
Case Study 301: A Disney World Orgy

Our little girl is growing up sexually

Chapter 7

Welcome back for another installment of this epic story Case Study 301, this chapter is entitled Disney World Orgy. If you happened to stumble across this chapter without reading the previous chapters I can give a synopsis but you really should try and read a few chapters before this one as many details are needed to move forward.

So, this is a story of a young co-ed who was inside a hotel suite with a well known gangster in Los Angeles. During their evening of copulation a Columbian hit man burst thru the hotel room door. The gangster and his bodyguards immediately started a shoot out right in front of our co-ed, Kristen. The only person to survive that evening was Kristen but unfortunately she has suffered a psychotic break and in her current conscious state she is catatonic. It is like she is in a walking coma.

Dr. Miles Spencer who heads up a secret facility known as the Camelot Clinic for the FBI is only able to communicate with her when he hypnotizes her then uses a technique known as regression for her to open up to him. The FBI wants to know what exactly happened in that hotel room that night unfortunately our co-ed Kristen she has locked herself in her eight-year-old ego thus far. Miles has been diligently working with her but she is only telling him things that have happened at that young age.

So for those of you who do not like the themes of a young lady experiencing sexual situations then this story isn’t for you, sorry. You should move on now. So, if you do read it please do not leave any nasty comments as this was your warning. I will say this, that upcoming chapters her age will increase check back then. For right now we explore how a family went to Disney World and made it the happiest place on earth for a whole other reason. For those of you who are not upset with this theme enjoy. Once again thank you for taking the time as this series has taken well over a year to put together.

A Disney World Orgy:

Meanwhile at the Camelot Clinic:
The next day Miles brought Kristen back in for her next session #51.

We rejoin Miles and Kristen at the beginning of session 51. Miles was taking a grave chance at regressing Kristen’s mind so soon after doing so the day before. His hope was to push Kristen. In their last session she remained in her eight-year-old ego and hopefully by pushing her perhaps he could bring her to her actual twenty-year-old ego. Kristen was brought to Miles’ office by her orderly named Carl. He helped her to sit on the couch waiting for Miles to begin their session for the day. Now, without the aide of being hypnotized Kristen just sat on Miles’ couch as if she was a living statue just staring at him or perhaps right through him, which he really didn’t know anymore. All he knew was unless she was hypnotized Kristen didn’t speak didn’t move and there was no reaction of any kind on her part.

As Miles sat behind his desk he contemplated what he should do next. Each time you regress a patient you run the risk of the patient locking themselves in their own little world inside of their mind perhaps for good. As he sat their staring back at her all he could think about was, ‘what if Kristen had already locked herself in her own little world? And everything she is telling him is just her sick twisted little fantasy?’ It was sad actually to think about the young girl’s situation. The fact that at such a young age she was asked to protect both of her parents by locking away the circumstances that she was being abused in one way or another on a daily basis. That she lived a life in which she and her parents were engaging in some form of incestuous lifestyle even to the point of it becoming normality. Miles for the first time was seriously considering calling his mentor Dr. Joel Greenburg with this problem as he couldn’t figure out how to help this young co-ed girl escape from her personal demons.

Miles’ can do attitude has served him well over the years and has pushed him forward to not give up on anyone and he decided right then and there that he was not going to abandon this young co-ed girl just yet. He felt that no matter what happens he would stick it out with her until Kristen becomes a fully functioning woman again. Miles began to talk to Kristen as he walked around the room setting the soft mood that he likes to create for his patients when he is about to hypnotize them, it gives a much more soothing affect for each of his patients. “Kristen I know that you can hear me and I know that you are aching to escape the world that you created for yourself in your mind. The only way I can help you is if you give me some sort of sign any kind of sign as to the entrance way to help pull you out. I want you to know that you can trust me and that I can be a protector as well for you.”

Then he sat down and began the process of hypnotizing her and several minutes later young Kristen was right back where she had left off the day before. Kristen was again wearing a soft cotton sun dress and as she sat on the couch she took her instinctive sitting position, Indian style. Her dress rose up her silky smooth legs slowly bringing into view yet another thong, this time it was Blue in color. Miles waited for her to adjust to being hypnotized then finally her eyes began to soften as it seemed as if her soul began to shine thru them. She then smiled at him taking the ends of her hair and began to chew on the ends like a young girl would do and she said, “Hello Doctor Spencer, how are you today?”

