Case Study 301: Mr. Bowen let a stream of pee right into my mouth
Case Study 301: Mr. Bowen let a stream of pee right into my mouth
Sex Story Author: | jintina |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t know if I can do this to my little girl.’ |
Sex Story Category: | Ass to Mouth |
Sex Story Tags: | Ass to mouth, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, Group Sex, Incest, Male / Female Teens, Rape, Water Sports/Pissing |
Chapter 13
Case Study 301: Mr. Bowen let a stream of pee right into my mouth.
Welcome back for another installment of Case Study 301. If this happens to be your first foray with this storyline I would encourage you to read some of the previous chapters so everything makes sense. But for those of you that need some cliff notes here you go. This is a story of young girl that witnessed a quadruple homicide. It sent her into a catatonic state which is to say she’s in a coma even though she appears to be awake. The only way to communicate with her now is thru her therapist that needs to hypnotize her. Unfortunately she has not been able to recall anything that had happened that evening. She has been regaling her therapist with the things that have happened to her in the past.
Also that night her friend Farah Johansson invited her out to the night club and then later to the hotel where the murders took place that night. She then mysteriously disappeared the night of the assassinations and in this chapter the FBI has finally caught up with her.
Okay just so you all know this is your warning!!!!!!!! This story has heavy Incest themes of young girls with their fathers. If this is delicate to your disposition please leave now. There are well over 100 new stories that come out each day on this site. You can find something else to your liking. For the rest of you that have enjoyed the story thus far I hope that you enjoy this next installment. With no further adieu…..
Meanwhile in Taos, New Mexico the capture of Farah Johansson:
Patrolman Ken Gordon was taking his usual afternoon break and eating a baloney sandwich with Beth Reynolds the young semi-attractive dispatcher of the Taos Police Department. Ken didn’t care that she wasn’t the prettiest girl in town. She had that special something that he liked. He definitely had a huge crush on her it was quite obvious since they had lunch together almost every day. As they sat there making idle chit chat the fax machine went off. After he finished his sandwich he went over to notice sitting in the tray was a fax. It was a Federal Warrant for the apprehension of a one Farah Johansson to be put in protective custody and the local address as to where she could be found. The instructions were to pick her up and detain her until either the US Marshal’s or FBI Agents arrive to take her into custody.
Beth noticed Ken’s awkward face and asked, “So, whatcha you got there buddy, buddy, buuuuuudddddy?”
Ken sashayed back to her desk and said, “Looks like we’ve got a winner ~ seem like we’ve got a fugitive hiding just outside of town.” (Ken read more of the arrest warrant) “Looks like we’ve got a scary co-ed from Cali ~ Ooh so scary. I guess I need Barry to come get me so we can go out and pick her up ~ (he scanned the arrest warrant) Ooh she’s and exotic one ~ a Swede ~ named ~ Farah Johansson and bring her back until the FBI shows up. I’ve never arrested a Swede before ~ looks like you got babysitting duties tonight Beth.”
Beth giggled at Ken and said, “Oh ~ haaaiilll no ~ lock that co-ed ass up in one of the cells until those FBI guys show up. I’m going out dancing tonight!” She then got on the radio and called Barry Peters, Ken’s partner and told him to come in and pick up Ken.
Once Barry made it back to the station the two of them went out to the Johansson residence. When they arrived they sat out in front of the house and noticed a young attractive girl in the oversized bay window as she was dancing to loud music in her thong and bra. Barry sitting in the driver’s seat watched her jumping up and down flailing her arms around and her long blonde was going ever where and he said, “Looks like we’ve got one of those music video girls up there. This is going to be fun partner. Just keep her in her underwear for a while if you can. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten a girl to drop her drawers for me.”
They both started laughing together and Ken said, “I’ll see what I can do for ya.” They sat there for a few more minutes wondering why there’s a federal arrest warrant for this girl she seemed completely harmless. They wrapped on the front door several times and waited several minutes until the music was turned down. Ken wrapped on the door again and she finally came to the door. When she opened the door Ken said, “Hello, Miss. Are you Farah Johansson?”
