
Bunny and the Slopes

Bunny thought it would be fun to be a sponsor for the senior ski trip, especially since Jack, a handsome teacher she’d always wanted to get to know better was going to be her co-sponsor. The trip was everything she could have dreamed of – and that included a couple of nightmares.

Chapter One

Bunny Johnson was looking forward to the ski trip she had agreed to co-sponsor for the High School Seniors in the travel club at Smoky Hill High School in Tanner Oklahoma. She’d never been skiing herself, but it didn’t look too hard and she loved snow and cold weather. Her position as History teacher and Drama coach for the school kept her very busy, and this was one of the only ways she was able to get away and have some fun. Besides that, she figured that chaperoning kids who would be graduating in just a few months, and who could be expected to be more responsible than younger kids, might not be that much work either.

The fact that her co-sponsor was Jack Kelly didn’t hurt either. He was a hunk and she’d been wanting to meet him under circumstances that might let them get better acquainted. Now she was on her way to meet him, to work out the final plans for the trip. There were eight kids going, three boys and five girls, with only one boyfriend/girlfriend pair to have to keep a closer eye on. A parent had donated a huge motor home for the trip, but it was only going to be used for transportation. There were plenty of places in the monster vehicle for everyone to be comfortable on the drive out to, and back from Colorado.

Bunny arrived at Jack’s house right on time and parked in the driveway. A huge dog ran from around the house and started dancing and barking loudly right beside her car door. The dog didn’t look vicious, but it was big and it was barking. She didn’t know what to do, so she just sat there. In just a few seconds Jack came to the front door and yelled “Twinkletoes, knock it off!” The dog immediately went quiet and sat down, wagging his tail.

She got out carefully. “Twinkletoes?” she said and Jack laughed as the dog bounded up and ran around and around barking madly. He obviously knew his name and loved the fact that this stranger knew it too.

Jack smiled and called the dog, this time saying “Twink … here!” in a commanding voice. The dog went to the porch and sat quietly beside him. Bunny went up, they greeted and then he ushered her into the house. She made immediate friends with Jack’s dog.

They got down to business right away, talking about rules for the trip, ways to ensure that the boys and girls didn’t get TOO close to each other. They had two suites in the hotel, so all the females could stay in one, and all the males in the other. They didn’t think there’d be too much trouble.

Bunny found herself looking at Jack’s lips, again and again. They looked full and soft. Jack, for his part, tried not to stare at Bunny’s chest. Her breasts were truly magnificent, though she wasn’t all that aware of the fact. She’d had them for years, and pretty much took them for granted. She was a 36CC on a bad day, and she was having trouble getting her knockers into that size bra. It wasn’t because she was fat. She worked out regularly and there wasn’t an ounce of fat on her, but all the pushups and weights developed her pecks really well. That made her breasts stick out and up proudly, over a flat stomach and swelling hips. The fact that she was short just made her breasts seem larger.

In high school she was plump and pimply, and hadn’t dated much. That insecurity had carried over into college. She spent a lot of time doing parts in plays and musicals, and didn’t date anybody seriously. She also spent a lot of time in the gym, working out, transformed her body into what was politely referred to as a “masonry outhouse”. She was much too busy in her first two years as a teacher to spend the amount of time it took to build a real relationship with a man. She owned two dildos and they were well used, but her pussy had never felt a real cock in it.

Jack was handsome, and he was also a geek. He’d finished first in his class at Cal Tech, but he’d never figured out how to approach women. Women had approached him more than once, and, to his amazement, his uncut dick had spewed its load into several foxy women. But the bald fact was that they were the pursuers, and not Jack. He never believed those women really found him attractive, and had always assumed that the guys they REALLY wanted to go out with were busy, so they came after him, rather than stay home on a weekend night.

One nice thing about women who approached you was that they weren’t shy about telling you how to please them. As a result, Jack was a consummate lover, and he knew all the tricks of the trade to getting a woman off.

Still, he was painfully shy. The women in the school he ended up teaching science in weren’t the kind to eye him up and down and suggest a quick fuck to take the edge off. Consequently, he’d been without sex for most of the three years he’d been teaching at Smoky Hill.

As a result of THAT, Jack had a wonderfully developed fantasy world. It included, among others, quite a few of the Junior and Senior girls … and Bunny Johnson. He’d spent literally hours spurting thick wads of semen all over his apartment while thinking about Bunny. And he was very strict about stopping what he liked to call “fraternization” between boys and girls in the school. This wasn’t from some high moral stand. He just felt like if he couldn’t stick his dick in the girls, nobody else should be allowed to either.

As long as they were talking about the logistics of the trip, their conversation flowed smoothly. But when that was done, and they had nothing definite to talk about, both got uncomfortable. Each wished they could say witty things, and neither knew that the other felt exactly the same. With a sad glance at his lips, Bunny left, while Jack gave one last longing look at her breasts.

Both of them masturbated that night, thinking of each other.

The day of the trip came. All the kids stowed their stuff on the big coach and each found a place to sit for the trip. Jack was driving. Bunny spent some time sitting in the seat beside him, and some time patrolling the vehicle. She was at a loss of how to act, really. She was a teacher, but this wasn’t teaching. She had seen all the kids, but only two had ever been in one of her classes. As a result, she had no relationship with them upon which to build … as a starting point from which respect for her as an adult might develop.

The first problem she had was with Jerry, the co-captain of the football team and one of the cheerleaders, named Tiffany. They had figured out how to pull out one of the beds, and were lying side by side on it, talking. Bunny didn’t think that was appropriate, even though they weren’t actually doing anything with each other. After a loud argument, she ruled that they had to share the space with others, and that anyone using that space had to sit up. She saw some longing looks between boys and girls, but nothing that made her suspicous. All in all, the kids were well behaved.

They got to the resort that evening and got checked in. Jack had to park the big motor home some distance from the lodge, in the part of the lot reserved for RVs. By the time he found the set of suites they had been assigned, the kids had flown to the winds. Only Bunny was left in the room. They explored the suites and discovered there was a connecting door between them. That made Bunny feel better because she could contact Jack without having to go outside the rooms.

It was too late in the day to start skiing, but the kids lined up and got lift tickets for the next day. Then they all had dinner together in the restaurant at the lodge. After that the kids wanted to explore. Bunny and Jack put their heads together and decided the place was so small that they couldn’t get lost, or in too much trouble. It was Jack’s idea to let the kids go in a group, without adult supervision. He thought that would get the sponsors on the good side of the kids.

Bunny turned to the eight expectant faces. “OK, here’s the deal. You guys can go explore, but you all have to stay together, and you all have to be back in the rooms by eleven. Deal?”

“DEAL!” shouted eight adolescent voices.

Bunny and Jack went to the lounge, where the lighting was dim and they could talk quietly. Both of them were excited about getting to spend some time with each other.

As they talked, they became a little more at ease with each other. Bunny remembered from a speech class she had taken that the best way to get a man to talk was to ask him about himself. So she did. Jack talked about all kinds of things Bunny didn’t fully understand, but she sat gazing at that wonderful mouth and had a great time. He was talking about various gadgets when he mentioned a new brand of personal digital assistant.

“Hey!” she chirped. “I just bought one of those and I still haven’t figured out how to use it. I don’t suppose you could help me with that?”

“Sure” he said. “Go get it and I’ll make you an expert in no time.”

Bunny jumped up to go and Jack groaned inwardly as her breasts bobbed and shimmied. He felt his cock start to stiffen.

Bunny went to the girls’ suite and looked where she thought she’d left the PDA, but it wasn’t there. She thought back. She’d been playing around with it on the bus. She remembered putting it in a pouch on the back of one of the seats, so it wouldn’t fall off on the floor. She hurried out to the parking lot, where the motor home was parked.

