
Case Study 301: Daddy and I play water sports on the airplane

Welcome back everyone. I understand that most stories on this site get right into the sex but like I explained in the first chapter this is an epic story. There is plenty of sex and depravity for everyone in this story but having the other side pushing the story forward should keep your interest as well. I really tried to make it as interesting as I could for everyone. Also instead of recapping at the beginning of each chapter I would encourage you to read the previous chapters first so that it all makes sense to you.

Daddy and I play water sports on the airplane:

Meanwhile in Los Angeles at the FBI offices:
It has been several days since Special Agent Murphy spoke with Dr. Miles Spencer PhD who heads a secret FBI facility known as Camelot Clinic. Dr. Miles’ work over the past decade has been very secretive as he was brought there to develop new brainwashing techniques. Before he was brought to the Camelot Clinic by the FBI his specialty was helping people who suffered major brain injuries and have lost their memories. Dr. Spencer has developed special technique’s that helps his various patients regain their lost lives as they once knew them. A few weeks ago he was brought his most daunting and challenging patient to date, a young co-ed who witnessed a quadruple homicide. Since that fateful night she has remained in a catatonic state since her arrival at Camelot Clinic. After the first therapy session in which Dr. Spencer hypnotized his patient he was finally able to unlock her subconscious. Once he was tapped into her subconscious he discovered that all of her memories were still safely intact but now Miles’ challenge is to figure out a way to help her regain her conscious self and live a normal life again.

Dr. Spencer relayed the information that was revealed in the first session that he hypnotized his patient. He agreed to only forward information that pertained to the case that Special Agent Tom Murphy was working on that was provided to him by his patient. Special Agent Tom Murphy of the Organized Crime Task Force of New York City was sitting in a temporary office at the FBI headquarters in Los Angeles drinking his morning black coffee and nibbling on a Cherry Danish. He was looking out his eighteenth story window as he watched the people on the street walking by underneath him. He was deep in thought about how he had gotten his self entangled in an ongoing threesome with two female homicide detectives from LA who are working the case with him. Tom’s mind was basking in the wonderful memories of the past several weeks of fucking these hot women and then waking up naked next to two thirty something’s who were also naked and inevitably ready to fuck his brains out each morning.

Tom heard people beginning to file into the office as each time he heard the elevator bell go off. He realized that his time of daydreaming was over as he watched his team from his New Jersey office walk in. Tom pulled out all the pertinent information that he needed and gathered his guys together in one of the conference rooms. Under the advisement of Doctor Spencer and with only one other viable lead in the case Agent Murphy decided to meet with his two trusted agents Eric Walker and Danny Lambert.

Once everyone was comfortable he started the meeting. Tom explained to them that he needs them to do some follow up on the information that Kristen Foster the witness of the quadruple homicide provided to Doctor Spencer in her therapy session while under hypnosis and he said, “Listen Eric and Danny I need you two to do some background interviews with several people back in Latrobe, Pennsylvania of all places ~ about our witness Kristen Foster. First, I need you to find this Kristen Foster’s father, mother or grandparents back there. Now, Doctor Spencer mentioned that while she was under hypnosis she said that she was a seven-year-old girl. He also mentioned that she could be stuck in a certain place in time inside of her mind for quite a while. So, perhaps if we find her Elementary school teacher would be a good idea.” Tom flipped through several pages and said, “Here it is Ms. Tina Johnson perhaps she can give us an outsider’s viewpoint of our witness who is supposedly going to UCLA right now.

Apparently the only way of communicating with our witness at this time is through some form of exotic hypnosis. Doctor Spencer feels that if he isn’t able to bring her out of her catatonic state soon that she could just wrap herself in her own sorta ~ cocoon. He said it’s like she is hiding deep inside of her own mind. I don’t know how that is possible but then again I’m not a Psychiatrist either. Apparently he said it could possibly make her feel safe remembering herself a young girl rather than her current reality. Dr. Spencer mentioned that she could very well be shutting down her conscious mind once and for all. At this point she’s is the only person who witnessed what happened in that hotel room the night of the murders. We need her ~ so we are going to be doing a lot of redundant work over the next few days. I want the two of you to be as murky about her being alive or dead.”

Danny broke in, “So basically what you’re saying boss, is you want her cover story to remain in tack that she has died? You want us to claim that, before she died, she talked and we are doing some follow up on her story is that it?”

