
Brother & Sister & Friends

Brother & Sister & Friends
John peeked through the hole he had made in the closet wall connecting his room to his sister’s. He could see his sister in her room beginning to undress for bed. As he became more excited watching her undress, John dropped his pants and pulled his cock out, holding it in his hand. Even though Jenny was only 15, John knew that she was already mature physically, with big full tits and a pussy that could clearly be seen through the sparse red hair growing there.
John was only a year younger than Jenny and big for his age, so most people thought he was the older of the two. He had made the hole in the closet about three months ago and had been regularly watching his sister in her room. He had been surprised to find that Jenny liked playing with herself, squeezing her tits and pulling on her nipples, trying to lick them, and that she played with her pussy, sticking her fingers into it and also in the last couple of weeks a big black dildo that she had gotten somewhere. John got so hot watching Jenny that he would regularly masturbate, trying to cum when she did. Because Jenny almost never closed her closet door, John was usually able to see her, like tonight.
Slowly he pulled on his cock as he watched Jenny undress. When she had pulled her shirt off, she cupped her tits in her hands, hefting them, weighing them, squeezing them. John knew her routine almost by heart. Then she pinched her nipples in her fingers and pulled on them, twirling them. Very quickly John could see them harden, knurling into knots on the ends of her tits. Jenny hefted one of them upwards, sticking out her tongue and flicking it at the nipple, just barely able to reach.
Then Jenny wriggled out of her jeans, pulling them off and revealing that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. This had been going on for about two weeks now. It had really excited John the first time he realized that Jenny hadn’t worn any underwear, going out with just her clothes covering her.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed facing the closet, Jenny spread her knees wide apart and rubbed her hands in her pussy. John almost died on the spot when Jenny’s hands came from her pussy, pulling the big black dildo out. He couldn’t believe that she had been in school all day and eaten dinner with their parents with that big black dildo jammed up into her pussy.
Suddenly John began to cum, splashing all over the closet wall as his balls exploded while he watched his sister. Jenny slid the dildo in and out of her pussy several times, then pulled it all the way out and brought it up to her mouth, opening it and sliding the dildo into her mouth, sucking on it, licking all of her own pussy juices from the dildo.
John was still furiously rubbing his cock, staring at Jenny’s wide open pussy staring at him, only about ten feet away. He could see her pussy lips pouting open, revealing her clit sticking out from between them and her hole, pooling with moisture. After sticking the dildo back into her pussy and ramming it in and out several times, Jenny licked it off again and turned off the light, ending John’s show.
John groaned as the light went out, depriving him of his entertainment. But he had cum once; he smiled to himself, and really busted a nut. God, Jenny was great, he thought. He wondered if she had ever been with a guy yet. Probably, he thought. She was probably the horniest person in the whole world, the way she had been carrying on. No, John corrected himself; I’m the horniest person in the whole world.
And Jenny never acted any different. She was still the sweetest sister in the world, always helping him if he had any trouble with his schoolwork, a cheerleader, straight A student, teacher’s pet, the whole nine yards. And yet she was so beautiful and perverted, John thought as he climbed into bed. He couldn’t wait to get come pussy for himself one day.
The next day John was at the hole in the closet waiting when Jenny woke up. He watched as she stretched, throwing the covers off, then pulled up her knees and spread them wide, her hands going right to her pussy. John watched as she rubbed her clit, slowly, and gently slid several fingers into her pussy as she masturbated. When she finally came, John did too, this time catching his cum in his hand and using it to lubricate his cock as he continued to pump it in his hand. Then Jenny jumped up and went to the shower.
Cleaning himself up, John got dressed and went out of his room to have breakfast with the rest of the family. His mother Jean was such a beautiful woman, John noticed again, her long blonde hair reaching down to her waist. She had such a beautiful smile. His father Jack was tall and red-headed just like Jenny. He had a great sense of humor and John loved it when they would go camping or hiking in the mountains together.
As John and Jenny walked to school together, John began to have the beginnings of an idea in his head. Money was always a little short and he was constantly thinking of ways to get just a little more. Now maybe he had an idea. He hadn’t told any of his friends about Jenny, mostly because he was sure they wouldn’t believe him, but also because he didn’t see any advantage in his friends knowing that his sister was such a horny, sex pervert. Now maybe he could solve all his problems at once.
Once at school that day, John pulled his two best friends aside, Harry and Tom, and asked them if they had ever seen a girl totally naked. Their surprised expressions told him the answer to that one immediately.
“What would it be worth to you if I could guarantee that you’ll have a perfect view of a naked girl from only ten feet and that she wouldn’t know about it?” John asked.
“I’d give you all the money I’ll make for the rest of my life,” Harry said excitedly. “But you couldn’t possibly deliver so it’s a dead issue.”