Miles was pleasantly surprised that she had started the conversation and responded, “I’m doing just fine today how about you?”

Kristen said, “Today I feel really good. You know I have been holding something back from you, Doctor Spencer. My parents have been bringing me here for the past year to talk to you so you can help me. I just want to say that ~ I like coming here ~ it seems like a lot of fun talking to you Doctor Spencer. I feel so much better after I leave here every day. I also like our alone time ~ it’s like ~ I can tell you things ~ anything that is bothering me ~ and you ~ you don’t get mad at me for the bad things that I do.”

Miles sat taking in what she just said and thought, ‘this is not good. If she thinks that her parents are bringing her here then she could possibly have developed a false scenario in her mind, an alter ego if you will, and in doing so that could be the reason why she has remained in her catatonic state when she is not hypnotized. Her statement that she has been coming to therapy sessions for a year now would lead him to believe that, that is exactly what she has done but reality is she has only been at the clinic about two months now. She really believes that she is currently only eight-years-old.

Miles tried to hold it together as he smirked at the young co-ed sitting across from him and said, “Kristen there is no reason for me to be upset with you. As I told you before anything you say or do behind this closed door stay’s right here, I promise.” This was the first time that Miles had not prompted Kristen to speak before regressing her mind. He wanted to see where she was mentally that day. “So, Kristen what would you like to talk about today?”

Kristen said, “Well, the last time we talked about when I was at Typhoon Lagoon in Disney World with my mommy and daddy.”

Miles wanted to try to keep things out of the sexual realm today and said, “Yes, that is right but you left Disney World after that, isn’t that correct?”

Kristen said, “Yes, we left the next day.”

Miles said, “So, did you have fun going on the rides and being in the park and seeing all the different Disney characters?”

Kristen sat there and smiled her pretty little smile, “You know it was sorta fun ~ but ~”

Miles interrupted her, “~ but what? So you’re now telling me you didn’t have fun? I mean when we talked about it before you were smiling, laughing all the time. You mentioned how you loved being alone with your father inside of the park.”

Kristen said, “I guess so but the real fun? Well, the real fun? Well that happened when daddy and I ended up in all the strange little places in Disney World. I mean ~ I had the most fun when dad kept taking me to all the different men’s room inside of Disney World. After we did it the first time I wanted daddy to keep taking me to all the different men’s rooms around the park so I could look at all the boy’s penises and the big daddy ones too.”

Miles wanted to head this off before she got started skipping down the sex road again, “So, after you finished playing at the Lagoon pool, did you and your parents have a nice dinner before you went home?”

Kristen looked at Miles and her face contorted a little, “The biggest surprise of the trip was waiting for my daddy and me when we made it back to our room after we finished at Typhoon Lagoon.”

Miles said, “What was that?”

Kristen said, “Well, when we got back to the hotel room, I really needed to take a shower so I could clean my privates because daddy’s sperm was like all dry on my skin down around my privates and all but a lot of it was still wet inside of me. While my daddy sat out in the like living room area of the hotel room he watched the football teams play against each other as I went in the bathroom and took my shower by myself. When I came back out I was all nice and clean. I noticed that my mommy still hadn’t come back to our room yet.”

Miles said, “So, I guess since your mommy hadn’t come back yet ~ you and your daddy ordered dinner from room service then watched the end of the football game?”

Kristen said, “Weelllll ~ no, not exactly ~”

Miles interjected, “~ oh for gosh sakes ~ don’t tell me that you and your daddy had sex again?”

Kristen said very sarcastically, “Well, it wasn’t like I walked out and my daddy just like ~ tore my clothes off of me then made me do things to him or something like that.”

Miles said, “So, what did happen?”

Kristen said, “I walked out into the living room still wet wearing my bath towel and sat down next to daddy on the couch as we watched the football game together. Daddy put his arm around me and held me tight next to him. He found a note on the table when I was in the shower. Daddy handed me the note and he said to read it while he went to take a shower of his own. He said, ‘that I should to put on a nice dress and no panties as usual.’ I read the note after he left the room and it was from my mother. She wrote for us to meet her at a certain time in a different hotel inside of Disney World.”

