Bring Your Daughter To Work Day
Bring Your Daughter To Work Day
Sex Story Author: | Casuallywritten |
Sex Story Excerpt: | A slick drip was forming on her thigh when she finally turned to face her mother, her breasts covered in |
Sex Story Category: | BDSM |
Sex Story Tags: | BDSM, Cannibalism, Death, Extreme, Female Domination, Fiction, Murder, Snuff |
“Mom do I really have to do this?” Alice said in a pleading tone as she stepped from the car into the parking lot.
“Yes sweety you know that now you are 18. It’s company policy that I bring you to at least one bring your daughter to work day. Besides, it will be a fun day. All you have to do is help me out at work for the morning, then we have a big barbeque to celebrate the day. ” Her mother replied cheerfully.
Alice sighed defeated, she had known this day was coming for years. Her mom had reminded her of it for almost as long as she could remember. Her mom worked for the Department of Population Control at a meat girl processing plant. The thought of working in such a place had always made Alice’s stomach turn. Thinking about how many girls her mother had killed, about all the hopeful women just like her, who had been butchered at her mother’s hands. Despite Alice’s feelings on the matter, it was where her mom worked and as a single parent, it had been the only stable job she could get that would put food on the table every night.
Even if that food was discarded girl meat from work, she thought.
“Common sweety!” Her mother called as she began walking towards the factory-like building. Alice hurried along to catch up to her mom. Walking through the side door labeled “Staff”, Alice was immediately surprised to see a naked woman in her mid-30s sitting behind a reception desk.
“Hey, Jenny,” Her mother said to the woman.
“Morning Karen, you ready for a big day?” Came the woman’s reply.
“Yep just have to sort out my daughter here, for bring your daughter to work day.” Her mom said with a cheerful tone.
“Oh, this is the Alice I’ve heard so much about?” She said, “Great come up here and we will just sort out some paperwork and get you a lanyard.” She continued as she placed a form with a pen on the desk in front of her.
Alice approached hesitantly, unable to take her eyes off the woman’s naked breasts.
How was she ok being completely naked at work? Was she some sort of slave?
“Ok so this is just a standard liability form to allow you onto the shop floor, I just need a signature here and a date here,” Jenny said pointing to two spots on the form.
Alice barely glanced at the form as she picked up the pen to sign her name and date the form.
“Great, here is your lanyard. Your mom will be able to walk you through all the procedures and safety as you go.” Jenny said handing a bright orange lanyard with a card marked visitor to Alice. Alice accepted the card, for the first time noticing that Jenny wore a similar lanyard around her own neck, hers marked reception.
Timidly Alice followed her mother as she left the reception with a wave to Jenny and entered a room marked “Floor Staff Only”.
“Mom, why was she naked?” Alice asked quietly as the door closed behind them.
“Oh, well it’s company policy that all female staff go unclothed. It started on the shop floor as a way to save on the cost of decontaminating clothes every shift but soon spread to all staff so that we are all equal. Besides, it makes it easier to clean up, and makes the meat girls feel a little less embarrassed by their own situation.” Her mother explained as they walked down the hall.
“What!? I’m going to have to strip off in public?” Alice said shocked.
“Yep, just like everyone else here. Don’t worry you will be fine.” Her mom said as she opened a door ahead of them to the staff locker room.
Alice’s breath caught in her throat as she took in the site ahead of her. Dozens of women were already in the locker room in various states of undress. There were women of all ages and races in the room, some as old as her mom calmly packing their clothes and donning their lanyards, while the others chatted idly with each other appearing completely unconcerned with their nudity. Here and there another young face looked back at her, girls her own age or a little older who had been brought in for bring your daughter to work day. They seemed almost as shocked as Alice herself. Yet they too were stripping off, their fit unwrinkled skin standing and well-toned bodies standing out amongst the crowd of older women. Alice’s mom led her over to a pair of empty lockers next to a heavily pregnant woman who was just placing her clothes in the locker next to them.
“Ah I see we both came prepared for bring your daughter to work day.” Her mom said to the pregnant woman next to her.
The woman’s heavy breasts jiggled above her distended belly as she chuckled at the joke “Well nice of you to finally join me, I’ve been bringing mine in for the past 7 months,” she replied.
“Alice this is Sam. She’s one of my linemates who we will be working with today.” Her mom said introducing Alice to the woman.
“Nice to meet you,” Alice mumbled quietly.
“Oh don’t mind her, she’s just a bit quiet.” Her mom said, “Now why don’t we get ready, strip off your clothes, and put them in the locker here sweety.” Her mom said as she started pulling her shirt over her head.