“But what if I tell you I can deliver,” John continued. “How much would you pay?”
“How long would we get to watch?” Tom asked.
“Well, probably five to ten minutes,” John said after thinking about it for a moment.
“Just to see a naked girl?” Harry asked. “What is she, twelve years old?” he asked, laughing hard.
“No, she’s nineteen and beautiful, and if you come up with the right money, I’ll even guarantee that she’ll play with herself too,” John said. “So, what do you think?”
“Shit, I’ll pay to see that,” Harry said. “I’ll give you $20 if you let me see that.”
“What about you, Tom?” John asked. “You willing to pay to see it too?”
“I guess so,” Tom said. “But what if it’s not what you say, then what?”
“Then you don’t have to pay me,” John said. “In fact, I’ll let you pay me after, that way you decide if I was telling the truth.”
“That sounds fair to me,” Tom said. “I’ll give you $20 if it’s as good as you say.”
“Great then,” John said, thinking of the $40 he would make. “What you have to do is get your parents’ permission to spend the night at my house, and then I’ll be able to show you.”
“How about tomorrow night then?” Harry asked. “I’m sure my parents won’t mind.”
“Yeah, I think my parents would let me tomorrow night too,” Tom said.
“Great, then tomorrow night,” John said. “I’ll talk to my parents and make sure, but let’s plan on it.”
“Great,” Harry said, jumping up excitedly. “I can’t wait.”
That night as John watched Jenny again, he couldn’t contain his excitement at watching his friends see her without her knowing about it. And $40, that would sure help. As he expected, his parents had no objection to him having two friends come over to study and spend the night, so the next day after school both Harry and Tom came home with him. They spent the afternoon studying, to keep up pretenses, and after dinner used studying as an excuse to go to John’s room.
“So, when are we going to go see this naked girl?” Harry asked impatiently.
“It won’t be long now,” John said with a smile on his face. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
“Quit wasting time and get on with it,” Tom said. “Or is this just some bullshit?”
“No bullshit,” John said. “In fact, we can start getting ready.”
Moving over to the closet, John opened the doors, first turning out the light in the room. Motioning to Harry, John pointed out the hole in the closet wall.
“You just keep your eye on that hole,” John explained, “and in just a minute or so it’ll start.”
Tom just looked at him as Harry bent to the hole, putting his eye to it. They all waited, fidgeting as nothing happened. Then suddenly Harry gasped.
“Hey, it’s your sister,” he said.
“I know it is,” John said smugly. “Just keep watching.”
“You mean you’re talking about your sister?” Tom asked him incredulously.
“Uh-huh,” John said. “And you won’t be sorry either.”
“Your sister,” Tom said, shaking his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe you’d sell a peek at your own sister.”
“Why not?” John asked. “She doesn’t know and it won’t hurt her. And you said you’d pay $20 to see.”
“Oh, wow,” Harry whispered. “She’s taking off her shirt. What outrageous tits! Man, they are beautiful.”
“Let me see,” Tom said, suddenly interested again.
“Let Tom look for a minute,” John said. “Then you can look again. You’ll have to take turns. And you can see again in the morning, too.”
Quickly Tom knelt down and looked through the hole, just in time to see Jenny twisting and pulling on her nipples.
“Oh, man, she’s beautiful,” Tom said softly, his eye glued to the hole. “Oh, god,” Tom said. “She’s taking off her pants. I can’t believe this; she’s not wearing any underwear. Oh, man, what a beautiful pussy.”
“Let me see, let me see,” Harry implored.
“Let Harry look, Tom,” John said, smiling as he realized that they were hooked.
Harry quickly dropped to his knees, his eye pressed to the hole.
“Wow, what a pussy,” he exclaimed. “I can’t believe she’s playing with herself like that. You can see everything in her pussy. Oh, god, she just put her fingers up into her pussy.”
“Let me see,” Tom begged.
Moving aside, his eyes bright and a slight bulge present in his pants, Harry let Tom have access to the hole.
“Oh, man, I just can’t believe anything could be so beautiful,” Tom said as he looked through the hole. “She’s just amazing. Hey, what’s she doing?” Tom asked suddenly. “She got up and turned off the light.”
“She’s going to bed for the night,” John explained. “But you can see again in the morning.”
“How can I possibly sleep knowing that she’s over there?” Harry moaned.
“It took me a little while to learn to do that,” John admitted with a smile. “But it makes for great dreams.”
“I can’t wait for morning,” Tom said.
“Does that mean you’re going to pay me?” John asked.
“You bet,” Harry said, pulling a $20 bill from his pocket and handing it to John. “It’s a bargain.”
“Yeah, you sure didn’t lie,” Tom said, handing John $20. “I still can’t believe it. My dicks so hard I think it’s going to break.”
“Just wait until morning,” John said, getting undressed for bed. “It’s a great way to wake up.”
