Cherry (chapter 4)
Cherry (chapter 4)
Sex Story Author: | Muke Hunt Hz |
Sex Story Excerpt: | If she finds a big cum stain on the sheets, she’s going to know what happened!” I agreed with her, |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Fiction, Hardcore, Male/Teen Female, Romance, School, Young |
Chapter 4
After my evening with Cherry, I was about as happy as I’d ever been. I went about the apartment, cleaning and putting things away while humming some song I couldn’t put a title or group name to. My thoughts drifted back and forth between the time spent with my Cherry that night and the time that I would be spending watching her at the upcoming game where she would be cheering.
It was getting late, so I decided to get a shower and couldn’t help but recall when we showered together that morning—just before I took her to school. That shower was sexy as hell, even though there was nothing sexual about it. I pictured her stepping in the shower once I told her the water was hot and how the water turned her hair a much darker shade of red as it became soaked. She had stood where I was now with her back to the shower head; running her fingers through her hair with her eyes closed as I helped soap up her incredible body. All I could wonder was: ‘how did she get to be so soft and yet so firm at the same time?’ But the most amazing aspect of it all was that, as hot as she was, I did not look at her with lust. Rather, it was with awe and Love that I viewed Cherry. Time seemed irrelevant with her: we’d only been together for a short time, but there was something there that just said we were meant for each other and that’s all that mattered to us.
The bathroom was beginning to get pretty steamy and I knew I was just wasting water at that point. I turned off the shower, dried off, and put on a pair of boxers. Before going to bed, I hung Cherry’s gift to me on one corner of the headboard; sort of an R rated ‘dream catcher’. I flopped myself in bed and could catch Cherry’s light, sexy scent from time to time. I slept soundly.
Cherry and I were walking on a nature trail, hand in hand. She was talking about something, but it was as if she had started the conversation without me. When I realized I didn’t know how we got to where we were or how we got there, I knew on some level that I was dreaming. Knowing on that same level that this dream was better than the last, I fell into the dream.
Apparently, the dream was about ideas she was coming up with on ways for us to get together without her mother finding out. She had a lot of ideas and I was just there listening to them. Her voice was sweet and melodic. I could just barely detect her perfume in the light, cool breeze. Cherry wrapped her arm around my waist and I put my arm around hers; resting my hand on her hip as we walked side by side.
We continued coming up with ideas on how we could sneak some time together as we walked. After a particularly good idea, there would be a break in the conversation as we attempted to dream up another good plan to try. It was during one such break that Cherry moved her hand from my waist to rest it on my shoulder. The pain was unexpected and I cringed slightly. Understanding what she had done, she moved her hand back to where it had been. As she did, her hip seemed to change; becoming a bit thinner and a bit higher. Her hand also seemed smaller on me.
“David?” The voice came from next to me, and while it was a pretty voice, it was at least an octave higher than Cherry’s.
I looked over to find Katie walking with me; her arm around me and my hand on her shoulder. Startled, I jumped back a step or two and she stopped in her tracks; holding out her hands to me. She was a little different this time. Her eyes were still wide open and showing nothing but pupils, but she wasn’t a bloody mess like she was before. Her leg was still broken and bone was still exposed, but she stood on it like it had always been that way. Katie’s hair looked like she had tried to comb it with her fingers and instead of the tattered clothes she had before, she wore a bright yellow sundress.
“David,” she pleaded, “I can’t see. Please don’t leave me here. I don’t know where I’m going!”
Reaching out with a bit of uncertainty, I took her hand in mine and she closed the distance between us before we continued walking.
“David?” her tiny voice began again. “What happened that day—when we met?”
I said, “You were in a car crash, sweetie.”
She said, “Yeah; that’s what I thought.” After a few moments of thought she said, “It was so scary in there. Why did you get in the car? Weren’t you scared?”
I answered, “No. I wasn’t afraid of the car. I was only worried about getting you out.”