As she approached the coach, she thought she saw it move a little. That was crazy, she thought. But as she reached for the handle of the side door it moved away from her hand ever so slightly. She stopped, her hand still out, and her eyes widened as she realized the motor home was rocking, only a little, but definitely rocking … back and forth.

Then she heard a sound, like someone in pain. It came again … a girl’s voice. Someone was INSIDE the motor home. It never occurred to her that it might be dangerous for her to investigate – that it could have been ANYBODY in there. Very quietly she eased the door towards the front of the vehicle open.

The sounds became more clear immediately.

“Awwwwwww” came a male voice.

“UH … UH … UH” came the rhythmic grunts of a girl. Bunny recognized that grunting female voice. It was Tiffany.

But it COULDN’T be Tiffany. Tiffany was with the other kids, exploring.

Very quietly Bunny stepped up into the big vehicle. Her light frame didn’t make it move at all. As she leaned forward, to look down the central aisle of the coach, she saw movement up, and to her right. There was a mirror there that let the driver see back into the rear of the camper. She looked at that mirror and her jaw dropped open.

In the mirror, she saw Tiffany, stark naked, lying on her back with her knees spread wide open. Between those knees was Jerry Thomas, who was equally naked. They were on the pull-out bed, and Jerry was fucking her with long hard strokes of his very stiff adolescent cock. Every time he pounded that cock into the cheerleader, she gave out a lustful grunt.

“OH … OH … OH”

Bunny was about to yell out, when Jerry cried out “I’m gonna cum, baby, I’m gonna blow!”

Tiffany squealed “You can’t cum in me Jerry, I’m not on the pill. Pull it out and I’ll suck it for you.”

Jerry, however, kept pounding away until he slammed in one last time and froze, his back arched and his face looking up at the ceiling of the motor home.

“Aaaaauuugghhh” he groaned.

“TAKE IT OUT JERRY!” squealed Tiffany again, and her hands began trying to push his chest away from her.

Bunny’s voice was frozen in her throat as she saw Jerry’s ass muscles clench as he tried to shove his teen cock even further up into Tiffany’s fertile pussy.

Then, as if he’d finally heard his lover, Jerry pulled his spurting cock out of the girl. He jumped up and squatted over Tiffany’s face as her hands scrabbled for his cock. She got it aimed at her face and a stream of cum splattered all over her chin. Then she pulled him further down and she could finally get her lips around the head of his cock. He groaned like he was in agony as she sucked the rest of his spend out of his prick. Meanwhile, Tiffany’s other hand flew to her pussy and she began slapping and rubbing her gaping pussy, rubbing herself to an orgasm.

Bunny gulped as she saw that the hand Tiffany was using to rub her pussy was wet and sticky with the white stuff that had been left there by Jerry as he pulled his prick out of the girl. He had gotten at least one shot inside her and Bunny felt faint as she saw the girl’s fingers pushing what fell out back up inside as she brought herself off.

Bunny retreated, her face aflame with what she’d seen. Her breasts felt swollen and tender, especially her nipples and she realized she had gotten turned on by watching the two teenagers mating. She didn’t know what to do. The damage was done.

She had to talk to Jack about this. She crept off the RV and headed back to the lodge at a run.

Jack was sitting in the chair by the fire, relaxed, his head back, waiting for Bunny to return. He thought about her beautiful body and, for the hundredth time, undressed it in his mind. He usually did this at home, where the resulting boner didn’t matter. His head jerked up when he heard her frantic voice as she all but ran towards him.

“Jack! Jack!” she panted as she slid to a stop in front of him.

“What’s wrong Bunny?” he said, anxiously. He stood up.

“Kids … Tiffany … in the bus … doing … naked” she glanced around furtively to see if anyone could hear her. She was panting, trying to catch her breath. She had done more slipping and sliding in the snow than she had running, and she had pulled a muscle in her thigh, based on how it felt.

“What?” Jack queried.

“Come on” she gasped, pulling him toward the door of the lodge.

She tried to explain what she’d seen as she pulled him toward the parked vehicle. By the time they got there he understood she’d seen Tiffany and Jerry inside it, and that they were naked and having sex. Angrily he pulled open the door and stomped up the steps.

The vehicle was empty.

Bunny gawked. “They were HERE! Not five minutes ago they were right HERE!”

Jack frowned. “Well they’re not here any more. Maybe they heard you.” He moved further into the motor home and began examining things. He unfolded the bed and put his hand on it. “You’re right Bunny, the sheet is still a little warm. They were here.”

“OF COURSE THEY WERE HERE!” she said in an exasperated voice. “Why would I have come and told you something like that if it wasn’t true?” She looked at the handsome teacher, her hands on her hips.

“OK, OK, I’m sorry.” He didn’t look very sorry to Bunny. “It just sounded sort of … what were they doing?”

“What do you mean what were they doing? I told you. They were making love.”

“I know that, but, OK, take your phrase … ‘making love’. That normally means something that’s tender and quiet and calm. Was it like that?”

Bunny was too shocked by everything that had happened to think about how odd his statement … and question was. If she’d have taken a minute to think, she might have wondered why this teacher would care whether the kids were “making love” or “fucking each other’s brains out”.

In point of fact, Jack cared because Tiffany was one of his fantasy girls, and the thought of Jerry on top of her had gotten him mostly stiff on the way over to the motor home. Then, feeling the warm sheet and seeing spots of … something … on the sheet, which he hadn’t mentioned to Bunny, got him even more excited. He turned around. Bunny was standing there just looking delicious. His fantasy changed, with Bunny on the bed, under … who? Was it Jerry or him who was pinning her to the mattress?

He shook his head. “What were they doing exactly? I mean if I’m going to question them I need to know exactly what they were doing.” What he really wanted was more detailed visions of how Bunny would have looked, splayed out naked on that bed, getting her pussy pummeled. He went on “You know, like if I say he had his mouth on her nipples, and that didn’t really happen, then he’ll know we’re bullshitting him and he’ll clam up. What we need is a full confession so we know the best way to handle things.” It sounded good to him.

Bunny, not being a detective, didn’t recognize that particular brand of bullshit when she heard it, and it sounded reasonable to her too.

“Well, they were naked.”

“Completely naked? Not even socks?” he asked.

“I don’t remember whether they had on SOCKS for goodness sake. All I could see was that big, thick … penis. It was all pushed up inside her.”

Jack felt precum start to ease up into his cock. “OK, so they were mostly naked. And was she on top?” That was one of his favorite fantasies.

“No, she was on her back, under him. He was between her legs.”

“Was she screaming, or yelling for him to stop? Was it rape?”‘

Bunny’s eyes went out of focus and she sighed. “No, she was loving it. He might have punctures on his buttocks where her fingernails dug in. She was pulling him that hard.” Now Bunny felt moisture begin to invade between her legs.

“And what were they saying?” he leaned toward her.

“I can’t remember. I think it was just noises. It all happened so fast. Yes, it was just noises and then he … he … he ejaculated in her!” Bunny’s knees got weak and she had to sit down. “She yelled that she wasn’t on the pill, but he ejaculated in her anyway.”

Jack knew there was a spot in his shorts now as he felt precum leak out of his prick. “How do you know? Did he say something?”

“NO! I SAW IT JACK! I saw his sperm! It was all around his penis and it wouldn’t all stay inside her.”

Jack was envisioning his cock, plugged into Bunny’s sweet pussy, pulsing his seed deep into her pussy until it squirted out around his cock.

He decided he needed to go beat off.

“OK, Bunny, um .. listen, I’ll go and … um find the kids. Yeah. I’ll find them and we’ll get to the bottom of this. I’ll get back with you when I find something out.”

