christie. Many thanks to those who have commented.
This has always been a story about a relationship between two people. Some have complained about the flaws in the characters, but they are human, subject to failings and imperfections. Neither one of them is perfect, but they have had to learn to accept each others’ shortcomings. In the end, that is what every relationship must do.
I will leave the two of them alone after this, I can’t see myself coming back to them any further. There are other tales to be told, and I think these two have earned an end to their story.
Thank you for reading.
The two of them strode through the hotel gardens, linked arm in arm while Hailey rested her head against Christie’s shoulder.
“How long has this been going on?” She asked her.
“For a while now.” Christie murmured as she dabbed her eyes with a Kleenex. The two of them had hastily exited the dining room, they had been drawing quite a bit of attention as they sat there crying into their Mimosa’s.
“It just seems that everywhere we go, we run into some girl that he slept with.” She sighed and Hailey clasped her arm even tighter.
“I wish that it didn’t bother me so much, but it does. Every time I see another girl, I wonder if he’s thinking about her, if he wants to have sex with her, if he did have sex with her, and if he’d rather be with her than with me.”
“Do you think he’s cheating on you?”
“No. But I can’t help but wonder if he’s thinking about other women. He keeps telling me that I’m the only one for him, and I know that, but …”
“But you still have these jealous feelings.”
“Yes.” The two girls came to rest on a small bench. “And it’s driving a wedge between us. There’s this big space now, I can feel it. And I want to get past it, but I can’t.”
“Have you talked to him about it?”
“I can’t.”
Hailey looked up at her. “Can’t, or won’t?”
Christie looked down at her hands and began to cry again. “I’m afraid to. I’m afraid of what I’m going to say, and what he’ll do. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I can’t lose him!”
Hailey sat silently for a moment before speaking again. “Christie… do you really even have him right now?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well you’re dating, but where is it going? I thought for sure when you two got together it would be ‘happily ever after’, but you’re holding on so tightly that you’re pushing him away. Can’t you see that?”
Christie sighed heavily and wiped her eyes.
“It was great, at first. But then Chris started working on top of going to school, and now we seem to barely have time together. This is the first time we’ve ever gone anywhere together, just the two of us.” She started to cry again. “When you’re in love, it shouldn’t be this hard.”
“When did it start being hard?” Hailey queried.
Christie thought for a while before smiling ruefully. “When I stopped fucking his brains out every time we ran into one of his ex’s.”
Hailey chuckled, and Christie soon joined her. “I just couldn’t keep up the pace, we kept seeing them everywhere. And then I started to believe that every woman we saw, he had slept with.”
“He may have.” Hailey pointed out. “Chris got around.”
Christie snorted. “You aren’t helping.”
“Do you remember when I called you that night at the movies? How upset I was that Chris had already had sex with some other girl?”
Christie answered carefully. “Yes. You were thinking about sleeping with him so he wouldn’t break up with you.”
“That’s right.” Hailey responded. “And it would have been a terrible mistake. Do you remember what you told me? To make sure that I was ready, and not to do it because I felt pressured. It was the best advice I could have gotten. I wasn’t ready. Not then. I waited until I was, and it was the right thing to do.”
“Hailey, what does all this have to do with my situation?”
Hailey smiled at her. “Because I couldn’t do anything about the past. And neither can you. I couldn’t do anything about the fact that Chris had already had sex with someone else. Neither can you. You have to let that go and concentrate on the future. Your future. Not his past.”
“Hailey, Chris had sex with one girl before you. One. He’s had sex with dozens of girls now.”
“But he isn’t having sex with them now, he’s having sex with you.”
Christie dabbed at her eyes. “Right now, it seems that the only thing keeping us together is the sex. And even that’s starting to change. It used to be that we could feel a real connection, we weren’t just fucking, we were making love. But now… It’s different. There’s something missing. We aren’t as close. And he can feel it too.” She looked off into the distance wistfully. “I want him in my bed. And not just for the sex. I want to go to sleep with him each night, and wake up beside him in the morning. Every morning. But whenever I try to talk about moving in together, he won’t even discuss it. He just comes up with some bullshit excuse why we can’t.” She began crying again. “I feel like we aren’t going anywhere.”