The next morning the three of them were waiting in the closet for Jenny to wake up. When she did wake up, Tom insisted on first look because Harry had gone first last night. Placing his eye to the hole, Tom watched as Jenny woke up, stretching, then throwing the covers off and pulling her knees up and apart.
“God, she plays with herself first thing in the morning,” he breathed, staring into the hole.
“Let me see,” Harry said.
As Tom moved aside, Harry put his eye to the hole, drawing a loud breath as he saw Jenny’s pussy totally exposed to his view, her fingers busy in her pussy. Then Harry gasped, choking as he tried to talk. It took John a minute or so, but finally he succeeded in moving Harry from the hole so that Tom could look.
“Oh, shit, look at that thing she’s shoving into her pussy,” he said. “I can’t believe it fits. This is just great.”
“Let me see some more,” Tom said, elbowing Harry aside and pressing his eye to the hole. “Oh, man, look at that. She’s fucking herself with that fake black cock. Unreal. I can’t believe that’s your sister doing that,” he said. “She seems like such a nice person.”
“She is a nice person,” John said. “She’s also a very horny person, I’d say.”
Suddenly Tom moved back from the hole, his mouth wide open and his eyes sticking out of his head.
“She licked it,” he said. “She licked it after it was in her pussy.”
“Oh, my god,” Harry said as he looked into the hole. “She’s sucking that thing, licking it off. Oh, shit, she’s leaving the room,” he said turning away from the hole.
“She’s going to take a shower and get ready for school,” John explained, moving from the closet.
Harry and Tom were extremely excited as they left the closet, their cheeks burning with color and definite bulges in their pants. They could barely contain themselves as they all walked to school together, Jenny again the model of sweetness and respectability that they had known her to be. For the next week or two Harry and Tom found every excuse possible to spend the night at John’s house, each time paying him another $20 for the privilege. Soon John had several hundred dollars saved and was thinking about how to increase his take.
For two weeks John thought about what to do, how to make this even more profitable. Finally he decided on a plan of action, but he was very nervous about implementing it. One day he decided he had enough courage, and knocked on Jenny’s door one afternoon when he was sure she was doing homework, having checked by looking through the hole.
“Yes,” Jenny said, “come in. Oh, hi, John,” Jenny said as he came into the room. “What are you up to?”
“Well, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about,” John said hesitantly.
“Well, what is it?” Jenny asked, smiling at him.
“It’s about money,” John began.
“John, you know I don’t have any money,” Jenny said. “I can’t possibly help you there.”
“Well, actually there is a way,” John said, “and I think I can help you with money too.”
“John, what are you talking about?” Jenny asked.
“This,” John said, suddenly reaching under the mattress where he had seen Jenny hiding her dildo and pulling it out.
“Oh, my god,” Jenny said, her face turning beet red and her hands covering her mouth. “How did you find out about that?” she asked, tears starting to come from her eyes.
“Don’t cry, Jenny,” John said, feeling terrible that he had upset her so.
“How could you know?” she asked, crying. “How could you possibly know? You’re not going to tell Mom or Dad, are you? They’d never understand.”
“No, I’m not going to tell Mom or Dad,” John said. “I’m not here to make trouble for you, I just know how to get money and I thought I’d share it with you.”
“But what does money have to do with this?” Jenny asked, indicating the dildo which John had tossed onto the bed.
“I know what you’re doing with it,” John said. “I’ve seen you.”
“You’ve seen me?” Jenny exclaimed. “How could you?”
“Here,” John said, going over to the closet and pointing out the hole in the wall. “I watch you from here.”
“Oh, god,” Jenny said, bursting into tears again. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
“Jenny, I’m not mad or anything. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it either. But I do watch and I like watching,” John said.
“So, what do you want then?” Jenny asked.
“Well, you know Harry and Tom?” John asked. “Well, I’ve been charging them $20 each to look through the hole at you.”
“Oh, no,” Jenny cried, tears pouring down her face. “What have you done? They’ll tell everyone at school and I won’t be able to look anyone in the face ever again.”
“No they won’t,” John said firmly. “They know that they can’t say anything. First of all, who would believe them? About you, I mean. And besides, I told them I’d never let them see again if I even thought that they had told anyone.”
“And you believe them?” Jenny cried. “You’ve destroyed me.”
“Yes, I believe them,” John said, “and no, I haven’t destroyed you. Look at this,” he said, holding up a wad of money. “There’s more than $400 here.”
“$400,” Jenny said. “How did you get so much money?”
“I told you, I made them pay me $20 each every time they wanted to watch you,” John explained. “And I know how to get even more. But I’ll need your help for that.”
“You want my help?” Jenny almost screamed. “Are you crazy?”