He all but ran from the motor home as Bunny closed the door and began the slippery trip back to the lodge. Her mind was awhirl, and she was contemplating doing the same thing Jack was, though neither of them suspected the other was heated up too. She was so inattentive that she didn’t see the black ice on the walk. The first moment she knew something was wrong was when her right foot took off to the right, and her left foot took off to the left and back a little.

Bunny had been a gymnast when she was in High School, and she had been able to do the splits quite well in those days. She had not, however, practiced doing the splits recently, nor had she done her flexibility exercises.

But, once again, she did the splits. It wasn’t, however, anything like the last time her legs had lain flat on the ground, going out in opposite directions. There was pain, and a LOT of it. Bunny let out an agonized howl as tendons stretched to the tearing point and pain lanced through her groin. About the only saving grace was that she went down so hard she actually bounced when she hit the ice. That, and her natural tendency to lay over to get OUT of the splits, allowed her to get her legs back together. Now she was lying on her back, on the ice, in the dark.

She screamed.

People came running from all over. At night time in a ski resort, there isn’t all that much to do except socialize, sleep or have sex, so people weren’t so busy that they ignored agonized screams of an injured woman. Soon people were trying to get her to stand up, but that hurt too much. The pain in her groin was agonizing, and anyone within fifty feet knew about it. Several guys ended up forming a bed of their arms and carried her into the lodge, where they put her down on a couch. Then the Resort Doctor showed up and, after examining her, including hearing her tearful tale of slipping and doing the splits, decided it was most likely that she had only strained something. It would take time to tell if anything was torn. He opted to have her rest that night, and re-examine her again later. If a hospital visit was then indicated, they could deal with that during normal business hours. Perhaps, given a few days without abusing her injured joints any further, she would be fine.

He looked in his bag for something to give her for the pain. All he found was some Demorol. He looked at her small stature, shrugged and gave her a shot. It would probably knock her out, but that wasn’t all bad either. She needed some rest. He looked up at the desk attendant and said “Who’s she here with. We need them to come get her.”

Jack was right in the middle of a nice flog job on his aching prick when the phone rang insistently. If you are asking yourself “How can a phone ring ‘insistently’?”, well imagine it ringing … and ringing … and ringing … and ringing … and … well you get the idea. So, with a sigh, he stopped spanking his monkey and answered the phone.

Three minutes later he was half dressed and kneeling at Bunny’s side. The Demerol had kicked in and Bunny was feeling no pain, and I mean that in all its contexts. Her inhibitions were down and the pain between her legs was gone, and she was a happy, happy young teacher whose masturbatory fantasy had just appeared like magic in front of her. AND, he was shirtless!

“JAAACK” she yelled. “I broke my PUSSY!” She dissolved into gales of giggles and slapped her hand over her mouth.

Jack was very concerned. She was acting very strangely. He looked up at the Doctor.

“I had to give her something for the pain” said the physician. “I probably gave her a little too much. She needs to stay in bed for tonight and all day tomorrow and then I’ll take another look at her. Will that be a problem?”

Jack shook his head. “Oh no, we just got here. I’ll take care of her.”

The doctor smiled. “OK then, and I’d get her undressed while the pain is still blocked. Moving her legs around when that wears off will be uncomfortable.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a small brown plastic bottle. “Here are a few Tylenol with Codeine for tomorrow. If you need anything else, the desk always knows where to find me.” He turned and left.

The crowd had thinned out once everybody knew there wouldn’t be any blood, and Jack found himself with a thoroughly wacked out Bunny, and no help. Bunny still had her hand over her mouth and was trying to talk that way.

“Mfggb sptld mfugrl ta sey.”


Bunny uncovered her mouth and looked around secretively. “The DOC-tor (she pronounced it dock-tore) said you have to take my pants off!”

“Can you walk Bunny?”

Bunny sat up and kept going right on over, flopping down on her other side.

“Nope” she pronounced.

“Then I’m going to have to carry you” he said. Not knowing any other way to do it, he pulled her up, draped her over his shoulder and stood up with her. His hand was on her buttocks and her face was in his back.

“Oooooooo” she whined. “You’re touching my BUTT Jack. Don’t BREAK it! Then I’d have a broken butt AND a broken pussy!” She said “pussy” in a whisper that was as loud as she could make it and began laughing again. It was hard for her because his shoulder kept her from getting a good lungful of air.

He got her to her room and, because she’d end up in bed anyway, he lay her down there. She flopped her arms out and began to tell Jack that she’d fallen down and that it had hurt a lot, but then the dock-tore came and made her feel lots better. She was in motor mouth mode and finally Jack had to put one finger over her lips to get her to be quiet.

“Bunny, the doctor said you need to stay in bed for a few days. Can you get yourself undressed, or do I need to help you?”

Bunny had gone cross eyed, looking at the finger that was touching her lips. She turned her head sideways, opened her mouth and lunged up with her head, getting his finger in her mouth. She sucked on it. Then she let go and dropped her head back to the bed. “Oops, I shouldn’t have done that.” she giggled. “I’m a bad girl.” Then she lifted her head again. “You’ll have to help me, cause I can’t reach the hangers.”

She was obviously out of it, but she didn’t sound like she was in any pain. Jack realized what a perfect opportunity this was to get to see his dream girl naked. He reached for the buttons on her shirt.

Bunny lay there still as she felt buttons undone, zippers unzipped, shoes removed and so on. She knew when the only thing she had on was her bra and panties, and she knew that she shouldn’t let him see her like that. But she wanted him to see her like that.

Jack was a little nervous. “Should I take your bra off Bunny?” he asked.

She nodded her head in an exaggerated “Yes” motion, like a child, but didn’t help him in any way as he rolled her over to get to the back clasp. When it was undone he let her roll back to her original position, but left the bra covering her breasts loosely. He wanted to take it off in the worst way.

Bunny could see the longing and lust in his eyes. She was ecstatic that this man wanted her, but she knew she shouldn’t let him do anything. Some perverse streak in her rebelled at being “good” and “proper”.

“If you took my bra off you could see my boobs a lot better.” She giggled.

“OH!” he gulped. “I’m not trying to see them, honest.”

Bunny laughed, her hand came up and grasped the bra and she flung it across the room, baring her big bouncy tits. “OK, if you’re not looking then I don’t need that any more.”

Of course Jack WAS looking. His mouth was open as he eyed her soft breasts, with their brown caps and stiff, long nipples.

Bunny’s pussy itched, and she didn’t think it was because of her accident. “You’re not going to lick them and suck on them either, are you?” she asked. “Because if you did that I’d probably have an orgasm, and that wouldn’t be right at all.” She looked owlishly at him. “I’m a good girl, Jack.” Then she frowned.

Jack knew a woman in heat when he heard one. Her statement answered several questions for him and opened several doors as well. This was territory he was familiar with.

“Oh, I might HAVE to do that Bunny,” he said seriously. “I mean you fell down and the doctor didn’t have time to do a full examination on you. You said you broke your pussy (he whispered the word, like there were ten people around who might hear him). What if you broke your titties too?”

Bunny’s hands came up and cupped her heavy breasts. “They don’t feel broken” she said firmly.

Jack put his palms over her nipples and pressed them into her tit flesh. She moaned softly. He ran his hands in circles, massaging her breasts, and then let his fingers play with her nipples, pulling them gently, squeezing them and rolling them between thumb and fingers.

“Ohhh Jackie, that feels sooo nice.” sighed Bunny. She put her hand up by her mouth, like she was hiding what she was saying from someone. “But you’re not s’posed to do that. I’m a virgin.” she whispered the last word.