“Oh honey.” Hailey said as she pulled Christie into a tight hug. “I wish I could fix what’s wrong between you.”
“Listening to the two of them … I thought what Chris and I had was special, but if he made every girl feel that way, then I’m just another notch on his bedpost.”
“Come on, you’re more than that.”
“Am I? Chris made all of them feel like they were the most important woman in the world; that no one existed but them.” She wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I thought that I was special, but I’m not. I’m just one more girl in an endless parade of floozies marching through his bedroom.”
“Christie, stop it. You are not. You are so much more to him. And I’m not a floozy, thank you very much.”
Christie sat back and sniffled. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”
Christie cried for a while before she finally settled down. She looked at Hailey warmly and smiled at her. “I feel awful, dumping this on you right now. It’s your wedding. We should be talking about that, not my problems.”
Hailey leaned back against the bench. “My problem is I’m horny as hell.”
Christie smiled at her. “I can’t imagine what you were thinking, not having sex for the past couple of months.”
Hailey snorted. “James’s idea. He thought that it would make our wedding night more special. And like an idiot, I agreed.”
“I don’t see why you just don’t drag him off somewhere. Tell him you want to show him something.”
Hailey laughed. “No good. He told his parents about the idea, and now his mother has made it her sworn duty to keep the two of us apart. The old bitch.”
“Hailey! She’s going to be your mother-in-law!”
“Well right now she’s the one standing between me and sex.”
“I wonder how he’s holding up.” Christie said.
“I’ve been sexting him for the past month.” Hailey grinned mischievously. “He told me his hand is raw.”
Christie stifled a laugh as Hailey continued.
“Anyways, my problem is going to be solved tomorrow. Yours isn’t.”
Christie smiled at that. “I wish a good fuck would solve my problems, I’d never have to worry again.”
The two of them laughed at that before heading back inside. Christie felt much better having finally unburdened herself of her problems, but now that she had finally put them out in the open she was going to have to deal with them and her emotions were swirling as she climbed the stairs.
As Christie returned to their room, she found Chris just getting out of the shower.
“Are you just now getting up?” She queried.
“No, I went for a run. Just got back. How was brunch? You were gone for a long time.” “It was fine. We were catching up. And we have the bachelorette party tonight as well.”
“Did you have fun?”
“Oh yes. Amanda and Samantha were there too, Hailey’s old cheerleading friends. It was … very informative.”
Chris was instantly wary. He had fucked all four girls, but he wasn’t sure if they knew that. They all obviously knew about him and Hailey, and now him and Christie, but he had never mentioned his dalliances with Samantha to anyone, even though Samantha had been just as promiscuous in high school as he had been, so he figured that Hailey and Amanda knew about the two of them, but he wasn’t sure what Christie knew, and he was pretty sure that no one knew about him and Amanda.
Christie fixed her steady gaze on him. “I thought that Hailey was exaggerating when she told me that you had slept with all the cheerleaders in school. I guess she wasn’t.”
Chris blushed and started squirming; feeling like the room was closing in on him. Was she going to make a big deal out of this?
“It was a long time ago.” He said.
“Did you just not have any restraint Chris? Could you not turn any of them down?”
“Christie, let’s not do this.”
“Do what? It’s a simple question Chris. I turned down plenty of guys who wanted to fuck me, could you not turn down any of the girls who wanted to fuck you?”
“It’s different for guys…” As soon as he said it, Chris knew it was a mistake.
“I guess so. Every guy that I met, every guy that wanted to date me, I measured them against you, and they all came up short. I guess you had a lower standard.”
“Christie, I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry. I don’t know what else I can say.”
Christie glared at him as he stood there, his palms raised towards her, trying to calm her down. She could feel her temper rising as he tried to appease her.