“No, I’m not,” John said. “Just hear me out, okay? Look, I’ll split the money with you, even this,” he said, holding up the wad. “But I have an idea to get even more, lot’s of it.”
“I can’t wait,” Jenny sniffed. “How are you going to do that?”
“Do any of your friends know what you do?” John asked. “You don’t have to tell me their name.”
“Yes, one friend does,” Jenny admitted.
“Well, if you can get her to come over here and do it, I can get my friends to pay to see,” John said. “She wouldn’t even have to know.”
“But I’d know,” Jenny said. “And she’s my friend. She’s the only one who knew and that I could talk to.”
“Well, now I know and we’re talking, aren’t we?” John asked. “I just see us being able to make lots of money for the summer. Think of the fun we could have when Mom and Dad go away for their two weeks if we have money to spend. We wouldn’t just have to stay home. We could go to the beach, take the train, or go camping in the mountains, take the bus. But we could at least do something. I’m tired of going back to school and listening to all the fun everyone had because they could afford to go somewhere. I want to have a great summer too.”
“What if I say no?” Jenny said. “What then?”
“You won’t say no,” John replied. “It’s a great idea and it doesn’t hurt anyone. Harry and Tom think you’re a goddess. They absolutely worship you. I don’t think they think of anything else all day long except you. Nobody will do anything to jeopardize the chance to see.”
“And if I say no, I won’t do it?” Jenny said. “I could just close my closet and then you’d be left with only your memories and imagination,” Jenny said.
“Please, Jenny,” John begged. “Think about it. I mean, it’s obvious that you’re horny and so you play with yourself to feel better. Doesn’t it excite you at all knowing that you’re able to get someone else so excited watching you that they masturbate themselves?”
“I do that?” Jenny asked. “You mean Harry and Tom?”
“I’ve never seen them, but I’d bet anything that as soon as they get home they masturbate every time,” John said.
“And what about you?” Jenny asked. “Do you masturbate too?”
“Yes,” John said, his head down and his voice barely audible. “I think you’re the most beautiful, exciting person in the whole world.”
“What do you do?” Jenny asked, her curiosity peaked.
“I watch you and play with myself,” John answered. “Like you.”
“And do you — you know,” Jenny asked.
“What?” John asked.
“Do you cum when you masturbate?”
“All the time,” John nodded. “I try not to cum until I see that you’re cumming, but I’m not always successful. You excite me so much at times that I can’t even control it.”
“I can’t believe this,” Jenny said, moving over to the bed and putting the dildo back under the mattress.
“Look, Jenny,” John said, “I’ll give you half of the money I’ve already gotten. Please just say you’ll think about it, give it a try.”
“This is a lot of money,” Jenny said, holding the wad of bills that John handed her.
“As far as I’m concerned, you earned it,” John said. “You’ll think about it?”
“Under one condition,” Jenny said.
“Name it, anything” John said desperately.
“You’ve been watching me, right?” Jenny asked.
“Yes,” John said.
“Then I want to watch you,” Jenny said.
“What?” John asked.
“Masturbate for me,” Jenny said, “right now.”
“What?” John said. “I can’t. I’d be too nervous.”
“Then I won’t even think about it,” Jenny said.
“You’ll really think about it if I do?” John asked.
“I’ll think about it,” Jenny agreed.
“And no matter what you won’t close your closet doors?” John asked.
“Unless you bring your friends over here anymore without telling me,” Jenny said.
“Really? You mean it?” John asked.
“Will you masturbate?” Jenny asked.
“Okay,” John agreed.
“Okay then,” Jenny said. “Go ahead, start.”
Blushing, John let his pants slide to the floor, his cock springing out and standing erect in front of him. As Jenny watched in amusement, John began to stroke his cock, holding it in his fist, stroking it back and forth. Jenny leaned forward to watch, her face only about a foot from his cock. John could see her cheeks flush as he continued to stroke himself, a drop of pre-cum forming on the end of his cock, dribbling from the slit in the end. Jenny’s mouth was hanging open as she watched his cock swell to its biggest size, John barely able to get his fist around it.
Jenny’s breathing was ragged as John continued, feeling his balls begin to vibrate as his level of excitement rose. Then groaning, John’s balls exploded, cum shooting from the end of his cock, hitting Jenny right in the middle of her face. Jenny gasped as John’s cock erupted, cum shooting into her face. As she attempted to move back, the next spurt of cum landed right in her mouth. John gasped as he saw his cum splashing in his sister’s face, shocked like she was. His cock kept on spurting cum, though by now Jenny had moved back out of range. John saw her swallow, gulping down the shot of cum that had landed in her open mouth, as his orgasm subsided until there was just a big glop of cum on the end of his cock.
“Wow, I had no idea,” Jenny said, still surprised by what had happened.
“You mean you’ve never seen a cock before?” John asked, wiping the last of the cum from his cock.
