
Choked, leashed & taken for a ride

Eve’s day off during the summer holiday gets a rough turn when her love for accessories makes her subject to unexpected experiences.

Hi! I’m Eve. This happened to me a while ago. I have not really kept count of when, but roughly 1 year, 9 months, 12 days, 7… or maybe 8 to 9 hours ago. I’m not sure since I had a hard time keeping track of time when all of this went down. I am writing this down as accurately as I can. But I am not doing it for your amusement! I do it to let it out of my system. I am in serious need to communicate my thoughts about it, but as you can probably understand from the tags that I have put on this story, it is not something that I can talk to my friends about. I am hoping that after expressing myself in this manner, I might be able to close this chapter of my life by accepting what happened to me and how it made me feel.

Alright, so where to start from? I am taking you back to August of 2021. I was still studying engineering at college. I had been working on my diploma work for the whole summer and I just wanted to relax before the final year kicked off. I still had a week before the semester started so I was visiting my parents and relatives in my hometown. I am a bit lazy when it comes to visiting relatives. But fortunately for me, almost everyone in my family lives close by, so it is easy to meet everyone during the same trip. However, this story actually happened during one of the days when I had the whole day for myself. Things would not have escalated as far as they did if I had not been alone.

The town where I grew up was not huge. I mean it’s roughly 60k people. Let’s just say that there are more than enough people so there was always something to do, but not so much that you would feel crowded. My parents had built their house a few kilometers away from the city center. It was a nice and peaceful neighborhood. It was so calm that people did not bother even locking their doors when they were away for a short period. In fact, I cannot even remember when the last time my parents closed the backdoor to the backyard. There was no AC in my parent’s house, so leaving the door open during the summer kept the house cool.

Anyway, as I said before, I had the whole house for myself. My parents were away for a few days at their own mini-vacation. They were driving around the country and taking it easy. They usually travel outside the country during summer, but pandemic time was preventing all the more fun plans people might’ve had. Including my parents being away, the neighborhood was pretty much dead as well. I was even instructed to feed the dog from the next door and once in a while take him to walk. Brody was Anatolian Shephard’s dog, and he was big. And when I say big, I do mean big. He definitely weighs more than I do. I have heard someone saying that he is about 70kgs. And when he is standing with two legs, he has no problems reaching to lick my face with his rough tongue. It is not something that I am too fond of anymore, but it is quite funny when he does it for others. He drools just enough so he can soak anyone who is not expecting him to jump. Anyway, in short, he is a big and loving animal.

I suppose I should tell a few words about myself to put things in perspective. I’m 24 years old, 172 centimeters tall, and weigh 52 kilograms. I try to stay reasonably fit, but I am not fanatic about it. I love my beautiful B-cups breasts and my slim body type makes my boobs look bigger than they actually are. I do not mind that one detail at all. I am still trying to find myself in this world, so I am making an effort to seek different things. Currently, I am testing certain elements from the gothic world. I would not say that I would identify myself as a goth, but I got fascinated with a few things. For example, I have colored my long hair black and use a little bit stronger colors with my makeup. Also, while doing some online shopping, I found some unique accessories like bracelets and chokers. It felt risqué when I tried the choker out the first time, but I found myself loving it.

But besides these few unique things about my appearance, I dress up just like everyone else. I don’t want to over-sexualize myself, so I try to keep things mild. Well, mild, at least outside of the bedroom 😉 Just a few months ago, my then-boyfriend surprised me during one of our sexual endeavors. We were doing it doggy style and during the session, he pulled one of the two metal rings attached to my choker. He did not yank the choker with all his might, instead, he slowly pulled me further and further until I could not even touch the bed with my fingers anymore. I remember orgasming so hard that I almost lost my mind. I know that it’s not very feminist to say that I like to be spanked and taken by a man, but God damn it felt good. He moved to the other side of the country after last semester, so it is not likely that I will be seeing him again. But I do remember fondly of our time together and those thoughts tend to make me feel all tingly inside.

It was a hot August day, very close to 30 Celsius. I had nothing planned for the whole day, besides the chores that I was supposed to do. Everything could be done in a few minutes, so I was basically free for a whole day. I was just riding a bike back to my parent’s house. I went swimming at a lake close by. Swimming feels heavenly during days like this. Not only it will instantly make you feel better but letting your hair dry on its own almost guarantees you being cool for the next few hours. I felt refreshed while riding back and ready to do absolutely nothing when I arrive back at the house. I was wearing a summer dress and underneath I had the bikini I wore while swimming. The beach does have places where you could change your clothes, but I did not mind riding back home with a wet bikini and changing at home.