“I like virgins” said Jack, who noticed that his dick had bloomed to full hard. He leaned over and blew on a nipple. Bunny whined and arched her back. He reached out with the tip of his tongue and tickled her left nipple. “Does that hurt?” he asked.

“NOoooo” she moaned.

“Does this hurt?” he asked, and then covered the nipple with his lips and sucked gently.

“Oooooaawwww” cried Bunny.

Regretfully, a lot of his fantasy achieved, Jack stopped and stood up. “I guess they’re OK Bunny.”

“But I broke my PUSSY Jack! Is it OK?” She lifted her head, trying to look down at her panties. “Are you going to look at my pussy and see if it’s OK?”

Jack smiled. She really WAS turned on. This was the Bunny of his dreams “I’d have to take your panties off Bunny.”

Bunny started to spread her legs and winced, groaning as her injured muscles made themselves known despite her pain medication. Jack, in a daze, reached for her panties. She lifted her hips as he pulled, baring her soft brown hair.

“Jack?” she said softly.

“Yes?” he said.

“I don’t want to be a virgin any more.”

“I know, sweetie. You want me to help you?”

“Yes Jack.”

Her bleary eyes watched him as he got undressed, and they seemed to clear a little when she saw his stiff prick. It looked huge to her, and she felt a little spike of fear shoot through her. She took a breath to tell him she’d changed her mind, and then clamped her lips tightly closed as her drug suffused brain decided this the time for her to do something she’d wanted to do for a long time.

“I can’t spread my legs Jack … it hurts.” she moaned.

“That’s OK Bunny” he said soothingly. “We can work around that. You just lie there and have a good time. Jack’s going to make Bunny feel really good.”

He started by kissing her lips with soft, gentle little kisses. He stared in her eyes as his hand fluttered across her breasts, feeling them, touching them, squeezing them. He told her how beautiful he thought she was, and how lucky he was and she responded to his advances, kissing him back harder and arching her back.

Then he kissed his way down to her breasts and used his mouth on them again, spending ten minutes just on them as she moaned and loved it. Soon her nipples were longer and harder than they’d ever been in her life. His fingers drifted to her pussy and teased her hair before he slid just one finger between her closed thighs and probed for her slit. When he found it she was wet. Her hips wiggled as his finger slid across her clit and dipped into her sexual furnace.

“Ahhhhhh” she moaned, her fingernails tracing lines across his back and pulling his head to her breast while he sucked.

He got up and crawled up on the bed with her. “I’m going to lie down on top of you Bunny” he said softly. “If you feel any pain, tell me, OK?”

“I’m scared Jack” she said, much sobered by what was about to happen.

“I won’t hurt you baby.” he assured her.

When he lay on her, he put his rock hard prick and balls into the crease made by her closed legs, and let his chest down on her breasts. He let his knees straddle her and fall to the sides of her hips, but he didn’t put any weight on them. Then he kissed her and began pulling himself up and down, sliding his prick toward her pussy, and then away. His weight caused his dick to dig deeper between her legs and soon the tip of his cock was prodding her closed pussy lips.

They were slick, and at some point her vulva couldn’t keep the pointed tip of his cock out any longer. He felt the tip slide between hot, slick pussy lips, and stopped as she grunted. He wasn’t actually in her yet, and if she had her hymen still, it wasn’t in any danger yet.

“You feel good” he whispered. “You feel hot and slippery and if I pushed you wouldn’t be a virgin any more. Are you sure you want this Bunny?”

“Ohhhhh yess” she whimpered.

“It might hurt” he warned.

“I want this!” she said and her hands went to his back and pulled on him.

Instead of pushing in hard, though, Jack wiggled and dug his way into her hot depths. It took him another five minutes, while he kissed her and told her how good she felt, and while she told him how good HE felt, and asked if he could get just a little more in. She decided he felt a LOT better than either of her dildos.

She was tight, partially because she’d never had anything that large inside her, but more so because her legs were closed. But she was also ready for sex like she’d never been ready before, and he was hard as a steel rod. He groaned as he felt himself slide the rest of the way in her and his bone collided with hers.

Then all he had to do was make short jabbing thrusts and she fell to pieces. She babbled and cursed and cried and laughed as she had a wonderful shattering orgasm. Chemicals were released in her brain as a result of that orgasm, and those chemicals suggested to her that a nice hot load of semen would make her life even better. The brain that would have originally demanded he wear a condom, or at the very least, pull out of her, now wanted to feel his life-giving fluids injected deep into her body.

So when Jack panted “I’m going to cum, Bunny.” her hands slapped on his back and she gurgled “Yesssss that’ll make my pussy feel goooood Jack. I wanna feel that Jack.”

It was then that Tiffany, Melody and Linda came laughing through the door, having used their magnetic strip cards to get into the suite they were staying in with their sponsor.

Chapter Two

Naturally the girls recognized who was on the bed and what they were doing. Tiffany felt much better about what she and Jerry had done earlier in the motor home. Melody and Linda, both virgins, were fascinated by the sounds their prim and proper sponsor was making under that naked thrusting man.

All three, including the two virgins, were well acquainted with what it meant when Jack said “I’m going to cum, Bunny” and his rabbit-like thrusts, and the grunts that went with them, made all three girls pussies get damp. Melody squealed “Oh my GOSH!” and then clapped a hand over her mouth as the other two girls shot her murderous glances at giving away the fact they were there.

Jack swiveled his head to see three students, wide eyed girls, staring at him as he covered Bunny’s body. He wanted to curl up and hide. His first instinct was to pull out of Bunny and stand up. But if he did that they’d see his … well, they’d see everything.

The part of his brain that dealt with fantasy started talking to the rest of him. “Hey, look, right now what have they seen? Your butt! That’s it! They’ve only seen one thing they couldn’t see if you were at the swimming pool and that’s your lily white butt. If you stand up they’ll see lots of other things, including a very naked Bunny. So here’s my advice: DON’T GET UP!”

He spoke to the three girls. “Girls, I’m sorry you had to see this. Please leave so we can get decent.”

Tiffany said “Oh, we can’t do that, Mr. Kelly. I mean how do we know you aren’t raping Ms Johnson?”

Jack had to admit she had a point. He tried blackmail. “Tiffany, if you don’t leave, and take Melody and Linda with you, I’ll be forced to notify your parents of what you and Jerry were doing out in the motor home.”

Tiffany thought about that while the other two girls looked at her, their mouths open. Tiffany had to know whether he had just seen them go in the motor home together, or actually knew what they’d done. She’d asked her mother to let her go on the pill, but her mother had refused outright, saying it would make it too easy to have sex. Tiffany already knew how easy it was to have sex. All you had to do was flirt, get naked and open your legs and just about any boy would have sex with you.

“And what exactly would you be telling them we did?” she asked, almost in a little girl voice.

“I’d be forced to tell them you had intercourse.” said Jack, thinking he now had the upper hand.

Linda squealed “Did you REALLY let him do that Tiffany?”

Tiffany straightened her shoulders. “Yes I did, and I sucked his cock too! You gonna tell them I did that too Mr. Kelly?”

Bunny’s muffled voice came from the general region of Jack’s chest. “I hear voices Jack. I think the Doc-tor gave me too many drugs!” She giggled and that made her pussy squeeze and it squeezed Jack’s limp prick right out of her.

“OHHH No!” moaned Bunny. “Now my pussy’s broke AND empty. Jaaack? Can you please fix my pussy again? Jaaaack?”

Tiffany stuck the knife in. “Well, if you tell my parents about me and Jerry, then I guess I’ll have to tell Mr. Stevens that you had sex with Ms Johnson right in front of the three of us.” Mr. Stevens was the Principal at Smoky Hill High.