“No,” Jenny said, shaking her head. “I can’t believe how far it shoots,” she said, wiping her face.
“I’m sorry,” John said. “I didn’t mean to shoot in your face.”
“It tastes sort of salty,” Jenny said, staring at his now limp cock.
“What do you taste like?” John asked. “I’ve seen you lick that thing after it was inside of your pussy.”
“A little different,” Jenny said. “Not as thick. Would you like to taste?”
“Huh? Well, yes, I would,” John answered, flustered. “But how?”
Smiling, Jenny moved back over to the bed and got her dildo, licking the end of it.
“Do you want a taste?” she asked.
“Sure,” John said, his cock twitching as he watched her licking the end of the dildo.
Undoing her blue jeans, Jenny pushed them down and stepped out of them. As usual she was naked underneath and now John could see her pussy much more clearly, being only about a foot or so from it now. Sitting back down, Jenny spread her legs and began rubbing the dildo in her pussy. John’s eyes were bugging out of his head as he watched his sister rubbing the dildo back and forth in her pussy. He couldn’t believe how erotic it was right up close, the contrast between the black dildo and her white pussy framed with red curls and the deep pink interior. Then Jenny pushed the dildo into her pussy about half way, twirling it around inside of herself as John watched with his mouth hanging open.
Jenny smiled as she watched her brother react to her frigging herself with her dildo, sliding it in and out of her pussy in front of him. Then pulling it from her pussy, Jenny held it up to him, all glistening with her pussy juices.
“Go ahead, lick it,” she encouraged, holding in front of his face.
Sticking out his tongue, John flicked the end of the dildo, tasting the juices there. It was sort of musky, he thought. Then Jenny pushed the dildo at him again, right in his face. Sticking out his tongue again to lick it, Jenny pushed it against his mouth. John then found himself sucking the head of Jenny’s dildo, tasting her pussy juices smeared all over it. Then Jenny pulled the dildo away, again pushing it into her pussy, then bringing it up to her own mouth, sucking it in, slurping all of her juices from it.
“Did you like it?” she asked, staring at John.
“Yes,” he stammered. “It’s sweet and musky at the same time.”
“I like it too,” Jenny admitted. “Sometimes I wish I could lick myself just to taste my pussy juices.”
“Wow,” John said.
“Haven’t you ever tasted yourself?” Jenny asked.
“No, I haven’t,” John admitted.
“You should,” Jenny said, “just to know.”
“Maybe,” John said.
“Tonight, after everyone’s gone to bed,” Jenny said, “I’ll come to your room and you masturbate and taste yourself.”
“Why?” John asked. “What for?”
“For me,” Jenny said. “If you do, I’ll give you my answer.”
“Okay,” John said, “deal.”
“You’d better go now,” Jenny said. “I have to finish my homework.”
Blushing, John pulled his pants up, trying to stuff his raging cock back into them. Jenny giggled as he struggled, sitting there with her dildo in her hand. When John got to his room he looked through the hole and saw that Jenny had pulled her jeans back on and was studying.
That night after they had all gone to bed and John noticed that Jenny had turned her lights off, he heard a light knocking at his door and then Jenny came in wearing a bathrobe.
“Go ahead,” she said without any preamble.
Embarrassed, John stood there and began to masturbate, his cock standing out in front of him. Jenny sat on the edge of the bed and watched, his cock just inches from her face. When John groaned as he began to cum, Jenny told him to catch it all in his hand. Quickly John’s hand filled with cum as his balls emptied themselves. When he finished cumming his entire palm was covered with cum.
“Wow, I love watching you cum,” Jenny said. “It’s neat when it comes squirting out the end. Now go ahead, taste it,” she said.
Bringing his hand to his face, John licked the palm of his hand, tasting his own cum as Jenny watched intently.
“It’s different than yours,” he said.
“How?” Jenny asked.
“I don’t know. Not as sweet maybe,” John said.
“Let me taste it,” Jenny said.
“Here,” John said, holding out his hand.
Holding his hand in hers, Jenny leaned forward and dragged her tongue across the palm of his hand, licking the cum there. Then she licked it again and again, not stopping until all of it was gone.
“I like the taste of your cum,” she said after swallowing all of it. “It tastes sweet to me. Do you want to compare?” she asked.
“Sure,” John said.
Pulling her robe open, John saw that she was naked. Reaching between her legs, Jenny pulled the big black dildo from her pussy, glistening with her juices. Holding it out to him, John took it from her and began to lick it, slurping her juices from it. Finally he just opened his mouth and sucked it in, sliding it out and getting the last of her juices.
“That’s much better,” John declared. “I love the taste of your pussy juices.”
“Let me taste you again,” Jenny said. “Hold your cock for me.”
