
Caught My Sister Getting Fucked By Our Cousin

A boy inadvertently stumbles across his older sister getting fucked by their cousin, and he never could have guessed where it would lead.

I wiped my forehead of sweat, grumbling and kicking a rock down the dusty farm track I was trudging along, cursing my parents’ stupidly good luck. They were probably having the time of their lives, enjoying the romantic three-week Alaskan cruise they’d won at a fundraiser auction at my sister’s school, which was the reason we’d been banished to our aunt and uncle’s farm for the summer. It would have been bad enough if it had just been for the duration of their cruise, but Mom had decided it would be good for us to ‘get our hands dirty doing some actual work for a change’. We were only a week in, and they wouldn’t be coming to pick us back up again until just before school started.

It wasn’t that I didn’t get along with our cousins; I did, especially with Emma and Julie, who were closest to me in age. But with our morning chores finished they were busy watching some stupid girly show in the den, and I just hadn’t been able to stand watching more than five minutes of it with them. So I was out wandering the farm, killing time, looking for something fun to do without any real expectation of finding anything. It was as I was passing the weathered, half-abandoned old tool barn on my way down to the creek at the edge of the property that I heard it; a soft, meaty slapping sound that stopped me in my tracks.

I was still a virgin, despite my best attempts with the girls at school, but I’d watched more than enough porn to recognize the sound of sex when I heard it. I snuck around to the door as quietly as I could, finding it open and slipping inside. It wasn’t really all that dark, with multiple rays of light sneaking in through gaps in the wooden slats, though it seemed that way compared to the brilliance of the afternoon sun outside. But my eyes adjusted quickly, and I began carefully making my way around piles of unidentifiable junk towards the source of the sound. I don’t know what I was expecting to find, exactly… but when I finally saw it, it took my breath away completely; my big sister Sami, bent over at the waist and bracing herself with her arms on a workbench, getting railed hard and fast from behind by our older cousin Wes.

My eyes just about popped out of my head at the sight. I knew, in an academic sort of a way, that my sister was pretty hot. She’d always been popular, and it was a rare Friday night that she wasn’t getting taken out somewhere by one guy or another. I knew all my friends had huge crushes on her. But she was my sister, and I’d never really looked at her that way before… but I sure as hell was looking now! I’d come up on them more or less from the side, which meant I had a fantastic view; she’d left the house wearing a simple little flowery summer dress, but it was little more than a belt at the moment! My eyes were bouncing back and forth, unsure of where to focus, travelling from her long, slender legs, to her tiny little round butt, to her heavy, vigorously bouncing titties. They were D-cups, I knew… curiosity and the constant begging of my friends had eventually gotten the better of me, and I’d checked one of her bras. And they were perfect! And tipped with such beautiful, tiny little pink nipples, too, I saw now! I always preferred porn actresses with tiny little nipples like that, not the big, thick ones that seemed to be so much more common, especially on tits the size of Sami’s! But hers were even better than I ever could have imagined!

I couldn’t help myself… I quietly undid my jeans, pulled myself out, and started to stroke. God, what I wouldn’t have given to be Wes at that moment! I knew it was wrong, thinking of her that way… but if she was willing to give it up to our own cousin, would it really be that much worse for her to let me have a try? It was all I could do not to get too carried away, and risk having them hear me. I almost lost it when he wrapped his hand into her long, blonde hair, pulling it hard, making her bow her back for him as he slapped her pert little ass hard with his other hand. Thankfully her resulting yelp and moan covered whatever small sounds I hadn’t been able to keep myself from letting out in my surprise, but I grit my teeth, determined to make not a single further noise that might get me caught.

“Oooooh, yes Daddy!” Sami mewled desperately, pushing against the edge on the workbench she was leaning against, throwing herself back to meet each of Wes’ thrusts. “Right there! Just like that! I’m so close! Oh, please, Daddy! You’re going to make me cum so good! Please? Please may I cum?”

“Do it for me, you little slut!” Wes growled his command, spanking her again even harder than the last time. “Cum on Daddy’s cock!”

“Daddyyyy!” she squealed, beautiful blue eyes flashing open wide, her sexy, skinny thighs trembling uncontrollably as the orgasm raced through her.

Curse me and my stupid, inattentive clumsiness; I was so completely enraptured by watching my sister cumming like that, I momentarily lost my concentration on what I was supposed to be doing. I reached out to steady myself against the nearby support column, only to blindly brush my fingers across the shovel handle I hadn’t noticed leaning there, sending it crashing loudly to the floor.

“Shit!” Sami hissed, eyes darting panic-stricken back and forth across my hiding place, pulling herself off of Wes and struggling with her dress as he turned quickly away to tuck himself back into his jeans. “Is somebody there?”