How dare you? She thought to herself. You fucked all those girls, own up to it! Take responsibility for it like a man!
“Why would you do that? Did you ever turn any of them down, or did you fuck anything that moved? I thought that you were better than that!”
“I’m sorry.” Chris repeated. What did she want him to say? What could he say? He had been a horn dog while he was in high school, he couldn’t deny it. But Christie had no right to be upset about that, they hadn’t been together then.
“It made me sick to my stomach to sit there and listen to them talk about you that way. They still remember every detail. And they still think about you.”
Chris looked at his feet. This wasn’t something that they had ever talked about, and although he had wanted them to get these issues out in the open so they could get past them, he didn’t like how this was going.
“Do you still think about other girls? When we’re together who are you thinking of? When we make love are you thinking of someone else?” She started crying as she continued on. “How could you do this to me?”
Chris looked at her, confused and exasperated. “What did I do to you? We weren’t together then.”
“IT DOESN’T MATTER!!!” Christie screamed, shocking the both of them into silence. She took a deep breath to regain her self control before she continued in a calm and steady, if somewhat brittle voice.
“You have humiliated me, and hurt me. And I cannot be around you right now.” She began walking back out, but Chris reached out and stopped her.
“Christie, come on. You’re acting crazy. Just calm down and let’s discuss this rationally.”
“I am calm!” Christie hissed at him, angrily shrugging his hands off of her. “Get your hands off of me!! I don’t want to talk about all the girls you’ve fucked! I bet you can’t even remember their names!”
Chris looked at her, bewildered. What difference does that make?
“Christie, why does it matter?”
“Am I going to be one of those girls one day? Just another conquest? Some girl who’s name you can’t remember? Just another fuck? How many girls have you had sex with? Can you even remember the number?”
“You’re not acting rationally.” Chris responded. “I don’t want to talk about other girls; I want to talk about us.”
“You want to talk about us?” She responded angrily. “Were you thinking about us when you fucked all those sluts?”
Chris knew that there was no way to win this argument, but he couldn’t stop himself from trying.
“Christie, that was so long ago. How could I think about us? There was no ‘us’, we barely spoke!”
“And whose fault was that? I tried to talk to you Chris, but you would barely say two words to me!”
“And do you remember why?” Chris asked. Christie blanched at that, and Chris knew he was treading in dangerous waters. They had never really discussed the fateful night that she had broken his heart. She had apologized to him but they had never really talked about it, they had merely brushed it under the rug.
“I’ve apologized for that Chris, why are you bringing that up now? That’s not the issue here.”
“And I’m sorry for having slept with other girls, okay? So we’re even now.”
Christie glared at him. How dumb can you be? She wondered to herself.
“You just don’t get it.” She said to him.
“Get what? We’ve both made mistakes, I’ve forgiven you, now you need to forgive me and move past this.”
Christie was lived. Her face turned dark and her eyes narrowed to two slits. Chris had never seen her like this before. “So this is my fault? Is that what you’re saying? This is my responsibility?”
“No Christie, that’s not what I’m saying …”
“Fuck you!!” Christie spat at him and stormed out the door, leaving Chris standing there in her wake.
Christie stomped downstairs, seething. She got to the lobby and glared around.
Now what? She thought to herself. She headed into the dining room, not really sure what she was looking for. She spotted a table in the corner with several bottles of liquor on it and headed straight for it, grabbing a bottle of Grey Goose and heading outside. She wandered towards the pool and sat on a chaise, wiping away some angry tears as she opened the bottle and took a sip. She coughed a bit and took a larger drink, trying to numb her feelings.
How could he be so insensitive? So uncaring? Didn’t he know what he was doing to her? How he was making her feel?
She took another drink and wiped away more tears.