Tom said, “I want you to do some background on the family back there in Pennsylvania, if there is anything. She could be lying but if any part of her story checks out then I want you back there in Latrobe doing the one-on-one-interviews. Also you could just tell them you’re there to do background interviews for a potential agent.”

Eric looked up at Tom with a smile on his face and did his best Al Pacino impression, “Just when you think you’re out of the east coast ~ The EAST COAST pulls you back in. I love it out here boss I can’t lie. This is like we’re on vacation all the time out here. It’s warm and sunny and the women are just ~ well you know boss ~ you’ve been spending a lot of time with those two hotties from LA Homicide. Tell me boss any plans on slapping some cuffs on one of them?”

Everybody started to laugh in the room and then Tom looked at Eric, “Look ‘E’ this case isn’t going away any time soon. We need as much background as we can get. If the witness is really from back there then let’s start filling in the blanks for this young girl. She just might be the key to this whole damn thing. If not, wouldn’t it be nice to make this girl whole again don’tcha think? Wouldn’t it be nice to at least help her out that way? Okay guys I need you to get back to work and you guys need to get on the phone and your computers. Okay that’s it.”

It didn’t take long for Eric and Danny to input the very little information that they had into the FBI computer system. It seems that there is a Kristen Foster that lives in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. The additional information started to be confirmed she was enrolled at New Derry Elementary School and one of her teachers is a Ms. Johnson. Then they confirmed that she was born at the Latrobe Hospital in 1992. They also confirmed the names of the patient’s parents and both sets of grandparents.

At the end of the day armed with this new info Danny made a call to his boss Tom about marching orders. Danny called Tom and said, “Hey boss got some news for ya.”

Tom said, “Okay, so what did you find out?”

Danny said, “Well, you know Eric he worked his magic on his keyboard and he confirmed the information that came from the good doctor. The real question is if this girl didn’t just use another person’s name or if this is the real Kristen Foster.”

Tom said, “Well, take a plane ride back to Pittsburgh with Eric and get to work and start confirming if it is her or not.”

Danny said, “Well, we found a photo of her in one of the local papers back then. It seems that she was part of some home invasion scenario it’s very vague as to what actually happened. We called the paper and they sent us a clearer picture and Eric put her face through our facial recognition program that aged our Kristen Foster. I have to say boss, it’s pretty damn close. I think the doctor did his job and got us some really good Intel.”

Tom said, “What is the one thing that we learn in the FBI Danny? We double fact check everything ~ then we triple fact check everything so that it’s concrete. Grab Eric and a suitcase and get on a red eye back to Pittsburgh. Keep me updated about what you find out.”

Meanwhile back in New Mexico the next morning:

It’s been a few days since Doctor Miles Spencer, PhD had put Kristen under her initial hypnosis using the technique of regression. Miles was still perplexed that Kristen hadn’t made any progress what so ever while she has been in her normal conscious state. Without the aid of being hypnotized Kristen remains in a vicarious catatonic state that is very similar to being in a coma. It makes her seem like she’s a living statue. Miles felt that if he isn’t able to help her within the next several sessions that she may just lock herself away in the deep recesses of her mind.

Miles and Kristen had an additional four sessions this week and each session resulted as her first thirty before she had ever been hypnotized. They consisted of Miles asking Kristen various questions and then looking for any kind of communication. Miles felt trapped not know what was really going to help her. Then he thought that perhaps hypnotizing Kristen and then using the regression technique on her once again he could pick out more information from her subconscious that could put him back on the right track.

Session #35 of Case Study 301:

Miles looked around his office to make sure everything was in place as he set the mood to once again hypnotize Kristen. As she was brought into his office Miles locked the door behind her. Miles never wanted to be disturbed when he was going to regress one of his patients. Before he put her under hypnosis again Miles finally started their session and said, “This is Case Study 301, Session number 35. Kristen ~ Kristen ~ Can you hear me Kristen?” Miles sat for a few minutes watching her for any signs of communication but when nothing happened he broke his silence, “Kristen I am a little worried. After the last session in which you were hypnotized ~ you once again returned to the state of being catatonic that you are currently in right now. There has been no communication between us whatsoever in our therapy sessions directly after you were hypnotized and quite frankly it has me worried. Now, I know that you can understand me while you are in this state but I need you to try and communicate with me ~ any way possible.” Miles sat quietly for several minutes but her body remained like a statue and her eyes stared forward into nothingness. Miles was frustrated and he knew that he was going to have to attempt another episode of regression with her.

