Captive Virgin
Barbie Bergen drove her Toyota slowly through the howling blizzard, on her way to a Christian Youth Camp. The rest of her friends were already there, gathered for a weekend ski trip at a nearby resort. The weather had turned bad very suddenly, the temperature dropping precipitously, and Barbie had soon lost her way, having left the main road over an hour before. She peered through the icy windshield, trying to see any signs or markers that would help her find the camp.
Barbie was a senior in high school, just short of her 18th birthday. She was a cheerleader and had been named a Homecoming Princess that year, along with various academic awards. Next year, she hoped to go away to college. Through it all, she had jealously guarded her virginity, wanting to save herself for the man she married. She knew it was an old-fashioned idea, and her girlfriends sometimes teased her about her persistent chastity. The guys who had gone out with her were even more insistent, especially the football players, who seemed to expect the girls they hooked up with to have sex with them, or at least suck them off. Barbie was a beautiful girl, with silky blonde hair and a curvaceous body, and guys were constantly telling her that it was a crying shame to let that lush body go to waste. She had allowed some of them to fondle her large breasts, and twice she had gone so far as to give guys hand jobs in their cars. She had done it more out of curiosity than anything else, wanting to see what it was like when a man came. But she adamantly refused to go further, true to her devout Christian upbringing. It wasn’t that she was immune to the urgings of her body. She was, in fact, just as subject to raging hormones as anyone else her age, and perhaps more so.
She had discovered the pleasure her body could give her a few years before, while rinsing the soap from her pussy with a detachable showerhead. The pulsing action of the water against her sensitive clitoris had driven her to a stupendous climax, leaving her thrashing and gasping in the tub full of bubble bath. Since then, she had made herself come with regularity, a guilty pleasure that she nevertheless considered her fair and just reward for her steadfast refusal to have sex with anyone else.
Suddenly, without warning, the engine of the Toyota coughed and died. She turned the key, cranking the engine, but it refused to start again. The snow fell in huge flakes, slowly obliterating any sign of the road ahead. Fear began to creep into Barbie’s brain as she continued her futile attempts to start the car, the battery becoming weaker with each try. She took her cell phone out of her car and turned it on. No service. She had no idea how far she was from anything, a cabin or a store or gas station. She knew for sure that she hadn’t past anything in quite awhile, and she was afraid to leave the car to walk out into the raging snowstorm. She decided to wait there until another car came by.
Hours passed, the snow continued to fall heavily, and the bitter cold crept into the car where Barbie shivered in her ski jacket. She had not seen any other cars on the narrow dirt road, and she was becoming truly alarmed about her situation. Nobody would miss her until at least the next day, and there was no help on the way.
As she shivered in the cold of the car, her thoughts turned to sex. How ironic, she thought, that she had guarded her precious virginity so zealously for all this time, and now she might die here alone in the forest, without ever experiencing sex with a man. She might never feel the hard thrust of a penis into the depths of her vagina, might never feel the warm flood of his semen inside her. She began to regret her steadfast rigidity, her closed-mindedness.
As night began to descend, Barbie began to panic. She finally resolved to leave the car and walk, hoping to find a cabin with lights on. She began to trudge through the deepening snow, trying to follow the dirt road, but unsure even of that. She saw no signs of life, no cabins, no lights. Soon she was hopelessly lost, her face and feet almost frozen from the cold. She struggled on, as her feet became numb, gradually losing hope of being saved. She felt herself becoming sleepy, and fought it off desperately, knowing that if she slept, she might not wake up. Finally, she stumbled over a snag and fell in the snow, sobbing with fear and praying for her rescue.
Strangely, once again her thoughts turned to sex. She began to talk aloud, her mind swirling in confusion as the cold gradually took possession of her body. It was as if she was speaking to someone else, using words she had never before uttered in public. “My God, I’m almost 18 years old, and now I’m going to die, and I’ve never been FUCKED! I’ve never felt a man’s cock inside me, and I never, ever will! Why did I say no all those times? WHY??”
And then she felt herself drifting off into a tortured but strangely peaceful sleep. She wasn’t sure whether she actually said the last thing that came into her mind, or just thought it. “Please, God, if I’m saved, I’ll never say no to a man again.”