Shocked and not seeing much other option, Alice began taking off her own clothes. Blushing as she removed her dress to reveal her small A-cup breasts in her pink lacy bra and matching panties. Seeing her mother stripping off next to her gave her some comfort though, and before she knew it she stood completely naked with her clothes bundled in her hands. Placing her clothes in the locker next to her mother’s Alice examined herself in the locker mirror, her nipples had perked up in the cool air and she shivered for a second as goosebumps ran across her fair skin. She wished her mother had told her about the nudity, she would have taken the opportunity to shave ahead of time, but instead, a light orange tuft of hair adorned her crotch. Despite herself, Alice found it difficult to not try to cover herself, her hands instinctively reaching to cover her crotch and breasts.
“It’s ok Alice, you don’t have anything that these women don’t see hundreds of times per day.” Her mother said gently touching Alices’ arm in reassurance. Despite her mothers comforting words Alice could only think of the meat girls that must be equally embarrassed as they were brought here to be slaughtered.
Donning her lanyard Alice looked around to see that there were fewer women in the room now and her mother’s pregnant friend Sam had left.
“Common Alice, we still have to go through decontamination first.” Her mother said closing her own locker and walking towards a door at the end of the room. They soon came to a hall where a thick spray of mist erupted from both of the walls on either side of them.
“Ok sweety, just wait a moment and then follow me through decontamination.” Her mother said as she stepped past the spray.
Alice watched her mother pass through the hall waiting a few seconds before following her as instructed. The cold mist hit her body, coating her in a fine layer of water from her neck to her toes as she walked through. As she continued the spray changed colors and she felt a slight tingle on her skin as she proceeded, by the time she exited the decontamination hall the spray had stopped to be replaced by a warm blast of air that dried her body within seconds. The whole experience was not entirely uncomfortable.
Alice gawked at the sight before her as she wandered over towards her mom. The factory floor she had everted was massive, tracks and conveyor belts ran in every direction with staff manning various stations along different tracks. It seemed that none of the machinery had been started up yet as a large digital clock ticked down with only minutes left on the far wall.
“Ok common Alice we have to get over to our station.” Her mother said grabbing her hand and pulling her along towards one of the conveyor belts. As they walked through the factory Alice noticed another young girl standing next to a woman who could have only been her mother, the girl’s bright ginger hair, well-curved hips and toned thighs mirroring her mother’s older yet still shapely form. The girl looked a little uncertain as she experimentally turned on and off a pair of hair clippers. Smiling when she saw Alice, certainly more confident knowing she wasn’t the only daughter today.
That’s the hair removal station.” Her mother said as they passed, “we are up ahead at the last station before they head to the freezer.”
“Oh, what station is that?” Alice asked.
“The most important one in the factory.” Her mother replied walking ahead a few steps to quicken their pace.
When they finally stopped at their station Alice was practically trembling with her nerves.
“Ok, Alice today we are on the cutting station.” Her mother said. Directing Alice towards a spot next to the conveyor belt beside her.
“When the meat girls come down that line we only have a minute to make the girl cum and cut slit her throat before the next one comes along. This is the most important part of the whole process as after this they are taken to drain and frozen for storage.” Her mom said.
“Wait what?!?!” Alice cried out in shock. “You mean we are actually killing the poor girls here? That’s horrible!”
“It’s not that bad sweety, trust me by the time they reach us here they are barely even human anymore. Besides you missed what I said we have to make them orgasm before we do it. All part of the humane slaughter legislation that went through a few years back. I dare say they enjoy this part more than any other part of their time here.” Her mom said as a loud horn sounded far off in the factory.
“Ok, the line has started. I’ll show you how to do it with this first one and then it’s your turn on the next. It can get pretty busy throughout the day so after that, you will have to do any that stops in front of you.” She continued, as she looked towards the conveyor belt.
Alice tried to keep her legs from trembling, as her stomach flip-flopped with nervousness.
Was she really going to have to kill these poor girls? What about making them orgasm, what if she couldn’t do it?
She looked on in horror as the conveyor belt chugged to life, the large slats moved past them at a steady rate. Her mother stood patiently by, a razor-sharp knife now in her hand as they awaited the first meat girl of the day. It wasn’t long before she arrived, the girl’s naked skin easily visible against the dark rubber of the conveyor belt. As the belt moved steadily on, the girl looked around frantically her bald head shifting from side to side as she took in her surroundings only noticing Alice’s mother holding the knife when she came to a stop in front of them. Alice looked on uneasily, the girl was spread eagle, with her limbs secured to the conveyor belt slat, by 4 cuffs which were clamped around her ankles and wrists. Her legs were forced wide to display her shaved pink crotch and her arms secured above her head leaving her considerable breasts to lie flat on her chest. She tried to call out to them, her eyes pleading for help, only to be blocked by the large gag secured in her mouth.