She looked at the two older patrolmen and said, “Yeah, this is my parents place, why? What can I do for you officers?”
Barry then held up the fax and said, “Ms. Johansson we have a Federal Warrant here for you ~ you need to come with us down to the Police Station and be placed into protective custody.”
Farah looked at them, “What the fuck are you guys talking about? Arrest warrant? ~ For what? ~ Protective what? I haven’t done anything wrong this is my parents place. You’ve got the wrong person!”
Ken stepped into the residence and said, “Ms. Johansson we are not sure of the reason why you are being detained but you need to come down to the station with us. We are under orders to put you into protective custody until the FBI or the US Marshal’s shows up.”
Farah didn’t know what was going on but she was definitely sure that they were taking her down to the station by their overpowering demeanor, “Can I at least change and put on some clothes?”
Ken said, “Sure.”
Farah was making her way up the steps and Barry took the lead and was hot on her heals. She turned on the steps and said, “Ya ~ know ~ I am old enough to get changed by myself ~ officer.”
Barry said, “Young lady you will have privacy but I need to be in the same room with you. I’m not going to let you slip away ~ that’s for sure.”
Once they were inside of her bedroom Farah was no longer interested in privacy. In her mind she thought if she could possibly seduce the older officer that perhaps he would let her go and she could continue to run away from her myriad of problems. Farah slowly and seductively let her smelly and sweaty bra and thong fall to the floor. Standing in the middle of her bedroom she was now completely naked. Barry who was in his early 50’s hadn’t seen a tight co-ed’s body in the flesh in like over several decades. He stood there ogling her near perfect body then of course the blood rushed into his penis making him hard as a rock as he gulped loud enough that Farah noticed it. He put his patrolman’s cap over his crotch to hide his embarrassment and looked up to the ceiling and thought to his ‘that you lord for this wonderful gift’.
She stood there with her perky breasts and pink nipples erect. He noticed a line that started between her cleavage that ran down her firm tight belly and ended over her little fur patch and clean shaven snatch. Farah turned her head realizing what she was doing was working. She’s seen this very thing happen to all sorts of men when she’s been naked and said in her sexiest voice, “So, do you like what you see ~ Officer? Offffficcccccer ~ aaah?” She held out her hand waiting for him to finally tell her his name.
He stood there not knowing what to say, “I’m sorry it has a mind of its own Miss. Johansson. If you really think about it, it’s a compliment in around about way. Oh yeah I’m Sergeant Barry Peters by the way. ”
Farah dropped it and as she was slipping on a clean thong she bent forwards in a ninety degree angle directly in front of Barry. Then her pink hairless cooch and her balloon knot came into plane view for Barry to stare at. She was hoping that the move of putting her goodies on display would be enough for Barry to make some sort of concession and she asked, “So, can you tell me the reason why I am being put into protective custody? I mean you can put me in cuffs on my bed here to restrain me? I guess if you did that you could do anything you wanted to me.” She winked at him giving him a playful look.
Barry was actually shocked by her brazen offer and said, “That is such an enticing offer Miss and under different circumstances I would probably be naked by now. Trust me. I am sorry but it is a Federal Arrest warrant and it doesn’t say what the exact reason is but it does say that we are to detain you. I see what you’re trying to do me young lady. I think that if I were to take you up on your offer I think you’d give me a heart attack.”
Farah giggled as it was refreshing to have a man speak what was truly on his mind. She sat on the edge of the bed and had slipped on thigh high black stockings. She slipped them on one at a time with her legs spread nice and wide creating a nice camel toe for Ken to view, “Are you absolutely 100% sure that you need to take me in?”
Ken looked at her half naked body, “Ms. Johansson thank you for the show. Trust me it’s been a long time that I’ve seen a woman in her skivvy’s. Thank you for giving me a nice little gift during this very boring day so far ~ but ~ no matter how much you flash your breasts and your vagina at me I still need to take you in.”
Farah stood knowing her plan came to an end and said, “Then if you don’t like what you see then wait outside.” With that Barry stepped out but kept the door open to watch her from afar.