“Shit” said Jack, hanging his head. Bunny was making pelvic thrusts again, and every once in a while she called “Jaaaack?”

Linda said “What’s wrong with Ms Johnson?”

Jack’s arms were getting tired, but if he let them down he’d smother poor Bunny, whose diminutive body was buried under his. “She fell down and got hurt, and the doctor gave me some pain killers to give to her.”

Melody said in awe “You can get pain killers that do THAT?”

Jack was in real pain now. “No! I guess I gave her one too many earlier.”

About then the rest of the pain killer reached Bunny’s brain and told her to go to sleep. She sagged, with a long sigh and her head rolled to one side.

Tiffany smiled “So even when you’re an adult, you still get girls drunk so you can screw them. Mr. Kelly, I’m ashamed of you.”

Jack couldn’t take it any longer. He rolled over and fell on his back, heaving a sigh of relief.

All three girls scooted quickly to the side of the bed where they could get a good look at Mr. Kelly’s prick.

All three were a little disappointed.

“That’s it?” asked Melody.

“I hoped it would be bigger than Jerry’s” said Tiffany.

“It’s … ugly” whispered Linda.

“Hey!” said Jack, wounded. “It looks a lot better when it’s hard.” He bit his lip at his outburst. He shouldn’t have said that.

“So when will it be hard again?” asked Melody.

Jack knew things were getting out of control. He should never have taken advantage of Bunny, much less let these girls see him naked. He decided to assert himself as an authority figure.

“Now girls, it is totally inappropriate for you to be in here while I’m naked. And asking questions about my penis is even worse. I’m going to have to ask you girls to leave.”

Tiffany looked at Melody and smiled. “I don’t have anywhere to be. Do you Melody?”

Melody looked back at Jack’s groin, which was now covered with his hands. “Nope, me neither. I’m not going anywhere.” She turned to Linda. “How ’bout you Linda? Are you leaving?”

Linda looked unsure. “He said we have to go.” she said meekly.

Tiffany snorted. “We just saw him fucking Ms Johnson … AFTER giving her drugs that knocked her out. I don’t think Mr. Kelly is going to be MAKING us do anything.” She looked meaningfully at Jack.

Linda was leaning over, looking between Bunny’s legs, which were spread just enough to reveal her two fat pussy lips weeping thick drips of Jack’s semen. Linda’s eyes were big.

“There’s … stuff … coming out of her.” she whispered.

Tiffany giggled. “That’s because he came in her silly. It feels really nice when a guy squirts in you.”

Melody was shifting from foot to foot, like she had to go to the bathroom. “I want to see it hard.” she said, moving closer to the bed.

Jack had a sinking feeling that things were going downhill fast. He thought furiously, trying to think of some way to get control back.

“Um ….” he said. “OK … how about this. If you see it hard … THEN will you go?”

Tiffany looked at him. “Maybe” she said.

Jack didn’t like the look in her eye. He decided to try another tack. “Well, um … you see, it will take some time for me to be able to make it hard again. Maybe a LONG time. I mean it could be hours, maybe.” He knew better. When he beat off thinking about Bunny in the past he was able to do it three times in an hour if he wanted to.

Tiffany knew better too. She walked to the bed. “Aw gee, Mr. Kelly, that’s too bad. Maybe we could help you with that.” She turned to Melody. “I know a way to get him hard right now.” she said in a no nonsense voice.

“How?” asked Linda.

“I told you I gave Jerry a blow job. He got hard almost instantly.”

“You’re gonna put your mouth on Mr. Kelly’s … thing?” her voice rose.

“No,” said Tiffanyl patiently. “I already have a boyfriend, and I wouldn’t want to cheat on him or anything. So one of YOU two is going to have to give Mr. Kelly a blow job.”

“WHAT?!” shrieked both girls.

“Not me!” said Linda, backing up.

“Me neither!” said Melody.

“You want to see it hard … don’t you?” asked Tiffany, her posture and voice doing what teen girls do to other teen girls all the time … putting pressure on them to do things they don’t really want to do.

“Yeah … but … with my MOUTH?”

“It’s easy” gushed Tiffany. “You just treat it like a Popsickle … lick it a little and suck it a little. It’s fun, really!”

“I don’t know.” Melody said doubtfully. “It’s got that stuff all over it.”

“That’s OK too. It tastes good. Jerry’s tastes good.”

Linda took another step back. “You TASTED his stuff?”

Tiffany tried to act like it was an every day thing. “Well sure, some of it leaks out when they get excited. And it tastes good.” she said firmly. “Come on Melody, don’t be chicken. And he won’t be able to tell because he’d get in big trouble.”

Jack heard all this talk about Melody sucking his cock and it affected him in ways he hadn’t thought he’d ever feel. Melody was a delectable young thing, pretty, with shoulder length brown hair and nice handfuls for breasts, under the thick sweater she was wearing. And even though he’d just popped a nice healthy nut in Bunny, the idea of young Melody’s mouth on his cock was delightful. He tried to fight it, but his cock twitched as it lay there on his pubes.

“SEE?!” squealed Tiffany. “It moved. He’s excited about the idea!”

“No I’m not!” said Jack, trying to convince himself more than the others.

“You don’t think you’d like the feel of Melody’s soft warm mouth on your poor deflated prick Mr. Kelly?” cooed Tiffany. Young as she was, she knew boys … and men by extension. “Are you afraid Melody will get you all hot and bothered again Mr. Kelly? Just think of her lips, sliding up and down your hard cock.”

Jack’s cock twitched again and the other two girls gasped.

“It’s TRUE!” breathed Melody. She looked at Tiffany with new respect. “So it doesn’t taste all yucky?”

“Not at all.” said Tiffany.

After only a few seconds of indecision Melody shook her head. “OK, I’ll DO it!”

Jack was horrified … and fascinated. Here was one of his favorite fantasy students – Tiffany – egging on another just as fine fantasy – Melody – to suck his cock! He knew what would happen if this delicious young girl sucked his cock. Some shred of conscience struggled to the surface.

“You can’t to that!” he insisted. “I’m your teacher!” He started to sit up.

Tiffany put both her hands on his chest and pushed him back down.

“That just makes it more fun.” she grinned.

“You girls really can’t do this.” he moaned.

“What do I do first?” asked Melody. Once she had decided to do this she wanted to get on with it. This was something new and exciting and she was breathing hard already.

“Just pick it up with two fingers.” instructed Tiffany. “And then suck on the tip a little.”

Melody leaned over the bed and Jack covered his penis with his hands again.

“Come on Mr. Kelly.” said Melody. “I just want to see what it looks like hard. Pleeease?” She put a pouting look on her face and then grinned. “We won’t tell anybody … honest!” She turned to her friends. “Right?”

They nodded. Linda’s eyes were wide as saucers at the thought that she might get to see something she’d heard about, but never even imagined doing.

Melody was too cute, and the way she pleaded got Jack going again. He always enjoyed his fantasies about Bunny, but he’d also fantasized about this very thing … having a young teen girl sucking his cock.

“Linda, you kiss him,” ordered Tiffany. “While Melody makes him all nice and hard.”

“Kiss him?” squeaked Linda. “He’s a teacher!”

“He’s a man.” countered Tiffany. “You’ve kissed boys before.” Tiffany assumed.

“Well yeah … I kissed Rodney Whitehall … but I’ve never kissed a MAN.” she whined.

“Well this is your chance to see what that’s like.” said Tiffany, who had an answer for everything.

Linda moved over beside Melody, who had leaned over and was gingerly grasping Jack’s soft cock with two fingers, pulling it up off his body. Jack was looking at that, and was surprised when Linda’s face suddenly appeared over his. He looked into her blue eyes, surrounded by a halo of golden hair.