I forgot how to breath for a moment, desperately searching for a way out of my sudden predicament… but there was none, and I knew it. Sneaking into the barn while they’d been busy distracting each other had been one thing, but now that they were actively looking for me there wasn’t a chance in hell of me being able to make it all the way back out through the door without being seen. I winced, painfully forcing my cock down and to the side, back into my jeans so I could zip up. This was still going to suck, no matter what I did… but at least I had enough time that I wouldn’t be caught literally with my dick in my hand! I waited until Sami had her dress back on properly, wanting to give her the chance to at least pretend I hadn’t just seen what we would both know I had… then took a deep breath, and stepped out into view.

“Sean?” she gasped.

“Uhh… hey, Sami,” I said stupidly.

“Oh, God!” she blanched so completely I was afraid for a moment that she was going to pass out. “Please, you can’t tell anyone, okay? Mom and Dad would kill me, if they found out! To say nothing of what Uncle Tim and Aunt Sarah would do to Wes!”

“Uhhh…” I began again. Of course I wasn’t going to tell anyone! If I did, in the first place it was doubtful anyone would even believe me. But more importantly… I’d never have a chance to watch them doing it again! That was what I really wanted… but how could I just come out and say that? I couldn’t find the words to say anything at the moment!

“Please, Sean?” Sami asked again, pleading, her eyes visibly welling with as-yet unshed tears in her desperation and fear. “I’m literally begging you, here, I…” she broke off, swallowing nervously, taking a deep breath to steady herself. “I can make it worth your while, I… I can give you a handjob, if you want, as long as you swear you’ll never tell!”

“Seriously?” I gasped.

“But I mean it, you have to swear!” she nodded vigorously, the seeds of hope that I might be willing to come to an arrangement with her keeping those tears at bay for the moment. “You can’t tell anyone! Not ever!”

It was my turn to fight back my nerves. I should have just agreed on the spot, a handjob from my gorgeous, sexy sister was more than I had any right to hope for! But I didn’t. Something deep inside me, something dark and dangerous… told me I had to try.

“Seems to me you can do better than just a handjob, considering what you were willing to give to Wes!” I told her, pleased I’d managed to make my voice sound far more confident than I truly felt.

“Is that so?” she asked wryly. She was smirking a little, then started chewing on her lip, cocking her hip against the bench she’d been leaning on earlier, crossing her arms in front of herself as she thought it over. So far so good, I thought… at least she hadn’t turned me down flat!

“Only seems fair,” I shrugged, sounding maybe not quite as confident, but still doing pretty good.

“Tell you what…” she countered with a wicked, seductive grin. “A handjob, right now… or if you’re feeling lucky, and you want more than that, we can play a little game, instead.”

“What sort of game?” I asked, suddenly suspicious.

“Well… maybe ‘game’ isn’t really accurate,” she smirked. “More of a contest, really. You and Wes both whip out your dicks, so I can have a look. If you’re bigger than he is… you and he trade places, and you get to carry on fucking me right where he left off when you interrupted us! But if you’re smaller than him… you have to trade places with me, instead! Then I’ll give you a blowjob, not just a handjob, as a reward… but only after he’s done cumming up your ass!”

“What? No way!” I objected, stridently shaking my head in denial.

“Don’t I get some sort of a say in this little plan of yours?” Wes smirked, the first words he’d spoken since I’d knocked over that stupid shovel.

“You keep telling me how much you want to try anal!” Sami grinned back at him. “This could be your big chance!” he rolled his eyes at her, but nodded his amused agreement, and Sami turned back to me. “So, what do you say?” she asked again, the hope for what she wanted my answer to be obvious in her eyes and voice. “Just a handjob… or do you want to roll the dice? If you do… worst case, you get to watch your big sister getting submissively down on her knees for you and sucking you off! I even promise I’ll swallow it for you! Or let you shoot it all over my face and tits, if that’s what you’d prefer! And best case… I’m on birth control, so I won’t even make you wear a condom! You can cum inside me, if you want!”

