
Case Study 301 Hypnotized is it fantasy or reality

Chapter 2

Hypnotized is it Fantasy or Reality

Meanwhile back in New Mexico at the Camelot Clinic:

Miles was sitting behind his oversized and very ornate mahogany desk from the circa 1840’s. It was the only piece of furniture that he brought with him when he dissolved his private practice back in New York City after he was recruited by the FBI to develop~ let’s just say ~ ‘psychological weapons’ to be used against terrorists. They enticed him to move to New Mexico to a secret facility known only by the FBI as the Camelot Clinic a little over a decade ago. The only way they could bring him was give him complete autonomy to do as he wished at the clinic.

As he looked at his desk he realized how silly it was and how completely out of place this type of desk is from the normal southwest décor that most offices would normally be adorned in. The problem that Miles had with his most prized and cherished possession was that the desk belonged to a confederate civil war general, Major General Thomas Rosser better known as the ‘Savior of the Valley.’ The general fought against his own roommate from West Point in the Shenandoah Valley. His Calvary beat back the Union army out of the valley after they destroyed many homes, businesses and crops that no longer could be used by the Confederate Army.

The real reason he loved the desk was that the General refused to surrender at Appomattox Courthouse and was captured and then summarily pardoned. He was the epitome of a man who never gave up on what he believed in and that was something that Miles cherished and why he would never get rid of that desk.

Miles spun his oversized black leathered seat around with case files sitting in his lap. He looked thru each file very deliberately smoking his pipe and gauging what he needed to do for the next session with each patient. Then he stopped and he looked at the last file named ‘Karen Valentine.’ Miles didn’t open the folder he just gazed out his window and took in the vast openness of the burnt orange hillsides and desert as he pondered why he could not make any head way with Karen.

He knew the real reason was his ineptness to break thru her apparent psychotic break she suffered. Miles knew that even at this point Karen was in a very vicarious position. It was as if she were sitting on a fence and she could just as easily fall forwards or backwards depending on his future sessions with her. Miles had been doing some intensive research in which some Psychiatrists believe that certain patients when in a coma, catatonic state or even perhaps suffering a psychotic break and are unable to respond normally could very well be creating their own fantasy world in their own subconscious.

He thought that it could very well be that Karen’s past could have possibly been so dire and horrible that she could be choosing to create a fantasy world to hide in her own subconscious. To her it would be a world that would seem completely real to her and almost impossible for her conscious to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Given the fact that the night of the murders she witnessed Karen was living in reality after seeing four men brutally mutilated by gun fire right in front of her could have pushed her right over the edge. Instead of dealing with her new reality perhaps it was just safer to avoid something so horrid that she could no longer live in it and subsequently had a psychotic break.

Miles thought of several game plans but he knew the one thing that could by-pass the psychotic break and create a base line for his therapy sessions with her. This type of therapy is known as Regression. It is a technique in which you hypnotize your patient and then regress the mind and the patient to a former time and place that would seem to be safe and secure for them. It is a way for them to harmlessly tell you about an event in their life that they would feel comfortable to talk about. It creates a foundation to build on for future therapy sessions.

After debating with his self for about half an hour or so whether or not to move forward with this dangerous type of therapy he realized that he would never be able to break her current condition and that he had no real foundation to continue to treat her further. So, it was either Miles utilizes the technique of Regression or gives her back to Special Agent Tom Murphy and allows her to sit in room of an Asylum all by herself for the remainder of her life until she is ready to come back to her own reality. He decided on keeping Karen on as his patient and would do his best to help her.

Now when it came to their one on one session’s as far as trying to break Karen’s catatonic like state Miles tried all of the many techniques that he has learned over his vast years of being a psychiatrist. He has looked for all tell tale signs of communication with her eyes, her breathing and any form of grasps with her hands anything that may be a sign of communication but all have failed. Miles over this past week has had 30 separate therapy sessions lasting well over two-hours with no success.

Now Miles is ready to go down the path that he has been trying to avoid. The only thing is Miles will need the permission from her guardian. At this point Miles is still unsure of her age even though the current thinking is that she is attending UCLA but he still wants to cover his ass and get permission. Miles picked and dialed up his buddy Special Agent Tom Murphy. Miles was sitting back in his leather chair toking on his pipe as he held the receiver as he heard the phone ringing on the other end and a young woman answered, “Vicki Avery FBI major crimes division how I may direct your call?”

Miles said, “Special Agent Tom Murphy please.”

Vicki said, “Whom may I say is calling?”

Miles said, “Dr. Miles Spencer FBI from the Camelot Clinic.”

Vicki said, “Oh, Yes sir, hold please.” Vicki used call forwarding to Tom Murphy’s cell phone as he was still in California not in New Jersey. She waited for him to answer but there was a long silent pause as she could only hear Tom’s breathing into the mouthpiece and she said, “Hello, Agent Murphy ~ hello Tom are you there?” Then she screamed and said “Boss wake up!!!” Then she heard coughing on the other end and a moan and Vicki said, “Boss, I have a Dr. Miles Spencer on the line for you.”