“Can I kiss you Mr. Kelly?” she asked shyly.

“Uhhh … Well … ” started Jack, trying to think of something to say.

Melody leaned further and sucked the tip of Jack’s cock into her mouth. She sucked hard. Her mouth was warm and her tongue slid along the bottom of his cock head.

Jack sighed “HUhhhhhhhh” and his hips bounced a little.

Linda took that as permission and she pressed her lips to the teacher’s. She tasted sweet, like she’d just eaten a piece of candy. Jack was no longer fully in control of himself. His tongue flicked between her partly open lips and she jerked back.

“He put his TONGUE in my mouth!” squealed Linda.

“That’s how you’re SUPPOSED to kiss.” said Tiffany, who felt her nipples spiking under the sweat shirt she was wearing.

“Oh.” said Linda. It HAD felt kind of nice … slippery and soft and warm. She went back down and this time she let her own tongue slip forward to meet his as it came out of his mouth. She shivered. This was fun!

Jack’s hands wouldn’t behave. They grasped the girl’s waist and slid up to cup her hard teen breasts. Then they squeezed.

Linda pulled back from a kiss that had made her almost dizzy. She stared into his eyes.

“He’s feeling my boobies.” she breathed, talking to the others, but looking at him.

Tiffany giggled. “Don’t tell me he’s the first man to touch your tits!”

Linda sighed. “No, but it feels different. Can I kiss you again Mr. Kelly?”

Jack was beyond help now. “Ohhh please” he groaned as Melody sucked his knob.

Then Linda was kissing him again and his fingers fumbled with the buttons of her shirt. His hands slid under the cups of her bra and he felt hot flesh against his hands. Her nipples felt like they were made of stone. He sucked at her tongue and she shuddered under his hands, taking up her weight with her arms on either side of him as her knees felt suddenly weak. He pushed the bra up his fingers tweaked her pink nipples. Their hot kiss broke and he kissed her chin, pushing with his hands on her breasts to move her so he could nibble at her throat and then her upper chest. Her breasts came into view, full and lush, with those hard pink nipples. He sucked one in and she squealed, pushing the mound into his face.

“Ohhhh Mel he’s sucking it. Nobody’s ever sucked it before. Ohhhh it feels so goood!”

Jack was hard as a rock again. He could tell because he could feel Melody’s hand wrapped firmly around the stiff column of flesh as she experimented with taking a little more of his shaft into her mouth. There were wet smacking noises from down there.

Melody pulled off and licked her lips. “You’re right. It’s yummy. It feels so soft, but kind of hard too, you know?”

“Oh I know.” said Tiffany. “Let me try.”

“I thought you said you didn’t want to cheat on Jerry.” pointed out Melody.

“I know, but with you two here it’s not really cheating. I’m just showing you some stuff, that’s all.” said the teen, rationalizing her lust.

Tiffany’s style was different. She’d done this before. She didn’t so much suck his prick as swallow it, taking the tip deep into her throat and then sucking as she dragged her lips all along its length. Jack’s mind flitted back to the image of Jerry fucking this girl and he moaned.

She smacked her lips when she pulled off. “Miss Johnson tastes pretty good too.” she said. “I can taste her on his prick.”

“EEWwwwww” came a duet of young female voices.

“So?” defended Tiffany, her voice rising. “Girls taste just as good as boys.”

“You’re a … LESBIAN?” squealed Melody.

“No, silly. I love a nice hard prick in my pussy. But I like to make a girl feel good too, and I love having my pussy licked.”

“You’ve actually … done it?” squealed Melody. “Really fucked I mean? You weren’t lying?”

“You mean you haven’t?” countered Tiffany. “What about you and Lonny Tucker? He said you squealed like a pig when he popped your cherry.”

“That BASTARD!” squealed Melody. “All I did was let him touch my boobs. He SAID that? He said he fucked me?!”

Tiffany didn’t answer. Her mouth and throat were full of teacher prick again. When she pulled off this time there was a long string of white connecting the tip of Jack’s cock to her lower lip. She leaned closer, slurping and sucked the string into her mouth.

“Oh that’s gross!” squealed Melody as Linda craned her head, trying to see what was going on. She didn’t want to lose the lovely lip lock Mr. Kelly had on her left nipple. She felt herself getting wet between her legs.

“No it’s not.” said Tiffany in a satisfied voice. “I told you it tastes good and he’s yummy.”

“But what if you get pregnant?” asked Melody, completely seriously.

Linda barked a laugh and looked at her friend’s confused face. “You goofball! You can’t get pregnant from eating it. Everybody knows that. Even I know that! What were you doing in health class when they talked about that?”

Melody looked hurt. “My parents opted me out of the sex ed part. They said I didn’t need to know all that yet.”

Tiffany sighed. “You have to get it in your pussy before you can get pregnant.”

“Oh.” said Melody in a small voice.

Jack listened to all this like he was in a cloud. Talk of getting sperm in girls pussies made his hips flex again.

“So what about Ms Johnson? Was he making her pregnant when we came in? He had it in her pussy.”

“She’s probably on the pill.” said Tiffany wisely. “Right Mr. Kelly?”

Jack grunted, unwilling to admit that he didn’t know.

“So are YOU on the pill?” asked Melody to the room at large.

“No.” said Tiffany in an unconcerned voice. “But I don’t let Jerry cum in my pussy. I make him take it out so I can drink all that yummy cum.”

Jack knew she was lying. Bunny had seen her pussy with Jerry’s spunk in it. He tried to figure out why she would lie to her two friends. He couldn’t think though, because she was sucking him again. He was going to blow if she kept that up. He wouldn’t last a minute. He’d been excited fucking Bunny, and now he couldn’t contain it any longer. He pushed Linda away from him and sat up.

“What …?” moaned Linda.

“You have to stop.” growled Jack, a dangerous glint in his eye.

Tiffany wasn’t dissuaded. “So, you’re all hot to cum, right Mr. Kelly? Why don’t you cool down and let Mel feel what it’s like to get her pussy licked all nice?”

Melody put her hands in front of her crotch. “Ooooo nooooo, I COUDLN’T let him do THAT!”

“I will!” chirped Linda. If getting her nipples sucked felt so good, she just knew that getting her pussy sucked would feel even better. Her initial reticence at the idea of playing sex with her teacher had vanished as her youthful lust replaced it.

The little control Jack had gotten back fled as he imagined pretty Linda lying on her back, her legs spread, her pussy lips glistening as he prepared to lick and suck her to an orgasm. He knew it would be the end of his career. But what they had done already would do that too. What did it matter if he got a little taste of cherry pussy?

“Get naked” he huffed, his chest heaving. He got up off the bed and his prick bobbed in the air, ramrod stiff. He noticed for the first time that Tiffany had her hand inside her ski pants, which were unzipped.

Linda shrugged off her shirt, and reached behind her to unsnap her bra, which was up off her breasts. She sighed as the pressure went away and stood in just her ski pants and snow boots.

“Let me.” growled Jack, his hands trembling as he directed her to sit on the bed. He laid her back beside Bunny, who still snored contentedly, her legs partially open. He reached over and pushed her right leg closer to her left and she mumbled in her sleep. Then he attacked the closure of Linda’s ski pants. He pulled them and they stuck until she raised her hips off the bed. Then they were stuck at her knees because her boots were keeping them from moving. He tore at the boots, unzipping them and pulling them off to throw them aside.

“Easy Mr. Kelly.” warned Tiffany. “Linda’s never done this before. Don’t scare her.”

Then Linda lay there in just her panties, a wisp of light blue through which he could see dark, almost black pubic hair. Her eyes were wide and her hands had gone to cover her stomach through instinct.