As John grasped his cock in his hand and squeezed it, Jenny leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head of it, gently sucking it and getting the last of his cum before sitting up.
“Wow,” John said, rolling his eyes. “That felt great.”
“It tastes nice too,” Jenny said. “Better than this thing,” she said, holding up her dildo.
“Can I taste you without the dildo?” John asked shyly.
“You mean like I just did?” Jenny asked. “Sure, go ahead,” she said, leaning back on her elbows and spreading her knees, opening her pussy to him.
Getting on his knees, John leaned forward and stuck his tongue into her pussy, tasting her. Jenny gasped as she felt his tongue in her pussy. Then she began to cum uncontrollably when John slid his tongue up into her hole. Her whole body trembled as she came, and John just slurped and slurped at the juices that flowed from her hole, drinking her up until she stopped cumming. Then he looked up at her, his face flushed and pussy juice smeared all over his face.
“I can’t believe how delicious your pussy is,” John said. “It’s like nectar of the gods, ambrosia.”
“I can’t believe I came like that,” Jenny said. “I thought I was going to die.”
“So, what’s your answer?” John said, standing up.
“I’ll do it,” Jenny said, “as long as it’s only you the first time. Then we’ll talk about it.”
“Oh, great,” John said, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her to her feet. “You won’t be sorry, I promise you,” he said, hugging her.
“Maybe,” Jenny said. “We’ll see. I have to go to bed now,” she said, gathering up her dildo and hiding it under her robe. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”
“Okay,” John said. “Tomorrow. And thanks, Jenny.”
“This is so crazy,” she said. “But my pussy feels so nice and I’m glad it’s not such a secret anymore.”
“We’re going to make lots of money,” John assured her. “And it’ll be fun too.”
“See you in the morning,” Jenny said. “Good-night.”
“Good-night, Jenny,” John said as the door closed behind her.
Looking through the hole, John could see that Jenny put the dildo under her mattress before turning out the light. He smiled as he thought of the possibilities and of how much he had enjoyed sucking her pussy as he fell asleep.
The next morning when John woke up he smiled as he remembered his talk with his sister the day before. He couldn’t believe he was getting away with it. Quickly going to his closet, John put his eye to the hole. At first he was surprised when he couldn’t see anything, then his eyes adjusted and he realized that he was seeing Jenny’s dildo sliding in and out of her pussy right in front of the hole. John almost died as he watched the dildo moving in and out of his sister’s pussy. He ached to stick his tongue back in her and taste her. Furiously pounding his cock, John masturbated in a frenzy and quickly came, cum splashing wildly against the closet wall. Then he saw Jenny’s eye at the hole staring back at him.
“Did you cum yet?” she asked.
“Yes,” John answered. “It was great.”
“I’m glad you liked it,” Jenny said. “See you at breakfast.”
John groaned as he got to his feet. Life was sure great, but it sure got complicated sometimes. On the way to school John and Jenny discussed his plans for making money, as the idea had begun to intrigue Jenny. When she realized how much money they could make from one person once or twice a week and then multiplied it by four or five people, well, then there was some real money there.
That evening at dinner Jenny announced that her friend Shauna was going to be spending the night the next night so that they could study together. Jean and Jack said they didn’t mind and John tried not to show his excitement. After John had gone to bed, there had been no show, Jenny’s light had been off, and he lay there unable to sleep thinking about the next night. He couldn’t wait to see Shauna with Jenny.
Suddenly his door opened and Jenny slipped into his room. John sat up as she came over to his bed, wearing her bathrobe.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“Will you suck my pussy again for me?” Jenny asked. “I really like it when you did it yesterday.”
“Are you sure?” John asked, not believing his luck.
“I’ll suck your cock for you if you do,” Jenny said. “My dildo doesn’t cum for me.”
“Well, okay. Sure,” John said.
“Okay then,” Jenny said, jumping on the bed and laying back, her robe opening as she raised and spread her knees.
John almost died when he saw his sister’s pussy spread before his eyes. Quickly he dove in, fastening his mouth to her and trying to suck the whole thing into his mouth. Jenny gasped as she felt John’s mouth and tongue attach to her pussy. This was by far the greatest feeling she had ever had. John licked and sucked like crazy, unable to get enough of it. Jenny was squirming on the bed as his tongue flicked in and out of her hole, teasing her. Then she bit off a scream as he lightly grabbed her clit between his teeth. Her orgasm cascaded from her pussy, shaking her entire body. John quickly glued his mouth to her hole, drinking up her juices as they flowed from her. Jenny couldn’t believe how wonderful a feeling it was as she came and came all over John’s face. Finally she stopped cumming and still John was licking and sucking her pussy like crazy. Jenny could take no more and had to reach down and hold his head as she struggled to sit up.
“God, John, you’ll kill me if you don’t stop,” Jenny said. “That was so great. I can’t believe how it makes me cum.”