I arrived at the front yard and put my bike in the garage. Before entering the house, I went to check up on Brody next door. I might as well feed him now and check that he has enough water to last until the evening. I’m planning to take him for a long walk when the day cools down. Brody had its own dog house in the backyard. “The House of Brody” was painted above the entrance in big red letters. A lot of love was put to create that house for him.

During this summer, Brody was chained to his dog house. But it is quite a long chain. He can reach every corner of the yard from his dog’s house, so he has more than enough room for himself. Brody’s owners had to think long and hard if they leave Brody outside during the summer days or let him stay indoors. I probably should mention that during the summertime, the neighborhood may have a few dogs which have been let loose outside. Their owners can do it because it is a quite safe area, and no one seems to mind. But leaving Brody outside for a longer period was still a big decision. In the end, they felt he is probably happier at his own house outside and it is unlikely that he needs to do much to defend himself. As said, he is a big dog.

I opened the gate to Brody’s domain, and almost immediately furry rocket we like to call Brody started running towards me. It is intimidating when something so big is rushing toward you, but I knew that he would not hurt me. Just a few meters away from me, he put on his brakes and stops right in front of me. I reached down to pet him and said ‘Who’s the good boy? Yes! You are a good boy! Brody’s the good boy. We have this same ritual every time I visit him, and we both love it.

After obligatory greetings, I go inside to get his food. While he eats, I make sure that he has enough water and I also check that the yard itself is fine. I did not expect finding anything to be out of place, but I wasn’t in a hurry, so I took my time. Also, I am a somewhat curious person, so going through someone’s property just feels fun. To my surprise, I did find that part of the wooden fence was slightly broken. It looked like Brody had been trying to dig under it and accidentally break part of the fence in progress. The other side of the fence would have been my parent’s backyard, so it wasn’t a big deal. It’s not like he can get too far while being chained, and there was nothing at our side that would hurt him. But out of curiosity, I kneeled down to have a closer look.

Brody almost gave me a heart attack when he pushed his snout against my butt. I had not heard him sneaking behind me, so I jumped back up in panic. When I found out that it was just Brody, I “calmed down”. ‘NO BRODY! That is NOT what a good boy does. No Brody, no! Bad dog!’ I scolded him. But I am not sure if he understood me at all. He looked back at me like business as usual. It was obvious that he could not care less about my scolding. Sure, fine, I guess. He just scared me, nothing else. It was difficult to be mad at an animal. He is a dog who likes nice butts.

The damage to the fence was not serious, but after my parents get back home, I should probably mention it. After making a mental note about the fence, I decided to stay a few more minutes and play catch with Brody before I left. But just after a few throws, I started to feel the heat. I was becoming a little dehydrated since I had not drunk for a while. Luckily home is right next door and I started to head back in. I heard Brody whining for a moment after I closed the gate, but I’m sure he will be fine until I go take him for a walk later.

It was around 2 pm when I got back inside. I wasn’t really hungry because I had eaten lunch before I went to the beach. But I still decided to eat an apple while hydrating myself. Originally, I had planned to change my clothes and went to shopping or something in the town, but I decided to stay in for a while. I was feeling a little tired, so I might take a nap before heading out for dinner. I went to the bathroom and got undressed. I was not planning to change my clothes, but I did want to get rid of the bikinis that I had been wearing. I stared my image from the bathroom mirror. Even while being naked and not using make-up, I was giving out a gothic vibe. My slightly wet raven black hair was partially hiding my breasts. It revealed enough to make boys crazy (if there were any around), but hid enough to leave something for your imagination. I was also rocking my now signature choker around my neck. The choker was made from black leather, and it was held together by two metal rings, one at the front and one at the back. I’ve always wanted to tie something to those metal rings, but I had not figured out what yet. There are just too many sexy choices to choose from.

Focusing on the choker, brought me back to the sweet memories of being ravaged by my ex. The memory excited me deeper than I even realized. I even felt my pussy becoming a little moist. I touched my smooth pussy mound and felt a thrilling tingle emanating from my loins. A few months ago, I decided to shave all my pubic hair. It would have been tiresome to make the carpet match the drapes, so I found it easier to shave it away. An additional plus side is that I love the smooth feeling every time I touch myself. I allowed myself to explore further to my labia. I was indeed getting wet. I glanced at the mirror and smiled to myself. I knew that I was too tired to pleasure myself right this very moment, but I was certain that at some point today I would be screaming from pleasure. Back then, I had no idea how right I was.