Several minutes later Farah came out of her room. She slipped on a very short plaid skirt and a white dress shirt. She matched her black stockings with a pair of black heels. Just as she was walking past Berry she winked at him and with her forefinger playfully touched his chin then licked her lips seductively. She put her arms around his shoulders and pulled is body close and tight to hers and whispered in her ear, “Last chance stud. You get me outta here you can play with me as long as you want.”
Barry’s cock was still standing at attention and he said, “Well, Barry Jr. thinks it’s a good idea but I still have a job to do young lady.”
Farah asked, “Barry Jr.?”
Barry looked down at his crotch and said, “Yeah Barry Jr.”
Farah looked down and with the palm of her hand ran the entirety of his shaft and kissed him on the cheek and whispered as sexy as she could said, “Oh ~ yeah Barry Jr. ~ Can Barry Jr. come out and play?”
Barry realized that his flirtation with this sex co-ed was going way too far and he was right on the edge of getting in trouble and said, “Sorry but Barry Jr. needs to stay right where he is.” He then removed her arms from around her neck. Then she was escorted to the Taos Police station where she waited for the federal agents to arrive. Several long grueling hours later Agent Erik Walker and Danny Lambert showed up and took custody of Farah. They immediately left Taos and made their way back to Santa Fe to the FBI offices and made her comfortable in one of the interrogation rooms.
Meanwhile back at Camelot Clinic in New Mexico:
We return to Miles and Kristen in the middle of her session. She was describing how she was attempting to seduce both of her girlfriend’s fathers. She knew if her plan was to work then she needed to seduce her father with one of her girlfriend’s. We pick up where Kristen and her girlfriend Nicole who are dressed in their Midget cheerleading outfits with no bottoms. Their hope was if Kristen’s father saw their pre-teen cooch’s that that would be enough for him to try and have sex with both of them.
Miles asked, “So, what was your father’s reaction to your plan of trying to seduce him?”
Kristen said, “My daddy just like kinda stared at Nicole and me just like sitting naked in our chairs. I was just like sitting on the other chair and pushed Nicole’s face away from his and he said, ‘so what is your angle here little girl?’ I told him that I want my friends to become special families like ours ~ so like ~ we all can have fun together all the time. I told my daddy that, ‘we have fun with them all the time when they come over here for like barbeques or we go there for like birthday parties. The only difference is they don’t come over when you and mommy have you sex parties. Wouldn’t it be neat if we could share that too with them?
I came up with a plan so that can happen. So far daddy it is like working out so much like way better than I had ever thought.’ We stayed in his office like all night and my daddy had sex with both of us a few more times each. Then we like talked about how to make a plan to try to get Nicole’s father to do the same things with us. Then when we were too tired to have anymore sex we all took a shower together then we all went to bed together in my father’s room.”
Miles looked at the young girl that just once again fucked his brains out and made him finish in less than five minutes and said, “So, that was your plan all along?”
Kristen said, “Well, my plan was to like make Nicole and all ~ help me ~ with having sex with her father. If daddy didn’t like quietly help me with my plan it would have been like all over. But ~ like ~ my father came up a whole better idea. You see ~ like ~ the next day my father took Kevin over to my Pap-pap’s house. When he came back and all he called Nicole’s father and asked him to come over for a little while so they could talk about something important. He told me to like saddle a couple of horses and take Nicole out horseback riding and that he would catch up with us with Nicole’s father. Of course Nicole liked that idea because each time we go out with the horses we spend some special alone time together with my vibrator.
Nicole and I took the horses and my vibrator and made a nice picnic lunch and headed off by ourselves first. We went to our favorite spot on our land ~ we had just like over 25 acres Doctor Spencer. We were by ourselves for I guess maybe an hour playing with each other with my vibrator when we heard noises coming through the brush. When we looked up we were surprised as two more horses pushed thru the brush. On the horses were my father and Nicole’s father Mike Galloway.
They got off of their horses as we were still naked on our backs on the blanket. We had our young legs spread wide open like this (Kristen spread her legs open revealing her pink pussy) and our pussy’s were like breathing in the fresh outdoor air just like my daddy told us to do. My father lightly smacked Nicole’s father Mike on the shoulder with the back of his hand and said, ‘See I told you. They’ve been out here for hours playing with that damn vibrator my wife gave to my daughter.’”