“I love the taste of your pussy,” John said. “It’s so sweet.”
“Let me suck your cock now,” Jenny said.
“You bet,” John said, pulling his shorts off.
“The only reason I have that thing is because I didn’t have a real one,” Jenny said, reaching out and grasping his cock. “Oh, this feels so much better,” she said, gently squeezing it in her hand. “It’s so soft and warm.”
John just grunted as Jenny continued to rub and massage his cock in her hand. Then Jenny leaned forward and licked the end of his cock where a drop of pre-cum had formed. John groaned as he felt her tongue on the tip of his cock. Then Jenny opened her mouth and slid her mouth down on his cock, not stopping until it pushed against the back of her throat. Then she closed her mouth around his cock and gently sucked. John could feel her tongue sliding around his cock, tasting him. Then Jenny slowly slid her mouth back off of John’s cock, stopping only when her lips smacked together as the head of his cock slid from her mouth.
“It sure does taste yummy,” Jenny said, once more sucking his cock into her mouth.
John just lay there watching her as she continued to suck his cock, sliding her mouth up and down on it as she sucked. The entire time Jenny was gently rolling his balls around in her hand. John quickly felt himself approaching orgasm. Jenny too felt his cock swell as his orgasm began and jets of cum began to spurt into her mouth. Gripping his cock even tighter and pumping it, Jenny sucked and swallowed all of the cum that filled her mouth, sucking long after John had finished cumming in an attempt to get the last of the cum from his cock.
“I like that,” Jenny said, smacking her lips. “It’s fun and feels good and then it tastes good too.”
“It feels unbelievable,” John said, still gasping from the intensity of his orgasm.
“Well, good-night,” Jenny said, getting to her feet, bending over to kiss his cock once more.
“Good-night, Jenny,” John said. “And thanks. I can’t wait until tomorrow night.”
“I don’t know what will happen,” Jenny said. “We’ve only talked about it before.”
“I’m sure it’ll be great,” John said.
John just lay there smiling as Jenny left his room. If he died and went to heaven right now, John would feel that he had experienced the best life had to offer, he thought as he remembered how delicious Jenny’s pussy had tasted. And then the feeling of her warm mouth sucking on his cock, what a night.
The next day John had trouble concentrating on anything at school, so distracted was he by the upcoming evening. He even blew off Harry and Tom when they tried to talk to him about seeing another show, telling them that he’d talk to them about it later. When he heard Jenny’s voice and another coming to the door of the house that afternoon after school, John could barely contain himself. When they came in the house, John was surprised. He had never met Shauna and hadn’t realized that she was black. He thought she was very pretty and became even more excited as he thought of the evening.
Throughout dinner they all made fun, light conversation, talking about school and boys and grades and the upcoming summer break. After dinner Jenny excused herself and Shauna so that they could go study. John soon retired to his room, quickly checking the hole in the closet. He was disappointed to see that they really were sitting on the bed studying. He continuously checked the hole in the closet, only to be equally disappointed each time. Then he heard his parents saying good-night to everyone as they went to bed.
Again checking the hole, John saw that they were gathering up their books and putting them away. As he watched, he saw Jenny pull out a nightgown and Shauna got one out of her bag. Holding his breath, he watched as they both began to undress. He couldn’t believe how beautiful Shauna was as she removed her clothes. It was hard to make out any details because of the dark color of her skin, but John was turned on by the contrast as they stood side by side, comparing bodies with each other.
Then he saw Jenny reach under the mattress and pull out her dildo and show it to Shauna. He could see Shauna laughing as Jenny showed her the dildo. Then Jenny sat down on the edge of the bed and began to play with her pussy as Shauna watched. John could see her fingers busy between her legs, rubbing herself and sliding her fingers up inside a few times. Then Shauna sat down on the edge of the bed and spread her legs. John could see a bright pink interior of her pussy as her legs spread and he could feel his cock bursting to get out of his shorts.
John quickly stripped off his shorts and began to masturbate as he watched Shauna playing with her pussy. He watched as she lay back and began pumping her fingers in and out of her pussy rapidly. Then he watched as Jenny picked up the dildo and began to rub her pussy with it while Shauna continued to play with herself. As he watched, Jenny slid the dildo into her pussy and began to slide it in and out in time with Shauna’s fingers in her own pussy. Then she pulled it out of her pussy and offered it to Shauna. When Shauna hesitated, Jenny reached out and rubbed the head of the dildo against Shauna’s clit while her fingers continued to slide in and out of her hole.