Before exiting from the bathroom, I put my dress back on. Sure, I was riding a sexual high, but it still felt wrong to be completely nude in my parents’ house. My nipples were pointing right through the thin fabric, but it was good enough. It’s funny how one can get some feeling of modesty even by having something on. Being “properly” dressed, I walked towards my old room. Fatigue, which was caused by the weather and activities I’ve had during the noon, was getting to me. I needed to lay down and close my eyes for a moment.

When I entered my room, a familiar scent filled my nose. I have a lot of fond memories of this small room, and it seems that those memories are triggered by the senses I experience. It must not have been more than 6 hours when I was here last time, but the pleasant flood of old memories seems to hit me whenever I step into my old room. I smiled and sat down on my old bed. My parents had not really changed much in the room after I moved out. Obviously, I did not mind. I loved that everything was exactly in the correct places. For example, my bed still had roughly a hundred pillows placed at the front of the headboard, just the way I liked it. If I had to study or work from my desk, I had just enough room for my chair. And most importantly, the TV was precisely at the correct height. If I wanted to watch TV before a nap, I could do it by laying at the end of the bed on my stomach or my side without getting my neck hurt. Just perfect.

I opened the streaming service and started watching one of my favorite sitcoms/dramas. I must have watched all the seasons at least 20 times by now. But I did not mind since even if I leave the show open, I will not miss anything. In my opinion, there isn’t a better way to fall asleep. I grabbed one of the pillows and then took a comfortable position on my stomach from the end of the bed. It took me mere minutes to reach the state where you are not really asleep but not really awake either. I was hardly able to identify the intro song of the show. My stamina levels were so low that it is quite safe to admit that I did not need the white noise coming from the TV. But it was nice, nevertheless.

I drifted to dreamland. At the back of my head, I was still hearing the television show. The scenes of the show got mixed up with the events that I had experienced earlier today. At one moment I was swimming at the lake and then the next I was kissing a character from the show. Then I found myself playing catch with Brody and a few seconds later I am undressing my bikinis alone in the living room from the show. Now I am staring at my naked body in the mirror, but I was not alone anymore. Once again, my lips are touching him, and my bare breasts are pushing against his strong chest. Except he is no anymore a character from the show, he is now my ex. For my sexual delight, this was the bus stop where my subconscious was taking me.

There was no need for words when it came to dreams. I knew that he knew what I wanted him to do to me. I had missed him dearly after we had split up, so it is only fair that he visits me when I slept. I needed him right now, hard. I wanted him to take me roughly, smacking my ass and pulling my hair. I could not wait for him to ravage me and make me his bitch. Suddenly and conveniently, there was a sofa right next to us. I kissed him once more before turning around and assuming my favorite position in front of him. When my knees were leaning on the sofa, I pushed my butt up and wiggled it in front of my ex. I was shaking from the anticipation of having his big cock piercing my tight little pussy. But he was taking things slow, teasing me. His hands touched me everywhere and I could sense the tension building up. But he did not penetrate me as I had hoped. To my not-so-unpleasant surprise, I noticed that he had a different idea. Instead of pushing into me right away, I could feel his tongue exploring my backside. He was such a tease and knew me so well. I do appreciate good foreplay before the main course.

I turned my body around on the sofa to see him eye to eye. He smirked knowingly that I had his full attention. I gave him a naughty smile and crossed my legs in front of him. Two can play this game. And oh my… I should have known that he was playing for the win. Without skipping a beat, he pushed his head toward the area I had just blocked from him. He was vigorously trying to attack my pussy and it was making me giggle in delight. His rough tongue was tickling my thighs and his gentle bites kept me wishing for more. He always knew how to make the girl feel wanted.

I was no longer sure if my teasing had a bigger effect on him or myself. I was quite surprised at how horny had I become already. My loins were dripping wet from all the bent-up pressure I had built during the afternoon. I could no longer wait anymore, I just had to spread my legs and allow my ex-lover to bury his face on my womanhood. Simultaneously as I was giving access to him, I reached the back of his head and forced his face right between my legs. The loverboy of my dreams needed no encouragement, but I still wanted to show my enthusiasm.