What an asshole…
What a brat…
Chris stood in the middle of the room, shaking his head and wondering what the hell had just happened. He had been questioning his relationship with Christie for a while now, and this incident had just confirmed his doubts. He headed downstairs in search of a drink. As he was headed into the lobby, he came across an interesting sight. James was being blocked from going upstairs by a well coiffed woman in her 50’s.
“Now James, you have no excuse for being here. You need to head back down the road.”
“Mom, come on.” James pleaded. “We just need to iron out some last minute details is all.”
She laughed merrily at that. “James, I’m not falling for that. Now go on. You’ll see her tomorrow.”
James sulked and turned away as his mother headed back upstairs. He saw Chris and nodded a greeting. “Hey man, you want to get a drink?”
Chris grimaced. “I could use one right now.”
“Come on.” James led him towards the door.
“Why can’t we grab one here in the bar?” Chris asked.
“Because I’m going to go out of my mind knowing that Hailey’s around here somewhere and I can’t see her.”
“What are you talking about?” Chris asked as they headed towards the drive.
James sighed heavily as he climbed into a Mercedes. “We haven’t had sex in nine weeks.”
Chris gaped at him from the passenger seat. “Nine weeks?!? Why the hell not?!?!?”
James sighed heavily as he pulled out of the drive and onto the main road. “I wasn’t paying attention. One morning my mom was talking about an article she had read about making your wedding night ‘special’ by abstaining from sex, and the next thing I know I’m somehow not supposed to sleep with Hailey until we get married.”
Chris chuckled. “How did Hailey take it?”
“Not well.” James confirmed. “Somehow when my mom explained it to Hailey, it turned into my idea. So she’s been punishing me by sending me naked pictures of herself ever since.”
Chris laughed as they pulled onto a main street and headed towards a bar.
James grumbled as he changed the subject. “So Hailey tells me that you and Christie were neighbors when you were younger.”
Chris smiled. “Yeah. I had a major crush on her growing up. She used to sunbathe out in the backyard and I’d go out back to do yard work and check her out. She had no idea that I was scoping her out. I was in love with her, big time.”
“And now you’re together.” James concluded. That’s pretty cool.”
Chris nodded and looked out the window. But this isn’t how I thought things would be…
As they settled in at the bar and ordered a couple of beers, Chris cast an appreciative glance at the female bartender. It wasn’t uncommon after he and Christie had a fight for his eye to start wandering a bit.
He raised his mug in a toast. “To you and Hailey. Congratulations.”
“Thanks man.” James clinked his mug against Chris’s and took a sip. Just then, his phone beeped. He checked it and let out an audible groan.
“Oh my Gooooddddd.” And he lay his head on the bar and began steadily thumping his forehead against it.
“Hailey?” Chris asked on a hunch.
“She’s so flexible.” James moaned.
“One more day.” Chris told him patting him on the back. “You can make it.”
“She had her boobs done right after we stopped sleeping together.” James mournfully declared. “All I’ve seen are pictures.”
Chris laughed out loud as James drained his beer and signaled for another.
“I know the feeling. My deployments were 7 months long. You’ll make it, just one more day.”
“My mom thinks that she’s so sweet and innocent.” James continued. “She has no idea…”
Chris laughed and drained his own mug to keep pace with James. As the bartender brought them another round, she gave Chris a sultry smile and he winked at her.
James grinned at Chris as she walked away. “I think she likes you.”
Chris shrugged nonchalantly. “Yeah, but it’s not like I’m going to do anything about it.”
“With a girlfriend who looks like yours, I don’t blame you.”
Chris shrugged. “Yeah, but you know the old saying. ‘No matter how hot she is, some guy is fed up with her shit.’” He shook his head mournfully. “Why do all the hot girls have issues?”
James sipped his beer and stared ahead. “Things not going well?”
Chris stared straight ahead. “Nothing major.” He lied. “Just … couple stuff.”
James chuckled and finished his beer. “Yeah, it takes time to stop thinking just about yourself and start thinking about someone else instead. Before I met Hailey, the only thing that I cared about was going out with my bros, getting drunk, and finding some chick to fuck. But as soon as I met her, I knew. I spent half a year chasing her, but I wasn’t going to let her get away. It took me some time to change my thinking, but I don’t regret giving up anything for her.”