“You’re leaving out the ‘worst’ part of that ‘worst case’ of yours,” I swallowed nervously, and she just grinned, waiting for me to make up my mind. I glanced over at Wes, wondering. I’d been sleeping on a cot in his room, but he and I both wore boxers to bed, and always kept our backs to each other when we had to get changed. And just now, I’d been far too focused on watching Sami, and hadn’t caught even a glimpse of him in the moment between him pulling out of her and turning his back to me to tuck himself back into his jeans, so I had no idea how big he actually was. But I knew how big I was, and I knew my chances were pretty good. I wasn’t freakishly big, or anything… there were lots of guys in the porn I’d watched who were bigger than me. But at eight inches, there were lots of guys who weren’t bigger than me, too, even in porn. And the idea of fucking Sami, of cumming inside of her, of making her mine that way… God help me, but it was just too tempting to turn down. I’d hate myself forever, if I blew my one and only chance at having her because I was too chicken-shit to take the risk. And even if I lost, as terrible as that would obviously be… once that part was over, I’d still get to experience my sister’s beautiful, cock-sucking lips wrapped around my dick, sucking me off and swallowing my load…

“I guess I’m rolling the dice,” I told her.

“Really?” she squealed excitedly, bouncing on the balls of her feet, her braless, jigging tits drawing my eyes like they were attached on strings. “You’re sure, Sean? Because there’s no backing out, after you make up your mind! I’ll hold up my end, I promise… and so will you, even if it means Wes and I have to hold you down and tie you up, first, before he rapes you!”

“I’m sure,” I told her, though I was anything but. God, I hoped I wasn’t making a huge mistake!

“Yay!” she squealed again, eagerly clapping her hands in front of herself like she was seven years old again. “Both of you, come stand right here in front of me, facing each other!” she demanded, grabbing us by our arms and moving us into position as she rested that cute little ass of hers back against her bench. “Now… I want you both to unzip and get ready, but wait for it! I’m going to count down, and when I say ‘Now!’, I want you both to drop ’em and let them spring free, okay?” Wes and I mumbled our understanding. He wasn’t looking nearly as nervous as I felt… though why would he, really? His worst outcome would be a case of blueballs, as I got to take over fucking Sami instead of him today. Mine would be much, much worse!

“Okay, here we go…” Sami continued, almost vibrating with barely-contained excitement, glancing back and forth between us to ensure we were both ready. “Three… two… one… now!”

I yanked down my jeans and boxers, staring at Wes’ crotch, hoping, praying… my jaw dropping open as I saw what awaited me. Nine and a half inches, easy…

“Fuck me…” I swore softly, slowly shaking my head in disbelief. I’d had the odds on my side, but odds only go so far. And I guess, really thinking about it, Wes had a lot of the same genetics I did, plus several more years than I’d had to continue growing.

“He’s about to!” Sami giggled wickedly, pushing herself away from her bench and sensuously melding herself to my side, making me gasp as she reached down to start gently trailing her fingertips up and down my shaft.

“Bad luck, little bro,” she cooed, giving me a soft, consolatory kiss on my cheek. “But I’ve got to say, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed of! I had no idea you were this big! I think I might even enjoy myself a little, going down on you after Wes is done with you! A bet’s a bet, though, and you lost fair and square… so I want you to lean down against the bench here, the same as I was!”

I wanted to beg, or run, or scream, or fight… but I did none of those things. Maybe that was stupid. Maybe I should have done all of that. Was I just numb with shock that I’d actually lost? Too lost in my own pride about what it meant to honour a bet? I don’t know. But what I did instead of those things… was to make just one demand.

“You hop up there first,” I told her. “If I’m really going to go through with this for you… you can at least help distract me by letting me taste your pussy while he’s going inside me!”

“Not part of our bet…” she grinned. “But I guess I’ll allow it!” she giggled, giving me another kiss on the cheek, then grabbing the waist of her dress and shimmying her hips as she slowly stripped it off, carefully laying it down atop the old weather-beaten wood. She gingerly boosted herself up, leaning back against the wall and spreading her legs, kicking off her sandals and letting them fall to the floor. I hadn’t stopped to think about it earlier, but I realized now; not only was she not wearing a bra under her dress, but she wasn’t wearing any panties, either! And God, she looked amazing! Completely shaved, wet and pink with arousal and recent, interrupted sex. She stroked her fingers through my hair, guiding me into leaning down… and I gave her a soft, slow kiss on her inviting little lips.

Hers was the first pussy I’d ever even seen in real life, never mind touched! Much less tasted! I was instantly in love. I’d been expecting a strong, unpleasant fishy taste; that’s what my friends all said it was like, though I wasn’t entirely convinced any of them actually had the experience they claimed. But tasting Sami, either my friends were completely full of shit, or my sister was blessed with an unusually delicious pussy. There was a tiny bit of a fishy taste… but ‘fishy’ wasn’t even the right word, not really. It was just a little bit… salty, I guess. It reminded me of fresh seafood, but that isn’t a very good de***********ion either. All I can really say for sure is, I liked it. A lot! And she had such delicate little pink folds, too, just like I’d been hoping she would, with an itty-bitty little clitty just barely poking out into sight, almost like it was playing shy.

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