Ten minutes later, several arms lifted her out of the snow, as she mumbled softly, again and again: “Never say no again…”
When Barbie awakened, she found herself warm and dry, lying on a plush carpet in a large mountain cabin with log walls. A crackling fire burned in the stone fireplace. Outside the large windows, the blizzard raged on. As she felt the warmth from the fire on her skin, she realized with a sudden shock that she was naked, except for the small gold cross hanging from her necklace, and that she was confined. Her wrists and ankles were bound with soft leather straps to rings in the floor. Her legs were spread wide, her knees bent, completely exposing her sex. Several pillows were under her head, allowing her to comfortably see the great room and it’s occupants. There were six other people in the room, all of them naked, sitting around and talking casually, wine glasses in their hands. Oh my God, she thought quickly, embarrassed that they could see every inch of her body. Who are these people?? What do they want from me?
Her questions were soon answered by a statuesque, regal-looking blonde woman in her late thirties. She glanced over at Barbie and noticed that she had regained consciousness. “Well, well, look who’s awake!” she said, smiling. “Good morning, sweetie. Did you have a nice nap?”
“Who are you?” Barbie demanded angrily, struggling against her straps. “Where are my clothes? Why am I tied up?”
“Shhhh, all in good time, Barbie. Some thanks might be in order. After all, we DID save your life, you know.”
“How do you know my name?” said Barbie, increasingly alarmed.
“Tsk, tsk. Such ingratitude. From your driver’s license, of course,” said the blonde woman casually. “Barbie Bergen, seventeen years old, five-foot-six, 115 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes. .My name is Jessica, and this is my husband Frank.” She proceeded with the introductions. “And that’s Jerry and his wife Tanya, and Tyrone and his girlfriend Luann.” Frank was a distinguished-looking man in his forties, probably a businessman of some kind. Jerry was tall and Nordic-looking, slim and blue-eyed. His wife Tanya was a petite but busty brunette, no more than five feet tall. Tyrone and Luann were both African-American, obviously the youngest members of the group, both in their early twenties. Tyrone was a tall, powerfully-built man, while Luann was an athletic-looking girl with small, firm breasts, about 5’4” in height, her hair in beaded corn rows.
Barbie sensed something ominous in Jessica’s manner. For the first time, Barbie’s anger began to be supplanted by fear. “What do you want with me?”
“Oh, I’m so glad you asked me that, Barbie,” said Jessica, standing up and walking over to Barbie, completely unashamed of her nakedness. Her body was magnificent for a woman her age. “You see, Frank and I are…well, I’d guess you’d say we’re swingers. We like to get together with like-minded friends and have sex. Lots and lots of sex. We came up here for a week, and you just kind of fell into your hands by accident. How very fortunate for us! And for you, I might add. After all, you might have died out there in the snow.”
Barbie gazed up in shock at Jessica, her awareness growing quickly regarding the likely reason she was being held captive. Her mind raced, seeking an escape. “Look…I appreciate that you saved my life. And I don’t care what you people do here. It’s none of my business. I promise I won’t tell. Just let me go and I won’t cause any trouble.”
Jessica laughed. “Oh, sweetie, you don’t understand. You see, now that you’re here, we have big plans for you. You’re going to be the star attraction at our little party.”
Fear stabbed through Barbie as she realized her peril. “You won’t get away with this! People will be looking for me! This is kidnapping!”
“Oh, I don’t think they’ll find you. We’re miles from where your car stopped, and the blizzard has covered your tracks by now.”
Confronted with Jessica’s determination, Barbie made a last, desperate plea. “Please…don’t do this. I’m a virgin!”
Jessica’s eyes widened in surprise. “A VIRGIN?” she repeated, laughing again. “Oh, Frank, this is simply too good to be true! You’re going to get to deflower a virgin and introduce her to the joys of fucking!”
Barbie trembled in fear and outrage, no longer in doubt about the group’s intentions. “NO! You can’t!! It’s rape!!”
Jessica chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry, sweetie, we don’t plan on raping you. That isn’t our style. No, I think it would be much more fun if you willingly offered to have sex with us. I don’t know how a pretty girl like you has stayed a virgin for so long anyway. It’s just not natural!”
Barbie shook her head, not believing what she had just heard. “You can’t be serious!! I won’t do it! You can’t make me!! I’m a Christian!”