“Don’t hurt me Mr. Kelly.” she moaned.

“Oh, sweet thing, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m going to make you feel better than you’ve ever felt in your life.” he grinned.

His hands went for her panties and her hands fluttered down, almost gripping the waistband, but not quite. He pulled and her flat sparse pubes were displayed. Even with her legs closed he could see pink pussy lips peeking out from the bottom of that hair.

“Ohhhhh” moaned Linda, her hands going to cover her pubes. “This is so nasty! I don’t know about this.”

Jack picked up one of her feet and held it to his lips, kissing the sole.

“Let me …” he said, his voice low and soft.

He kissed the side of her foot and began kissing along the inside if her calf. She drew her knees up toward her chest, not so much in an attempt to get away from him, but because there was a strange feeling in her belly that made her want to curl up. Jack crawled up on the bed and let his chest rest against her shins, pressing her knees to her breasts. He slid his hands to her hips and caressed them. Then he let them slide to her thighs and around them until his hands were between her knees. Gently he started prying her knees apart and lifted his chest so they could move.

“Ohhhhh” moaned Linda, her eyes wide and scared looking.

Jack kissed one knee, and then went to the inside as he pushed harder. Little by little her knees fell apart and he kissed his way to her inner thigh. Before she could say anything else he pushed hard, baring her teen pussy and dove, driving his tongue between tightly closed pussy lips. His upper teeth searched for and found her bud and pressed it as he fucked her with the tip of his tongue.

“OHHHHH SHIIITTT” squealed Linda. Her legs snapped closed on his ears and then, as his hands slid under her buttocks, they fell open, one bouncing off the bed, and the other smacking Bunny.

Then Linda made gurgling noises that sounded faintly like an attempt to curse, and say his name, but which weren’t clear at all. Her loins bucked up into Jack’s face without her volition as chills and thrills shot from her abused clitty to her belly and then up to her recently sucked nipples. She lasted a whole fifteen seconds before her whole body was rocked with an orgasm that left her limp and unable to speak at all.

Jack felt her orgasm through her muscles as her legs slammed closed on his head and then flopped open again. He had been highly aroused for some time now, and his prick was dripping.

He couldn’t resist. He knew he shouldn’t, but he just couldn’t resist.

He lifted his face and his knees made a shuffle as he lined up his prick with her slot. Her pussy lips were no longer tight and white. Now they were throbbing, full of blood and peeled apart, just asking for a nice hard prick. Reflex took over as he felt warmth cover the head of his cock as it split her lips.

He slammed home in one lunge.

“OOOOOWWWWWAAAAHHHHH” screeched Linda. The only thing that saved them both from a horrible situation is that Linda had broken her own hymen in the process of learning to use a tampon. Her mother had told her it might cause some pain, and when that pain materialized she gritted her teeth and shoved the cardboard tube up inside her. Anything was better than using those thick, uncomfortable pads. And, when she lost her virginity to a real, live penis, she was soaked with her own lubricating fluids as her body produced the slippery stuff it knew would be needed for this very thing.

The pain of being stretched was overcome by the sudden feeling of being full in a nice way, like when you’ve had a good meal, and you have two more bites of a delicious dessert to go, but haven’t got the room. It’s worth the stuffed feeling to swallow those two last bites. Linda felt like that now, as her teen pussy was filled to overflowing with Jack’s rampant prick. The tip dug into her cervix like a little boy jumping onto a big pile of leaves and the base of his cock smashed her over-stimulated clitty, extending the orgasm she had just experienced.

Linda’s body knew what to do, even if she didn’t. Her arms went around the teacher and crushed him to her as her hips wiggled, her pussy clasping and then relaxing as it tried to adjust to the invader in it.

“MISTER KELLY!” squealed Tiffany excitedly. She hadn’t meant for things to go this far, but the sight of Jack’s prick suddenly disappearing into her friend’s pussy was so hot that her own pussy squirted in her panties. “YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FUCK HER!”

“I couldn’t help it.” moaned Jack, the urge to move becoming unbearable. He pulled out and slid back deep again immediately.

“Ohhhh fuck.” moaned Linda, the pain disappearing and streaks of pleasure blasting her brain. “Ohhhhhh fuuuuuuuuck” she moaned again.

Jack gave her another stroke and she squealed, her pussy jumping up off the bed to meet his prick as it slid back in her. Linda’s prehistoric instincts kicked in and she suddenly wanted to be bred … to do this thing that men and women had been doing for millions of years. As Jack’s speed increased she was almost out of her mind with pleasure as her pussy now welcomed the slithering snake that kept attacking it.

“Ohhh fuck!” Now it was Jack who moaned the graphic description of what they were doing as his over stimulated balls coughed and a long streak of semen blasted into the girl’s unprotected pussy. He stayed in her for one more shot and then forced himself to pull out. His prick bobbed up and another long stream of milky white leapt out of the tip and landed across one breast, nipple and most of her stomach.

“SHIT!” yelled Melody, staring wide eyed as another rope followed and her friend’s belly was covered with strings of cum.

“Don’t take it Ooooouuuut!” wailed Linda, who was on the verge of getting that wonderful feeling in her belly again. She reached for the spurting prick and aimed it at her pussy with one hand, while the other pulled at his buttocks, digging her fingernails in. With a sigh of release Jack slumped forward, re-sheathing his prick in her pussy as it gave up two more spurts of spunk. He had the presence of mind to stay deep and rub her clitty with his pubic bone as she squealed into her own orgasm and babbled about how wonderful it felt.

Eventually, though, it got quiet. Very quiet.

“You spermed her!” said Melody in a hushed voice. “In her pussy Mr. Kelly!”

“I knoooowww.” moaned Jack, his chest heaving for breath. “I tried not to, but I couldn’t pull out in time.”

“I don’t care!” said Linda firmly. “That was the neatest thing that ever happened to me!” Like many girls, she had instantly fallen in what she thought was love with her first lover.

“But you could get PREGNANT!” gasped Melody.

“Then I’ll just have to marry Mr. Kelly.” said Linda matter-of-factly. “Then we could do this every single DAY!” she said excitedly.

Jack’s head was whirling. Here was a teenager, not even out of school yet, talking about MARRYING him!

“You can’t marry HIM!” scoffed Tiffany. “He’s an ADULT!”

“Can we do it again?” asked Linda, staring into her teacher’s eyes. “I liked that. I liked that a LOT!”

Jack’s mind froze as he realized just how much trouble he was really in. He said “I don’t know,” and pushed with his arms to uncover Linda’s naked and sperm smeared body. There was a squishing sound as his prick pulled out of her. Her gaping pussy mouth was awash with his spend and everyone in the room except Bunny stared right at it.

“Oooo I’m a mess.” sighed Linda. “I need to take a shower!”

She jumped up and ran for the bathroom, closing the door behind her by habit. The sound of water came through the door and then the singing voice of a happy teenaged girl. Jack flopped back down. He could feel the remains of Linda’s body heat in the sheet as he lay, still breathing deeply.

“Wow.” said Melody, her mouth staying open as she stared at Jack’s dripping cock. “You really did it!” She looked startled. “And Linda LOVED IT!” she added in a gasp.

“I told you it was the most fun in the whole world.” said Tiffany, her voice dripping with “I told you so” tones.

Bunny moaned and rolled over, bumping into Jack. Her arm went over his body.

“Jaaaack?” she whined.

“She’s waking up!” whispered Tiffany, grabbing Melody and pulling her toward the door.

“What about Linda!” gasped Melody.

“Get her clothes!” snapped Tiffany. “Mr. Kelly, do something to cover for us while we get Linda out of here.”

