
Change Can be Good (chapter 2)_(1)

This short story incorporates a few different fetishes. I appreciate constructive criticism, but please nothing caustic or acerbic. I hope you enjoy 🙂

Kathleen woke up to the sound of birds chirping beneath her window. Smiling and stretching, the young woman slowly got out of bed, her naked body partially covered by a nightshift, and walked to her room’s natural source of light. It was such a good idea to put the bird feeder and bath directly under her window, since she loved the sound of songbirds in the morning.
Covering a yawn with the back of one hand, Kathleen turned away from the morning vista of cloud cover and stepped toward her bathroom, tossing away the only garment she slept in. Her bright crimson-dyed hair was long and straight, framing a pair of piercing bright green eyes that pinned people to the wall when she was angry. Catching sight of herself in the mirror, Kathleen reached for a brush and started getting rid of the knots she had acquired during the night. Her perky B-cup tits jiggled with every jerk and tug of the brush through her hair. Her body was thin and toned from a proper diet and a morning run; a routine established years ago. Her pussy was shaved bald, as was the rest of her body except for her head. Kathy adored being a woman, especially since she was attracted to her own gender, she had herself to admire every time she looked in the mirror.
Finished tending to her hair, she hopped in the shower. As she cleaned off yesterday’s dirt, she pondered the swirl of dreams that had orbited her brain last night. Masturbating immediately before bed usually inspired radical dreams, but this was somehow different than usual. Pausing with her hands in her shampooed hair, she frowned and tried to remember what she had dreamt, but to no avail. All there was left were heavy feelings, and a sense that she had never dreamt anything like this before.
Dismissing the thought, Kathleen finished washing and dressed in her running garb. Passing Violet’s room on her way to the kitchen, she was mildly surprised to hear light snoring coming from within. The hallway clock said ten o’clock. Vi didn’t usually sleep in this long, but after all, that’s what summers were for, so Kathleen left her alone, jogging out to the black-topped road.

Waking up was the worst part of the day, in Violet’s grouchy opinion.
Sleep was still clinging to the corners of her brain like cobwebs, so her first thoughts were of the videogame she had been playing the previous night before she rage-quit. Either she would have to drop the difficulty a notch or adapt her playing style, because she just kept dying too much. Either way, the storyline was definitely great and she wanted to proceed with the game if only to catch how it ends.
Faint chirps from the songbirds at the feeder made Violet grimace and look at the clock. Ten minutes past ten? She had slept in more than usual. Kath was probably already out for her run. In one graceful movement, the still-sleepy girl rolled out from under her blanket and shut her window against the sounds of a new day. This action caused something between her legs to rhythmically slap against the inside of her thighs.
Violet froze in sheer confusion. Lifting up her tattered night shirt, her jaw dropped at the sight of the huge member hanging from where her pussy lips would normally be.
With a flash, everything from late last night came flooding back into her memory.
She could hardly breathe. She didn’t know how to deal with this. She had never even read about something like this transpiring in any of the Fiction or fantasy books she had read. She forced herself to breathe evenly. Calm down. Maintain…
She tried to walk into her bathroom, but found that she had to waddle the slightest bit to walk comfortably. The cock between her legs was huge, even completely flaccid it reached almost six inches, by her estimation. Something would have to be done if she was going to fit into any of her wardrobe, and she had no idea what had to be done.
Violet had showered last night before going to sleep, after she had tested out her new dick and balls with amazing success, so she brushed her hair and then her teeth. Her mind settled on the orgasm she had had; it was very different than any orgasm she had achieved during sex or when she fondled her pussy. When she still had female organs, the orgasm would start out low, and, depending upon if she was stroked and touched the proper ways, it would steadily rise in intensity until she peaked, which could be maintained for seconds or even minutes, again with the proper stimulation. Her longest orgasm had been at her own hands, keeping an orgasm in the air for minutes, according to her digital clock next to her bed. That had left a sizeable blotch of fluid on her sheet. Having a penis, on the other hand, was different. The stimulation was definitely felt when she had been running her hands up and down the shaft, but there was no intense pleasure until the seconds at the end, when the semen mixed and shot out of her. The apex of her orgasm was more intense than anything she had ever felt as a complete female.
She gasped as she felt her cock jump and tense at the thought of orgasms. It wasn’t an unconscious movement; she had flexed a muscle that she didn’t know she had. As her mind had wandered, comparing orgasms between the genders, her dick had swelled a bit, extending out further and further and getting wider. She tried flexing her cock again, it jumped and fell back. For some reason, Violet giggled at the sensation. Being a boy must be fun!
Finishing with her hair, the young woman took off her bed clothes, exposing shapely C-cup breasts and a wide set of hips. Her red-brown hair fell down and stopped just before the ends covered her nipples. Her skin was pale white with no freckles, having never had any interest in tanning or sunbathing. Grey-green eyes glimmered on either side of a thin nose and lips.
Throwing on a bra and a shirt with a videogame graphic etched on the front, Violet stopped when she went to select a pair of panties. There was nothing in her drawer that would even come close to effectively hiding this enormous cock that her vag had somehow been replaced with. It hadn’t shrunk back down to its original size yet, so she couldn’t even test her more concealing raiment. Violet wondered how boys get their dicks to shrink when they wanted to…
She looked down past her tits at the dark head of her dick and made it jump again. Every time she had fucked her ex-boyfriend, he had pulled out and cummed on her tummy or on her back, and his cock shrank back down to the size it was before her Blowjob. Well, she was getting impatient, so she decided to masturbate. She wrapped both of her hands around the sizeable shaft and stroked it evenly and slowly. It quickly hardened up to its foot-long length, veins popping out on every side of it. Violet shook her head at the sheer size of it; it was just impractical! Her ex’s cock was around six inches long, and he had bottomed out inside her as soon as their pelvic bones touched. There was no way anyone was going to ever take this full length inside her.
At least it was fun to play with!
She stepped quickly over to the bathroom for a copious amount of toilet tissue, her fully-hardened cock swinging back and forth in front of her.

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