“Ok Alice make sure you pay attention, there is a camera overhead to ensure we are following regulations on this.” Her mother said as her right hand slipped to the girl’s crotch, her left hand holding the knife. Alice stood transfixed as she watched her mother slip a finger into the girls slick pussy. Her lips parted easily as her mother’s thumb pressed into the girl’s clit. Within seconds she had another finger deep inside the girl her hand working steadily as her fingers plunged in time with her circling thumb. The girl’s face went from one of shock and horror to a blushing embarrassment as she twisted and turned her hips as she was violated.
“Now they will do this more often than not. Just keep your hand steady when they move around and you’ll get them.” Alice’s mother said casually as she picked up the pace, her fingers producing a wet slurping sound as she fucked the girl’s dripping pussy.
Alice was transfixed barely noticing the growing wetness in her own tingling pussy, as she watched the erotic display. She couldn’t help but imagine herself in the girl’s position, watching as she bucked desperately against her mother’s skilled hand. Alice’s own hand drifted down to her own crotch, passing her light tuft of pubic hair as her fingers came to lightly rest on her sensitive lips. A pained, strangled moan sounded out from the meat girl’s throat her hips bucking up hard, her toes curled and her chest heaved as she orgasmed against Alice’s mother’s hand. Before she had a moment to blink, the knife had already passed across the girl’s throat. A red line formed across her neck as a spray of blood spurted from the cut. Her body trembled and shook as Alice’s mother removed her fingers from the dying girl’s cunt. Wiping them off with a nearby towel and pressing a button on the conveyor belt to send the meat girl off to the next section. Alice watched stunned as the dying meat girl steadily moved onwards, her blood leaking out from the gash across her neck and onto the track below. Suddenly very conscious of her own hand resting against her own yearning pussy Alice turned to her mother rushing to make it look like she had just been scratching an itch.
“Ok, Alice it’s your turn next. In a little bit they will be sending them down in lots of 3 so it’s better that we make sure you have the hang of this while we have the time.” Her mother said passing a knife to Alice and gesturing for her to step up closer. “Now if you are having a hard time getting them to cum we can get you a vibrator to help out but just for now give it a go, make sure you focus on their clit and time your movements to make the most of it.” She continued on as another meat girl came down the conveyor belt.
Alice felt like her heart was up in her throat as the girl came ever closer, she could hear the blood pounding in her own ears and her hands trembled as she held the knife. The woman was bound just like the last, her arms and legs spread wide to offer her no protection from Alice’s unskilled hands. The woman was maybe only a few years older than she was herself, with dark brown skin and a clean complexion. It was hard to tell her exact age without hair but if Alice had seen her on the street she would have thought her pretty. Hesitantly she reached her hand down to the girl’s exposed crotch experimentally pressing her fingers against the woman’s lips. To her surprise, the girl’s dark labia parted easily to allow her finger inside her slick pink pussy.
“That’s right, your going well dear.” Alice’s mother said as she watched her daughter penetrate the meat girl in front of them. “By the time they get to use they are usually already turned on a bit from being so exposed. Just do what feels natural.” She said assuringly.
Alice gently pushed another inside the meat girl’s slick womanhood, resting her thumb against the girl’s clit, just like she had seen her mother do. She had never had sex with a woman before, she had barely even kissed another girl during school. But she had learned something about pleasuring herself over many nights up over the years, and she put it to use. Plunging her fingers deep into the girl’s warm cunt she slowly teased her with her thumb, pressing deeper and deeper with every thrust. The woman’s face started shifting from anger to uncertain pleasure, her breaths becoming unsteady as she struggled to breathe through her nose. Picking up the speed Alice concentrated as she plunged faster and harder into the dark flesh in front of her, pressing her thumb hard into the girl’s clit, causing her to shake and shiver. The girls shaking became more violent, and she twisted harder as she started to press her crotch into Alice’s hand reciprocating Alice’s efforts. Suddenly the woman’s back arched and she emitted a loud groan into her gag, as her body began trembling uncontrollably. A spurt of slick wetness sprayed out into Alice’s hand as the meat girl came.
“Now Alice, cut her throat!” Her mother said hurriedly.
Startled, Alice struggled to bring her knife up to the woman’s throat, her hand trembling as she cut into the soft brown flesh. Unlike the clean, cut her mother had made, Alice’s cut bent jaggedly as she uncertainly pulled the knife across the meat girl’s thrashing throat. Blood instantly spurted out from the cut arching towards Alice and splattering out onto her fair skin. She looked down in shock, her eyes locking with the surprised, pleading eyes of the dying meat girl in front of her. Alice watched the sound of blood pumping through her own ears, and felt adrenaline coursing throughout her body. As the light slowly left her eyes, her blood drained from her roughly sliced neck. Alice’s crotch tingled with growing arousal and she felt herself blushing as her face grew warmer.
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