Jack was frantically rubbing at the sperm smeared on his stomach and chest from lying on top of Linda. His mind told him not to get the sheets dirty, but he couldn’t let Bunny wake up and find him like that. So he sluiced the sticky stuff down into his pubic hair and, in a panic, rolled on top of Bunny and over her, pulling her with him so her back was to the bathroom door.

Chapter Three

Bunny’s eyes opened blearily.

“Jack?” she asked, confused.

“It’s OK, baby.” he crooned to her, kissing her nose. He was shaking all over. He saw past Bunny’s head as Melody and Tiffany pulled a stark naked and still dripping Linda out of the bathroom, both of them shushing her quietly. They pulled her around the corner into the entry way to the room, which put them almost out of sight of the bed. Jack heard Tiffany’s whisper, too loud, telling the girl to get dressed.

“What’s that?” asked Bunny, rolling her head.

“Just some noise outside the room.” said Jack, hoping she’d swallow the lie. “Go back to sleep.” he urged her.

Bunny snuggled up against him. She gave out a little “Ooooo” as her breasts and belly contacted the cold wet on his front, but it warmed by their body heat before she could really think about it.

“Ohhh it hurts.” she complained. Her strained muscles and tendons hadn’t yet healed much.

“Do you want me to get you another pain pill?” asked Jack.

“Noooo” she moaned, hugging him tighter. “Stay here with me.”

“OK, baby … OK.” Jack said as he heard the door open and close softly. He sighed.

Bunny sighed with him and snuggled in closer.


Bunny slept for another hour in Jack’s arms as he lay there trying to figure out what he was going to do. Things had gotten completely out of hand, and his future was completely uncertain. Eventually though, his own exertions caused him to drop off into an uncomfortable doze.

Bunny woke him when she started moving again. By now most of the drugs were out of her system, and as she opened her eyes she was much more lucid. She was lucid enough, for example, to now feel and concentrate on the sticky bond between her skin and his. Jack’s bush had pressed against her own as they slept, and now her bush was spermy too. She lay there looking at Jack’s sleeping face and took inventory. Her groin hurt like fire and she remembered slipping on the ice, and the terrible pain that had caused. She remembered the doctor giving her something for the pain, and after that the memories were hazy and dream-like. Part of that dream was Jack, on top of her, and a feeling of delicious fullness in her pussy. Now, as her hand slid along his naked back, to his naked hip, and she felt the sticky bond between them, she realized they had made love.

The only part of that that made her unhappy was that she couldn’t remember feeling him making love to her. What she’d wanted for so long had taken place, and now she couldn’t remember it! That and the fact that she was still horny. She remembered being about ready to cum, but couldn’t remember actually doing it.

She was uncomfortable because of the mess between them. She thought about taking a shower, but when she tried to move the pain came back strongly.

She moaned.

Jack’s eyes popped open in front of her face.

“Bunny?” he said.

“Hi Jack.” she said softly.

“You OK?” he asked.

“We’re all sticky.” she pointed out. “I need to take a shower, but it hurts to move.”

“You strained some muscles.” Jack informed her.

“I know.” she said. “I remember.” She smiled at him. “That’s not all I remember.” She kissed his chin.

Jack blushed. He felt bad. It wasn’t just because of his rape, for all practical purposes, of Linda, but of taking advantage of Bunny’s practically comatose condition when he stuck his prick in her too.

“Sorry.” he mumbled. “I tried to make you comfortable and you were so beautiful that I kind of got carried away.”

“I don’t mind.” she sighed. “I can’t remember much of it, but I’ve wanted to do that with you for a long time.”

“Really?” he asked, surprised.

“Oh yeah.” she sighed again. “I think you’re a hunk.”

“That makes me feel a little better.” he admitted. “I could try to get you to the bathroom.” he suggested.

“It still hurts a lot.” she said. “Could you get a washcloth and give me a bath in bed?”

“Sure.” he agreed immediately.

Jack went to the bathroom and realized it was a good thing that Bunny hadn’t been able to get up. The room was still a little steamy from Linda’s shower and there were damp towels lying around. He got one of them and a washcloth and ran them under warm water, ringing them out and hurrying back to Bunny. He began rubbing her skin, staring as her nipples popped out hard and long and she moaned with pleasure as the warm cloths slid all over her front. His hand dipped to wipe clean her sperm-covered pussy lips. She tried to spread her legs automatically and winced as it hurt.

“Did you say something about pain pills?” she asked, wanting to reach down and rub her pussy. She was getting hornier by the minute.

“Yeah,” sighed Jack, his prick getting hard as he looked at Bunny’s naked body lying on the bed. “The doctor gave me a few for you.”

“Maybe I’d better take one after all.” she admitted.

He left her long enough to grab the little bottle and tipped out just one pill this time. He gave it to her and hurried to the bathroom, where he got one of the plastic cups there and unwrapped it. He put a little water in it and took it back to her. She raised her head, took the water and then laid her head back down, opening her mouth to drop in the pill. She swallowed.

“I hope it works fast.” she said.

“Does it hurt that bad?” asked Jack.

“No, but I want to spread my legs again. I’m still horny Jack.” She looked at him with serious eyes.

“You’re kidding.” said Jack. He was still on edge at how much trouble he was already in.

“No I’m not.” she said. She would never have believed she could be so forward, but being in the same room with the man of her dreams, stark naked, with his hardening cock almost within reach made it seem almost normal.

“You want to … do it?” he asked incredulously. She wasn’t doped up now, and yet she showed obvious interest in letting him do what he thought he’d only been able to do because she was incoherent.

“Uh huh.” she nodded. “Don’t you?” she asked, just the hint of hurt in her voice.

“Well … sure!” he agreed. “I just thought …” Actually, he didn’t know what he thought. This warm willing woman was actually inviting him to have her and the thought made his prick bloom.

“What if somebody comes in?” he asked, knowing full well that could happen.

“Put the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door.” said Bunny. “Write a note that I’m sleeping and not to bother me.”

Jack’s mouth dropped open. If only he’d thought of that before!

He did so, reaching out gingerly and hiding his naked body behind the door. He heard voices in the hallway, but didn’t look to see who it was. When he returned Bunny had managed to spread her legs a little bit. She was grimacing with the effort.

“Don’t hurt yourself.” he warned.

“I want you to make me feel all better.” she moaned.

“Just put them back together.” he counseled her. “That worked last time.” He reached for her and helped her close her legs again.

She reached for him then, pulling him to her for a kiss and he gently climbed on top of her for the second time, his prick straining. She was still lubed up with his earlier deposit and this time he slid into her almost effortlessly.

“Mmmmmm, yeeahhhh” she moaned.

He lay on top of her and rocked up and down, not really pulling out that much, but massaging her clitty in the process and her hands went to his back, her nails scraping lightly across the skin there.

“You squirted in me last time, didn’t you?” she moaned.

“Uh … yeah … a little bit I guess.” he admitted.

“You’re a bad boy Jack. You shouldn’t have done that.” she moaned.

“You’re … um … on the pill, right?” he grunted.

“Noooo, silly. I’m a virgin.” she whined. “I WAS a virgin. Mmmmm, I’m not a virgin any more am I Jack?”

Jack’s balls gave a little lurch at her admission that she was unprotected.

“Uhhh” he grunted, trying not to spew her full. “I guess you’re not.” He went in deep and stayed there, rocking his hips back and forth sideways to lessen the stimulation to his penis. That mashed her clit back and forth and sent an orgasm thundering down on her like a sudden rain squall.

She tensed under him and her nails dug in.

“Ohhh Jack … honey … it’s happening … Oh Jack baby, it feels so goood! Jack … OH JAAAAAAACK!” she squealed as the pleasure rushed all through her body.

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