She thought for a moment and asked, “Are you a real superhero?”
I laughed out loud and said, “No; I’m just a normal guy.”
Katie though for a few moments again and said, “There were lots of people there, but you were the only one that got in the car with me. That means you were a hero to me.”
“Thank you,” I said, “but I don’t feel like much of a hero. A hero would have been able to do more.”
Katie said, “But if it wasn’t for you, I would have been scared and all alone in the car when I died.” Reflecting on what she just said she asked with some hesitation, “I… died, right?”
Nodding my head slightly, I said, “Yeah. I’m so sorry, Katie.”
Katie seemed to accept that and then added, “Momma died, too, huh?”
I confirmed, “Yeah; Momma, too.”
Katie just nodded without much surprise to the news about her mother as we continued walking. The conversation quickly dwindled and I was soon simply reflecting on what Katie had said. I turned to ask her a question, but she was gone.
I awoke from the dream with a sense of oddity while thankful it wasn’t the full blown nightmare I had before. These dreams were so vivid and detailed that for the first few moments after waking it was hard to know for sure if it had been a dream or an actual encounter with Katie’s spirit. After thinking about it for a while, I decided it was most likely just my own projection of what she might have said to me if she were able. At the same time, though, I wondered if perhaps a person’s actual spirit could haunt another by using dreams as the medium. Ghosts and haunting were things I’d never believed in before, but the dreams were so real it made me question those beliefs.
In attempt to rid my head of these thoughts, I shook my head quickly and made a conscious effort to think about something else. I wondered for a moment if I should try going back to work to keep my mind off of Katie, but then I remembered Chief’s words to me and decided against it. I had never realized how much time I spent at the firehouse until I was forced away from it. Searching for something to occupy my time, I found a small stack of bills that had piled up over the last several days and decided to take care of them.
As the last bill was being sealed, my phone rang. I knew it was Cherry before I even picked up the phone—I could just feel it was her (or maybe it was because I had just looked at the clock and knew she was getting out of school). Cherry shared the details of her day with me; I just listened with enthusiasm and amazement at how little things had changed since I was in school. It was the same drama; even some of the names were the same! But since it was about her day, I wanted to hear all about it.
We alternated between talking and texting for most of the night until she had to go to bed and the day ended uneventfully. The next day was more or less a repeat of the previous day—spent not getting much done and thinking about Katie and Cherry (in no particular order).
When school let out on Thursday, Cherry called to remind me about the upcoming football game (as though I could have forgotten about it) and asked if I was still coming to watch her. I told her that, of course, I would be there and her voice went up an octave in excitement.
Cherry said, “I can’t wait to see you: it seems like forever since I saw you!”
I laughed but agreed with her saying, “I know what you mean. It’s only been about 48 hours since we saw each other, but it feels like 48 hours of torture.”
“More like 48 weeks of torture! I don’t know if I’m going to make it until tomorrow!” she responded.
I asked, “Is there any way you can get out tonight; make up an excuse for something?”
She said, “No; grounded—remember?”
I said, “Oh yeah; that’s right…damn.”
Then I had an idea. I wasn’t sure how well it might work—if at all—but I figured it was worth a shot.
I asked Cherry, “What is your address? I want to look you up on Google Earth. If I can’t be with you, at least that might make me feel closer to you.”
Cherry said, “Aww, that’s sweet,” and she gave me her address before saying, “I’m going to look up you apartment, too.”
We talked for a few more minutes and then had to cut the conversation short since her mom was there to pick her up and take her home. From that point, we resorted to texting for our communications. I looked up her home as I had said and saw that it looked like an average community. The lots in her area seemed a bit larger than some places and there was no shortage of trees or bushes. Seeing her place did help me feel closer to her—for a while anyway. But then I felt like I was teasing myself. It was like going to a strip club and looking at the girls you can never touch; it’s ok at first, but before long you want more.