Miles sat gazing at Kristen and he thought ‘she may have the body of a real 20 year-old girl but during session #31 while Kristen was under hypnosis she exhibited an ego of a seven-year-old girl. While she was in that state she acted much more sexually mature for a girl of that age while she seemed to be able to keep an air of innocence about herself when talking about adult subject matters.’ It was quite perplexing even for a seasoned psychiatrist like Miles. Miles wasn’t sure what disturbed him the most, was it the fact that he molested his patient while she was hypnotized or the fact that in her mind she believed she was seven and he broke the trust of her inner-child.

Miles pushed forward through the guilt that he felt and looked at Kristen deep within her eyes trying to see something, anything that would keep him from hypnotizing her again but it just never happened. So, Miles began the regression process with Kristen. Once she was under hypnosis Miles started their session, “Okay Kristen the last time that you and I talked you described the happiest day of your life. To my surprise you revealed a lot of dark family secrets. Kristen I can only imagine how you must have felt ~ you know you being such a young girl being thrust into the role of a grown-up woman. Kristen you told me that you had sex with your teenage cousin Timmy and that you and your Pop-pop, who you said is a doctor, made you play games together that lead you to you giving him fellatio.”

While Miles was speaking he watched Kristen’s metamorphosis from being a stone statue to a vibrant young girl. Finally after a few minutes she was finally fully alert under hypnosis and just like the young girl she exhibited in her last session in which she was hypnotized. She finally raised her hand and after Miles nodded at her signaling that she could ask her question she blurted out in a very young girlish voice, “What is fellatio Doctor Spencer?”

Miles after hearing how she was involved in many sexual scenarios with the men in her family felt like he could just tell her the truth and said, “That’s when a woman allows a man to put his penis in her mouth and then he ejaculates either in her mouth or on her face.”

Kristen smiled and giggled as her hand went over her mouth then she raised her hand at Miles and said, “What is ejaculate? That’s a funny sounding word.”

Miles smiled at her, “That is when your Pop-Pop gave you what he called his special medicine ~ you called it his special white pee.”

Kirsten giggled as her hand covered her mouth again to hide her embarrassing revelation and said, “Yes that is true” With her head bobbing up and down in agreement and now chewing on the ends of her hair, “We did fellatio a whole lot Doctor Spencer. My Pop-pop really likes to pee his white stuff all over my body.” Then her eyes widen and she held her right hand in the air with her forefinger extended, “This one time my Pop-pop told me to get naked you know ~ I didn’t know why he wanted me to be naked and all ~ I did it anyway because being a good girl in our house means ~” She started shaking her finger at Miles and she imitated a very low voice and she said, “~ Listening to your grownups is what good girls do in our family do.”

She then put her hands on her knees and shrugged her shoulders and gave Miles this cute little whim sickle smile, “When Pop-pop or Pap-pap was ready to pee his white medicine sometimes they made me open my legs really wide and they peed their white stuff all over my privates and then take pictures of me. That was the BEST!!!! I liked that the most. I liked watching it come out of the top of their privates all over me. It’s was so warm and wet. It took me a long time Dr. Miles to get used to the taste of my Pop-Pop’s and Pap-pap’s white pee but now I love it even though it tastes a lot like cough medicine. I also liked it when they took pictures of me when they were done ~ I want to be like those girls in my daddies naughty magazines. They look like they are having so much fun with the boys.”

Miles once again saw the path that this young girl was on. She was once again leading him down the path he so wanted to avoid but he wanted to keep things simple and on a non-sexual level as possible and said, “Today why don’t you tell me about your trip to Disney World? I am sure that it must have been a much happier time being a young girl going to what they call ‘the happiest place on earth’ why don’t you tell me about your trip to Disney World?”

Meanwhile back in Latrobe interview of Ms. Johnson

After a early morning flight Eric and Danny arrived in Latrobe and went directly to the New Derry Elementary School to meet with Kristen’s elementary school teacher is Ms. Johnson. They met her at the school at the end of the day in her classroom so that they could have total privacy.

Danny and Eric were seated on the other side of Ms. Johnson’s desk in her classroom. They felt like two students that had to be in detention for something that they did in class that day. It was as if they both were being punished and had to stay after school. Danny led off the interview, “Boy I feel like I’m right back in school again Ms. Johnson just another day where I had detention because I said or did something stupid in class.”

