Breeding At Will Chapter 2
Breeding At Will Chapter 2
Sex Story Author: | kitsune22890 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Creators will be paid biweekly on Thursdays of the week, following Federal pay cycles. When females see doctors |
Sex Story Category: | Domination/submission |
Sex Story Tags: | Domination/submission, Fiction, Non-consensual sex, Pregnant, Rape, Reluctance, Teen, Young |
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The next day he woke up and felt great. He knew this new life would be easy to get used to. He hurried into the shower and got cleaned up and dressed for the day. His phone buzzed and he checked it to see he had a text. Not surprisingly it was from Chloe, and she wanted Tyler to pick up her friend Tessa. He shrugged and texted back that it’d be no problem.
A short while later he was in front of her house and sent a quick text to her. He looked at the neighborhood as he waited for her. The neighborhood was not one of post code envy and after covid most of the building were abandoned which did nothing to help it’s appearance. But Tessa lived here with her mother and father. Her older brother has already moved out.
She walked out the door slowly and robotically. Undoubtedly she was high. It was sort of her routine to get high to start the day. However, she was beautiful, like a gem amongst the decrepit street. Her brown hair had the slightest hints of curls and bounced around her shoulders. She wore a simple pale blue skirt with a matching tank top. She didn’t have the largest breasts but they were noticeable in the tight top she had on. It hung low giving the appearance they were bigger than they really were. Despite the rest seemingly plain, her hips were the real asset that had guys staring. She had wide hips that gave her close to an hourglass figure that also gave her ass a nice look.
He’d never considered dating her before as she had a boyfriend for a while and they’d recently broken up. But his new privileges were inducing all sorts of thought he’d never entertained prior. He even caught himself staring at her waist as she shuffled to the car robotically.
She opened the door and plunked down on the passenger side. She smiled back at him and stared for a while before finally saying, “Hi.”
He laughed. “You’re high as Hell, aren’t you?”
She giggled for a moment. “Yeah.”
He gave a smile. “Open the glove department.”
She opened it and saw a pastry in there. It wasn’t exactly a Pop-tart since they no longer made them. However, the look alike tasted just as good. And Tyler generally always brought one when he picked up Tessa. In her high state she always got the munchies.
He pulled out and began heading towards Chloe’s house. The drive was fairly quiet for a while. Tess spent most of the time staring out the window while slowly chewing on her breakfast. Tyler spent the time thinking and wondering how he should go with his newfound privilege and powers. The right to impregnate, no breed, any female he wanted.
“So I was looking online and they have this new thing,” Tessa suddenly said out of nowhere. “There are these guys that can have sex with anyone they want.”
Tyler felt shocked and knew he made a guilty face. “Ahh you heard about that?”
“Yeah, it’s crazy. Guess we need to make the world’s population greater. Imagine if you could do that.”
He snickered. “Well could I tell you a secret? I know one of the guys who was chosen.”
Tessa’s head whipped around. “Really? Who is it?”
“I’ll tell you but you can’t tell anyone else. Not even Chloe or her mom.”
“Aww, really?”
“Nope,” he affirmed. “You cannot tell a single soul or else I can’t tell you.” He said as they got close to Chloe’s house.
She crossed her arms in a mock pouting gesture, but her smirk made it clear she was amused. “Okay I won’t tell anyone. Who is it? I bet it’s John from work!”
It was Tyler’s turn to smirk. “It’s me.”
The shock on her face wasn’t pretend at all. “No way! Are you serious?”
He grinned and nodded, still staring at the road.
“Oh my God. So who are you going to do it with? Or did you sleep with anyone yet?”
“I’m not sure who I’m going to do it with. I haven’t thought about it too much,” he lied.
“So can you really just do whatever you want? How will people know you’re the one?”
He fished out his wallet and handed it to her. “Check the right pocket.”
She opened it and pulled out his card. “Oh wow. You have an official card!”
“It’s my stud card,” he replied.
“That’s so lame.” She closed it and handed it back. “Are there like rules or anything you have to follow?”
“Yes, but I haven’t really looked at the app much,” He replied.
“How much do you get paid for it?” She asked.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
Tessa was scrolling through her phone. “It says you get paid for anyone you get pregnant.”
“Hold on, I get paid?” Tyler didn’t know this information when he signed up. He just thought having sex with whoever he wanted would be good enough.
“That’s what it says on Facebook.,” she said. “There’s some article on it.”
He pulled into Chloe an dJulia’s driveway and left the car running. “Hold on, let me check this out. I got an app for it.”
“Oh tell me what it says,” She replied, excitedly. Clearly the high was wearing off and she was becoming her giggly, childish self.
He rolled his eyes and pulled out phone while they idled in the driveway. He opened the app and navigated until he found the rules and regulations. “Here it is,” he said. Tyler then proceeded to read it outloud:
The chosen male will hereby be designated the creator as they will create life.
The creator is allowed to engage in sexual intercourse with any female for the purpose of impregnating or breeding said female.
As long as a female is able to become pregnant, the creator may demand sex from that female. Creator cannot be held responsible for sex with a female when done in good faith for the purpose of procreation.
The female must comply with a creator at all times if they initiate sex
The creator may still engage in sexual acts that do not result in breeding if it is consensual with the female
If a female refuses or resists, they may be reported for doing so. See Restraining Center or click here for more information on making a formal report
Creators may engage in sexual intercourse after a female has been impregnated. Studies have shown sex during pregnancy helps result in healthy childbirth.
As it’s known that procreation does not always happen within each encounter, creator’s may continue to demand sex from the same female until said female has birthed a child
Creators may demand oral sex as this has shown to increase fertility when trying to impregnate a female
The creator will not be responsible for their offspring. While they may take part in the resulting offspring’s life if they choose, they are not required to do so.
In addition to current government grants, the breeding female will receive additional monthly stipends to help pay for and care for the offspring.
Each creator will earn $250 for each female they impregnate.
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