As the afternoon turned to evening, Cherry and I continued texting almost non-stop. I noticed a few times that I was actually pacing while waiting for her texts to come in and each one was like the next present to a kid at Christmas. It might sound like just an obsession, but it was more than that. We had connected on multiple levels, never running out of something interesting to talk about, and I knew that I had fallen completely in love with her.
Before I even realized what I was doing, I was in the car and driving towards the love of my life. It seemed like a ‘stalker’ thing to do and I didn’t know what I was going to do once I got there, but I couldn’t help myself; I just had to be closer to Cherry.
It was getting late when I pulled into Cherry’s neighborhood. It looked like most of the community was home for the night; cars in driveways and no one out on the sidewalks. I turned onto her street and quickly found Cherry’s home but knew better than to stop in front of her place. I parked a few houses down the street.
Cherry and her Mom lived in a Ranch style home that had a lot of large trees and shrubs for landscaping. I only saw one light on in the house and since I was still texting her, I figured it might be Cherry’s room. I walked back towards her place as though I belonged in the area while being careful to look and make sure no one was peering out of their windows at me. Just as I was about to pass her place, I took one more look around and ducked behind some bushes and texted Cherry.
“What are you doing?”
She texted back, “Nothing. You?”
“Just sitting here. Wishing I could see you,” I texted back.
“Yeah, me too,” she replied.
“Is your mom still up?” I asked.
“No. Why?”
As I made my way to what turned out to be her window, I explained, “I want to play a game. Are you interested?”
She replied, “Oh that sounds like fun. What kind of game do you have in mind?”
I said, “It’s a game of pretend; I want you to pretend that I’m there and you are putting on a show for me.”
Cherry said, “Ok; what kind of show would you like?”
Not wanting to limit her options, I said, “It’s your choice. But the only rule is: whatever you say you are doing, you have to actually do it—no cheating!”
Cherry agreed to the terms of the game, locked her bedroom door, and began giving me a full narration of what she was doing. Completely unaware that I could see her every move, she put on some music and said that she was doing a slow, sexy dance while pretending it was me she saw in the mirror. Her hands explored her body; occasionally slipping under her t-shirt and yoga shorts. A few minutes later, she was slipping the t-shirt over her head. Until that point, I had thought she was wearing a bra because of how her magnificent breasts were standing—but they were standing proud without assistance! Cherry told me she was now topless and that she was playing with her nipples. So far she wasn’t breaking any rules! She continued her sexy dance for me and turned around to stick her cute butt out towards the mirror. She was almost facing me, but I could see the reflection of her hot ass. Her hips began to gyrate in large, slow circles as if she was using a hula-hoop in slow motion. Her thumbs hooked into the waist of her skin-tight shorts and she inched them down while slowly spinning around. Her lacy panties came into view at an agonizingly slow rate. They were low-rise with the wide sides that turned into a thong while still covering the top half of her butt. Eventually, her yoga shorts were bunched up at the top of her legs and just under her ass cheeks. Cherry stuck her butt back at the mirror and, while looking over her shoulder at her reflection, she smacked her ass so hard she hurt her own hand a little. She turned back around and I could already see a bright red hand print on her cheek as she continued quietly narrating her strip tease. The yoga shorts were wiggled down and discarded in a pile with her t-shirt and she began teasing with her panties. Before long, they were sliding their way down her sexy legs and added to the pile. She was now completely naked except for the necklace she wore and still looking/dancing in her mirror.
I said, “I can’t believe how incredibly sexy you are.”
She said, “I just wish you were here—right now.”
I said, “Oh? What would you do if I was there now?”
Cherry answered, “I’d want you to touch me…”
I asked, “Where?”
She placed her hands between her legs while she squeezed her thighs together and used her upper arms to squeeze her tits and said, “Right here!”
I was long since turned on by her show, but now I just wanted to jump through her window and take her right there in her bedroom!