Miles said, “Well, Nicole, your father and you were all in on this? What was going on ~ what did Mike Galloway, Nicole’s father, have to say about what he saw?”
Kristen said, “He said, ‘Jim you’re right. Oh my god my baby girl. Nicole what are you doing? Put your clothes on this very instant and let’s get you home right NOW!!’ he turned to my father and said, ‘Jim I am so sorry about all this, I really am.’ And Nicole looked at her father and just said, ‘daddy don’t you want to join us for some lunch? Please, daddy, don’t be so mean.’ Mike just stood there staring at our pussies and he turned to my father and said, ‘Jim what are we supposed to do here?’ And my father said, ‘well they brought a picnic basket I guess we should eat and discuss what kind of punishments to hand out our little girls?’”
Miles looked at Kristen and wrote on his pad, ‘seductress from the time she was a little child learned from her family how to manipulate, cajole and blackmail to get whatever she wants because she knows that men wanted her pussy.’ “So did you eat lunch and what if any punishments were handed out to the two of you?”
Kristen said, “Well lunch was a little a different than normal. Nicole and I were still nude and she stood and went to her father and offered her hand to help him off of the horse and she said, ‘daddy today is going to be a special day for you and me. Come and sit here and eat lunch with us.’ Mr. Galloway was unsure of what to say or to do he looked so nervous. I stood and then helped my father down from his horse but my daddy picked me up and I wrapped my naked body around his and we began to French kiss right in front of the Galloway’s.
Mr. Galloway looked at the two us with his mouth wide open. My father put me down and he sat down next to me. Nicole watched us and she jumped up on her father and then wrapped her naked body around her father’s and kissed him just like I did and said, ‘Daddy please, don’t embarrass me, please! Just sit down with us and eat.’ She pulled her father down on the blanket and then put her father’s arm around her. Finally Mr. Galloway said, ‘Nicole I really don’t approve of you using that toy and I especially don’t approve of you being naked with another girl outside where anyone can just see what you’re doing. And I certainly don’t approve the way you just kissed me.’
Then my dad said, ‘Mike you don’t have to worry. This is all our property here. I can assure you no one is going to see what happens here. Look this isn’t as bad as you think. They are two young girls who are just exploring their sexuality. Now, would you want Nicole exploring it with some high school boy who doesn’t have a clue as what to do?’ Mr. Galloway looked at my body and stared at my privates and then at his daughter’s privates, ‘Aren’t you a little uncomfortable seeing your daughter this way and the way she kissed you?’ My dad looked at Mike and said, ‘well, I have caught my daughter plenty of times doing this in the house and apparently your daughter Nicole here is doing the same thing. Why don’t you give your daughter a kiss and just see if you like it or not.’”
Miles said, “So your dad was all the way in with the plan? He really wanted this to happen?”
Kristen said, “Well, he really didn’t have a choice now did he? I mean he fucked Nicole and me the night before. Then Mr. Galloway said, ‘this is ridiculous I can’t do this. Nicole put your clothes on right this instant we are leaving and going home.’ Nicole began pout and said, ‘NO DADDY!!! SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!!’ She put her head into her hands and began to cry and said in a crying voice, “I ~ I ~ I ~ I went through a lot of trouble to set this all up just for you. And, and, and now you’re just ruining EVERYTHING!!!’ Then she pointed her finger in her father’s face and said ‘If you don’t stay here and play with me and the rest of us ~ I’ll tell mommy ~ yeah that’s right ~ I’ll tell mommy you touched me and I’ll call the police on you.’”
Miles said, “That was extreme. What was Mr. Galloway’s reaction to his daughter’s threat?”
Kristen said, “It was a twist that no one expected, not even me. We all sat there silent and waited for Mr. Galloway to say something. He stood up and walked over to the cooler and looked at my father and said, ‘is there any beer in here?’ My dad said, ‘yeah I told the girls that we may need some after all the sex we are going to have.’ Mr. Galloway shook his head and looked for help from my father and said, ‘this is so wrong on so many levels Jim.
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