He attacked my pussy lips with such vigor that it caught me off-guard. He had always been eager in the bedroom, but now he was lapping my juicy cunt as he had never tasted something as wonderful before. I absolutely loved it. I especially enjoyed the feeling of him licking my sensitive clitoris. I was moaning from the sensation. No one had ever orally pleasured me like he was just doing. There was something new and thrilling about him that I had not noticed before. And he did not forget other parts of my vagina. I could not understand how he could touch about every square millimeter of my pussy in a fraction of a second. But I did not care either as long as he did not stop. If it was up to me, this dream would never stop.

As the moments dragged on, he tirelessly kept licking and sucking me. If he kept this going, I would explode in his face. I knew that I was fighting a losing battle, but I wanted to extend the climax as much as I could. When I finally would orgasm, it was going to be a shattering experience. While I tried to edge myself to oblivion, I got a sudden urge to suck him as well. I was sure that the second when I thought about sucking him, I was able to taste him on my lips. Or did I taste him first and then thought about it? Either way, in my dreams, my partner had already read my mind as well and was already positioning himself on top of me for classic 69. Well, at least quite classic. Usually, I’m the one at the top, but it is nice to mix things up.

I could not wait to have his huge, handsome cock in my mouth. He was standing next to the sofa, leaning over me, and balancing himself with his hands, so he would not crush me under his strong and heavy muscles. He was so considerate that I wanted him even more. His nimble tongue had already returned to lick my clitoris and pussy. I sighed loudly when he resumed his tongue tornado. He had upped his game since the last time we had fucked each other. I simply had to get my lips on his tool as well and return the favor. I tried to reach his loins, but he was standing a little too far. I found myself at the edge of the sofa, but I knew that I could stretch myself further. I grinned naughtily, grabbed his ass with both of my hands, gave a little squeeze, and pulled myself closer until I was close enough to return the oral pleasure he had already been giving for the last few minutes.

My head was now over the side of the sofa. While being upside down, I had an excellent view of my lover’s package. Even more lustful thoughts were running into my mind while I stared at him. But soon I remembered that I had a job to do. I started to jerk him off and lick the top of his cock to make him harder. His dick tasted intoxicating and it was driving me nuts. The taste was a little bit muskier and saltier than I had remembered, but I could not care less. I had to have him. In a matter of seconds, he was becoming bigger and firmer. I tried my best to lubricate his cock with my saliva so my hand would slide smoother on the surface of his penis. While I licked the shaft, I also played with his nuts. The balls looked and felt huge. It must’ve been a lonely few months for him without me being there to drain him regularly. I promise I will make my dream ex empty his sack into me today. Hopefully more than once.

The tasty cock in front of me was now slippery from the blowjob that I was giving him. I took a firm grip on the pulsating member and my hand slid effortlessly at its surface. If I wanted him to blow his load around the same time as I was going to climax, I had to use every trick in my playbook to please him. I did not have much experience of being showered with cum, but at this very moment, I could not think of anything else than him shooting his sperm at my face. I started to jerk him as fast as I can while sucking and licking the tip of his cock. My efforts were having an almost immediate effect on my dream lover, I soon noticed how his loins started to twitch from the excitement. And if that wasn’t enough of a sign of arousal, I was able to taste his precum which emerged from his cock.

I was on the right track, but I had to hurry up. I could feel my climax building inside of my heated loins. My lover had found a way to push his tongue inside my pussy and it was driving me crazy. It was a completely new technique, and I was not prepared for his latest trick. “You naughty naughty man”, I thought while trying to accommodate more of his big cock inside my small mouth. I did not know how to deepthroat him, so I had to trust my jerking-off skills while doing the best I can with my mouth and tongue.

After a few minutes, I was nearing my orgasm. Loud slurping sounds mixed with moaning and panting filled the senses. His expert use of tongue was forcing satisfied sighs past my lips, so much so it was even difficult to focus on my job. I started using my free hand to pinch my rock-hard nipples to further my sexual high. Touching my boobs felt wonderful and got me wishing for an orgasm. I probably would have climaxed already a while ago, but I was slowed down by my lover who had figured out a rather rough way to enhance his experience. He was clearly thinking that having my head hanging over the side of the sofa was an ideal position for face fucking. I did not mind pleasing him orally, but this was a little too heavy of an idea. What had started as innocent twitching, then turned into slow thrusts, had now finally escalated to semi-demanding humping. Although, I have to admit that even though he was being quite rough, the idea of being reduced to someone else’s fucktoy did excite me on a primal level.

The dirty idea of being submissive combined with expert tongue fucking, opened the floodgates. My body started to shake when the strong orgasmic wave crippled any coherent thoughts that I had.

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