I said, “Why don’t you get on your bed and pretend I’m there with you?”
Cherry did as I suggested and lay down on her bed which had at least a dozen various stuffed animals on it. She opened her legs wide and began to masturbate right in front of me. I had a great view, but I wished I was even closer.
She said, “Oh god, David; I wish you were here. I loved feeling you inside of me! It was so warm and smooth. And I loved how it felt as it glided in and out and how slippery it was. And when you came in me—so hot and wet…MMMM…. But my favorite thing was how I could feel your heartbeat as your big cock throbbed inside my pussy. That was so sexy and amazing!”
The fingers of Cherry’s right hand were dancing around her clit while her left hand massaged her breasts. Her hips were thrusting up off of the bed as she continued narrating to me and trying to get herself off.
I couldn’t take much more and asked, “What would you do to have me there right now?”
She answered without hesitation, “Anything! I’d do anything to have you here right now!”
Unable to resist I said, “What if I told you that all you had to do was open your bedroom window? Would you open it?”
Not understanding what I was telling her, she answered, “I’d open it in a flash…”
I held back my laugh and said, “Then open it; open your window!”
Cherry stopped masturbating as my words began to register and could only muster, “Huh?”
I said, “Knock-knock…”
Thinking I was telling a joke, she asked the next part, “Who’s there?”
I replied, “I am.”
“I am, who?” she asked.
I said, “It’s not a joke: I’m there; I’m here!”
Cherry leaped from her bed and was at her window in an instant. She pulled the curtain back and the light from her room illuminated my face. She gasped in shock.
“ARE YOU CRAZY?! What are you DOING here?!” she asked in a whispered yell as she opened her window.
Crawling through the now open window I said, “Yes I’m crazy—I had to see you!”
She said, “Oh my god! We have to be quiet! If my Mom wakes up…”
I shook my head and whispered, “Don’t worry: I’ll be like a mouse in church—promise!
I half expected Cherry to grab her clothes and put them on ‘just in case’ her mom woke up and busted us—at least then she could say that she had no idea I was coming over (which would have been true). But instead, she began taking my clothes off of me! My shorts and boxers were around my ankles before either of us remembered that I had shoes on. I began kicking them off and Cherry got to work on stripping my shirt over my head. I still had one shoe on (and nothing else) as Cherry pulled me onto her bed on top of her. We kissed deeply like we had not seen each other in years as I attempted to kick the other shoe off. Finally succeeding, it landed on the floor with a thud and we both froze at the sudden sound. Figuring it out I said, “shoe,” and we were back at it.
Cherry’s legs wrapped tightly around me but my cock was pinned between us and the shaft pressed firmly into her swollen clit. I began to thrust back and forth over it to keep it stimulated and Cherry moaned into my mouth. She broke our kiss just enough to whisper, “Now—put it in me now!”
Not one to make a young lady beg, I moved back, lined myself up to her dripping wet vagina and pushed forward. Cherry exhaled in relief with a hushed ‘YESSSSSSS’ as my cock slid into home base. She had her arms around my back and smiled bright as she looked into my eyes. A few hairs were running down her face; I brushed them behind her ear with one hand and traced her jaw line to her chin before kissing her again. Our bodies rocked together slowly to make sure her bed didn’t make any ‘obvious sounds’ that would wake her mother.
Cherry broke our kiss and said, “You are crazy; you know that right?”
I nodded my head and said, “Crazy about you…”
She said, “Thank you for coming to see me…” Then something entered her thoughts. “OH SHIT!” she whispered.
Startled, I looked around to see no one there and asked, “What—what’s wrong?”
Cherry explained, “You can’t cum inside me!”
Thinking I understood why I asked, “Is it your fertile time of your cycle?”
She answered, “No; it’s not that—my period is only three or four days away.”
“Then what’s the problem?” I asked.
Cherry said, “It’s my Mom: she does the laundry.
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