Tom was completely exhausted basically he’s been living on ‘E’ for quite a while now. He has been constantly attacked by his two new partners who are working on the case with him. They are two very hot thirty something aged women that have the sex drive of teenage girls. When they have had any alone time they wanted to have as much sex as they possibly could with him. The past week each day and each night he hasn’t been able to replenish his vitality but even in his weakened state blurted out, “Go ahead put him through.”

Vick said, “Hold for Dr. Spencer sir.”

Tom heard the click as the phone call was being transferred to him and said, “Hey Doc ~ how are ya? Do you have any more good news for me?”

Miles said, “Hey Tom, not really. Do you have anything new for me?”

Tom said, “No, every avenue thus far has been a dead end.”

Miles said, “Sorry to hear that. I haven’t been able to crack our witness at all. Look, I know that you’re busy so I’ll get to the meat of it. I’m going to need your permission to start a new type of therapy for Karen. It is an exotic type of hypnosis with a twist. You see once I hypnotize her then I will use a technique known as regression for our Karen Valentine.”

Tom thought to his self, ‘if he only knew that I’ve been fucking two LA detectives for the past week day and night he wouldn’t have called me so damn early in the morning’ but instead Tom remained completely professional and he said, “So, why do you need my permission? I mean you’re not going to hurt her in anyway are you? This regression thing isn’t going to destroy her mind or anything like that? Besides I’m not even a relative of hers, Doc.”

Miles said, “Well, we both think that she is over 18 but if she is not then I need the permission from the FBI to continue with her therapy especially this type of therapy. Listen, Tom I’m not going to hurt her in any way. I’m just going to be like in direct contact with her subconscious. It’s sorta like the Vulcan mind meld that Spock would use in Star Trek. The information that I extract from her could possibly be information that she has created on her own. There is a hypothesis out there that says when a person is in a coma or is catatonic state like Karen seems to be in; that they could very well be creating their own fantasy world of sorts.

It is so powerful that their brains cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality. There are ways of determining reality or fantasy by actually fact checking details extracted from these sessions. I know it sounds like this is way out there but if I can tap into her subconscious and get her raw memories it would be huge. Look, Tom it is just a formality I have already had my secretary fax over the form that you need. As the Agent in charge we need you to fill out and sign it. It is just a technicality but I do need it to continue.”

Tom seeing no issues with his request said, “Sure no problem Doc.”

Miles said, “Okay Tom if there is anything that comes out of the session you will be the first to know.”

Tom said, “Thanks a lot Doc and good luck. Call me with anything new.” He then clicked back to Vicki who was still on hold and said, “Hey, Vicki Dr. Spencer is going to be sending via fax some forms that need to be filled out. I need you to handle this and fill them out and sign my name and fax them back to his office.”

Vicki said, “Sure boss whatever you need. When do you think you’ll be back in the office? Morales is driving me nuts here without you, I need you here boss.”

Tom said, “Look it’s going slow out here so I have no idea how long I’m going to be stuck out here in la-la-land. When I get a better idea I’ll let you know. Until then hang in there Hun.”

Doctor Miles Spencer: Session #31

Several hours later Miles was setting his disc camera up as he normally did. He needed to try and capture the full sessions on disc tape. He set the lighting low so it was calming for Karen. Then he turned on some soft soothing music in the background to keep her nerves tranquil. Two orderlies helped Karen onto the couch and helped her take her normal seat on the sofa. Miles sat in his chair nice and relaxed then started to talk to Karen as he normally does. Miles then turned on the disc recorder and looked directly at it and spoke softly:

“This is case study # 301. This is session number 31. Hello Karen.” Miles waited for about 30 seconds but there was no response as normal as her eyes stayed straight staring out into nothingness and there was no change in her stone hard stoic face. “Karen, today I have some good news to help us with your therapy session. I’ve been given permission by the protector (Special Agent Tom Murphy is the protector to Karen) to conduct my first full session of hypnosis that will include a special technique known as regression. Now, Karen you don’t need to be afraid ~ or scared ~ you see regression is a painless procedure ~ I just want you to relax ~ just be yourself. Regression is something that we psychiatrists very rarely like to use but I feel that it will be beneficial in your therapy.

I know that you can hear me and I know that you can understand what I am telling you. I am going to ask you a few questions about some things that have happened in your past. You don’t have to worry there is no right or wrong answer to my questions just answer them freely. Karen I want you to tell me about your happiest day ~ can you do that for me?” Again he waited a minute or so and there came no response. “Okay, Karen we are going to begin now, I just want you to relax as I am going to put you under now. We are going to by-pass your consciousness and spend the remainder of our session in your subconscious. Just think about your happiest day nothing else. Tell me about the weather that day. Who was there with you? What happened and why was it your favorite day?”

Miles began the process of hypnotizing her and a few minutes later a serene look over took her stoic face and her body became less rigid and once it seemed like she was relaxed Miles said softly, “Karen ~ Karen ~ Karen can you hear me?”

