
Brittany’s Morning Walks

I had already uploaded a version of this story under a different name. This version, however, is quite a bit longer.

Brittany strolled downstairs with the wind on her naked body. She began every day like this. Her shower was on the other side of the kitchen from her bedroom so she would use this as an excuse to expose herself to her family on the trip there and back.

She had just turned 14 and this was her last summer before grade 9. Over the last term of her grade 7 year she suddenly hit puberty and her body became that of a woman. She’d still needed grade 8 to work through that awkward “getting used to the new body” phase and now she was very confident.

Her morning walks to the shower had not gone unnoticed by her family. Brittney had always been a nudist but it is only in the last couple of years that her brothers seemed to always get up earlier than her. She had two older brothers and one younger. Daryn was 17, Greg was almost 16, and Victor was 13.

Today was particularly sweltering and Brittany decided that, instead of having a shower she would just go swimming in the backyard pool. She walked happily past the boys, b-cup tits bouncing, opened the screen door and jumped in.

As always, in a couple of minutes Brittany’s best friend and next-door neighbor, Sheila, popped through the hole in the fence. Sheila was totally opposite to Brittany, while Brittany was white, Sheila was asian, Brittany’s hair was blonde and she had blue eyes. Sheila’s hair was as dark brown as her eyes. And perhaps most notable, while Brittany hit puberty hard and early, Sheila seemed to be moving painfully slow in that regard. She looked like a tall 10-year old.

“Hey Brittany!” Sheila already had her suit on. Her eyes drifted to Brittany’s pink body floating under the water. “Where are your brothers?”

“Inside… recovering.” Brittany grinned wide and flicked some water at her friend.

“God, I wish I were you. You get a brother like Daryn living in your house and you get the confidence to actually show him your body.”

“You know you could always swim naked too. Nothing’s stopping you.”

“Yeah but I don’t have anything to show him. I’m not like you. Boys don’t fawn over me.” Sheila said as she slipped feet first into the water.

“They don’t fawn over me either. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if my brothers were the only guys who paid attention to me in that way. And I cheated by being naked around them.” At this point, Greg ran outside and dove into the pool. It was clear that he didn’t have anything on when he lay on his back in the water and his big penis rested on his chubby belly.

“Uh… Greg…” Brittany was laughing too hard to finish as Sheila stared wide-eyed at the prick. Then Greg caught sight of her and quickly ducked under.

“Oh… Shit, hi Sheila, I didn’t see you pop over.” Greg was red as a beet. He was a nerdy brother, but Brittany thought she might like him best. He’d started the whole “nudist” thing even before she had, which she assumed was the reason her parents were so cool with it. He was a little pudgy and unashamedly virgin – but he certainly had a happy-go-lucky aura which people liked.

“No, I don’t mind,” stammered Sheila, “I’m fourteen so it’s ok.”

“In what world does that make sense?” Greg challenged everybody about sex, just because he was alright with not having it.

“It means that if I wanna get fucked, I will, Greg! Seriously, will ya lay off with the preaching!” Sheila slammed her hand over her mouth so fast it was hard to believe the words had been said at all.

“Jesus, I’m sorry Sheila. I just keep forgetting that you’re not a little girl anymore.”

“Well, you know what,” Sheila started to pull her one-piece off her shoulders “you’re right, Brittany! I don’t need these clothes! They don’t keep me dry and I am tired of covering up! So what good are they?” Her little tits popped out of the top with very little pizzazz. But as Brittany looked at her brother’s face (frozen mid-apology), she could not deny that there was hunger in his eyes.

Sheila saw it too. It frightened her, but it also excited her. She took a step towards him while taking the one-piece off her legs, feigned tripping and fell straight into his arms. Greg caught her and immediately turned her head to kiss her.

Sheila had never seen Greg act like this. He was normally awkward around girls, but now… he seemed so like an animal – and also like he knew exactly what he was doing. This was not the passionate slobber-fest of a virgin, it was the determined make-out of a man.

She had to admit how hot it was. She had never really seen Greg as a sexual being before (despite having seen his private parts dangling in the open air for years). Now all she wanted was for him to kiss her like that.

When the kiss ended, Sheila stood up in the shallow end, looking shell-shocked. Greg immediately started looking appropriately guilty and got out of the pool. His penis was no longer dangling, it was so erect Brittany thought it might explode. He rushed inside.

After a few seconds Sheila said “I’m gonna head home too.” her hand had drifted to her vagina unconsciously and the delirious smile was still plastered across her face. She got out and started walking towards the loose slat of the fence.

“Wait, Sheila,” Brittany held up a one piece suit,”forgetting something?”

