
Cheyenne 1

This is a love story that being said there is no sex till chapter 3. Please keep that in mind.

Growing up was not very hard at all. I had great parents that wanted the best for me. I was a military brat for a number of years, as a result I moved around a lot and had been in several different countries. I loved my life. We moved back to the states when I was 12 years old since my dad had gotten reassigned. My name is Ikaika. My dad had met my mother in California. She was full blooded Hawaiian and she taught me the true meaning of aloha. She never stopped teaching me that meaning, and what goes into having the aloha spirit. She and my father both raised me teaching me about respect. As I got older they started to teach me how to treat women. They taught me that women are to be treated with respect. Through their teachings I started to treat every girl I met like the people they were. It became so normal for me that I could never wrap my head around certain things. For example, why the hell would men call a girl out of her name, especially if it was their spouse or significant other? It made me sick to see how some girls were treated.

We would go to Hawaii a lot and my Ohana there would teach me the same things. It was a part of me. So yes, I am a nice guy. I didn’t care if that it left me in the “friends zone” as it were. I respected the girls thoughts, and feelings. As a result I had a lot of friends, both popular and not so popular. I treated everyone the same regardless. Unfortunately it was also my down fall in some aspects, and I’ll get to that later. Anyway more about me. If you are poly then you will understand this. My mom was the light skinned Hawaiian. She had red hair and fair skin, but she was Kapuna. My dad was houlie, or white if you will. He was a very good man, and was always very respectful. My moms aloha spirit bled off onto my dad. So much so that people on the mainland and other countries swore up and down that he was Hawaiian also just by his actions.

My dad was very tall, he had dark hair and bright green eyes. I got his eyes and brown hair. I had natural red highlights from my mom. I stood 6’3 by the time I was 14 years old and was still growing. I wasn’t in the greatest shape at all. And though I hate to admit it, I had a small dick. For a guy my size I thought I would have a large one, but that wasn’t the case. So here I was, fat with a small dick. That didn’t do much to bolster my self confidence at all.

My dad finally retired from the military and got a job in IT. He was to make very excellent money, and the best part was that we moved to South Carolina where his Ohana lived. I loved his side of the family as well, so I was excited to finally see them. I hadn’t even started school yet and my dad hadn’t been working very long. One night we were driving down an old country road in he middle of no where. It was dark since there weren’t very many lights. I still to this day have no memory of what happened. All I do remember was that I woke up in the hospital. I only remember bits and pieces of my hospital stay. When I finally started to come around, I realized that my left leg had been amputated below the knee.

It wasn’t until I was doing very well and learning how to walk again that I was informed that we had been in a bad accident. I was devastated to learn that both of my parents were killed. We were hit head on by a truck driver who was texting while he drove, but he was also intoxicated. I have the upmost respect for truck drivers, they are the reason we have the goods we have. There are a few that make the rest look bad. I suffered from depression for quite a while after that. It was a very bad time for me. During my stay in the hospital school started. I was suppose to start my freshman year, but for reasons I have just mentioned, I wasn’t able to.

As time went on I noticed that my aunt and uncle spent a lot of time in court, but didn’t know why. I didn’t find out until later that they sued the trucking company. First off, the company knew about his past infractions. He had his license revoked and he had several previous DUIs. They still hired him anyway. So my aunt and uncle sued the company, for gross negligence, wrongful death, and I was brought up. It was a huge very well known company too. They tried to settle out of court for a small sum, not caring that I had lost my parents and my leg. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was a multi millionaire several times over and didn’t even know it. My uncle and auntie paid their house, all their bills off and all of my medical expenses and left the rest for me. Again I had no idea that I was loaded.

The accident happened when it was the middle of July, and when I finally got to go home, it was towards the end of November, in fact that week end was Thanksgiving. Through the rest of the year, my aunt and uncle home schooled me in order to catch me up. I spent so much time having surgeries and going through therapy that, that was the only option to keep me ahead of the game. That way when I went to school, I would be where I was suppose to be. During all of that I had lost so much weight that my Ohana in Hawaii didn’t recognize me. I was fat, but I lost a shit ton of weight. I went from 360 to 190. I had worked out a lot so I had quite a bit of muscle, but I ate more than I should have. I was in no way ripped, but my body looked good.