Then after a full week and 30 therapy sessions and a total of sixty long grueling hours of therapy where Miles basically was talking to his self; Karen finally broke her catatonic state and awoke in her subconscious. Her motions were slow as her transformation from being catatonic into hypnotic awareness. She began to play with her hair twirling it like a young girl would do. She then pulled her legs up on the couch sitting Indian style. Her skirt slipped up her thighs revealing her black thong. Miles was mesmerized as he couldn’t take his eyes off of that triangle shaped black patch barely covering her co-ed’s tiny labia. He felt it was her way of giving him a sweet gift that only a young co-ed could give ~ her camel toe.

The good news was that the camera was focusing on her face at that time and not her lower body. The expression on her face slowly changed from being stoic to a soft grin and she put the ends of her hair in her mouth and she started chewing on the ends. When Miles first heard her voice it was as if his heart leapt up into his throat. Her voice sounded like that of an angel, a young girl and she said in a questioning tone, “Karen? Who is this Karen person? Am I supposed to be this Karen person?”

Miles was anxious as he wanted to remember the exact way her transformation took place right before his very eyes. It was just amazing seeing her metamorphosis then he remembered that she asked him a question and said, “Well aren’t you Karen? Karen Valentine, right? That is your name?”

She looked at Miles with a smile, “Don’t be silly mister Karen Valentine isn’t my name.”

Miles had the remote control of the camera in his hand and he looked into the TV as he zoomed out to catch all of her emotions but making sure not to catch her spread legs and her oval shaped camel toe. Miles wanted her to keep some form of dignity in all of this and said, “Then can you tell me your real name sweetie?”

She looked back at him and was rocking back in forth on the couch nervously chewing on the ends of her hair, “My mommy and daddy said that I shouldn’t talk to strangers. I don’t know you. I don’t know who you are mister. Do you know where my mommy and daddy are?”

Miles quickly surmised that she was immersed in a much younger ego than he may have anticipated, “Well my name is Dr. Miles Spencer.”

She said, “If you’re a doctor, then how come you don’t have a steth-o-lo-scope around your neck like my Pop-Pop does?”

Miles smiled and chuckled at her and knew he was on the right path as she remembered another person other than her parents and said, “So, can you tell me who Pop-Pop is?”

She sat and debated whether to tell him or not and said, “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you my Pop-Pop’s real name is Doctor William Foster and he’s a girl’s doctor.”

Miles knew he was on the right path as she was exuded protection for herself as well as being cooperative by answering questions that couldn’t hurt her and he moved on, “Well, I am not that type of doctor honey. I am a doctor that helps young girls like you with their memories. Your mommy and daddy are waiting for you right outside of my office door there. They are filling out some papers for me ~ but I was so excited to talk to you today that I wanted to start right away.”

She in a shaky tone said, “Can my mommy come inside with me? I don’t like being in here all by myself. I’m kind of a-scared.”

Miles realized that she was a very clever girl, “Well, it was your mommy’s idea that you talk to me alone. She really wants you to talk to me. She is worried that you can’t remember some important things that have happened to you, even things that just happened to just a little while ago. Do you remember what your mommy looks like?”

She smiled at Miles again, “She’s the prettiest woman in the whole wide world. When the sun is out it makes her hair shine a bright gold color that’s really pretty. She has blue eyes and she is tall a whole five feet tall. She’s the greatest mommy in the whole wide world. What does my mommy want me to remember? If you tell me then I can tell you what you want to know so I can go home.”

Miles was happy with the detail that she was offering back to him. Then he took another shot, “Well, you told both of your parents that your name is Karen Valentine and she became really scared because you don’t remember your real name. Also your mommy and daddy want you to tell me all about your favorite day? I know that I am a stranger but I am a real doctor, I swear to god. So, do you think you can trust me just a little itty-bit?” Miles pointed to the wall behind his desk and said, “See there’s my diploma right there on the wall. That will show you that I am a real doctor.”

She got up off of the couch and walked over to the wall and looked at the diploma, “You went to this school in Florida Un-a-vers-a-ty and they made you a doctor for helping people with their memories?

Miles smiled and chuckled he liked her younger ego and personality, “Well, something like that and you pronounce it like this, University. I’m what they call a Psychiatrist doctor I’m like a real special doctor. I am a doctor of psychiatry but my specialty is getting people to remember certain things. Right now, I think that you are having trouble remembering who you are. Your daddy tells me that you said to him that you are Karen Valentine and that you come from a place called Muskogee, Oklahoma is that true?”

She came back to the couch and sat back down again sitting Indian style again but this time her skirt rode up almost to the top of her hips exposing her thong yet again. Miles eyes were fixated between her legs, “My mommy really wants me to tell you who I am because she really doesn’t like me talking to strange men?” She sat there nervously rocking back and forth for a few seconds and was thinking as her eyes wondered around the room. “My name is Kristen Foster I am not from that strange named place that you said. I live in Latrobe where they make the beer.”

Miles thought for a moment, “You mean Latrobe, Pennsylvania where they make Latrobe Beer?”

Kristen said, “Yes.”

Meanwhile back in LA at Karen Morgan’s apartment:

When Special Agent Tom Murphy woke up, he thought he was still dreaming.

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