Then Shauna removed her fingers from her pussy and Jenny began to rub the dildo around the entrance to her hole. While Shauna leaned back on her elbows and watched, Jenny slowly pushed the dildo into her pussy. Shauna gasped as the dildo filled her, throwing her head back and closing her eyes as Jenny slowly began to slide it in and out of her pussy. Shauna was writhing on the bed now, her back arching as Jenny fucked her with the dildo. Then Shauna shuddered, reaching down and grasping Jenny’s hand and stopping her, the dildo still pushed up into her pussy, as she came.
When Shauna finished cumming, Jenny slowly pulled the dildo from her pussy, gleaming with juices. As John watched, she brought it to her mouth and licked the end of it. Then she opened her mouth and sucked the dildo in, slurping all of the juices from it as she pulled it back out. Shauna sat up, looking at Jenny in astonishment. When Jenny shrugged, John saw her put the dildo back into her own pussy, then pull it out and lick it off. Shauna just shook her head in amazement. They talked some, then Shauna took the dildo and pushed it just a little bit into her pussy. Then she raised it to her mouth and licked the end of it, swirling her tongue around it. Then Jenny lifted one knee, spreading her pussy open, and Shauna reached forward and pushed the dildo into Jenny’s pussy a bit, then pulled it out. Again she raised it to her mouth and licked the end of it, cleaning the juices from it.
John could see that they were having an animated conversation at this point as he continued to stroke his cock. Then he saw Jenny reach out and rub her hand in Shauna’s pussy. His eyes opened wide when he saw Shauna reach out and begin to rub Jenny’s pussy at the same time. He watched as they rubbed each other’s pussies, each of them getting more and more excited. John was furiously pounding his cock now, watching them play with each other.
Then he watched as Jenny gently pushed Shauna onto her back with her other hand while she continued to play with her pussy. John watched in shock as Jenny got between Shauna’s legs and lowered her face to her pussy. John could just make out her tongue as her face was shoved into Shauna’s pussy. Shauna was writhing on the bed, her hands entangled in Jenny’s hair as Jenny continued to lick and suck Shauna’s pussy. After several minutes Shauna sat up, pushing Jenny away from her pussy, her face bright and her eyes shining. John could see that Jenny’s face was smeared with Shauna’s pussy juice. He couldn’t believe that Jenny had done it. Then Jenny lay back on the bed, spreading her legs, her fingers pulling her pussy open. Hesitantly Shauna knelt down and began to lick Jenny’s pussy, her tongue exploring and probing in her pussy. Jenny was lifting her hips to meet each stroke of Shauna’s tongue as she ate her. After several minutes, Shauna sat up, licking her lips.
Jenny sat up also, leaned forward and hugged Shauna, kissing her. Then she pulled the covers of the bed down, and pulling Shauna with her into the bed, turned out the light. John was very disappointed when the light went out. He was still holding his cock, but his hand was covered with the cum that had erupted from his cock while watching Jenny and Shauna taste each other’s pussies. Getting to his feet, John wiped the cum from his hand, then licked it off, tasting himself again and deciding that he still liked Jenny’s pussy better.
The next morning there was no show and they all had breakfast together, Jenny and Shauna not acting like anything unusual had happened. John struggled to control himself as they walked to school. He couldn’t wait to talk to Jenny that afternoon. When Jenny did finally get home from school that afternoon, she burst into John’s room.
“Did you see?” she asked. “Did you watch us?”
“Of course I did,” John answered.
“Oh, John, Shauna’s pussy tasted so nice,” Jenny said.
“I’ll bet it did,” John agreed.
“Didn’t you like watching?” Jenny asked.
“It was great,” John said. “I just wish I had been in the room with you.”
“Who knows,” Jenny mused. “Maybe one day.”
“So, you don’t mind if I sell show seats to Harry and Tom?” John asked.
“How much are you going to charge?” Jenny asked.
“I was charging $20,” John said.
“But now there’s two of us,” Jenny said. “And they get to see more, don’t they?”
“I guess that’s true,” John said thoughtfully. “I think $35 each for the two of you would be fair, don’t you?”
“That sounds okay to me,” Jenny agreed. “When should we do it?”
“When can you get Shauna to spend the night again?” John asked.
“I’ll bet she’d spend the night every night,” Jenny laughed.
“Then let’s do it tomorrow night,” John suggested.
“I’ve got an idea to help us make more money,” Jenny said.
“What is it?” John asked.
“Well, what if I invite my girlfriends over to watch you masturbate,” Jenny said. “I’ll bet they’d pay just like your friends do.”
“Watch me masturbate?” John asked. “You’re kidding, right?”
“Of course not,” Jenny said. “Why not? What’s the difference your friends watching me and my friends watching you?”
“I guess there’s not, really,” John admitted. “How do you want to do it then?”
“Well, I’ll bring Shauna home with me from school. That should put us here about 3:30. What if you start masturbating at 4:00. That way I can make sure she’s watching.”
“What will you tell her?” John asked.
“That you do it every day at the same time,” Jenny said with a laugh.

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