I decided to start working out once I got use to my prosthetic, but until then I walked a lot and kept busting my ass in physical therapy. By the time my sophomore year started I was almost walking normal. I had gotten use to my prosthetic and had started to run as much as I could to keep my body the way it was. I started weight training at a local gym and I had a personal trainer who helped me start packing muscle on like crazy. That being said my body began to change. By then I stood around 6’8 or 6’9. My first day of school was ok, I was nervous as hell for my first day. Everyone was nice, but the day a few found out I had a prosthetic, all hell broke loose for me. Those kids were very brutal. The way I was raised dictated my response for the longest time. But a dog can only take so much before he bites back. Let’s just say that two of them were hospitalized for a few days. Their families attempted to press charges against me but they were all dropped after all of the camera footage surfaced. I was never fucked with again from then on.

When the school year started I began to notice something. I noticed a little red haired girl that kept looking at me, and even stared at me. I would always smile at her and she would light up every time. She blushed as well. She had a boyfriend already so I didn’t even attempt to try anything with her. One day as I sat with a few of my friends, they pointed out to me that she was checking me out. Because she had a boyfriend I never paid attention to it at all. Like I said, I have this thing with respect for others.

I will however say this. That girl was HHHHOT! She was so so gorgeous! She was very very popular and her boyfriend was just as popular. She was a tiny little thing. She was only 4’10 and weighed maybe 90 pounds, as little as she was, I wouldn’t be surprised if she weighed less. I have heard her speak when we were in the cafeteria many times. Her voice was so so tiny and very very cute. She had a very prominent lisp when she said her s’s. She had dark red, or auburn long long thick gorgeous hair, big deep blue eyes and very very kissable lips. Oh god her thick southern accent gave me chills every time I heard her speak. All I could do was wish that I could be with her. I liked her, but stayed away.

On a Saturday my friends and I went to the mall together. We were walking around and I was so bored I started to get a head ache. Later we went to a skating rink, I couldn’t skate, guess why. As my friends skated I went outside for fresh air. As I stood there I looked to my right to see her standing there with her boyfriend who was only 5’6. They were arguing and doing so very loud. Then my blood began to boil as he began to call her out of her name. He called her a bitch, whore cunt and many other words so loudly that everyone who was outside could hear him loud and clear. It wasn’t any of my business so I stayed out of it. I turned my head and looked over at them when he started to scream at her.


I stood up and started to walk towards them. I watched as he reared back and punched her in her face. She didn’t go down until he punched her again. By then my Hawaiian genetics kicked in bigger than shit. That is a huge no no in our culture. As I started to walk faster his friends stopped me and bowed up to me.

“You don’t want to do this man. This has nothing to do with you, it’s none of your business.” They said.

I very calmly looked at them standing straight.

“I am making it my business, and I think you had better move out of my way or you’ll get hurt too.” I said still appearing very very calm.

“Fuck you.” One said.

I pushed past them and I watched her start moving as he continued to scream at her. I watched as he kicked her in the face as hard as possible nocking her out. His friends grabbed my arm and turned me around. One of the douche bags punched me and I just stood there staring at them.

“You really don’t want to do this. Now let me go, your last and final warning.” I said still appearing very very calm.

They hit me as hard as they could several times and that’s when I threw a hard left hook hitting one and and upper cut hitting the other. I nocked both of them out cold. Just as I turned around I watched him kick her in the face again, then stomp on her head twice as hard as he could. As he lifted his leg to stomp her head again I had finally reached him.

His knee was up to his chest when I just dropped him where he stood with one hit. I hit him so hard that the people, who stood around watching with their thumbs up their asses, too chicken shit to stop him, watched his dome hit the pavement so hard it bounced. They also heard it hit the ground hard. The bystanders were all yelling but once my fist made contact with his face it got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. He just laid there out cold as I walked up to the little red head. She was convulsing. Her head was split wide opened and her face was starting to swell so bad that she would be unrecognizable. My heart sank as I kneeled down by her and yelled.

“Someone pull your head out of your fucking ass and call 911!” I said.

I didn’t know what to do. I felt so helpless as I watched her body shaking. After a minute or so I looked over at her boyfriend. He started to wake up and roll around a little. I leaned over him. He looked up at me with terror in his eyes.

“Does it make you feel like a big man to hit a girl you piece of shit? Huh?” I asked.

He just laid there looking at me. I went back to the red headed girl who had stopped convulsing. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

“I’m here to help you sweet heart, help is on the way. Everything is going to be ok.” I said.

Her face winced in pain as she moaned trying to cry, looking into my eyes.

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