Sheila grinned mischievously, “oh, I don’t think I will be needing one of those anymore.” and she left.

Brittany had suddenly lost her need to swim and decided to go and talk with her mother about her new feelings for Greg. No doubt she would get the usual, “these feelings are sometimes natural but should be ignored.”

When Brittany entered the house she saw Victor leaving out the front with his skateboard. She went to her mom’s room only to find Daryn standing in the hallway with a copy of some novel.

Daryn was her oldest brother, and was a real stud-muffin. He had short blond hair and a tall muscular body. He had never really prescribed to the whole nudist life-style and accordingly dressed now in a comfortable purple polo shirt which showed off his abs and board shorts.

As she tried to get around him he extended his arm in her way. “Mom’s busy.” Brittany could hear music coming from the bedroom.

“Well, it’s important.” Brittany said as she ducked under his arm and continued down the hallway. She thought she heard grunting under the music. Suddenly Daryn’s arm wrapped around her midsection and he dragged her bodily back down the hallway kicking. “No, I mean it. I’m not letting you go back there.”

“Listen, if mom’s fucking Dad back there then you can tell me. I’m a big girl now.” Daryn went back to reading. “Fine, fuck you Daryn.” To Brittany, Daryn was just another asshole jock. He always had women crawling all over him and while he enjoyed the attention it made Brittany resent him. She could not really pinpoint why. It’s just that with all those girls on him he rarely paid any attention to her.

It used to be different, even a couple of years ago they would have giant tickle fights and wrestling matches. It seemed that now that she had a woman’s body he had lost interest. She would have thought that he would want to wrestle more. Boys could be confusing.

Refusing to follow Daryn’s wishes, Brittany decided to sneak around the side of the house and peak at her mom and dad going at it. “Fuck Daryn, telling me what I can and cannot see.” she thought. She had to quickly don a summer dress in her room before going outside because she’d have to walk in front of the house to get to her parents’ window. Sometimes she would entertain the idea of giving her quiet suburban neighbors a show, but she never went through with it.

Brittney climbed through the bushes at the side of the house and looked through the gap in the blinds into her parents’ room. She clearly saw her mother’s auburn hair and curvaceous body bouncing up and down on a dick, but it wasn’t her father’s.

Greg had his eyes closed and was sweating quite a lot. He was slamming his powerful body up to meet his mother’s bounces. Brittany was frozen in place, unable to comprehend what he was seeing. Her brother was fucking her mother? And he was good at it too. Brittany had seen more than her fair share of pornography to be able to see that her nerdy brother was the real stud.

Greg picked up his mother and began to drill her into the bed sheets. His mother was hot, and he’d been fucking her for a couple years with his dad, Anton’s consent. Anton had wanted his children to go out into the world knowing how to fuck like champions. His wife, insatiable as she was, would be the perfect coach. Her name was Samantha and ever since he’d broken her cherry at twelve, not a day had gone by that they didn’t act like rabbits in heat. Anton was hoping that Brittany didn’t have the same sex drive as her mother otherwise there would be no way to keep up.

Suddenly Brittany could see Greg give one powerful thrust and settle on top of her mom. He pulled out and she could see his prodigious spend leaking from her red pussy.

Brittany needed to masturbate. One hand went straight to her breast and the other to her pussy and she started rubbing vigorously. It felt so good but it was not enough. For the first time in her life she legitimately needed a cock. She could feel the ball of warmth growing in her stomach but too slowly and she worried it might not come at all when a hand grabbed her arm.

“Fuck Britt! How come I knew you’d be out here!” Daryn looked furious. “How much did you see?”

“Daryn, Greg’s fucking mom!” he suddenly looked guilty and she realized: “you’re fucking her too!” the ball of warmth was still in her stomach, waiting. “oh Daryn, you have no idea what this feels like… I need you right now; you’re the only thing that can get me off.”

Daryn looked around and pushed her to the soft ground between the bushes. In an instant they were wrestling again, just like old times, but this time… Her summer dress was off in a second and his lips wrapped around her nipple. He sucked gently while his thumb ran circles around her clit. She started moaning and his mouth moved to muffle her but she pushed him off.

“Daryn, put it in me now.” he grinned

“I like a woman who knows what she wants.” he placed his cockhead at her entrance and wrapped his lips with her mouth before wrapping his cock in her lips.

His entrance was gentler than Brittany expected. It hurt, but not more than her need for him. A thousand reservations were coursing through her veins, nullified by the pleasure of being filled. “If my mother could fuck Greg, I can damn well fuck Daryn!”she thought.

After a few minutes of Daryn’s gentle thrusting, Brittany was writhing under his cock.

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