“Of course you will,” said Jessica, exuding confidence as she got down on her knees next to Barbie, and placed her lips close to her ear. “Barbie, listen to me carefully,” she crooned softly, as her hand slid between Barbie’s legs. She lightly teased the young girl’s clit with her fingertip as she continued. “You’re going to do anything I want you to do. When I get done with you, you’ll crawl on your knees to each of us in turn, eager to do anything and everything to please us. You’ll suck on the men’s cocks until they flood your mouth with hot, pulsing come. You’ll lick and suck our juicy pussies and lick our clits and stick your tongue inside us until we come all over it. And then you’ll beg us all to fuck you in that sweet, virginal, Christian pussy of yours, in your tight little ass, in your mouth, or all three at once. And then you’ll beg for more. You’re going to be my greatest creation, Barbie, an insatiable fucking machine who won’t know how to stop, and won’t want to stop. Not ever.”
Barbie turned her head and stared at the beautiful, depraved woman in disbelief, bolts of pleasure emanating from her clit despite herself. Her pussy was wet. “No! No matter what terrible things you do to me, you’ll never get me to beg. Never!” Even as she said it, though, uncertainty crept into her brain, and she remembered her frantic, desperate words in the frigid snow.
“I think we will,” said Jessica matter-of-factly, standing up. “These are the rules of our game, Barbie. Until you beg us, you won’t be fucked, and we won’t let you come. For now, though, I think we’ll just let you watch for awhile, so that you can get some idea of the basic principles involved. Somehow I suspect that your education has been seriously neglected up until now.” She turned to her husband. “Tanya, why don’t you demonstrate for our little virginal friend the proper way to suck Frank’s cock? And Jerry, while she’s doing that, maybe you can lick and suck on Luann’s luscious pussy and see if you can make her come that way, while Tyrone and I watch and become better acquainted.”
Barbie stared in disbelief as the people in the room immediately rearranged themselves to comply with Jessica’s wishes. Jerry got up, his long cock dangling between his legs, and walked over to where Luann was sitting next to her boyfriend, and nestled between her casually parted legs, scooting her firm ass down to the edge of the couch cushion. Without hesitation, Jerry moved forward and began slowly lapping at Luann’s shaved cleft, parting her folds with his tongue to reveal and taste the coral flesh inside. She watched him with interest, blissfully aware of the other pairs of eyes watching Jerry make love to her pussy, sighing happily as his tongue slid up and caressed her clit. After a few moments, she reached up and captured her small, brown nipples between her fingers, pinching them roughly as Jerry feasted hungrily on her sex.
Meanwhile, Frank had stood up and walked over to the other couch where Tanya was sitting, and sat down next to her, his cock already rising as blood surged into it. Tanya watched for a moment as her husband enthusiastically lapped at the black girl’s pussy, and without further prompting, got up on her knees and reached out to encircle Frank’s engorged shaft with her fingers. She was unable to reach all the way around it with her small hand, but nevertheless immediately lowered her head and took the helmeted head between her full lips. Frank groaned with pleasure as she bathed his cockhead with her saliva, caressing it with her tongue. Soon Tanya was bobbing her head, sucking him in a slow, patient rhythm, making soft slurping noises. Her bobbed, almost boyish dark hair did nothing to hide the view of her sucking to the others, including Barbie. Frank idly fondled her big breasts as her lips slid wetly up and down the shaft of his glistening, wet penis.
Tyrone, having watched Jerry licking his girlfriend’s juicy pussy for a few minutes, got up and walked over to Jessica and sat down next to her. Both of them watched the other two couples, as Jessica moved her hand over and began slowly stroking the thick, semi-hard shaft of his truly awe-inspiring cock, moving the supple skin up and down with her fingers. She had noticed Tyrone at one of her husband’s work-related functions, and had prevailed on Frank to invite him up to the cabin for the week, having first determined that he had a girlfriend and that both of them were of the adventurous sort, sexually speaking. Now his cock came alive in the knowing grip of his boss’s beautiful blonde wife, and she sneaked admiring peeks at it as they watched the others. “Mmmm, you sure didn’t get cheated,” she murmured, enjoying the way his cock filled her hand.
Barbie, bound helplessly on the floor, watched the proceedings with a combination of fear and guilty fascination. She had never in her life watched people have sex, and never dreamed that six people could so casually do so in her presence. Despite herself, she found herself becoming aroused, and she prayed fervently that Jessica could not see that her nakedly exposed pussy was wet. She watched Tanya, imagining her own lips around Frank’s thick cock, wondering if she could ever succeed in taking him into her mouth. Then she turned and watched Jerry’s tongue as it flicked lightly against Luann’s protruding clit, wondering what his tongue would feel like caressing her own engorged bud. I have to stop thinking of it, she said to herself, closing her eyes and praying silently.
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