Miles asked, “So do you know what the note was for?”

Kristen said, “Well, when I first read the note I wasn’t sure why my mommy was in a different hotel than us and it just made me upset again. When daddy came back out he was dressed really nice but I was still wrapped in my towel. I didn’t want to go Doctor Spencer. If my daddy did then he was just going to have to leave me all by myself! My daddy was upset that I wasn’t ready yet. He told me to, ‘put on my dress so that we could go.’ But I told him that ‘I decided that I didn’t want to go and mommy should come back here with us.’”

Miles asked, “So why was the note making you so upset?”

Kristen folded her arms and gave him a little snarf from her nose and with a scowled look said, “I just wanted my mommy to stay with us ~ is that so wrong? You know she should be with us Doctor Spencer ~ I mean we were on vacation together and as this was supposed to be a family vacatioin ~ instead my mommy was finding all kinds of ways of spending so much time away from us. It was like she didn’t want to be with us at all.”

She lifted up her head and you could see the pink around her eyes from her tears welling up and asked, “Do you think I did something wrong Dr. Spencer? Was it because daddy wanted to spend so much time with just me? Am I a bad girl to let my daddy do the things he did to me when we were naked? Because all I wanted was just for us three to have a good time at Disney World ~ you know ~ like all three of us together. I didn’t know that daddy wanted to do all the things he did with me before we left on vacation. I mean he didn’t talk to me about how he wanted to have sex with me on my birthday. I mean that was supposed to be a surprise and like everything else that kinda happened while we were there ~ just like ~ kinda ~ just like happened if you know what I mean? Besides the night daddy and I had sex together it was mommy who was pretending to be me in bed while they were having sex together as my mommy was on all fours right over top of me while I was sleeping.”

Miles said, “No, Kristen I don’t think that you’re a bad girl. I just think that you are a young girl whose mommy and daddy did things that they shouldn’t have with you. I think that your mommy and daddy wanted you to be all grown up just like them. If anyone is bad it would be your mommy and daddy. I know you said you come from a special family but they shouldn’t have done the things to you the way they did them. You are a good girl ~ I hope you understand that, Kristen. So, what did your dad say about you going or staying? Did you go to the other hotel room where your mommy was?”

Kristen said, “I really didn’t want to go. I told daddy to call mommy and to tell her to come back to us where she belonged. I don’t like it when my mommy is having sex with strange men. I mean ~ it wasn’t fair to my daddy but my daddy told me that I need to respect my mommy and if she tells me, ‘that she wants me to go somewhere that I don’t have a choice.’ He said, ‘when you are all grown up and you don’t want to listen then that was up to me but because I’m so young right now I don’t have a choice.’ He also said ‘not to worry about anything.’”

Miles asked, “So, what did you do?”

Kristen said, “I was still mad at my mommy deep down inside of me but I didn’t want to make daddy ~ you know like ~ all mad at me and all. Daddy brought out my nice dress for me. He also pulled out his camera because he knows how much I like to play fashion model with him. Daddy started taking pictures of me as he helped me change. My daddy smelled so nice and looked so handsome I just wanted to kiss him all over ~ if you know what I mean?

He smiled at me as he took my towel off and I stood in front of daddy all naked and all. He just smiled at me telling me how beautiful I was and how much of a big girl I was now. He took his camera out and started taking pictures of me. I started to move around like a fashion model would as he took pictures of me being naked and all. Daddy always smiles when I spread my legs for him he likes that the most when my I spread my legs for him. He said, ‘he wanted to take pictures of my special naughty place now that he had his privates up there.’ He said, ‘my vagina looks all grown up now because he can fit his penis inside of me and all.’ He pointed to it and said that he could see how wide my hole was. It wasn’t as small as it was when we first got there a couple of days ago.

I even moved his hand over my naughty spot and let him play with my naughty spot as he took pictures of it. I like the way daddy touches me. He makes me feel so warm and like tingly all over my body. Then when I was naked standing on the coffee table my daddy kept taking pictures of me he looked at me and said, ‘listen pumpkin you know that you are daddy’s special girl right? And mommy is special too daddy as well.

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