Ms. Johnson who was now in her early forties smiled at him and said, “I guess all those detentions did you some good because you ended up being an FBI Agent. By the way why don’t you just call me Tina and I’ll just call you Danny and Eric if that’s okay with you two?”

Eric said, “Okay that sounds fine with me.”

Danny was nodding his head, “Sure this interview is pretty low key anyway.”

Tina said, “Well, you two waited around all day to talk to me. So, I guess that I’m not under arrest for anything illegal. So, what could be so important that you came all the way to Latrobe to talk too little ‘ole me?”

Danny said, “We are here because we are doing some background interviews. These interviews are very informal. Of course we cannot reveal the name of the person who wants to be a part of the FBI but we interview family, friends, teachers, professors, co-workers and acquaintances of that person. We just wanted to ask some questions about some of the students that you had taught over a decade ago. Do you happen to remember a young girl or boy in your classroom with the last name Foster?”

Tina Carter just giggled, “You guys are definitely not from around here are you? Well, let’s just put it this way ~ each city has it’s (she held her hands above her head making quotation marks) pillars of the community ~ well the Foster’s are one of those big thick massive pillars, if you know what I mean? The name itself dates back to the founding families of Latrobe. There has been a long line of Doctor Foster’s that goes back to even before Latrobe was even founded. Okay, so let’s see here ~ if my memory serves me correctly I taught three of the Foster’s kids. Okay let’s see first there was Timmy then I had his younger sister Amy then came along the youngest their cousin Kristen ~ yes, that should be all of them. Are any of them in some sort of trouble?”

Eric said, “No, it’s nothing like that we are doing some background on the entire family. We are looking to get an outsider point of view of how their family is viewed by the community. That’s why we came to see you first. As a matter of fact you were listed rather high on the person’s referral page.”

Tina said, “So, I guess that you’re not at liberty to discuss whatever it is that you are really here for?”

Danny put his forefinger to his nose, “Right on the nosey there Tina. Can you tell us a little about the Foster kid’s when they were your students?”

Tina said, “Well, I can do more than that for you. I went to high school with all their parents Donny and Jim Foster and also Lilly and Lisa Carter. The funny thing is I went to school with Donald and Lilly they were in the same grade as me. Then along came Donny’s younger brother Jimmy and Lilly’s younger sister Lisa when we were juniors in high school. You know that now that I think about it ~ it’s awfully odd that two brother’s from one family would marry two sisters from another family.”

Eric said, “So, let me make sure I understand what you just said. The two Foster boys Don and Jim married the two Carter girls Lilly and Lisa?”

Tina nodded her head in agreement, “Yep.”

Danny said, “You know what? That is a strange phenomenon. So, what can you tell us about ~ let’s start with the oldest and work our way down to the last Foster you would have taught. I mean did they seem to be well adjusted children or did they have any problems? That is if you can remember anything?”

Tina said, “Latrobe is not a very big city and when you have two of the wealthier families marry each other their kids they are going to have certain ~ privileges ~ if you know what I mean?”

Danny said, “Well, it looks like we came to the right spot first. So, why don’t you go ahead and fill us in a little.”

Tina said, “Things are pretty simple around here. Not too much happens.” Eric and Danny sat for about twenty minutes as Tina filled them in on Timmy and Amy. It was a necessary evil as not to let onto what they were really after. Okay so finally let’s talk about Kristen? Well, okay, she was your normal average girl. She did eventually become the leader of the popular girls in her grade just like her cousin Amy did before her. Then when she was around eleven there was an unfortunate incident. It seems three men broke into Jim and Lisa Foster’s home and how can I say this delicately (she leaned forward and whispered in a hush tone) the men took advantage of her mother. There were plenty of rumors that Kristen was even abused as well ~ but I don’t think anyone wanted to really confirm that information either way.

I think they wanted to protect her reputation. Once the boys here in school heard about what happened to her ~ well, let’s just say her worst fears came true. The boys started grabbing at her naughty places ~ if you know what I mean. It got so bad that her mother and father pulled her from school and they actually left Latrobe all together. The boys were punished and expelled until the end of the school year but the damage had already been done to Kristen. I haven’t seen or heard from Jim, Lisa or even Kristen in years.”

Eric said, “So, aside from this break-in and assault she had a pretty normal childhood?”

Tina said, “That’s pretty much it.

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