Chris smiled. He hadn’t ever chased after Christie, he always figured that she was out of his league and he had been shocked as hell when she came onto him, but he hadn’t ever complained about it. Hell, he hadn’t ever had to chase after any girls in high school, after he and Hailey had broken up they all came to him. One of them had told him once that it was considered a rite of passage by the cheerleaders to fuck him. And if the popular girls were doing it, everyone else wanted to do it, too. The fact that he was so well endowed and such a considerate lover went a long way, too.
What a lucky bastard I’ve been. He thought to himself. Being unpopular growing up, he had been determined to seize the opportunity to have as much sex with as many girls as possible. As he started to think back about his many conquests, he was a little surprised and slightly disappointed to realize that Christie was right; he couldn’t remember most of their names.
Christie spent a couple of hours sitting by the pool and drinking before she dozed off. When she awakened, she was surprised to see the sun setting. She glanced at her watch and saw that she still had an hour before the party started. She headed back upstairs, hoping that Chris wouldn’t be there. Thankfully he wasn’t, and she showered and got ready before heading downstairs to meet the other girls. She arrived about 10 minutes early, and decided to grab another drink before they left. Samantha and Amanda were already at the bar when she arrived and waved her over. Christie ordered a vodka cranberry and swallowed half of it in a single gulp.
“Whoa girl, take it easy! We have all night.” Amanda cautioned her.
“I’ll be fine.” She waved away their concerns.
“Well you look fiiiinnnneeee.” Samantha told her. “You’ll be attracting plenty of attention tonight.”
“She always did.” Amanda chipped in. “I remember back in school how all the guys in school were in love with her.”
Christie blushed slightly. “You two got plenty of attention yourselves. All of the cheerleaders did.”
“Not the way that you did.” Amanda said. They chit chatted a while longer, and by the time the party was ready to leave; she had already had three drinks.
Chris and James had spent a couple of hours having drinks before James dropped him back off at the inn. Christie was nowhere to be found, which relieved Chris to no end. Although they had fought in the past year, what happened today was unlike anything that had happened before. Things had been gradually going downhill, and what happened today seemed to be the last straw. He tried to imagine his life without Christie in it, but simply couldn’t do it.
Now what? He wondered forlornly. We can’t go back to the ways things were, not after today, and I don’t think that we can recover from this…
He ate by himself in the dining room that night before going upstairs and turning in, feeling more insecure about their relationship then he ever had before.
He was awakened several hours later by repeated knocking on his door. He glanced blearily at the clock.
3 a.m. What the hell? He looked over his shoulder and realized that Christie still wasn’t back. She must have forgotten her key. He was surprised that she would want to spend the night with him, but took it as a good sign that she had returned to their room instead of staying somewhere else.
He pulled his robe on over his pajamas and stumbled through the suite.
He opened the door to see Christie drunkenly swaying back and forth, supported by Hailey and another girl.
“Can you give me a hand with her?” Hailey asked.
Chris reached out and swept Christie up in his arms.
“Wheeee!!!!” She slurred. “I’m getting a ride!!”
Chris cocked an eyebrow at Hailey. “I thought it was the bachelorette who wound up like this.”
Hailey smiled. “I think she got a head start. Besides, there’s no way I’m getting married with a hangover. Let me help you.” And she walked into the room as she bade goodnight to the other girl.
“I drank … everything.” Christie mumbled.
“Yes, you did sweetie.” Hailey replied. “And you threw it up in the bushes outside.”
“I think … I’m not done yet.” Christie mumbled. Chris hurried into the bathroom and got her over the toilet. Hailey hustled after him and held her hair back as Christie hunched over the bowl and vomited.
“I’ve got her from here.” He told Hailey. “Thanks for bringing her up. You didn’t have to do that, you know.
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